Verse 14
somnambulism (committing cruel deeds in sleep).
The two karmas which cause pleasant feeling and unpleasant feeling respectively are the two subtypes of feelingproducing karmas (vedanīya).
The deluding karmas (mohanīya) are of twenty-eight kinds. These are the three subtypes of faith-deluding karması, the two types of conduct-deluding karmas which cause (and which are caused by) the passions and quasi-passions, the subtypes of the passions and the quasi-passions3 being sixteen and nine respectively.
The life-determining karma (āyuḥ) determines the quantum of life in the states of existence as infernal beings, plants and animals, human beings, and celestial beings.
The name-determining or physique-making (nāma) karma comprises the state of existence, the class, the body, the chief and secondary parts, formation, binding (union), molecular interfusion, structure, joint, touch, taste, odour, colour, movement after death, neither heavy nor light, self-annihilation, annihilation by others, emitting warm splendour, emitting cool lustre, respiration, gait, individual body, mobile being, amiability, a melodious voice, beauty of form, minute body, complete development (of the organs), firmness, lustrous body, glory and
1 The three subtypes of faith-deluding karmas are wrong belief, mixed
right and wrong belief, and right belief slightly clouded by wrong
belief. 2 The passions are four anger, pride, deceitfulness, and greed. Each of
these four is further divided into four classes, namely that which leads to infinite births, that which hinders partial abstinence, that which disturbs complete self-restraint, and that which interferes
with perfect conduct. Thus the passions make up sixteen. 3 The quasi-passions are nine, namely laughter, liking, disliking,
sorrow, fear, disgust, the male sex-passion, the female sex-passion, and the neuter sex-passion.