Verse 54
(e) taking food only once in a day (ekabhukti); (f) not cleansing the teeth (adantadhāvana); and (g) taking food in a steady, standing posture (ekasthiti
bhojana). The Ascetic (Sādhu) keeps with him a feather-whisk (picchi) - implement of compassion, a water-pot (kamandalu) - implement of purity, and scriptural treatise (śāstra) – implement of knowledge.
He accepts pure food free from forty-six faults (doşa), thirtytwo obstructions (antarāya), and fourteen contaminations (maladosa). Treading on the path to liberation, he is the true Teacher.
Adapted from: Acārya Deshbhushan (Ed.), Ņamokāra Grantha, p. 115-120.