Book Title: Jaina Granth Bhandars in Rajasthan
Author(s): Kasturchand Kasliwal
Publisher: Digambar Jain Atishay Kshetra Mandir
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We shall work with you immediately. -The TFIC Team. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vIra sevA mandira dillI krama saMkhyA 4124 ___ 058.10544.6) x ___KAs. khaNDa Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars In Rajasthan (A thesis approved by the University of Rajasthan) Dr. Kastoor Chand Kasllwal MA, Ph D, Shastri Forward Dr. Hira Lal Jain M. A. L. L. B., D. Litt, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Samskrit, Pali & Prakrit, Institute of Languages and Research, University of Jabalpur (M. P, ) Published by Gaindi Lal Sah, Advocate Secretary Shri Digamber Jain Atishaya Kshetra Shri Mahavirji, MAHAVIR BHAWAN, JAIPUR. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ First Edition Vira Samvat 2494, Vikrama Sumvat 2024 Nove 1967 500 Copies Price Rs. 15. Printed by : Gyan Prakash Kala Kushal Printers, JAIPUR, Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLISHER'S NOTE It gives me great pleasure in presenting the "Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan" to the readers. It is a thesis written by Dr. K. C. Kasliwal and approved by the University of Rajasthan for Ph. D. Degree This work contains a complete description of the 100 Grantha Bhandars situated through out Rajasthan. In my opinion this is the first work of its kind where comprehensive information about Jain Literature written in Prakrit, Samskrit, Apabhramsa, Hindi and Rajasthani has been given. From the work it is clear that Jains of Rajasthan took great interest in the safe preservation of the manuscripts written not only by the Jain authors but also by the non-Jain authors I think it will greatly help to the students of Indian Literature and especially of Jain literature This is the 13th volume of the publication made by the Research Department of Shri Digamber Jain Atishaya Kshetra Shri Mahavirji. Four volumes of detailed catalogues of Jain Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan have been published so far and the 5th volume is under compilation in which a detailed list of 20 thousands manuscripts will be given Apart from the publication of the catalogues, two old and valuable works of Hindi Literature Tinadatta charita' and 'Pradhumna charita' have so far been published and which were welcomed by the Hindi scholars as an asset to the literature Recently we have also published a collection of Hindi Padas called 'Hindi Pada Sangrah' in which 400 padas composed by about 40 Jain poets have been given. In the last I feel pleasure in recording my thanks to the author of this book and to Dr. H. L Jain who has kindly written forward of the book. Mahavir Bhawan, Jaipur Dated the 10th Sept.. 1967 Guindi Lal Shah Hon Secretary Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD It will be readily accepted that the basis of all civilization and culture is intellectual activity of man. But the earliest human thoughts and feelings were all lost to us for want of any material preservation of the same. A new age dawned when the thought-activity began to find expression in various kinds of crafts and arts. This may be said to be the dawn of history. It was however at a very late stage that man learnt to express his thoughts in language and record the same in some material form. Thus literature began to grow, human knowledge began to accumulate and each generation grew wiser and wiser by the recorded ideas and experiences of their predecessors. Art collections and literaries may therefore be said to be the most valuable part of national wealth, as on them is based the pride of heritage and the pace of future progress. During the last few centuries every progressive country has not only adopted serious measures to preserve all its ancient art and literary treasures, but has also taken steps to discover even those archaelogical remains which lie hidden underground. And it is on all these finds that the magnificent structure of history has been built. Amongst these sources of history and culture the literary monuments of the past ages rank supreme Unfortunately, in our country the search for old manuscripts though going on for atleast one century, has not yet been exhausted. Numerous manuscript-stores attached to public temples and private libraries have not yet been properly catalogued and even a casual inspection brings to light valuable works unknown so far. This is particularly the case with the Jaina libraries known as Shastrs Bhandars, Dr. H D. Velankar listed no less than 121 catalogues of Mss in his Jinaratna-kosa published in 1944. Many more catalogues have since been published the most important of them being those of Jaisalmer and Rajsthan Shastra Bhandars in several volumes. In the compilation and publication of the Rajasthan catalogues Dr. Kastoorchand Kashiwal played an important role, and he followed up his efforts by a research thesis on "Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan" which was approved by the University of Rajasthan for the award of the Ph. D. Degree. It is very gratifying to know that this valuable work is now being published. The wealth of information brought together in this volume will, I am sure, be found to be very useful to those who are interested in the search for MSS. So for as I know, it is for the first time Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ that a systematic study and research has been made on a subject like this. Much welcome light has been shed here about the ancient art of calligraphy as well as on hundreds of manuscript libraries in Rajasthan and outside, by reading which vivid picture comes before our eyes how knowledge was preserved and dissemineted in ancient times. Owing to the new arrangements of the chief manuscript stores and their published lists, it is now for more easy to make use of the MSS, than what it was about thirtyfive years back when I visited Jaipur in search of Apabhramsa works and had to make huge efforts for about two weeks in order to get even a glimpse of the Bhandar at Amer. Dr. Kashiwal has laid the scholarly world under a deep debt of gratitute by his efforts in compiling the lists and by giving them the present valuable work. I very much wish that similar efforts were made regarding the other parts of our vast country, and their literary treasures are made fully known to the scholarly world before they are irretrievably lost by sheer passage of time and lack of that system of copying and recopying the mss. which kept them alive for centuries in the part. Jabalpur University, 8th September, 1967 HL Jain Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE An attempt has been made in the following pages to give a detailed account of the lainu Granth Bhandars of Rajasthan in particular and of India in general A list of Jaina Bhindary situated throughout the country has been given but it is not exhaustive Some details of the contents of some of them would be found in chapter 11. This thesis is related mainly to the Juna Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan situated at capitals and important towns of the integrated princely states It embodies the categories of the manuscripts, especially rare and unpublished alongwith some details of material ol V ous types available in the Bhundars. Most of the Bhandars descubed have been visited by me and in some cases the catalogues of the contens have been prepared and the importance of certain manuscripts has been pointed out. This thesis has been prepared under the supervision of Dr M L Sharma, MADT, Professor and lead of ihe Department of History, University of Rajasthan who worked hard for me and whose valuable guidance enabled me to complete this work in unie lam decply grateful to him lam also indebted to the Managing Committee of Shri D Jain Aushya Kshetr. She Malieri, its President Dr. R. M. Kaliwal and Secretary Shri Gundi Lal i Shah whose munti vence und interest are responsible for the publication of this thesis. I am equally thankful 10 Pt. Chansuh Das 11 Nyoyatirtha who inspired nie to take up research work und my colleague Shri Anoop Chand Nyayatirth for his cooperation and assistance Sako to Shri from Chand and Shri Agir Chand , Nohta To Dr Hiralal laun Iam mullundehted for his foreward to this book hastoor Chund hastal - * Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS PUBLISHER'S NOTE FORWARD PREFACE CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION PARTICULARS PAGE No. Introduction Why Sacred texts were reduced to writing Recurring & devastating famines Conference to preserve the texts Factors which helped in the establishment of the Grantha Bhandars Sadbus works Bhattarakas & Jatis Rulers & Administrators Sravakas Temples Material used for manuscripts Manuscripts on Palm leaves Manuscripts written on cloth Manuscripts written on paper Kinds of ink used Qualification of copyists Handling of manuscripts Management of Grantha Bhandars How the manuscripts are preserved Wooden Boards Strung together Vestana Boxes Underground Rooms 17 19-20 CHAPTER 11-GRANTHA BHANDARS IN INDIA Muslim Invasion Manuscript Libraries destroyed by Muslim Invasion Why Grantha Bhandars in out of way places Establishment of Grantha Bhandars Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ( 2 ) PAGE No. 25 26 27-36 35-36 PARTICULARS Survey of Grantha Bhandars by Western Scholars Survey work done by Indian Scholars Important Bhandars of India: (1) Sastra Bhandar of Delhi (2) Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Agra (3) Grantha Bhandars of Sonipat (4) Amar Granthalaya Indore (5) Sastra Bhandar of Karanja (6) Patan Bhandars (7) Jaina Siddhania Bhawan-Anah (8) Jaina Gyana Bhandars -Limbibi (9) Juina Grantha Bhandars of Surat (10) Pannalal Saraswati Bhawan of Bombay (11) Santinatha Sastra Bhandar-Khambat SOUTH INDIAN BHANDARS (12) Sastra Bhandar Jaina Matha Mud-Bidra (13) Vita Vani Vilasa Jaina Siddhanta Bhawan-Mud Bids) (14) jaina Matha Karakal (15) Adinath Grantha Bhandar, Aliyoor (16) Siddhanta Basti Mud Bidri CHAPTER. INI-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF RAJASTHAN. I-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF AJMER DIVISION Grantha Bhandar of Jaipur City 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, 2. Sastra Bhandar of Bada Mandir Jaipur 3. Grantha Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaran 4. Sas'ra Bhandar of Baba Dalicanda 5. Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhi Candra 6 Grantha Bhandar of Tholia Jaina temple 7. Grantha Bhandar of Jaisa temple Patodi 8 Sri Candra Prabha Saraswati Bhandar 9. Sastra Bhandar of Jobner Temple 10 Parsvanatha Digambara Jaina Sarswti Bhawan 11. Sastra Bhandar of Godha temple 41-87 43-59 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ( 3) PAGE No. 61 63 PARTICULARS 12 Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Sanghiji. 13 Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Laskara 14. Grantha Bhandar of Naya Mandir 15. Granth Bhandar of Caudhariyan ka Mandir 16. Sastra Bhandar of Kala Chabra Jasna temple 17. Sastra Bhandar of Meghrajji Temple 18 Saraswali Bhawan of Jaida Temple Yasndanandji 19. Sastra Bhandar, Sikar 20 Grantha Bhandars of Alwar 21. Sastra Bhandat of Duni 22 Grantha Bhandar of Adinatha and 23. Parsvanatha Jaina Temple Todaraisingh 24. Sastra Bhandar of Fatehpur (Sekhawati) 25. Sastra Bhandar of Bisapanthi Mandir Dausa 26. Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Mandir Dausa 27 #28 Sastra Bhandar of Baswa 29 Sastra Bhandar-Mozmabad 30. Jaina Gyana Bhandar of Jhunjhunu 31 Rajmahal Jaina Sastra Bhandar 32. Jaina Grantha Bhandar-Caudhariyan ka Temple-Malpura 33 Grantha Bhandar-Adinatha Temple, Malpura 34 Sastra Bhandar of Tera panthi Mandir-Malpura 35. Jaina Sastra Bhandar-Bhadwa 36. Sastra Bhandar of Pancayati Mandir Bharatpur 37 Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Phozurama Bharatpur 38. Sastra Bhandar of Pancayali Manair, New Deeg 39 Sastra Bhandar of Badi Pancayati Deeg 40 Grantha Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina Mandir-old Deeg 41. Sastra Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina Mandir-Kama 42 Sastra Bhandar of Agarwal Panca yait Mandir- Kama 43, Grantha Bhandar of Sri Mahaviraji 44. Sastra Bhandar of Pancayati Mandir-Bayana 45. Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Mandir-Bayana Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARTICULARS 46. Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Temple Vaira 47. Grantha Bhandar of Pancayati Mandir 48. & Sogani Mandir-Karauli 49 Grantha Bhandar-Hindaun 50 Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Dhada, Ajmer 51. Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Sethji Ajmer II-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF BIKANER DIVISION 52 Vrhat Gyana Bhandar-Bikaner (i) Dana Sagar Bhandar (i) Mahima Bhakti Bhandar (i) Vardhamana Bhandar (IV) Abhaya Singh Bhandar (v) Jina Harsa Sun Bhandar (vi) Bhuvan Bhakti Bhandar (vi) Rama Candra Bhandar (vii) Mahar Candra Bhandar (4) 53. Bhandar of Sri Pujyaji 54. Jaina Laxmi Mohan Sala Gyana Bhandar 55 Gyana Bhandar of Ksema Kalyanji 56 Boharo ki Seri ka Upasraya Bhandar 57. Chatti Bai ka 58 Punni Ba' ka -do -do 59 Collection of Mahopadhyaya Ramlala 60. Grantha Bhandar of Khartargacchiya Branch 61. Hema Candra Library 62. Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya 63. Sethia Library 64. Govinda Pustakalaya 65 Collection of Sri Motirama Khazanchi Jaina Grantha Bhandars-Jaisalmer 69. Brihad Gyana Bhandar 70. Pancano Bhandar 66. Grantha Bhandar of Yati Ridhivarji, Churu 67. Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Swetambara Terapanthi Sabha, Sardarshahr III-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF JODHPUR DIVISION. 68. Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar-Nagaur !!!! -do -do ... ... ... PAGE NO 81 2283 1checheC/cho m mtth n n ddngrdsnumbhmbhsrum-ts 84 87 87 87 88 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 : q 96 100 102 105 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (5) PAGE No. IOS 106 107 107 107 108 108 108 109 109 110 113 113 113 115 PARTICULRES 71. Bada Upasarya Gyana Bhandar 72. Tapagachiya Gyana Bhandar 73 Loka Gacchiya Gyana Bhandar 74. Tiharu Saha Gyana Bhandar 75. Hari Sagar Gyan Bhandar-Lohawata 76. Sri Mahavira Gyana Bhandar-Phalodi 77 Punya Sri Gyana Bhandar-Phalodi 78, Rajendra Sori Sastra Bhandar-Ahore 79. Jaina Sastra Bhandar-Kuchaman IV-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF UDAIPUR DIVISION 80 Sastra Bhandar of Sambhavanatha Temple-Udaipur 81 Grantha Bhandar of Agarwal Jaina Temple 82. Grantha Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina temple 83. Gaudiji ka Upasraya-Udaipur 84. Grantha Bhandar Dungarpur 85 Callection of Yati Baba Candra Vaidya Cittor 86. Bhattarak Yasah Kisu Jain Saraswati Jain Salarunati Bhawan Resalehaderia V-GRANTHA BHANDARS OF KOTAH DIVISION. 87. Khartargacchiya Sastra Bhandar Kotah 88. Vira Putra Ananda Sagar Gyapa Bhandar-Kotah 89. Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Borasali-Kotah ... 90 Grantha Bhandar of Parsvanatha Temple Bundi 91. Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Adinatha-do92. Grantha Bhundar of Jaina temple Abhinandan Swami -do93. Grantha Bhandar of Mahavira temple --do94 Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Neminatha - do- .. 95. Jaina Saraswati Bhawan-Jhalrapatan 96. Graniha Bhandar of Bagherwala Jaina Temple-Nainva 97 Grantha Bhandar of Terapanthi Jaina temple-Nainva 98. Grantha Bhandar of Agarwal Jaina temple-Nainva 99. Grantha Bhandar-Dablana 100. Grantha Bhandar of Jaisa temple Parswanatha-Indergarh 115 118 118 119 119 1207 120 120 120 122 123 124 124 126 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARTICULARS PAGE No. CHAPTER-IV. SUBJECTS DEALT WITH 129 129-135 136-141 142-145 146-153 153 157 162 103 165 Agama and Srdhanta Literature Purana Literature Kavya Literature Carita Literature Hindi works on Rasa Literature Adhyatma Lyterature Literature on Jaina Philosophy Short Stories or Kathas Subhasita & Niti Sastra Jyotisa Literature Grammar Drama Ayurveda Chand Sastra Lexicography Puja Literature Stotra literature Sexuology Literature on Songs & Dances 168 169 169 171 172 173 174 176 179 179 CHAPTER V-IMPORTANCE OF JAINA GRANIHA BHANDARS 184 187 201 Importance of the Grantha Bhandars (1) Historical Importance (2) Literary Importance-Literary Centres 1 Amer 11. Avan i Bairath TV Bundi v, Ranthambhore vi. Caksu vil. Sambhar Vis. Sanganer 1x. Sagwara and x Merta (3) Educational Centres (4) Material fos Art & Parnting (5) Treasure houses of earliest manuscripts (6) Treasure House for Non-Jaina works CHAPTER VI.-MATERIAL FOR RESEARCH 1. Scope for research in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars 202 205 210 217 225 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARTICULARS 2. Prakrit & Apabhramsa Writers i. Padmanandi ii. Harisena i. Dhanpala IV. Haribhadra Suri v. Mahasvara Suri 3. Samskrit Writers 1. Sidharsi 11. Asadhar 11. Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti IV. Bhattaraka Bhuvan Kirti v. Brahma Jinadasa vi. Bhattaraka Gyana Bhusana vii. Pandit Rajmala VIII. Gyana Kirti IX. Bhattaraka Subha Candra x. Bhttaraka Somsena xi. Jagannatha 4 Hindi Writers (1) Padmanabha (2) Chihala (3) Thakursi (4) Brahma Vucaraja (5) Chitara Tholia (6) Vidya Bhusana (7) Brahma Raymall (8) Anandaghana (9) Brahma Kapur Candra (10) Hemraja II (11) Harsa Kirti (12) Brahma Gyana Sagar (13) Jodhraja Godika (14) Kisansingh (15) Sewaram Patni ( 7 ) (16) Jai Candra Chabra (17) Rishsbh Dasa Nigoiia (18) HIra (19) Nemicandra (20) Khusalcandra Kala PAGE No. 227 227 227 229 229 230 230 230 230 231 232 233 233 233 234 234 235 235 235 235 236 237 237 238 238 238 239 240 241 241 241 242 243 244 244 245 245 245 246 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARTICULARS (21) Ajayaraj Patni (22) Maha Pandit Todarmal (23) Srutasagar (24) Bhai Raymaila (25) Daulat Rama Kasliwal (26) Dila Rama (27) Bhattaraka Vijaya Kirti (28) Harikrisna Pande (29) Deep Canda Kasliwal (30) Sadasukh Kasliwal (31) Panna Lal Caudhari (32) Paras Dasa Nigotia (33) Budha Jana (34) Kesari Singh (35) Baba Dulicanda (36) Nathulal Doshi ( 8 ) PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA WORKS, Discoveries of the various works. 1-1asa Cariya 2-Guru Parvadi or Pattavali 3-Santinaha Cariu 4-P.akrit Chanda Kosa 5 Paum Cariya Tippana 6- Ananda 7-An old lettar in Prakrit 8-Sripala Cariu 9-Pasa Naha Cariu (Parsvanatha Carita) 10-Sambhava Jina Canu 11-Pingal Caturiti Rupaka 12--Neminatha Cariu 13-Yogas ra 14-Vidhava la Samraksanopaya 15-Sandesa Rasa Tippana 16- Parsvanatha Purana 17- Jambu Swami Cariu SAMSKRIT WORKS 1. Meghabhyudaya Kavya 2. Jitasara Samuccaya !! : ! PAGE No. 246 247 248 248 248 249 250 250 251 251 252 252 252 252 253 253 254 255 255 256 256 257 257 258 259 260 262 262 264 264 265 266 266 266 267 267 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARTICULARS PAGE No. 267 268 269 269 3. Nyaya Varuka Tippana 4 Adhyatma Rahasya 5 Commentary on Bhopal Caturvinsati Stotra 6. Commentary on Kiratarjuniya 7 Sravaka Dharma Prakarana 8 Uttarapurana Toppana 9 Parsvanatha Cariu 10 Sulocana Cariu 11. Rajvansa Varnana HINDI & RAJASTHANI WORS 270 270 270 271 271 273 274 275 277 277 278 278 279 279 280 281 282 (1) Jinadatta Carita (2) Caubisi Gita (3) Pradyumna Carita (4) Barahkhari Doha (5) Sikhamani Rasa (6) Adinatha Stavan (7) Tirthamala Stavan (8) Raya Hammude Caupas (9) Dungar ki Bavani (10) Sakal Kirli Rasa (11) Holi Rasa (12) Budhi Prakasa (13) Neminatha Rasa (14) Bavani (15) Saptosa Jayatilak (16) Cetana Pudgal Dhamala (17) Nemi Rajul Gita (18) Vikramaditya Carita (19) Bali Bhadra Rasa 120: Madhavanal Prabandha (21) Neminatha Rasa (22) Nala Damyanti Carita (23) Bhavisya Datta Rasa (24) Ragmala or Kasam Rasik Vilasa 125) Jiwandhara Rasa (26) Rohani Vrata Rasa (27) Hanumata Rasa 283 284 285 286 287 287 288 289 290 291 291 293 294 294 295 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ( 10 ) PARTICULARS PAGE No. 295 295 296 297 297 298 298 (28) Daya Rasa (29) Sripala Sobhagi Rasa (30) Argalpura Jina Deva Vandana (31) Guru Chanda (32) Mahavira Chanda (33) Tattvasara Duha (34) Bavani (35) Neminatha Gita (36) Laghu Sita Sati (37) Rajavali Doha (38) Nemisvara Vivihlo (39) Paravanatha Rasa (40) Jyotisa Sara (41) Vaniku Priya (42) Doha Satak (43) Manjha (44) Adhyatma Sivaiya (45) Gori Badal Katha (46) Dharma Pariksa (47) Harivansa Pur: na Bhi sa (48) Hindi commentary on Bh.kramara Stotra (49) Nasiketa Purana (50) Alankara Mala (51) Bhattaraka Pastavali (a) Appendix. I (b) Appendix. 11 (c) Appendix III (d) Appendix. IV (e) Appendix. v (1) Appendix VI (g) Appendix VII (52) ludex of Printed Books 299 300 300 302 302 3014 304 306 307 308 309 311 312 312 313 314 315 317-322 323-326 326-329 333-346 347-356 357-362 363-367 368-370 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A GRANTHA BHANDAR IN RAJASTHAN BIKANER SARDAPSHAHAR CHURU. JHUNJHUNU BIKANER FATEHPUR. TIJARA HALODI NAGAUR JAISELMER LAMU SIKAR. ALWAR *BHADWA DEEG BHARATPUR KUCHAMANO AJABGARN. BASWA JAIPOR. DAUSA BAYANA VARA MOZMABAD HINDAUN SRI MAHAVIR JH 3. KISAANGARN AJMER AJMER KARNULI MAL PURA BEAWAR TONK. SAWAI MADHOPYRI TODA LASINGH van VORLY NAJMAHAL * DUNYODALANA JODHPUR ANORE LOHAWATO SOZAT, PALIO S * MATI INDERGAU BUNDI * BHILWARA Kote UDAIPUR, KOTA KOTA CHITTORE UDAIPUR KALARAPATAN AISHBHA PEVA . DUNGARPUR SAGWARA Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vIra sevA maMdirAlaya janAnanA risAyana, devalI INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In ancient India writing was not in practice The memory of the people was so sharp that they felt little need for the art of writing. It was considered to be a sin to reduce the sacred texts to writing. So education was imparted orally from generation to generation. It was not the case with the Jainas only. The non-Jainas also had the same method of imparting the knowledge the entire Vedic Literature in the beginning was oral. The texts were ordinarily recited and handed down orally from preceptor to disciple The students used to get the texts by heart without a single error in pronunciation and accent for which there are definite rules The Vedas are called Sruti owing to this oral systein of learning According to the Jaina legends the gospels preached by all the Tirthanhuras were oral and upto Mahavira, the last and twenty-fourth Tirthankara the same system of preaching the sermons orally remained in practice but the art of writing existed in Mahavira's time though it was not used in writing down the books According to Jaina Puranas' the first Tirtharkara Lord Risabhadeva taught his two daughters named Brahmi and Sundari The Brahmi script was later on became famous after her name? There are references in AVASYAKANIRYUKTI BHASYA that Brahmi script was originated by Lord Adinatha Thus the Jainas also shared the general Indian averseness to reduce the Sacred texts into writing When the literature grew more voluminous, the sutra system was adopted as it was a very easy form fou rememberin: the sacred literature Much knowledge can be imparted in lew words The teachings of Lord Mahavira were reduced to Sutra form hy Gautama Gandhara who was the head of Jaina hierachy and received direct teachings from omniscient Mahavira. Thus the whole of the Dwadasanga Vani is in Sutra form But gradually the sutra system also could not help in presei ving knowledge and the general attitude for not reducing the sacred texts into writing was inodified datyUkatvA maharAzAsya vistIrNe hemapaTTa ke / adhivAmya svacittamthA tha tadevI mapayaMyA / / 103 / / vibha karadvayenAbhyA ligvannakSara mAlikAm / upAdizalilapi makhyAsthAna cAIgnukramAt / / 104 / / ---Adipulana, 16th Painel a fafarataim farim 41: Erfam #mi - Avasyakanirykti Bhasya 2. (a) (b) tathA 'babhi' ti brAhmI-pAdidevasya bhAgavato duhitA brAhmI vA maskRtAdibhedA bAgI tAmAzritya tenaiva daNitA akSaralakhana pratriyA sA brAhmI lipi / -Samavayanga Sutra Tika P. 36 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. WHY SACRED TEXTS WERE REDUCED TO WRITING The sacred texts which were previously in the form of sutras began to increase rapidly. Besides, new works came into being, texts on several subjects were written and commentaries and bhasyas on the original texts were made and this multiplication of knowledge necessiated the reduction of the sacred texts to writing. RECURRING & DEVASTATING FAMINES After the nirvan of Mahavira in 527 B C'. famines visited the land pretty often? During Maurya Candra Gupta's reign there was a continuous draught for 12 years. This was followed by another famine which also lasted for a long time After the time of Sthool Bhadra, there was again a famine In short, after nirvan of Mahavira several famines came in the country and due to these famines the retentive power of the memory of people began to decline. Owing to the fiequent famines many Jaina monks died. The knowledge which was in the memory could not be saved from destruction. Owing to only these famines Acarya Bhadra Bahu who had the complete knowledge of the sacred texts also migrated to south with a large body of Jaina monks numbering about twelve thousand*, where most of the monks died After the death of Ehadra Bahu the complete knowledge of the sacred texts was lost. CONFERENCES TO PRESERVE THE TEXTS In the absence of Bhadra Bahu who migrated to South India, Sthula Bhadra who had the less knowledge of the Purvas became the Head of the Community which remained behind in Magadha There was fear that the knowledge of the sacred texts might lapse into oblivion A council of the Jaina monks who were in the North India was convened in Patliputra at which eleven Angas were compiled and the remanants of 14 Purvas were united to form 12 th Anea, the Ditthivaya. This was the first attempt made by Jainas to reduce the sacred texts to writing. But when the adherents of Acarya Bhadra Bahu returned to North, they saw a big change among the Sadhus It is also said that they had also changed the sacred texts though slightly. At this time Digambaras refused to acknowledge the canons compiled by Sthul Bhadra and his followers and they declared that the Purvas and Angas taught by Mahavira were lost to a great extent 1 Jacobi Kalpa Sutra Introduction P 8 2 Ancient India Vol. III, by T C Shah 3 History of lain Monachism by S B Deo P 20 4 Mediaeval Jainism by B A Saletore P 3 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction [ 3 After the Pailiputra conference several attempts might have been made to compile and reduce the sacred texts into writing, but two of them are important, one made by Digambaras and the other by Swetambaras. As for Digambars sources Shri Dharasenacarya', the last Acarya who had retained the knowledge of one fraction of Angas and Purvas felt the necessity of preserving the remaining Jnana (knowledge). He called two sages who afterwards became famous as Puspadanta and Bhutabali2 and taught them the portion of the fifth anga. Viyahapannatti and twelth Anga Ditthivaya. These were subsequently reduced into writing in Sutra form by the two eminent pupils. Puspadanta composed the first 177 sutras which are all embodied in the present "SATPRAROPANA" and his colleague Bhotabali composed the rest which is called SATA KHANDAGAMA The date of composition of the above work is about 1st or second century B.C. As per Swetambars sources it has been stated that a second attempt was made in Vir Samvat 980 (in about the middle of 5th or beginning of the 6th Century) A council was held at Vallabhi in Gujrat for the purpose of collecting the Sacred texts and writing them down. The Conference was attended by a large number of Jaina monks and was presided by Devardhigani Ksamasramana, the head of the school and with the common consent by the Jaina monks who were present at that time, the Angas and upangas were comitted to writing. Thus it is certain that the system of writing down the manuscripts was in practice cven before Bhadra Bahu as the works of Sidhanta cannot have originated at one period It may be true that canons which were compiled by Puspadanta and Devardhigani was the result of a literary activity that must have begun as soon as the organisation of monastic life was firmly established. As a matter of fact there are inscriptions of the 1st and 2nd century B.C. which confirm that the art of writing was much developed in those days. Thus it can safely be said that Devardhigani's labour consisted merely of compiling the sacred texts partly with the help of old manuscripts and partly on the basis of oral traditions. This was the beginning of the religious manuscripts. FACTORS WHICH HELPED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GRANTHA BHANDARS When the method of writing down the sacred texts was fully adopted, it was but natural that great and best efforts were made to write down all the texts which were in existence. On seeing the increasing number of the manuscripts day by 1. Preface to Mahabandha p 11 and Stuavator p 316 2 Ibid by Vivudh Sridhar 3 Bhartiya Jaina Sraman Sanskriti Ane I ekhan Kala p 16 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 1 Janna Gianth Bhandars in Rajasthan day, the Acaryas and the Head of Community decided that the temples should be the place where these manuscripts should be preserved as they were the only place where the manuscripts could be kept safe and could be easily accessable to the scholars. The place began to be called by the name of Grantha Bhandars 1.e. Storehouses of knowledge They are also called Sastra Bhandats. SADHU'S WORK The Jaina monks gave their best support to the establishment of the Grantha Bhandars as they realised their great educational and social value. Since Acarya Bhadra Bahu upto 16th Century A.D there were powerful personalities among them and their influence on the public was tremendous They used to travel through out the country on loot and explained 10 the Jaina intelligentsia the importance of the sacred texts Acarya Kunda Kunda, Unaswami, Sidhasena, Devanandi, Devardhiyani, Aklank, Haribhadra Suri, Jinasena, Gunabhadra and Hemcandra etc, not only billed the Sastra Bhandars with their own work but preached the importance of writing down the manuscripts to the masses They took initiative in the foundation of these Bhandars. They spent the best part of their life in establishing these store houses of knowledge for the posterity' They explained to the masses that writing down of the manuscripts is not only essential from the educational ou religious point of view but it is also a great source of Caining goodness (Punya) for future If we read the prasasts which ar: wutlen at the end of the manuscripts, we shall see that most of the manuscripts have heen copied out due to the result of teachings of these monks The Acaryas pret (1) rAhu mattha jo lihai lihAvaDa, paDhai paDhAvaha kaha kahAvaH / jA gApha gaNAri eha magiga bhAvai, pugAha ahiu puNyaphala va pAvai / / / --Vaddhiman Kaha by Narsenal ya legvayanti jina zAsanastakAni, vyAkhyAnayanti ca pahanti va pAThayanti / dhavata rakSAvidhI ca samAdrayante, na devamayazivazarma narA labhante / / --Upded Talangini (2) ye le kyAnna makala mudhiyo nuyoga zabdAnuzAsanamazeSamala kunIzca / chandomi zAstramapara ca paropakArasampAdanakAnapuraNA puruSottamAste / / 14 / / ki ki nainaM kRta na ki vivapina dAnapradatta na ki / kevA''panna nivAritA nanumatA mohAgaNave majjatAm / / 65 / / nA puNya kimupAjina kimu yazastAra na vistArita / satkalyANakalApakArAmada ya. zAmana lekhinama ||6|| Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction | 5 ched that one who does not write or persuade others to write the Granthas ou manuscripts, is good for nothing. Only those persons are regarded high and noble who distribute the manuscripts to others for the sake of spreading knowlegel. At the end of most of the manuscripts we find the following words written "one who writes or makes individuals to write, one who hears or one who makes others to heai, one who gives or one who makes others to distribute, is noble and sharer of Punya. He will surely attain Nirvan some day The Jaina teachers also stressed the daily reading of these manuscripts and due to inclusion of the Swadhyava (Selfreading) in the six duties for a layman, the system of writing of the manuscripts increased day by day and more and more books were placed in the sastra bhandars as they were the centres of reading. BHATTARKAS & JATIS Bhattarkas and Jatis or Sripujyas and their disciples called Mandalacaryas, Pandyas and Brahmacaris etc. were the originators of the Caityawasi system. The Bha tarkas and Jatis had great influence on the Jaina community for about seven to eight hundred years. Besides their other contributions to the Jaina community, their services towards the establishment of the Sastra Bhandars were valuable and noteworthy Though they used to travel throughout the country but for a sufficient uime and specially in rainy season they used to live at fixed places and such places of their stay became the centres of the manuscript libraries. They were great scholais also. They wrote works themselves and placed their copies in the various temples Even today the centres of these Jaina Monks are the big centres of Sastra Bhandars, namely Nagaur, Amer, AJmer, Patan, Jasalmer, Ahmedabad, Bikanci, Jaipur, Karanja, Dungarpur, Jainabidri All the Grantha Bhandars were established by these Bhattarkas. As for example the Sastra Bhandar of Amer was established by the Bhattarak Mahendra kirti in the 17th Century. The Granth Bhandar of Ajmer was founded by the Bhattarak in 12 th Century. The famous Granth Bhandars of Nagaur and Jaiselmer were established in Samvat 1572 (1515 AD) and in 12th Century respectively They used to engage several scholars and copyists to copy out the works On (1) (a) tahi kevali cariu amaracharega, gAyagadI vigyau vireNa / jo paDhAi suragaDa bhAvai liheDa, mo mAmaga muhu avirala lahei / / ---Sudansana Cariyu by Naynandi (b) par3ha suNa upaja subudhi havai, kalyANa zuma mukha dharaNa / mana harasi manohara ima kahai, makala madha magala karaNa / / --Dharma Pariksa hy Manohardas Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Tehgious days they pressed the masses to present such manuscripts to the temples and Granth Bhandars. Most of the manuscripts which are available in the Libraries, were presented to the temples by the Sravakas on the advice of these monks. (1) As for example a copy of Uttarapurana of Puspadanta was presented to Muni Dharmacandra by Sri Paharaja and Dhanaraj and his wife Patamdey in Sarvat 1577 (1520 A D.) after getting the manuscript written'. (2) In Samvat 1533 (1476 A.D) Dhanakumar Carita was copied for the sake of Muni Ratan Bhusana and presented to him by Saha and Dasa at Nayan pur? (3) In Samvat 1616 (1559 A.D) the manuscript of Pandava Purana was piesented to Mandalacarya Lalitakirti at Amer by Sri Nema in the Neminatha Jain temple (4) The manuscript of Yasodhara Carita was presented to Acarya Subha Candia who was the pupil of Bhattarak Candrakirt: by Sah Nathu in Samvat 1661 (1504 A D.) (1) savat 1577 varSe nAgapura vAstavye sAdhu arhadAsa tadbhAryA pralhAmiri tatputra mAdhu paharAja dvitIya dhanarAja bhAryA pATamade etairida zAstra ligvApya munizrIdharmacadrAya datta / --Uttarpurana Tika-Amer Sastra Bhandar (2) mavat 1533 varSe pauSa mudi 3 gugai zravaNanakSatre zrInayanapura suratrANa gayAsuddIna rAjye tacchiSya muni ra-nabhUSaNa tannimitta khaMDelavAlAnvaye sAha nAyU tadbhAryA naggamiri nayo putrA pacAyaNa mAryA pu sro| sAha tejA mAryA tejAsiri tatputra mAha Da gara / sAha golhA mAryA golhamirI tayA~ putrI mAha dAsA tayo nijajJAnAvaraggIya karmakSayArthamida dhanyakumAracaritra svahastena pradatta / --Prasasti Sangraha Amer Sastra Bhandar-Jaipur (3) mavat 1616 varSe bhAdrapadamAse zuklapakSa caturdazI tithau budhavAsare dhaniSThAnakSatre prAmera mahAdurge zrIneminArthAjanacalyAlaye zrI rAjAdhirAjabhArAmallarAjapravartamAne sAha nemA ida zAstra pADavapurANanAmAna maDalAcAryazrIlalitakIrtaye ghaTApita dazalakSaNapratodyotanArtha / --Pandava Purana--Amer Sastra Bhandar-Jaipur (4) mavat 1661 zrAvaNamAme .. ... sAha nAtha teneda yazodharacaritra likhApya maTTAraka zrI candrakoni tasya ziSya prAcAryaNubhacandrAya datta karmakSayanimitta / --Yasodhara Carita Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction [ 7 (5) In the year 1634 Bat Karma presented Jai Kumar purana to Brahmakamaraja in the city named Surat1. (6) Adipurana was presented to Bhattarak Surendra Kirti by Dewan Balcandra Chabra in Samvat 1833 (1766 A D.2) (7) Pravacana Sara was presented to Muni Dharma Candra in. Samvat 1577 (1502 A.D) at Nagaur (8) Bhava Sangraha of Devasena was presented to Acarya Lahitakirti by Sah Malu in Samvat 1609 (1552 A.D) at Serpur*. (9) In Samvat 1551 (1494 A.D.) Labdhisar was presented to Muni Laxmi Candra by sri Pasa sah at Medpat sripur Nagar3. (10) In Samvat 1632 (1575 A.D) Prasnottara Sravakacar of Sakalkirti was copied by Pandit Ratna for Bhattarak Lalita Kirti". Moreover whenever, they found any manuscript lying. unpreserved or n a bad coundition, it was placed in the Sastra Bhandar by these monks, Due to this system of collection we find today several manuscripts written outside the places where the Sastra Bhandars are situated Thus the institutions of Bhattarkas ond Sri Pujyas were the best supporters in the establishment, safe preservation and enhancement of the Sastra Bhandars Their services in this respect will always be remembered ( 1 ) mavat 1661 varSe gujjardeze zrI sUratavidAra zrIvAmapUjya caityAlaye hU vaDajAtIya bAI karamA brahmazrIkAmarAjAya jayakumArapurANa datta / (2) mavat 1833 varSe bhaTTAraka zrI 108 zrI surendrakIrtaye dIvAna zrI bAlacanda arasrgotravidha dazalakSaNavratodyApanArtha ida pustaka ghaTApita / --Adipurana--Amer Sastra Bhandar-Jaipur (3) (4) (5) (6) Amer Bhandar Prasasti Sangrah Page 36 Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandar ki Grantha Suchi Vol III p 21 P 32 --do --do- Jaikumar Purana p 32 Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. RULERS & ADMINISTRATORS Rulers and Statesmen contributed equally to the establishment and preservation of the Jaina Grantha Bhandats. The Rulers who were non-Jainas also saved these Bhandars from destruction The South India dynasties like Rastrakutas (alukyas Pandyas and Gangas gave their best assistance to these Bhandars and due 10 the support of these kings, there are still great centres of literature. Maharaja Jaya Singh Sidha Ray who was very fond of learning established a Royal Library by getting good many books written on the different subjects He got several copies of Sidha Hema Vyakarana prepared and presented them to the scholars and various Grantha Bhandars Kumarpala established 21 Sastra Bhandars in every one of which be placed a copy of Kalpa Sutra written in golden ink' He at his Guru Hemcandra's advice employed several hundred scribes to male copies of the scriptures and distri. buted them all over India A number of manuscripts still exists. He himself used to visit the libraries and took much interest in them Pethadadeva, the Minister of Mandavgarh also established seven Bhandars Among the Administrators, ministers and Dewans of the various states who tounded and gave support to the establishment of the Sastra Bhandars may be mentioned the names of Vastupal, Tepal, Pethada Sah of Mandava, Bharata, Nanna, Nanu Godha. Balcandra Chabra, Amarcanda and others. Vastupal and Tejapal were interested in establishing the Sastra Bhandars Vastupalwho built one of the lamous temples at Mount Abu, established a Bhandar also at a cost of 18 lakhs, which was later on destroyed by the Muslim invaders Vastupal wrote one manuscript with golden ink and six manuscupts on Palm leaves Pethada Sah the minister of Mandavagrah was the follower of Acarya Dharma Suri and during the preach of his Guru whenever there comes name of Gautama, the minister presented one gold coin for the writing of the manuscripts He established seven Sastra Bhandars including one at Abu at a cost of 36 thousand gold coins He provided silken satchels and gold plates to protect leaves from thumb impression at the ume of reading Nanu Godhi' who was the minister of Raja Mansingha requested Sri Bhattaraka Gyankin to compos Yasodhara Caula Bal Candra' Chabia and Amar Candra who 1 zrIkumArapAlena saptazatalekhakapAzrvAt lakSa 36 sahastrAgamasya saptaprataya. sauvarNAkSarA zrIhemAcAryapraNItavyAkaraNa-caritAdigranthAnAmekavizati pratayo lekhitAH / - Upadesa Tarangini p. 140 2 3. 4 5 Bhalliya Jaina Sramana Samskriti Ane Lakhan kala by Muni Punya Vya. P 83 Updesa Tarangin page 134 Yasodhai Carita preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur Vira Vani vol 1 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction were the Dewans of the Rulers of Jaipur State, got written several manuscripts and distributed to the various Sastra Bhandars of Jaipur City. They also constructed Jain temples in Jaipur City and established Sastra Bhandars in them. Bharat' and Nanna, the ministers of Rastrakuta dynasty in Manyakheta requested the famous poet Puspadanta to compose Mahapurana in Apabhraisa language in 9th Century and patronised the poet. The minister also got many copies of the Mahapurana and distributed them in various parts of India. Mohan Dasa who was the Dewan of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh (1678 10 1724) constructed a very big temple in Amer and established a Grantha Bhankar in it. Dewan Ramcandra Chabra (1784), Rao Kriparam Pandya (1782 to 1790) and several other Dewans of Amer and Jaipur gave their full support for the establishment of Gianth Bhandars and copying out the manuscripts for distribution. SRAVAKAS The Sivakas played a prominent part in the preservation of these Bhandars They enhanced the number of manuscripts by their presentation to Sastra Bhandars On every religious day they used to offer some book. They used to request the scholars and monks to compose the new works and when the new works were completed they got several copies written and presented one copy to each Sasta Shandar They gave support to the scholars. Caudhari Devara). Nemicanda Sridhar, Sadhu Bhullan, Todarmal, Harsa Saha, Hemra) were among the thousands of Sravakas who requested the scholars and got prepared the manuscripts. The most important and valuable contribution of these Sravakas was that they always wanted the books in the common and national language and also requested the authors either to translate the original works into common language or to compose the new one so that they could easily be able to read these works themselves Moreover there were several merchants and bankers who got written several copies of these minuscripts and distributed them to the various manuscript libraries for the sake of reading. After the down fall of the institution of Bhattarakas, they saved the Sastra Bhandars from disintegration. They took the management in their own hands and in the time of muslim attacks they concealed them in the basements of the temples In the later period of 17th to 19th Century, there had been many Hindi Scholars in Rajasthan and Gujrat who not only composed the works but also shared equally in 1. Uttara Purana of Puspadanta. 2. Viravani, Jaipur. Vol I. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandirs in Rajasthan. writing down the manuscripts and supplied them to various places. They were so enthusiastic that as soon as the learned scholar Pandit Todar Mal of Jaipur (18th Century) translated the voluminous Prakrit work of Gommatasar into Hindi prose, the manuscript copies of this work were got written down and supplied to important Bhandars of not only of Upper India: but of South India.also. In the later period they formed an institution where only copying out of manuscripts was done. These institutions existed in most of the important literary centres such as Amer, Sanganer, Caksu Todaraisingh, Nagaur, Jaisalmer, Dungarpur, Sagwara, Sambhar etc. Such an institution was closed only 40 years ago in the Jaipur City after the system of printing came fully in vogue. Soine of the names of the Sravakas out of the thousands are given here under (1) Dharna Sah under the preachings of Jina Bhadra Suri presented some manuscripts written on palm leaves to the Bhandar of Jaisalmer (2) Sa hajapal who lived in Ahmedabad wrote himself hundred manuscripts tor presentation to the Grantha Bhandars (3) Devasunder and Somasunder of Tapagacha undertook the restoration of Bhandars at Patan and Khambat Raidhu, the famous Apabhramsa poet wrote more than twenty books in Apabhrama language and every one of them was composed on the initiative of the Stavakas. The poet also presented his works to the Savakas alter giving their full description In his Dhani umnat Carita he gives tull story of Nautala Sah who requested him to compose the work Nattala Sah was famous throughout India and 1. mavana 1487 varSe zrIgvarataragacche zrIjinagajamUripaTTAlakAra zrIgacchanAyaka zrIjinabhadra mUrigurUNAmupadezena pustakamatallikhita, zoSita ca / likhApita zAha dharaNAkena 4 afzan zrImadahammadAvAdavAstavya saMghanAyaka / sahajapAlanAmAsIt, puNyaprAgbhAramAmura / / 15 / / jJAnAvaragaNakarmotthadhvAntadhvavidhitsayA / gurUNAmupadezena, sasaghapatirAdarAt / / 23 / / padamAIpriyAputravimaladAsasayuta. / alekhayat svaya vRttaramuSyA: zataza: pratIn / / 24 / / Prasasti of Kalpa Kirnawala 3. A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars of Pattan P. 40 4 Prasasti Sangrah of Amei Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. P. 105. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction had his business in all the provinces at that time. He also requested Kavi Sridhara to compose Parswanatha Caritra in the year 1189 A.D. Mannika Raja wrote his Naga Kumara Carita at the request of Todar Mal who was famous in his time as Vastupal was famous in 12th Century in Gujrat.' Yasah Kirti composed the Pandava Purana in Apabhramsa language and presented his work to Ksemraja the son of Vilha.? Jinadatta Carita, a Hindi work of 12th Century was pomposed by Rajasing on the request of the Sravakas Dungara ki Bavani was constructed by the poet Padam Nabha on the request of Dungaralin 15th Century Caubisi Gila was composed by Delha on the request of some Sravakas in the 14th Century Jambu Swami Carita was composed by Sri Naithuram on the request of Kisan Dev son of Mool Canda" Jain ladies also took great interest in getting the manuscripts written by the scholars and copyists. Poet Shridhar, wrote his Bhavisyadatta Carita on the request of Rupani wife of Narayan" TEMPLES Fxcept a few, all the Grantha Bhandars are situated in the Jaina temples and Upasaras This shows that in the past these temples remained the centres of learning. The Bhattarkas, Jatis and Pandyas, and also some of the scholars used 10 live in the temple and worked there They also imparted the religious and other 1 Prasasti Sangraha of Amer Sastia Bhandara, Jaipui P 113 2 Ibid P 122 3. Manuscript preserved in Sastra Bhandara, lain Temple Patodi, Jaipur 4. Sastra Bhandar Tholiya Jaina Temple Jaipur 5. Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandaron ki Suci, Part II P. 379 -do Part III. page 211 ? Prasasti Sangiah of Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. P. 153. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HZ) haina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. kinds of education to the students at their residence. Students were not taught only religious books but other subjects also such as Grammer, Ayurveda, Jyotisa and Mathematics etc. We find a Jaina temple even where there are only a few families and in every temple there is a Grantha Bhandar attached to it having a small or large number of manuscripts. This shows that not only in the past but even today the temples are the centres of intellectual activities. This condition is specially applicable to the Laina temples of Rajasthan. The Grantha Bhandars of Nagaur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Alwar, Bharatpur, Jaipur Ajmer, Tonk, Udaipui, Dungarpur. Kota, Bunds, Kama, Deeg etc. are situated in temples only MATERIAL USED FOR MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts which are housed in the Grantha Bhandars are of vanous finds in the VRIHAD KALPA SOTRA five kinds of books are described. ganDIpustaka, kacchapIpumnaka muSTipustaka mampuTaphala ka.. chedapATIpUstakazveti pugnakA / These five kinds of books are mainly those which are written on pain leaves Now we shall consider the various kinds of material on which manuscripts were written Some of them which are found frequent in the Girantha Bhandars are as follows: Manuscripts written on Palm Leaves Manuscripts written on Bhopatra Manuscripts written on Cloth Manuscript written on Paper Manuscripts wiitten on Paper Manuscripts written on Copper Places MANUSCRIPTS ON PALM LEAVES When the system of reducing the sacred texts into writing was adopted, palm leaves were used for writing Before 13th Century, the paper industry was neither developed adequately nor was it considered proper to write the manuscripts on paper. The oldest dated manuscript found m one of the Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer is of 11th Century and is written on palm leaves. This is a manuscript of OGHA NIRYUKTI VRITTI of Sariivat 1117 i e. 1060 A D. There is a description Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ introduction found in the KUMARPAL PRABANDH that once the King Kumarpal went to visit the library, Seeing that the books were being written on paper he enquired the reasons for this and he was told that due to the shortage of palm leaves the papers were used. The manuscripts written on palm leaves are frequently available in the Bhandars of South India in a good number and in the Bhandars of Pattan, Cambay. Dhalaka, Karnavati, Vijapur, Candawati, Jaisalmer, and Prahladanpur. The palin leaves manuscripts are also of various kinds such as written in ordinary ink, and in golden ink and illustrated one. All the palm leaves manuscupts have either one hole in the middle os with two holes on the left and the right in case of long manuscripts. The manuscripts are generally placed between two wooden plates MANUSCRIPTS WRITTEN ON CLOTH (loth was a material used by Jaina Scholars for the manuscripts and specially the Citra Patas. Yantra Patas, small Stotras (prayers) and other such material used to be written on cloth the earliest manuscript written on cloth and found in lain. Sastra Bhandar of Parian is of 1361 AD This manuscript consists of 92 leaves measuring 25x5" The manuscript is well preserved and the letters are very clear The other manuscript is of 1396 A D. and is Sangrahani Tippankam preserved in the same Bhandar. There is another manuscript Pratistha Patha in the Grantha Bhandar of Parswanatha Jaina Temple of Jaipur This manuscript was written in the 17th Century. Some inanuscripts are illustrated with coloured pictures which represent the Tirthankars There is a painting on cloth in a Grantha Bhandar Patodi Jain temple, Jaipur in which the idea how the Rajputa Rulers became dependent on the British, is shown The map of three worlds, Jambu Dwipa, Videha Ksetra, Adha Dwipa and other places according to the Jaina Geography are available in abundance in the Grantha Bhandars. MANUSCRIPTS ON PAPER In most of the Grantha Bhandars in Northern India, manuscripts are generally found written on paper But there is no such manuscript written before 1. ekadA prAtagurUna marvasAdhU zca vanditvA lekhakazAlAvilokanAya gana / lekhakAH kAgadapatrANi likhanto daSTAH / tataHgurupArve pRcchA / gurubhirUce zrIcaulukyadeva ! rafar fare un perfet praatt. 97 Fit #inafafari -Kumarpal Prabandh P. 16 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Gantha Bhandats in Kajasthan. 