Extent - 226 leaves; 11 lines to a page ; 38-40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper; Devanagari characters; old in appear
ance%3; handwriting clear, legible and uniform; borders ruled in triple red lines; red pigment used for marking the portion; yellow pigment used for currections; edges slightly worn out;
both the text and the commentary complete. Age-Appears to be old. Author of the Text- Vardhamihira.
" , Comm. - Bhattotpala. Subject -Jyotisa. Begins (Text) – fol, 2a
मूर्त्तिवे परिकल्पितः etc. Begins (Comm.)- fol. 10
श्रीगणेशाय नमः श्रीकोटेश्वराय नमः।
ब्रह्माजशंकररविंदु etc. as in No. 872/1887-91. fol. 19 इति श्रीमहोत्पलविरचितायां बृहज्जातके वृत्तौ राशिप्रभेदः प्रथमोध्याया
समाप्तः Ends ( Text) – fol. 2250
शास्त्रमुपसंगृहीतं नमोस्तु पूर्वप्रणेतृभ्यः ॥ १० ॥ Ends ( Comm.) – fol. 2250
दिनकरो अर्कस्तदादिकाः etc. up to भाष्योत्पले चैव लिखापितस्तु 1 ll as in No. 872 / 1887-91 followed by gfa situstega बृहज्जातकविवृत्तिः समाप्तः॥ श्रीशुभं भवतुः॥ श्रीकल्याणमस्तु ॥ श्रीकोटेश्वर
महादेवजि सत्पछे ॥॥श्री॥छ । छ। References-See No. 1971A1883-84.
बृहज्जातक with टीका
Brhajjātaka with Commentary
343 1882-83
No. 790
Size -1410. by51 in.