समणा अमणा णेया पंचिंदिय णिम्मणा परे सव्वे । बादरसुहमेइंदी सव्वे पज्जत्त इदरा य ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - पञ्चेन्द्रिय जीव संज्ञी और असंज्ञी ऐसे दो प्रकार के जानने चाहिए और दो-इन्द्रिय, तेइन्द्रिय, चौइन्द्रिय ये सब मनरहित (असंज्ञी) हैं। एकेन्द्रिय बादर और सूक्ष्म दो प्रकार के हैं और ये पूर्वोक्त सातों पर्याप्तक तथा अपर्याप्तक के भेद से दो-दो प्रकार के हैं। इस प्रकार 14 जीवसमास हैं।
12. The five-sensed jīvas are categorized as those with mind (sañjñī jīvas), and those without mind (asañjñī jīvas). Rest all jīvas are without mind. The one-sensed jīvas are categorized as gross1 (bādara), and subtle2 (suksma). All jivas are further categorized as having attained completion (paryāpta), and not having attained completion (aparyāpta).
Ācārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi
That which causes the complete development of the organs and capacities, is the name-karma of completion (paryāpta). It is of six kinds - taking in of the molecules to form the body (āhāra), development of the body (śarīra), development of the sense
Gross (bādara) name-karma (for one-sensed beings) produces a body that is ___fettered by matter and, therefore, requiresa substratum. 2 Subtle (sūksma) name karma (for one-sensed beings) produces a body that
is unfettered by material things and does not hinder movement of other objects. Whole universe is the place for their existence.