13th Century. Manuscript written in 13th Century are good in number in some Bhandars of Rajasthan as well as of Gujrat. This shows that in 13th Century the paper industry was much developed. The paper was manufactured in various places of India and was widely manufactured in Rajputana also The paper Industry was carried out at some places, such as Sanganer, and Bikaner. The manuscripts which are in the several Grantha Bhandats of Jaipur are written on paper which was prepared in Sanganer which is 8 miles from Jaipur City. The manuscripts written on paper are of several size and also of various kinds. The leaves are numbered only on one side the corners of left and right of the several manuscripts are decorated with the various kinds of paintings in red and blue. Paper manuscripts are found writen in golden and silver ink. They are also sllustrated one Such manuscripts are found generally in Swetambar Grantha Bhandars There is manuscript of Kalpasutra written in golden ink and richly iltustrated which might cost about a lakh. Manuscripts written on wooden plates and copper plates are few in But all the Yantras which are in the Jaina temples are written on copper number plates. There is a large Yantra Literature in Jaina temples. All the Yantras are either ou copper or bronze plate, Except these, there are silver and gold plates on which also Yantras and Mantra, are written and are placed in temples. paTTikAto' limbaccamA marvadevAbhidho garina / prAtmakarmakSayAyAtha, paropakRtihetave -Commentary of Uttaradhyayana by Nemi Candra (12th Century) There is a Kastha Pattika in Jaisalmer Bhandar which is also illustrated The copyists of the manuscripts used to write with special pens which were prepared by the experts Different kinds of pens were used in writing the manuscripts on palm leaves, paper or cloth. In Sanskrit we shall see the various types of pen described in the following lines: FEMT ATT , Tamamfefufti argat gaat a, transferat ingen vete sugvaM vijAnIyAt, rakte daridratA bhavet / pote ca puSkalA lakSmI., asurIkSayakAriNI / / 2 / / citAne harate putramadhomukhI harate dhanam / vAme ca harate vidyA, dakSiNA lekhinI likhet / / 3 / / agragrandhiharedAyumadhyagranthihareddhanam / pRSThagranthiharet, marva nirganthilekhinI likhet // 4 // navAgRlamitA zreSThA, aSTau vA yadi bA'dhikA / lekhinI lekhayennitya, dhanadhAnyasamAgamaH // 5 // Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction. KINDS OF INK USED The ink used in writing the manuscripts was also of various kinds. There are six kinds and their method of preparation was also different Three kinds of ink used for writing on palm leaves are as follow ---- Ist kind mahavara-bhRga triphalA , kAmIma lohameva nIlI ca / mamakajjala bolayutA, bhavati mapI tAdapatrANAm / / 2nd and 3rd kind kajala pA (pI) igNa bola, bhUmilayA pAradamsa lema ca / umigajaleraNa vighasiyA, vaDiyA kAUga kuTiTajjA // 1 // tattajalega va puNamA, gholijjatI dana masI hoi / tegaNa vilihiyA pattA, vaccaha rayaNoi divasu vva // 2 // koraDae ci sarAve, a gulimA koraDammi kajjalae / gaddaha sarAvalagga, jAva ciya ci [kka] gaM muai / / 3 / / picamadagu dalesa khAyaragudaM va bIyajala missa / bhijjavi toega daDha, mahaha jA ta jala susai / / 4 / / 4th kind Means of preparation for writing on the paper or cloth - niryAmAt picumanda jAd dviguNito bAlamtata kajjAla, majAta tilatalato hutavahe nIvAtapa maditam / pAtra zulvamaye tathA zana (?) janai kSArama vita madbhallAtaka-bhagarAjaramayuk samyag ramo'ya mapI / / 1 / / 5th and 6th kind madhyardhe zipa sadgunda, gundAdhe bolameva ca / lAkSA bIyArasenoccairmadayet tAmrabhAjane / / 1 / / bolasya dviguNI gundo, gundasya dviguNA mapI / madayed yAmayugma tu, maSI vajamamA bhaveta / / 1 / / Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 ] laina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. There were also some rigid principles of writing the manuscripts and the writer had to follow them. How long the letters should be and of which size, where the letters should be curved and where they are required to be written in straight way: akSarANi mamazIrSAriNa, vatuM lAni dhanAni ca / parasparamalagnAni, yo likhet sa hi lekhakaH // samAni samazIrSAriNa, vartulAni dhanAni ca / mAtrAsu prativaddhAni, yo jAnAti sa lekhaka // zIrSopetAn susapUrNAn zubhazra NigatAn samAn / akSarAn vai likhed yastu, lekhaka. sa vara smRta' / / QUALIFICATION OF COPYISTS Every layman was not allowed to write or copy out the manuscripts. The writer should have been familiar with the Alphabets of every state and an expert in all the languages. He should be genius, good in talking, sensible, and having control over his INDRIYAS, sarva dezAkSarAbhijJa sarvabhASAvizArada / lekhaka kathito rAjJa sarvAdhikaraNeSu ve || 1 || medhAvI, vAkpaTurdhI, laghuhasto jitendriyaH, parazAstraparijJAtA evaM lekhaka ucyate ||2 // The winter should possess the various instruments of writing been described in the following stanza kupI 1 kajjala 2 deza 3 kambalamaho 4 madhyeca zubhra kuza 5, kAbI 6, kalma 7, kRpANikA 8, kataraNI 6, kASTha 10 tathA kAgalam 11 / kIkI 12, koTari 13, kalmadAna 14, kramaNe 15, kaTTi 16 stathA kAkaro 17, etai ramyakakAkSaraizca sahita zAstra ca nitya likhet // 1 // HANDLING THE MANUSCRIPTS These have In the end of the manuscripts, the writer writes some advice for the readers. He requests the readers to handle the manuscript properly as with great difficulty the manuscript was written They also used to write that they have done only true copy 1. Bhartiya Jaina Sramana Sanskriti Ane Lekhankala P. 48 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatroduction 117 of the manuscript from other manuscript without changing any word and if there is any mistake, they should not be blamed for the same, __ pradRSTadoSAnmativimramAdA, yadarthahIna likhita mayAtra / tat sarvamAryaH parizodhanIyaM, kopa na kuryAt khalu lekhakasya / / yAdRza pustakaM dRSTa, tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA, yadi zusamazuddha vA mama doSo na dIyate / / bhagnapRSThikaTigrIvA, vakradRSTiradhomukham / kaSTena likhita zAstra, yatnena paripAlayet / / baddhamuSTikaTigrIvA, madadRSTiraghomukham / kaSTena likhita zAstra, yatnena paripAlayeta / / laghu dIrgha padahINa vajaraNahINa lakhAragu huI, prajANapaNai mUDhapaNaha paData huI te sudhakarI bhaNajyo / / MANAGEMENT OF THE GRANTHA BHANDARS Granthas enjoy the same respect as Gods and they are respected as next to Tirthankaras in the Jaina religion because what is written in the texts, originally came out from the mouth of the Tirthankaras as such the Grantha Bhandars are held in great esteem. Fvery one going to a temple has to visit the Grantha Bhandar also and to read some lines of a manuscript. Thus the Grantha Bhandars have an important place in the society. The management of the Grantha Bhandars is entrusted to such persons who are either the scholars or possess some knowledge about the manuscripts. In ancient time, the management of the Sastra Bhandars was under the guidance of the monks and Sadhus. From 13th Century Bhatjarkas became influencial and the Sastra Bhandars came under their control. In the beginning they were the great scholars so they themselves managed the Sastra Bhandars very efficiently They had with them several persons who used to be experts in writing and copying out the old manuscripts. Wherever they used to go, they used to keep with them a number of manuscripts They exercised great vigilance over manuscripts. Whenever it was found that particular leaves of the manuscript were damaged, then immediately new leaves were substituted for the damaged ones. Veshthans, wooden plates were also often replaced. Some time they used to sell the manuscript to the Sravakas for placing them in other Sastra Bhandars in short we can say that the Bhattarakas and their pupils had full control over the management of the Sastra Bhandars. But after the down fall of this institution the management of the Bhandars came into hands of the House holders. Some of the Sravakas were great scholars in their time. There was remarkable progress in the number of manuscripts. But some time after the management vested into the hands of illiterates and persons of backward ideas, neither the Jainas used the manuscripts nor they allowed persons of other religion to do so. Some times the manuscripts remained in locked for years and were reduced to ashes, Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Generally every Bhandar whether it is a big or small is managed or run on the lines of a library. Every manuscript is entered in a register which is called Granth Suci or catalogue of the manuscripts in which names of the manuscripts, authors and their language are quoted. The number of the register is also pasted on the Vesthanas of the manuscripts so that there may be no inconvenience in taking out the manuscripts from the Bhandars Previously when there was no Almirah system, all the manuscripts were either placed in cloth bags or in wooden boxes. At present also the same system of cataloguing exists I have seen several Grantha Bhandars where full account was maintained of Granthas i.e how many have been Issued to the Sravakas for reading and how many were returned by them and how many were kept in the Sastra Bhandars. This account was maintained daily. Full name and address of the readers were written and receipt signatures taken in Bahis There was d rule according to which a complete manuscript was not given to the readers but either half of it or a smaller part was issued There were two advantages in this system The first was that more than one person could read the manuscript and the second was that the book could not be completely lost Every year. either on the day of Sruta Pancains' or in the month of Bha irapad all the manuscripts are taken out from the room and kept in the sun shine for some time so that there may be no danger to the manuscripts from worms and dampness In order to create some interest among the persons, the management some time diranges exhibitions in the temples on rhe religious days or at Sruta Pancami These functions are attended by the members of the community. On these Occasions they show the importance of the manuscripts There used to be a section in every important library where the work of writing down or copying out the new manuscripts was done. From these places outsiders also got the manuscripts written for them These copyists were like printing presses and they used to earn then livelihood by writing the manuscripts Pen-holders, ink and other matenal of writing were either supplied by the temple or they used to manage for themselves In these libraries daily sermons are held A scholar reads a religious work and others listen to him This system of Sastra Sabha is still in vogue at several places. The Sastra Sabha of Jaipur and Agra ever remained famous. In these conferences the importance of the writing down of the manuscripts is also imparted to the listeners in the noon speeches are held. In Agra at the time of Banarsi Dasa 1 It comes always on the 5th day of bright Jestha month Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction [ 19 (17th Century) there was a very good association, where the learned and old persons used to come and discuss with each other the principles of religion and other subjects. These persons used to request scholars to write new works of their choice in order to quench their thirst of learning. Upto the 19th Century the management of the Grantha Bhandars remained good, and great care was taken to save the manuscripts from destruction. But during the last one century due to the printing presses the care for manuscripts was less and less. When the readers could get printed books of the same author, they began to forget to read the manuscripts and as such the attention towards the safety of the manuscripts fall down. During the last 50 years the management of the Grantha Bhandars turned from bad to worse and as such the condition of the Grantha Bhandars at present is not good in the villages and towns. HOW THE MANUSCRIPTS ARE PRESERVED Manuscripts are handled with great care in the Sastra Bhandars by the management. There is a scientific process through which a manuscript is to be passed before it is placed in the Sastra Shandars Apart from the process there are strict instructions written at the end of the manuscript, that the manuscript was written with great difficulty so it should be preserved with great care. The manuscripts are rarely given to every one because it is stated that these books when passed on into other hands are seldom returned legvinI pustaka rAmA parahaste gatA gatA / kadAcit punarAyAnA naSTA maSTA ca cumbitA / / WOODEN BOARDS Every manuscript is placed between two wooden boards of the size of the manuscript. These boards are prepared specially for them There may be one or two holes in the Boards. One hole is made in the centre while two holes are on both the sides of the boards so that the string in which the manuscupt is stiung may also pass on and the manuscript may be tightened Wooden boards are used specially for palm leaves manuscripts but when manuscripts written on papers came into use, paper boards began to be used as they were cheaper and also available easily in the market. Cloth was used to be wrapped on these boards. Most of the manuscripts were written on paper are under the card boards ea farfa ET Na oftalatai Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthar. STRING TOGETHER As already said that palm leaves manuscripts have either one hole in the centre or two holes on both the corners. In these holes silken or cotton string used to be passed on. This string used to serve a good help to the readers while reading the manuscripts. Moreover due to this string the leaves of the manuscript are not loosend and remained tight. Due to this string, i. e. Granth, the manuscript began to be called Granthas and store houses of these manuscripts as GRANTHA BHANDARS. But the manuscripts written on paper are not strung together though the manuscripts written in 13th to 16th Century have some space left in the Centre and possess some sign-blit these manuscripts do not contain holes. VESTANA After the manuscripts are strung together they are placed in Vestana which are made of cloth. The piece of cloth of the same length and breadth which used for wrapping the manuscripts is called Vestana Generally one manuscript is kept in one Vestana. The Vestanas are prepared locally. BOXES These Vessanas and Vastas were placed in the wooden boxes so that they might remain safe, and rain wind or worms may not harm the manuscript. UNDERGROUND ROOMS Al the times of invas.on the manuscripts were placed in the underground rooms of the temples. In most of the temples such rooms called Bahras, are found. Due to these underground rooms numberless manuscripts had been saved, but in some cases manuscripts once placed were never brought out again. The Bhandars of Nagaur. Amer, Ajmer, Bharatpur, Kama. Bayana, Baswa and Dausa were previously in the underground rooms of the temples and could be saved only because they were underground. These were constructed in such a way that from outward when they were closed by placing a stone slab on the door of the room it appeared as if there was no room. The gates of these underground rooms used to be very small but inner portion of these used to be quite large. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER 11 GRANTHA BHANDARS IN INDIA GRANTES PARTES Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Early in the 8th Century Muslim invasion began and in 712 A. D. Muhammad-bin-Qasim attacked Sindh and after defeating Dahir, the king of Sindh, he carried on mass massacres. In the beginning temples were wantonly disecrated. The temple of the Sun at Multan was ravaged and its treasures were taken away by Muhammad-bin-Qasim'. After this Muhammad Ghazni destroyed and plundered many temples that fell in the way of the Ghaznavide army. He destroyed all the property of the temples ruthlessly, broke the idols, damaged the artistic beauty of the temples and burnt the literary collections preserved in them. There was no safety at all and all round there was bloodshed, forced conversion to Muslim religion and burning of the manuscripts and other literary and artistic treasures. MANUSCRIPT LIBRARIES DESTROYED BY MUSLIM INVASION. According to the Muslims the Quran contains the whole truth and it is the only book which should exist. If books written in various languages are in accordance with the Quran, there is no necessity that they should survive because the Quran embodies their contents and if they are against the Quran they deserve to be destroyed These were the views of the Khalifas and the General of Khalifa Umer who conquered Alcxenderia in Egypt in 640 A. D. destroyed the famous Library thereafter having obtained ordered from Khalifa. There was a big collection of books in that library written in various languages but they were all burnt down.? In India also the Muslim Invaders destroyed numerous temples along with the books which were collected in them Mahmuda Ghazni alone looted scores of temples and destroyed whatever was found in them. He conquered whole of Upper India and dtstroyed the religious, cultural and literary works ruthlessly. Thus old and valuable literary wealth of the Jainas was destroyed by the Muslim invaders WHY GRANTHA BHANDARS IN OUT OF WAY PLACES. Due to this dangerous insecurity, system of establishing the Grantha Bhandars in out of way places was adopted so that there might be less danger of attack The famous Jaina Bhandar of Jaisalmer was established only with the idea that in such a desert there were less chances of the attacks Moreover in the temples underground rooms were constructed and at the time of attack all the manuscripts and other materials of artistic beauty used to be concealed in them. We find such rooms in most of the temples. In the temple of Sanganer, Amer, Nagaur, 1 History of Muslim Rule by 1swari Prasad p. 37 2 History of India by Eliah page 415-16 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction 1 25 But still the number of the Grantha Bhandars which had been saved from destruction is quite large. Most of them have not been seen so far by the scholars and therefore the work of their cataloguing is to be completed. In this respect the Bhandars of Punjab, Uttar Pradesa, Bihar, Madras, Hyderabad and Madhya Pradesh are still lying unseen by the scholars. SVRVEY OF GRANTHA BHANDARS BY THE WESTERN SCHOLARS In the year 1860 the Government of India gave their attention to the ancient Grantha Bhandars situated throughout India. The research work of the Bhandars and their cataloguing was begun and the Grantha Bhandars of Patan, Khambat, Ahmedabad, Jaisalmer, Karanja etc. were seen by the great scholars such as Dr. Buhler, Peterson, Bhandarkar etc. The reports submitted by them covers the following period of their research. WESTERN SCHOLARS 3rd (1) Dr, Bhuler's' report Part 1st covers the manuscript seen during the year 1870-71 and known as collection of 1870-71 -do 2nd -do- 1871-72 -do -do- 1872-73 -do -do- 1873-74 -do-- -do- 1874-75 6th -do 1875-76 7th -do- 1877-78 -do 8th -do- 1879-1880. -do -do (ii) Di. Peterson also thoroughly examined the Bhandars' and published his report in six volumes covering the period of research of the manuscript as folllows: 1. The list of manuscripts in all these collections have been published in a catalogue of collections at Bombay Government Center Press. 1880: Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Mozamabad, Ajmer, Jaisalmer, Fatehpur, Dooni, Malpura and several of others, there are still under ground rooms which are used for placing not only the manuscripts but the statues also. There was a big Bhandar in Amer which was in the underground room and was brought m the upper room of the temple only 30 years ago. The whole portion of the famous Bhandar of Jarsalmer was preserved underground. The valuable manuscripts written on palm leaves and paper were safely preserved in such places. There is still a belief among the people that a bigger Bhandara still exists in the underground rooms at Jaisalmer. In some of the temples manuscripts are preserved in the upper portion of the temple and at the time of invasion they are placed in the underground rooms and the small gate of this repository is to be closed with plaster. The system of placing the manuscripts in out of the way places also helped those who were desirous of quiet study and contemplation. As there was perfect peace and calmness and no chance of disturbances there, this system was adopted not only by the Jainas but also by the Budhas and Ainta, Ellora and Bagha are the instances of such places ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GRANTHA BHANDARS The Grantha Bhandars were established through out India from North to South and East to West. There remained no city or town or even big village in which the Grantha Bhandars were not established, but due to the continuous attacks of the foreigners in the North and religious ill feelings in South between Jainas and Brahmins several Grantha Bhandars were destroyed and reduced to ashes and nest of the Bhandars were shifted to big towns and cities. Out of the Bhandars founded by Kumarpala and Vestupala and other Jaina Ministers, at present none exists. This is accounted for by the fact that Kumarpala's successor Ajaipala was very hostile to Jainas and Jainism and he tried his best to destroy the Jaina literature. Moreover when the manuscripts were placed in the underground portion of the temples at the time of invasion or war, the manuscripts used to be kept there for a long time and as such thousands of the manuscripts were reduced to ashes due to oblivion. Some of the Grantha Bhandars were automatically finished for ever as the management neglected to take precaution for their preservation The whole of the Marotha Bhandar (Rajasthan) decayed and became ashes due to the management 1 Descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Jaina Bhandar at Patan. p 33 2 Old manuscript list of Mirou sastra Bhandar preserved at Mahavira Bhawan, Jaipur. Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan The 1st report covers the period of the year 1882-83 2nd -do -do 1883-84 -do -do 1884-86 3rd 4th 5th -do 1886-92 -da-do-do -do 1892-95 6th -do 1895-98 SURVEY WORK DONE BY INDIAN SCHOLARS: Among the Indian Scholars Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar made an extensive touc in search of Samskrit manuscripts. His reports were also published in six paris covering the period from the year 1879 10 1891 as follows: No. I covers the manuscripts found in the year 1879-80 2 -do -do B880 82 -dode D882 83 -do 0883 84 -do 1884-87 -do do 1887-91 Raibahadur Hiralal," after seeing the Bhandar of Madhya Pradesh and Berar published a report in which manuscripts of the Jana Bhandars of Karanja and others are mentioned. Dr H. D. Velankar also published Jinaratnakosa, an alphabetical Register of Jaina works and Authors Vol. I under Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona This catalogue was published in the year 1944. Dr Banarsidas and Kunfe also visited the Jaina Bhandars of Punjab and prepared the catalogue of the manuscripts of these Bhandars. This was published by Royal University Library Lahore in 1939. Prakrit manuscripts in 1. Catalogue of Sarhskrit & Rabakader Hiralal B.A Central Province and Berar by 1 Catalogue of manuscripts in the Punjab Jaina Bhandars by Banarsidas Jain, pubhshed by Punjab University Library Lahore in 1939. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction, [ 27 Thus in the past several attempts were made to investigate these Bhandars and their catalogues have also been published. But as a matter of fact all the Bhandars situated throughout India are too numerous to be examined by a small band of scholars. A list of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars situated in the main cities of India other than those of Rajasthan is given in Appendix. I But the Jaina Bhandars of Rajasthan where their number is quite large have not yet been surveyed by any scholar. No other province of India contains as many Bhandars as Rajasthan does. They have survived because they were under the protection of Rajput rulers and their territories were rarely invaded by the Muslims. Even when invasion took place the resistance was very stiff and the invaders did not generally succeed in committing acts of destruction. In the following pages the first attempt has been made in this direction to survey the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. IMPORTANT BHANDARS OF INDIA A short description of some of the important Bhandars which possess valuable collections of manuscripts is as follows - (1) SASTRA BHANDARS OF DELHI Since its foundation Delhi remained capital of India. In the manuscripts written in the 14th and 15th Century, the city is called Yoginipur and in this respect the manuscript of Pancasti Kaya' is the first manuscript in which Delhi had been named as 'Yoginipur'. It was copied in Delhi in Sawat 1329 i.e. 1272 A.D when Gayasuddin Balbana was the emperor of India. Inspite of constant changes in the kingdoms, Delhi remained the centre of learning and literature. In most of the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan, there are some manuscripts which were copied at Delhi and placed in these Bhandars Most of the books of Apabhraisa were first copied in Delhi and then sent to other Bhandars of India. The Jainas not only dominated in the Hindu period but in the Muslim rule also the city remained the centre of Jaina activity. In the time of Anangpal Natal Sah was his minister On his request Sridhara? composed Parswanatha Carita in Apabhramsa language in samwat 1189 (1132 AD). 1 Rajasthan ke Jain Sastra Bhandaron ki Suci. Part II. 2 Prasasti Sangrah of Amer Sastra Bhandal, Jaipur p 129 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28I Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Thakkar Pheru was the royal treasurer of Allauddin Khilji. He was an expert in the test of jewellery and coins. He composed Yugapradhana Caupai in samwat 1347 (1290 A.D.) and Ratna Pariksa, Dravya Dhatutpatti, Vastusar Prakarana and Joitasar in Sarhwat 1372 (1315 A.D.). In Sarwat 1500 (1443 A.D.) Yasah Kirti completed his Harivnia Purana in Delhi, On the request of Sahu Divara is the time of Jalal Khan. In this way there were several authors who wrote and copied works in Delhi The illustrated manuscript of Adipuran which is at present in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Terapanthi Temple, Jaipur was copied in Delhi. In the 17th Century Bhagwati Dass was a great Hindi scholar who wrote more than 50 Hindi works in Delhi which have been recently discovered in Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar, Ajmer. At present there are 8 manuscript libraries in the City. But out of these, the collection in the New Mandir Dharampura is very large. The total number of the manuscripts collected in the temple is about two thousand. Most of the manuscripts are of the 16th to 19th century. The other manuscript libraries are in the Jain temple of Setha Kuca and in Jain Pancayati Mandir. In these Bhandars the rare manus cripts of Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa and Hindi are in quite a good number A very old work of Hindi i.e. Pradyumna Canta% of V.S. 1411 (1354 A.D.) composed by the Sadharu Kavi is in collection of the Naya Mandir Bhandar. The fully illustrated copy of the Adepurana composed by Puspadanta Kavi in Apabhramsa is a very fine manuscript from the point of Indian art. These Bhandars are also very old. Delhi remained the seat of the scholars and learned Bhattarakas, so there are several manuscripts written by them also. The Sastra Bhandar of Naya Mandir contains a good collection of the manuscripts. The total number of which is 1995. The collection was made between 15th to 19th century. Manuscripts of Dhavala, Mahadhavata and Jaidhavala copied recenly are also in the collection. The manuscript copy of Hindi translation of Rajvartika written by Pannalal of Saharanpur is also in this Sastra Bhandar. Just like Samiskrit, manuscripts written in the Apabhrama and Hindt are also in large mumber. There are two manuscripts of Tattvartha Sutra and Daslaxana Jaymala which are wiitten in golden ink and look very heautiful. The Sastra Bhandar is well arranged and preserved. 1. Manuscript Catalngues Obtained through Lala Panna La Jain Delhi, 2. Published by Sabitya Sodha Vibhag of Digamber Jain Atishaya Kelta Sri Mahavinji Jarpur Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction | 29 (i) JAINA GRANTH BHANDARS OF AGRA Agra was founded towards the close of the 15th century by Bahlol Lodi, and his son Sikandar Lodi removed the seat of Government from Delhi to Agra. From Akbar to Aurangzeb, Agra was the capital of India and after the construction of Tajmahal it became one of the most well known cities in the world. The Jainas predominated in the city from the very beginning. In the 17th and 18th centuries most of the Hindi scholars were born in this city. The famous Kavi Banarsidas of 17th century lived here. He established a study circle there and began to discuss the questions on various topics. Sri Bhagvatidas of Delhi who was also a contemporary of Banarsidas, wrote "Argalpurajinavandana" in which he described fully the Jaina temples of Agra. He wrote this work in Samvat 1651 (1594 AD) when Shahjahan was the Emperor and has mentioned names of several persons who contributed towards the construction of the Jaina temples The other great Sholars who flourished at Agra are Bhudhar Das. Bhaiya Bhagwati Das, Dyanat Rai etc There are 28 Jain temples in the city Out of them eight have collections of manuscripts and the most famous Sastra Bhandar which was the seat of the Jain scholars is the Moti Kaira Jain temple. The Sastra Bhandar contains more than a thousand manuscripts written on paper The manuscripts of this Bhandar are generally written in 16th to 19th centuries Manuscripts written in 20th century are very few in number. This shows that the city was a literary centre from 16th to 19th century. But inspite of the importance of the Grantha Bhandars, the manuscripts are not catalogued and systematically arranged. As such scholars are to face the geeat difficulty in searching out the manuscripts they want Recently one Jain research institute has been established at Hari Parbat where arrangements are being made for the research on various subjects. Catalogues of various Bhandars are under pieparation. (111) GRANTH BHANDAR OF SONIPAT The Sastra Bhandar of Sonipat ncar Delhi is also an important one. There are 750 manuscripts in this collection. The manuscripts are partly in Sanskrit and partly in Prakrit. There are some manuscripts in Hindi also. The following deserve a reference - (1) Rai mall's Adipuran (17th century) (2) -80- Padampuran (17th century) Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. (3) Samyaktva Kaumudi by Kisandas composed in the year 1722 A.D. (4) Harivansa puran by Laxmidas in Hindi composed in the year 1829 A.D. (iv) AMAR GRANTHALAYA INDORE The Amar Granthalaya of Indore has a good number of manuscripts of which majority are in Samskrit and Hindi. Copies of Aristadhyaya of Prakrit, Gyan Deepika of Hari Candra in Hindi and Jotisa Sar Sangrha by Ratan Bhanu in Samskrit are worth mentioning. (v) SASTRA BHANDAR OF KARANJA1 one There are more than 2000 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of Karanja in Akola district of Gujrat State. This is one of the best collections in the State and includes some rare works useful for scholars. All the three temples of this old city possess fine collections of old manuscripts, the Balatkara collection being the biggest All the manuscripts are written on paper in Nagari script. The manuscripts are well preserved. The earliest of them is that of Upaskacara of Samantabhadra with a commentary of Prabhacandra. It was copied in V.S 1415 Sunday the bright fortnight of the month of Magha corresponding to 6th June 1359. Another manuscript is of Pancasti Kaya of Kunda-Kunda copied in Samvat 1468 (1411 A.D) when Virammadeva was the king of Gopacala (Gwalior). A few more manuscripts are dated in the same century and hence this Bhandar is more or less than 500 years old. (vi) PATAN BHANDARS2 Ever since its foundation, Patan had been the centre of Jainism and under beneficient royal patronage afforded to it in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, the scholars attached to it devoted themselves for writing historical, philosophical. literary and other works. Although the works were continued in the 14th. 15th and 16th centuries and still later, the works composed in the 11th to 13th centuries are of greater historical interest than those composed later on. This literary activity resulted in the formation of great libraries for collecting and preserving old, contemporaneous and new compositions Patan was the centre of Jaina literature from 11th 1 Catalogue of Samskrit & Prakrit manuscripts in Central provinces & Berar by Raibahadur Hiralal B.A. 2. A descriptive catlogue of manuscripts in the Jaina Bhandars at Patan by C.D. Dalal, published by Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1937. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Latroduction (31 century and under the reign of Ajayapala who was the great hater of Jainas and Jainism, Minister Udayana and others at that time removed the manuscripts from than one Papan to Jaisalmer and other unknown places' Among the present collections in Patan the first and the foremost is the famous palm leaf collection in Sanghavi Pada. This collection belongs to Laghuposalika branch of the Tapagaccha. The collection containing 413 manuscripts, most of them contain single work though there are many manuscripts which consist of more than one work. The collection of the Sangha Vakataji's Seri, Fofalia Vada is the largest onc at Patan. It contains 2686 paper manuscripts and 137 palm leaf manuscripts. Dr. Peterson has described 76 palm leaf manuscripts of this collection in his 5th Report. There is a large collection of paper manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar of Vadhi Parswanatha temple. This Bhandar contains not only literary and old Jaina manuscripts but also good manuscripts of literary and philosophical works of the Brahmins and Budhists. "The Grantha Bhandars of Agalaseri consists of 3035 paper and 22 palm leaf manuscripts and one cloth manuscript. The collection is specially rich for the sacred books of the Jainas and the commentaries thereon, some of which were copied at the expenses of a Jaina millionaire Candusah of Patan in the beginning of the 16th century. There are also many manuscripts of Jain Rasas in old Gujarati. The Bhandar of Bhabha Pada is the collection of Vimala a branch of the Tapagaccha. It has two collections one containing 528 and the other containing 1824 manuscripts. The collection of the Sagar's Upasraya contains 1309 paper manuscripts most of which are of literary interest. Besides the above collection there are several different collections which also have paper and palm leaf manuscripts. Out of these seven Bhandars, Khartarwasi Bhandar is most important. In this Shandar dramas of Vatsayan, the minister of of Paramasdideva of Kalinjar exists. The earliest dated manuscript at Patan was copied in 1062 A.D. There are about half a dozen undated manuscripts which were written earlier., the script of 1. A c'escripuve catalogue of manuscripts in the Jaina Bhandars at Patan by C.D. Dalal, published by Oriental Institute, Berodi, 1937, Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 ] Damyanti and Candra Mahattara's Prakrit commentary Sitari and other manuscripts point out that they were written in the 10th century A.D. Among the places where the manuscripts were copied are Patan Cambay, Dhalaki, Karnavati, Dungarpur, Vijaipur, Candravati and Prahladpura Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Besides the palm leaf and paper manuscripts, the Bhandar contains two manuscripts on cloth one of which written in Samwat 1418 (1361 A.D.) and consists of 62 leaves measuring 25" x 5". The manuscripts are well preserved and the letters are very clear. (vi) JAINA SIDHANT BHAWAN ARRAH The collection of the manuscripts in Jaina Sidhant Bhawan Arrah is also good. The Bhawan was buiit some time back but the collection of the manuscripts was made from the Jaina temples and individual persons. There is a good number of the manuscripts which are on paper as will as on palm leaf. The Bhandar conststs of the following kinds of manuscripts (1) Manuscripts written in Kannar script. (2) Manuscripts of Samskrit, Prakrit and Hindi written in Nagari script. (3) Gutakas. The manuscripts collected are of 18th, 19th and 20th century. The following manuscripts are worth mentioning. 1 VIDYANUVADANG composed by an unknown author. It deals with Pratistha and is written in Samskrit It is a collection work based on the previous works of Viracarya, Pujyapad, Jinasena, Gunabhadra, Vasunandi, Indunandi and Asadhar. 2 MADAN KAMA RATNA-composed by Pujyapad in Samskrit It is on Ayurveda 3. NIDAN MUKTAWALI BY PUJYAPAD-The manuscript is in Samskrit and deals with Ayurveda 4. SAT DARSAN PRAMANA PRAMEYA-NU-PRAVESA:-The manuscript is on philosophy and written in Samskrit by Subhacandra. 1 Catalogue edited by Saparwadas Gupta, M A. was published in the year 1919. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Introduction 33 5. GITA VITARAGA:-by Panditacarya carukirti. It is also in Sanskrit written in praise of a Tirthankara. It is on grammer 6. PRAKRIT VYAKARAN:-composed by Srutasagar. and written in Sanskrit and Prakrit. 7. TATTVARTHA VRITTI:-by Bhaskarnandi. It is a commentary on the famous book Tattwartha Satra of Uma Swati (viii) JAINA GYANA BHANDAR LIMBIDI Limbibi was a centre of Jaina Sthankavasi Sect. The Sadhus of that sect used to assemble there every year or any time in a year. These monks required books to be studied. Thus for the study of the monks, the manuscripts were collected. For this collection Setha Dasa Devcanda took initiative and spent money in the collection and preservation of the manuscripts. The present collection of the manuscript was made in the year 1820 by Khartar Gacha Sadhu Ridhi Sagarji and after that in the year 1878-83, Shri Vinod Vijayji belonging to Auncalgacha also helped in the collection of the manuscripts. The collection contains manuscripts written on palm leaves as well as on paper. This collection is regarded as one of the biggest. The longest manuscript written on paper is Pravacana Sarodhar Satika which is 177"x49". In the same way the palam leaf manuscript of Gyata Dharam Kathang is 331"x21". There are several manuscripts written in golden ink. Out of such manuscripts the Kalp Sutra (illustrated) and Adhyatma Geeta are very good. Among the illustrated manuscripts Jambu Dwipa Pragyapti and Kalpastra deserve special mention. The total number of the manuscripts in this Bhandar is 3507 The manuscripts are in Prakrit, Samskrit and Gujrati. Most of the manuscripts were copied from 16th to 19th century. (ix) JAINA GRANTHA BHANDAR OF SORAT? Surat is also one of the main centres of collection of the manuscripts. There are twelve Grantha Bhandars in the City which have 14,528 manuscripts in Catalogue of Jaina Bhandar Limbidi published by Agamodaya Samiti Bombay in 1928 2. Suryapura Aneka Jaina Pustaka Bhandagar Darsika Suchi, published by Motichand Magan Bhai in 1938. Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. all. The names of the Grantha Bhandars and the number of the manuscripts contained in them are as follows:-- Number of Manuscripts. (1) Jainanand Pustakalaya 3100 (2) Jinadatta Suri Gyana Bhandar 1029 (3) Mohan Lal's Gyana Bhandar 2704 (4) Sri Hukma Muni's Gyana Bhandar 711 (5) Seth Nemicand Mulapcand Upasara 891 (6) Sri Devacand Lalcand Jaina Library 386 (7) Sri Devasura Gaccha Sangraha 1047 (8) Sri Ansur Gaccha Sangraha 1612 (9) Sri Cintamani Gyana Bhandar 170 (10) Sri Simandhar Swamino Bhandar 780 (11) Sri Baura Cautta Gyana Bhandar 338 (12) Vidya Sala 825 All these Grantha Bhandars are in the different temples and Upasaras. though most of them are in the Gopipura locality. There are rich and rare manuscripts of Prakrit, Sanskrit, Gujarati and Marathi mn them (X) PANNALAL SARWATI BHAWAN, BOMBAY Sri Pannalal established a Grantha Bhandar in Bombay in the year 1923 and collected some old and rare manuscripts. The total number of the mannscripts collected so far is 960. The Bhandar has published a yearly Report in which the names of the manuscripts are also given (xi) SANTINATHA SASTRA BHANDAR, KHAMBAT The Santinatha Sastra Bhandal of Khambat has very good collection of palm leaves manuscripts. The re-establishment of this Bhandar was made by 1 Sri Khambat santinatha Pracina Tada patriya Jaina Bhandar nu Sucipatra prepared by Vinay Kumar Suri and published by Mohanlal Deepcand Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in India. [ 35 Sri Vijay Vallabh Suri. He also took great interest in preparing the list of the manuscripts. Dr. Peterson also saw this Bhandar and prepared a list of the manuscripts in the year 1882-83. But after some time the collection was again in disorder and some rare manuscript were made incomplete and in torn condition. The Bhandar possesses so many manuscripts which are rare and still unpublished. Most of the manuscripts were written in 12th to 16th century. SOUTH INDIAN BHANDARS South Iudia always remained the centre of literature, not only of Samskrit but Tamil, Telgu, Kannar and Malyanilam also. From time of Bhadrabahu, when he went to south with his 1200. disciples, South India also became the main land of Jainism The rulers of Ganga, Rastrakut, Caulukya, Vijaynagar etc. were the lovers of Jainism. They gave shelter to the learned persons and induced them to write or compose works on various subjects. Poets like Pump, Ranna, Nagcandra and Jamma of Kannar literature will be remembered for ever. There are several Grantha Bhandars in the State of Madras, Andhra, Kerala and Mysore. The script of the mauuscripts is of Kannad, Tamil, Telgu and Malayalam and also Samskrit and Prakit. Some of the famous Bhandars are as follows - (x) SASTRA BHANDAR JAINA MATHA MUDBIDRI Mud Bidri is the ancient Jaina Tirth in the South Kanara of Madras State. The Matha was established in about 10th or 11th century. There is a good Grantha Bhandar Now at present there are 2555 manuscripts written in Kannad and Samskrit, on the palm leaves. Most of the manuscripts are of the 15th to 18th century. One of the peculiarities is that in the colophons of the manuscripts instead of Vikram era Sak Samvat was used. This shows that in South India Sak Samvat was more frequent and popular in the public than the Vikram era The catalogue of the Grantha Bhandar has already been published from Bhartiya Jnana Pitha Kashi' (x1) VIRA BANI BILAS JAINA SIDHANTA BHAWAN MUD BIDRI This Bhawan was estaqlished in the year 1933. The founder of this Bhandar called Saraswati Bhusana was Sri Loka Natha Sastri The collection 1. Kannad Prantiya Tadapatriya Grantha Suci by Pandit K. B Sastri published by Bhartiya Jnana Pitha Kashi 1948 2 Ibid Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. pertains to the founder himself and also the manuscripts donated by others. There is a very good collection of the manuscripts. The total number of the manuscripts is 958. All of them are on plam leaves. (xiv) JAINA MATHA KARAKAL Karakal was the capital of the Bhairsa Rulers who were the followers of Jainism. The Matha was established in the year 1504 A.D. hence the Grant Bhandar of this place also was established in that year. Jaina Matha Karkal is the seat of the Bhajtarakas. They are the owners of the Grantha Bhandar also. All the manuscripts are on palm leaves and their total number is 295. (xv) ADINATHA GRANTHA BHANDAR ALIYOOR. Aliyoor is a place in the Karakal Tehsil and nin: mile: dastant from Muda Bidri. It was a very good city in the past, but now a days it is no more than a village. There is a Grantha Bhandar in the temple of Adinatha. All the manuscripts of the Bhandar are written on palm leaves. They are the common Granthas which are used in daily reading. Total number of the manuscripts is 125 (xvi) SIDDHANTA BASTI MOD BIDRI As the owner of the Matha lives in temple hence it is called by the name of Guru Basti. The Grantha Bhandar of this temple is one of the most reputed Bhandars in India because in this Bhandar the manuscripts of the Dhaval, Jai Dhaval and Maha Dhaval are in the collection. These manuscripts are rare as they were not available in any of the Bhandars of India before 30 years. Thousands of persons in every year visit this place and pay their homage to these manuscripts. Due to these manuscripts the name of the collection is called Siddhanta Basti. The three manuscripts are the part of Digambara Jaina Agama which are only available at present. The temple is also famous for having 32 valuable images of Gold, Silver, Nilam and other kinds of precious stones Due to these shrins the temple is also centre of attraction for common Jaina people. The importance of the Bhandar is also due to the reason that all these manuscripts are on palm leaves and such a huge collection of palm-leaf manuscripts is not available generally at other places. Moreover there are about 124 manuscripts which are rare one and have not been published so far. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III GRANTHA BHANDARS IN RAJASTHAN Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Aimer Division. 39 Rajasthan remained a literary centre for many centuries. This State though divided into several small states, was never under the direct control of the Central Government of Delhi and so there were not many political changes and peace and order generally existed in this area. The Rulers of Rajasthan always regarded all the religions of their public equally. They never interfered in religious matters and the public was allowed to follow their own religions freely. The Jainas were peace loving persons and were an influential community, Most of the states of Rajasthan and specially states of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Jaisalmer. Udaipur, Bundi,, Dungarpur, Alwar, Bharatpur and Kotah were the main centres of the Jainas. For centuries persons of the Jaina community took prominent part in the State Administration. They reached the highest posts and got honour from the Rulers and due to this thousands temples were constructed throughout Rajasthan The Jaina temples of Abu, Jaisalmer, Jaipur, Sanganer, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Sojat, Ranakpur, Mozamabad, Kasoraipatan Kota, Bundi and several others remained the centres of Art and Architecture for a considerable period. centre From the literary point of view also the Rajasthan remained always the Rulers and the eduacated public in general took great interest in literature. New works were written and old ones copied The collection of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Jaipur, Bikaner. Udaipur and Ajmer are unique and such big collections are not available in other parts of India The earliest dated manuscripts written on palm leaves as well as on paper are preserved in the collection of the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. Not only old manuscripts were collected but new works were also composed. The Grantha Bhandars of this State are so valuable that some of the mauuscripts are found only in the collection of these Bhandars 80 percent of the Apabhramsa works are preserved in these Bhandars and specially at Jaipur, Amer, Nagaur and Ajmer Bhandars Work on Rajasthan and other vernacular languages are found in such a great number that other Bhandars of India cannot be compared with them. More than half of the Hindi works which were composed by the Jaina authors were written by Rajasthani scholars and are preserved in these Bhandars Ajmer, Nagaur, Amer and Dungarpur remained the main centres of Digambara Bhattarakas who were not only scholars but had great influence on the public of their time So in these places we find good collection of the manuscripts They used to travel in the interior of the small villages for the spread of the knowledge and moral teachings Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. The Granth Bhandars are of various sizes. In Big Sastra Bhandars not only old manuscripts of religious texts are in the collection but manuscripts on secular subjects like literature, kavya, Purana, astronomy, mathematics and medicine are also there in these Bhandars. Books on the subjects like stories or Kathas and dramas are in abundance. Works on social, political and economical life of the times are also available in them. In some of the Bhandars there are rare manuscripts though written by non-Jaina authors and not available in non-Jain collections Vachavata Vansavali by Carana, Vaital Paccisi by Halu, Vilhana Carita Caupai by Dulha are some of them, All the manuscript copies of Visal Deva Raso have been found in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars. Most of the Bhandars which possess more than 500 manuscripts are the research Institutes for the students who are desirous of making research in various branches of learning such as Kavya, Alankara, Chanda, Jyotisa, Ayurveda, Mathematics and Politics Economics, Music Singing and Dancing etc There is a great wealth preserved in these institutions which were not easily accesseable to the scholars previously, but now these Bhandars can be seen easily and research material may be collected It is a matter of great regiet that neither the Jainas nor the non-Jain scholars have tried to examine the literature collected in them and in the absence of research, several important works have not yet come to light These Grantha Bhandars are manuscripts libraries where bonafide student can get books for study. In the past also they were more or less like modern libraries and reading rooms, The manuscripts placed in some of these Bhandars were fully catalogued alphabetically and also subjectwise The manuscripts were placed between wooden boards and held together by means of strings of cotton or silk. The manuscupts are then wrapped in pieces of cloth or silk and they are arranged in serial number. Thus they are arranged in a very scientific manner and due to adoption of scientific way of their preservation, manuscripts written as early as the 11th century are still preserved in these Grantha Bhandars As already stated above these Grantha Bhandars are situated in various cities, towns and villages. So it it is very difficult to state their definite number. Upto this time no sincere 'attempts were made to search out all these Bhandars of Rajasthan Except the Jaisalmer Bhandars, no other Bhandars were examined either by the foreigners or the by Indian Scholars Among the foreigners, Bhuler and Peterson and among the Indians. Sridhar Bhandarkar. Hira Lal, Hans Raj Hansvijay and C. D. Dalal were the main scholars who did this work, but all these scholars worked only in the Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer. Ail the other Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan remained untouched and unseen by the scholars and the result of not visiting the Bhandars was that a complete History of Indian literature such as of Samskrit. Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Hindi and Rajasthan could not be placed Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. [41 before the scholars and in this way the true position of Indian literature and specially of Jaina literature has remained unknown. The Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan have been divided divisionwise, which are as follows: 1 Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. 2. Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner Division. 3. Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division. 4 Grantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division. 5. Grantha Bhandars of Kotah Division. The Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division include the Bhandars of former Jaipur, Alwar, Bharatpur, Tonk states and Ajmer which has also been merged into Rajasthan from 1st November 1956. The Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner Division are lunited to only former State of Bikaner. The Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division include the Bhandars of former Jodhpur and Jaisalmer states. The Giantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division include the Bhandars of former states of Udaipur. Dungarpur, Banswara and Pratapgarh but at present there are no Grantha Bhandars in Banswara and Pratapgarh States, so Bhandars of Udaipur and Dungarpur only have been discussed. And the last of all, the Grantha Bhandars of Kotah Division include the Bhandars of former States of Kotah, Bundi and Jhalawar GRANTHA BHANDARS OF AJMER DIVISION Jaipur and Alwar were the princely states of Rajasthan, which were never at war with the Moghuls as the rulers of these states remained always loyal to Delhi Emperors. Peace and tranquility, therefore reigned generally in these states for a long time. Tonk as an independent state was created in 1818 A.D. The rulers of this state treated their Hindu and Muslim subjects alike. In Jaipur, the Hindus and Jainas lived side by side for centuries and there was rarely a conflict on the question of Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 421 Jajna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan religion let live. They always followed the principle of co-existence and also of live and In the farmer state of Jaipur the population of Jainas is good. The Rulers of Amer and Jaipur patronized the Jainas. There had been several Jaina Dewans' among whom Mohandasa Bhavasa, Bimal Dasa Chabra, Ramacandra Chabra, Rao Jagram Pandya, Rao Kripa Ram Pandya, Ratancanda Sah, Balacanda Chabra, Rayacanda Chabra, Sanghi Jhuthan Rama, and Amarcanda Khinduka were very famous and served the state with great loyalty and efficiency. Most of them constructed Jaina temples in the state and established Grantha Bhandars in them in appreciation of their remarkable services, the rulers of the state gave full protection to the temples as well the Grantha Bhandars. Mohan Das (17th century) constructed a temple in Amcr whis is called Sanghi Jaina temple. He was Dewan of Mirza Raja Jai Singh I, (1621 to 1667). Ram candra became Devan after Mohan Dasa in Samwat 1747 (1690 A D.) and remained on this post upto 1776 (1719 A.D.) and he constructed Jaina temples in Sahiwad (Jaipur), Ujjain and Jaisinghpura (Delhi). He was a very influential Dewan of his time? He died in the battle of Lalsot wliere a memorial built by the Government in his memory still exists. Rao Kripa Ram Pandya? served as Dewan from 1780 to 1804 (1723 to 1747 A.D.). He constructed several Jaina temples in Amur, D:lhi, Lohagarh, and Catsu. He was also a devotee of the sum. Tradition was it that he constructed 120 Sun temples throughout India The famous Sun temple of Galta near the Jaipur City was also constructed by hun The Jainas predominated in the administration of the Jaipur State for about 300 years. Inspite of Muslim Rule in the country there was no fear of fanaticism in the state and the Jainas were free to construct temples and establish the Grantha Bhandars. It was only when Aurangzeb passed through the State in 1670 A D. that some destruction was done But it was a passing phase. i Vira Vani year One, Volume ! 