भट्टोत्पलकृतां टीका विलोक्यातिप्रयत्नतः मया संक्षेपतोलेखि सारं श्रीशाज्ञया विदं
इति बृहजातकविवरणं समाप्त संवत् १८८६ चैत्र शुक्ला १५ रवी लिप्यकृतं रामवकस सवाईजपुरमध्ये पठनार्थ चिरंजीव स्वयमेव
, कृष्णो जयति ॥ श्रीकृष्ण ॥ Reference - See No. 196/A1883-84.
बृहज्जातक with टीका
Brhajjātaka with Commentary
949 1886-92
No. 793
Size - 12 in. by 44 in.
Extent-46 leaves; 18-20 lines to a page; 50-55 letters to a line. (Text)
75-80 " , (Comm.) Description - Country paper; Devanagarl characters%3 old in appear
ance; handwriting of the text bold, of the comm. small, clear and legible; text in the middle with commentary above and below it ; red pigment used for marking while yellow pigment used for corrections; edges worn out; both the text and the
commentary complete. Age -- Saka 1690.
Author of the Text- Varahamihira.
" of the Comm. - Mahidhara. Subject -Jyotisa. Begins (Text) - fol. 10
श्रीगणेशाय नमः
मूर्तित्वे परिकल्पित: etc. Begins (Comm.)- fol. 1b
श्रीगणेशाय नमः श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॐ नमः शिवाय
इह शास्ने कानि संबंधाभियेयप्रयोजनानि भवंति इत्युच्यते वाघ्यवाचकलक्षणः संबंधः वाच्योऽयो वाचकः शब्दः etc.