Verse 9
ववहारा सुहदुक्खं पुग्गलकम्मप्फलं पभुंजेदि । आदा णिच्छयणयदो चेदणभावं खु आदस्स ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - आत्मा व्यवहारनय से सुख-दु:ख रूप पुद्गल कर्मों के फल को भोगता है और निश्चयनय से आत्मा चेतन स्वभाव (शुद्ध ज्ञान व दर्शन) को भोगता है।
9. From the empirical point of view (vyavahāra naya), the soul is said to be the enjoyer of the fruits of karmas in the form of pleasure and pain, but from the transcendental point of view (niscaya naya), the soul experiences only consciousness (cetanā), concomitant with perception (darśana) and knowledge (jñāna).
Ācārya Kundkund's Samayasāra
जह सिप्पिओ दु चेंटठं कुव्वदि हवदि य तहा अणण्णो सो । तह जीवो वि य कम्मं कुव्वदि हवदि य अणण्णो सो ॥
(10-47-354) जह चेंजें कुव्वंतो दु सिप्पिओ णिच्चदुक्खिदो होदि । तत्तो सिया अणण्णो तह चें→तो दुही जीवो ॥ (10-48-355)
Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example) makes his mind up to undertake the task (of making earrings etc.), gets engrossed and becomes one with the task, similarly, the Self