2 rAmacanda bimaleza kI r3ha DhAha ko DhAla, bAkA ne sUdhA kiyA, sUdhA ne kiyA nihAla / mata koI phalamA juDo, mata koI juDo kivADa, yeha rAma canda bimaleza kI Dha DhAhaDa kI DhAla / ghara rAgvaraNa dharA rAkharaNa prajA rAvaNa pAraNa, jayasiha kahai rAmacanda tU sAco che dIvAraNa / / Vira Van: Vol I Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. [43 There more than 50 Bhandars in the area of Jaipur, Tonk, Alwar and Bharatpur. Those in the Jaipur State are very important e.g., Malpura. Todararsingh, Mozmabad, Dausa, Amer, Sanganer, Catsu, Baswa etc. But at present there are no Bhandars in Amer, Sanganer and Catsu as they were shifted to the Jaipur City long ago. We shall now give a short description of Grantha Bhandars of this area. GRANTHA BHANDARS OF JAIPUR CITY Jaipur City was founded by Raja Sawai Jaisingh in Samvat 1784, (1727 AD) and the capital was shifted here from Amer, six miles from Jaipur. The Maharaja made it a centre of literature and Art He established a Pothi Khani which contains the valuable manuscripts on several subjects brought from several places of India Maharaja Pratap Singh was himself a scholar who wrote several works He wrote SANGEET SARA' of which a manuscript is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of the Jaina temple of Terapanthis Jaipur, When the Jainas shifted from Amer, Sanganer and other places they broght with them the manuscripts from these places and placed them in the various temples of Jaipur In the last two centuries there were several scholars who contributed to literature greatly Some of the most prominent scholars were Daulat Ram Kasliwal (18th Century), Todar Mal (18th Century), Gumani Rama (18th and 19th Century) Tek Cand (18th Century), Deep Cand Kasliwal (18th Century), Jai Cand Chabra (19th Century), Dalu Ram (19th Century), Manna Lal Patni (19th Century), Kesari Singh (19th Century), Nem: Canda Patni (19th Century), Nand Lal Chabra (19th Century), Swaroop Cand Bilala (19th Century) Sacasukh Kasliwal (19th Century) Baba Duli Cand Paras Das Negota (19th Century) Jait Ram (191h Century) Panna Lal Chaudhary (19th Century). These scholars enriched the treasure of Hindi & Samskrit literature They wrote original works and also translated into Hindi works of Samskrit & Prakrit in order to propogate the reading of Hindi. They also cstablished new Bhandars. At present there are 20 Grantha Bhandars in the Jaipur City which possess more than 15 thousands manusculpts. Apart from these scholars there had been several copyists who used to copy out the manuscripts on the request of the sravakas, countless manuscripts were copied in this City and they were placed not only in the City libraries butin several maunscript libraries of Rajasthan and outside Rajasthan Thus the Jaipur city was a radiating centre of literary activities in the past Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. (1) AMER SASTRA BHANDAR Amer Sastra Bhandar was situated previously in the Digamber jain temple of Neminath of Amer City, the old capital of the former Jaipur State and which is six miles from the Jaipur City. This whole collection has been shifted to Jaipur some time back and has been placed at Mahavira Bhawan Previously, this Sastra Bhandar was known by the name of Bhattarak Davendra Kirti Sastra Bhandar who was the learned as well as most influential Bhattarak of his time (18th Century). There are 25 manuscripts in this Bhandar which were presented to him from time to time by the House holders. He took great interest in enriching the collection. The City of Amer remained a centre of Bhattarakas for sufficient time. Amer Sastra Bhandar is one of the oldest Bhandars in Rajasthan. It was established carlier than the 17th Century but after some time it bacame famous by the name of Devandra Kirti Sastra Bhandar though now it is called by the name of Ainer Sastra Bhandar. Before thirty years, manuscripts of this Bhandar were not accessable to everyone. The Sastia Bhandar was used to be opened once a year at the time of Sruta Pancami which comes in the month of Jestha and afterwards used to romain closed for whole of the year. There are 2605 manuscripts and 150 Guikas in this collection, Earliest manuscript is of UTTARAPURANA written by Mahakavi Puspadanta in Apabhramsa language. This manuscript is dated 1334 AD which was copied in Joginipur (Delhi) under the rule of Muhammad Tughluq. Manuscripts copied in 15th, 16th and 17th centuries are in good number The collection of old manuscripts show that this Bhandar was the centre of literary activities in old days. The manuscripts are in Samskrit Prakrit. Apabhramsa Hindi and Rajasthani languages. The Sastra Bhandat is a great store house for Apabhramsa literature as about 50 works of this language are available here. Works written by Kavi Swayambhu, the first author of the Apabhramsa and Amer Sen Carita composed by Manikkarai considered to be latest scholar are in the collection of this Bhandar There are several rare manuscripts uke Sakalvidhi-nidhan of Nayanandi 11th Century) and Paraswapuran of Padamkirti (10th Century). Such works are not available in other Bhandars The Sastra Bhandar also contains quite a number of valuable manuscripts in Samskrit & Hindi A Samskrit commentary on Kiratarjuniya written by Prakasa Vasa is a rare manuscript which is not available in other manuscript libraries. Though the Bhandar preserves manuscripts on Jainism but the texts on secular subjects like Ayurveda, Jyotisa. Vyakarana, Mantra Sastra, etc. are also in good number. Manuscripts of the Samskrit Kavyas written by Kalidas, Bharvi and Magha are included in the collection of the Bhandar. As regards Hindi and Rajasthani literature, Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. there is a good number of books written by the various old Hindi writers. Manuscripts of the works written by Bhattarak Sakal Kirti (15th Century) Brahmajinadas (15th Century) Voocaraja (16th Century), Chihal (16th Century), Banarsidas (17th Century) Bhudhardas (18th Century) and non-Jaina scholars like Bihari (16th Century), Kesava, Vrinda etc. form part of collection of the Bhandar, The Sastra Bhandar at present exists in Mahavira Bhawan situated in Caura Rasta where a Jaina Research Institute is also working. The catalogue of this bhandar has been published ' (2) SASTRA BHANDAR OF BADA MANDIRA, JAIPUR. 45 HISTORY OF THE GRANTHA BHANDAR This Sastra Bhandar is situated in the Digambar Jaina Terapanthi Temple at Gheewalon ka Rasta This is a Pancayati temple and is one of the four such temples of the City. The temple was constructed about two hundred years ago by the Jainas who migrated from Sanganer and Amer, This Bhandar also came into its present shape at that time but as a matter of fact the manuscripts which are in the collection of the library were originally in the Jaina Bhandars of Amer and Sanganer and when the Jainas of those places shifted to this new city, the manuscripts were also brought from them and placed in this Bhandar There are two Grantha Bhandars in this temple. One is called by the name of Saraswati Bhawan Bada Mandir and the other is called Baba Duli Cand's Sastra Bhandar. First of all we shall deal with the collection of Bada Mandi. This Grantha Bhandar is one of the biggest Sastra Bhandars of the city, which has 2630 manuscripts This collection includes 324 Gutkas also All the manuscripts are on paper 1 PATRONS OF THE SASTRA BHANDAR A number of Jain scholars like Todar Malla (18th Century), Jai candra Chabra (19th Century) and Sadasukha Kasliwal (19th Century), Mannalal Khinduka (19th Century) etc took great interest in the development of this Bhandar and even works written in their own hands are also available here. Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandaron ki Granth Suchi Part I published by Sri Digamber Jain Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviji 1948 Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. EARLIEST AMD LATEST MANUSCRIPT. The manuscript of Pancasti Kaya, a famous work of Acarya Kunda Kunda written in Prakrit is the earliest one. This was copied in Vikram Samvat 1329 10. in 1272 A.D. This was written in Delhi which was called Yoginipur at that ume The copyrst of this manuscript and Uttarpurana, the earliest manuscript in Amer Sastra Bhandar was one and the same The latest manuscript is 'Dharmopdesa Ratnamala' of Duli Canda written in Sarwat 1964 (1907 A D.) by the writer himself, This shows that upto 50 years back there was a continuous effort of copying and placing the manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandal. CENTRE OU SCHOLARS There is a very good collection of the manuscripts written in oriental as well as in Hindi and Rajasthani languages This collection pertains to books written by Jaina and non-Jaina authors Works written by Jaina authors deal with various subjects pertaining to religion such as Sidhanta, Puja Pratistha and Vidhan and secular subjects like Purana, Kavya. Katha, short Kavya called carita, Philosophy, and scientific subjects like grammer, Prosody, Liricography, Jyotis 1, and Ayurveda. Works written by non-Jaina authors pertain mainly to Kavya, Grammei Ayurveda Jyotisa and sexualogy etc There are 13 manuscripts of Raghuvansa, Kavya written hy Kavi Kalidasa and two Samskrit commentaries on Kiratajuniya of Bharvi. Besides this there is a good collection of Hindi works written by Gorakhanath and his followers, Kabirdasa, Bihari, Kesava, Vrinda and several of others. Books written in Apabhraiia are in abundance. Literature of Swayambhu (9th Century), Puspadanta (10th Century) Vira (11th Century) Nayanandi & Radhu etc are also in the collection There are two samskrit commentaries on Jambu Swami Cariya and Pauma Cariya which are not available in other Bhandars. There is one manuscript of Adipurana ot Puspadanta which is profusely illustrated and only one manuscript of its kind throughout India This illustrated manuscript was copied in Vikram Samwat 1597 (1540 A.D) Delhi, The manuscript has 558 coloured pictures fully based on the text The Harivansa purana of Dhaval, a famous scholar of 10th Century is also available in this Bhandar. This manuscript has not been tound so far in any other Bhandar of Rajasthan. There is a rich collection of Hindi works also. Cauvisi Gita, a Hindi work composed in Saswat 1371 (1314 A.D.) by Kavi Delha has been discovered in this Sastia Bhandar We may mention here that the collection of the Gutakas of this Bhandar is also of great importance. Some small works of Samskrit and Hindi find a good Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. [ 47 place in them. The Gutakas were the note books of the literary persons who used to note the important passages or small works of interest in them A list of this Sastra Bhandar has been published duly edited by the writer himself in the year 1954. (3) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF PANDYA LONKARAN HISTORY OF THE GRANTHA BHANDAR The Grantha Bhandar was established by Pandya Lunakaran in the temple which is famous after his name. Pandya is a class of monks who live in the outer part of a temple. Pandya Lunkaran was also a monk of such type. The temple was built under his supervision and remained the centre of his literary activities, so both the temple and Grantha Bhandar began to be called after his name. Though there is no exact date regarding the establishment of the Grantha Bhandar but there is one manuscript of Yasodhar Caritra, which was copied for Pandya Lunkaran in Samwat 1788 (1731 AD) It is also mentioned there that he was the pupil of Pandit Khivsiji who was the pupil of Bhattaraka Jagat Kirli ? From this reference it appears that Lunkaran established permanently in Jaipur after the year 1731 A.D. and constructed the temple and placed the manuscripts which were with him PATRONS OF THE BHANDAR Pandya Lunkaran was the main founder and patron of the Sastra Bhandar Most of the manuscripts preserved here were collected by him. He was a very learned nian and was expert in the subjects like Ayurveda, Jyotisa and Mantra Sastra He devoted his full life either in studying the literature or in collecting the manuscripts for the library. There are 807 manuscripts and 225 Gutakas in the collection of the Bhandar and it is certain that most of them were collected by him in his life time A collection of such a good store of knowledge shows that he 1 Rajasthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandalon ki Grantha Suci, part II 2 mavat 1788 pAsojamAse zuklapakSe dagamyA tithau budhavAsare vRndAvatyA nagaryA khanDelavAlAnvaye ajamerAgotre .. "enepA madhye cirajIvi rAyacandajI teneda yazodharacaritra nijajJAnAvargIkarmakSayArtha bhaTArakazrIjagatakIti tana ziSyavida vanmanDalIDita paDitajIdhIkhIvamIjI tata ziSyapaDita lagAkaragAya ghaTApita / Yasodhara Carita -Giantha Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaranji Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. had a great desire in his heart to serve the Indian literature in general and Jaina hterature in particular. There is a good collection of Samskrt, Hindi and Prakrit works The earliest manuscript of this Bhandar is the manuscript of Parmatma Prakasa written in Samwat 1407 (1350 A.D) and the latest manuscript was written in Samwat 1955 which is Namokara Mantra Katha. There is a manuscript of Yasodhar Caritra of Sakal Kirti, which is fully illustrated. The manuscript contains coloured illustrations completely based on the story. Except this, all the manuscripts which have coloured illustrations are related to the Mantra Sastra. SUBJECTS DEALT WITH Manuscripts whrch are in the Sastra Bhandar relate both to religious and secular subjects. But the main subjects on which the manuscripts are available are Jyotisa, Ayurveda and Mantra Sastra. Manuscripts of Madhav-Nidhan, Yoga Cintamani, Vaidy-Manotsava, Bhairava Padmavati Kalpa, and Vidyanuvada are also there The Bhandar is quite systematic. The Granthas have been placed in serial number They are placed in stone almirahs having glass shutters. The catalogue of this Bhandar has already been published duly edited by the author himseif (4) SASTRA BHANDAR OF BABI DOLTCANDA The Sastra Bhandar of Baba Dulicand is situated in Jaina Digambar temple of Terapanthi which is also called Bada Mandir. Thus Grantha Bhandar was established by Sri Dulicand in the year 1854 AD, He was a great Hindi lover of his time. He was not a Jaipurian but belonged to Poona District of Maharastra state. He came to laipui with the manuscripts and established the Sastra Bhandar which became famous alter his name He died in the year 1871 AD at Agra There are 850 manuscripts in this Sastra Bhandar which were collected by him alone by travelling throughout India. Some of the manuscripts were either got wiitten by Dulicand or were presented to him by the Jaina Sravakas and the rest were collected by him from various places. He led a life of Jaina Sadhu and travelled thrice throughout India. He also wrote a description about his travel in Jaina Yatra Darpana, a manuscript which is available in the Bhandar. He was a good scholar of Hindi and Samskrit and translated about 15 works in Hindi. All of these works are preserved in the Bhandar. 1. Rajasthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandaron ki Granih Suci Part II year 1954. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. [ 49 The manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar are mainly in two languages 1.e. Samskrit and Hindi. Hindi manuscripts are the translations of Samskrit texts. The subjects dealtwith in the manuscripts are mainly religious, Purana, Katha and Caritra etc. (5) SASTRA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE BADHICAND This Sastra Bhandar is situated in the Jaina temple Badhi Canda which is a famous Jaina temple of the city. It is situated at Gheewalon ka Rasta, Johari Bazar. The temple was constructed by Sri Badhi Canda who was Dewan of Jaipur state for some time. The Sastra Bhandar was established in Samwat 1795 (1738 A.D.) on the completion of the temple. PATRONS OF THE SASTRA BHANDAR The Sastra Bhandar of this temple was greatly patronized by Pandit Todaramal and his son Gumani Ram (18th Century), It remained the main centre of their literary activities. Pandit Todarmal and Gumani Rama used to write new works in this temple. Original manuscripts of Moksamarga prakasa, Atmanusasan, and Purusartha Sidhyupaya written by Pandit Todar Mal are in the collection of the Bhandar. Gumani Rama also worked for the growth of the Sastra Bhandar and for some time it was called after his name. There are 1278 manuscripts in it. This number includes the Gutakas also which are 162. Manuscripts are mainly in four languages 1.e Prakrit, Samskrit, Apabhramsa, and Hindi. All the manuscripts are written on paper and there is no palmleaf manuscript in the collection. The main subjects on which the manuscripts are available are Jaina religion, Adhyatma, Purana, Kavya, short stories and miscellaneous works. The works written by non-Jaina authors are not in good number but some famous works of Kalidasa, Anubhuti Swarupacarya, Kabirdasa, Kesavadasa are in the collection, The earliest manuscript available in the Grantha Bhandar is a commentary on Vaddhmana Kavya written in Samwat 1481 (1424 A.D.) on the 10th bright day of Asoja month. This is a Samskrit commentary on the Apabhramsa work. Vaddhman Kavya was written by Jayamitra Hala in 13th Century. The latest manuscript was written in Samwat 1987 (1930 A.D.) which is called Adhardwipa Puja. Thus there are manuscripts written during the last 500 years. Some The collection of Hindi and Apabhramsa works is in good number of them are still unpublished and others are rare one. The manuscript of Harivansa. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Purana an Apabhramsa work of Mahakavi Swayambhu, is in the collection of this Bhandar. This is a rare manuscript and only three or four copies are available throughout India. The commentary of Vaddhmana Kavya in Samskrit is also a rare one. Manuscript of Pradyumna Carita, a Hindi work composed in 1354 A.D. is also a rare one. This is a very good work written by Sadharu in Hindi. Gutakas of this Bhandar possess several small works of Hindi scholars. The works of Jaina poets like Sakal Kirti (15th Century) Chihal (16th Century), Hansraja (17th Cenutury) Thakursi (16th Century) Jinadasa (17th Century), Puno (16th Century) Banarsi Dasa (17th Century) etc. are available in these Gutakas. The collection of works of Ajayaraja patni about 20 in number have been traced out in the Sastra Bhandar. He was a scholar of 18th Century. (6) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF THOLIYA JAINA TEMPLE Digambar Jaina Tholia temple is situated in the Ghee walon ka Rasta near the temple of Badhi Canda The temple was constructed by a Tholiya family in the 18th Century. It is also one of the famous and beautiful temples of the City There is a Sastra Bhandar which was started after the completion of the temple. Now it is housed in a newly constructed room The manuscripts were brought from Sanganer and Amer and some of them were written and copied here also The work of writing new manuscripts slowed down from Samwat 1900 (1843 A D) There are 658 manuscripts and 125 Gutakas in the Sastra Bhandar. Though the number of the manuscripts is not great but from the point of material, it is a remarkable Bhandar The earliest manuscript which is available in the collection is a commentary of Dravya Sangraha by Brahma Deva This mannscript was copied in Samwat 1416 (1359 AD), Bhadwa Sudi 13 at Yoginipur The writer of this manuscript has also mentioned the Emperor's name as Feroz Sah. The latest manuscript named Bisa Tirthankara Puja was written in Samwat 1654 (1897 A.D) Savan Budi Saptmi This was copied in Ajmer by Sri Panna Lala himself. Most of the manuscripts available in the Grantha Bhandar are of 16th, 17th and 18th centuries The manuscripts are more on literary subjects. The collection of Gutakas is also good Several small works of Subha Candra (16th Century), Hemataja (17th Century), Raghunatha (17th Century), 1 Rajasthan ke Jain Sasta Bhandaion ki Grantha Suci, Part III. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Aimer Division. ( 51 Brahma Jinadasa (15th Century) Brahma Gyana Sagar (17th Century), Padmanabha (16th Century) etc. are in these Gutakas. As regards the non-Jaina works, the Dohas of Dadu Dayal, Iska Cimana of Nagaridasa, Dastura Malika of Bansidhara, Gyana Bheda, Gyanasara, Nitya Vihara, and Prasangasara of Raghunatha are important works. All the manuscripts are written on paper. There is one manuscript namely Puja Sangraha in which coloured pictures of Mandals of Puja ar- given. The Sastra Bhandar is completely systematic. One manuscript has been kept in one Vesthana and therefore manuscripts can be traced out casily. The catalogue of this Bhandar is already published by Digambar Jain Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviri. (7) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE PATODI Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Patodi is the next biggest collection of the Jaipur City It is situated in the Jaina temple of Patodi, which exists in Caukari Modi Khana The temple remained the seat of Bhattarakas from the year 1758 A.D. The installation ceremony of the four Bhattarakas namely Ksemendra Kirti (1758). Surendra Kirti (1765) Sukhendra Kirti (1795) and Nayan Kirti (1822) was performed here This temple had a direct connection with these Jaina monks for about hundred years The manuscripts of were brought here by them and afterwords this Bhandar was established in about 1737 A.D The Sastra Bhandar maintained the literaries activities for a century These Bhattarakas were the main patrons of the Bhandars There was good arrangement of copying the manuscripts and several scholars who had good hand-writing were employed by these Bhattarakas and manuscripts were got written on the request of the Sravakas. When the influence of these Bhattarakas ceased the Grantha Bhandar came in the possession of the Sravakas But as it appears from the collection of the manuscripts that the persons did not take interest in obtaining new manuscripts as such the number of these manuscripts did not increase rapidly Moreover due to mis-management some manuscripts were reduced to ashes and works of the high standard and poetic beauty were allowed to decay 1. Rajasthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suci Part III. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. NUMBER OF THE MANUSCRIPTS The total number of the manuscripts and the Gutkas in the Bhandar is 2257 and 308 respectively. Out of these manuscripts more than 450 manuscripts relate purely to Vedic literature. All the manuscripts are on paper except the two, Bhaktamar Stotra, and Tatwartha Sutra, which are on palm leaves. There are some maps of Jambu Dwipa, Adhai Dwipa and of some Yantras which are on cloth. Some maps are fully illustrated. EARLIEST & LATEST MANUSCRIPTS, The earliest manuscript available in the Bhandar is Jasahara Cariya of Puspadanta. an Apabhramsa work of 10th Century. This manuscript was copied in 1407 (1350 A.D.) in the fort of Candrapur. The latest manuscript of Padmanandipancavinsati was copied in Samwat 1950 (1893 A.D.). This shows that there are manuscripts written from the year 1350 to 1893 A.D. Most of the manuscripts were written in the 15th, to 18th centuries. A few of these were written in the 19th century. SUBJECTS DEAL WITH The manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar deal with a variety of subjects like Purana, Carita, Kavya, Grammer and various aspects of Jaina religion. The languages used are Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Samskrit, Hindi, and Rajasthani. Puja and stotra works form a substantial part of the collection. There are more than 450 small manuscripts, the matter of which have been taken from Samhitas, Bhagwat Mahapurana and other purans. Apart from these there are good Hindi works written by Jaina as well as non-jaina authors The following are the further main features of the Sastra Bhandar. (1) There is a good collection of Samskrit works on Ayurveda & Jyotisa (2) The collection of Gutakas containing small texts is also remarkable Among rare works of Hindi, one is JINADUTTA CARITA, a work of 1297 A.D. This was composed by Kavi Ralha. This is perhaps one of the earliest manuscript of Hindi ever found in a Digambai Jain Sastra Bhandar. The condition of the Grantha Bhandar is satisfactory. All the manuscripts are placed in serial number and therefore manuscript may be taken out without any difficulty. The complete catalogue of the Bhandar has recently been prepared and published.' J Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suci Part IV Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. | 53 (8) SRI CANDRA PRABHA SARASWATI BHANDAR. The Candra Prabha Saraswati Bhandar is situated in the Jain temple of Dewan Amarcand., who remained a prominent Dewan of the former State of Jaipur in the 19th century for a lorg period. His father named Sivjilal was also Dewan of the state in the time of Maharaja Jagat Singh. He constructed a Jaina temple. The temple which was constructed by Shivjill is called temple of Bada Dewanji, while the one which was built by his son Amarcanda is called temple of Choga Dewanui. This temple is situated in the Lalji Sand ka Rasta, Caukri Modi Khana. The temple relates to Terapanthi Sect. There are 830 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar, of which about 350 are incomplete. This is due to the mismanagement of the authorities who gave the manuscripts to the readers and never demanded them back. There is a good collection of Sanskrit works, and specially of Puja and Purana literature. The whole manuscripts may be divided as under - Samshut-418, Apabhrama-4, Hindi-311, Prakrit-58 and the important subjects on which the manuscripts are available are as follows -- Religious texts Adhyatma Purana . .. 30 Katha Puja literature Stotra PATRONS OF THE BHANDAR. The Sastra Bhandar was established at the time of the construction of the temple. Dewan Amarcand took a great interest in the collection of the manuscripts His contemporary scholars of Jaina literature were Rajamala, Nawal Rama, Gumani Ram, Jarcandra Chabra, Dalu Ram, Manna Lal Khindaka and Swaroop Cand Bila a and with the help of these scholars he managed to collect a good number of manuscripts. Ksatra Cudamani (1834) Gomattasara (1828) Pancatantra (1830) and Pratimasanta Caturdasi Vratodyapana (1820) were got copied by him and placed in the Grantha Bhandar. Kartikeyanupreksa is the earliest written manuscript while 1. Rajasthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suci Part IV Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 ] Jarna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Dhanya Kumar Caritra is the latest one, These were copied in the year 1563 and 1937 A.D. respectively. Most of the manuscripts in the Bhandar belong to the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. (9) SASTRA BHANDAR OF JOBNER TEMPLE The Sastra Bhandar is situated in the temple of Jobner in Khojaran ka Rasta, Chandpole Bazar, Jaipur City. The temple remained a seat of Jaina monks for a long time and last Pandya Bhaktawara Lal died recently about 12 years ago The Sastra Bhandar remained in their possession from the very beginning. This class of Pandyas were interested generally in Ayurveda, Jyotisa and Mantra Sastra and the collection of the manuscripts pertaining to these subjects were given preference to other literature NUMBER OF MANUSCRIPTS The total number of the manuscripts in this Bhandar is 340. This number includes the number of the Gula kas. The collection of Samskrit manuscripts are more than those of Hindi manuscripts This shows that the Pandyas were the Scholars of Samskrit literature. Manuscripts are not very old being written in 17th to 19th Century Somc of the important manuscripts are as follows -- (1) Sabhasara Najak of Raghuraj in Hindi. This describes the etiquette to be observed in the Royal Courts (2) Anjana Rasa of Santi Kusal, composed in 1603 A D. This describes the life of Anjana , the mother of Hanumana. (3) Behari Satsai of Biharilal The manuscript was written in 1716 A.D. The peculiarity of this manuscript is that all the stanzas are written in alphabetical order. The manuscript was copied in (4) Raghuvansa Kavya by Kalidasa. 1623 AD. (5) Rukmani Vivahlo by Prithaviraj Rathora in Hindi The manuscript is an incomplete one, but is a copy of the year 1662 A.D. Besides these, there is a copy of Sangrahan: Sutra of the 18th Century. There is a cloth embroidered with lead beads illustrating the 16 objects of dream seen by the mother of the Tirthankara. Besides this, there are nineteen beautiful Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandans of Ajmer Division. [ 55 pictures. In the first picture, the parala of Swarga and Viman have been depicted In the second picture, the Universe has been compared with the Loka Purusa There is a Nandiswara Dwipa in the third picture. In the fourth plate, there are pictures of Tirthankaras. The seven graphas have been depicted in the fifth picture. In the sixth picture, the dreadful horrors of the hell have been shown. In the seventh plate, the army of India has been illustrated. In the 8th picture, there are eight different figures of the Yaksas. There are pictures of the Jambudwipa, Lavana Samudra, Indra Sabha, birth ceremony celebrated by Indra, the condition of man at the time of intense thirst, hunger and separation and the Vimanas of the Heaven. In the last Sata Lesyas have been compared with a mango tree. There are six complexions of the worldly soul as Krisna, Nila, Kapota, Pita, Padma and Sukla The Krisna Lesya, the waist complexion has been explained by falling down the whole mango tree for eating the mangoes while the Sukia Lesya, the best complexion has been illustrated hy eating only fallen mangoes of the tree (10) PARSWANATHA DIGAMBAR JAINA SARASWATI BHAWAN Parswanatha Digambara Jaina Saraswati Bhawan is situated in the Parswanatha Digambara Jaina Temple. It is very famous temple in the city and was constructed in Samwat 1805 (1748 A D.) and in the same year the Saraswati Bhawan was established. The Saraswati Bhawan contains 558 manuscripts including the Gutakas. The collection contains manuscripts of 17th and 18th century in good number. The manuscripts of samskrit language are more numcious. The next come the Prakrit and Apabhramsa works. All the manuscripts are on papci Manuscripts are mostly on the subject like Purana, Katha and religious topics Nalodaya Kavya composed by Manikyasuri is the earliest manuscript. It was copied in Saswat 1445 (1388 A. D). The manuscript of Desalaksana Puja copied in Samwat 1937 (1880 A D.) is the latest one. There are threc manuscripts which are worth mentioning - (1) PRATISTHAPATHA.- It is a Samskrit work composed by Asadhara a great scholar of 13th Century. This work was written on cloth in samwat 1516 1. e. 1459 A.D. This is the earliest manuscript so far found on cloth in the Sastra Bhandars of the Jaipur City. Thongh the manuscript was written 500 years back, yet the condition of cloth is still good The measurement of the manuscript is 101'x10". (2) YASODHAR CARITA.This is an illustrated manuscript copied in Sanwat 1800 (1743 A.D.) The manuscript contains 30 illustrations based on The story of the work. All the pictures are coloured, representing Indian art. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 Faina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. (3) AJITNATH PURANA.-This is an Apabhramsa work written by Vijaysingh. It was composed in Samwat 1505 (1458 A.D.) This is only the Apabhramsa manuscript so far found in this Sastra Bhandar. It deals with the life of Ajitnatha, the second Tirthankara. The manuscript is a rare one. (II) SASTRA BHANDAR OF GODHA TEMPLE. There are 616 manuscripts and 102 Gutakas in the Sastra Bhandar of Godha temple, which was constructed towards the end of the 18th Century. The manuscripts were brought from several places and housed in this Sastra Bhandar The subjects of the manuscripts pertain to Purana, Catita, Stories, Puja and Stotra and the languages in which the manuscripts are written are Samskrit and Hindi The Most of the manuscripts are of the 17th, 18th and 19th Century earliest manuscript is VRIHAT KATHA KOSA written by Srutasagar, in samskrit. This book was copied in Samwat 1586 1 c. 1529 A.D and presented to Mandalacarya Dharmakirti The latest manuscript is 1INALOKA PUJA in Hindi which was copied in Samwat 1993 (1936 A.D) It is a voluminous work and contains 978 pages This shows that there is still the custom among the Jainas to place the manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandars. Some of the important manuscripts are as follows --- (1) VIMAL ANATHA PURANA:-by Arunamani composed in Samwat 3674 1c 1617 AD in Samskrit It describes the life of Vimalanatha-13th Jaina Tirthankata. The manuscript is of samwat 1696 (1639 A.D.) (2) HOLIKA CAUPAI -composed by Dungaia Kavi in samwat 1629 (1572 AD) in Hindi. It narrates the story of Hohka according to the Jaina taith. There are 85 Padyas in the work. The last two stanzas of the work are as follows 919248 gOEA192 91, as afz gfaur gfaars > nayara sikadarAbAda guNakari agAdha, yAcakamanDala zrI vimAmAtra ||64 || nAmu sIsa gara mani ralI, madhyU caritra gurU sAmalI / jo nara nArI sugAmai sadA, tiha ghara lIhui sapadA // 85 // (3) PANCA KALYANAKAPATHA:-It was composed by Har Cand in Hindi poetry in the year 1773 A.D. It describes the five ceremonies of a Tirthankara celebrated by the Gods. It contains 117 stanzas. Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division, [ 57 (4) SUNDARA SRANGARA:- It is a work of Sundara Kavi composed in Sarhwat 1688 (1631 AD). It is a Laksana work which contains 374 stanzas. It is collected inaGutaka No.25. (5) BIHARI SATASAI:-This is Brajbhasa commentary written by some Krisna poet in samvat 1780 (1723 A D.) at Agra, on Bihari Satasai. In the end of the commentary the writer gave his full description The manuscript was copied in Jaipur in Samwat 1790 (1733 A.D.) The peculiarity of this commentery is that it is in both prose and Poetry. First of all the writer gives the sense of the original Dohas in Hindi piose and then he narrates the same in poem also The commentary of the first Doha is as follows: merI bhava bAdhA haro, rAdhA nAgarI soi / jA tana kI jhAI pare, syAma harita duti hoi / / Commentary in Hindi prose yaha magalAcaraNa hai tahAM zrI rAdhA jU kI stuti grantha kartA kavi karata hai, tahAM rAdhA aura duI yAte jA tana kI jhAI pare spAma harita duti hoda yA pada te zrI vapamAna mutA kI pratIti bhii| Translation in Hindi poetry.-kavitta jAMkI prabhA avalokata hI, tihu loka ko mundaratA gaI vArI / kRSNa kahai marasI rUhai nanani, nAmu mahAmuda magalakAga / / jA tana kI jhalaka jhalakai harita thuti, myAma kI hota nihAro / zrI vRSabhAna kumArI kRpA ke, surAdhA haro bhava bAdhA hamArI / / (12) SASTRA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE SANGHUI The temple of Sanghiji is also a famous one of the city it is situated is Modik hana Caukari near Mahavira park The temple was constructed by Su Jhuntha Ram Sanghi, who was Dewan (Minister) of the Jaipur state during the reign of Maharaja Jaisingh III (1818 to 1835) The Grantha Bhandar of this ten.ple contains 979 manuscripts. Most of the manuscripts pertain to 18th and 19th century. There are several manuscripts which were written even in 20th century and the latest manuscript written in this century is Namokar Kalpa of Sanwat 1955 (1938 AD) in Hindt and the earliest manuscript is PANCASTI-KAYA PRABHRITA of Acarya Kunda Kunda in Prakrit The manuscript is ol samwat 1487 (1430 AD) Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. The manuscripts are on common subjects like Poja, Stotra, Purana and Story etc. There is an illustrated manuscript of MADHU MALTI KATHA written by Catura Bhuja Kavi in 17th century. The number of illustrations is 15. These are coloured paintings representing Rajasthani art, but they are in a very toro condition, The other work is HAMMIRA RASO, which was composed by Kavi Mahesa of 17th Century. It is a poem describing briefly the life of Raja Hammira of Ranthambhore. (13) SASTRA BHANDAR OF DIGAMBER JAINA TEMPLE, LASAKAR There is a good collection of manuscripts in the Dig Jain Temple Lasakar, situated in the Bordi Ka Rasta, Jaipur. The Grantha Bhandar remained the centre of Sri Kesart Singh, a scholar of 19th century who took great interest in the collection of the manuscripts. The total number of the manuscripts is 828. Following manuscripts are important one 1 Commentary on Pramananaya Tatvilokalankar of Ratna Prabhacharya 1499 A. D. 2. Sap'a Padarih Vritt 1484 A D 3. Pancastikaya with commentary Amrita Candra 1516 A. D. 4. Atma Prabodha Kumar Kavi 1515 A. D. 5 Apta Pariksa Vidyanandi 1578 A D. 6 Commentary on Ratna Karanda Sravakaciia Prabhacandra 1576 A. D. 7. Padma Carita lippn. Sri Cand Muni 1454 A. D) 8 Adiwar Phaga Bhatjarak Gyen Bhusana 1530 A 1). 9 Santi Puran Pandit Asaga 1534 A D 10. Malaya Sundri Katha Jaya Tilak Surt 1463 A D (14) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF NAYA MANDIR. The Grantha Bhandar is situated in the Jana Temple of Bairathiyan in the Moti Singh Bhomiya ka Rasta. As the temple has been newly constructed, it is also called by the name of Naya Mandir, There are 150 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar. The earliest manuscript in the Grantha Bhandar is Candraprabha Caritra composed by Vira Nandi in Sariskrit. The manuscript was copied in the year 1467 AD There are manuscripts of Resimandal Stotra, Risimandal Pina, Nirvan. Kand's sd Aplanhuka Jayamal which are written in golden ink and their borders are artisexcally designed and embroidered. These manuscripts are remarkable for border decoration representing various kinds of floral designs and geometrical patterns. Beautiful illustrations of creeperr have also beon given, Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. (59 (15) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF CODHARIYAN KA MANDIR There are only 108 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of this temple which is situated in the Chajulal Sah ki Gali, Caukari Modi Khana. Out of these 75 manuscripts are written in Hindi and the rest are in Sanskrit. The collection is not of much consequence. (16) SASTRA BHANDAR of KALA CHABARA JAINA TEMPLE There are 410 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of Kala Chubara Jaina temple. The manuscripts are mainly on the subjects like religion, Purana Katha, Puja and Stotra. The Gutakas which are 106 in number contain good collection of Hindi works written by Jaina and non-Jaina authors. The manuscripts are generally of 18th and 19th century, (17) SASTRA BHANDAR OF MEGHARATAJI TEMPLE There is a small collection of 249 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple of Megharajaji. The manuscripts deal with the subjects like Puja, Purana and stotra. The Bhandar is systematically arranged and an incomplete catalogue is also available in the Sastra Bhandar. (18) SARASWATT BHAWAN OF YASODANANDA JAINA TEMPLE This temple was constructed by Sri Yasodananda, a Jaina Saint in Samwat 1848 (1791 A.D) and at the same time a Sastra Bhandar was also established in the temple. The total number of the manuscripts and Gutakas is 353 and 45 respectively. The collection is an ordinary one and on the subjects like Puja, Stotra, Purana, but Patlavalis of the Emperors of Delhi and Hindi songs written in the piase of Bhattarakas Dharma Kirti are of worth mention. (19) SASTRA BHANDAR-SIKAR Sikar is a district Head quarter at present. It is a good city of the Western Railway on Jaipur Loharu Branch. There are five Jaina temples in the city which possess some manuscripts but in the Jaina temple called Bada Mandi ot Bisapanthi, there is a good collection of the manuscripts The total number of the manuscripts is 532, which are on paper. Manuscripts are written in Samskrit Prakrit, and Hindi. The number of Hindi manuscripts is also a large one. Pandit Mahacandra who was a good scholar of 19th century, collected various manuscripts for the Grantha Bbandar. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. The Grantha Bhandar is in good condition and systematically arranged. The manuscript are placed in the Vesthanas. One rough catalogue of the manuscripts is also available in the Sastra Bhandar. There is no rare manuscript. (20) GRANTHA BHANDARS OF ALWAR Alwar was the Matsya Desa, the kingdom of Raja Virata of the Mahabharat m the past. There is still a town called Macheri in this State which is a corruption of Matsya. It is why that the first Union of Rajasthan States of Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur and Karauli was given the name of Matsya. The Alwar state formerly appertained to the territory of Jaipur, but in the 19th century it was recognised as a separate State and Pratapsingh was the first ruler. It is in the centre, between Jarpur and Delhi. Alwar remained a centre of Jainas for a long time There are nine Jaina temples in the City, out of which following temples have the collection of the manuscripts The number of the manuscript in each temple is as follows:-- No. of Manuscripts 60 (1) Temple of Chajuramps (2) Jaina temple of Sabji Sahib (3) Bartalla Jaina temple (4) Jain temple Nasian (5) Naya Bazar Jaina temple (6) Khandelwal Jana Pancayati Mandir (7) Agarwal Pancayati Mandir 40 41 42 39 211 186 Thus the total number of the manuscripts is 619 in the seven Bhandars of the City, Most of the manuscripts are in Samskrit and Hindi and were written in 18th and 19th century. There are two manuscripts TATTWARTH SUTRA and BHAKTAMARA STOTRA written in golden ink. There is also a manuscript namely AMRITASAGARA which was composed under the patronage of Maharaja Pratapsingh. It is on Indian Medicines (Ayurveda) having 25 Tarangas and written in Hindi. Maharaja Pratap Singh was the ruler of Jaipur State from the year 1778 to 1803. The manuscript was copied in the year 1791 A D. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. (21) SASTRA BHANDAR OF DUNI Duni is a town situated on the left side of the road from Jaipur to Deoli It is twelve miles from Tonk and six miles from Deoli. There is a Jaina temple which contains a small collection of the manuscripts numbering 143 only. According to an inscription engraved on the inner wall of the temple, it was constructed in Samwat 1585 1. e. in the year 1528 A. D. The Grantha Bhandar of this temple was also established at the same time. The earliest manuscript is Jinadatia Katha in Samskrit which was copied in Samwat 1500 (1443 A.D.). Most of the manuscripts are in Hindi in which works of Vidya Sagar such as, (1) SOLAHA SWAPNA" (2) "JINA JANMA MAHOTSAVA", (3) "SAPTA VYASANA SAVAIYA". (4) "VISAPHARACHAPPAYA" etc are important. The JHULNA" of Tanu Sah in Hindi 15 also a rare work written in various metres and deals with on several topics. "RAJUL KA BARAHAMASA" of Ganga Kavi is a rare work. Ganga Kavi was a Jaina poet and his full name was Gangadasa. He was the son of Parwata Dharmarthi who was also a Hindi scholar. The work describes the various kinds of hardships sustained by Rajula in the twelve months SASTRA BHANDARS OF TODARAISINGH Toda aisingh which was famous by the name of Taksaka Garha2, remained famous literary centre for a long time It is said to have been founded by the Nagas. In the 15th century it was under the Sisodiva Rajputs of Udaipur, but after the defeat of Rana Sangrama Singh they became independent and under the rule of Akbar this whole province passed under him From the old ruins it seems to be a very ancient town temple which was built by Guhil kings in the 10th century 1 1 61 mukhakara sundara mUlasagha gacha sammati jAgo / balAtkAra garaNa sAra sUrI zramagaMja vakhAro || nama paTTe zubhadra havA gacha nAyaka guNa dhAraka | tasa gurU bhrAtA brahmacAri zrI vidyAsAgara || saghapati mAdhava bacana yo sAla svapana kavina je kahai / bho muNe je bhAvasu te he loka sukha lahe // 1 // 2 Prasasti Sangrah Amet Sastra Bhandar Jaipur page 162 3 thid There is one Visnu The town is beautifully Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan surrounded by the walls. It is a city of tanks. The relation with the Jaina religion remained from an old period. From an inscription of Vijola dated 1169 A.D. it appears that Vasravan, the fore fathers of Lallak constructed a Jaina temple in Todapatanna. The town remamed the literary centre from the very beginning. Solanki kings were very kind to Jaias so they also helped them in the enrichment of the literature, Pravacanasara' was written in the year 1440 by Narsingh pupil of Madana Deva who was the brother of Acarya Subhacandra. The manuscript of Adipuranam was copied in the year 1480 in the Parswanatha temple. Under the rule of Ramcandra Rao, this town remained the main centre of literary activities as he was himself a lover of literature and art. Several manuscripts were written in his time. Some of the manuscripts written in his time are as follows: (1) In Samwat 1612 (1555 A.D.) manuscript of Urashadhyayana' was copied (2) Naga Kumar Carita' of Puspadanta was copied 11 Samwat 1612 (1555 A.D) (3) Yasodhara Carita was written in Adinatha temple in the same year ie. 1555 AD (4) Yasodhara Carita' was copied in Sunwat 1610 in the Adinatha Jaina temple and presented to Bhattaraka Lalit Kati At this time Salim Sub Suri was the emperor of Delhi. (5) Naga Kumar Carita' was copied in Sarwat 1603 (1546 A.D.) (6) Jambu Swami Carital of Vir Kavi in Apabhraiia was copied in Samwat 1600 (1543 AD) and 1601 (1544 AD) and hoth were presented to Mandalacarya Dharmacandra 1 Vit Vani Vol 2 Rajasthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandirea di Grantha Suci, part II, page 208. ? Amer Sastia Bhandal, Jaipur. 4 Ihid S Pracast Sangrah, Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipurp 162 Ibid . 163 6 7 Ratosthan ke Jaina Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suct, Part 11 page 247. 8. Sastra Bhandar of Tholiya Jain temple Jaipur Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. 163 After Rama Candra Rao, Kalyan Singh became the ruler. Under his rule also several manuscripts were written. The manuscript of Dharmopadesa sravakacara' and Jasahar Cariya2 were written in the year 1558 and 1557 A.D. respectively. In the time of Jagannatha Rao also Todaraisingh remained the centre by literary activity. Adinatha Purana of Puspadanta was copied by Sah Nanu and presented to Bhattaraka Davendra Kirti in Samwat 1664 (1607 A.D.). In Samwat 1708 (1651 A.D) Khinvasi of Todaraisingh presented the Padmapuran of Ravisenacarya to Pandit Harsa Kalyana. (22 & 23) GRANTHA BHANDARS OF ADINATHA & PARSWANATHA JAINA TEMPLES There are at present two Grantha Bhandars. One Bhandar is situated in the Adinatha Jain temple, while the other one is in Parswanatha temple. The Sastra Bhandar of Adinatha temple contains 246 manuscripts and the Sastra Bhandai of Parswanatha temple has 105 manuscripts. Most of the manuscripts are such as are used for the daily Swadhyaya. The number of Hindi manuscripts are more than the manuscripts of any other language. Some of the important manuscripts are as follows - i Caturvidha Dana Kavitta by Gyan Sagar of 18th century. 2 Nemiswar Phaga by Vidyanandi composed in Samsat 1640 (1583 A D). The work consists of 766 stanzas 3. The manuscript is dated Triloka Sura Tika by Madhava Candra Trivaidya Samwat 1500 (1443 AD) Pravacana Sara Tika by Prabha, Candra the manuscript is dated samwat 1605 (1548 A.D.). The earliest manuscript is Caturvinsati Stavan' which was written in Samwat 1449 (1392 A.D) 1 Sastra Bhandar of Jain temple Badhi cand 2. Amer Sastia Bhandar, Jaipur 3. Ibid. 4. Jain Sastra Bhandar of Adinatha tempic of Toda asingh. 5. madhyadezastha sakAzadra ganivAsi devarSisutaH sarvadevastasyAtmajena zomanamuninA vihitA imAzcaturvizaMtijinastutayaH tadagrajapaMDitadhanapAlavihitA vivaraNAnusAreNa ceyamavariNamahAyamakakhaMDanarUpAraNa tAsAM stutInA lezato lekhi / saMvat 1483 varSe mAzvinamAme af XI Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan.' (24) SASTRA BHANDAR OF FATEHPUR (SHEKHAWATI) Fatehpur is a beautiful city in Sikar District of Rajasthan. It is now a Railway station on the Sikar-Curu Branch of the Western Railway. Fatehpur remained the literary seat of Jainas From the very beginning Jainas played an important role in the development of literature. The Agarwala Jaina temple of Fatehpur was the centre of Bhattarakas who used to visit this place from time to time and took initiative in the management of the temples. These Bhattarakas used to collect the manuscripts and placed them in the Bhandars. There is a collection of about 400 manuscripts at present in the Bhandar. These manuscripts are of later centuries .e 18th and 19th century. Most of the manuscripts were either written here or got written from else where and presented to this Bhandar by the lainas of this city In this respect Pandit Jiwan Ram's contribution is marvellous. He wrote a Gutaka which contains the matter of at least one lakh slokas. Except this, Triloka Sara Bhasa (1746 A.D) Harivansa Purana (1767 A. D). Mahavira Purana (1353 AD), Samayasar Natak (1836 A.D) Gyanarnava of Subha Candra (1831 A. D.) and several others were copied here and are preserved in this Bhandar. The Gutaka as stated above is th biggest Gutaka, in material ever found any of the Bhandars. It mainly deals with Ayurveda and Jhotisa. It contains 1228 pages. This was written in Curu by Sir Jiwan Rama from the year 1838 to 1860 AD. and was completed in Fatehpur City in the year 1860 A.D. There is another manuscript Namokara Mahatmya katha, which contains 689 pages of size 13" x 7". The manuscript was got written by Hiralal Sohanlal, Delhi and presented to this Grantha Bhandar in the year 1922 AD. It is fully illustrated and contains 76 illustrations on the various happenings in the life of the great persons of Jaina Mythology, JAINA SASTRA BHANDARS-DAUSA Dausa was an old capital of Kachhawa Rajputs and one of the most ancient cities of Rajasthan. It was famous by the name Devagiri. But now a days it is a good town on Jaipur-Bharatpur Road There are two Jaina temples and both the temples have Sastra Bhandars in them. (25). SASTRA BHANDAR OF BISPANTHI MANDIR There is an inscription at the back side of the main Vedi according to which this temple was constructed in Samvat 1701 (1644 A.D.) but as per oldness of the city and the temple itself. It seems that in that year it was reconstructed, The Sastra Bhandar of this temple is a small one. It contains only 177 manuscripts Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. (65 including the Gutakas, Most of the manuscripts are of Hindi works. These manus. cripts are of 17th to 19th century. Some of the manuscripts are important and they can be used at the time of their editing. The manuscripts of Vilhan Sasikala Prabandha is a good work of 17th century. It is with Hindi commentary by the poet Saranga. The work runs both in Sanskrit and Hindi. (26) SASTRA BHANDAR OF TERAPANTHI MANDIR DAUSA There is also a small Sastra Bhandar containing 150 manuscripts written on paper. Out of which most of the manuscripts are written in Hindi. But there is a good number of Apabhraisa manuscripts which were copied in 17th and 18th century. This shows that there was a general love and system of reading the Apabhramsa works upto 18th century. The manuscript of Caturdasa Gunasthan Carca is a rare one. It was written by Akhayaraj in Hindi prose. (27) & (28) SASTRA BHANDARS OF BASWA L'aswa is an old town and tehsil headquarter of Jaipur District in Rajasthan. It was the birth place of several scholars of Hindi literature and specially of Seth Amar Cand Bilala for whom it is stated that he constructed the Jaina temple of Sri Mahaviraji. Jaina poet Daulat Rama Kasliwali (18th century) a famous story and Purana writer was born in Baswa and his father Ananda Rama also lived there. In the 18th and 19th century Baswa remained a centre of these scholars. There are several manuscripts in the Jaina Bhandars of Jaipur city which were copied in Baswa and brought from there to the Jaipur City Bhandars These manuscripts belong to the period from 1733 to 1835 1.e. for about one century during which the town was a centre of literary Activities. Caubisagunasthana Carcawas copied in Samvat 1832 (1775 A.D.). Mulacara Pradipa, Pandava Purina, Rasik Priya', were copied in Samvat 1820, 1792 and 1733 respectively. There is still a collection of the manuscripts in two Jaina temples which throws some light on its bright past. Both the Terapanthi and Pancayati temples contain Sastra Bhandars one in each temple. The Terapanthi temple is very old and according 10 the inscription found in the temple it was constructed in the 16th century. The 1 & 2 Manuscript preserved in Sastra Bhanda Raswa Rojasthan he laina Sastra Bhandaron hi Grantha So.1 part II), p. 166 Ibid. p 223 Ibu! p 251 4 5 Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 ) Jaipa Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Terapanthi Sect came into existence in the year 1626 A.D. according to Mithyatva Khandan Natak' of Bakhat Rama. The Pancayati Mandir is also an old temple and important from the point of art and architecture. There is a Jaina idol of a very big size of the 12th century, which also shows that the temple was constructed in very early times. There is a small Grantha Bhandar which shows that sometime ago there was a very good collection of the manuscripts. The manuscripts were written between 15th to 18th century The earliest dated manuscript is Samayasara Vritti which was copied in Samwat 1440 (1383 A D.). Works of Hindi and Prakrit are in majority in the Sastra Bhandar. The following are the important manuscripts: (1) KALPASUTRA --The manuscriptis illustrated and written in golden ink. It has 39 paintings on the life of Lord Mahavira. The various expressions depicted in them are very good. The manuscript was copied in the year 1479 A.D. (2) KALPASUTRA :--This is another manuscripts which is also well illustrated. It contains 42 paintings which are evidences of good art. The manuscript is dated Sanwat 1528 (1471 A.D) (3) PADMANANDI MAHAKAVYA TIKA This is a commentary written by Kav Prahalada in Sanskrit on the original work Padamandi Pancavinsati. The commentary is a rare one. (4) MALAYASUNDARI CARITRA by Jayulak Suri in samskrit. The manuscript was copied in Sawat 1490 (1423 AD). (5) ABHAYA KUMAR PRABANDHA CAUPAL -written in Hindi in Samwat 1685 (1628 A.D). The work is also a rare one. It describes the life of Abhaya Kumar (29) SASTRA BHANDAR-MOZAMABAD In 17th century Mozamabada was a centre of Jaina literary activities It is an old town which seems to be later on renamed as Mozamabada. In the yeas 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur 2 savat 1440 varSe caitra sudo 10 somavAsare padya yoginIpUre pairojasAhirAjyapravartamAne zrI devasena zrIvimalasena zrIdharmasena sahastrakItidevAH tatra jajinagare zrIzrISTikulAnvaye gargagotrI mA dhanA .... tena samayasAra brahmadeva TIkAkartA mUlakartA zrIkundakundAcAryadeva. viracita likhApya sahastrakItimAcArya pradatta' / Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. ( 67 1607 A.D. one grand Jaina Prapistha ceremony was celebrated which was conducted by Sri Nana Godba who was the Minister of Raja Mansingh of Jaipur. Only four year's before this ceremony Chitar Tholia a Hindi writer completed his work 'Holi li Katha' in samwat 1660 (1603 A.D.) and described the town as follows: saulAse sAThe zubhavarSe phAlaguNa zukla pUrNimA harSa / sauhe mojAbAda nivAsa, pUje mana kI sagalI pAsa / / sohe rAjA mAna ko rAja, jihi bodhi pUraba laga pAja / sukhi savai nagara me loga, dAna puNya jANe sau bhoga / / --Prasasti Sangrah p. 231 In the year 1538, Bhavisyadatta Carita of Dhanpal Kavi was written in this town and at present this manuscript is housed in the Sastra Bhandar of Amer, Sravakacar of Vasunandi which was written in Samwat 1630 (1573 A.D.) is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of temple Badhicand. In the year 1589 A.D. Adinathapurana of the Apabhramsa language was copied in the Adinatha temple. Saswat 1660 (1603 A. D.) was specially marked for literary activity. Yasodhara Caritra' of Sakal Kirti and of Gyana Kirti2 were copied in this year and were placed in various Bhandars of Rajasthan, The Sastra Bhandar is a part of the temple which is situated in the centre of the town. The manuscripts are placed in two Almirahs and their total number is 368. The condition of the Sastra Bhandar is not satisfactory, Several manuscripts have been destroyed due to the carelessness of the management. They have not been placed even in Vesthans so the dust and climate have attacked them frequently. There are two copies of Jasahara Cariya of Puspadanta fully illustrated. No where these illustrated manuscripts in Apabhraisa language have been found. As such these are rare manuscripts. Out of these one is complele and other is incomplete. These were copied in 16th century. The paintings are very fine. The earliest dated manuscript is of the 15th century. The manuscripts of Pravacansara of Kunda Kunda Acarya, (ii) Jinendra Vyakarana (111) Satkarmopdesa Ratnamala of Amarkirti (iv) Trisastismrati Sastra by Asadhar (v) Yogasara by Amitigati (vi) Tattwartha Sutra Tippani by Yogadeva (vii) Adipurana Tippana by Prabhacandra are important. 1. Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suct, Part III. 2. Pra asti Sangrah of Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. page. 281 Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 ) Jaina Graniha Bhandars in Rajasthan. There is also one manuscript of Krisna Rukamani veli written by Prithivi Raj with the commentary of Lakha carana. This is a rare manuscript. (30) JAINA GYANA BHANDAR OF JHUNJHUNU The collection in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar Jhunjhunu is not a large one. The total number of the manuscripts is 310 It possesses Hindi manuscripts more than those in other languages. The names of there manuscripts may be mentioned below.