Book Title: Aptamimansa Critique of an Authority Bhasya
Author(s): Samantbhadracharya, Akalankadev, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: Jagruti Dilip Sheth Dr
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is an expression of some false feature). To this we reply that in our view a naya as such is not false; for a naya is false only when it seeks to stand aloof from (i. e. seeks to repudiate the truth of) the remaining nayas while the nayas acting in concert manage to describe entities that are efficacious (i.e. are genuinely real). (108)
सुनयदुर्णययोः यथा अस्माभिः लक्षणं व्याख्यातं तथा न चोद्यं न परिहारः । तथा हिनिरपेक्षत्वं प्रत्यनीकधर्मस्य निराकृतिः, साक्षेपत्वम् उपेक्षा, अन्यथा प्रमाणनयाविशेषप्रसङ्गात्, धर्मान्तरादानोपेक्षाहानिलक्षणत्वात् प्रमाणनयदुर्णयानां प्रकारान्तरासंभवाच्च, तदतत्स्वभावप्रतिपत्तेः तत्प्रतिपत्तेः अन्यनिराकृतेः च । इति विश्वोपसंहतिः ॥१०८||
नियम्यतेऽर्थो वाक्येन विधिना वारणेन वा। तथाऽन्यथा च सोऽवश्यमविशेष्यत्वमन्यथा॥१०९।।
A sentence determines the nature of an entity either positively or negatively. Hence it is in the very nature of things that an entity must be characterized by a feature as also by the contrary of this feature; for if that were not so the entity will not be a genuine entity possessed of genuine characteristics. (109)
Note : When it is said that an entity is characterized by both a feature and its contrary what is meant is not that it is characterized by both x and not-x but that it is characterized by both x and absence of not-x'.
यत् सत् तत् सर्वमनेकान्तात्मकम्, अर्थक्रियाकारित्वात्, स्वविषयाकारसंवित्तिवत् । न किञ्चिदेकान्तं वस्तुतत्त्वम्, सर्वथा तदर्थक्रियाऽसंभवात्, गगनकुसुमवत् । नास्ति सदेकान्तः, सर्वव्यापारविरोधप्रसङ्गात्, असदेकान्तवत्। इतिविधिनाप्रतिषेधेन वा वस्तुतत्त्वं नियम्यते, अन्यथा तद्विशिष्टमर्थतत्त्वं न स्यात् । इत्यनेन विधिप्रतिषेधयोः गुणप्रधानभावेन सदसदादिवाक्येषु वृत्तिरिति लक्षयति ॥१०९॥
तदतद्वस्तुवागेषा तदेवेत्यनुशासती। न सत्या स्यान्मृषावाक्यैः कथं तत्त्वार्थदेशना ॥११०॥
If an entity that is in fact characterized by a seature as also by the contrary of this feature is described by a sentence as characterized by just this feature (and not also
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