Verse 16
indivisible atoms. Instances of relative fineness are the woodapple, myrobalan, plum etc. Grossness also is similarly of two kinds, extreme and relative. The instance of extreme grossness is the biggest molecule of matter pervading the entire universe. Instances of relative grossness are the plum, myrobalan, woodapple, palmyra fruit, etc. Shape is of two kinds, that which can be defined and that which cannot be defined. The regular geometrical shapes such as the circle, the triangle, the rectangle, the square, the globe, etc., are instances of the first variety. The clouds etc. may be of various irregular shapes, which cannot be exactly described. These are the instances of the latter variety. Division or separation is of six kinds, sawing a piece of wood, grinding barley, wheat etc. into flour, breaking a pitcher etc. into potsherds and other fragments, threshing out black gram, green gram etc., dividing mica into many layers, and emitting sparks of fire by hammering a red-hot ball of iron etc. Darkness is the opposite of light and obstructs vision. An image (shadow) results from obstruction of light by an object. It is of two kinds, images as seen in a mirror, and uninverted images like shadows. In the first of these, the left side becomes right and the right side becomes left. Warm light is heat and light combined, emanating from the sun etc. Cool light is the light issuing from the moon, the firefly (glowworm), jewels, etc. Sound and the rest are the manifestations (modifications) of matter. And those in which these modes are produced are forms of matter. Modifications of matter such as cutting, splitting, etc., described in the Scriptures, are included by the particle 'ca’in the sutra.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 151-153.