-- | Abhaya Kumar Caupai by Yug Pradhan Jin Candra Suri. 2 Panca Sandhi by Hemia) in Hindi poem 3 Hansraja Vacharaja Caupai by Tikam Cand. (31) JAINA SASTRA BHANDAR, RAJAMAHAL Rajamahal is a town in Tonk District of Rajasthan It is about 80 miles from Jajpur and 20 miles from Tonk in the north. The River Banas takes a beautiful turn here and the place is a beauty sport in the rainy season It was the centre of literary activities for about 300 years in the manuscript of Hauvansa Puran' of Brahma Jinadasa copied here in Samvat 1661, Raja Mansingh of Amer has been described as the Ruler of this town There is a Sastra Bhandar in the Jaina temple which possesses a collection of 255 manuscripts including Gutakas Manuscripts of Dhanvi Kumar Caritra of Sakal Kirti. Parsvapurana of Bhudhardasa, Srenika Carita. Kriya Kosa and Harivansa Purana were copied in this town from the year 1822 to 1836 A D. The collection is though on the various subjects and mainly in Hindi and Sanskrit lunguages. Some of the important manuscripts are as follows. KARAKANDUNO RASA) :-hy Brahma Jinadasa in Hindi cript of 15th century This is a rare manus 1 Manuscript Catalogue Preserved in Abhaya Jamna Granthalaya Bikaner 2 Amer Sustin Bhandar laipur 3 zrI makala kIrati guru praNAmono mUnI bhavanakIrati avatAra / gama kIyo meru baDo, brahma jinadAma kahe sAra / / paDhe guge jeha mAmale, manadhara avicala bhAva / manavAridrata phala te lahe, pAme sivapurI ThAma / / Contd. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. | 69 (2) PRASNOTTAR SRAVAKACARA :- by Sakal Kirti in Sarhskrit. This is an old manuscript and was copied in Samvat 1597 (1540 A.D.) (3) HOLI KATHA :- by Muni Subha Candra. It was composed in the year 1697 A.D. It is also a rare work and has not been found so far in any of the other Bhandars of Rajasthan. (4) INDRIYA_NATAK :- by Trilok Patni. This is a drama in Hindi. This work is also a rare one. The drama was completed at Kekari (Ajmer) in the year 1898. Continued from page. 68 1. 2 dhanada nAma govAliyA, eka kamale karI caga | pUjyA jinavara mana ralI, phala pAmyo utta ga / / eha kathA rasa sAbhalI, bhavIyaraNa sayala sujANa / pUjA jinavara mana ralI, praSTa prakAre guraNa mAraNa || eka kamala phala vastarayo, svarga mUgatI lage caga / anudina jeha jIna pUche teha na phale utta ga // sAso dharama sohamaraNo, thoDI kIje mahata / as bIja jima rUbaDo, phalI dIse iti karakaNDu munIrAsa, anaMta || pUjA phala samApta // svasti savat 1567 varSe dvitIya caitramAse zuklapakSe dvitIyAdine ravivAsare "mumukSuNA sumatikIrtinA karmakSayArtha zrAvakAcAra grantho likhita grantha saMkhyA 2880 / muni zubhacada karI yA kathA, dharmapreSyame chI jathA / holI kathA sune jo koi, mukti tathA sukha pAve soya / / 125 / / sabata satarAse pari joI, varSa pacAvana adhikA aura / sAka garie saulA bIsa, ceta sudi sAta kahIsa / / 126 / / sA dina kathA sapUraNa mai, ekasautIsa copaI bhaI / sesa dina meM joDI bAta, pUnyU disA kusalA // 127 // 3. ugaraNIse pacapana viSai nATaka bhayo pramAna | gAva kekeDI dhanya jahAM, rahe sadA matimAna || Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 ] JAINA SASTRA BHANDARS, MALPURA Malpura is an old town in Rajasthan. According to the description available in the Gutakas collected in Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple, Patodi, Malpura was founded in Samwat 1619 (1562 A.D). The other name of the town is Dravyapur. It remained the main centre of the Jaina literature from its very beginning. There are 8 temples in the town. Out of which 4 temples have collections of manuscripts. The earliest manusoript was copied in Malpura in Samwat 1631 (1574 A.D). This is Vaddhaman Cariya of Jaymitra Hala copied by Kamal Kirti for his own study. The other manuscripts which were copied here belong to the year 1576, 1588 1592, 1652, 1829, 1803, 1812, 1783 A D. and hundreds of others which are in the various Sastra Bhandars of Rajasthan (32) JAINA GRANTHA BHANDAR CAUDHRIYAN TEMPLE--MALPURA There is All the a small collection of manuscripts numbering 50. manuscripts are on paper The condition of the manuscripts is not good. There is a copy of BIHARI SATSAI which contains 735 stanzas The manuscript of Parswanath Raso1, composed by Brahma Kapoor Cand also forms part of the collection This was composed in Samwat 1597 (1540 A D.) The work is a rare one and has not hcen published so far It deals with the life of Parswanatha (33) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF ADINATH TEMPLE-MALPURA There is also a small collection of manuscripts which contains booKS meant only for daily reading. The Grantha Bhandar is quite in disorder and in bad condition Among the rare manuscripts one is Ksetrapala Vinti. by Muni Subha candra and the other is Hindi Padas by Harsa Kirti which are copied in a gutaka number 3 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 1 Puja Patha Sangiaha preserved in the Grantha Bhandar Malpura 2. Amer Sastra Bhandar Prasasti Sangrah, page 130. ara am fafa ag qfza aqesitas, stai cia fafa oftfa maz i gIta pahalI gAya jo rAya kSetrapAla ko, 3 4. muni sumacada gAyo gIta, bhairUlAla ko // / 11 // Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division. 1 71 (34) SASTRA BHANDAR OF TERAPANTHI TEMPLE-MALPURA. There is here a collection of 74 manuscripts. It is an ordinary collection. There is no rare manuscript here but old copies of some manuscripts are in the collection. (35) JAIN SASTRA BHANDAR-BHADWA Bhadwa is a village in Phulera sub-division. The village is 3 miles from the Railway station Bhainslana on the Rewari-Phulera Branch line of West Railway. There is here a small sastra Bhandar having 130 manuscripts and 20 Gutakas. Though there is no rare manuscript here, the copies of the following manuscripts are very important (1) DHARMAVILASA :-by Dyanata Raya in Hindi (18th Century) (2) Hindi Translation of RATNA KARANDA SRAVAKACARA by Sadasukha Kasliwal in Hindi (19th Century) (3) GYANARNVA BHASA :-by Labdhi Vijaygani in Hindi (17th Century) (4) BRAHMAVILASA :-by Bhaiya Bhagawatidasa in Hindi (18th Century) (5) DHARMOPADESA SRAVKACARA :-by Dharmadas in Hindi (16th Century) All the manuscripts are written on paper. There is a good collection of Hindi works in Gutakas such as DOHASATAKA by Rupa Cand and Updes Paccisi by Ramdasa. SASTRA BHANDARS IN BHARATPUR DISTRICT The former Bharatpur State and now a district of Rajasthan remained a literary centre for a long time. As this district of the Rajasthan is considered a part of Brija Bhumi so the Hindi works influenced by Brija language (a part of are in good number in the Grantha Bhandars of this district. There are Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Bharatpur, Deeg, Kama, Bayana, Vair, and Kumher. Bharatpur City was founded by Surajamal Jat. It was one of the two Jat states in Rajasthan before its merger. Sruta Sagar a poet of 18th century described Bharatpur in his work Sata Mala Varnan' in the following way: Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan desa kAThaes biraja meM, vadanasyagha rAjAna | putra ara hai bhalo, sUrijamala guradhAma / tejapuJja ravi hai malo, nyAya nIti guNavAna / tAko sRjama hai jagata meM, tapai dUsarA bhAna / tinaha nagara ju vasAiyo, nAma bharatapura tAma / In the 18th and beginning of the 19th century it was literary centre for the Jaina Scholars There is a Jaina manuscript library which contains more than 8 hundred manuscripts There are several manuscripts which were written in the 18th century in Bharatpur and placed in the Sastra Bhandar of the city. Some of the manuscripts which were copied here are Sodasak arana Jayamala' of Raidhu (1830 AD) Caritra Puja of Sri Bhusana (1759 A D) Caubis Jinaraj Puja (1827 A.D) Sardhadvaya Dvipa Puja (1769A.D) Brahma Vilas (1838 A D) Tattwasara (1757 A.D) Subhasita Ratna Sandoha (1770 A D.) and Sidhant Sara Deepak (1766 A D) and many others. All the manuscripts are preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of Bharatpur. (36) SASTRA BHANDAR OF PANCAYATI MANDIR There are two Jaina temples in the city and both have the manuscript libraries in them. The Sastra Bhandar of Pancayati temple has good collection of manuscripts. They are placed in wooden and stone almirahs All the manuscripts are written on paper. The date of the establishment of the Bhandar is not traceable, but it appears that soon after the construction of this temple the manuscripts were also brought from the various towns and villages of the State when the Jainas came to settle down in the city. The 19th century was time of the growth of the Sastra Bhandar as most of the manuscripts were written in that century. The total number of the manuscripts is 801. and the earliest dated manus. cript is VRIHAT TAPAGACCHA GURAVALI by Muni Sunder Suri copied in Samvat 1490 (1433 AD). Most of the manuscripts are in Hindi language. SAPTA VYASAN KATHA composed by Manik Candra in Samvat 1634 (1577 A.D.) in Apabhramsa language is a rare work as no such work has been found in any other Grantha Bhandar. Apart from this some of the manuscripts which are important, are as follows' 1. Rajasthan Grantha Bhandar Suci, Part III p 145. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandais of Ajmer Division. { 73 (1) SABHA BHOSANA by Gangarama composed in Sarhvat 1744 (1687 A.D.) in Hindi. (2) PADASANGRAHA by Harsa Candra in Hindi, (3) JINADATTA CARITRA BHASA by Visva Bhuusana in Hindi. (4) SUKHA VILASA : - by Jodhraja Kasliwal in Hindi prose. The collection of the manuscripts written in Prakrit, Samskrit and Apabhramsa languages are also in good number. This collection is not limited to religious works as manuscripts of common interest are also in the Sastra Bhandar. There is a manuscript which deals with the playing of Satranja There is one illustrated manuscript named BHAKTAMARA STOTRA by Mantung acarya. It has 51 illustrations very well coloured, Its painting is a speci man of medieval art. It was copied in the year 1769 A.D. (37) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE-- PHOZURAMA There is another Sastra Bhandar in Jaina temple, Phozurama situated at Kotwali market, This is a newly constructed temple so the collection of the manuscripts is also about 100 years old. There are only 65 manuscripts including Gutakas. All the manuscripts were not earlier than 150 years ago. The manuscript 1 2 satraha sata savata sarasa, catura adhika cAlIsa / kAtika sudi tithi aSTamI, vAra sarasa rajanIsa / / 62 / / sAgAnera suna me, rAmasiMha nRpa rAja / tahA kavijana bacapana me, rAjati sabhA samAja || 23 || gaMgArAma taha sarasa kavi, kIno budhiprakAsa / zrI bhagavata prasAda tai iha subha sabhA vilAsa / / 64 / / savat satrAmaM aThatIsa, nAma pramodA brahmAvIma | agahana badi pAMca ravivAra, praslekhA aindra joga sudhAra || nara nArI mana deke sunoM, tAko jasu tiloka meM gunI / yaha caritra suniyo mana lAi, vizvabhUyaraNa muni kahata banAma || 3. daulata suta kAmA vasai, jodha kAsalIvAla / for sukha kAraNa yaha kiyo, sukhavilAsa guNamAla // Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 741 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. of commentary on Tattvartha Sutra' in Hindi prose is a rare one. This was composed in Vikrama Samvat 1935 (1878 A D.) by Sri Guvarsingh of Kumher. SASTRA BHANDARS OF DEEG TOWN Deeg which is called a city of tountains is 25 miles from Bharatpur City It was an old capital of the Bharatpur Statc. There are three Sastra Bhandars, out of which one is in the old Decg and the rest two are in New Doeg. (38) SASTRA BHANDAR OF PANCAYATI MANDIR--NEW DEEG There are 81 manuscripts in the collection of this Bhandar Except a few onc all the manuscripts are in Hindi written in 18th and 19th century Bide, the manuscripts on eligion, there are manuscripts on Gram na and Medicine. There is an original manuscript of MALLINATHA CARITA translated in Flindi by Sewa Rama Patni who belonged to this city He composed this work in 1793 AD here (39) SASTRA BHANDAR OF BADI PANCAYATI-DEEG There was a very old collection of the manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar of Pancayati Mandir-Deeg but due to the imms-imanagement it fell into a sorry state Even now the manuscripts are not systematically arranged. I also came to known that several manuscripts were taken away by the scholars of the various places and were never returned At present there are only 56 manuscripts which are complete and the rest are incomplete and in wretched condition. The manuscripts were copied in the 16th 17th and 18th Centuries The earliest dated manuscript is BHAGVATI ARADHANA which was written in the year 1511 (1454 A.D) in Mandalgarh Except this there also copies of SADA DARSANA SAMUCCAYA of Rajahansa in Sanskrit, | zrI svAmI umAsvAmI grAcAyakRta daNAdhyAyI mUlasUtra kI sarvArthamiddhi nAmA saskRta TIkA tAkI bhAsA bacanikA ta sakSepa mAtra leke dIvAna bAlamu kada ke putra girivarasiha vAsi ku bhera ke ne apanI tuccha buddhi ke anusAra mUla sUtrani ko prathaM jAnine ke liye yaha vanikA racI aura savat 1635 ke jyeSTha sudi 2 ravivAra ke dina sapUrNa kono / 2 savat 1511 varSe vaMzAgya badi 7 gurU pakSe puSyanakSatre sakalarAji-ziromukaTa mANikya marIciye dhArikRta-caraNakamaNapAdapIThasya zrIrANAkU bhakarNamakalasAmrAjyadhu rA vibhrANasya samaye zrImaDalagaDhazubhasthAne praadinaath-caityaalye| Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division, 175 BHAAVISYADATTA CARIYU by Sridhar in Apabhramsa, ATMANUSASANA of Gunabhadra and JAMBU SWAMI CARITA by Sakal Kirti in Samskrit. (40) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA MANDIR-OLD DEEG The Grantha Bhandar is placed in the Jaina temple situated in old Deeg. The temple is very old and it appears that it must have built before 14th century There are 101 manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar which have been placed in wooden Almirah, They are not in good condition and are deteriorating fast. Most of the manuscripts are in Hindi and on religious subjects But apart from this some of the manuscripts are very important. The VIKRAMA CARITA of Rama Candia Suri is one of the manuscuipts not generally available in oths Bhandars. This is a Samskrit work composed in 1423 A D. The copy JIVAGUNAVILASA of Nathm il which was composed in Samvat 1822 (1765 A.D.) in Hindi and is dated 1766 A.D There is also a BHRAMARGITA of Mukunda Dasa which is complete and in good condition The Hindi translation of VASUNANDI SRAVAKACARA which was composed in the year 1850 AD in Amer is also one of the few manuscripts. The work CAUBISA TIRTHANKARA HOJA composed by Cunilal in Hindi in Samvat 1914 (1857 A D. is a rare work This was composed at Karauls. There is a copy of JANMA PATRI of Khusala Candra who was the famous Writei of Hindi in Sanganer (18th century) KAMA Kama is one of the oldest towns of Rajasthan This was previously in the Bharatpur State and now it is a Tehsil Headquarter in the Bharatpur District. From the manuscripts found in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan it is presumed that the town remained a literary centre in 18th and 19th century. Though in the Sastia Bhandar of Agarwal Jaina temple there are manuscripts relating even to 14th century, they were brought from other centres, as in the Sastra Bhandar there is no manuscript of earlier than 18th century which was written in Kama. Jodhraja Kasliwal son of Daulatarama Kastiwal a famous Hindi scholar of 18th-19th century belonged to the town. Jodhraja wio10 Sukhvilasa in Samvat 1884 1.e. in the year 1827 A.D. Hindi commentary of Pravacanasara' and Pancasti Kaya? written by Hemra a was copied in Kama in samvat 1719 and 1727 (1662 and 1670 AD) respec 1, Preserved in Grantha Bhandar-Kama. 2. likhAita sAha zrIdevIdAsa likhitaM mahAtmA dayAladAma mahArAjA zrIkatamihajI vijayarAje gaDha kAmAvatI madhye prAtmAthi / Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ laina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 761 tively. A copy of Ratna-Karandar Sravakacara was also copied in sarhvat 1756 (1699 A.D). There are several manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of Kama which were fresented to it. (40SASTR BAHANDAR OF KHANDELWAL JAINA MANDIR-KAMA There is a good collection of 578 manuscripts including the Gutkas in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina Mandir Kama. Manuscripts written in Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa Rajasthani and Hindi are there in the collection Most of the manuscripts are old. From the collection of the Bhandar it appears that at some time this temple remained the centre of literary activities. Some of the important manuscripts which are in the collection are as follows - The manuscript is of ). PANDAVA CARITRA 2 - by Deva Prabha Suri in Samskrit Samvat 1454 (1397 A D) 2. ATMANUSASAN :-A commentary on it was made by Prabha Candra in Samskrit. The manuscript was copied in the year 1491 AD. at Gwalior. The original work was written by Gunabhadracarya 3. SAMAYASAR 3:-A commentary on it made by Sri Subhacandra in Sanskrit This is a rare work and was composed in Samvat 1573 (1516 A D.) The work is in 4. JINARATRI VRATA MAHATMYA -by Muni Padmanandi. Sanskrit and is dated 1537 A.D, 5. ATMA PROBODHAS :-by Kumar Kavi. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1547 (1490 A.D.) at Sri Patha Nagar. 1. Prescrved in Grantha Bhandai Kama. - mavat 1454 varSe jyeSTha sudi 7 saptamI zukravAre zrI pANDavarcArata bayarameNena likhita mahAhaDIhagacche zrImuni prabhasUrINA yogya / 3 racileya vara TIkA nATakapadyasya gadyayuktasya / zubhacandra gA sujayatA vidyAmabala ... kAt / / + itizrIvardhamAnasvAmikathAvatAre jinarAtrinatamahAtmyapradarzake munizrIpadmanandIviracite mana mukhAyanAmAMkite zrIvarddha mAnanirvANagamana nAma dvitIyaparva / 5. savat 1547 varSe phAlguna sudi 11 dine zrIpathAnagare khaDelavAlavaMze garga gotre saghaI merApAlena likhaapit| Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhapcais of Aimer Divxion 177 6. PRABODHA CINTAMANI :-by Raja Sekhar Suri. It is in Sanskrit prose. The manuscript was written in Samvat 1405 1 c. 1348 A.D at Delhi. 7. DAS LAKSANA KATHA' :-by Hari Canda This is in Apabhramsa, and was com posed in the year 1467 A.D. at Gwalior. 8 DHARMA PANCAVINSATIR :-by Brahma Jinadasa This is In Apabhramsa. There are only 26 stanzas This is also a rare work. 9 PARSWA PURANA3 -was composed by Padma Kirti in Apabhransa in Sarvat 999. The manuscript was written in Samvat 15741.e. 1517 A.D and was presented to Muni Narendia Kirti. 10 SANGRAHANI SOTRA BHASA. .-The original work was translated in Rajasthani Prose by Daya Hansa Gani. The manuscript belongs to Samvat 1497 (1440 A.D) U YASASTILAKA CAMPUS .-by Somdeva Suri The manuscript is incomplete and was copied in Samvat 1460 (1403 A D). 12. MALLINATHA CARITRA BHASA -by Sewa Rama Paini The work was composed in the year 1850 The manuscript was written in Kama City. 1. uvaemayakahiyaguNaggalaya, padahamayacauvIsamalaya / bhAdavamudipacami ahavimalaM, guruvAra vimAkhANU khatu amala / govaggariduguhAragaraiya, tomaraha vama kilharaNasamaya / sAsayasuharatta bhavaraNIhicatta, paramapurisu prAgahiyagNA, dahadhammahAu puraNa sayahAu, haricanda rAmasiya jiggacararaNA / / 2 mehA kumaiNicandaM bhavaduhasAyaraha jAgapattamigNa / dhammavilAmasudaha mAriNada jigNadAma bamhegA / / 26 / / 3 savat 1574 kArtika budi 3 citrakUTa rAggA zrI sagrAmagajye eteSA madhye mAha meghA putra horA, Isara mahemara karamazrI id pAzvanAthacaritra muni zrI narendrakoni yogya ghaTApita / 4 mavata 1467 dvitIyazrAvaNasudi caudami zukravAra tigADa divasai tapAgacchanAyaka bhaTTAraka zrIrata sahasUgnii ziSyai paDita dayAhamagagai e vAlAvabodha raccayau sarvasaukhya mAMgalikyanai prathai huvai / 6 mavat 1460 baisAkha budi 12 nemicandramuninA uddanahaste likhApitaM pustakamida / Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 ) Jaida Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 13. PRADYUMNA CARITA :-by Kavi Sadharu. The work was composed in the year 1411 (1354 A.D). This work describes the life of Pradyumna son of Sri Krisna, in Hindi poem. Gutaka number 331 is also important one. It contains several small works of Hindi written in 15th and 16th century by the various authors and specially by Sri Vaca-Raja and Brahma Dipa etc. (42) SASTRA BHANDAR OF AGRAWAL PANCAYATI MANDIR-KAMA There is a small Sastra Bhandar which contains only 105 manuscripts The temple is old. Sastra Bhandar was established about 60 years ago, when separation was made between the two temples. All the manuscripts are of 18th and 19th ceutury. There is a manuscript of PRADYUMNA CARITA which contains date of composition as Samvat 1311 (1254 A.D). The copy is incomplete one (43) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF SRI MAHAVTRAJI The Grantha Bhandar is situated in the famous temple of Digambar Jaina Atibaya ksitera Sri Mahaviraji. The temple is four miles from the Railway station Sri Mahaviraji. The temple is famous throughout India. There is a seat of Bhajtaraka. The Bhattarakas came from Amer, the old capital of former Jaipur State. The Grantha Bhandar of this temple possesses 515 manuscripts including the Gutakas. The manuscripts are of 15th to 19th century. There is a good collection of the manuscripts of Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Samskrit and Hindi works. The manuscripts are systematically arranged. The list of the manuscripts has been published' Some of the important aod old manuscripts are. (1) Tattwartha Satra Vriti (Yogadeva ) (2) Nemiswar Gita (Valhava ), (3) Trayodasamargi Raso (Dharmasagar) 4 Parswanath Raso (Brahma Vastupal and 5 Indraprastha Prabandha. BAYANA Bayana is an old town of Rajasthan. There is a fort which was built earlier than the 4th century. A large hoard of Gupta coins was discovered there about two decades ago, which was studied by Late Dr. A. S. Altekar. The town was also a great centre of the Jainas. The Jaina temple in the town belongs probably to the tenth century A.D. Tradition has it that it possessed a very good collection of manuscripts but it appears that it was destroyed by the Muslim invaders. In the 18th 2. Amer Sastia Bhandar ki Grantha Suci. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandar of Ajmer Division / 79 century the Grantha Bhandar was re-established. There are at present two Grantha Bhandars containing several manuscripts which were copied here in Bayana. PANCA PARMESTHI POJA of Yasonandi was copied in the year 1760 A.D. while SVAPANODHYAYA was copied in the year 1811 A.D. There are two Grantha Bhandars, one is in Papcayati Mandir and the other is in Terapanthi Mandir. (44) SASTRA BHANDAR OF PANCAYATI MANDIR-BAYANA The Grantha Bhandar though a small one is systematically arranged. A list of all the manuscripts is already prepared. The total number of the manuscripts is 150 out of which Hindi manuscripts are in majority. The collection seems to have been made in 18th and 19th century. The following are the important manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar : 1. VRATAVIDHAN POJAL :-by Hira lal Lohadia in Hindi. This was 2. CANDRA PRABHA PURANA2 :-By Jinendra Bhusana in Hindi composed in the year 1794 at Itawah. 1. tIna loka mAMhi sAra, madhya loka ko vicAra / tAke madhya dIpodadha, prasava pramAna jo / sabadIpa madhya lasai, jaba nAmA dIpa yaha / tAkI disA daza tAmai, marata bakhAna jI / tAmai deza mevAta hai, basata subudhI loga / nagara phirojapura-jhIrakI mahAna jI / jAme caitya tIna bane, pUjata hai loga dhane / vasata zrAvaga vahAM bar3e punyavAna jI / mala sadhI saMgha lasa, sarasvatI gaccha jisai / garaNasI balAtkAra, kundakunda bhAnajI / bhaiso kula zrAvaka hai, vaza meM khaDelavAla, gota ko luhADyA, raca karo jinavAnI jii| kisana hIrAlAla suta, amara sucanda nita, bAla ke khyAla vata, chanda yo bakhAna jI / 2. jinendra bhUSaNa laghu ziSya buddhi kara hIna jyU / ___ kahI purANa sugmAna pUraNa pada jAna jyU / savat (1841): ThArAse ikatAlIsa sAbhale, Continued...... Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthan. 3, BAHUBALI CANDA' :-by Kumuda Candra in Hindi. This was composed in the year 1410 A.D, at Ghoghanagar 4. NEMINATHA KA CAND2 .-by Hemcandra pupil of Sri Bhusana. This is in praise of Nominatha. 5. NEMIRAJUL GITA .-by Gunacandra. This is also in praise of Neminatha. 6. UDARA GITA :-by Chihal of 16th century. (45) SASTRA BHANDAR OF TERAPANTHI MANDIR-BAYANA The Sastra Bhandar of this temple is also systematically arranged The manuscripts are preserved and placed in the cloth covers duly written their names on them. There are 153 manuscripts including Gutakis in the Sastra Bhandar. Most of the manuscripts are of Hindi works. There is no manuscript upto 17th century, This shows that the Bhandat only came into existence in the 18th century. The following are the rare manuscripts which are preserved in the Grantha Bhandar : Continued from page..79 mAvana 'mAma pavitra pAla mati kI gale / sudi ha DhaMja punIta candra ravivAra hai, pUraNa puNya purAna mahAmukhakAra hai| zahara iTAvA bhalo, tahA baiThaka maI, zrAvaka guna sayukta buddhi pugna laI / / 1. savat caudasa meM sarasaTho, jeSTa zukla pacamI tithI chtthe| kavivara vAre ghoghAnayare. ati uttama manohara zama ghare / / 207 / / aSTama jinabagne prAmAde, sAbhaliyo jinagAna sugyAde, ratnakoti padavI gugApare, raciyo chanda kumuda zisUre // 208 / / kASThAsagha vikhyAta dharma digambara dhAraka, tasu nada taTa gaccha garaNa vidyA mavi tAraka / guru goyama kula bhAna rAmasena gacchanAyaka, ___ narasIghapurAdi prasiddha dvAdaza nyAti vidhAyaka / tasu anukrame trANu bhanyA, gacha nAyaka zrIkAra, zrIbhUSaNa ziSya kahe, hemacanda vistAra // 20 // Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division [ 81 1. SODASA KARANA VRATODYA PAN PUJA by Sumati Sagar in Samskrit. 2. LILAVATI BHASA by Lal Canda Suri. This is a work on Jyotisa translated from Samskrit to HindL 3. TATTWARTH SUTRA BHASA by Sewa Rama Patni in Hindi 4. AKSAR BAVANI by Pande Kesava Dasa. There are 61 stanzas in Hindi. It was composed in Samvat 1736 (1679 A.D.). (46) SASTRA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE VAIRA Vaira is an old town which is about 15 miles from Bayana. This is a Tehsil Head quarter at present. There are two Jaina temples, one is Digambara and 1 2 3 ini pauuNakAraNodyApana pATha | pacAzadadhikaiH zloke paTataM pramita mahat / tIrthakRtaparapUjAyA sumatisAgarodita||1|| puraNa lIlAvatI bhASA me bhalarIti / jyU kodhi jIdina huI tiko kaTu ghara prIti / satarA chattIma samaM vadi pramAda bakhAraNa, pacima dina budhavAra dina grantha sampUraNa jAna / gurU mI caurAsI gacche, gaccha kharatara suvadIta, mahimanDala moTA manuSya, pUrI kare pratIta / gaccha nAyaka guNavanta prati, pragaTa puNya zrakUTa / sobhAgI sundara varaNa, zrI jinacada sudi / sevaga tAsu saubhAga nidhi, mema sAkha sukhakAra, zAntiharSa vAcaka bhanne, jama ziSya tAsa suvinIta mani, lAla canda guru prasAda kIdho bhalo grantha saubhAgya apAra | ga nAma, bharA avirAma / bAvana akSara joya kareM bhaiyA, gAvu paccAsahi meM mana bhAve / sukha saubhAgya nIko tinako huve, bAvana akSara jo guNa gAve / lAvaNya ratana gurU supasAvasu, kezavadAsa sadA sukha pAve // / 61 / / Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan other is Swetambar. The Sastra Bhandar situated in Digambara Jaina Mandir contains 120 manuscripts. The number of Gutakas is more than the manuscripts. But the condition of the manuscripts is not good. They have been placed in the covers of cloth just like the rough papers, while some of the manuscripts are without the cloth covers. The Gutakas contain good collection of Hindi and Samskrit works. They mainly relate to Puja, Katha and Stotras etc. KARAULT Karauli is a covenunting state of Rajasthan. The City is 18 miles from Hindaun which is a Station of Western Railway (Broad guage). Karauli remained a centre of Juna literature in the 18th and 19th century. Nathmal Vilala, who wrote several works in Hindi mentions the name of Karauli. In the 18th and 19th century ci eral manuscripts were written in Karauli and were placed in city Bhandars and various Bhandars of Rajasthan (47 & 48) Grantha Bhandars - Pancavati Mandir & Sogani Jaina Mandu-Karauli There are two Jaina Grantha Bhandars in the city. One Grantha Bhandir is in the Pancayati Mandir and the other is in the Sogani Jaina Mandir. The Grantha Bhandar of Panca yati Mandir possesses 227 manuscripts out of which the number of Gutakas is 44 The collection was meant only for self-study. As such the manuscripts are on the subjects of Purana, Katha, Sidhant etc. Varanga Cariya composed by Tejapal in Apabhramsa language, is a rare manuscript. The other Sastra Bhandar exists in the Sogani Jaina temple. There is only a small collection of 87 manuscripts The collection is very ordinary and no rare or oid munuscript exists in the Bhandar (49) GRANTHA BHANDARS OF HINDAUN. There are two Sastra Bhandars established in the temples. The total number of the manuscripts is 426. The condition of the manuscripts is not good and they have been placed even without cloth covers. Several of them have already been made incomplete. Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandrs of Amer Division, | 83 AJ MER Ajaimeru Durga, as the present Ajmer was then called, was built by King Ajaypal Cauhan who was the king of Sapada Laksa with Sambhar as his capital early in sixth century A.D. According to Prithvi Raja Vijay, Ajaideva II, the 23rd Cauhan King of Sakambhari founded a town named it after hunself. On the basis of this statement Dr Buhler? concluded that the city of Ajmer was founded by him. But the statement of Dr. Buhler does not seem to be correct as there is an inscription in the Chatris of Digambara Jaina religious leaders called--Bhattarakas which bear the date of Sarivat 817 (760 A.D) The other inscriptions in these Chatris are dated 845 AD, and 871 A.D This was long before the time Ajaideva II who lived in the 12th century Aimer has been the political and cultural centre of Rajasthan since its foundation. After its conquest by Sahhuddin Gauri, it was made capital of Rajputana. Itetained this position till the integration of the Rajputana States in 1949 Ajaideva son of Anaji" (1130-1150 A D) built Anasagar lake and Anaji son Visaldeva (1151-1163 A.D) constructed the Visalasar lake (Visale) with temples and palaces round it. It was also a centre place of Jaina religion and culture. There is a manuscript in Jaisalmer Bhandar which was copied in Samvat 1212 1.e. 1165 A.D. It refers to Ajmer as Ajaymeru Durga At this time Vigrah Raja Deva was the emperor. the Prasastis is as follows: savat 1212 caitra sudI 13 gugai adya hai zrI ajaya pam durge samasta gajAvalivigajitaparamabhaTTArakamahArAjAdhirAjazrIvigraharAjadavijayarAje upadezapadaTIkAune gyIni / According to the Bhattaraka Pattavali the first Bhattaraka on the Ajmer Gadi was Visalkirti and he sat on this in Samvat 1168 (1111 A.D). This shows that the Ajmer city even before 12th century was the centre of Jainas and a great literary activities had been commenced even before the period in the 16th century the city was a great literary centre. Pradyumna Caritas of Singh Kavi was written in Samvat 1. Ajmer-Historical & Descriptive by Harbilas Sarda 37 2. Article on Ajmer published in the Indian Antiquary Vol. XXVI. D 162-63 3. Ajmer-Historical and Descriptive by H B Sarda p 37 4. Ibid. p. 38 5. Amer Sastra Bhandar-Jaipur. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 1595 (1538 A.D.) and presented to Mandalacarya Dharmacandra. Bhavisyadatta Carita' of Dhanpala, an Apabhramta work was copied in Samvat 1589 (1532 A,D.). Aimer is a holy place for Hindus. Muslims and Jainas. There are nine Jaina temples. Two Grantha Bhandars exist in the Jaina temple of Bada Dhada and the Third one is in Jaina temple of Sethji. (50) GRANTHA BHANDARS OF JAINA TEMPLE BADA DHADA The Grantha Bhandar of this temple is among the big Bhandars of Rajasthan The temple in which the Bhandar lies, remained the seat of the Bhattarkas for a long time It was constructed in the 16th century and as such this Sastra Bhandar was shifted to this temple which already existed in other temple before 16th century The services rendered by the Bhattarakas in the enhancement of the collection cannot be even estimated The collection work of the manuscript was continued systematically upto the Bhattarka Vijaykirti (18th Century) He was a good scholar and interested in the collection of the literary works. There are several manuscripts which were copied by the Bhattaraka himself But after his death. the management of the Grantha Bhandar became disturbed and due to carelessness of management, several manuscripts were destroyed and more than one thousand manuscripts have been made incomplete. But there is a collection of 2015 manuscripts still safely preserved. The Grantha Bhandar has been now systematically arranged by the author himself in December 1958 These manuscripts belong to Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Hindi and Rajasthani works. Though the Grantha Bhandar seemed to have come in o existence in the 13th century, there is no manuscript prior to 15th century. The carliest written manuscript was copied in the year 1406 It is a manuscript copy of SAMAYASARA PRABHRITA: Most of the manuscripts written in this Bhandar belong to 15th to 18th century. This shows that this Bhandar remained the literary centre during these centuries. As the whole collection belongs to the Bhattarak as so the manuscripts on the subjects like Ayurveda, Jyotisa and Mantra Sastra are also in abundance. Such a huge collection on Ayarveda is not available every where else. Several Gutakas completely related to the Ayurvedic literature. 2 Prasasti Sangrah of Amer Sastra Bhandar laipur p 149 1 svasti zrI mavat 1463 varSe mArgakRSNa trayodazyA somavAsare zradyaha zrIkAlavI nagare eteSA madhye sAdhu naiNa pautreNa narapati putreNa sAdhu zrIvAlhAcAryadevena sAdhunI atrypAlahI lagafskAtena mAdhurAjajAtena pautra sAdhu zrIpAlaharaNacandra samudrabhavane zrI samayasArapustaka livApya samArasamudrotAraraNArthaM duritaduSTavidhvasanArtha jJAnAvaraNAkarmakSayArthaM zrIdharmaheto suguro dharmacandra devebhya pustakadAna datta / Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division [ 85 Some of the old as well as complete manuscripts which can be very useful at the time of editing are as follows: Serial Number Name of the manuscript Author's Name Date of manuscript Prabhacandra 1523 A.D (1) (2) Atmanusasan Tika Sidhanta Sara Jinacandracarya vs. 1526 1469 A.D. (3) Nagakumar Carita Mallisena 1618 A.D. Candraprabha Kavya Virnandi 1621 AD. Prasnottar Srava kacar Sakalkiru 1496 A.D. (6) Dharma Pariksa Amitigati Maheswar Sabda Bheda Prakasa 1480 A.D 1569 A.D. 1516 A.D. 1523 A.D. Harivansa Purana Brahma Jinadasa Sagar Dharmamrita Asadhar (10) Sabdanusasan Hemcandra 1457 A.D. (11) Yogasastra -do (12) Amitigati Subhasita Ratan Sandona Sukumala Cantra 1530 A.D. 1517 A.D. 1480 A.D. (13) Sakalkirti There is a good collection of Samskrit and Hindi works which are preserved only in this Bhandar. Some of them are as follows - (Sanskrit Manuscripts) (1) Adhyatma Rahasya Asadhar 13th Century Jitasara Samuccaya Viisbha Nandi 13th Century Samadhi Maranotsava Dipika Sakal Kirti 15th Century Citra Bandha Stotra Medhavi Carpata Satak Carpata Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 , Jain Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. PRAKRITA & APABHRAMSA MANUSCRIPTS (1) Prakrit commeotary on Gomattasar Pingala Caturasiti Rupaka Pasa Cariyu Unknown author Unknown (Prakrit) Tejapal (Apabhrama) HINDT & RAJASTHANI MANOSCRIPTS Delha 16th Century Vucaraia Budhi Prakasa Visalkirti Gita Dharma Kirti Gita Bhuwan Kirti Gila Subhanu Carita Santi Purana -do Upadhyaya Vinaysagar Thakur Vs 1562 (1505 A.D) Vycaraja 16th Century Devaraja Composed in the year 1576 A.D. Cetana Pudgal Dhamala Mriga Sanivada 8) (9) Parsvanatha Adityavara Katha Adityavara Katha (10) Brahma Nemidasa Muni-Sakalkirti (11) Sila Satu Bhagwatidasa Composed in the year 1687 A.D. Completed in the year 1627 A.D. 17th Century Bhagwatidasa (12) (13) (14) (15) Sil Battisi Rajmati Gita Argalapur Jina Vandana Rajavali Cunari Rasa Manakaraha Rasa Banjara Gita Rajamati Nemisvar Dhal (16) (17) (18) (19) A short description of some of these works have been made in the VI Chapter of the book. The manuscript of Krisna Rukamapi Veli of Prithviraja contains 308 stanzas and the manuscripts of Madhumalti Katha contain 916 verses. Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner Dwision [ 87 (51) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE SETHJI The collection of the manuscripts is an ordinary one. The total number is about thiee hundred It seems that most of the manuscripts were either purchased or brought from the Sastra Bhandar of others temples There are no rare and early manuscripts here. GRANTHA BHANDARS OF BIKANER DIVISION. BikanerState was founded by Bikaji in the year 1488 A.D. Previously the area consisted of several small political regions under Sankhlas Parmars, Cauhans, Bhatts and Jats. But after conquering all of them Bikaji founded a state which was called Bikaner after his name? From Jodhpur among other warriors Bothra Vatsaraaja and Vaid Lakhansiji who were Oswal Jainas came with Bikaji. Vatsa Raja; was the Minister of Rao Lunakaran. Thus in the Bikaner state from very beginning the Jainas generally conducted the administration of the state and the rulers had great confidence in them Apart from the political importance, Bikaner City has also its importance from the literary point of view There are collections of about 50 to 60 thousand manuscripts only in Bikaner out of which about 20 thousand manuscripts are in the collection of Anupa Sanskrit library and the remaining 40 thousand manuscripts are collected in the Jaina Bhandars. In this big collection of manuscripts, there are hundreds of manuscripts which are rare and available only in these Bhandars. Besides the huge collection there are manuscripts which are illustrated and written with golden and silver ink. The illustrated Vigyapti literature is also in their collections. In this Division all are Swetambar Grantha Bhandars and no Digambar Grantha Bhandar ure there. The following are the Grantha Bhandars in the city (52) VRIHAT GYANA BHANDAR The collection of the manuscripts has been placed in Bara Upasra in in Rangadi ka Cauka. Before the year 1901 there was no such Bhandar here, but 1. The History of Bikaner State Part 1, by G, S, Ojha p. 96 2 Ibid. page 91 3, Bikaner Jaina Lekha Sangraha page 2 4. Manuscript Catalogue preserved in Abhiya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 ) Jana Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan due to the continuous persuation and hard labour of Sri Yati Himatuji, this great Bhandar could be established. The whole Bhandar consists of eight individual collections which were placed in different Almirahs. The names of the Sravakas who presented their manuscripis to this Bhandar, have been also written on the different almurahs. This collection was made from the following Bhandars. (1) DANA SAGAR BHANDAR - Danasagar placed the manuscripts in this Bhandar so this collection was named Danasagar Bhandar after him There are 2792 manu cripts in the collecuon which have been placed in 74 bundles The collection is very rich and has manuscripts on various subjects Most oi the inanuscripts are written in Samsirit. Prakrit, Hindi and Rajasthani The following are some of the tmportant manuscripts - (a) Bhagwati Tripathayratti .-by Abhayadeva Suri was written in the year 1071 AD The commentary (b) Acaranga Tripatha Vrallt - Silingacarya. The commentary was com posed in Suk Samvat 798. (c) Visaldeva Cauhan Rasa -- This was composcd by Nalha, This is a historical work which describes the life of Visal Deva and his wife Rani Rajmati. This is a very old book in Hindi The manuscript is incomplete having only 23 pages (d) Pingala Sastra --written by Hamiia in Rajasthani language. The work was composed in Sainvat 1786 (1729 A D) I deals with the subject of Pro'ody. (e) Tapagach. Pattavali - ontund complete list of Sadhus who have heen in the Tapagacha, a branch of Swetanibira Jainas () MAHIMA BHAKTI BHANDAR -- Mahima Bhakti was a Jaina Sadhu belonging to Khartargacha. He was the disciple of the famous cholar Upadhyaya Ksema Kalyana. There are several rare manuscripts available in the collection which are preserved as bundles. The total number of manuscripts is about 3000 which are placed in 89 bundles. All the manuscripts are on paper except a few ones The earliest palm leaf manuscript is SRAVAKA PRATIKRAMANA which bears the date of Samvat 1309 (1252 A.D). The manuscript copy of the AVASYAKA VRATTI called DURGA PADA VYAKHYA commented by Muni Sekhar Suri Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner Division [ 89 in Samvai 1471 (1414 A.D.) is dated 1453 A.D. The manuscript of NAV VILAS NATAK was written by Ramacadra in Samskrit. The manuscript of this NATAK is of the year 1516 A D. SANDEH DOHAVALI composed by Jinadatta in Hindi bears the Samvat 1495 (1438 A.D). The author was the disciple of Jayasagar Upadhyaya. (3) VARDHAMAN BHANDAR The collection of the Vardhaman Bhandar is valuable from the point of view of Hindi and Samskrit manuscripts, All the manuscripts are on paper. The following are the important manuscripts 1. Nama Mala of Kavi Banarsidasa of 17th century. This is a book on Lexicography in Hindi 2 3 4. 5 6 Sangrahni Tabba Tika -The commentary called Tabba was made by Sri Candra Suri This is an illustrated manuscript written in Prakrit Sripala Caritra --composed by Ratna Sekhar in Simvat 1428 (1371 AD) in Prakrit language Vikrama Sena Caupai :-This is a work of Manasagar Kavi who composed it in Samvat 1724 (1667 A.D). The manuscript was copied in the year 1795 A.D Suva Bahattari:-By Devadatta Bhatta small stories in Hindi told by a parrot This book deals with 72 Gora Badal Caupai -written in Hindi by Hema Ratana. It describes the famous battle which was fought between Allauddin and Ratnasena king of Chittor (d) ABHAYA SINGH BHANDAR The whole collection was presented by Si Abhaya Singh who was a Jaina Sravaka of Bikaner. There are 23 bundles which contain 427 manuscripts. All the manuscripts are on paper. Some of the important manuscripts are as follows 1. Viveka Vilasa :-by Jinadatta Suri The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1460 1.e, 1403 A. D. It is in Samskrit. Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars 10 Rajasthan. 2. Dholamaru :--By Kusallabha. This is a Rajasthani work composed in Sarivat 1617 (1560 A D.) at Jaisalmer. It describes a famous love story of Dhola and his wife Maru. 3 Singbasana Battisi .-Gyancandra. The work was composed in Samvat 1598 (1541 A.D). It describes 32 stories connected with the throne of King Vikram. The manuscript is of 1621 A.D. 4. Sripala Rasa : This is a work of Sri Gyana Sagar who was the student of Sri Guna Deva Suri. The work was composed in Samwat 1531 (1474 A D.) and describes the life of Sripala. (5) INA HARSA SORI BHANDAR The total number of the bundles is 26 in which there are 295 manuscripts. All the manuscripts are on paper The collection is an ordinary one (6) BHUWAN BHAKU BHANDAR The total number of the bundles here is 14 in which 476 manuscripts are placed. The collection is an ordinary one but there are several manuscripts which are old as well as rare. The following are some of the important manuscripts -- 1. Kumar Sambhava Vritti-by Laxmi Vallabha Gani in Samskrit. It is a commentary on the fanious Sanskrit Kavya, Kumar Sambhava of Kalidava. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1822 (1745 AD). 2. Raja Bhoja Bhunumati Katha : This is a Rajasthan work. The name of the author is not written but it descuibes the story of King Bhoja and Bhanumati. (7) RAMA CANDRA BHANDAR The total number of manuscripts is 300 placed in 9 bundles The collection is an ordinary one. Most of the works are in Hindi which were copied recently. (8) MAHARA CANDRA BHANDAR The total number of manuscripts is 295 in 8 bundles. Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Whendars of Bikaner Division. 191 (53) BHANDAR OF SRI PUJYA JI The collection pertains to Acaryas of VRIHAT KHARTAR GACHA in the Bara Upasraya. The Bhandar was quite in disorder previously but due to great labour of Sri Agarcand Nahta., the Bhandar was put in order and the manuscripts werd numbered and placed subject wise There are 99 hundles which contain 3115 manuscripts. Apart from these there are 100 Gutakas in the collection which contains manuscripts written in Prakrit, Samskrit, Hindi and Rajasthani language (54) JAINA LAXMI MOHAN SALA GYANA BHANDAR? This Bhandar was established in Sainwat 1951 (1894 A D.) by Sri Mohanlal wlio was the teacher of Upadhyaya Jaicand The collection of the manuscripts in this Bhandar is very good and the total number of the manuscripts is 2527 which are placed in 121 bundle. There are also 200 Gutakas All the manuscripts are on paper. The collection of Agama works is very important in this Bhandar. (55) GYAN BHANDAR OF KSEMA KALYANJI This Bhandar is in the Upasraya of Suganji A catalogue of 715 manus cripts was prepared by Hari Sagar Suri soinc uime back. The manuscript of Khartara Gacha Guravalik is also included in the collection. This book is a rare one and for the first time was discovered in the collection. This gives a complete history of the works of Khartargacha a sect of Swetambar Jaina Sadhus. (56) BOHAROUNI KI SERI KA UPASRAYA KA BHANDARS The collection exists in the Son of the Boludas ncur the Rangadi. The Opasraya pertains to the followers of Kscma Kalyanji. There are 805 manuscripts in the collection All the manuscripts are on paper. The collection is important from the point of view of Prakrit and Samskrit manuripts. (57) CHATTI BAI KA UPASRAYA KA BHANDAR The Bhandar is in the Nahta Guvada. There are about 300 manuscripts in the collection which are an ordinary one. 1. Manuscript Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner. 2 & 3. Ibid 4 Publised by Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay. 5 & 6 Manuscripts Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya, Bikaner. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. (58) PUNNI BAI KA UPASARAYA KA BHANDAR This collection contains 297 manuscripts duly catalogued and placed in serial number and subjectwise. (59) COLLECTION OF MAHOPADHYAYA RAMALAL? There are 507 manuscripts in the collection. All the manuscripts are systematically arranged. This is a personal collection of Sri Ramalal. Most of the manuscripts are on the subjects like Siddhanta, Purana and Carita. (60) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF KHARTARACARYA BRANCH The Bhandar belongs to small branch of Khartargacha. There is a good collection of manuscripts numbering 1895 A catalogue in which only names of the manuscripts are given, is available in the Bhandar. The manuscripts are placed in serial order. (61) HEMACANDRA LIBRARY The Grantha Bhandar is in the Upasara of Payacand Gacha under the control of Bathiyas. This Bhandar contains a good collection of the manuscripts numbering 1177 All the manuscripts are written on paper A catalogue of the manuscripts has been prepared and are placed duly numbered They are mostly written in Samskrit, Prakrit, and Hindi and deal with both secular and religious subjects. The majority of the manuscripts are on Agama, Sidhant, Purana and Katha literature, (62) ABHAYA JAINA GRANTHALAYA The Gianthalaya was founded by late Sri Sankar.dasa Nahta in the memory of bes sccund sou Abbayarija Nahta 35 years ago During these years by conunuous labour a huge collection of manuscripts numbering more than 15 000 has been made Apart fiom the individual manuscripts there are more than 500 Gutakas in the collection which contains several works copied in thcm Manuscripts duly numbered and registered are 13,188 and about 2,000 are still lying unregistered and without number The list is quite exhaustive and gives a complete picture of the 1. Makuscripts Catalogue pieserved in Abhaya Jaina Gianthalaya Bikaner. 2. to 5. lbid. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner Division. ( 93 manuscripts. Subjectwise list also abailable. The works are arranged in chronological order. First of all, the name of the main work is given and then its commentaries and Avacuries are mentioued Last of all the Hindi translation works on the original work are given. Thus the manuscripts are placed in scientific way This is perhaps the biggest collection of the manuscripts ever collected puivately not only in Rajasthan but in India also. The manuscripts are availavle on palm leaves as well as on paper but the number of the palm leaves manuscripts is small Manuscripts are written in several languages such as Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabhiramsa, Rajasthani, Marathi and Gujarati. They deal with various subjects The collection is not limited to the manuscripts or works written by the Jaina authors but there are hundreds of the works composed by the non-Jaina authors also. There is a good collection of historical works, letters of the Jaina Acaryas and Yatis, letters written by and to the rulers and their Farmins, Indian Calendar since Samwat 1701 (1644 A D) and Vansavalis of the Oswal Jainas ctc There is also a small collection of old photos, illustrated bulletins, illustrated letters written on the cloth, coins, ink-pots manuscripts written in golden ink and silver ink etc (63) SETHIYA LIBRARY There are 1212 manuscripts in this library Most of the manuscripts pertain to Agama literature written in Prakrit The library is quite systematic and the manuscripts are placed in serial number (64) GOVINDA PUSTAKALAYA? There is a good number of manuscripts in this library, The total number is near about 1110 All arc on paper, systematically arranged and registered. The library was established by Govindarama Bhihamcand Bhansal The Bhandari also private one (65) COLLECTION OF SRI MOTIRAMA KHAZANCT, This important collection of the manuscripts belongs to Sri Moti Ram who is fond of collecting the manuscripts and other artistic materials. The total number of the manuscripts with Sri Khemcandy is about 5000. The manuscripts have been 1 Manuscripts Catalogue Preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner 2 & 3 Ibid Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthan. collected from various points 1.e. historical, religious and, linguistic. Some manuscripts are illustrated also. Sri Moti Rama takes much interest in the collection of the manuscripts. The manuscripts are systematically arranged. Apart from these Bhandars mentioned above there are following Bhandars more in the City : (1) Kushal Cand Jaina Pustakalaya (2) Collection of Yati Mohanlal (3) Collection of Sri Lachiraina (4) Sastra Bhandar in Upasraya of Kochai. (5) Collection of Yati Jayakaraja. (6) Collection of Manmal Kothari (7) Collection of Mangal Cand Maluka. (8) Collection of Sri Bhanwarlal Rampurra. (9) Collection of Sri Mangalcand Jhalok. (10) Collection of Sri Rao Gopal Singh Vaid. The total number of the manuscripts preserved in Bikaner is more than 40.000. Some of the manuscr.pts which are rare have not been found in other Bhandars is given in Appendix III (66) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF YATI RIDHIVARJI, CURU: The Grantha Bhandar of Yati Ridhivarji is situated in Curu, It is also a good Bhandar containing 3785 manuscripts. All the manuscripts are on paper and systematically arranged and numbered. There is a good collection of both, religious and secular works. Some of the important manuscripts which are in the Bhandar are follows: | 2 Chandomanjari ---by Gopaldasa. The work is in Hindi. Laicandi Padhati -by Lal Cand Yati. It is a Jyousa work written in Sanskrit. 1. Manuscripts Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Bikanci Division. 195 3. Kavya Kaustubha .-by Vaidya Bhusan. The manuscript was copied in the year 1827 A.D. 4. Prathavi Raja Raso - by Mahakavi Candabardii. The date of manus cript is not given. It contains 62 folios. There is also another manuscript of this work in the Grantha Bhandar at serial number 1597. It contains 45 folios 5 Alankara Seh har .--by Kesava Misia. The manuscript was written in th: year 1622 A.D. (67) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Swetambara Terapanthi Sabha Sardar a har The Grantha Bhandar of Sardarshar belongs to Terapanth Sect of Swetambara Jainas. There are 1471 manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar. There is a of Kalpasutra written in Golden ink. This manuscript was written in the year 1477 AD. The Bhandur has a good collection of Hindi works. Some of the outstanding manuscripts are as follows - 1 Amar Sena Rasa .-This was composed in the year 1425 A.D. 2 The manuscript was written in Kumar Sambhava by Kalidasa. Sarvat 1514 (1457 AD) 3 Commentary on Naisadha Kvya in Samskrit. The manuscript was copied in the year 1471 A.D. 4. Kumarpala Rasa .- This is a manuscript which deals with the life of Maharaja Kumarpala of Gujrat The work was composed in the ycar 1425 A D The There are also some Grantha Bhandirs in the villages & towns. names of which are as under , (1) Collection of Yati Sumermal, Bhinasar, (2) Collection of Bahadur Singha Banthiya, Bhinasar (3) Swetambara Terapanthi Pustakulaya, Ganga nagar. (4) Collection of Yau Kisanlal, Kalu 1 Manuscript Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jain Granthalaya Bikaner Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan, (5) Collection of Kharlargacha Yau Dudhacanda, Sujangarh, (6) Danmal Copra Library, Sujangarh. (7) Surana Library, Curu. (8) Collection of Sricand Gadhaiya, Sardarsahar. (9) Collection of Dulicand Sethia, Sardarsahar. (10) Collection of Tara Cand Tatlera, Hanumangarh. (11) Vaidon ka Pustaka laya, Ratangarh. These are the private collections and they contain more or less the same manuscripts which are useful for their Swadhyaya purpose. GRANTHA BHANDARS OF JODHPUR DIVISION The Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division include the Bhandars of former Jodhpur and Jaisalmer states. From the importance of the Grantha Bhandars, this division possesses the Bhandars of Nagaur and Jaisalmer which are not only famous in Rajasthan but in India also. These are the richest Bhandars in India. (68) BHATTARAKIYA GRANTHA BHANDAR-NAGAUR Nagaur which was famous by the name of Nagapur, Ahipur, is an ancient city of Rajasthan. It was the capital of the rulers of the Naga dynasty in the ancient time. According to Bijola inscription Ahi-Chattrapur was the capital of Jangal Desa and the fore-fathers of Cauhanas were the rulers of this area. From here the Cauhana Rajputs made Sambhar their Capital'. During the Muslim period, the city witnessed many ups and downs. Some time the Muslim emperors destroyed the city, its temples and other historical places but at other times the Rajput Kings reconstructed these temples. There are several inscriptions written in the time of Mohammad Tuglaq, Akbar, Sahjahan and Aurangzeb2. After the down fall of Moghul Empire it came under the Jodhpur State and before merger into Rajasthan it was a prominent district of the same, Nagaur also remained a great literary centre of Jainas. Nagaur has been first mentioned in Dharmopadesamala by Jayasingh Suri (9th century). In the 11th 1. The History of Jodhpur State, part 1 page. 40-41 2. Ibid. