________________ 20 Introduction [Karikas 439-475] The fourth pada contains an exposition of several kinds of margas and pratipats (mode of progress) spoken in the Sutras. A large portion is devoted to the thirtyseven factors leading to the bodhi. Bodhi according to the Vaibhashikas constitutes the two illuminations, viz., the kshaya-jnana add anutpada-jnana terms which we repeatedly meet in the following Pali passage : 'khina me jati....naparan itthattaya'. This bodhi, says the Vritti, is of three kinds, viz. buddhabodhi, pratyeka-buddha-bodhi and sravaka-bodhi, giving rise to the concepts of three Yanas, differing not in kind but only in the degrees of practice of the thirty-seven bodhipakshya dharmas These dharmas are then explained in detail in the traditional manner. The only notable point is that the Vritti, as in the case of the indriyas, devotes seven karikas to explaining the reason for not including several dharmas under the bodhipakshya. This topic is not found in the Bhashya. Adhyaya VII [Karikas 476-492] The Lord has said that this spiritual discipline (marga) consists of three skandhas* (aggregates). The sila-skandha', says the VIitti, 'is explained in the Karmadhyaya (i.e. the Chapter IV), the samadhi-skandha will be explained in the Chapter VIII, the prajna-skandha should now be explained. The treatment of the prajna is more or less on the lines of the Pali Nanavibhanga. The Pali works are more elaborate and enumerate a large number of jnanas, but the Sanskrit Abhidharma works (including the Bhashya and Vritti) deal only with ten kinds, viz., dharmao, anvayao samvsitio, parachitta", duhkhao, samudayao, nirodhao marga', kshayao and anutpadajnana. A large portion of the Vtitti dealing with these and controversies relating them is lost. [Karikas 493-495] the third pada of this Adhyaya is devoted to the exposition of the eighteen extra-ordinary qualities (asadharanah-dharmah) of the Buddha. They are ten powers (bala), four confidences (vaisaradya), three applications