Book Title: Aptamimansa Critique of an Authority Bhasya
Author(s): Samantbhadracharya, Akalankadev, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: Jagruti Dilip Sheth Dr
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55 independence that would have reduced them to the status of (a nonentity like) sky-flower. (58)
कार्यकारणयोरुत्पादविनाशौ कथञ्चित् भिन्नौ, भिन्नलक्षणसम्बन्धित्वात्, सुखदुःखवत्। स्यादभिन्नौ, तदभेदस्थितजातिसङ्ख्याद्यात्मकत्वात्, पुरुषवत् । उत्पादविगमध्रौव्यलक्षणं स्याद्भिन्नम्, अस्खलनानाप्रतीतेः, रूपादिवत्। उत्पादः केवलो नास्ति स्थितिविगमरहितत्वात् वियत्कुसुमवत् । तथा स्थितिविनाशौ प्रतिपत्तव्यौ ॥५८
घटमौलिसुवर्णार्थी नाशोत्पादस्थितिष्वयम्। शोकप्रमोदमाध्यस्थ्यं जनो याति सहेतुकम् ॥५९॥
When there occur three phenomena – viz. that of destruction (of a jar), that of production (of potsherds), and that of continuation (of gold) - three persons, viz. one desirous of getting a jar, one desirous of getting potsherds, and one desirous of getting gold - respectively experience three feelings - viz. that of sorrow, that of joy, and that of neutrality; and such a behaviour on their part is well-established. (59)
Note : That is to say, one and the same event has got an aspect of destruction, one of production, and one of continuation.
प्रतीतिभेदम् इत्थं समर्थयते - घटं भक्त्वा मौलिनिर्वर्तने घटमौलिसुवर्णार्थी तन्नाशोत्पादस्थितिषु विषादहर्षोदासीन्यस्थितिमयंजनःप्रतिपद्यते इति, निर्हेतुकत्वेतदनुपपत्तेः॥५९।।
पयोव्रतोन दध्यत्ति न पयोऽत्ति दधिव्रतः। अगोरसवतो नोभे तस्मात् तत्त्वं त्रयात्मकम्॥६०॥
One who has taken a vow to feed himself on nothing save milk does not partake of curd, one who has taken a vow to feed himself on nothing save curd does not partake of milk, while one who has taken a vow not to partake of any dairy-product partakes of neither milk nor curd; hence it follows that a real entity is possessed of three characters (viz. origination, cessation and continuation). (60)
Note : That is to say, the event called 'production of curd' can at the same time be called 'destruction of milk' or 'continuation of a dairyproduct', just as in the earlier example the event called 'production of
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