Book Title: Aptamimansa Critique of an Authority Bhasya
Author(s): Samantbhadracharya, Akalankadev, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: Jagruti Dilip Sheth Dr
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CRITIQUE OF AN AUTHORITY entity, (iii) this characteristic both belongs and does not belong to this entity, (iv) this characteristic neither belongs nor does not belong to this entity. Consequently, we can also not say about a series whether it is one with its members or different from them (or both or neither)”. To this we reply : “In that case you can make assertion not even to the effect that we are not entitled to give verbal expression to the four alternatives in question. Moreover, an entity that is allegedly devoid of all characteristics whatsover is really a nonentity, for such an entity can act neither as a qualificand nor as a qualifier". (45-46)
सत्त्वैकत्वादिषु सर्वधर्मेषु सदसदुभयानुभयचतुष्कोटे: अभिधातुमशक्यत्वात् सन्तानतद्वतोरपिभेदाभेदोभयानुभयचतुष्कोटे: अनभिलाप्यत्वम्। सत्त्वे तदुत्पत्तिविरोधात्, असत्त्वे पुनरुच्छेदपक्षोपक्षिप्तदोषात्, उभये चोभयदोषप्रसङ्गात्, अनुभयपक्षेऽपि विकल्पानुपपत्तेः, इत्यादि योज्यम् ॥४५॥
न हि सर्वथा अनभिलाप्यत्वे अनभिलाप्यचतुष्कोटेः अभिधेयत्वं युक्तम्, कथञ्चिदभिलाप्यत्वप्रसङ्गात् । अपि चैवं सति सर्वविकल्पातीतम् अवस्तु एव स्यात्, अन्यत्र वाचोयुक्तेः ॥४६॥
द्रव्याद्यन्तरभावेन निषेधः संज्ञिनः सतः। असद्भेदो न भावस्तु स्थानं विधिनिषेधयोः ॥४७॥
It is only a really existing entity-denoted-by-a-word which – when proposed to be a possesser of the root- • substance etc. (i.e. root-substance, place, time, form) that are not its own root-substance etc. - can be subjected to a negative assertion. On the other hand, an alleged entity which is really but a nonentity can be subjected neither to a positive assertion nor to a negative one. (47)
द्रव्यक्षेत्रकालभावान्तरैः प्रतिषेधः संज्ञिनः सतः क्रियते, नपुनरसतः, तद्विधिप्रतिषेधाविषयत्वात् । न चैतत् विरुद्धम्, स्वलक्षणमनिर्देश्यमित्यादिवत् । अभावोऽनभिलाप्य इत्यपि भावाभिधानात् एकान्तवृत्तौ एव दोषः, भावाभिधानैरपि कथञ्चिदभावाभिधानात् ॥४७॥
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