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division, ( 97 century various Jaina spiritual leaders and saints such as Jina Vallabh Suri and Jinadatta Suri visited this place. This was the centre of Swetambar Jaina Sect. Vadideva Suria was the founder of Nigapuriya Tapagacha. In the 15th century there had been Pandit Medhavi, a Samskrit scholar and writer of several books. He completed his Dharmopadesa Stavakacara in Nagaur in Samvat 1541 (1-184 A D.). He described Nagaur as the capital of Sapad Laksa Pradesa. mapAdalakSe viSayeti sundare, zriyApure nAgapura samasti tat / perojagvAnA napati prayAti, nyAyena zauryeNa ripUna nihanti ca // 18 / / --Pracasti Sangrah p 24 In Samvat 1581 (1524 A.D) Bhattarakai Ratana Kirti established an independent Bhattarak Gadi and also established a great Sastra Bhandar which at present is regarded the greatest sastra Bhandic in Rajasthan. Since then Nagaur became a great literary centre for both the sects of Jainas. From the 15th to 18th century this city remained a centre of Jaina literary activities and thousands of mannscripts were copied here. Some of them are still in the Grantha Bhandars of Nagaur itself and others are in the various other Bhandars of Rajasthan. Since the establishment of Grantha Bhandar, there had been several Bhattarakas such as Bhuwan Kirti (1529 A D.), Dharma Kirti (1533 AD) Visal Kirti (1544 A D.), Laxmi Candra (1554 A D.) Nemi Candra (1593 A D.). Yashah Kirti (1615 AD), Bhanu Kirti (1633 AD), Sri Bhusana (1648 A D.), etc. who took great interest in incresing the number of the manuscripts and also took great care for the safe preservation of the same. The manuscripts were got written by the householders and were presented to Bhattarakas at the end of the religious ceremonies or at the time of their visit to the places Thus the collection of manuscript in this Grantha Bhandar increased day by day This work was continued upto end of the 19th century without any difficulty because from the collection it appears that during the past 100 years a very few manuscripts were written and placed in the Granila Bhandir. More care was given to preservation than to the collection itself for years these manuscripts were not often seen ficely by public. Just at present even 1 Anekanta Delhi Vol II Kiran 2. 2 loud. 3. Bhaitaraka Sampradaya by V. Plohtapur kar page. :21 Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 981 Jal Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. about 15 years they were not placed in the Almirahs but were kept in the bundles of cloth. First of all every manuscript after keeping it between the two wooden plates, was bounded by the cloth string and then about a hundred or more manuscripts duly kept under Vesthanas were placed in the big thick bags of cloth. They were tightened in such a way that even air could not be allowed to enter. The writer himself saw the system of pressing the manuscripts and opened them for the purpose of seeing and cataloguing. The total number of the manuscripts collected in the Grantha Bhandar is more than 14 thousand out of which 12 thousand are the individual manuscripts and two thousands are Gutakas. Such a huge collection of the manuscripts is not available in any other Bhandar in Rajasthan. All the manuscripts are written on paper and there is no manuscript even in this big Bhandar written on palm leaves. The collection is valuable. Most of the manuscripts are quite old. Some of them have been written from 14th to 18th century. Manuscripts of various subiects have been collected in this Grantha Bhandar. They may be divided into religious and secular ones Religious subjects such as works on Agam, Sidhant. Purana, Karhi, Carita, Puju. Stotra, Vidhan etc, and secular subjects such as Kavya, Drama, Ayurveda, Jyotisa Mathematics, Sangecta, Rasa, Alankar and Canda etc. Thus we can say that the books on all the subjects are available in this Sastra Bhandir. In this respect this is one of the best Grantha Bhandars not only in Rajssthan but in India also. The manuscripts are mainly in five languages i e. Rajasthani, Samskrit, Prakrit. Apabhramsa and Hindi. SAMSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS The manuscripts written in Samskrit language may be divided into following categories - (a) Rare Manuscripts (b) Old Manuscripts (c) Conimon Manuscripts. (a) RARE MANUSCRIPTS. The manuscripts such as (1) KAVYA MANJARI. (2) CARITA SARA by Ratna Bhusana (3) Sanskrit commentaries on SUDARSAN CARIYO and (4) PAUM CARIYU, (5) RAGHUVANSA TIKA by Haridasa (6) as VIDAGDHA MUKHA MADAN by Aika Natha, (7) SARASWATA TIKA by Mathur Misra (8) VRAT Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandats of Jodhpur Division ( 99 RATNAKAR TIKA by Krisna Sharma and (9) CANDRONAMILAN TIKA by Rupcand are some of the rare manuscripts which are not available in other Bhandars. (b) OLD DATED MANUSCRIPTS There are many manuscripts which were written in the 15th and 16th centuries and can be used in editing the books, The manuscripts of (1) SAGAR DHARMAMRITA by Asadhara (2) SARWARTHA SIDDHI by Pujyapada (3) KSATRA CODAMANI by Vadibha Singha (4) TRAILOKYA DIPAKA by Vamadeva (5) SODASA KARANA VIDHANA by Abbra Pandit (6) YASODHAR CARITRA by Sakal Kirti, (7) SISUPALA VADH by Migha Kavi, (8) DRAVYA SANGRAH TIKA by Brahmadova (9) CARITA SARA by Ratna Shusana and (10) KIRATAR)UNIYA by Bharvi are some of the old manuscripts which are housed in this Bhandar. PRAKRIT & APABIIRAMSA MANUSCRIPTS - Manuscripts written in Prakrit and Apabhrama languages are in abundance. In this respect the collection of this Grantha Bhandar may be compared with the collection of the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Except the Dhaval, Jayadhaval, and Mahadhaval most of the literature written in Prakrit and Apabhramsa is available in this Bhandar. There are a few manuscripts which are not preserved in this Bhandat. The earliest dated manuscript is SAMAYASARA which was copied in the year 1203 A.D. The manuscript of MOLACARA is also of 1338 A.D The other old manuscripts are such as GOMMATASARA by Nemi Candra. SAMAYASARA TIKA by Amrita Candra and PRAVACANSARA by Acarya Kunda-Kunda, Among the Apabhrama manuscripts VARANGA CARIYU hy Teipal. VASUDHIR CARIYU by Sri Bhusana, SAMAYAKTVA KAUMUDI by Hari Singh and NEMI NAHA CARIYU by Damodara etc. are some of them. Other manuscripts written in Apabhramsa belong to 14th to 17th century. The peculiarity of this Bhandar is that there are more than one and in some cases upto 15 manuscripts are available of scical works HINDI MANUSCRIPTS The manuscript of NEMINATHA RASA by Bhau, JAGAROPA VILAS by Jagrupa, KRIPANA PACCISI by Kalha, SARASWATI LAXMI SAVADA hy Mandalacarya Sri Bhusana, HARI CANDRA RAJA KI CAUPAI (1820), RASA MANI MALA by Mahatma Lalachand, KRIYA KOSA BHASA by Sukha Deva, ARDRA KUMAR CAUPADI by Anand Bhagat and VIKRAMA SENA CAUPAI by Mansagar etc. are some of the rare manuscripts in the Bhandar The collection of Hindi works is mainly in Gutakas. Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan There are Historical works on the life of Bhattarakas in Hindi which give new account of them. Such works are not casily available. There are the songs written in praise of the Bhattarkas. The names of such songs are as follows: (1) Nemicandra Gita. (2) Visalkirti Gita. (3) Sahasra Kirti Gita. (4) Eri Bhusana Gita. (5) Jaskirti Gita. (6) Dharmakitti Gita. (7) Gunacand Gita. The Prasastis written at the end of the manuscripts are also an important onc. These Prasastis are of two kinds. Prasastis which are witten by the authors themsciver giving their full description, date of composition, Ruler's name, place where composed, and the circumstances under which the work was written. The Prasastis written by the copyists give full account of the family of the persons by whom the manuscript was got written in such Prasastis the Ruler's name and the name of the place is also given. Such Prasasti serve it good purpose for historical and social surveys The Grantha Bhandal has not been searched out thoroughly, a catalogue giving the names of the manuscripts, author's name, Bhasa, Date of compoSition, Date of copying etc. have been prepared recently by Sri Satisa Candra and Yatindra Kumar Sastri. A list of manuscripts copied in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries are given in the Appendix 11 JAINA GRANTHA BHANDARS-JAISALMER The Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer have long been famous throughout India Those Bhandars are called most valuable manuscript collections preserved in India They drew attention to their importance of not Indian Scholars but also of Western Scholars As a matter of fact Western Scholars realised their importance for the first time very recently. Among the Western Scholars Colonel James Tod was the first scholar who drew attention to their importance, in his book "TRAVELS IN WESTERN INDIA" (1829) a delightful work which deals largely with the sacred places of the Jainas. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division 1 101 After 45 years of Colonel Tod's visit, Dr. Buhler and Dr. Jacobi examined these Bhandars. He described in India Antiquary that a large portion the Bhandar consists of palm leaf manuscripts dated from 1140 to 1340 A.D. He was under the impression that he had seen all the contents of the Bhandars but as a matter of fact he could not see more than 400 manuscripts. Dr. Buhler in his communication to India Antiquary remarks: "In Jaisalmer, which was founded about the middle of the 12th century there is a large colony of Jainas. A temple was built under the pontificate of Jina Bhadra Suri, to which were gradully added six other temples. Through this temple and the wealth of the Jaina community, Jailsalmer has obtained a high fame as one of the principal seats of the Jaina faith. Especially, however, is the renown of the Bhandar every where celebrated which according to the statements of Gujaratis surpasses all similar Bhandars in the world." About 30 years after Dr. Buhler's visit, a prominent Indian scholar Prof. Sridhar R. Bhandarkar visited the Bhandars of Jaisalmer. He gave full account of his visit in the "Reports of a record tour in search of manuscripts in Rajputana and Central India in 1904-5 and 1905-6 and which was published in year 1909 A.D. At the same time the Jaina Swetambara Conference deputed Pandit Hiralal Hansraja for preparing the catalogue of the Bhandars. The catalogue which he prepared was used in the book "Jaina Granthawali" published in the year 1909 A D. Several attempts for preparing the catalogue were also made after the publication of Jaina Granthawali. Among those are the names of Muni Hansvija1i and Jina Kripa Candra Suri and Sri C. D. Delal. But Delal was the only scholar who had the credit to place the importance of the Bhandars before the scholars. He was the librarian of Central Library, Baroda, He was sent by Maharaja of Baroda in 1916 and he carefully examined all the contents of the big Bhandar and of three other Bhandars. This has been published already in the year 1923 A D. by the Central Library Baroda Among the recent scholars the names of Muni Jina Vijaya, Sri Nahta and Muni Punya Vijaya are well known, Muni Jina Vijaya along with five scholars and some copyists remained there for five months and got copied about two hundred manuscripts. He wrote a good description of the collection in third volume of Bhartiya Vidya, Bombay. Muni Punya Vijayji also remained here for about 16 months, the largest time given by a scholar so far. He got microphone of 214 manuscripts and prepared a complete calalogue again. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 larna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Jaisalmer has been regarded as one of the safest place of Rajasthan. Jaisalmer was founded by King Jaisal in Samvat 1215 (1158 A.D.). But the manuscripts which are in the collection of the Bhandar are carlier than its time of foundation. Since its foundation there must have been frequent visits of Jaina Sadhus and is also certain that the Jaina Sastra Bhandar was established from the very beginning of the city. In the 15th century Jina Bhadra Suri who belongs to the Khartar Branch of the Swetambara sect established the Grantha Bhandar in a systematic way and collected the manuscripts. Sri Jina Bhadra Suri also established Sastra Bhandar at Jalore and Nagaur but they were destroyed by the Muslim invaders. It was his foresightedness for establishing the Grantha Bhandar at Jaisalmer. According to Dr. Bhandarkar there are manuscripts copied in Vikram Samvat 924, 1005, 1120, 1127, 1134, 1144 and 1155 but he has stated that the time of manuscript copied in v. s. 1139 seems to be correct. But now Muni Punya Vijaya discovered the earliest manuscripf of Samvat 1117 (1060 A.D). Though there are several manuscripts which were written in Jaisalmer but there comes no name of Jaisalmer in any of the manuscripts. There are three manuscripts which were composed in the Jaisalmer fort. They are as under . 1. Salibhadra Carita :--was composed in the year 1228 AD 2 Manjjana Sundari Carita -composed in the year 1350 A D. 3. Jambu Dwipa Pragyapu :-composed in the year 1590 A.D. by Upadh yaya Punyasagai There are six Jaind Grantha Bhandars in the city. Their names are as follows --- 1. Brihad Gyana Blindar. 2 Pancano Bhandar. 3 Bada Upasraya Jaina Gyana Bhandar. 4. Tapa Gacchiya Gyana Bhandir 5. Loka Gacchiya Gyana Bhandar. 6. Thaharu Saha Gyana Bhandar. (69) BRIHAD GYANA BHANDAR This is one of the most important Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. It was founded in Samvat 1497 (1440 A.D.) by Jina Bhadra Suri along with the temple of Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Graptha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division [ 103 Sambhavanatha founded by him in the same year. He had a great interest in establishing the Grantha Bhandars and in his life he established several Bhandars in India. As already stated Jaisalmer was founded by King Jaisal in the year 1158 A.D. but this Bhandar con.ains manuscripts earlier than its foundation. So it is presumed that these manuscripts were brought from other parts of India, specially from Gujrat. Thrs Grantha Bhandar was the literary centre for the scholars like Kamal Samyama Upadhyaya who was the pupil of Jina Bhadra Suri, wrote commentary on the Uttaradhyayana in Samvat 1544 (1487 A.D.) in the Jaisalmer Forta. Samaya Sundara who was of 17th century scholar, visited this Bhandar and praised the services of Jina Bhadra Suni for writing the manuscripts and establishing the Grantha Bhandars There are 804 mauuscripts written on palm leaves. The earliest manuscript written on palm leaves is OGHA NIRYUKTI VRATTI" by Dronacarya in the year 1060 A.D. The manuscript was copied by Pahila. Except this there are several manuscripts which were copied in the 12th and 13th century. In this respect the position of this Bhandar is topmost. There is full Agam literature alongwith their commentaries written by several Acaryas. Apart from this kind of literature, there 1. sthAne sthAne sthApita jJAna bhaNDAra zrI jinabhadramUri-pattanIya vADI pArzvanAtha mandira prazasti / 2. ambodhi-vAranidhi-bANazazAkavarSe / zrIuttarAdhyayanavRtimimA cakAra / jaisalamero durge vijayadazamyAM mathitA seyam, zrIjinabhadramunIzvaracaraNammaraNaprasAdena 3 zrIjJAnakozalekhanadakSAH jinabhadrasUrayo. mukhyA / tatpaTTe sajjAtAstato' yu tanadivyaguNajAtA / / Sambodha Saptati Vratu praNahillapatana-jesalamerasthitasamayakozavIkSAyAH / samavasitagopyagambhIrabhAvazra tanikarasaJcArA. // Vicara Ratoa Sangrah 3/310 4. savat 1117 maMgala mhaashrii.||ch|| pAhilena likhitam / magala mahAdhI / Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 1 are manuscripts on Carita, Purana, Katha and Natak. The works written by non-Jaina authors are also in good number and such old manuscripts written on palm leaves are not easily available even in the non-Jaina Bhandars. We find the Manuscripts of Kuvalaya-Mala, Kavya-Mimansa by Raja Sekhar, Kavya-Darsa by Someswar Bhatta, Kavya Prakasa by Mammata and Naisadha Carita by Sri Harsa copied in the 12th and 13th century. The total number of paper manuscripts are 1704. They are not preserved as individual manuscript but in Pothis which may be called Gutakas. On paper also there are old manuscripts. Some of the important manuscripts preserved in the Grantha Bhandar are as follows 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 2. Pauma Cariya :-Composed by Vimala Suri. It is a Mahakavya written in Prakrit. The manuscript is on palm leaves and was copied in the year 1141 A.D.1 Candraprabha Swami Caritra-by Yasodeva Suri. It is in Prakrit and was composed by the author in the year 1121 A. D The manuscript was copied in the year 1160 A.D. 3. Hitopadesamritam-composed by Paramanand Suri in Prakrit language. The total Gathas are 520 and the manuscript is dated Samvat 1310 (1253 A.D.). 4. Vasudeva Hindi-by Sanghadasa Vacak written in Prakrit and deals with the life of Vasudeva3 The manuscript is rare one. 5. Sunuinatha Caritam by Devacandra Suri. The manuscript was written in the year 1103 A. D. This is also a rare manuscript. The work is in Prakrit prose and poem. } savat 1217 caitra badi 6 budho ch| brahmAgAgacche pa0 zramayakumArasya / 2. saMvat 1138 kArtika yadi 13 || || mahArAjAdhirAjazrIjayasiMha devavijayarAjye bhRgukacchasamavasthitena likhiteyaM sillaragena ||cha / 3. basudeva hiDi prathama khaNDaM saMghadAsavAcakakRtam / zAntirita prAkRtagadyapadyamayaM 1150 varSa hemasarigurudeva candrasUrIyam / 4. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division [ 105 6. Nai Sadha Tika : by Vidyadhara'. This is a commentary on Naisadha Caritra. It seems to have been composed in 12th or 13th century. 7. Chandonusasan :- Jayakirti Sari. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 11923 ( 1135 AD ). His pupil Amal Kirti was also a scholar. He wrote Yogasara which has been quoted in the following way -- 8. Mudra Raksasa Natak :- by Visakha Deva. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1314 (1257 A.D ) by asadi son of Deyada. 1 (70) PACANO BHANDAR This is a small Sastra Bhandar. There is a collection of 42 manuscripts written on Palm leaves. Sri C. D. Delal has not mentioned this Bhandar in his catalogue'. (71) BADA UPASRAYA JAINA GYANA_BHANDAR There is a good collection of 1019 manuscripts written on paper. This Bhandar does not possess palm leaf manuscripts. So it has also not been mentioned by C. D. Dalal in his catalogue. There are several rare manuscripts in this Bhandar Some of the important manuscripts are as follows: 1 zrI jayakIrtisUrINA ziSyeNAmalakIrtinA / lekhita yogasArAkhya vidyArthIvAmakIrtinA || 2. iti jayakItikRtau chandonuzAsane.... namo devebhya savata 1962 ASADha mudi 10 zana likhitamidamiti / 3 buddha vA zrImuni devasaMjJavivudhAt kAvya nava naiSadham / TIkA yadapi sopapattiracanA vidhAgharo nimame // 5. savat 1314 varSe grASADhavadizanI adyaM ha zrIvAmanasthalyA sthita maha0 deyaDa suta zrAsIdIna pustaka likhitamiti / 4 Catalogue of Jaisalmer Bhandars published by the Central Library, Baroda in 1923 Ibid. . Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. (a) Naradiya Purana :-The manuscript was copied in the year 1419 A.D. by Vyasa Janardana son of Hariscandra at Malika Vahana'. It is in Samskrit. (b) The manuscript is incom Visala Rasa :-written in the Rajasthani. plete one having only 11 folios. (c) Uttaradhyayana Sutra :--with commentary by Gyanasagar Suri. The manuscript was copied in the year 1429 A.D.: (72) TAPA GACCHIYA GYANA BHANDAR The Tapagachhiya Gyana Bhandar when it was established, is not known. But it is a fact that in Samvat 1559 (1602 A. D) it received a good shape by Ananda Vijayagani. The Upasraya in which the Grantha Bhandar is placed belongs to Hira Vijay. This was the centre of sadhus of Tapagacha sect. There are both the kinds of manuscripts of palm leaves and paper. But the number of palm leaves manuscript is 8 only. Some of the important manuscripts preserved in the Bhandar are as follows : (a) Hari Vikrama Carita :--By Jayatilak. The manuscript was copied in Sarivat 1415 (1358 A.D.) (b) Maladharn Devaprabha'. It is written on Mragavati Canta:-by paper, (c) Vasavadatta :--by Mahakavi Subandhu. The manuscript is on paper and was written by Kayastha Yasodhara in the year 1411.5 1 savatu rAjAzrI vikramAditye 1476 varSe poSa sudI 1 pratipadAyA mUlanakSatre zrImalikavA haNasthAne brAhmamUrne zrIharizcandra. tasya putreNa vyAsajanArdanena sikhitamida pustaka zivamastu / 2. mavat 1486 varSe phAlguna yadi 10 ravau zrI DUgarapure rAula zrI gaipAla devarAjye likhitA liibaaken| 3. savat 1415 varSe artha ha stamatIrthe prtilekhitaa| 4. malapArizrIdevaprabhASAviracite dharmasAre mRgAvatIcaritre pacamo vizrAmaH / 6. iti mahAkavimubandhuviracitA vAsavadattAbhidhAnA mAsyAyikA smaaptaa| saMvat 1468 samaye mArgasira vadi 4 budhavAsare likhita kAyastha yazodhareNa / Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Jodhput Division 1107 (73) LOKA GACCHIYA GYANA BHANDAR This Bhandar has been named by Sri C. D. Dalal as Sastra Bhandar of Dungar Yati, but now Muni Punya Vijaya mentions it in his catalogue as Lokagachiya Gyana Bhandar. It has eleven palm leaves manuscripts. The manuscript of Punya Sara Katha composed by Viveka Samudra in Samvat 1334 (1277 A.D.) at Jaisalmer, is an important manuscript available in the Grantha Bhandar. The collection of manuscripts was made by Dungara Yati. (74) THAHARU SAHA GYANA BHANDAR Both Sridhar Bhandarkar and C. D. Dalal have given the name of the Bhandar as THIRU SAHA but according to the inscription of the latest part of 17th century the true name seems to be THAHARU. The same name has been given by Muni Punya Vijay in his catalogue. There are only four palm leay manuscripts and the rest of the manuscripts are on paper. (75) HARI SAGAR GYANA BHANDAR-LOHAVAT The Sastra Bhandar of Lohavat is one of the inost famous and richest Bhandar of Rajasthan. The Sastra Bhandar consists of fine collection of manuscripts. The total number of the manuscripts is 2110 out of which the number of Gutakas is 87. Books written in the Sarhskrit, Prakrit and Hindi languages are in the majority. They deal with the subjects such as Agima, Kavya, Carita, Katha, Pujana and Grammer Some of the important manuscripts which are in the collection are as follows: 221 Rathora Bansavali in Hindi. 485 Srangara Sataka by Jainarain Bhatta in Hindi 516. Samyaktva Kaumudi by Jaysekhara in Samskrit. 564. Sandesa Rasaka Tippanika : Commentary by Laxmi Cand. Original book in Apabhramsa and ceminentary in Samskrit, 782. Neminatha Rasa hy Vijaydeva Suri in Hindi. 1378. Viveka Manjari by Akhada Kayi in Hindi. 1. Manuscripts Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Blaner. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 ] 1457. Commentary on Meghaduta Kavya by Kamal Kiriti in Samskrit. 1462. Kavi Rahasya Tika by Ravi Dharma. 1985. Naisadha Kavya Vritti by Jinaraja Suri in Samskrit. 1986 Kavya Prakasa Vritti by Gunaratan Pathak in Samskrit. (76) SRI MAHAVIRA GYANA BHANDAR, PHALODI1 Jama Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. The total number of the manuscripts are 146 The first list of the manuscript was prepared in the year 1918 A. D by Sri Anand Sagarji Maharaj and it was again prepared in the year 1924 by Sri Ratan Muniji and the third list in the year 1937. The collection of the manuscripts is an ordinary one. The manuscripts of SRENIKA CARITRA by Jina Prabha Suri in Samskrit is a rare one. (77) PUNYA SRI GYANA BHANDAR, PHALODI Upto the year 1916 the collection of the manuscripts was an ordinary one but in the year 1917 Sri Ananda Sagar Maharaj increased the number of the manuscripts. Old, damaged and rat-caten portions of manuscripts were again copied. The total number of the manuscripts in the Bhandar is 365. Most of the manuscripts are of 18th and 19th century. There is a good collection of the manuscripts on the subjects like Agama and Katha etc. All the manuscripts are written on paper. (78) RAJENDRA SURI SASTRA BHANDAR, AHORE1 There is a big Sastra Bhandar in Ahore which contains a large number of the manuscripts. The Sastra Bhandar is under the management of Sri Rajendra Suri, a Jana Yati The total number of the bundles in which the manuscripts are All the manuscripts are written on paper and there is no manuscript The following are the important manuscripts in the collection : Jamnendra Vyakarana Vratti by Megha Vijay in Samskrit. 78. Naisadha Kavya Vratti. Commentary by an unknown author written in V.S. 1453 1.e. 1396 A.D. placed are 252 on palm leaves. I 1 to 3. Manuscript Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jain Granthalaya Bikaner Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division. ( 109 79. Jambu Dwipa Pragnapti in Prakrit. The book is fully illustrated. 83/6. Pradyumna Caritra by Rama Candra. The majority of the manuscripts are in Prakrit, Samskrit and Hindt languages. (79) JAINA SASTRA BHANDAR-KUCAMANA Kucamana is a good city in the Nagaur District of Rajasthan. It is situated on the Western Railway Branch which is linked from Phulera Junction to Merta Road. There are three Jaina temples in the city. All the temples have manuscripts in their collection. But the collection of the Grantha Bhandar of Ajmeri Mandir is an important one. Majority of the manuscripts are of Samskrit and Prakrit. All the manuscripts are written on paper. The main subjects on which the manuscript copies are generally available is Sidhanta. Purina, Carita, Puja apd Stotra. Apart from these Bhandars, there are some Bhandars, under the possession of some Yatis and Sravakas also. Names of such collections are as follows: (1) Collection of Bhattaraka Udarcandra -Jodhpur. (2) Jaina Rastra Pustakalaya Singpole, Jodhpur (3) Badri Bhatta Rishi Kula Brahmacaryasrama, Jodhpur. (4) Collection of Ram karana Asopa. Jodhpur, (5) Collection of Yati Khemcandra, Balatora. (6) Collection of Sansamal Kanted, Pali (7) Collection of Tapagachhiya Punan candra, Pachabhadra. (8) Collection of Sumatisagar, Sozat. GRANTHA BHANDARS OF UDAIPUR DIVISION Udaipur remained a prominent State of Rajasthan. The city of Udaipur was founded in 1959 A.D. by Maharana Udaisingh and it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in India. A French Traveller Picine Loti called it "A DELICIOUS HALTING PLACE." The Jainas were the prominent helpers of the various Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 110 1 Maharanas of Udaipur. They always supported them both in prosperity and distress, so when the city was established, Jainas from various places also came here and settled down. From its very foundation Udaipur remained the centre of learning and literature. The Maharanas of Udaipur also took initiative in this respect and contributed to a great extent towards the Rajasthani litarature. The manuscript library of Maharana is a great treasure, house for Rajasthani and Samskrit literature. Asadhar a famous Jaina scholar of 13th century was of Udaipur State There are 9 Jaina temples in the city and all of them contain manuscripts. There are several manuscripts which were copied in Udaipur and at present found in various places. Neminatha Purana of Brahma Nemidatta copied in Samvat 1751 (1694 A.D) and 1783 (1726 A D.) at Udaipur were placed in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Syadavadamanjari copied in Samvat 1797 (1740 A.D) was placed in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhicand, Jaipur Pandava Purana of Bhattaraka Subha Candra was copied in Samvat 1693 (1636 A.D) in the Santinatha temple, Udaipur Adipurana written by Acarya Jinasena was copied in Samvat 1730 (1673 A.D) Poet Daulata Rama Kasliwal who lived here for about thirty years wrote various books in Hindi lle mentioned the name of Udaipur in his VASUNANDI SRAVAKACARA BHASA' (80) SASTRA BHANDAR OF SAMBHAVANATHA TEMPLE, UDAIPUR Jaina Temple of Sambhavanatha is one of the oldest temples of Udaipur City It has a very good Sastra Bhandar which possesses 517 manuscripts, written from 15th century to 20th century. The earliest manuscript available in the Sastra Bhandar is LAGHU JATAKA TIKA of Bhattotpal which was copied in Samvat (1408 A D.) and the latest manuscript copied in Samvat 1965 (1908 A.D) is Solahakarana Vidhan of Tek Cand in Hindi. In this way we find here manuscripts written in last 500 years The collection of the manuscripts is very rich from the point of view of Hindi manuscripts and there are more than 25 Hind! works which have come to light for the first time. Among such rare manuscripts following are remarkable 1. Sita Sila Rasa Pataka Gunavel-by Acarya Jaya Kirti composed in Samvat 1604 (1547 A.D). The manuscript is an original copy written by the author. 1. Prasasti Sangrah of Amer Sastra Bhandar. Jaipur p 255. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Ahandars of Udaipur Division 2. Rajula Patrika :-by Soma Kavi. It is a letter written by Rajula to Lord Neminatha in Hindi. 3. Rohini Prabandha :-by Brahma Vastupala written in Samvat 1654 (1597 A.D). Jt is an short story of Rohini Vrata. 4. Hanuman Carita Rasa :-By Brahma Gyana Sagar. It was composed in Samvat 1630 (1573 A.D) in Paluwa city and describes the life of Hanuman according to Jaina mythology 5 Anirudha Harana or Usa Harana :-written by Ratan Bhusana Suri. It describes the life of Anirudha who was the grand son of Sri Krisna. The manuscript was copied in Sarvat 1699 (1642 A.D). 6 Bhattaraha Sakal Kirti Rasa --written by Samal who was also a pupil Sakal Kirti. It is in Hindi and describes the life of Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti and Bhattarak Bhawan kirti. It is a historical work. 7 Sanat Kumar Rasa -written by Pasa Cand in Samvat 1677 (1620 A D). 8 Mallinatha Stavan :-by Dharma Singh in Samvat 1697 (1640 A D.). 9. Among Samskrit manuscripts Chanda Ratnakara Tika is an important work. It is a work on metres. 10 Jyotisa Grantha :-by Asadhar, a famous Samskrit scholar of 1311 century. The main subjects on which the manuscripts are found are religious as well as secular one. Among secular subjects, Purana, Rasa, Philosophy and Katha are more important. (81) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF AGARWAL JAINA TEMPLE There is also a good collection of the manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar of this temple. The total oumber of the manuscripts is 388 including Guta kas. There are a majority of Hindi manuscripts and among them also the number of Rasas are more. The Bhandar possesses manuscripts of the 14th century. The earliest written manuscript is SARWARTH SIDHI of Pujyarada copied in Samvat 1370 (1327 A D.). It was written in Delhi which was called Yoginipur at Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. that time. The main subjects on which the manuscripts are available on Jaina Sidhant, Purina and Rasas. Some of the rare manuscripts are as follows: 1. Carudatta Prabandha -of Kalyana Kiti composed in Samvat 1692 (1635 A.D.). 2. Mahapurana Ki Caupai -by Gangadasa. He was the son of Parwata Dharmarthi, who was himself a Hindi scholar. 3. Lonka Mata Nirakarana Rasa .-by Sumati Kirti. It is a work in Hindi which contradicts the Lonkamata. 4. Aklanka Yati Rasa .- by Jai Kiriti composed in Samvat 1667 (1610 A.D). It describes the life and achievements of Aklank, a famous Jaina scholar and Acarya of 6th century. 5. Sudarsana Sethani Caupai :-by Lal Kavi. It was composed in Samvat 1636 (1579 A D). 6. Jinadatta Rasa :-by Ratan Shusana in Hindi 7. Gomatta Swami Caupai'-by Muni Jasakirti composed in Samvat 1619 (1562 A.D). 8. Vasudeva Prabandha -by Jayakirti, the manuscript is of Samvat 1735 (1678 A.D) 9. Jivandhar Carita :-by Daulat Ram Kashwal composed in the year 1805 (1748 A.D). The manuscript is original copy written by the author himself 10. Ajitnatha Rasa :--by Brahma Jinadasa. It is a work of 15th century and written in praise of Agitanatha. 11. Balabhadra Rasa :-By Brahma Yasodhar composed in Samvat 1585 (1528 A D) in Skandhanagar. 12. Sravakacara :-by Dharma Vinod. It is a work of 15th century (1457 A.D). It deals with duties of householders 13. Ambika Rasa :-by Brahma Jinadasa. It is a Hindi work 14. Punyasrava Katha Kosa :-by Rama Candra copied in 1533 A.D. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division [ 113 15. Sabda Bheda Prakasa :-by Maheswara Kavi in 1500 AD 16. Dharma Pariksa Rasa :-by Sumati kirti copied in 1591 A.D. (82) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF KHANDELWALA JAINA TEMPLE The Khandelwala Jaina temple is situated in Mandhi ki Nala, Udaipur. It preserves a small collection of manuscripts numbering about 185. Most of the manuscripts are in Hindi written by Jaina authors. The earliest manuscript is BHUPALA STAVANA copied in Samvat 1363 (1306 A. D) and latest one is DASLAKSANA POJA by Rawat copied in Samvat 1974 (1917 A.D). The main subjects on which the manuscripts are available are Rasa, Puja and Stotra. Some of the important manuscripts are as follows -- 1. Gaja Singh Caupai -of Raja Sunder. It is a work of 1497 A.D 2. Rama Rasa :--by Madhava Dasa. It is a short story on the life of Rama. 3 Campawati Sila Kalyanaka .-by Muni Raja Cand. It is a work of 1627 A.D. 4 Simandhara Swami Stavan .-written by Kamal Vijay in Samvat 1682 (1625 A.D). (83) GAUDI JI KA UPASRAYA-UDAIPUR The total number of the manuscripts is 625 The manuscripts are placed in bundles. The manuscripts are on the subjects such as Agama, Ayurveda & Jyotisa etc The Grantha Bhandar is an ordinary one. (84) GRANTHA BHANDAR-DONGARPUR Dungarpur remained the literary centre from the 15th century when Bhattaraka Sakalkirti established the Bhattaraka Gadi here. As the Bhattaraka was a versatile scholar, there stayed several scholars with him. A great ceremony was taken in Sarwat 1482 (1425 (A.D), Brahma Samal pupil of Sakal Kirui described the same in the Sakal Kirti Rasa as follows: Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan 114 ] caUdaya vyAsIya savati kuladIpaka narapAla saghapati / Dugarapura dIkSA mahochava tINi kIyA e // 3 // zrI sakalakIrati saha guri sukari dIdhI dIkSA prANadabhari / jaya jayakAra sali sacarAcarue gaNadhara // 4 // After Bhattaraka Sakalkirti there were several Bhattarakas who had been there and composed several works in Samskrit and Hindi. Amongst such Bhatyarakas, Bhuvan Kirti, Gyan Bhusana, Vijaya Kirti, Subhacandra, Brahma Jinadasa are some of them. There is still a Bhattaraka seat and good collection of the manuscripts the total number of which is 553 Dangarapui was a State and now it is a district Head quarter of Dungarpur District of Rajasthan. There are several manuscripts written in Dungarpur and preserved in various Grantha Bhandars. Jinadatta Katha was copied in Samvat 1616 (1559 A.D) and was placed in the Grantha Bhandar of Agarwal Jaina temple Udaipur. Sajjana Citta Ballabha was copied in Samvat 1696 (1639 A.D) at Dungarpur and was presented to Brahma Akhaya Raja. Caubisa-Thana-Carca was written in Adinatha temple in Sarivat 1731 (1674 A.D) and placed in Udaipur Bhandar. The collection of the various manuscripts is very notable and some of them are as follows -- 1. Rain Rasa by Brhma Jinadasa. The manuscript was written in Samvat 1748 (1691 A D) in Dewal Village. This is one of the famous work in Hindi of the poet. 2 Mithyaiva Khandan by Bah hat Ram. 3. Sukausal Rasa by Ven. Dasa. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1714 (1657 A D 4 Suhausal Swami Rasa by Brahma Jinadasa in Hindi. 5. Upadesa Bavani by Kisan Dasa composed in 1707 A.D. Bavani is a good work of Hindi literature. 6. Saraswati Puja by Brahma Jinadasa in Samskrit. 7. Sammeda Sikhar Puja by Ram Pal composed in the year 1829 A.D. in Hindi. The manuscript is original one. Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division. | 115 8. Srenika Carita by Dunga vaid composed in the year 1642 A. D. in Hindi. 9. Ramayana Chappaya by Jayasagar. 10. Mun Malika by Carita Singh composed in the year 1575 A.D. in Hindi. 11. Sambodha Pancasika by Raidhu. The manuscript was written in Samvat 1597 (1540 A.D.) Apart from the above manuscripts there are following illustrated manuscripts. 1. Candana Malayagiri Caupai by Bhadrasena. The manuscript was copied in the year 1733 A.D. and it has 25 illustrations. 2. Aditya Vara Katha by Gangadasa. The work was composed in Saka Samvat 1615 (1758 A.D). It contains 5 pictures. 3. Pictures on Raga and Raginis Their number is 30. (85) COLLECTION OF YATI BALA CANDRA VAIDYA-CITTOR There is a good number of the manuscripts in Sri Bala Candra Jaina Vaidya's collection. The total number of manuscripts is about 1000. Manuscripts on the subject like Mantra-Sastra, Stotras, Medicine, Jyotisa, Agama and religion are in great number. The Grantha Bhandar was founded in Samvat 1941 by Pandit Vinaya Candji. There is a prasasti which reads as under. zrI sadgurUmyonama' upAdhyAya jI mahArAja zrI 1008 zrI zivacanda jI tata ziSya 1008 jJAnavizAlajI tat ziSya amolakhacanda jI tat ziSya pa.vinayacanda jI mahA madhye savata 1941 meM sthApita hastalikhita grantho kii-suucii| (86) Bhattarak Yasahkirti Jain Saraswati Bhawan Risabhadeva Risabhadeva is a famous Jain Tirtha of Mewar. It is on the National Highway going from Udaipur to Ahemdabad. There are several inscriptions which tell the story of its development from time to time. According to one inscription of 1. Manuscripis Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 1 Samvat 1431 (1374 A.D.) Hardan son of Setha Bija got repaired the temple on the inspiration of teachings of Bhattarak Dharmakirti. There is one Sastra Bhandar in the Saraswati Bhawan of Bhattarak Yasah Kirti in which a good collection of the manuscripts is available. One rough catalogue also has been prepared in which names of the manuscript and authors etc. are given But the catalogue is not exhastive. There are about 1070 manuscripts including Gutakas. The earliest manuscript is Sangrahani Sutra Balavabodha written in Samvat 1416 (1359 A.D) There is a good number of manuscripts written in the 15th and 16th century. Works written in Rajasthani, Mewari and Hindi are in abundance Following works are important. 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Mahavir Carita or Mahavira Rasa composed by Padma at Sagwara in Samvat 1609 (1552 A.D)' Padma was pupil of Bhattarak Subha Candra 2. Narasinghapura Jati Rasa This is a historical work describing the Narsinghapura Jati and its growth and development. 3. Santi Nath Furan This is a work of Bhattarak Ratna Candra who wrote this in the year 1783 (1726 A D.). The manuscript is original one written by the author himself. 4. Srenik Caritra.-Composed by Daulat Ram Kasliwal, a Rajasthani scholar of 18th century. It was completed in the year 1725 A.D. there is also one manuscript of Sripal Carita written by the same author. 7 5. Pradyumna Rasa a Hindi work of Brahma Guna Raja composed in 1549 A D 6 Karmavipak Rasa -composed by Manaranga in Samvat 1728 Laghu Tatwartha Sutra-This is a short form of famous Tatwartha Sutra of umaswami 8 Lavakusa Akhyana -Th's is a work of Bhattarak Mahicandra in 17th century 1 savat solanabotare maMgasira pacamI ravivAra / rAma kiyo me niramalo, subhave sAgavADA nagara mabhAra / / 20 / / Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Oratha Bhandars of ot# Division, | 117 Some of the old manuscripts of the several works are as followes : S. No. Name of the manuscripts Author's Name Bhasayear of writing 1. Mahabhiseka Vidhi Narendrasena Samskrit 1399 A.D. 2. Bhava Sangraha Devasen Prakrit 1458 A.D. at Nainava Dharmamrita Panjika Asadhar Samskrit 1484 A.D. at Dungarpur Santi Natha Caritra Sakalkirti Samskrit 1494 A D. Neminath Puja Vidya Bhusana Hindi 1557 AD. Dharmasarmabhyudaya Hari Candra Samskrit 1576 A.D. Upadesa Ratnamala Sakal Bhusana Samskrit 1570 A.D. This is an original copy written by the author himself. 8. Chanda Kosa Prakrit 1592 AD. 9. Tatwartha Ratna Prabhakar Prabhacandra Sanskrit 1649 A D. 10. Pattavali of Kastha Sagha in Samskrit. (87) KHARTARA GACHIYA SASTRA BHANDAR-KOTA: The Grantha Bhandar belongs to Khartara Gaccha branch. There is a rich collection of the manuscripts. The total numbei of the manuscripts is 1177. Most of the manuscripts are of the 15th, 16th and the 17th centuries. Manuscripts on the subjects like Agama, Siddhant, Purana and Rasas are in the majority. The earliest manuscript is Rama Laksmana Rasa written in Samvat 1415 (1358 A.D.). The work deals with the life of Rama and Laksmana according to the Jaina mythology. It is in Hindi. There is a copy of Visal Deva Cauhana Rasa in Hindi, Though the manuscript is incomplete it is a copy of the 14th century. Among the other manuscripts following are more important SRIPALA RASA of Yasovijay of Samvat 1445 (1388 AD) NANDA RAJA CAUPAI of Muni Kusal Sing of Samvat 1436 (1379 A.D) J. Manuscripts Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. HAMMIRA MAHAKAVYA of Naya Candra in Samskrit of Samvat 1486 (1429 AD) There is a manuscript of KALPA SOTRA written in golden ink in Sarvat 1530 (1473 A.D.). The Grantha Bhandar is systematically arranged and manuscripts are placed in serial number. (88) VIRA PUTRA ANANDA SAGAR GYANA BHANDAR-KOTA The collection of the manu cripts is private one and belongs to Ananda Sagar 11 Maharaja. It was established in the 19th century The total number of the manuscripts is 415 Most of the manuscripts were copied from the 17th to the 19th century The earliest manuscupt in the Bhandar s Sandeh Dohavali Vratti of Prabodha Candra copied in Samvat 1448 (1391 AD) (89) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE BORSALI-KOTAH The Grantha Bhandar of Digambar Jaina temple Borsali is also one of the muns Bhandars of the city There is a good collection of the manuscripts which are 735 in number. From the Bhandir, it appears that it was a centre of literary activity specially in 18th century. There are several manuscripts which were copied here such as Mahipala Caritra in Samvat 1856 (1799 AD) PARVA RATNAVALI (1794 A.D.) Samadhi Tantra Bhisa by Parvata Dharmarthi (1766 A.D.) GYAN DARPANA of Deep Candra (1778 A.D). All these manuscripts are preserved in this Bhandar The earliest manuscript is Gyi narava of Subha Candra in Samskrit It was copied in Samvat 1548 (1491 AD) and the latest manuscupt is Jina Datta Katha of Samvat 1992 (1935 A D ). The manuscripts deal with all the interesting subjects. Some of the important manuscupts are as follows -- (a) Palya Vidhana Rasa .- of Subha Candra in Hindi, This is a small work which deals with Palya Vrata: The manuscript was copied in Samval 1690 (1633 A.D). (b) Candra Prabha Swim Vivahlo --written by Bhattaraka Narendid Kiit in Samvat 1702 (1545 A D). The work is in Hindi and describes the marriage of Candra Prabha. (c) Cetavant -- work which instructs every one to be careful in worldly bfe. It is in Hindi poem. 1. Manuscripts Catalogue preserved in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya Bikaner. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Kota Division 1119 (d) Ravivrata Katha :-of Muni Sakal Kirti in Hindi. Among the rare manuscripts are works of Vegaraja which have been collected in a Gutaka. The poet was of 18th century and he finished his work Barahakhadi in Samvat 1798 1.e. 1741 A.D. Other important works are NEMI VIVAHA PACCTST by Vegaraja and Kumuda Candra's PARDARO PARSILA RASA All the works are in Hindi. GRANTHA BHANDARS OF BONDI There are five Grantha Bhandars in Bundi city, The names of which are as follows - (1) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Parswanatha. (2) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Adinatha (3) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Abhinandana Swami (4) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Mahavira. (5) Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple Neminatha (Nagadi) (90) GRARTHA BHANDAR OF PARSWANATHA TEMPLE The Grantha Bhandar of Parswanatha temple contains 334 manuscripts All the manuscripts are on the subjects like Puja. Katha, Purana and Stotra etc. Most of the works are in Samskrit. There is a copy of Rama Candra Rasa written by Brahma Jinadasa in Samvat 1518 (1461 A.D.).' The poet has given the time of its complation time in this work. This is in Hindi It describes the life of Rama Candra. The other rare mannscript is a commentary of BHAKTAMARA STOTRA of Hem Raja in Hindi prose. This has been discovered first time in this Bhandar. (91) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE ADINATHA In the Grantha Bhandar of Adinatha temple, there is a collection of 168 manuscripts. The earliest manuscript in the Bhandar is Jyotisa Ratnamala with commentary written by Pandit Vaiza in Samvat 1516 (1459 A.D). The other old manuscripts are Sagara Dharmamrita by Asadhara copied in 1500 A.D, Trilokasara (1461 A.D.) by Acarya Nemi Candra and Upadesamala of Dharma Dasa (1540 A.D). 1 savat pandrahapaThArottarA magaMsira mAsa vimAla / zuklapakSa caudisa dine rAsa kiyo guNamAla / / Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 120 } (92) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAIN TEMPLE ABHINANDANA SWAMI The Sastra Bhandar of Abhinandana temple contains 368 manuscripts. Previously this temple was the seat of the Bhattarakas and there was a big collection of the manuscripts but most of the manuscripts were sold by the pupils of the Bhattarakas and several of them destroyed automatically. But still there is a good Karakandu Cariyu, an Apabhramsa Kavya collection of old manuscripts. written by some unknown author, is a rare work which has been discovered recently. The work describes the life of Karkandu, a king according to Jaina mythology. The manuscript is incomplete and in bad condition. (93) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF MAHAVIRA TEMPLE This temple remained the seat of scholars as the manuscripts preserved in the Grantha Bhandar are on the subjects like Siddhant, Purana Puja and Stotra etc. The total number of the manuscripts is 172. Most of the manuscripts are new. The manuscripts are in Hindi written in 18th and 19th centuries. (94) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE NEMINATHA This last Grantha Bhandar exists in the temple of Neminatha. This Bhandar was also important in the past. At present there are 223 manuscripts which But manuscripts of the same number had been are complete and in good condition. made incomplete. There is a manuscript copy of MADHAVANAL PRABANDHA written by Gokul son of Narsa in Samvat 1594 (1537 A.D). This is a very correct copy of the book which was copied in Samvat 1655 (1598 A.D). The manuscript of SINHASANA BATTIST is of 1654 (1597 A D) There is a Gutaka copied in Samvat 1641 (1584 A D) which contains several small works of VOCARAJA a famous Hindi poet of 16th century. Thus in the Sastra Bhandars of Bundi city there are more than 1200 manuscripts which shows that Bundi was once a centre of literary activities. The old name by which it had been mentioned in the Samskrit and HindI works is VRINDAVATI. (95) JAINA SARASWATI BHAWAN, JHALARAPATAN' The Grantha Bhandar is called by the name of Ailaka Panna Lal Digambara Jaina Saraswati Bhawan, Jhalarapatan. The Bhandar was established by late Sri Panna Lal recently. Before this. there was no Bhandar. Panna Lal himself collected Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Kota Division 121 all these manuscripts from all over Rajasthan Bhandars. There is a good collection of the manuscripts numbering 1436. The manuscripts are mainly in three languages 1. c Samskrit, Prakrit and Hindi. The main subjects on which the manuscripts are there in the collection are Siddhant, Adhyatma Purana, Kavya, Katha, Nyaya and Stotra. The earliest manuscript in the Bhandaris BHAVA SANGRAH by Deva Sena copied in Samvat 1488 i.e. 1431 A.D, anp the latest manuscriptis RAJAMATI VIRAHA in Hindi copied in Samvat 1970 (1913 A.D). The Sastra Bhandar is systematically arranged and manuscripts are placed in serial number and also subject-wise. Apart from these manuscripts, these is a good library of printed books also in which more than one thousand books are in the collection and which are issued to the readers for reading purposes. NAIN AVA Nainava is an old town in Bundi District and at present it is a sub-divisional Head quarter. It is 32 miles from Bundi and connected with a road The town remained a literary centre from very beginning. The earliest manuscript written in this town 15 PRADYUMNA CARITRA'. It was copied in the year 1461 A. D. when Allauddin Khilji was the emperor of Delhi. At present there are three small Grantha Bhandars which contain only 221 manuscripts But from the manuscripts it appears that in the past 1. e from 15th to 19th century the town remained a great literary centre. Kesava Singha who was a Hindi poet of 18th century and wrote more than 10 works, composed his one work BHADRA BAHU CARITA in the year 1716 A.D. at Nainava. It was described by the name of LOCANAPURA by him in his work in che following wav - locanapura zuma grAma me, sigharAja jinadhAma / buddhi pramANa likhyo mujhe, japiye zrIjinanAma / / 1 / / bhAi karo mujhi uparai, doSa hage bhagavAna / magana nagaNa-mAdika sahu, dhyAU zrI jinavAriNa // 2 // 1. Catalogue published in the year 1943. 2. Prasasti Sangraha Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaspur P. 138. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122) Jaina Grantha Bhandare in RajasthAB, Several manuscripts which were copied here are preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of Bundi, Koga, Dabalana, Indergarh, Amer, Jaipur, Bharatpur, Kama etc. Such as the manuscript of NAYA KUMARU CARIYA of Puspadanta was copied in the year 1471 A.D. is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Badhicand Temple, Jaipur. The manuscript of SIDHA CAKRA KATHA copied in the year 1458 A.D. is also in the same Grantha Bhandar. Some of the manuscripts which were copied here in the 18th and 19th century are as follows: S. No. Name of the manuscript Author's name Date of Writting Samadhi Tantra Bhasa Parwata Dharmarthi 1719 A.D. Kriya Kosa Bhasa Kisana Singh 1757 A.D Parsua Purana Bhudhardasa 1809 A.D. Purusartha Sidhyupaya Bhasa Todarmal Samayasara Natak Banarsidasa 1807 A.D. 1841 A.D. 1791 A.D. Puja Sangraha Dana Katha Bharamalla 1880 A.D. Pindava Purana Bulakidasa 1784 A.D. 9. Tattwartha Sutra Tiha 1831 A.D. All these manuscripts are preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of Nainava. A short description of these Grantha Bhandass is as follows: (96) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF BAGHERAWALA JAINA TEMPLE The Grantha Bhandar situated in the Bhagherawala Jaina temple is an old There is a collection of 104 manuscripts written in Samskrit and Hindi. Bhand. The main subjects on which they are written are Siddhant, Purana, Carita and Pua. All the manuscripts are common generally available in the Jaina Bhandars. But there is one Gucaka' in which the works of Hindi poets of the 15th, and 16th 1. pothI kI TIko likhyate vaizAkha dutIka sudi 15 savat 1644 gar3ha raNathambhaura madhye / Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandara of Kota Division centuries are written. The Gutaka was written in the year 1587 A.D. at Ranthambhore Fort. Some of the important works collected in the Gutaka are as follows: (1) Sarsikhamani Rasa by Bhattaraka SakalkIrti 15th century (2) Neminatha Gita by Brahma Yasodhara 16th century. Pancendriya Gita by Jina Sena 16th century. ( 3 ) ( 4 ) Neminatha Rajmati Veli by Singha dasa 16th century. ( 5 ) Vairagya Gita by Brahma Yasodhara 16th century. There are 96 small works collected in the above Gutaka. [ 123 (97) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF TERAPANTHI JAINA TEMPLE There are 80 manuscripts in rhe Grantha Bhandar of this temple. Most of these manuscripts are written in Samskrit and Hindi and on the subjects like Purana, Carita and Puja. The manuscript of Sammeda Sihar Puja composed by Lal Cand pupil of Bhattaraka Jagat Kirti at Rewari in the year 1787 A.D. is an important one The poet gives his description in the following way : devendrakIti tatpada bakhAna, zIla ziromariNa kriyAvAna | tinake pada parama guraNavAna, jagatakIrti bhaTTAraka prAta / ziSya lAlacanda sudhI, bhASA racI banAya | eka citta sunai, paDhe, bhavya ziva ke jAya || 35 / / savat aThArAse bhayo vyAlisa upara jAna, pAca phAlguna zukla ku, pUraNa grantha bakhAna ||36|| revADI zahara manogya, vase zrAvaka bhavya saba, zrAditya aizvarya yoga, taitIsa pahara pUraNa bhayo || 37|| Apart from these manuscripts there are three Yantras written on cloth in the 16th and 17th century. RISI MANDALA YANTRA is the earliest one. It was wiitten in the year 1528 A.D. The size of the Yantra is 22" x 23". The Prasasti given on the Yantra is as follow: zrI zrI zrI zubhacandrasUribhyonama / zratha savatsaresmina zrInRpavikramAdityagatAbda savat 1585 varSe kArtika vadI 3 zubhadine zrI riSimanDalayantra brahma ajjayogya pa0 mahadAsena ziSya pa0 gajamallena likhita / zubha bhavatu / Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan 124 1 BRIHAD SIDHA CAKRA YANTRA was written in the year 1557 A D. by Brahma Lahada pupil of Mandalacarya Dharma Kiru. The size of the cloth us 224" * 224". The third Yantra is of Dharma Cakra written in the year 1617 A D. at Nagaur? The size of the Yantra is 25" 25". (98) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF AGARWAL JAIN TEMPLE-NAINAVA There is a small collection of 37 manuscripts only. Most of them aje accently written and placed in the Grantha Bhandir. (99) GRANTHA BHANDAR DABALANA Dabalana is a village which is 10 miles from the west side of Bundy. The Grantha Bhandar is in the Jaina temple There is a collection of 423 manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar From the manuscripts it appears that they were in the nossession of some Jaina Sadhu and after his death, they were brought here. The collection is very good froin the point of Hindi works The earliest manuscript is SADAVASVAKA BALAVABODHA by Hemd Hansa Gani It was copied in the year 1464 AD) at Ujjain The main subjects on which the manuscupts are available in the Grantha Bhandar are kivya, Carita, Katha. Rasa, Vyakarana, Ayurveda, Jyotisa and Stoua Manuscupts copied in vorious places such as Bundi, Nainava, Gothada, Icdergarh, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Sagwara and Sisavali are in good number. Some of the important manuscripts which have been discovered in the Grantha Bhandar are d under (1) Adinatha Stavan -- by Mehau composed in the year 1442 A.D It is in Hindi written in the praise of Adinatha of Ranakpui Jaina temple. / savat 1614 varSe phAlguna sudi 3 guruvAsare prAvini nakSatre zrImUlamaghe nadyAmnAye balAtkAragaraNe sarasvatIgacche zrI kadakadAcAryanvaye maDalAcArtha zrI 3 dharmakIrtistacchiSya brahma zrI lAhaDa nitya pragamati vA teneda vRhata siddhacakrayatra likhita / 2. savat 1674 varSe vaizAkha pudi 15 dine zrI nAgapura madhye ligvApita dharmacakrayantra / 3. HTTPkip as au afarfa187 H HR 388faat ....fraflari 1 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Grantha Bhandars of Kota Division, [ 125 (2) Inhasa Sira Samuccaya :-- written by Lala Dosa in the year 1586 A. D. It describes the short story of Mahabharat in Hindi poem. (3) Sinhasana Battisi by Sadhu Gayana Candra. It is in Samskrit prose. The date of the work is not given but he quotes his teacher's name as Jinodaya Suri : ( 4 ) Bhaktamar Stotra Bhasa - It is a Hindi prose translation made by some scholar. The date of the translation is also not given in the work. But the manuscript was copied in the year 1610 A. D., so it is definite that the translation was made prior to this date. The last portion of the translation is as follows athavA akAri karI tuga uccairatara jana prIta athavA teha puruSa anai mAnatuMga zrImaktAmarastavakarttA zrImAnatugAcArya prati zravazA maNI teha puruSa taNe paravaza hU tI / tadgatacittalakSmI ajastra niratara samuppetti prAvai / iti zrImaktAmara stotraM bAlAvabodha samApta / savat 1667 varSa / ( 5 ) Rama Yasaby Kesa Raja It describes the life of Rama and Sita according to Jaina Puranas. The work was composed in the year 1623 A D.' when the great poet Tulasidas died 1. savan saurAsa tetArA, rAja akabara sAhi mubArA / bhaI kRSNa pachi prati se bAta, mAte buddhavAra subha jAta // 2 x X X X X lAladAsa kahai karajori, muti kati gunI dehu jimi khAMri / asthala nagara prAgaro gAva, UdhodAsa pitA ko nAva / jAti vAniyo lAlAdAsa, bhASA kari varanyo itihAsa || savat solaha zrAsoyare, prAchau zrAso mAsa / tithi terasi pratarapura mAhi, prANI prati ullAsa || Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126) laina Giantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 110C) GRANTHA BHANDAR OF JAINA TEMPLE PARSWANALHA-INDERGARH Indergarh is an old city of former Kota state. It is on the main broad guage line of Western Railway from Kota to Sawai Madhopur. Previously it was a big Thukana of Kota state. but now it is only a sub-tehsil. The Grantha Bhandar is situated in the Jaina temple Parswanatha. There are 289 manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandir. The manuscripts collected in the Grantha Bhandar are mainly on religious subjects like Siddhant, Stoira, Acar Sastra. Several manuscripts were copied in Indergarh itself which shows that previously there was ari angement for copying out the manuscripts The collection is an ordinary one Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV SUBJECTS DEALT WITH Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With ( 129 There is scarcely any province of Indian literature to which the Jainas have not contributed. Besides the religious they have developed a voluminous narrative literature. They have written epics, novels, dramas, bhajans and stories. Generally they have written in the simple language of the people, but they have indulged in highly elaborate style also. We find highly ornate court poetry. They have also produced important works of scholarship. Almost the whole of the Agama literature written in Prikrit is available in these Bhandars. Works on the principles of Jainism are numerous and are found in number of Giantha Bhandars. The Jaina Acaryas and scholars created a pretty laige literature on duties of householders and those of homeless ascetics. This is also called Acara sastra. Then there are hundreds of works written on the lives of Tirthankaras and other great personalities of Jaina Mythology. They are called Puranas and Caritas The number of stories illustrating Jaina proverbs is also quite large and some of them are excellent There are works collectively called Katha Kosas TREASURY OF STORIES written by the various authors Manuscripts on logic and philosophy are also in a large number. The Jaina Acarya's contribution in this respect is tremendous. The works of Acarya Samantabhadra, Vidyanandi, Aklanka, Haribhadra Suri and Hemcandra etc. were very popular and their works have been collected in several Grantha Bhandars. Manuscripts in these Bhandars are not limited to only Jaina logie and philosophy but works like Vedantasar of Sadanand Muklawali of Viswanatha and Tarkasangraha of Annam Bhatta are also preserved There are numerous manuscripts on Yoga and Adhyatma. The Puia literature has been popular from about the 10th century, so the scholars took much interest in creating such literature And hundreds of manus cripts on Pula were written and preserved in Jaina Grantha Bhandars. There is not a single Bhandar where this kind of literatu.e is not available Apart from these religious as well as secular subjects, there is also a good number of manuscupts which deal with the general subjects. There are hundreds ol manuscripts wiitten on astronomy, astrology, metrology, and medicines. On these subjects there are works written both by Jaina and non-Jaina authors. Works relating to grammer are also many. Manuscripts on the interesting subjects like Art and Architecture, Dances and Dramas are also in good number AGAMA & SIDDHANTA LITERATURE The collective term given by the Jainas to their sacred books is Agama or Siddhant. The two important sects hold different opinions about this literature. