जीवो उवओगमओ अमुत्ति कत्ता सदेहपरिमाणो । भोत्ता संसारत्थो सिद्धो सो विस्ससोड्ढगदि ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - जो उपयोगमय है, अमूर्त है, कर्ता है, निज शरीर के बराबर है, भोक्ता है, संसार में स्थित है, सिद्ध है और स्वभाव से ऊर्ध्वगमन करने वाला है, वह जीव है।
2. Jīva is characterized by consciousness (cetanā) that is concomitant with upayoga – perception (darśana) and knowledge (jñāna), is incorporeal (amūrta), a causal agent (kartā), coextensive with the body, enjoyer of the fruits of karmas (bhoktā), having the world as its abode, emancipated (Siddha), and of the nature of darting upwards.
Ācārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthasūtra
उपयोगो लक्षणम् ॥
Consciousness is the differentia (distinctive characteristic of the soul.
Ācārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi That, which arises from both internal and external causes and concomitant with consciousness, is upayoga (active or attentive consciousness). By this the soul is distinguished from the body, although it is one with the body from the point of view of