Book Title: Aptamimansa Critique of an Authority Bhasya
Author(s): Samantbhadracharya, Akalankadev, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: Jagruti Dilip Sheth Dr
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to grasp the intended particular feature acts like the stamp of truth (marking a sentence). (112)
अस्तीति केवलमभावव्यवच्छेदात् अपोहमाह इति चेत्, कः पुनरपोहः ? परतो व्यावृत्तिरभावः । कथमेवं सति अभावं प्रतिपादयति भावं न प्रतिपादयतीत्यनुक्तसमं न स्यात् ? तद्विकल्पो मिथ्याभिनिवेशवशादिति चेत्, नचैतत् तस्यपतिपादकम्, मिथ्याविकल्पहेतुत्वात्, व्यलीकवचनवत् । ततः स्याद्वाद एव सत्यलाञ्छनो न वादान्तरमित्यतिशाययति ॥११२।।
विधेयमीप्सितार्था प्रतिषेध्याविरोधि यत। तथैवादेयहेयत्वमिति स्याद्वादसंस्थितिः ॥११३॥
Something posited becomes a means of fulfilling one's intention only in case it does not stand opposed to something negated; the same is the case with something declared to be worthy of acceptance and something declared to be worthy of rejection (i.e. they too become a means of fulfilling one's intention only in case they do not stand opposed to each other). This is how syādvāda views the matter. (113)
अस्तीत्यादि विधेयमभिप्रेत्य विधानात् नास्तित्वादिभि:अविरुद्धम्, विधिप्रतिषेधयोः अन्योन्याविनाभावलक्षणत्वात्, स्वार्थज्ञानवत् । तद्विधेयप्रतिषेध्यात्मविशेषात् स्याद्वादः प्रक्रियते सप्तभङ्गीसमाश्रयात् ।।११३।।
___Comment on verses 101-113 These verses constitute a summing up of the entire discussion that has gone earlier and in view of what has been said earlier it should not be difficult to follow them. A noteworthy distinction here drawn is that between pramāna, syādvāda and naya. Ordinarily, pramāna means any piece whatsoever of valid cognition, but here it is made to stand for the all-comprehensive cognition of an omniscient; on the other hand, syādvāda is made to stand for the all-comprehensive cognition of an ordinary person ( a single aspect of which cognition is called naya). However, the distinction is not of much practical importance inasmuch as an ordinary person capable of acquiring all-comprehensive cognition is as good as an omniscient (and - be it noted - impossibility). An instructive thesis is that all humanly made assertions are only conditionally valid assertions and that with a view to cmphasizing this aspect of the situation it is proper to add the word
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