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 131 groups, just like the Thananga except that in this case the numbers do not stop at 10 but go a long way beyond 100 as far as a million. The fifth Anga called Bhagwati Viyaha Pannatti (Vyakhya Pragnapli) explains the dogmatics of Jainism in the form of questions and answers and also in the form of dialogues. This work presents a detailed picture about Lord Mahavira, his relationship to his disciples and contemporaries. Nayadhammakaha (Jnatadharma Katha) is the 6th Anga. It is divided in two parts. The first book consists of 21 chapters. The main subjects dealt with in this book are religious tales to give examples. The seventh Anga is the Uvasagadasao (Upasakadesah). It describes legends which are told of ten house holders who were related to highly respectable families and who became lay adherants. The eigth Anga Amtagadadasao (Antaksddasah) describes stories of pious ascetics. Amuttarovavaiyadasao (Anuttaraupapatikadasah) is the ninth Anga and narrates in thirty three lessons or Adhyayans the lives of monks of an equal number of persons. The tenth Anga, the Panhavagaranaim (Prasna Vyakarana) means questions and explanations. In this Anga principles of Jainism are explained. The eleventh Anga Vivagasuyam (Vipak Srutam) 1. e. the texts of the ripening contains legends on the retribution for evil deeds. The last of all is the 12th Anga, the Dithivaya (Drstivada) means the doctrines of various views. According to the Swetambaras this Ariga has gone astray. THE UVAMGAS (UPANGAS, The Upangas consisting of a group of 12 texts have mutual relation with Angas. But according to Dr. Winternitz, though they are termed as Angas and Upangas yet they fail to reveal any mutual relation between them and collection is newly external. Three Upangas like JAMBUDDIVAPANNATTI, CANDAPANNTTI. SORAPANNATTI, (Jambudvipa-Prajnapti, Candraprajaapti, & Surya-Prajnapti) deal with astronomical views of Jainas. The dates of these Upangas are not traceable Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandara in Rajasthan 130) But they are unanimous in calling them the Angas 1.e. limbs (of the body of religion). The number of these Angas is twelve. According to the Digambara Jainas whole of the Dwadasanga Sruta is not available and the 12th Anga Ditthivaya only is preserved in parts. But according to the Swetambar Jainas all the twelve Angas except the 12th Anga are available. All the Agamas are written in Prakrit which is known as Arsa Bhasa i.e. the language of the Rsis or Ardha Magadhi 1. e. half Magadhi, the language in which Lord Mahavira himself preached his principles. It is true that the Agamas which we have today are not exactly the same which were composed several centuries ago, as they have undergone some changes. But such as are available at present confirm to their critical additions prepared under the supervision of Devardhigani Ksama Sramana a Swetambar Acarya of the century. THE ANGAS The Angas are the oldest parts of the canon. They have older traditions quite intact, without a change Jacobi puts forth the evidence of language and the metres which according to him are archaic. He remarks "I am of the opinion that the first book of ACARANGA SOTRA and that of the SOTRA KRATANGA may be recokned among the most ancient parts of Agam literature. The style of both works appears to me to prove correctness of this assumption'." ACARANGA SOTRA? is the frst Anga which describes the way of life of of a monk It is dlvided in two sections. The first section is earlier than the second Its written both in prose and verse The second Anga is the SOYAGADANGA (Sutra Kratanga) and treats of the precious life of the monks and is mainly devoted to the refutation of heritical opinions. In the third Anga, the Thananga (Sthananga) various themes of religion are dealt with in numerical order. These enumerations sometimes contain parables in a nut shell. The fourth Anga, the Samvayanga is in a way continuation of the third, the subject matter of the first two third of the work being arranged in numerical 1 SBC Vol. 12 inter. P. XII Winterditz Op. cit. pp. 435-41) 2 Jaina Grantha Bhandar, Jaisalmes Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 1 Jana Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. from any of the source, as they do not provide a clue to the dating of these texts. But we may not be wrong in ascribing to the Upangis a period later than the Chod Sutras The subject matter of the twelve Upangas is purely dogmatic and mytho. logical. The first Upanga is the Uvavaiya (Aupapatika) which contains two parts. The first part describes the sermons of Mahavira, which deal with the results of good and evil deeds in four forms of existence as inhabitants of hell, animals, humanbeings, and Gods The second part describes journeys performed by Indrabhuti Gautama for learning the sermons of Mahivira regarding various rebirths. The second Upanga, the Raja Pasenapa (Raja Prasniya) deals with various matters such as pilgrimage of the God Suriyabha to Muhavira and dialogues between King Paesi and the monk Kost. The thd Upinga is Jivabhigama which descubes the doctrine of living and lifeless things the fourth Upanga PANNAVANA (Prajnapana) has classified the human beings under Arya and Barbarians The fifth, sixth and seventh Upanga are Scientific works dealing with astronomy, geography cosmology and the division of time. The last five Upangas com brised the ove sections of one text entitled Nirayavali Suttam. The eighth narrates how the ten hall brothers of the King of Campa namely Ajatasatru were killed by their Grand father Vesali in the battle against him and after their death were reborn in the various hells The ninth Upanga KAPPAVADAMSIAO (Kalpavatanskih) gives an account of the saine King's sons who were converted to ascetic life and afterwards got different heavens. The tenth Upanga PUPPHIAO gives an account of the Gods and Goddesses who drove earth-wards in order to pay homage to Lord Mahaviru Io the 11th Upinga-Pupphiao, ten similar stories are told And the last 12th Upanga VANHIDASAO deals with the conversion of the twelve punces by the saint Althanemi. IIN PAINNAS (PRAKIRNAS) The group of ten texts called Painnas are stray or scattered principles. They deal with tople like proper and improper forms of death, essential duties of a monk, confession and remuneration of faults, the offering respects to the Arhat, Siddha, Sadhu, and Dharma and details about Gods etc. The time of their composition is also not certain. Whether these were brought into present form before Upingas or after Upangas, is also not certain but it is said that these came into existence alongwith the Upangas 1. History of Indian Literature by Winterditz. part II. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With | 133 The CAUSARANA (Catusarana) deals in 63 verses with the prayers by means of which one may take the four fold refuge. AURA-PACCAKKHANA (Aturpratya Khyana) means the sick one's refusal while MAHA PACCAKKANA means the great refusal, a formula of confession and renunciation. In the Bhattaparinna (Bhakta-Parijna) and Samthara there are numerous legends of grievous sinners who did not adopt vows to get rid of re-births. The Tamdula Veyaliya is the dialogue between Lord Mahavira and Gautam Gandhara on various topics such as physiology aud anatomy, the ten ages of man etc The Camdavijjhaya, the sixth Painnas deals with teachers and disciples mainly on discpline. The Devimdatthana gives a classification of the Kings of Gods according to their group and residence etc. Gani Vijya (Gani Vidya) deals with astrology while VIRATTHARA (Virastava) contains an enunciation of the names of Mahavira SIX CHEYA SUTTAS (CHEDA SOTRAS) The Group of 6 texts going under the name of Cheya Suttas (Cheda Sutra) also form a group in the cannon. According to Dr. Winternitz, these did not perhaps form a group in the canon, until a later period, as it is not always the same texts which are placed in the group. The first two sutras i.e. Nisiha and Mahanisiha describes rules regarding confession and penance which are emphasised as the most important steps towards liberation. They deal with the sufferings of the beings in connection with the doctrine of Karma. The third, fourth and fifth Cheda sutras are regarded as the earliest portion of the canon. These three texts are treated by tradition as one book (Srutaskandha), the fifth Cheda Sutra Kappa known as Kalpa Sutra of Bhadra Bahu, is one of the most famous work available in the Swetambar Grantha Bhandars. It is divided into three sections. Section one contains the life of the Jinas and the main portion of the work is covered by the biography of Lord Mahavira according to Swetambar Sect. The section two of Kalpa Sutra describes the list of schools (Gana) their branches (Sakha) and the heads of schools (Ganadhara) and the section three contains rules for the ascetics. Kalpa Sutra is very much popular among the Jainas and as such its manuscripts are found in most of the Bhandars. THE FOUR MOLA SUTTAS (Mula Sutras) Out of the four mula sutras, the first three Sutras are important even from literary point of view. The first section Uttarajjhayana (Uttaradhyana Satra) consists 36 sections which deals with various topics such as birth as human being, instruction in the religion, faith in the religion etc. The second Mula Sutra Avassaya or Sadavasyaka Satra describes six essential daily duties of a Jaina. The third Mula Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 1 Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan Sutra Dasaveyalya deals with mainly monastic discipline. The third sutra is also connected with an abundant narrative literature. The fourth Mula Satra the Pimda Nijjutti is usually mentioned sometimes also the Oha Nijutti and occasionally the Pakkh. They describe about the pious life and of subjects of discipline. The Nandi and Anuyogadvara wre sometimes counted amongt he Painnas but they dle usually mentioned either before or after the Mula Sutra as independent texts standing outside the groups. Both works which should be known by a Jaina monk are huge encyclopaedias dealing with everything Thi Agama literature of Digambars as already said previously does not exist at present except some parts of the 12th Anga called Digthivaya Under the Agumika literature, comes Gunadharacirya's Kasaya Pahud and Puspadant Bhutablis Sat Khandakam These two works have commentaries written by Acarya Virasena and his pupil Jinasena are called Dhavala, Jaydhavala and Mahadhavala. The manuscript copies of these works are only available in the Sastra Bhandar of Mudabidri But the Digambars of the present day have voluminous works on this subicct which may be called as secondary canon or substitute canon which was wutten by the later Acaryas and may be described as below Acarya Kunda Kunda wrote Dasa Bhakti and Asta Pahuda' in Prakrit language. In the third century Umaswami composed Tattwartha Sutra or Tattwarthadhigama Sutia, the manual for the understanding of the true nature of things. The book is recognised as an authority and is read by all Jainas at their residence and temples. It is an excellent summary of Jaina domatics. There are several commentaries written by both scholars of Digambars and Swetambars. Among Digambars commentaries written by POJYAPAD, AKLANK, and VIDVANANDI are called SAWARTHA SIDDHIP RAJWARTIKA and SLOKA VARTIKA. Among the other authors, Acarya Vattakera wrote Mulacaras which describes and lay down rules of daily life of the Sadhus and householders. Some say that it is a sort of compilation by a little known author called Vattakera, MOLACARA PRADIPA was composed by Bhattaraka Sakal Kirli in the year 1424 A.D. | Gantha Suci Amer Sastra Bhandar-Jaipur 2 to ibid 5. Rajasthan he Sastra Bhandaron ki Grantha Suci Part II page 166 6 Thid. page 166 Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With ( 135 Bhagwati Aradhana' was composed by Shivarya or Sivakoti in Prakrit. It deals with the kinds of worship and may be called as an assence of worship. The work contains 2170 Gathas. Acarya Samantbhadra wrote Ratnakaranda Sravakacar, in Samskrit. It is very famous and widely circulated book amongst the Jainas. Prabha Candra wrote Samskrit Commentary on it. Devasena, who was born in 894 A.D. wrote a manual of the Jaina faith entitled Darsanasara, Aradhanasara, Tattvasara and Sravakacara. All these works written in Apabhiramsa are preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur Sravakacara is in Doha metre. All these works are yery much popular and are read with great interest. Amitigati a famos scholar and pupil of Madhava Sena wrote Upasakadhayayan called Amitigat! Sravakacara and Panca Sangrah 4 Acarya Nemicandra, a teacher of the Minister Camundaraya in south India composed Gommtasaras in Prakrit. It is in two parts. The first part is called Jiva Kanda, the second one is Karma Kanda. They are considered as authentic works on Jaina religion. A big commentary in Hindi was made by Pandit Todarmal in the 18th century. In the first half of the 13th century, Asadhar was a great versatile scholar. The main work of the poet is Dharmamrit," "Nector of religion" which is in two parts. Sagara and Angara-Dharmamrata describes the duties of the layman living in the house and of the homeless ascetic. He himself wrote a commentary on his work in the year 1243 A.D. In the year 1503, Bhattaraka Gyan Bhusan wrote Tattva Gyana Tarangini in Samskrit. It is a good book which explains principles of Jain religion 1 Grantha Suci Rajasthan ke Grantha Bhandar Part IV. p. 105. -do page 119. page 90. -do -do p 41. -do -do -do 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7 p. 9 p. 12 P. 93 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 1 The words Purana refers to stories of ancient times. The name of Purana is applied to them to show that they are very old. In vedic literature the word Itihasa and Akhyana have been used alongwith the word Purana. According to the definition given in Hindu Puranas, there must be five1 topics in every Purana i.e.. (1) creation of universe (11) its destruction (i) the genealogies of Gods and Rsis (iv) the ages of manus, and PURANA LITERATURE (1) Brahmanda (3) Markandeya (5) Bhavisya (7) Brahma (9) Varaha (11) Vayu or Siva (13) Narada (v) the history of solar and lunar races. There are 18 main Puranas in Samskrit language. All of them were written by Non-Jaina authors. The names of these are as follows: (15) Linga (17) Kurma Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan, and (2) Matsya (4) Bhagavata (6) Brahma Vaivarta (8) Vimana (10) Visnu (12) Agni (14) Padma (16) Garuda (18) Skanda. Except these 18 main puranas there are sub-puranas also which have been described in Garuda Puri na. The Jaina Acaryas and scholars also showed their great interest in writing the Purana literature, though the aim of writing this kind of literature was not the same as that of Vedic scholars. The aim of Jain Puranas is to describe the lives of 63 great personalities and as such the Puranas are called either after rhe name of particular Tirthankara or named as Padma Purana, Harivansa Pura na, Pandava 1. sargazva pratisagaMzca vazo manvantarANi ca / vaMzAnucaritacaM va purANaM paJcalakSaNam / Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With 1137 Purara etc. In these Puranas along with the lives of Tirthankara, the lives of other personalitis such as Rama, Krisna, Pandavas etc. are also given. Therefore definition of Purapa given by the Samskrit Acaryas does not apply to Jaina Puranas. The Jaina Puranas describe the life of a particular personality in a good and artistic manner. Some Puranas are written in such a fine language that instead of calling Puranas, they may better be called Kivyas. Puranas written by Jinasenacarya, Gunabhadra, Swayambhu and Puspadanta are such examples. The Jaina Bhandars of Rajasthan contain most of the Puranas written by the Jain Acaryas. Such Puranas are written mainly in three languages i.e. Sanskrit Apabhramba and Hindi. SAMSKRIT PURANAS Acarya Ravisena is belived to be the first Jaina scholar who wrote the first Jaina Purana namely Padma' Purana in Vira Samvat 1204 1.e. 678 A.D. He was the pupil of Laksamanasena. The Purana has several Adhikars containing 123 Chapters in all and a total number of sloka is about 18,000. It deals with the life of Rama who was among the 63 great personalities. In the beginning of 9th century there were two Jaina Acarya namely Jinasena and Gunabhadra. Acarya Jinasena, the Guru of King Amoghavarsa (815 to 877 A.D.) wrote first part of the Mahapurana which is called Adipurana? and deals with the life of Adinatha the first Tirthankara and his son Emperor Bharata. Acarya Gunabhadra completed the second part of the Mahapurana after the death of his teacher Jinasena. This part is called Uttarapurana'. Both the parts are the biographies of 63 'Greatmen' that is to say 24 Tirthankars, 12 Cakravartis and 27 Heroes (9 Baladevas, 9 Vasudevas and 9 Prativasudevas). Acarya Jinasena II, composed Harivansapurana' in the 8th and 9th century. This is a big work containing about 12,000 verses. In this work Life of Neminatha along with legends of Krisna and Balrama are told in a Jainistic setting. As a matter of fact this is a Mahabharat according to the Jaina faith. 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar ki Grantha Suci Jaipur. p. 87 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. p. 11. p. 15 4. Ibid. p. 161. Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in R&lanthan 1381 In the 12th century, the famous Acarya Hemcandra wrote Trisasti Purusa Carita' which is also on the lines of Mahapurana. This purana describes the life of 63 great men, It is divided in 11 Purvas and is regarded as one of the good works of Sarnskrit literature. In this century Kavi Asaga wrote two puranas. One is called Mahavira Puranal, and the other is Santinatha Purana which describe the life of Jaina Tirthankara Mahavira and Santinatha respectively. In the 15th century Bhattaraka Sakalkirti had been a great scholar and a man of versatile genious. He wrote more than 20 works in Samskrit. The names of Puranas written by him are Adipurana', Uttarapurana', Mahavirapurana, Suntinatha Purana', Mallnatha Purana' and Parswa Purana. All these Puranas are available in various Bhandars of Rajasthan. He was one of the most famous scholars of his time. Brahma Jinadasa was also a great contemporary scholar He was the disciple of Bhattaraka Sakalkitti. He wrote Harivansapurina' and Padmapuranalo. Brahma Kamari ja wrote Jayakumar Purana'2 in 1498 A D. The Purana is divided in 13 sargas. Nemidatta wrote Neminatha Purana 3 in 1518 A. D. This work contains 16 chapters and deals with the life of Lord Neminatha and other personalities. Bhattaraka Subhacandra a great scholar of 16th century was the pupil of Bhaitaraka Vijaykirti. He wrote Padmanabha Purana and Pandava Puranas (1551 A.D). In the 17th century Bhattaraka Dharmakirt wrote Padma Purana (1612 A.D) This work is divided in 24 Chapters. Bhattaraka Vadi Candra composed two Puranas one 16 Pancava Purana 6 (1601) and the other is Parsva Purana.! Bhattaraka Sri Bhusana pupil of Vidya Bhusana wrote Pandava Puranas and. Cantinatha Purana'' (1602 A.D). Bhattaraka Candra Kirti of 17th century wrote Adinatha Purana20 on the life of Adinatha, the first Tirthankara while Brahma Kesava Sena composed Karnamrita Purana2 in 1631 A. D. Bhattaraka Somasena wrote Padmapurana which is also called Rama Purina2%. The work was written in Vairath 1 Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer 2 3 8 Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur to 7. Ibid. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur to 10 Ibid. 9 11 Bhattarika Sastia Bhandar, Nagaur. 12 to 13 Ibid. 14. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 15 to 22 Ibid Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 139 an old town in Rajasthan. The Purana contains 24 Adhikars. In this century Candra Kirti a pupil of Vidya Bhusana, a well known Bhattaraka of his time wrote Adipurana", Padma Purana2 and Parswa Puranal. Ajinatha Purana* was written by Arunamani in 1659 A.D. in Jahanabada The Purana describes the life of Ajitanatha, the second Tirthankara. Brahma Krisna Dasa was also a great scholar of the 17th century. He wrote Munisubrata Puranas and Vimla Purana in the year 1624 and 1617 A.D. Respectively, PURANA WRITTEN IN APABHRAMSA Apibhramsa was the language of the people for many centuries therefore there are also several Puranas written in this language. The Apabhramsa works are mostly preserved in the Jain Bhandars of Jaipur, Nagaur and Ajmer. In the 10th century Puspadanta was the most famous poet of Apabhraisa language. He wrote Mahapurana which describes the life of 63 Grcat persons of Jaina religion. It is divided into two parts. The first part is called Adipurana and the second part is called Uttarapurana. The Adipurana consists 37 sandhis and the second part contains 65 sandhis. Puspadant wrote this Purana under the patronage of Minister of Raj Krisna third who was the ruler of Rastrakita dynasty It was begun in the year 959 A. D. and was finished in the year 965 1.e, complete six years were taken in writing this Kavya. This Mahapurana remained so much popular among the Jainas that manuscript copies of this Purana are found in most of the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. There are 25 manuscript copies of this Purana in Grantha Bhandars of Jaipur. In the year 942 Padam Kirti wrote Parswa Purana which describes the life of Lord Parswanatha, the 23rd Tirthankara. The Purana is divided in 18 sandhis. There is one copy of this Purana in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. The work is sull un-published. In the 11th century Mahakavi Dhavala wrote Harivansa Purana a mammoth work. The Purana is divided in 122 Sandhis and contains about 18,000 verses. 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2 Ibid. 3. Bhaffarkiya Sastra Bhangar, Nagaur. 4. to 5. Ibid, Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jana Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 140 1 One manuscript copy of this Purana is in the collection of Jaina Sastra Bhandar Bada Mandir, Terapanthi, Jaipur. In the 15th century Yasah Kirti wrote Harivansapuranal and Paadava Purana? in Vikram Samvat 1497 (1440 A.D.) and 1500 (1443 A.D.) respectively. Pandava Purana was written in Nagaur City at the request of Hansraj. The work is divided into 34 Sandhis and describes the life of Pandavas. The work Harivansapurana was written in Indrapura in the reign of Jalal Khan There are 13 sandhis and the total number of Kadvakas is 267 The manuscript of both the works are in the collection of Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur and Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandar Nagaur In the 15th century Srutakirti was famous writer of Apabhramhsa language. He wrote Harivansa purina. The work is divided in 44 Sandhis. Radhu had been a great scholar of Apabhrarsa. He wrote more than 25 works in this language on Puran Literature. His works Parswa Purana, Padmapurana and Adipurana are famous The manuscript of these works are available in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. PURANAS IN HINDI The Puranas which were previously written in Samskrit were later on translated into Hindi by the Jaina scholars because in the 17th century Hindi became the common language. Kavi Thakkur was the first Hindi writer who wrote Parswa Purana in Hindi in 1595 A D It is very good work and describes the life of Lord Parswanatha The only manuscript available so far is in the collection of Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandat, Ajmer In the 17th century Bulakidasa was a very good scholar of Hindi. His mother Jain inspired him to write some works in Hindi so he wrote Pandava Purana in 1697 A.D The work is regarded as one of the best work from the linguistic and literary point of view. It is divided in Sargas. The work was very popular and its manuscripts are available in most of the Jaina Bhandars. 1 Amei Sastra Bhandar Jaipur. 2 Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur, 3 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, 3. Sastra Bhandar, Jain Temple Bada Mandir, Jaipur, Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Doalt With (141 There had been several scholars in the 18th century who wrote works on Pnrana literature in Hindi. Among such scholars Bhudhardasa, Khusalcand, Ajaya Raja, Daulat Rama are well known. Bhudhardasa wrote Parswa Purana in the year 1732. This is a very good work and is very popular. We find its copies in most of the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. Dipa Cand Saha wrote Parmatma Purana in the first quarter of the 18th century. The manuscript is found in the Amer Sastra Bhandar of Jaipur. Khusala Cand Kala was a Rajasthani Scholar. He lived in Sanganer and Amer and composed several works in Hindi. His works on Purana literature are Harivansapurana', Padmapurana? and Uttarpurana. He wrote these works in the year 1723, 1726 and 1742 respectively. All works are in Hindi poetry and are read with great interest by the scholars. The manuscripts of these works are available in most of the Jaina Bhandars of Jaipur. Daulata Rama Kasliwal was wiso a Rajasthani Scholar. He was born in Baswa, educated in Jaipur and composed his works in Jaipur and Udaipur. He wrote works of Adipurana, Padmapurana', and Harivansa Purana in Hindi prose in the year 1766, 1767 and 1772 respectively. Daulata Rama was the first Hindi Jaina Scholar who wrote these Purans in Hindi Prose. His language is elegant and polished and his way of description is marvellous. His works are quite popular all over the country. Among the Puranas his works are regarded as one of the best works written in Hindi prose. Ajaya Raja a Jaipurian Scholar also wrote several works in Hindi. He composed Adipurana? in the year 1740 in Hindi poetry. The manuscript of the work is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. In the 19th century Kesari Singh wrote Vardhamana Purina He lived in Jaipur and composed his works in the Jaina temple of Laskar, Bhagcand a poet of his time wrote Neminatha Purana in the year 1850. This deals with the life of Neminatha, the 22nd Tirthankar. 1. Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Mandir, Terapanthi, Ja.pur. 2. to 3. Ibid, 4. Sastra Bhangar of Jaina temple, Patodi 5. to 6. Ibid. 7. Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jain Temple, Jaipur. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 ] The Puranas written in Hindi are very important from the point of view of the History of Hindi literature, They indicate the stages of the development of styles of poetry and prose from the end of the Sixteenth century onwards. The term Kavya means any thing produced by a poet. It includes poems, fables lyrics, dramas and all othere forms of literature. But its use is narrowed down generally to a class of poetry, although its use with reference to other types is not forbiddan. The classical definition of Kavya is 1 Bhamah Though the name can be applied to some other forms of literature also. Some of the Kavyas produced by Jaina poets and which are of very high order are briefly described below 2. Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. KAVYA LITERATURE dharmArthakAmamokSeSu vaicakSaNya kalAsu ca / prIti karoti kIrti ca sAdhu kAvyanibandhanam // JINA SENACARYA the author of Adipurana wrote Parswabhyudaya1 which describes the life of Lord Parswanath. It is divided into four cantos and regarded as one of the best poems written by the Jaina writers. In this work there are preserved 120 stanzas of the Meghasandesa. 3 HARICANDRA is the author of the work DHARMASARMABHUDAYA2 in 21 cantos The Kavya describes the life of Dharmanatha a Jaina Tirthankara. The work is quite well known and its copies found in Several Sastra Bhandars. HIS other work is JIVANDHARA CAMPU3, a manuscripts of which is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi, Jaipur. It describes the life of Jivandhar. In the 11th century Viranandi composed CANDRAPRABHA CARITA in Sak Samvat 943 (1021 AD) The poem describes the life of Candraprabha a Ja na lirthankara. It is divided into 15 cantos Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. -do -do - 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With | 143 DHANANJAYA wrote a poem RAGHAVA PANDAVTYA' in which he described the story of Rama and Pandavas simultaneously by taking recourse to pun. It is also famous by the name of Dvisandhana Kavya. He lived in the 1st half of 10th century A.D. The poem is divided into 18 cantos. Vagbhatta is the author of Nemi Nirvana Kavya? a poem in praise of Neminatha Tirthankara. The author flourished in about 1150 A.D. The poem is of very high standard. Hemcandra is the author of several poems two of which deserve mention. One is TRISASTISALAKA PURUS CARITA) and the other is Dvyasraya Kavya. The former is in ten parts and describes the 63 great personalities of the Jaina faith. The later gives a life of Kumarapala, a poet's patron It is also known by the name of Kumarapala Carita. The poem is divided into 28 cantos out of which first 20 are in Sanskrit and the rest in Prakrit. Somadeva, a famous writer of Sanskrit, was the author of YASASTILAKA CAMPU, a Campu Kavya written in the praise of Yasodhara, a Jaina king. It is written in poems and prose and available in several Jaina Bhandars specially in Jaipur, Amer and NAGAUR. Arhatdasa pupil of Pandit Asadhar wrote Purudevas Campu in the 13th century. It describes the life of Adinatha who is also called Purudeva. It is also in poems and prose. Vikrama son of Sangam was the author of Nemiduta Kavya. This in an artificial poem in which the first three of every verse are composed by the author and fourth is supphed from Kalidas's Meghadoot. It describes the life of Neminatha. Guna Vijaya wrote the commentary on the poem. Varanga .Carita' is the work of Jatacarya or Jatal Muni alias Simhanandi. It is divided into 31 cantos and describes the life of Jain King Varanga. Another 1. Bhaftarkiya sastra Bhandar, Nagaur 2. Ibid. 3. Brihad Gyan Bhandar, Jaisalmer. 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 3. Bhatlarksya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. 6. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 7. Ibid. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandara in Rajasthan 144) Varanga Carita' was composed by Vardhamana Bhattaraka of the Balatkargana Sarasvatigacha of Mula Sangha. It is divided into 13 cantos. Vardhamana Caritra also called Mahavira Caritra is the work of Kavi Acaga. This work is also mentioned under the title of Sanmati Caritra in the author's Santipurana. The work is in 18 cantos and is said to have been composed in the year 910 A.D. Vasanta Vilasa Kavya' in 14 Cantos describes the life of the minister Vastupala. It was composed in Samvat 1296 (1239 A.D) by Balcandra Suri pupil of Hari Bhadra Suri of the Candra Gacha. Apart from the composition of the Kavyas, the Jaina Scholars also wrote commentaries on the Kavyas written by the non-Jaina authors. Prakasa varsa wrot: commentary on Kiratarjuniya Kavya of Bharvi. This is a rare commentary and available only in Amer Sastra Bhandar and Jaisalmer Bhandar Raghuvansa Kavva possesses three commentaries written by Dharmameru, Sumatt vijay and Caritra Vardhana. All these commentaries are available in Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya. Bikaner and other Bhandars Moreover yet another commentary written by Hemasuri is in Brihad Gyan Bhandar Jaisalmer. Mallinatha Suni' and Vinay Candrawrote different commentaries on Meghaduta. The time of commentary written by Vinaycandra is 1664 (1607 A D). There is a voluminous commentary on Naisadha Carita dated 1366 A.D. written by Jinaraj Suri, the manuscript of which is available in Harisaya Gyana Bhandar, Lohawat (Jodhpur). Mallinatha Suri is one of the most famous commentator who wrote commentaries on most of the Mahakavyas such as Raghuvansa, Kumarsambhava, Knatarjuniya and Sisupala Vadha. 1 Bhatjarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. 2 Ibid 3. Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer, 4. Ibid. 3 Ibid. Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 145 PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA KAVYAS There is a good number of Kavyas written in Prakrit and Apabhramsa, Vimal Suri was the first known Acarya, who wrote a Mahakavya Paum Cariya' in Prakrit language. It was composed in the Vira Nivana Samvat 5302 It contains 118 cantos and describes the life of Rama according to Swetambar Jaina faith. Padma is the name of Rama One palm leaves manuscript written in the year 1141 A. D. is available in Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer. Swayambhu is the first poet of 9th century whose works written in Apabhramsa are available. He wrote two Kavyas. one is called PAUMCARIUS and the other is RITTHA NEMICARIU. Both the works are preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar and Digambar Jain Mandir Badhicand Jaipur respectively Paumcariu is divided into five Kandas i. e. Vidyadhara Kanda Ayodhya Kanda, Sundara Kanda, Yudha Kanda and Uttar Kanda. There are 90 sandhis in all the five Kandas This is the Jaina Ramayana dealing with the life of Rama. The work is regarded as one of the best work ever written in this language. The Ramayana written by Tulsidasa is divided into 7 Kandas i e Bala Kanda, Ayodha Kanda, Aranya Kanda, Kiskindha Kanda, Sundara Kanda, Lanka Kanda and Uttar Kanda, The story of Tulsidasa's Ramayana though based on Balmiki Ramayana. but in several aspects it is similar to Swayambhu's PAUMCARIYU. The scholars like Mahapandit Rahul is of the opinion that the word "wafuatfo" denotes that the poet Tulsidasa borrowed some story from the PAUMCARIU also. The Rittha Nemiciriu also called Harivansa Purana is a voluminous work having 112 Sandhis and 1637 Kadavakas. Some of the last Sandhis were written by his son Tribhuvan Swayambhu. Puspadanta the famous author of Mahapurana of 10th century wrote Jasahar Cariu and Naya Kumar Cariu. There are nine sandhis in Naya.Kumar Cariu and four sandhis in Jasahar Cariu. These works are very popular among the public. Manuscripts of these works are available in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. Adinatha Carita' is a voluminous work of Vardhaman. In it there are 15000 gathas divided into five Chapters. The date of work is 1103 A.D. Santi Suri 1. 2 Brihad Gyan Bhandar, Jaisalmer. re a r HTC at TR TETT bIre siddhamavagae tamo nibaddha ime cariya / / 3 Published by Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay. H. Brihad Gyan Bhandar, Jaisalmer. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 ] wrote in Prakrit PRATHAVICANDA CARITA in the year 1104 A.D. It consists of 7500 Gathas Nayanandi completed his Sudansana Cariu (Sudarsana Carita) in Samvat 1100 (1043 A D) It is very fine work describing the life of Sudarsana a Jaina merchant There are 10 manuscripts in the Amer Sastra Bhandar. Kavi Vira wrote JAMBU SWAMI CARIU (Jambu Swami Carita) in the year 1019. It is a fine work of Vira and Srangara Rasa. The manuscript of this work is preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar, and Sastra Bhandar Bada Mandir, Jaipur, Haribhadra Suri wrote Mallinatha Carita and Candraprabha Carita in Prakrit and Neminaha Cariu in Apabhramsa. Laksmangani wrote Supasanah Carita in 1143 A. D., Gunabhadra and Somprabhacarya composed Mahavira Carita and Sumatinatha Carita respectively in about 1190 A.D Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan Bhavisayatta Cantu is the work of Dhanapala German Scholar Dr. Jacobi felt interested in it and got it printed in Germany It is regarded a 11th Century work. The manuscripts of this work are preserved in good number in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. CARITA LITERATURE Carita literature can be placed between kavya hiterature and story literature: This is a light literature but does not consist only of stones. From the carita literature available in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars, it is noticed that before 12th century Kavyas written by the poets in difficult and alankarika language were preferied by the people but later on such difficult literature was not easy to be read so there was a general demand for lighter literature which might take the place of Kavya literature Though there was not a hard and fast rule that a Canta should be written in simple language without show of scholarship. It is also true that majority of the works of this kind of literature are easy and written in a very understandable language The Caritas which describes the life of individual Jinas are numerous in Samskrit. We shall describe some of the main works of this class which are found in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars Acarya Gunabhadra pupil of Acarya Jinasen' and writer of Uttarpurana wrote two works. Jinadatta Carita and Dhanya Kumar Carita1. These works describe the lives of Jinadatta and Dhanyakumar respectively. 1 Brihad Gyan Bhandar Jaisalmer. 2 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 5 Grantha Bhandar, Terapanthi Mandi, Jaipur. 3 Ibid. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjecta Dealt With [ 147 .: In Samvat 1084 (1027 A.D), Nemicandra Sari wrote Mabavira Carita'. Suri is also known as Devendra Suri. The earliest manuscript which is in the collection of Patan Bhandar is of Samvat 1236. (1179 A.D). In the year 1197 Devasuri pupil of successor Dharma Ghosa Suri, pupil of Sarvanand wrote PadmaprabhaCarita. It describes the life of Tirtbankara Padmaprabha in a very simple language. Candraprabha Carita? is a Sarnskrit work composed by Davendra pupil of of Vijaya Singha Suri of the Nagendra Gacha in the year 1207 A.D. The work is a popular one and is available in the various Bhandars. Sarvanand Suri composed two works namely Parswanatha Caritas and Candraprabha Carita in the year 1234 A.D. and 1245 A.D. respectively. TRISASTI SMRITIS which describes the lives of 63 Salaka persons was composed by Pandit Asadhar in the year 1235 A.D, at Nalahachapura. It is a very good and short work. It is popular and available in several Bhandats and specially at Bhandars of Jaipur. Arhatdasa pupil of Pandit Asadhar composed MUNISUBRATA CARITA' which describes the life of Muni Subratanatha It contains 10 cantos. It is also called Kavyaratan, Padmaprabha pupil of Vivudhaprabha of Candra Kula composed in the year 1237 A. D. Munisubrat Canta'? It is also stated that Kunthanatha Carita was also composed by him. The Vasupujya Carita was composed in Samvat 1242 A D. by Vardhana pupil of Vijaya Singh Sur. The work is very much popular and is in the collection of the various Bhandars and specially, in Bikaner and Jaisalmer Bhandars. Santinatha Carita was composed by A,itaprabha Suri in the year 1250. He was the pupil of Viraprabha Sun of Purnima Gaccha. The poem contains 1 Grantha Bhandar, Patan 2 Tapagachiya Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer. 3. Brhad Gyana Bhandar Jaisalmer 4 Ibid. 5 Sastra Bhandar, Digambara Jain Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur 6. Toid. 7. Grantha Bhandar, Nagaur. Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthan 148 1 six cantos and about 5000 slolas in all. It is very popular and preserved in the collection of most of the Bhandars of the Swetambar Jainas. Another Santinatha Carita was composed in Samvat 1322 (1265 A.D.) by Muni Deva Suri pupil of Madan Candra Suri. It is in Samskrit and is based on Devcandra's work. It was corrected by Pradyumna pupil of Kanaka Prabha. This work also remained popular and its manuscripts are in the collection of Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Delhi Bhandars. Sri Dharmakumara pupil of Vibudhaprabha, successor of Somaprabha of the Nagendra Kula composed Salibhadra Carita. It is 10 seven cantos and was composed in the year 1277 A.D. Padma Nabha Kayastha composed Yasodhara Cauta' in Simvat 1462 (1405 AD). The work was composed at the request of Kusaraja Minister and at the advice of Sumatriti. Kusaraja was the Minister of King Vikrama of the Tomar family of Gwalior. The manuscripts of this work are preserved in various Bhandars and specially in Jaipur, Ajmer, Nagaur etc. In Samvat 1463 (1406 A.D) Manikya Sundar composed Sridhaia Carita. The author was the pupil of Merutunga of the Ancala Gacha. The work is divided into 10 cantos Pandit Gridhar wrote Bhavisyadatta Carita? in the 15th century. The story of the work is popular one. Vikramaditya Carita was composed in Samvat 1490 (1433 A.D.) by Subhasila, pupil of Munisunder Suri of Tapa Gacha The work describes the life of King Vikrama, Sakal Kirti, a famous scholar and Bhattaraka of the 15th centnry wrote several works such as Yasodhara Carita, Mallinatha Carita, Jambu Swami Carta and Sudarsana Carita etc. He was a versatile scholar of his time. His works are very popular and are found in most of the Digambara Bhandars of Rajasthan Two illustrated manuscript copies of Yasodhar Carita are preserved in the Sastra Bhandats of Jaipur Pandit Dharmadhar of 15th century wrote Nagi kumar Carita. The manuscript of this work dated 1541 is available in the Jaipa Grantha Bhandar of Bada Mandir, Jaipur. Jaisekhar Suri pupil of Mahendraprabha Suri of Ancal Gacha wrote Dhammil Caritra in the year 1405 A.D. Brahma Neminatha, a scholar of 16th century composed two works, one Karkandu Caritra and the other is Jambu Swami Caritra. 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, 2 Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt with ( 149 Subha Candra was a famous scholar of 16th century. He was pupil of Bhataraka Vijaya Kirti. He is the author of several works out of which Karakandu Caritra', Jambuswami Caritra and Jivandhara Caritra are very much popular and manuscripts of these works are available in most of Digambara Bhandars. Rajmala wrote Jambuswami Caritrat in Samvat 1632 (1575 A.D.). Hemvijay pupil of Kamal Vijay of Tapagacha composed Parswanatha Caritra in Samvat 1631 (1575 A. D.) Sri Udaivijayagani wrote Parswanatha Caritra in the year 1597. Ravisena also wrote Pradyumna Caritra in the year 1518 AD The manuscript copy of the work is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar. Vadi Raja Suri wrote two Caritra works i.e. Yasodhar Caritra' and Parswanatha Caritra Vidyanandi pupil of Davendra Kirti who lived in 16th century wrote Sudarsana Caritra?. Padam Sunder wrote Parswanatha Caritra in the 16th century. A manuscript dated 1615 exists in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Bada Mandir, Jaipur. In the seventeenth century Bhattaraka Jinendra Bhusana successor of Visva Bhusana wrote Karkandu Caritra. Damodara Kavi pupil of Bhattaraka Dharma Candra wrote Candraprabha Caritra. Ratan Candra composed Pradyumo Caritra0 in Samvat 1671 1. e. 10 the year 1616 A.D. Neminatha Caritra in Sanskrit Prose was composed by Guna Vijay pupil of Kanak Vijay of the Tapa Gacha in Samvat 1668 (1611 A.D). It has thirteen Chapters and one copy of the manuscript is in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. Bhattaraka Ratan Candra wrote Subhoma Caritra in the 18th century, Brahma Ajit, a famous writer of the 17th century, composed Hanumat Caritra 2, the work is divided into eight chapters and deals with the life of Hanuman. All the above works are written in easy and flowing style and were very popular when they were written and when Samskrit was widely read and understood by the people. 1. Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. 2 Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 5. to 7. Ibid. 8. Grantha Bhandar, Jain Mandir Bada Dhada, Ajmer. 9. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 10. to 12. Ibid. Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. CARITA LITERATURE IN PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA Light literature written in Prakrit and Apabhramsa in the form of Caritas is also in good quantity and is available in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars of Rajasthan. Silacarya was the first scholar who composed Mahapursa Carita in Samvat 925 (868 A D) in Prakrit. He was the pupil of Mahadeva Suri. The work describes the lives of the 63 great persons. Mahavira Carita in Prakrit was composed by Nemicandra Suri, in Samvat 1141 (1084 AD) It is in eight Chapters and was composed at the orders of Prasanna Candra Suri pupil of Jina Candra Suri. The language of the work is simple and beautiful. The work also contains about 50 Apabhramsa verses. Hart Candra Carita also called as Vijaycandra Carita, was written by Candraprabha Mahattara, pupil of Abhayadeva Suri of Khartar Gacha. It was composed at the request of Viradeva Gani and it is in two parts. Both are in Prakrit. The work contains stotries which ilustrate the SwetambarJain modes of Jina's worship Sri Santacarya composed Prathvi Candra Canta in Samvat 1161 (1104 A.D). Deva Bhadragani, pupil of Sumati Upadhayaya and Prasanna Candra wrote Parswanatha Carita. The work is in Prakrit and contain five Chapters. It was composed in the year 1111 A D. Yasodeva pupil of Devagupta Suri composed Candradrabha Carita' in the year 1121. Virasuri composed Candraprabha Carita in Samvat 1138 (1081 A.D.) in Prakrit. He was the pupil of Siddhasuri One manuscript of this work written on palm leave and dated 1217, is preserved in Jaisalmer Bhandar. Haribhadra Suri pupil of Jindeva of Brihad Gacha composed Mumipati Carita in the year 1115. Laksmanagani pupil of Hemcandra Sui composed Suparsva Cari'ra in Samvat 1199 (1142 A.D). It is in Prakrit and contains about 8700 Gathas. Dhahila an Apabhramsa poet of 12th century wrote Paumsiri Cariu. He was the son of Parsva Kavi Sridhar, a famous poet of 12th century composed three works in Apabhramsa Pasnah Cariu, Sukamala Cariu and Bhavisyatta Cariu2. The manuscrip.s of these three works are in the collection of Amer Sastra Bhandar. Devasanagani 2 1. Published in the Atmavallabh series No 9 Ambala. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. .... Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Deal. With [ 151 composed Sulocana Carita in the same century. Mudi Kankamar is the author of Karakandu Carita. This is also a good work in Apabhramsa and available in Jaina Bhandars, of Amer, Ajmer and Nagaur. Haribhadra Suri composed Mallinatha Carita in Prakrit during the reign of King Kumarpala. Mahakavi Singh also called as Siddha wrote Pajuna Cariu. in Apabhramsa in the 13th century. Kavi Lakhu wrote Jinayatta Cariul in the year 1218. The work is in Apabhramsa and describes the life of Jinadatta, a Jain merchant. Yasahkirti composed Candappaha Carita in Apabhramsa language. It was written on the request of Sidhpala of Gujjardesa. He described himself as Mahakavi. The manuscript is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Jaimitrahala wrote Vaddhamana Caritain the reign of Allahuddin Khilji. Narsena composed two works in Apabhramsa, one is Vaddhamana Katha and the other is Sripala Cariu. He is supposed to be the poet of 14th century. Pandit Raidhu is regarded one of the most famous poet of Apabhramsa language who wrote more than 25 works in this language. Dhanakumar Caritas Megheswar Carita, Sripala Carita?, Sanmati Jina Carital, Neminatha Carita, Yasodhar Caritao, Jivandhar Carita', and Sukumal Caritala are some of his works available in Apabhraisa language. Mannikka Raja composed two works in Apabhraisa one is Amar Sena Carita 3 and the other is Nagakumar Carita". He completed Naga Kumara Carita in the year 1522. Amar Sena Carita and Naga Kumara Carita were written on the request of Deva Raja Caudhari and Todarmal respectively. Bhagwati Dasa was the last poet of Apabhiamsa. He was a citizen of Delhi and completed his Mriganka ).ekha Caritas in Samvat 1700 1.e. in the year 1643 A.D 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, 2. to 4. Ibid 1. Bhaffarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur, 6. to 12. Ibid. 13. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 14. to 15. Ibid. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 1 Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan. CARITA LITERATURE IN HINDI There are several works on Carita Literature written in Hindi and which are available in the Grantha Bhandais of Rajasthan. They describe the lives of great persons. These works are just like Kavyas in Samskrit and Apabhramsa. Jambu Swami Carita seems to be the first work which was composed by the poet. Dharma in the year 1209 AD. It is preserved in Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. Jinadatta Carita' is another work in Hindi which was composed in the year 1297 A.D., by the poet Ralha o Raja Singh. The work describes the life of Jinadatta in 554 stanzas. Only one manuscript has been discovered so far which is kept in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple, Patodi, Jaipur. Neminatha Caupai was written by Vinaya Candra Suri some where between 1296 to 1301. This is a short work on the life of Neminatha written in Caupai metre. Pradyumna Carita was composed by the poet Sadharu in Samvat 1411 (year 1354 A.D.) This is regarded as one of the first works of Braj Bhasa in 701 stanzas. It is a kind of Sapta Sati. Pande Jinadasa wrote Jambu Swami Carita' in 1587 A.D. It is is a very good work which describes the life of Jambu Swami. Ramcandra who is famous by the name of 'Balaka' is the author of Sita Carita. It is a big work written in Hindi poem and was completed in the year 1716 A.D. Lakhamidasa and Khusala Canda Kala wrote Yasodhar Carita in the year 1724 A.D. Both the works have been found in the Sastra Bhandar of Jain Terapanthi Bada Mandir. Khusala Canda Kala also wrote Dhanya Kumar Caritas and Jambu Swami Carita. Parimall was a Hindi writer of 17th century. He composed Sripala Carita'. Cetanakarma Carita was written by Bhaiya Bhagwatidasa of Agra in the year 1675 A.D. It is an interesting work. Kisana Singh wrote Bhadrabahu Carita in the year 1723 A.D. It describes the life of Bhadra Bahu, the last Srutakevali. 1. Published by Digambar Jain Atisaya Ksetra Mahavirji, Jaipur. 