Verse 52
2. vandanā – Adoration, salutation; of particular
Tīrthankara, or Supreme Being (Paramesthi). 3. stavan - Worshipping; making obeisance to the twenty
four Tīrthankaras or the five Supreme Beings (Pañca
Parameșthi). 4. pratikramaņa – Self-censure, repentance; to drive oneself
away from the multitude of karmas, virtuous or wicked,
done in the past. 5. kāyotsarga – Non-attachment to the body; contemplating
on the pure Self, thereby disregarding the body. 6. svādhyāya – Contemplation of knowledge; study of the
Scripture, teaching, questioning, reflection, reciting, and preaching
Adapted from: Acārya Deshbhushan (Ed.), Ņamokāra Grantha, p. 101-106.