2. Sastra Bhandar Khandelwal Pancayati Mandir, Kama (Raj.) 3 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 4 to 8. Ibid. 9. Sastra Bhandar, Digambara Jain Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Deal With [163 Parihanand contributed a work Yasodhara Carita' in the year 1613 A.D. Another Yasodhara Carita2 was also composed by Ajairaj in 1735 A.D. Bhattaraka Vijay Kirti wrote Srenika Caritas in the 1767 A.D. "He was the Bhattaraka of Ajmer Gadi and took a great interest in collection of the manuscripts. His other work is Jambuswami Carita which was composed in the year 1770 A.D. Kalyana Kirti was the writer of Carudatta Caritas in the year 1635, A.D. It describes the life of Carudatta, a true lover of Basantsena. Jodhraja Godika wrote Pritinkara Carita at Sanganer in the year 1664 A D. Pannalal Caudhar), the famous Hindi translator of 19th century translated the following works in Hindi. 1. Jambuswami Carita? in the year 1873 A D. 2. Jinadatta Caritas in the year 1874 A.D. 3. Jivandhar Carita' in the year 1877. 4. Gautama Swami Caritaso Nathmal Vilala wrote two works as Jivandhara Carita and Mahipala Carita, Both the works are available in the Giantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple, Patodi. HINDI WORKS ON RASA LITERATURE There is a large literature on the subject like Rasa written in Hindi by the Jaina writers. As a matter of fact, we find that the earliest works in Hindi were written by them. Here we shall give a brief history of such works. 1 Grantha Bhandar of Tholiya Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 2. Ibid. 3. Bhattarkiya sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 5. Sastra Bhandar Jaina Temple Patodi, Jaipur. 6. Grantha Bhandar, Terapanthi Jaipa Temple, Jaipur. 7. 60 10. Ibid. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jajna Grantha Bhandars in RAJAsthan. 154 1 Bharteswar Bahubali Rasa' seems to be the first work written by Salibhadra Sori in the year 1184 A.D. The work describes the battle which was fought between Bharat and Bahubali. Candanbala Rasa :-was composed by poet Asagu in about 1257 A.D. The manuscript exists in the Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer, Stholi Bhadra Rasa :-was written by Dharma in the year 1209 A.D. The manus cript is preserved in the Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. Rewaptgiri Rasa :-was composed by Vijaya Sena Suri. It describes the historical importance of Rewantgiri Tirtha and was composed in the year 1231 A.D. The manuscript is available in Patan Bhandar. Neminatha Rasa -by Sumatigani written in Samvat 1270 i. e. 1213 A.D. The manuscript of the work exists in the Brihad Gyona Bhandar, Jaisalmer. Gaja Sukumala Rasa -was composed by Delham, pupil of Jagat Candra Surs. The date of the work is not given but as the time of Jagat Candra Suri is about 1243 A. D. so the time of the poet may be 1255 to 1265 A.D. The manuscript is available in the Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. Gautama Rasa was written by Vinayprabha in the year 1355 A.D. The work remained favourite among Jainas and so its manuscripts are preserved in several Bhandars. Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti was the great scholar of Sanskrit, but he wrote some works in Hindi also. He wrote Solah Karana Rasa in the 15th century. In the same century Brahma Jinadasa was a great scholar who wrote more than 30 Rasas. He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti. Some of the names of the Rasas together with their short description are given below : (A) Karma Vipaka Rasa! :-It describes the fruits of Karmas and on the basis of actions. It narrates the stories of Rama, Sita and other great personnels 1. Abhaya Granthalaya. Bikaner. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With 1 155 (B) Sudarsana Rasa :-This is a Rasa on the life of Setha Sudarsana who was famous for his character. (C) Sripala Rasa :-This book describes in short the life of Sripala and his wife Maina Sundari. (D) Ambika Rasa3 :-Ambika is a Jaina Goddess. It is in praise of the same. (E) Jambu Swami Rasa :-The Rasa describes the life story of Jambu Swami who had been a Jaina Sadhu in his young age. (F) Hanumata Rasa' :-Hanumana is also regarded a great person in the Jaina mythology. The Rasa describes his life in short. (G) Holi Rasa :-It deals with the story of Holi according to the Jaina version. (H) Samyaktva Rasa? :-The Rasa gives some stories according to the Jaina faith. (1) Ratri Bhojana Rasa :-The book describes the demerits of taking food in night on the basis of story of Nagasri. (J) Ajitanatha Rasa :-This describes the life of Lord Ajitnatha, the second Tirthankara. (K) Nagakumara Rasa 10 :-The life of Nagakumara is dealt with in this Rasa. (L) Jivandhara Rasa" :-It describes the life of Jivandhara who is amongst the 169 great persons. (N) Nemisvara Rasa2 :-The Rasa describes the life of Neminatha, a Jaina Tirthankara. (0) Ramayana Rasa13 :-This is a short story of Ramayana according to Jaina version. 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. to 3. Ibid. 4. Agarwal Pancayati Mandir Sastra Bhandar, Udaipur. 5. to 11. Ibid. 12. Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. 13. Agarwal Pancayat! Mandir Sastra Bhandar, Udaipur. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1561 Jaina Grantha Bhaoddrs in Rajasthan. fp). Dharmapariksa Rasa! :-It is a summary of Dharma Pariksa written by Amitigati in Samskrit. (0) Bhavaisya-Datta Rasa? :- This Rasa describes the life of Bhavisyadatta. (R) Sukumala Swami Rasa:-This Rasa gives the life of Sukumala Muni, who is famous for his penance. Acarya Jinasena completed his Neminatha Rasa in the year 1501. It is a very short book and available in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Mandir. The 16th century was notable period for the writing of the Rasas. Brahma Rayamalla, pupil of Bhattaraka Ananta Kirtt wrote six Rasas. All these Rasas are very important from the linguistic point of view, the names of the Rasas ase as follows : 1. Nemisvara Rasa composed in 1558 A.D. 2 Hanumat Rasa composed in 1559 A.D. 3. Pradyumna Rasa composed in 1571 A.D. 4 Sudarsana Rasa composed in 1576 A.D. 5 Sripala Rasa composed in 1573 A.D. 6, Bhavisya Datta Rasa composed in 1576 A.D. All these Rasas are available in the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Rupacandra a famous Hindi poet of the same century wrote Neminatha Rasa. The work though a small one, describes the life of Neminatha in an artistic way. Tribhuvana Kiti is the writer of Jivandhara Rasa'. It was completed in the year 1547 A,D. Vidyabhusana wrote Bhavisya Datta Rasa in 1543 A.D. The work contains 525 stanzas, 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 1. to 9. Ibid. 4. Amer Sast a Bhandar, Jaipur. 5. Ibid 6. Grantha Bhandar Jain Temple, Duni. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With | 157 Bhattaraka Gyana Bhusana a famous scholar of 16th century wrote Satkarma Rasa' in Hindi. Bhattaraka Subha Candra completed Palya Vidhan? Rasa in the 16th century. Sumati Kirti belonging to the same period completed Dharma Pariksa Rasa: in the year 1568 A.D. He also wrote Lunkamata Nirakarapa Rasa but he has not given the Date. Bhattaraka Ratna Kirti was a 16th century scholar. He wrote Neminatha Rasa in a fine manner. Brahma Gyana Bhusana composed Hanumat Carita Rasa in the year 1973 A.D. The work describes the life of Hanumana according to the Jaina faith. Sitaharan Rasa was written by Jayasagar pupil of Mahicandra. Vijaya Deva Sori completed his work Sila Rasa in the same century. In the 17th century Anjana Rasa was written by Saati Kusal in the year 1610 A.D. In the same year Jayakiri also completed his Aklanka Yati Rasa. After its 5 years Matsagar completed his work Dhanna Sali Bhadra Rasa? in the year 1615 A.D. This work was popular among both the sects and its manuscripts are preserved in various, Bhandars. Sanat Kumara Rasa was completed in the year 1620 A. D. by Pasa Canda. Bhattaraka Jayakirti wrote Vanka Cula Rasa' in 1628 A.D. Thus we see that in the 17th century also the system of writting the Rasas remained prevelent among the Jaina poets. In the 18th century Sanghi Daulata Rama of Bundi wrote Vrata Vidhana Rasao. It describes the short stories on various vows. ADHYATMA LITERATURE In the Jaina Bhandars of Rajasthan, works on Adhyatma or spritualism are available in good number. As a matter of fact, in every work written by a Jaina 1 Grantha Bhandar Ag awal Pancayati Mandir, Udaipur. 2 to 4. Ibid. 5. Graotha Bhandar Sambhavanatha Jaina Temple' Udaipur. *. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 7. Sastra Bhandar, Tholia Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 8. Grantha Bhandar, Sambhavanatha Jaina Temple, Udaipur. 9. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 10. Ibid. Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthao. 158 ) authors there is some matter which relates to Adhyatma. According to the Jaina principle, soul is the king of the body, which is nothing but a collection of matter or Parmanus. One who loves this body cannot get rid of the cycle of death and birth. There is no difference between common person's soul and supreme soul, but there exists only a difference of Karmas. The soul of a common person on account of ignorance does not realise its nature as different from body. Every soul possesses a power to become supreme soul. As the Jaina theory does not believe in God as the creator or destroyer of the world hence there is a large literature dealing with with soul. SAMSKRIT WORKS Acirya Gunabhadra, the author of Uttara Purina is one of the carliest Samskrit scholar (10th century A.D.) who wrote Atmanusasan'. It deals with the soul and its functions, if it lives within the body. The work is of a high standard It contains 270 stanzas. The work is very popular and its manuscripts are found in most of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. Parswanag also composed Almanusasan in Sanskrit in the same century I e. 985 A.D. It contains 77 Katikas and the manuscript exists in the Jaisalmer Grantha Bhandar. Yogasara divided into nine Chapters and written in samskrit is ascribed 10 Amitigati a famous scholar of Samskrit Literature. The other name of the work is Gitavitaraga. This is a didactic poem written in very simple language and consisting mainly of moral instructions. He also wrote a Samayika Patha3 which is also full of Adhyatma material. Amrita Candra a samskrit scholar of 10th century wrote commentaries on Samayasar, a famous work on Adhyatma literature, in prose and poetry, which is called Samayasir Vratu and Samayasara Kalasa. Both the commertaries are very popular and are read with great interest. Muni Sundar Surt of Tapagacha (1379 to 1486) wrote Adhyatma Kalpadrum in Samskrit. The work is divided into 16 Chapters Yalovijaya, pupil of Naya Vijay belonging to Tapagacha composed Adhyatmasara. It is divided in seven chapters and the total number of Slokas appearing therein is 948. The manuscript is in Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Bikaner. 1. Published from Jauna Grantha Ratnakar Kiryalaya, Bombay. 2. Published from Bhartiya Jaina Sidhant Prakasual Sanstha, Calcutta. 3. Ibid. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With | 159 In the Thirteenth century Asadhara composed Adhayatma Rahasya, in Sanskrit poetry. It is very good work which describes the relations of soul with the body The manuscript of this work has been recently found in Jaip Sastra Bhandar, Ajmer. In the beginning of the 17th century Rajamal wrote Adhyatma Kalpadrum a work of high standard on Adhyaima. It is in four Chapters containing about 200 slokas in all. Somdeva a fomous Samskrit scholar also wrote Adhyatma Taranginn which deals with this subject Yasovijaygani of the Tapagacha wrote AdhyatmaUpnisat which is completed in four Chapters containing 77, 65, 44, and 32 stanzas respectively WORKS IN PRAKRIT AND APABHRAMSA Acarya Kundakunda was the first scholar who wrote several works in Prakrit dealing with Adhyatma literature. He belonged to Dravid Sangha in the Jaina community of the South. He is also called Vakragriva--Elacarya Graddhapicha and his original name is said to have been Padmanandin. According to the Pattawalis he belonged to 1st century A. D. Samayasara, Pravacansara and Astapahuda are his works in which there is a description of soul, supreme soul, world and body. This kind of literature is comparable with Unisat literature These works and specially Samayasar and Pravacanasara are regarded as the best works on Adhyatmavada. The book Pravacanasara consists three Chapters having 92. 108 and 75 Prakrit Gathas. Samayasara contains 439 Prakrit Gathas divided into 9 Chapters. Asta Pahud is divided in eight parts, Darsan (36 Gathas). Sutra (27 Gathas) Carita (44 Gathas) Bodha (62 Gathas), Bhava (163 Gathas) Moksa (196 Gathas), Linga (22 Gathas) and Sila (40 G: tha). These works are very popular and are read with great interest. Their manuscripts are found and preserved in several Bhandars of Jaipur, Nagaur and Aymer. In the 8th century. Yogindu composed two marvellous works on Adhyatmavada in Apabhramsa language. One is Parmatma Prakasa' and the other is Yogasara. These have been written in most simple language. The relation between 4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Ibid. Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantna Bhandars in Rajasthan 160 } Atma and Parmatma, body and soul, duties of a human being, condition and unduThese works are above standard and may be sability of the world are described. placed in the cadre of Santa literature. Dharmadasa Gani, a famous writer of Prakrit wrote Updesamala' in 542 Gathas. The book is popular both in D:gambaras and Swetambaras and its manuscripts are avrilable in most of the Bhandars of Rajasthan. The work is in Prakrit. One Vritti of the work was written in Prakrit by Jaisingh pupil of Krsnaursi in Samvat 913 (856 A. D.) Apart from this commentary there are more than 20 commentaries written in Samskrit and they are in the collections of the Jain Bhandars of Rajasthan. Kartikeyanupreksa2 is also one of the high class works written by Swami Kartikeya. It contains 489 Gathas and puts before us the real picture of the World, man and his relations. The book teaches how we should live and what we should do. It is divided in 12 parts which are called Bhavnas. Bhattaraka Subha Candra wrote commentary3 in Samskrit in Samvat 1613 (1556 A.D.) and Jaya Candra Chabra translated it into Hindi prose in the 19th century. Pravacana Saroddhara was composed by Nemicandra pupil of Amara Deva of Jina Bhadra. It is a detailed exposition of Jaina Philosophy. The total number of the Gathas is 1599. HINDI WORKS ON ADHYATMAVAD There is a large literature in Hindi on Adhyatma. Some work of Sarhskrit and Prakri were translated into Hindi & some new works were composed. Dvadasanupreksa* of Laksmi Candra is the first work on this subject, written in old Hindi. It was composed in about 12th century. Roop Candra wrote Parmarthadoha Satak' which is purely on Adhayatma. It contains 102 stanzas. His new work Adhyatma Savaiya has recently been discovered which is based totally on Adhyatma Literature. Rajamala a scholar of 16th century translated the Samayasara a work of Kundakunda into Hindi prose. It was perhaps the first attempt to write in Hindi prose. The manuscript of the works is in the collection of Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur of Vikram Samvat 1653 (1596 A D.). Banarsi Dasa a prominent Hindi writer wrote Samayasar Natak in the year 1636 A.D. This is a most popular work and is 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. to 6. Ibid. 7. Published by Sast! Grantha Mala, Delhi. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 161 read widely. The manuscript of this work is housed almost in all the Grantha Bhandars. Apart from this Banarsidasa also wrote Banarsi Vilas in which there are several small works. Muni Mahicandra a Jaina saint wrote Adhyatma Barahakharl in about 14th century. A copy of this Barahkhari is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur. Brahma Dipa a famous Hindi writer of 17th century wrote Adhyatma Bavani' and Brahma Ajita of the same century wrote Hansagita2. Hemraja a famous Hindi poet of 17th century translated two works of Acarya Kundakunda. Parmatma Prakasa3 and Pravacanasara into Hindi prose. The system of translating the Prakrit Gathas in Hindi prose is very good. Another Hem Raja of the same time composed Doha Satak' which is also a fine work and contains 101 Dohas. Pandey Rupacandra of Khartargaccha translated Samayasara Nataka of Banarsidasa into Hindi prose". This work was completed in the year 1665. Dipacand Kasliwal of Rajasthan wrote Atmavlokan' in the year 1720. Pandit Daulat Rama Kasliwal wrote Adhyatma Barahkharis in the year 1741. This is perhaps the biggest work ever written on this subject containing more than 5000 veises. The only manuscript available is in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar Bada Mandir, Jaipur. Pandit Todar Mal a famous scholar of 18th century translated Atmanusasana into Hindi prose. Jodharaja Godha of Sanganer (Jaipur) translated Pravacansara' into Hindi oetry in the year 1677 A.D. Apart from this there were several Hindi poets who wrore small works in Hindi. The poets like Rupacandra, Banarsidasa Ananda Ghana, Bhudhara Dasa, and Dhyanat Rai wrote Hindi Padas full of Adhyatma matter. 1 Grantha Bhandar Mandir Lunkaranajl, Jaipur. 2 Sastra Bhandar Naya Mandir Jaipur.. 3. Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jain Mandir, Jaipur. 4. to 5. Ibid. 6. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 7. Ibid. 8. Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Bada Mandir, Jaipur. 9. Amer Sastra Ehandar, Jaipur. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhanders in RAjasthan. 162) LITERATURE ON JAINA PHILOSOPHY There is a large literature on the Jaina Philosophy in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars of Rajasthan. The earliest exponents of the Jaina Philosophy preached the doctrines in the Ardha-Magadhi Bhasa. The literature on Philosophy related to the Agams is found in the Agams like Sutra Kratanga, Sthananga, Samvayanga, etc. All these works are in Prakrit. Acarya Kunda Kunda wrote Pancasti Kaya in Prakrit which describes the five kinds of Astikayas i.e. Jiva, Dharma, Adharma, Akasa and Kala. Samanta Bhadra, one of the most famous Philosopher of his time composed Apta Mimansa in Sanskrit which is considered an introductory portion of the Jain philosophy. Alankara a distinguished and famous philospher of 7th century wrote commentary on Apta Mimans called Asta Sati'. His other works are Laghivastra ya, Pramana Sangrah, Nyayaviniscaya, Siddhiviniscaya. These are authorititive works on Jaina Philosophy. Haribhadra Suri a great philosopher wrote works on Jaina Philosophy and supported views of Ancksnta. Anekanta Jayapataka, Sad Darsana Samuccaya. Anekanta Vada etc. are his works. Manikya Nandi (800 A.D.) was the author of Pariksamukha, a short book on Jaina philosophy. This work has a commentary called Premeyakamal-martanda by Prabhacandra (about 825 A.D.). He also wrote Nyayakumud Cundrodaya a commentary on the Laghiyastraya of Aklanka. Vidyanandi was also the authority on Jaina Philosophy. He wrote several works big and small ones wluch are Aptapatiksa. Patrapariksa and Asta Sahasri and Pramagapariksa are his famous works He made commentary on Yuktyanussana of Samanta Bhadra also. In the 10th century Davescna composed three small works of great importance called Laghunayacakra, Vrihadnayacakra with commentary and Alap Paddhati. Anant Virya wrote commentary on Pariksamukha of Manikya Nandi and the other on Siddhiviniscaya of Aklank. The commentary on Pariksamukha is called Prameya Ratnanali. To Hemcandra (1088 to 1172 A D.) are attributed the Pramana-Mimansa with his own commentary and Ananyayogvyavchedika in pia'se of Arhat. Devasuri a contemporary of Hemcandi is the author of Pramananayatatwalokalankara on which he himself wiote a commentary called Syadavada Ratnakar. Candraprabha 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 163 wrote the Darsana Sudhi and Prameya Ratan Kosa (1100 A.D). The Vitaraga stuti of Hemcandra was commentated by Mallisena in the year 1292 A.D. Maghanandi pupil of Kumarcandra wrote Padarthasara. Raja Sekhar Suri (1348 A.D) is the author of many works among which the Syadavadakalika, and Panjika, the commentary on Nyayakandali of Sridhara are worth mentioned. Somtilak wrote commentary on Satdarsana (1335 A. D) which was composed by Haribhdra Suri. Merutanga pupil of Mahendra Suri wrote Sat Darsana Nirnaya in Samskrit, Gunaratan Suri, the pupil of Deva Sundara completed commentary called Tarka Rahasya Dipika in 1409 A. D. on Haribhadra's Sad Darsana Samuccaya. Dayaratan wrote Nyayaratanavali in 1569 A. D. and Subhaga Vijaya composed Tark Bhasa Vartika in 1606 A. D. and Syadavada Bhasa in 1610 A.D. Yasovijaya a prominent Samskrit scholar of 18th century wrote several works on Jaina philosophy among which are Astasastivivarana, Anekantavyavastha, Gyanabindu, Jaina Tark Bhasa etc. etc. Last of all the works on Philosophy is the Nyaya Dipika by Abhinava Dharma Bhusana which is a very popular and short work and available in most of the Grantha Bhandars SHORT STORIES OR KATHAS Short stories are very popular among the Indians from very early time. They are based on adventures, sea voyages and other occurances and also on the imagination of those who could invent stories. But the Jainas along with the above characteristics adopted the form of the stories to present their doctrines. Most of the stories were written in order to present the Jaina doctrines through literary form. Padlipta Suri was the first scholar who wrote Tarangavati in Prakrit. This work is mentioned in Avasyaka Visesyabhasya of Jaina Bhadra Gani. The manuscript of this work is not available in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. But Tarangalola which is based on Tarangawati Katha is available in Jaina Grantha Bhandars, Bikaner. There are 1643 Gathas in the work. This is a very good romantic love story Dr. Winternitza called it earliest religious novel (Dharma Katha). Haribhadra Suri was a famous writer of Rajasthan. Samraicakaha, Virangad Katha, Kathakosa and Dhurtakhyan are the some of his works. All these works are in Prakrit language, and they may be described as religious stories Among these works Samaraicea Kaha is the most famous work and it is proto-type copy of Tarangawati. Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 164 Siddharsi an other famous story writer completed his work Upamiti Bhava Prapanca Katha, in Samvat 906 I. e. 849 A.D. This is a good and interesting work. In Vikram Samvat 989 (932 AD), Harisena wrote Katha Kosal in Apabbramsa. The Katha Kosa may be called a rich nine of tales or Treasury of stories. The work contains 158 stories written in very simple language. Several of these stories belong to Uuiversal literature. Another Katha Kavya? Ratnakaranda in Apabhramsa is of Sricandra containing 33 tales in equal number of Chapters. The work pertains to 10th century. Katha Kosa Prakaran which was written by Acarya Jinesvara in the year 1092 A.D. contains 36 main stories and 5 secondary stories. Gyanpancami Katha is the collection of ten stories narnely Jayasena Kaha, Nanda Kaha, Bhadda Kaha, Vira Kaha, Kainta Kaha, Gunraj Kaha, Dharma Kaha, Devi Kaha and Bhavisya Knha. The author of these stories is Mahesvara Suri. All of them are in the Prakrit language. Vijay Candra Kevalin was written by Candraprabha Mohatta in 1070 A D. There are eight stories in the collection. Kalkacarya Kathanaka is a short novel in Prakrit prose and poetry. The story is very interesting and gives some historical facts. It is regarded a work of 10th century. Mahendra Suri is the writer of Narmada Sundari Katha (1130 A.D). The work is in Samskrit Narcandra Suri pupil of Devprabha Suri is the writer of Katha ratna Sagar in Samskrit. Another Katha Sangrah is a collection of 81 moral stories in Samskrit piose. It was composed by Raja Sekhar of the Harsapuria Gacha. Katha Mahodani is a collection of 157 stories based on the Karpoor Prakaran ol Hariscna. It was composed in Samvat 1504 (1447 A.D.), by Soma Candra Guni pupil of Ratna Sekhar Suri of Tapagacha. Rajsekhar-Narpati Kata was written in Prakrit by Jina Harsa pupil of Jaya Candra of Tapagacha. He was a scholar of 15th century. Somakirti pupil of Bhimasena composed Saptavyasana Katha in 1469 AD Gunakar Suri was the writer of Samyaktva Kaumadi. It contains more than 60 stories. These are told in the style of Pancatantra. In 1400 A.D Jayasekhar also completed Samyaktva Kaumadi in Samskrit. Somadeva finished his work Samayaktva Kaumudi Katha in Samvat 1573 (1516 A. D). 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Ibid. 3. Sastra Bhandar Thola Temple, Jaipur. Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With [ 165 This was translated into Hindi by Jodhraj Godika in Samvat 1724 (1667 A.D). He was a Rajasthani scholar. Lal Candra Vinodilal also composed Samyaktva Kaumudi Katha in HindI in Samvat 1879 (1822 A.D). Punyasrawa Katha Kosa' was written by Mumuksu Ramcandra. This is a very favourite book which tells stories which are the root of Punya. There are 65 stories in the work. This was translated into Hindi prose by Daulatrama in the year 1720 A.D. These stories are read with great interest in the Digambar Jaina community. Katha Ratnakar a collection of 258 stories was composed by Hemvijaygani in Samvat 1600 A.D. This work is divided into 10 Tarangas. Bharamalla a Hindi Scholar of 17th century wrote four stories called Darsana Katha3, Nisi Bhojan Katha Dana Katha', and Sila Katha. The stories are written in a very simple language and are very popular. The manuscripts of these stories are available in several Bhandars. Apart from these works the manuscripts of Pancatantra and Hitopadesa are available in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. These are also read with great interest. SUBHASITA AND NITI SASTRA There is a good number of works written by Jaina Scholars on the subject of Subhasita and Niti Sastra. Amogha Varsa composed Prasnottar Ratna Mala in the 8th century A.D. in Samskrit. It contains 30 Samskrit stanzas on morality. There are two main commentaries on this. One is by Hemprabha and other by Davendra of 1276 A.D. and 1372 A.D. raspectively. 1. Sastra Bhandar, Tholia Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 2. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 3. Sastra Bhandar, Digambara Jain Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. 4. Ibid. 5. Satra Bhandar Tholia Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 6. to 8. Ibid. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 ) Jasna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Somadeva wrote Nitivakyamrala, a very good work on Niti Sastra in Sarhskrit. This was completed in 959 A.D. Niti Sastra was also written by Tilak Prabha Suri, pupil of Devendra Surt of the Purnima Gacha. Indranandi was the writer of Nitisara. It contains 113 stanz4s in Samskrit. Ksatra Cudaman also called Jivandhara Carita was the work of Vadibha Singh. It is good work of Niti Sastra and gives also life sketch of Jivandhar, Mallisena, a Samskrit scholar of 16th ceutury wiote Sajjan Citta Ballabha! which contains 26 moral stanzas. Ratanmala? is ascribed to Siva Kou. It contains 67 stanzas in Samskrit. In the 18th century Devidasa wrote Rajniti Kavitta; in Hindi which contains 113 verses SUBHASITA Amiti Gati, a famous Samskrit writer wrote Subhasita Ratna Sandohain the year 994 AD It has 32 Chapters on the rules of ethics both for monks and laity. Somprabha Suri was a famous writer of Suk1i-Muktawalis in Samskrit. This is also known by the name of Sindurprakarana and contains a collection by 103 Samskrit stanzas on different subjects of morality. Banarsidasa a famous Jaina Hindi poet of 17th century translated it into Hindi poem. The work is equally popular both among the Digambars and Swetambars. Most of the Sastra Bhandars possess the manuscripts of this work. Subhasitavalio was composed by Sakalkirt in the Samskrit. It contains 392 Samskrit Slokas, Subhacandra pupil of Vijaykirti wrote Subhasitainava? 10 Samskrit. Both the works are read with great interest and their manuscripts are available in good number. Suktavali is a portion of Padmanandi Pancavinsats which was written by Padinanando in Prahrit This also has a good response. : Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur 2 Bhattarkiya Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur 3 Sstra Bhandar Jaiba Temple Tholia, Jaipur, 4 Amel Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 5 to 8 Ibid Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt with 1167 Subhasitavali was a work of Tilakpiabha Suri. Soktavali is the work of Vijaysena pupil of Harisena. It is also called Karpui Prakaran. It was composed in about 1550 V. S. (1493 A.D). Laxmi Vallabhagani also collected some suktis in 16th century in Sanskrit. There is also a good literature on this subject in Hindi. The poers like Thakursi (16th century), Chihal (16th century), Vaca Raja (16th century). Rupcanda ( 17th century ), Hemraja ( 17th century ), Bhudhardasa (18th century) Dhyanat Rai (19th century) wrote several small works in Hindi. Chihal wrote Bavani in the 16th century which is full of moral teachings. Doha Sataka? of Rupcanda is a famous work on the subject. Banarsidasa wrote Bavanis, Upadesa Sataht and other small poems which are collected in the Banarsi Vilasas. Manohardasa composed Gyan Cintamanio in Samvat 1729 which is full of subhasitas. Bhudhardasa, a famous Hindi writer composed Jaina Sataka? which contains several Hindi stanzas on Subhasita. Hemraja in the 17th century wrote Doha Sataka" which deals with this subject. Pannalal Caudhari translated the Subhasitavali' into Hindi in the 19th century. There are hundreds of manuscripts of Niti atakalo of Bhartrihari and Kamandakiya Nitisars in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars of Rajasthan. In some of the Bhandars the number of the manuscripts are more than 50. This shows the popularity of these works amongst Jainas, 1. Aner Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. to 3. Ibid. 4. Sastra Bhandar Tholia Jaina Temple, Jaipur, 5. Ibid. 6. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, 7. Ibid. 8. - Sastra Bhandar of Thola Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 9. Sastra Bhandar of Baba Dulicand, Jaipur. 10. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 11. Ibid. Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 ) Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan, JYOTISA LITERATURE There are numerous works on Jyotisa literature written by the Jaina authors & which are available in the Jaina Bhandars. The Jainas contribution towards Jyotisa literature is quite large Astronomy, Astrology and Mathematics formed the main divisions of this Branch, and it can be safely said that contributions of the Jaina Scholars towards all the three branches are considerable. Suryapragnapti, Candragnapti and Jyotisa Karanda which are written in Prakrit language deal with Astronomy. Malayagin of the 4th century wrote commentaries in Samskrit on all the three works. Bhnwan Deepak was composed in Samvat 1221 (1164 AD.) hy Padmaprabha, pupil of Devasut of the Nagpuriya Tapigaccha. A commentary was written on this work by Singhatilak Suri in Samvat 1326 (1269 A D.) Udayaprabha is the author of Arambhasiddhi which deals with Astronomy. Hemahansa Gani wrote commentary on it in Samvat 1514 (1457 A.D.). Thakbar Pheru wrote Jvotisasara in 1315 AD It is in Prahrit and deals with astionomy and astrology hoth. Haribhadra Suri wrote Lagan Suddhi. Narcandra, the famous Astrologer composed Narcandia Jyotisa Sastra in 257 stanzas. He belonged to Maldhari Gaccha. This is a very popular work and therefore its manuscripts are found in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. Harsakirus wrote Jyousa Sastia. It contains three Chapters. He also composed Janmapatri Paddhati and Lagnavicara in Samskrit. Jyotisa Sara was composed in Samvat 1621 (1564 A. D.) by Hira Kalasa of Khartar Gaccha. It is in Prakrit and contains two Chapters On the subject like Mathematics Jain scholars showed great interest. Mahaviri carya was the first scholar who contributed to this field one of the richest works on Mathematics by writing Ganitasara sangrah. He was a 8th century scholar and lived at the time of Amoghavarsa, the Ristakuta Prince. Sridhatacarya wrote Ganitasar in the year 1046A D. This is also in Samskrit. In the 12th century Rajaditya, a great scholar of Mathematical science composed Vyavahira Ganita in Sanskrit. Lilavati which is also a famous work on this science remained popular amonst the Jainas and commentares both in Samskrit and Hindj have been written by them. Hemaraja, a 17th century scholar composed in Hindi a work named Ganitisar. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With GRAMMR In the field of Grammar also contribution of the Jainas is quite large. Pujyapada was the first Jaina Gramarian in Samskrit, who wrote Jainendra Vyakarana' in Samskrit. The original text has come down in two versions. One version has 3000 Sutras and other contains 3700 Sutras. On the first version two commentaries were written. Mahavratti by Abhayanandi (750 A D) and Pancavastu by Srutakirti. The second version also contains two commentaries one by Somadeva (11th century A.D.) which is called Sabdarnava Candrika and the second is by Gunanandi which is called Prakriya.' Sakatayan was another prominent Gramarian who wrote a grammar called Sabdanusasana He lived between Saka year 736 and 789. He also made commentary called Amogha Vritti. This work is on the model of Grammar of the Jainendra and Panini It contains 3200 stanzas. 1169 Hemcandra was another famous Gramarian who wrote Siddha Hema Sabdanusas ina He also wrote commentary called Laghuvratti and Vrihad Vratti. There are about 28 commentaries on Sabdanusasana Some of them written by the author himself and others by the different scholars. Gunaratan Suri pupil of Davendra Suri composed Kriyaratna Samuccaya' in the year 1409 A.D Kavi Kalpadrum was composed by Hansukla. He composed his work according to the system of Hemcandra's grammar. Sarvavarman, who was the contemporary of Gunadhya was engaged to teach grammar to King Satavahan. He devised a very simple system of simple grammer which is contained in Katantra Rupamala, The book is very popular and easy to study. DRAMA There are some manuscripts relating to dramas in the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. Dramas written by non-Jaina authors are also available in these Grantha Bhandars. 1. Grantha Bhandar Digambar Jaina Bada Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. 2. Ibid. 3 Published by the Sanatan Jaina Granthamala, Varanasi. 4. Published by Jetharam Mukundji Bombay 5. Published in Y. J. G. Series Varanast 1908 Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Hastimala a famous Jaina dramatist wrote dramas in Sanskrit. The names of the dramas are as under - (1) Vikranta Kaurava' or Sulocana Nataka. (2) Maithali Kalyanaa (3) Subhadras (4) Gyana Suryodaya* In the 12th century Ramacandra Suri pupil of Hemacandra Sari wrote Nala Vilasa Natak in Samskrit. It is a ten act drama. His dramas are as follows. (1) Kaumudt Mitranand (Prakarana) (2) Nirbhaya Bhima (Vyayoga) (3) Mallika Makaranda (Prakarana) (4) Yadavabhyudaya (Natak) (5) Raghuvilas (Natak) (6) Robini Mriganka (Prakarana) (7) Vanamala (Najak) (8) Satya Hariscandra (Natak) (9) Raghavabhyudaya (Natak) Candra Lekha Vijaya Prakarana was composed by Muni Deva Candra pupil of Hemacandra. It is in Prakrit and Samskrit. A manuscript of this work is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar, Jaisalmer. A manuscript of Hammir Mardan by Jayasingh Surt dated Samvat 1296 (1239 A.D) is also preserved in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. 1. Published in the M.DG series Bombay. 2 Ibid. 3 Preserved in the Jaina Siddhanta Bhavan, Arah. 4. Ibid. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Deal With (171 Gyan Suryodaya Natak' was composed in Samvat 1591 (1534 A.D.) by Vadicandra Suri pupil and successor of Prabha-candra, successor of Gyana Bhusana of the Sarasvati Gacha. On the drama of Anargha Raghava, there are three commentaries written by Jaina authors namely Jina Harsa Gani?, Devaprabhas and Narcandra Suri. The manuscripts of the various dramas written by great dramatist like Kalidasa, Sudrak, Visakhadatta etc. are also available in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. Apart from these famous dramas, Partha Parakrama Vyayoga written by Yuvarija Prahlada and Datangad of Subhata Kavi are also preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Pandya Lonkarana., Jaipur. A manuscript of Sabhasara Nataka written by Raghu Rama in Hindi is available in the Grantha Bhandar of Terapanthi Jaina temple, Jaipur. AYURVEDIC WVRKS On the subject of medicine also the contribution of the Jaina Scholars is not meagre. They preserved the literature in both ways i. e. by way of writing new works and preserving the old ones written by the non-Jaina authors. Such kind of manuscripts are good in number in the Grantha Bhandars. We find several references according to which hundreds of works were composed by the Jaina scholars but most of them are not available in the Grantha Bhandars. We shall describe here only those works which are available. Jagat Sundari Prayogamala' was composed by Yasah Kirti in Prakrit. It deals with the medicines. Camundraja wrote Jvara Timira Bhaskar in Sanskrit The work mainly deals with the various kinds of fever. The work remained popular in the past. 1 Amer sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, 2. Sangha Bhandar Prafoliavada, Patan. 3. Ibid. 4. Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer. 5. Sastra Bhandar of Digambar Jaina Temple Terapanthi, Jaipur. 6. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Ugradityacarya wrote Kalyana Karak) in Sanskrit. It contains 22 Chapters and deals with the medicines. It states that a sound body alone can contain a sound soul. Amritaprabha Suri also composed Yogasatak, a Hindi translation of it is also available in the Sastra Bhandar of Raja Mahal (Tonk Dist). Harsa Kirti completed Yoga Chintamani or Vaidyak Sarodhar in the vear 1603 A. D The work is very popular and its manuscript copies are available in most of the Bhandars. Vaidyaka Sara Sangrah was composed by Ramcandra in Hindi in the year 1567 A. D. Ramcandra was pupil of Jina Sena Sur. Nayanasukha son of Kesava composed Vaidya Manostava in Hindi its a work of the 18th century. As the author was a resident of Jaipur, its manuscript copies are available in most of the Bhandars of Jaipur City. Tabba commentary was written by Rupacandra of Khartargacha on Sannipata Kalika in Hindi in Samvat 1731 (1674 A. D). Cainsukha composed Tabba commentary on Pathya Pathya Nirnaya in Samvat 1835 (1778 A. D). Gyana Suci wrote commentary on Madhavanidan a famous work of Ayurveda. Apart from the works there are several Gutakas which are exclusively written on the subject. Most of them are written in Hindi and describe several kinds of prescriptions. In this respect there is a great scope for research. CHANDA SASTRA The Jainas produced quite a large literature on Prosody also. Mahakavi Svayambhu a great scholar of Apabhramsa wrote Chandonusasan. It is a very popular work. Jayadeva was the another scholar who wrote Chanda Sastra' in 8th century A.D. A commenrary on which was written by Sri Vardhana Harsa and Sricandra. 1. Bhaftarkiya Sastra Bhandar Saravana Belgola. 2 Amer Sastra Bhandar. Jaipur. 3 to 4. lbid. 3. Jaina Granthavali pubushed by Jana Swetamba, a Conference Bombay 1919 A.D. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt with [ 173 In Vikrama Sasivat 1050 (993 A. D), Jayak Irti composed Chandanusasana." Chanda Kosa2 was completed by Ratan Sekhara pupil of Hema Tilak of Nagpuriya Tapagacha. It consists of 74 Prakrit Gathas. Nanditadhya, Chanda Satra of Devanandi is a work on Prakrit metres. Its correct name is Gatha Laksana. A commentary on it is also available which was made by Ratan Candra. Hemcandra Suri compeleted Chandonusasana. The author himself wrote its commentary which is a popular work on prosody and its manuscripts are available in most of the Bhandars. Amarcanda wrote Chanda Ratnavali in Samskrit in the 13th Century. Prakrit Chand Kosa by an unknown writer is preserved in the collection of the Sastra Bhandar of Lunkaranji Pandya Jaipur. It is a good work on this subject Pingal Chand Sastra by Sri Nanorama in Hindi is in Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. The total number of verses is 1058. Harirama in the year 1651 A D. wrote Chandaratnaval which contains 211 Hindi verses. Apart from these works, there are several manuscripts of Srutabodha written by Kalidasa and Vratta Ratnakara by Bhajta Kedara. Some of the Bhandars contain more than 10 manuscripts of these works. The Jainas wrote commentaries on these works also. Somacandra Gani wrote a commentary on Vratta Ratnakar in Vikrama era 1329 (1272 A D.). LAXICOGRAPHY There are several works on Laxicography, written by Jaina authors. The earliest text on which numerous manuscripts are available in the Jaina Bhandars is the Namalinganusasan of Amar Singh. There is a difference of opinion regarding Amarsingh. But it is a very podular work After Amarsingh, a great poet Dhananjaya wrote Nama Mala. The work is very much popular amongst the Jainas. It was translated into Hindi by Kayi Banarsidasa in Samvat 1690 (1933 A.D). The work is very simple but useful. Acarya Hemcandra (1088-1172 A. D.) wrote Abhidhancintamani-NamaMala. It is a famous Laxicon of Hema Candra. It consists of six Kandas. 1 Brihad Gyara Bhandar, Jaisalmer. 2 Edited by H D Velankar in Bcmbay University Journal Art & Law, May 1933. 3 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 4. Grantha Bhandar Jaina Temple, Patodi. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 ) Jaina Grantha Bhand rs in Rajasthan. Anekartha Samgrah and Nighangu are its supplement. There are several commeataries of the work available in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. The commentaries made by Kusala Sagara, Bhanu Candra Gani, Sadhu Ratan and Srivallabhagani are well knowo. Ekasara Namamala was written by Sudhakalasa pupil of Raja Sekhar Sori of Harsapuriya Gacha. Apart from these works the following works are also available in the Bhandars outside Rajasthan. 1. Sabdabheda Namamala' by Maheshwar Suri Samvat 1650 (1593 A.D). 2. Nama Mala Sangraha? by Upadhyaya Bhanu Candra 3. Sardi Nama Mala by Harsa Kiriti Samvat 1660 (1603 A.D.). 4. Sabda Ratnakari by Sadhu Sundargani of Samvat 1680 (1623 A.D) 5. Ekaksara Nama Mala by Visva Sambhu 1550 (1493 A.D), POJA-LITERATURE There is a large literature relating to Puja and Pratistha in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars, of Rajasthan. Puja is one of the six essential daily duties of every Jaina layman. They offer eight kinds of articles to deity and recite some stanzas while offering the articles. Some of the famous Puja works which are generally read with great interest are as follows - S. No. Name of work Composed by Language Year Samskrit 1 Jinsarhita 2. Dharmacakra Puja 3. Pratisthasar or Jinayagya Kalpa Jinsenacarya Mahakavi Vira 9th century 11th Asadhar 13th 1. Jaina Granthavali published by the Jaida Swetambara Conference, Bombay. 2 Dela Upsaraya Bhandar. Ahmedabad. 3. Jain Siddhant Bhawan, Arrah, 4. Published in Y. J. G. series No. 36, Vardnasi, 5. Deli Upsdraya Bhandar, Ahmedabad. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With ( 175 17th 4. Pratisthasara Sangraha Vasunandi Sanskrit 13th century 5. Dasalaksana Paja Bhav Sharma Prakrit 15th 6. -do Raidhu Apabhraia 7. Sodasakarana Jaimal Raidhu 8. Vrihat Siadhi Puja Sanskrit 9. Ganadhar Valaya Sakal Kirti 10. Dasalaksana Puja Abhayanandi 11. Caturvidha Siddha Cakra Paja Bhanukirti 16th 12. Jinasahasranama Paja Muni Dharmchand 16th 13. Risimandal Puja Muni Gunanandi 16th 14. Caritra Suddhi Vidhan Subha Candra 15. Sardhadwaya Dwipa Paja 16. Rohini Vrat Puja Mandalacarya Sri Kesava 17. Dharmacakra Puja Dharma Bhusana 18. Panca Parmesti Puja Yasonandi -do Subha Candra 20. Dhamacakra Puja Yasonandi 21. Trinsatcaturvinsanti Paja Subha Candra 16th century 2. Karm Dahan Paja 16th century -do Tekacand Hindi 24. Solahkaran Puja Dhyanat Rai Hindi 18th . 25. Adhai Dweep Paja Dulu Ram Hindi 1822 A.D. 26. Indra Dhwaj Puja Viswa Sena Samskrit 1853 AD. 27. Causatha Ridhi Puja Swarop Cand Hindi 1853 AD Caturvinsati Tirthankar Puja Ramcandra Hindi 19th century -do Vrindavan Hindi 19th century 30. Tinaloka Paja Tekacand Hindi 1771 A.D. 18th Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rhin STOTRA LITERATURE C! The Jaina Acaryas wrote hundreds of the small prayers in praise of Tirthankaras and other great personalities. These are called stotras or stutis. The stotras are found in Prakrit, Apabhramsa, Samskrit and Hindi languages. Although according to the Jaina Philosophy God is neither the Creator nor the Destroyer of the Universe and in this sense they do not praise the Tirthankaras yet as the Tirthankaras are the omnicient and have attained the Nirvana and because they guided the people, how to get rid of the ties of the Karmas, their praise is sung and hundreds of the works have been written in the shape of stotras. The stotra works written by the Jaina scholars are numerous. There is not a single Grantha Bhandar in which some stotras are not available. T 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. to 3. Ibid. * Samant Bhadra, a great Philosopher of 6th century wrote two stotras. One is Yuktyanusasana' written in the praise of Lord Mahavira and the other is Swayambhu Stotra which is in praise of all the twenty four Tirthankaras. There are two commentaries on these stotras. One is written by Asadhara and the other is by Pandit Prabhacandra. Yuktyanusasana is a philosophical stotra which serves both the purposes. 'i Muni Mantunga composed Bhaktamara stotra in Samskrit. The stotra is very popular in the Jaina community and has great reputation among the Digambars and Swetambars both. The time of the scholar is not known but according to some scholars, the poet might have lived as early as the beginning of the 3rd century A.D The stotra is learnt by heart by every Jaina layman. It has 48 stanzas. Acarya 'Jinasena is the writer of Jinasahasranama. It is divided into 10 Chapters and describes the one thousand names of the Jina. The stotra is also a favourite stotra. Three commentaries are available on this stotra, One is of Amar Kirti', the other is of Viswa Sena pupil of Visal Kirti of Kastha Sangha, and the third is of Srutasagar, a famous scholar of 17th century. Acarya Padmanandi of 7th century composed Darsana Stotra which is remembered by every Jaina layman. 4. Sastra Bhandar, Digambara Jain Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With ( 177 Dhananjaya, a famous scholar of 8th century wrote Visaphara stotra in praise of Lord Parswanatha. It has 25 stanzas. It is also one of the five stotras which are read by Jainas with great devotion. Aliya Sansithava (Ajita Sanit Stava) was composed by Nandisena who lived perhaps earlier than the 9th century. The stotra is in Prakrit and is in the praise of Ajita and Santinatha Tirthankaras. Jina Sataka is a collection of a hundred stanza's in praise of the Jinas' composed by Jambukavi. Vadiraja a famous scholar of Samskrit of 11th century wrote Ekibhava Stotra. It is available in most of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. Bhupal Kavi constructed a hymn called Caturvinsati Stavan' in the praise of 24 Tirthankaras in Samskrit. This is also a favourite stotra. Abhayadeva Suri, the celebrated commentator of the 19th century composed Jayatihuyana Stotra in Apabhraisa. It is also in praise of a Jina. Jina Vallabh Surl wrote several stotras out of which Ajita Santi Stotra', Jina Kalyanaka stotra, Virastavan' are some of them. Ramacandra Sul also wrote several stotras, some of which are Yugadideva dvatrinsika, Muni Suvratadvatrinsika. Adideva Stavan, and Nabhistavana. Just like Bhaktamara stotra, Kalyana Mandira stotra is also well known and is equally esteemed by both the sects. The stotra was written by Kumuda Candra. It is a hymn written in the praise of Parswanatha. Asadhara a famous scholar of the 13th century wrote Jinasahasranama Stotra in 1230 A. D. He also wrote commentary on Bhupal Caturvinsati, a stotra uritten by the Bhupal poet in praise of 24 Tirthankaras Jina Prabha Suri, a scholar of the 14th century wrote Gotama Stotra, Jinastuti, Panca Parmesti Stavan, and commentaries on Ajita Santi Stavan, Upasargahara Stotra, Bhaya hara Stotra and Mahavira Stavana. Bhuvanatunga Suri also wrote comentary or Vritti on Risi Mandala Stotra in the 14th Century. Aklanka Stotra was written by Aklanka son of Jinadasa. This is also in praise of Jina. Devavijaya Gani wrote Jinasahasranama on the same lines written previously by Jinasena and Asadhara. Caturvinsati Jina Stuti have been written by various authors. Some of the famous poets are Bhupal Kavi (13th century), Jinaprabha Suri (of Khartargacha), Bappabhaty, Sobhan, Sidhant Harsa (1448) Sakal Kirti (15th century), Punyasila Gani, and Kesavasena (16th century) etc. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 ] Kamala Prabha wrote Jinapanjara Stotra in Samskrit. Padam Prabha composed Parswanatha Stotra in Samskrit and Muni Rajasingh wrote Parswa Mahimna Stotra. Santinatha Stotra was written by Padmasundar in the 15th century while Visnu sena Suri composed Samavasaran Stotra, In the Hindi language also there are numerous works on Stotra literature. Some of them are translations of the Samskrit or Prakrit stotras while others are original one. Hundreds of Stotras which are called Bhajanas and Padas in Hindi written by the various poets namely: 1. Delha 2 Sakal Kirti 3 Brahma Jinadasa 4 Chihal 5. Thakursi 6. Vucaraja 7 Rupacand 8. Anandaghana 9 Banarsidasa 10. Vidyananda 11. Brahma Gulala 12 Pandey Jinadasa 13. Harsa Kirti 14. Samayasundara 15 Hiranand 16. Hemaraja 17. Deepcand Kasliwal 18. Acala Kirti 19. Daulat Rama 20. Bhaiya Bhagwatidasa 21. Jagat Rama 22. Brahma Gyanasagar 23. Bhudhar Dasa 24. Todarmala 25. Jayacandra Chabra 14th Century 15th 15th 16th "" 17th 39 46 "" 18th Century " Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan. 19th 31 30 d. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Subjects Dealt With 26. Tekacandra 27. Dalu Rama 28. Naval Kavi 29. Vrindavana 30. Dhyanat Raya 31. Sewarama 32. Thanasingh 33. Nayana Candra 19th Century "" :. 91 21 31 33 55 "9 39 Apart from these stotras there are also hundreds of the stotras written by the non-Jaina writers and preserved in the various Grantha Bhandars. Prayers written in praise of Lord Siva, Visnu and other Gods are in the collection of Jaina Bhandars, SEXUOLOGY [ 179 1. Puplished n the Trivandrum Series. Mysore. Manuscripts pertaining to sexual literature are also preserved in the collection of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. In the Gutkas there is sufficient material available in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. Kokasara of Ananda Kavi is available in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. It is a work of the 17th century & composed at Sawai Madhopur. There are also manuscripts of Koka Prabandha and commentary on Rati Rahasya in the Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Bada Mandir, Jaipur. Kokila Sastra is also available in the collection of Sastra Bhandar of Patodi temple, Jaipur. It is in Samskrit written by an unknown author. LITERATURE ON SONGS & DANCES On the subjects like songs and dances, there had not been good many works but works which are available in the Grantha Bhandars are as follows - Sangeet Samayasara' was written by Parswa Candra pupil of Mahadeva of Abhaya Candra. It was composed in about 1350 V. S. (1293 A.D). It is also called Sangita Sara Sangrah. Sangita Sarodhara also called Sangitopnisada Sara is the work of Sudha Kalasa pupil of Rajasekhar Suri of Maldhari Gacha. This is an abridgment of Sangitopnisada. The original work was composed in 1323 A.D. and the abridged in 1349 A.D. Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Sangita Mandana is the work of Kavi Mandan. It was composed in V.S. 1480 (1423 A D.). There is one manuscript dated 1504 A. D. in Jaina Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. There are some more works on this subject but not well known or important. The following works are quoted in the Jaina Granthavali Sangita Dipika, Sangita Ratnavali and Sangita Pingala, There are also some works in Jaina Sastra Bhandars wbich are written by the non-Jaina authors. Nartanavicara is the work of Pundarika Vithal. bis in Samskrit and voluminous work on the art of Dance. Sangita Ratnakar was written by Laxmanacarya son of Kelinatha. It is also in Samskut. Damn Damodar is the author of Sangita Sastra Sara This is a summary of Sangita Sastra. Srangadeva wrote Sangita Ratnakar in Samskrit. It is a voluminous work of Sangsta and available in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi, Jaipur. Apart from these works in Samskrit, there is one work in Hindi namely Sangitasara or Radha Govinda Sangitasara written by Maharaja Sawai Pratapsingh This is also a voluminous work on Sangita. 1 Published by the Jaina Swetambar Conference, Bombay. 1904. Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V IMPORTANCE OF THE GRANTHA BHANDARS Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaira Grantha Bhandars [ 183 Since the adoption of system of writing, manuscripts were probably being written and placed in the Grantha Bhandars. Grantha Bhandars are therefore amongst the earliest literary institutions of the country. The collections are not of today but centuries old. They are the results of hard and continuous efforts from generation to generation. Before the inanufacture of paper, the manuscripts were written on palm leaves, cloth and other material but when the palm leaves industry was replaced by paper industry, all the manuscripts were re-written on paper. These Grantha Bhandars were the literary centres in true sense. They provided help to the scholars and reading public in enhancing their knowledge. But their importance lies not only in this but also in the fact that they saved the treasure of knowledge from destruction. In this respect, the contribution of Jainas is really great. Even today the earliest and authentic manuscripts of several works written by scholars other than the Jainas are preserved only in these bhandars. But apart from the literary importance of these bhandars their importance may be acknowledged also from other point of view. They quenched the thirst of scholars and provided help to the lovers of history, Indian art and culture also. There is a great scope for research in these subjects on the basis of colloctions in these Bhandars. The manuscripts were not collected from the place where the Grantha Bhandar exists but they were brought from various places which were the centres of literature, culture and of political activity. Amongst such places are Delhi, Agra. Ajmer, Amer, Abu, Nagaur, Todaraisingh, Catsu, Sanganer, Bharatpur, Jaisalmer Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bundi, Mandalgarh, Dungarpur, Chittor, Ranthambhore and Udaipur. The manuscripts written or copied in these places provide information regarding names of the places, names of persons by whom they were got copied, after being copied to whom they were presented and lastly sometimes they mention also the cost incurred in obtaining them This information is available in most of the manuscripts. The authors of Apabhramsa and Hindi works also give some description about the rulers of their time. The city or town where the manuscripts were written and the general conditions of the people there are described. Such information if collected and co-ordinated would provide good material for a cultural history of the times. These Bhandars have played a great part in the development of the educational and cultural life of the country, because in the past they were literary centres and continue to be so even at present. There are many manuscripts on the basis of which love of the common people for art and painting at that time can be judged. Taking into consideration all these points we shall now judge the importance of the Grantha Bhandars under the following heads : Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaida Grapths Bhandars in R5jasthan, 1841 (1) Historical Importance, (2) Literary Centres. (3) Educational Centres. (4) Material for Art and Painting. (5) Treasure houses of earliest manuscripts (6) Treasure houses of non-Jaina works, 1. HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE The Grantha Bhandars are very important from the historical point of view. There are several works exclusively on the subject of History Besides, we find that the authors and copyists of the manuscripts give some description of the rulers, cities or towns where they wrote or copied and the patrons who encouraged learning, Such colophons called prasastis, are written generally either at the end or in the beginning of the works. On the basis of these, the time of many rulers can be determined and history of old cities and towns can be prepared. As manuscripts dated from 10th century onwards are available, so a history of past one thousand years can be reconstructed also on the basis of the material found in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. There is a manuscript in the Sastra Bhandar of Pandya Lunakaran or Jaipur, which gives the description of the emperors who had been on the Delhi throne. It also describes the history of the foundation of Delhi. According to it, it was in the time of Anangapal that the city was founded and called Dhilli. The same word Dhilli' for Delhi was used by Sridhara an Apabhramsa scholar of the 12th century in his Pasanah Cariu'. Similarly in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi, Jaipur there is a manuscript called "Rajavansa Varnan" which presents a complete description of the rulers of Delhi from the Pandavas onwards. It gives years and months of the reign of various rulers. For example about Prathavs-Raja of Delhi, the author says. 1. faepartyfez gafas fofat, frent agzfett eumefantfer saNavAsI eyArahasaehi, parivADie parisaha kasarapaTaumIhi prAgaharaNamAsi, ravivAri samAkhija sisiramAsi / / Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandare. pRthvIrAja mahIpAlaH kramAt SoDazavatsara / ekaviMzadinAstatra mAsekarghATakA traya // 7 // In the same way, the manuscript of Pati Sahika Beora narrates the reasons of downfall of Prathavi Raja as follows taba rAjA pRthvIrAja sajogatA paragI / jIha rAjA kaisA kula maulA 16 sUrI kA 100 huA tyAke bharose paraNI lyAyo / laDAI sAvatA karI / paraNI rAjA jaicada pUgalI pUgyo nhiiN| saMjogatA sarUpa huI / tahi ke basI rAjA huvo| sau mhailA hI kA raho / mahInA padarA bArA ne nIsaryo nahI / We find references not only to the rulers of Delhi but also to rulers of states, Governors of provinces and districts and big Jagirdars. Information about the rulers of various Rajput states of Jaipur, Bikaner Udaipur, Bundi, Kotah, Bharatpur and others can be collected. The references show that some of the Rajput rulers and administrators were great patrons of literature and art and under their rule, several manuscripts were copied. They encouraged scholars and patronized them. Apart from the independent historical works, there are several works in which the authors make casual or incidental references which sometimes also prove helpful. Banarsidasa, a famous poet of 17th century makes brief but correct references to Akbar and Jahangira and Sahjahan in his "Ardha Kathanak" a life history of the poet himself : sat saulaha vAsaThA, Ayo kAtika pAvasa naThA / chatrapati akabara sAhi janAla, nagara bhAgare kIno kAla / / 246 / / bhAI khabara jaunapura mAha, { 185 prajA anAtha maI binu nAha / purajana loga bhae bhayabhIta, hirade vyAkulatA mukha pIta / / 247 || In the Satmala Varpan a Hindi work of 1764 A. D. the poet Srutasagar gives an enlogic description of Bharatpur and its founder Surajmal. desa kAore viraji meM, vadanasyaMSa rAjAna / tAkai putra hai malo, sUrijamala guradhAma / / Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars In Rajasthan. 186 ] tejapuja ravi hai malo, nyAyanIti guNavAna, tAko sujasa hai jagata me, tape dUsarI mAna // tinaha ju nagara basAiyo, nAma bharatapura tAsa / sA gajA samadiSTi hai, para vicyAra upavAsa / / Manna Lala, a scholar of Jaipur wrote "Caritrastra" in the year 1814 A.D. and at the end of the, work he describes Jaipur as follows tahA savAI jayapura nAma, lasata nagara racanA abhirAma / vaha jina mandira sahita manogya, mAna suragaNa bamane jogya // 4 // jagatasiMha rAjA tasu jAna, kapata prarimana kare pranAma / tejadata savatana vizAla, rIjhata gunajana karata nihAla // 5 // Jagat Ram, the writer of 'Padmanandi Panca-vinsati' writes about Aurangzeb: navakhaDa me jAkI pAna, tejavata dIpai jima mAna / rAja kare zrIpravaragasAhi, jAkai nahIM kisI paravAhi / / Lohat a famous poet of Hindi literature completed his Yasodhar Caupai in the year 1664 A. D. He gave some description of the Raja of Bundi named Bhavsingh in the following way . badI indrapurI jakhipurI ki kuverapurI, riddhi siddhi bharI dvArikA sI dharI ghara me| dholahara dhAma ghara ghara me vicitra vAma, nara kAmadeva jaise meve sukhasara me| vApI vAga bArUNa bAjAra vIthI vidyA veda, vibudha vinoda bAnI bole mukhi nara me / tahAM kara rAja bhAvamyagha mahArAja, hindudharma lAja pAtimAhI prAja kara meM / There are hundreds of the references in the Prasastis of the texts written by the Jaina authors. Apart from the historical references about the rulers, there is a material for the Jaina Devans and Administrators of States like Jaipur, Jodhpur. Bikaner, Udaipur and Bandi. Jainas occupied high posts in the States and always remained Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars. [ 187 loyal to their Rulers. The Devans and Administrators served the Rulers not only in the time of peace and prosperity but also in the time of war and troubles. For the history of some ancient cities and towns not only of Rajasthan but also of India, the manuscripts preserved in these bhandars, can supply material because in the most of the prasastis the names of the cities and towns are invariably mentioned and some descriptions supplied LITERARY CENTRES The rulers of Rajasthan States took great interest in literature and patronised poets and scholars. Caranas and Bhats who were court poets created poetic literature. In the States there were Grantha Bhandars or Pothikhanas established by these rulers. Such bhandars are of great importance and exist in Jaipur, Alwar, Udaipur & Bikaner etc. The capitals of these States were the literary centres as the prominent scholars used to live in the Darbars of these Rajput rulers. In the ancient time the cities like Campavati, Todaraisingh, Malpura, Cittor, Nagaur, Merta, Amer, Ranthambhore, Mandalgarh and Kumbhalgarh etc. were main centres. But apart from these libraries patronised by the rulers, there were several literary centres which were related to Jainas. These literary centres were generally called the Grantha Bhandars where the work for writing of new works and copying out the old ones used to be done by the scholars These Grantha Bhandars or literary centres were under the spritual heads of Jaina Church or Scholars of high calibre. Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Ajmer, Baran, Fatehpur, Amer, Kotah, Ranthambhore, Dungarpur were the centres under the Bhattarakas or Jatis while the Bhandais of Sanganer, Jaipur, Bundi, Campavati, Udaipur and Sagwara were under the scholars who were generally requested by the house-holders to compose works for the laity These Grantha Bhandars remained the centres of literary activities of many scholars. Padmanandi, Harisena (10th Century), Hari Bhadra Suri, Asadhar (13th century), Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti (15th century), Bhuwan Kirti (16th century), Subha Candra (16th century), Rajmalla (16th century), Todarmal (18th century), Jaya Candra (19th century) and hundreds of others composed new works sitting in these bhandars. The work of copying out the manuscripts was also continuously done for years together in the bhandars of Todiraisingh, Malpura, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Ajmer, Amer, Campavati etc. We shall now give a short description of the literary centres which flourished in the past but at present have no grantha bhandars or have small and insignificant collections. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Raiasthan. AMER Its real name was Ambara' which is said to have been founded by Ambarisi son of Mandhata. It is also said that Amer is a corruption of Ambarisanagar. The other name of the old city is Ambavati. Mahatma Dhanraja used the same word in his Prasasti of, Karma Kanda written in the year 1700. According to the 'Amer Rajas Pattavali", it was made a capital in the year 1192 A.D. by Raja Kilan It was also famous by the name of Amragarh. During the reign of Raja Mansingh it acquired a prominent place in the Rajput States. Raja Mansingh made Dilarama Garden at the foot of Amer Palace or Fort There is a temple of Kali who was brought by the same Raja from Bengal and which is also famous by the name of Amba Amer remained also a centre of Jainas. There are 8 old Jaina temples in the city and temple of Neminatha called Samwala Baba ka Mandir is the oldest one. A Grantha Bhandar was also established when the temple was constructed. It developed in the time of Bhattaraka Lalit Kiti (16td century). In the year 1559, Pandava Purana3 was copied by Sah Nema and presented to Mandalacarya Lalit Kirti. There are several manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar of Amer, Jaipur and other places which were copied in this city. Some of the manuscripts copied in this city are as follows:-- (1) In the year 1554 A. D. Jindatta Carita' of Pandit Lakhu was copied. Rajas Bharmalla was then the ruler of the city. (2) Harivansa Purana' was got copied by Shrimati Khemi for the presentation to Mandalacarya Lalit Kirti in the year 1559 A. D. Raja Bharmalla was the Ruler of the city (3) Vadhaman Katha" of Jaymitrahala, an Apabhramsa poet, was copied in the year 1598 A D. in the Neminatha Jaina temple. Raja Man Singh was the Ruler of Amer at that time. (4) In the year 1640 A.D. Samavasara Kalsa' was copied under Maharaja Jaisingh. 1 Arch Survey Report Vol. 2. 2. Prasasti Sangrah-Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur 8 3. to 5. Ibid. 6. Grantha Bhandar, Jaina Temple Patodi, Jaiput. 7. Ibid. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of. The Jaina Grantha Bhandars. [ 189 . Not only where the manuscripts copied but there had been Scholars who contributed several works to this city. Biharilal, a famous Hindi poet wrote Bihari Satsai in the Amer City. Nemicandra composed Harivansapurana in the year 1712 A.D. in Hindi. He describes Amer in the following manner : pravAvatI gar3ha saumitA, gira bica basa apAra / / koTa buraji arU kAMgurA, daravAjA bahU sAra / / 3.. bAjAra mohe caupaDi taNA, vidhidha vasta apArato / pATabara bhariyA sabai, mariNa motI paravArato / / 4 / / kolaga somA varaNai, galI galI momo baajaarto| mana dhana kapaDA syo bharayA, bhari bece le mola prAito / / 5 / / mahilA kI pakati saumiti, sapta bhUmi upari vistAra to, maMDI caubArA prati gharaNA, nara nArI devakumAra tau // 6 // --Amer Gastra Bhandar-Jaipur. Ajayaraja was the another poet who wrote more than 20 works in Hindi. He was 18th century poet. In his Neminatha Caupai (1741 A.D) he gives a beautiful description of Amer - ajayarAja iha kIyo bakhAraNa, rAja savAI jayasiha jANa / abAvatI sahare suma thAna, jina mandira jima deva vimaarnn|| nIra nivAraNa sohe bana rAI, beli gulAba camelI jAi / capo maravo aru sevati, yo ho jAti nAnA viSa kiitii|| baha mevA bahuvidhi sAra, varaNata mohe lAge vAra / gaDha mandira kachu kaho na jAya, maviyA loga bamai adhikAi / tAme jina mandira ima sAra, tahA virAje zrI nemikumAra / syAmamUrti sobhA prati ghaNI, tAkI vopamA jAi na gnnii|| Dipa Canda Kasliwal was a Hindi prose writer of 18th century. He lived Sanganer for some time but afterwards he left that city and began to live in Amer. He completed his Cidavilasa in the year 1723 A D. at Amer. He mentioned the same at the end of the work: yaha grantha dIpacanda sAdhamI kIyo hai vAsa sAgAnera / pAmera me pAye taba yaha grantha kiyo / sakt 1776 miti phAguNa budI pacamI ko yaha grantha pUrNa kiyo / The other poets and scholars --related to Amer City are Surendra Kirti (17th century), Khusala Cand Kala (18th century), Thansingh (18th century) and Devendra Kirti (18th century). Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Thansingh in his "Subudhi Prakasa" wrote the foilowing description of Amor City : tAmadhi pravAti pUrasAra, caugiradA parabata pradhikAra / vasto tala UparI sAMdhanI, jyo dADima bojana tai banI / / sAko jaisidha nAmA bhUpa, sUrajavama viSa ju anUpa / nyAyavata budhivata vimAla, parajApAlaka dInadayAla / Bhattaraka Surendra Kiru wrote Adityavar Katha a Hindi poem in the year 1687 A.D, a manuscript of which is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Tample Badhicand. The other Bhattarakas Jagat Kirti and Devendra Kiti were also great lovers of literature and some manuscripts which were got written on the initiative of these Bhattarakas are preserved in the Amer sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Nand Rama was a non-Jaina poet. He wrote a Paccisi in the year 1667 A D. in the Amer City. He gave his own description in the following lines : 72 727 aarafa 9111 mUta balagama gota hai rAvata, mata hai kRSNa upAmI // 24 // Amer remained the centre of Bhattarakas for a long time. The first who established the Bhattaraka Gadi in the year 1665 A. D. was Surendra Kirti' and the other two Bhattarakas sat on this Gadi also in Amer. 2. A VAN It is an old town in the Tonk District Previously it was a Jagir town. In the sixteenth century this place was a literary centre of the Jainas. Varanga Carita of Bhajtaraka Vardhamana Deva was copied in the year 1527 A.D In the year 1536 there had been a great Pratistha ceremony of Jaina Tirthankar Lord Neminatha under the guidance of Mandalacarya Dharmacandra. There is a big inscription in Jaina temple of Maharaja (Surya Sena of Solanki dynasty. In it the names of the two princes namely Prathvi Rija and Purana Malla have been mentioned. On & small hill near town, three statues of Bhattaraka Prabha Candra, Jina Candra and Dharma Candra, were erected. 1. Bhattaraka Paavali--Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars. Though it was an important centre there is no Grantha Bhandar at present in its temple, when its adjacent towns such as Dani, Rajmahal and Uniyara have some sort of manuscript collections. It is possible that the manuscript written in the village might have been removed by the Bhattarakas to some other places. 3, BAIRATH It is a town 41 miles to the north of Jaipur City. It was the capital of Virata Raja, King of the Matsya-desa where five Pandavas lived in hiding for one year. The Pandu hill at Bairath which has a cave called Bhimgupta, contains an inscription of Asoka. In the 16th century, there was here a great Hindi scholar called Pandit Rajmall He composed Latt Samita on the request of Sahu Phamen. At the same time the elder brother of Sahu Phamen constructed a big Jaina temple.. tatrAyasya varo suto varaguraNo nyotAhna saghAdhipo / yenaite jjina mandirasphuTamiha mota gamapyedbhuta / / varATanagare nidhAya vidhivat pUjAzca bahvayaH kRtaH / atrAmutra sukhamada: svayazasaH stamasamAropitaH // [191 -Latt Sahhita p. 73 And in the same temple Bhattaraka Somasena composed Rama Purana' in Sak Samvat 1656 in which he described the town in the following lines:--- vairATaviSaye ramye jituranagare bare mandire / pArzvanAthasya siddha grantha zubhe dine || Manuscript of Gyanarnava was copied in the year 1619 A. D. while Balbhadra Purina of Raidhu Kavi, a work of Apabhramsa language, was copied in the year 1673 A.D, by Sri Prema Rama on the request of Kusal Singh. The first manuscript is in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Tholia temple Jaipur while the latter one is in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Patodi of Jaipur. 4. BUNDI Bundi is an old town of Rajasthan and is situated 20 miles west of Kotah. Bandi was the capital of former Bundi State. The area of Kotah, Bundi and :. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 ] Jhalawar is called Hadauti Pradesa. For centuries the rulers of Bundi played a prominent part in this region and the mughal Empire. < Jaina Granibs Bhandars in Rajasthan. Bundi also remained a literary centre for a long time specially in 17th 18th, and 19th centuries Padmanabha, a Rajasthani poet of 17th century has given a description of the city in his work Yasodhara Caupai : * bUdI indrapurI jakhipurI ki kuberapurI, riddhi siddhi marI dvArikA mI gharI ghara me / dhaulahara dhAma ghara ghara me vicitra vAma, ; nara kAmadeva jaise seve mukhasara meM / vApI bAga bArUNa bAjAra bIthI vidyA veda, vibudha vinAda bAno bole mukhi nara me / tahA kare rAja rAva bhAvasyagha mahArAja, hindu dharma lAja pAtisAhi zrAja kara me / Dila Rama was another Jaina Hindi writer of the 18th century. He wrote a description of Bundi in his Dila Rama Vilas and Atmadwadasi which was completed in Samwat 1768 (1711 A.D) as follows : bana upavana cahu nadana se madhi, gira mera nadI gaMga sama somahi baDhAvati / atula vilAsa me vasaya sarva dhanapati' dhana 'mona bhona raMbhAtiya gAvati / mahala vimAna samA summadhi rAjaM, rAva buddha cha jima jAke niti lachimanAvanI / granthani meM muniyana nainani ko pramilAma, pUjata lakhe se premI bUMdI amarAvatI // Dila Rama in his next work "Vrat Vidhana Raso3" a work of describes 1710 AD the city in the following way : graho bUdI jI namra hADa tatA thAna rAja kare burSAsaha kula mAnu / pauna chattIsa lIlA kare, gaDha arU koTa vana upavana vAsa / mahala talAba devala chatrA, zrAvaka dharma cane bahu bhAya // 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur In the end of the 18th century there was again a poet named Hira who composed Nemi-Vyahalo in the year 1791 A. D. At the end of his work he has written some lines about Bundi which run as follows: 2 10 3 Ibid. ..... Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars. ( 193 marala paThArAmai paramANa, tA para praDatAlIsa bakhANa / pauSa kRSNa pAMce tithi bhAgA, vAra vRhaspati mana me pAgaNa / / bUdI ko cha mahA sumathAna, tAme nema jimAlaya jAna / tI madhye paDita vara bhAga, rahai kavIzvara upamA gAya / / Apart from the original works, copies of several works were made. Manuscript of Samyaktva Kaumudi was copied in the year 1503 A.D. It was called by the name of Vrandavati capital of Hada Rajputs in a manuscript of Gyana Suryodaya Nataka preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur, Atmanusasan was copied in the year 1791 A. D. in Neminatha Jaina temple. Some of the manuscripts which were copied in the Bundi City are as follows -- S No. Name of Manuscripts Language Year Rima Vinoda Hindi 1673 A.D. Carcasara Sangrah 1677 Ramapurana by Somasena Samskrit 1800 Samavasarana Puja Hindi 1810 Sudarsana Carita by Vidyanandi Samskrit 1816 Adipulana by Sakallirti do 1853 Yasodhra Carita --do 1854 Nemi Purana by Bhagacanda Hindi 1904 From the manuscripts found in the astra Bhandir, it appears that in the past the city remained a great literary centre There was every facility for scholars to write and copy out manuscripts. For this work the temples of Nagadi (Neminitha) and Adinatha were the main centres as in the Grantha bhandars of these temples, implements for copying out the manuscripts have been found. 5. RANTHAMBHORE, SERGARH AND SAWAIMADHOFUR The fort of Ranthambhore was a centre of literary activity from the very beginning. There were several Jaina temples and one of them still exists there. The image of this temple is considered to be of the 12th century of Vikram Era. There is no Sastra Bhandar at present but the copies of the manuscripts available in other Grantha bhandars show that in the past this fort was a centre of literary Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 } activity. Jinadatta Carita, an Apabhramsa work of Lakhu, was copied here in the year 1549 A.D. in Santinatha Jaina temple of the fort and presented to Bhattaraka Lalit Kirti. Khidarkhan was then the Governor of the fort. The manuscript is preserved in the Grantha bhandar of Jaina Tholia temple. Brahma Raymall a famous Hindi poet of 16th century wrote Sripala Rasa in the year 1583 A. D. According to him the Ranthambhore' was full of wealth in the time of Akbara, Emperor of Delhi. In this work he describes Ranthambhore in detail. Pandit Jinadasa lived near the Ranthambhore fort and wrote Holi Carita' in the year 1551 A.D. Gachacara Sutra was copied in the year 1587 A.D. by Puranamal Kayastha in the fort. The manuscript is at present placed in the Sastra Bhandar of Surat. Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. After Ranthambhore, Sawaimadhopur was founded by Maharaja Sawai Madhosingh in the year 1768 A.D. and the population which was previously on the fort settled down under the foot of the fort which is about 10 miles from here. Camparama a Hindi scholar translated Bhadra Bahu Carita in Hindi in the year 1811 A.D He refers to himself3 at the beginning of the work. 1 ho raNabhramara sobho kavilAsa, mariyA nIra tAna cahupAsa | vAga bihara bAvaDI gharagI ho, dhana kana saMpatti to nidhAna / sAhi akabara rAjaha ho, somA dhagI jimo sura pAna ||2|| 2 zrI raraNastamamadurge samIpasthe makhaprade / nAnAvRkSai samAkIrNa saromi sarujastathA // 58|| jinAgArayute ramye navalakSapure zubhe / vAsinA jinadAsena paDitena sumitA ||5|| dRTvA pUrvvakathAmekapacAzata 51 zlokasayutA : pure serapure zAMtinAthacaityAlaye vare // 60 // kAzItAsumite : 1608. savatmaretathA / jyeSThamAse sitepakSe dazamyA zukravAsare // 61 // 3. deza dUDhAhaDa madhyapura mAdhava sUvasthAna / jagatasaMgha tA nagarapati, pAtala rAja mahAna ||3 // sahA vase eka vaizya zubha hIrAlAla sujAna / jAti bhAvaka nyAti meM, khaDelavAla zubhajAna ||4|| gota gAMvasA phuni ghare, parama gunI guNa dhAma / tinake ati ati dIna suta upano caMpArAma // 5 // Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of the Jain Granth Bhandars, / 195 The place near Ranthambhore was also called Sherpur or Shergarh. Some population pertaining to the fort also lived under the foot. Bhavasangrah' was copied in the year 1552 A.D. while Holi Renuka Carital was copied in the year 1551 A.D. by Sah Karmana and presented to Acarya Lalit Kirti. In the manuscript of Parswanatha Cariu; of Sridhar, Sherpur has been called as the Branch of Ranthambhore fort. Thus the Ranthambhore fort and its adjacent areas which are called Shergarh and Sawaimadhopur remained literary centre for many years. 6. CAKSO Caksu which was famous by the name of Campavati in the ancient times remained a great centre of learning for a long time. Under the Solanki Ruler Ramacandra and the feudatory ruler of Sangrama Sinha it remained the seat of learning and Jaina literature flourished exceedingly. The earliest manuscript which was copied in Campavati belongs to the year 1461 A.D. There are hundreds of the manuscripts which were copied here, are at present available in the various Bhandars of Rajasthan. It was the birth place of the several scholars and poets. Nathmal, a Hindi, poet of 17th century describes city in his 'Vanka Cora Dhandan Katha' as a prosperous town. 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Sastra Bhandar Jain temple Patodi, Jaipur. 3 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 4 Sastra Bhandar, Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur paDhasI suraNasI je nara koya, krama krama te mukti hI hoya / sahara cATasU suvasa vAsa, tihapura nAnA bhoga vilAsa / / 277 / / navase kUvA navase ThAya, tAma pokharI kahyA na jAya / tAme baDo jagaulI rAva, sabai loga dekhaNa ko bhaavhaa278|| paMDIta mAhi baraNI caukora, nIra mare nArI bahu pora / cakavA cakavI kela karAhi, vAdhika tAhi nahI dukha dAya // 276 / / chatrI cautarA baiThaka gharapI, para masajada turakA kI varaNI / car3ha pA rUSa vRkSa cahaM chAya, paMthI dekhi rahe bismAya / / 280 // bahuSA pATa adhika baNAya, pIvai saMga bachA para gAya / sahara bIci te koTa unaga, tAhi buraja prativaraNI sucaga / / 281 / / Contd ... Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1961 taina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Vaca Raja a famous Hindi Jaina writer of the 16th century who also wrote more than 10 works in Hindi lived here some ume. The manuscript of Samyaktva Kaumudi' was presented to him by Sravaka Kama and his wife Karmade in the year 1525 A.D. In Samvat 1583 (1526 A.D) Candra Prabha Carita? of Yasah Kirti was copied in this town then known as Campavati. Rana Sangram Singh stated to be the ruler and Rao Rama Candra as an Administrator. This manuscript exists at present in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. (4) Contd caha dhA khAI bharI mubhAya, eka koma jAgI giradAva / caha dhA vaNe adhika bAjAra, vasai bariNaka kara vyApAra // 282 / / koI mono rUpo karma, kAI motI mAgieka lamai / koI bece TakA roka, keI bajAjI rokA Thoki / / 283 / / koI paracUnA bece nAja, keI ekaThe mela sAja / keI udhAra dAma kI gAThi, keI pasArI mADe hATi / / 284 / / cyAra deva / jiNavara taraNA, tA mahi biva baDho prati ghgaa| kare mahoche pajA sAra, zrAvaka loyA maba prAcAra / / 285 // vAI jatI rahaNa ko jAva, unahI hAra doja kari bhAva / aura dehare vaimanu taggA, dharma karai magalA prAparaNA / / 286 / / nauragamAhi rAja te ghare, pauNa chatImo lIlA kare / kaha caubA cadana mahakAya, kahU agarajA phala bimAya / / 8 / / nagara nAyakA mobhA dhare, pAna nava racita bolI kre| zramo sahara aura nahI sahI, dukhI dalidrI dIme nahI / / 288 / / hAkima se madArakhA mahI, aura jora kou dIsa nhii| pAle parajA cAle nyAya, sIlavata nara lAbha ka hAya / / 286 / / mavat matarAmai pacIsa, praSADa vadI jANo vara tIja / vAraja mAmavAra te jAriga, kathA sapagaNa maI paramAyA // 26 // padamo sugamI jainara koya, te nara svarga devatA hoya / bhUla cUka kahI likhayo hoya, nathamala kSamA karo maba koya // 261 / / 1. saMvat 1582 varSe phAlguNa mudI 14 zumadine zrImUlasaghe balAtkAragaNe marasvatIgacche nadyAmnAye zrIkundakundAcAryanvaye bhaTTAraka zrI padmanandidevAtapaTTe maTTAraka zrI zumacandradevAtatpaTTe bhaTTArakajinacandradevAtatpaTTe maTTAraka pramAcandradevA dAmnAye capAvatInAmanagare mahArAva zrI rAmacandra rAjye khaDelabAlAnvaye ... ida zAstra likhApya karmakSayanimitta brahmavacAya datta / 2 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Isaportance of the Jain Grantha Bhandars. [ 197 There is another manuscript of Sagar Dharmamrata' in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina.Terapanthi temple Jaipur which was copied in Sathvat 1585 (1528 A.D). This manuscript also gives the same information about the city. But in the manuscript of Vaddhamana? Kaha which was copied one year earlier than the manuscript of Sagar Dharmamrata, the ruler's name is Rama Candra Solanki. Caksu was a literary centre in which there was a good arrangement for copying out the manuscripts and thus the town was the centre place of scholars. In the 15th, 16th and 17th century, several manuscripts were written and sent to various places of Rajasthan. Some of the manuscripts which were copied in this town are follows: (1) Upasakadhyayan' of Vasunandi was copied in 'Sahvat 1623 (1566 AD). At this time the town seems to have come under Amer as name of the Ruler has been named as Bharamalla. (2) Sat Pahude with the commentary of Srutasagar was copied in the year 1537 A.D. The manuscript exists at present in the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. This was also got written by Nathamal. (3) After eight years the above work was again copied in 1545 A.D. in the Parsvanatha temple under the guidance of Mandalacarya Dharmacandra. 1. maDalAcArya zrIdharmacandrAmnAye khaMDelavAlAnvaye capAvatIvAstavye rAvazrIrAmacandrasolakIrAjye pATaNI gotre sAha kAnhA ida zAstra likhApita / 2. savat 1584 varSe caitra sudI 14 zanibAre pUrvanakSatre zrI capAvatIkoTe zrI sagrAmasya rAjye rAi zrI rAmacandrarAjye / 3 savat 1623 varSe pauSa vudI 2 zukravAsare zrI pArzvanAthacaityAlaye gaDhacapAvatImadhye mahArAjAdhirAja zrIbhAramalakachavAhArAjye zrImUlasaghe balAtkAragaNe sarasvatIgacche kudaku dAcAryanvaye.. . ... eteSAM madhye ida zAstra likhApitaM zIlazAlinI devagurUbhakti bahUzrIjaisirI ajikA shriimuktidtt| 4. savat 1564 barSe mahAsudI 2 budhavAre zravaNanakSatre zrImUlasadhe balAtkAragaNaM . dharmacandradevAmnAye khaDelavAlAnvaye capAvatInagare rAThoDavaze rAvabhIvIramarAjye bAkalIvAlagotre sa0 tIkI bhAryA dUnI. putra nathamala ida zAstraM likhApita / 6. saMvat 1602 varSe vaizAkha sudI 10 titho ravivAmare uttarAphAlgunanakSatre rAjAdhirAjazAhamAlama rAjye nagaracapAvatImadhye bhIpArzvanAthacaityAlaye zrImUlasaghe nadyAmnAye balAtkAragaNe sarasvatIgacche bhaTTArakI phudakudAcAryAnvaye bhaTTArakIpadmanandIdevAstatpar3he maTTArakabhIzubhacandradevA statpaTTe maTTArakabIjinacandradevAstatpaTTe bhaTTArakazrIpramAcandradevAstata ziSyamaDalAcArya pI dharmacandradevAstadAmnAye khaDelavAlAnvaye / Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthaa. (4) Sripala Carita' of Pandit Narsena was written by Vidya Bhusana in Sarvat 1632 (1575 A.D.). The city has been named both as Catso and Campavati. (5) Dharma Prasnottora Sravakacara? was copied in Samvat 1633 (1576 A.D.) in Adinatha Jaina temple. Maharaja Bhagwana Dasa of Amer has been stated as a Ruler. 7. SAMBHAR Sambhur is a very old city in Rajasthan. It is situated at a distance of 7 miles from Phulera Junction in the Ajmer Division of Rajasthan. It was the capital of Sapada Laksa' and was called Sakambhari. It is situated on the lake side, now a days is known by the name of Sambhar Lake. It was under the Cauhana Rijputs till the 12th century. It remained a great political centre for about one thousand years and when Prithavi Raja IlI was defeated by Mohammad Ghort, it ceased to be an independent State and fall successively into the hands of different rulers. Before the formation of Rajasthan it was under Jaipur and Jodhpur States. In the 17th century there had been one Hindi Scholar Sah Lohat who composed Yasodhar Caupai' in Samvat 1721 (1664 A.D.). He gave some description of Sambhar in the end of his book which runs as under . zrImAgasyapa hidavAnapati. chatrAMtalaka suma sirapasyau / sAbhari naresa rAje takhata, bakhata dasa disau dharayo / / 8 / / mahI mahola mera sama rAva, dina dina badhau cauginI prAva / cada sUra ghara seSa mahesa, to laga rAja bhogavo desa / / 6 / / para ghara vRdhi vadhAvA hoi, kAna paDyo navisuna je koI / fraint Trop gant ar 10, of gra * To to 118011 In the Sashvat 1786 (1729 A.D.) Adipurana of Jinasenacarya was copied by Ghisilal, '1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Ibid. 3. Rajputana ka Itthasa by G. S. Ojha. p. 2 4. Prasasti of Haryanatha Mandir of Sekhawati of 973 A.D. 5. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 6. Ibib. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars [ 199 8. SANGANER Sanganer, an old town of the former Jaipur State is 8 miles from Jaipur City. Before the foundation of the Jaipur City, it was a prominent business and literary centre of Rajasthan. It remained under the Rulers of Amer. There is a Jaina temple called temple of Sanghiji which was constructed in the 12th century. This temple was a seat of literary activity. There were also other Jaina temples, manuscripts of which were transferred to Sastra Bhandars of Jaipur. From 16th to 19th century the town remained a centre of literary activity. It was the birth place of several poets and scholars such as Khusal Canda Kala (17th century), Jodhraja Godika (17th century) Kisana Singh (18th century) etc. etc. Brahma Raymalla, a 16th century poet, settled down here and composed some Hindi works. He describes Sanganer in his Bhavisya Datta Katha about as under : deza DhUDhAhaDa somA ghaNI, pujaM tahA prAli maNa tnnii| nirmala tala nadI vahu phire, mukha se basa bahu sAMgAneri / cahu dimi baraNyA bhalA bAjAra, bhare paTolA motI hAra / bhavana uttuga jinezvara taraNA, saubhe caMdavA toraNa ghaNA / rAjA rAje bhagavatadAsa, rAjakaMvara setahi bahatAsa / Kishan Singh, a poet of 18th century lived here and wrote Kriya Kosa' in the year 1727 A.D. His other works are Punyasrava Katha Kosa, and Caubisa Dandaka, etc. Poet Hemaraja also lived here for some time and after-wards he went to Kama where he composed Doha Sataka. 1. satraha savat caurAsiyA su bhAdoM mAsa, varSA riti zveta tithi panyo ravivAra hai| sativiSA riSi prati nAma joga kuma, samisyaMdha ko dina samUharata prati sAra hai| TUDAraha deza jAnaM basa sAMgAneri thAnaM, jaisiMha savAI mahArAja niti pAra hai| tAkai rAjasama pariparaNa kI iha kathA, bhavyana ke hiradai hulAsa denahAra hai| Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2001 Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan, In the 17th century Jodhraja Godika was a prominent scholar. He wrote more than 10 works in Sanganer. He wrote a good description of Sanganer' in his Pravacanasar (1669 A.D). The town was also centre of social reforms. The Terapanthi sect among the Digambar as flourished here under the patronage of Amarcanda Godika, Pannalal who wrote Tera Pantha Khandan, described the beginning of Ter. pantha in the following way pahale eka digabara jAno, tAtai zvetAmbara niksaano| tina me Ikami bhaI mati mArI, so to saba jAnata nrnaarii| tAhI mAhi bahasi aba karake, terahapatha calAyo aDi ke| 9 SAGWARA Sagwara is a town in the Dungarpur District and is situated 26 miles south-west of the Dungarpur City. It was the seat of the Jainas in that area and the Rulers of Dungarpur were the patrons of Jaina religion, Dungarpur and Sagwara were therefore centres of the Jaina literary activity. The installation ceremony. on Bhattaruka Gadi of Bhattaraka Dharmakirti was performed here. He wrote Prasnottara Srava kacara, Parsva Purana. Sukumala Carita and Mulacara Pradipa etc. Bhattaraka Sakal Kirtic composed Adinatha Purana here. 1 satrahamai chabIsa suma, vikrama sAka pramAna / __ arU bhAze mudi pacamI, pUrana grantha bakhAna / / mRna ya dharamahi sukha karana, mabana pani mira bhUpa / mAgamyaSa jayamyaSa muva, rAmasyadha mukha rUpa // tAke rAja mu cana mau, kIyo grantha yaha jodha / ___ mAgAra suthAna me, hirade dhAri subodha / / jo kaha merI cUka , lojyau sata sudhAri / varaNa chada ko dekhi kaM, gUNa moguNa savicAri / / yahA mitha harinAma jI, raho sadA sugkha ruup| tAkI sagata jo karI, pAyo kAvya sarUpa / 1. Bhattaraka Partavali of Sastra Bhandar, Udaipur. 2. Sakal Kirti Rasa of Sastra Bhandar, Udaipur. Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars [ 201 hattaraka Subha Candra wrote his Pandava Purana in the year 1551 A. D. in this city. Besides several manuscripts which were copied in Sagwara are at present preserved in the various Grantha Bhandars. Some of the manuscripts written in this town, are as follows: (1) Jiwandhar Rasa' was copied in the year 1582 A.D. by Brahma Sekhar for his own reading. (2) Sabdarnava Candrika of Bhattaraka Devendra Kirti was copied in the year 1556 A.D. by Brahma Tejapala. (3) Sadavasyak was got written by some Guna Candra in 1582 A.D. for his own reading. (4) There is a manuscript of Harivansapurana in Udaipur Grantha Bhandar which was written here in the year 1628 A.D. A Gutaka now in Sastra Bhandar, Ajmer was also written here in 1635 A.D. A letter of historical importance was written in the year 1596 AD. by Acarya Guna Candra. Another such letter was written by the same Acarya in which it is mentioned that Acarya Sakal Candra established the Bhattaraka Gadi in this town. 10. MERTA Merta is an old town of Rajasthan. In Samskrit it has been named as Mandantak. According to the inscription of Vikram Samvat 894 Merta was made a capital by the 8th predecessor of Nagabhatta of Bauk who was ruler of Mandava. There are two inscriptions of the 12th century here. Though they are newly cons tructed but some of the images installed there are of the 14th century. Several manuscripts were written here and at present they exist in the various Bhandars Some of them are as follows: (1) Harivansapurana of Jinasenacarya was copied in the year 1516 A.D. This is at present in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Temple, Patodi, Jaipur. 1. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 2. Sastra Bhandar Sambhavanatha Temple, Udaipur. 3. to 5. Ibid. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 ] Jauna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan (2) In the year 1535 A. D. Satkarma Granthavacuri was copied in Merta city. Rajadhiraja Viramdeva was the Ruler at that time. The manuscript is at present in the Parsvanatha Gyana Bhandar Patan. (3) Anuvrata Ratna Pradipa' was written in the year 1538 A.D. by Muni Punya Kiri. Malde Rathore was the Ruler at that time. (4) Nandi Sutra was written in the year 1572 A D. by Caudhari Jodhpura and at present exists in the Khambhata Bhandar. (5) Saubhagya Pancami Katha which was composed by Kanak Kusala and was revised by Pandit Padma Vijay and Bhima Vijay in the year 1598 AD was copied in the same year by the three scholars at the request of Vinajung Sundai (6) Samyaktva Kaumudi was written in the year 1554 A D. by Gyana Tilak pupil of Karma Tilak for himself. This manuscript is at present in the Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur (7) Vaiyakarana Bhusanam3 was written in the year 1770 AD by Sundar Vijay and Mahipala Canta3 was also copied in the year 1738 A D. The City was also known by the name of Merta Garh and has been referred to by the same name in many manuscripts, two of which are as follows - (1) Risi Prakaranam-it was written in the year 1551 by Caritrodaya. (2) Diwali Kalpa' was copied by Muni Jaysingha in the year 1619 A D Thus from the above references it may be stated that Merta was once remained a great literary centre. EDUCATIONAL CENTRES The importance of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars is not only from the historical and literary point but they are equally important from the educational point also. These Grantha Bhandars were great educational centres also. In the big 1. Sastra Bhandar, Chani. 2. to 4. Ibid. 5. Brihad Gyana Bhandar. Jaisalmer. Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars. 1203 centres like Amer, Ajmer, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Sagwara, Bikaner, there were arrangement for imparting education to the adults and children. After primary education the students were taught Prakrit and Samskrit. At least for every Jaina child, primary education was socially compulsory and after completing this education, the students used to read Grammar, Kosa, Kavya, Dramas and boooks of Philosophy The books on Grammar, Kosa and Kavya were not restricted to works written by Jaina authors only, but the famous books on Grammar like Saraswata, Siddhanta Candrika, Katantra Rupamala etc were also read. In lexicography, the books like Ainar Kosa and Namamala of Dhananjaya were taught. In the Kavya literature, the Kavyas written by poets like Kalidasa, Bharvi, Haria etc. were often studied. In this respect the services of Bhattarakas like Subha Candra2 (1393 to 1450 AD), Jina Candra (1450 to 1514 A.D), Prabha Candra (1514 to 1523 A.D.), Sakal Kirti (15th century), Subha Candra (16th century) Gyana Bhusana (16th centurv), Devendra Kirti (17th century) etc are remarkable. They were the main propogators of education. Under each of them there were hundreds of students getting cducation. Like Bhattarakas, Acaryas also rendered same services towards "enhancement of education. There were hundreds of students under Acarya Hema Candra receiving the education on various subjects. There was no systematic or classwise education but the students were educated on the basis of books In the Grantha Bhandars, there are thousands of manuscripts which were presented to the:r Heads, so that they may be used by the students. Som: of them are given below (1) Candra Prabha Carita3 of Subha Candra was presented to Ananda Rama for Bhagwandasa, the pupil at the Sastra Bhandar of Lalsot in the 18th century. (2) Jiwandhar Carita. of Subha Candra was presented to Pandit Padaratha for his study in the year 1579 A.D. at Sankhana Village by Sekha son of Sah Uda. 1. The History of Rajputana by G. S. Oiha Vol IP 20 2. Bhattaraka Sampradaya by V P. Johrapurkara 3 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur Prasasti Sangrah p. 8 4. Ibid p. 15 Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 } Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan (3) Pradyumna Carita of Som Kirti was written by Acarya Devendra Bhusana for his own study and his pupils Daya Candra, Vardhamana Vimaldasa, Daulat Rama, Risabha Dasa, Gulab Canda, Bhagwandasa, Vira Dasa, Moti and Jagjiwan etc. in the year 1667 A.D. The manuscript is available in the Amer Sastra Bhandar at present. (4) Pandit Siromani Kesodsaa got written from Shri Kayastha Puranmala for his study, the manuscript of Bhaktamar Stotra Vritti' in the year 1579 A.D. (5) Padma Purana of Raidhu was presented to one Jindo's wife by Sah Agarmalla for her study. The manuscript was written by Pandit Keso in the year 1599 A.D. at Rohtak. The manuscript is at present in the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. (6) Sravakacara of Laxmi Candra was copied by Naina Sagar for the study of Kesari Singh at the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Patodi Jaipur, (7) Yasodhara Carita of Brahma Jinadasa was copied at Udaipur by Pandit Rupacanda for his own study in the year 1769 A.D. (8) Savaya Dhammadoha Panjika was written for the study of Pandit Laxman in the year 1498. He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Malli Bhusana. (9) Bharat Bahubali Carta in Hindi was written in Saka Samvat 1614 for the study of Sanghavi Bhojani. In this way there are so many manuscripts which were written for the Sadhus and their disciples. This system of presentation of the manuscripts to the monks and the students continued for a long time and thousands of the manuscripts 1 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur Prasasti Sangrah p. 44 2 Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 3. Bhattarkiya Sampradaya p. 197. 4. Ibid. p. 286. Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of the Jain Granth Bhandars. | 205 had been collected only due to this system. Thus we can say that the Grantha Bhandars gave much help in the spread of education and at one time they remained the pillars of education. MATERIAL FOR ART AND PAINTING The Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan are equally important for illustrated manuscripts. The Jaina monks and Sravakas both took great interest in beautifying the manuscripts. They were the lovers of art and painting. These illustrated manuscripts are useful for a study of the History of India miniature and paintings. There are three kinds of illustrated manuscripts namely those of palm leaves, paper and cloth. Besides these three main kinds, there are also wooden plates which have some coloured paintings. Illustrated palm leaf manuscripts are found only in Jaisalmer Bhandars while the other kind of illustrated manuscripts are found in several Bhandars and mainly in the Bhandars of Jaipur, Mozmabad, Ajmer, Nagaur, Bharatpur, Baswa and Bundi. Though there is not a big number of the illustrated manuscripts yet the material which is found in these Bhandars of Rajasthan are sufficient to establish the importance of the Bhandars regarding paintings and miniature. PALM LEAF MANUSCRIPTS In preservation of early paintings on palm leaves, the Jaisalmer Bhandar is the foremost one. Though this Grantha Bhandar was established in the 16th century the collection of the illustrated manuscripts throws light on the art of painting from the 12th to the 16th century. There are 35 illustrations in all and the 2 illustrations which are related to Assembly Hall of Jinadutta Suni clearly shows that the old system of paintings of Elora gradually developed further There are good many illustrations on the mixture of Budhistic and Jaina paintings. The illustrations on the life of Lord Neminatha reveal that the painters of the 12th century were not limited to the paintings of the portraits only but they were expert also in making other paintings. The most wonderful painting which has been found on the palm leaves relates to the illustration of Lotus Creeper. The date ot this painting must be about 12th century. The system of this Patrika is just like the painting in Bharat and Bahubali Cand, but there is some special art in the ornaments. In one of the paintings, two ladies are shown enjoying boating'. 1. Jaina Mainature of Western India. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandans in Rajasthan. In the Jaisalmer Bhandar there is an illustrated manuscript of Kalikacarya Kathanak written on paper. The painting of this manuscript are extra-ordinarily beautiful. It contains folios only from 113 to 146. The folios from 1 to 111 relate to Kalpa Sutra which is also fully illustrated. One manuscript of Kalikacarya Katha written in silver ink is also illustrated. It has only 15 paper folios.) There is another copy of Kalpa Satra which is written in silver ink and is full of paintings. A paper manuscript of Kalpa Satra written in golden is also fully illustrated. This was written in 1467 A. D. Io the Thaharusah Bhandar of Jaisalmer, these is one manuscript of Kalpa Satra on palm leaves which was written in the year 1462 A D It was copied by the Minister Vacakera. Besides the fully illustrated manuscripts following are the other illustrated plates which have been placed in the Jaisalmer Grantha Bhandars : 1. There is one plate in which five ceremonies of Lord Mahavira have been depicted. 2. There is one plate in two parts on which lives of all the 24 Tirthan karas have been illustrated. 3 In one plate Jal Krida' i. e. Water play has been shown. This plate is important from the point of animal study. In one portion of the plate fourteen dreams have been shown. There is a life history depicted on one plate relating to Lord Adinatha. It has been divided in two parts. In one part Lord Adinatha after refusal of presents of elephants houses and ladies has been shown accepting the juice of Sugar, cane only. In the second part of the plate Kings like Nemi and Vinami are asking for wealth and money from Lord Adinatha. The Bikaner Grantha Bhandar also have some illustrated Patrikas written on scroks like Horoscopes. There is one illustrated circular letter which is 72 ft. in length and is preserved in the collection of Abhaya Jaina Granthalaya. This gives complete description of the Udaipur City. It has been prepared in an artistic way. There are another two illustrated circular letters which were issued from Bikaner. The first letter was prepared in the year 1744 A.D. In this letter a Parswanatha Jaina temple has been painted with three Sikhars. Zorawar Singh, the Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importanot of The Jaina Grantha Bhandari, 1207 Maharaja of Bikaner has been also shown in the painting. It is of 971" x 9" size. The other illustrated letter was written in Sarhvat 1798 (1741 A.D.). It is an invitation letter sent to Jina Saubhagya Sari. The letter is 97 ft. in length and 11" in breadth. It is also a good painting. Besides these two Grantha Bhandars mentioned above, other Bhandars of Rajasthan also contain illustrated manuscripts written on paper, maps and other illustrated material on cloth and a few paintings on wooden plates. A brief description of some of them is as follows: (1) There is a manuscript of Adipurana written by Kavi Puspadanta in the 10th century. This manuscript was copied in the year 1404 A. D. On the 14th folio of this manuscript there is a painting of Marudevi, mother of Lord Risabha Deva, the first Jaina Tirthankar seeing sixteen dreams. The colour is still in good condition and it has becn drawn on pure Indian style. The manuscript is in the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. (2) The other fully illustrated manuscript written on paper is also Adipurana of Puspadant, an Apabhraisa poet of the 10th century. The manuscript is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Terapanthi temple of Jaipur. The most striking aspect of its composition is the enlarged pictorial area which extends horizontally in some cases to cover the entire length of the folio. The Persian convention of vertical penals was not adopted in these paintings. The back ground colour used is a bold lacquer red, and the other colours being confined to white, black, yellow, Jasmine and green. In the words of Dr. Moti Cand in the treatment of the human figures, the stylistic distortion associated with the Western Indian School is noticeable, yet the movement is more dynamic and vigorous, the lively poses. mudras and general postures all adding to the flow of the narration. The drawing is angular, characterised by arched eye-brows, pointed nose, exaggerrated chest and thin waist, the father eye protudes into space the end of the nearer extending to the ear. The dresses of both men and women are simple and show a little variation. The women wear Choli, Chequered sari, a skirt and Chaddar. Their ornaments consist of heart shaped tiara, circular earings, torque Churis, sismanya, Chudamani, necklaces and circular tilak on the forehead. Turban, Dupatta, chequered or striped dhori are the dresses of the men. Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthao. Such a big illustrated and painted manuscript is not available any where. There are several paintings of the war and scences of battle. The soldiers having swords in their hands are riding horses, elephants, chariots or marching on foot. They are wearing turbans on their heads and dupattas in their bodies. Thus the significance of this manuscript for the history of the Indian painting is great, in as much as it indicates the important changes that were taking place in the indigenous traditions of Western Indian painting during the 15th and 16th centuries. (3) The Adipurana written by Acarya Jinasena in Sanskrit is also illustrated and exists in the sastra Bhandar of Tera panthi Jaina temple, Jaipur. The manuscript was written in the year 1606 A D. 1.e. 66 years after the painting of the manuscript mentioned in item 2. This manuscript contains more than 200 illustrations which are also fully based on the text. The style and drawings are to a great extent similar to the Adipurana of Puspadant but the beauty and ref nement which are seen in that manuscript do not exist in these pictures. Some of the illustrations are only negative and in some paintings only a part of space has been left vacant. They are incomplete also. It appears that in the midst of the work either the painter died or the person who was interested in such work expired. (4) Illustrated manuscripts of Yasodhara Carita are found frequently in the Jaina Sastra Bhandars of Jaipur, Mozmabad and Nagaur. Except Mozmabad Bhandar all other illustrated manuscripts are on the work of Sakal Kirti written in Sanskrit and iliustrated manuscripts of Mozmabad are of Apabhrarsa works written by Puspadant & Raidhu. Yasodhara Carita' relating to the Sastra Bhandar of the Jaina temple Pandit Lunakaranji of Jaipur is a manuscript of the year 1731 A.D. It was got illustrated by the founder of this temple namely Pandit Lunkaranji himself. The first painting of the manuscript belongs to him in which he has been shown with his pupil Khinvasiji. The manuscript contains 37 illustrations. Some of them are of the full size of the folios I. e. 11" x 41" while others are on half of the portion of the manuscript. All the paintings are artistically depicted. 1. paMDita zrI govardhanadAsajI tat ziSya paMDitajI zrI ToDaramalajI yasoparacarita pustakaM ghaTApitaM / Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of the Jain Grantha Bhandars. I 209 The manuscript of Yasodhara Carita of Parsvanatha Jaina temple of Jaipur is also fully illustrated. The date of writing the manuscript is not given but as the manuscript was copied for Pandit Todarmal who was a great scholar of 18th century, so it can be said that the date of manuscript is the 18th century. There are 55 illustrations in the manuscript, some of them are on full sheet while the others are on half sheet. The dresses of the men are turbans of Moghul style having 'Kilang' in it, with earings and necklaces in the ears and necks respectively. In the body they have 'angarkhi' some time chequered and some times plain coloured only. The angarkhi is encircle by a small Dupatta tied in the waist. The women are dressed with a thin sari of various types such as chequered and coloured of transparent nature. They have put on a Choli and Lehanga. Their ornaments are earings, nose rings, necklaces and bangles etc. There are two manuscripts of Yasodhara Carita fully illustrated in Mozmabada Sastra Bhandar. Both are in Apabhramsa language written by Kavi Puspadanta and Raidhu. Out of two manuscripts one is incomplete. The paintings used in these manuscripts are similar to those of Adipurana. All the paintings are very beautiful and represent pre-Moghul art. The colour used in them is of such a permanent nature that they look as if they are painted today. A fully illustrated manuscript of Adityavara Katha of Bhau Kavi written in Hindi exists in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Ajmer. This is the first illustrated manuscript which is based on a story written in Hindi. The manuscript is of 18th century and contains more than 25 illustrations All the paintings are duly influenced by art of the post-Moghul period The Bhaktamar Stotra preserved in the Jaina temple of Terapanthi is an illustrated manuscript written in the year 1826 A D. It contains 48 paintings. Though the art used in these paintings is of later century, the colour and drawings are full of life. All the paintings are fully based on the text whatever is written in a particular stanza has been fully explained in the paintings. Even without reading of the original stanzas. the sense depicted in the paintings can be understood easily. The another Bhaktamar Stotra is in the Sastra Bhandar of Bharatpur. It was written and painted in Bharatpur 23 years earlier. The paintings, designs and manuscript in the Jaina temple Terawritten and then copy of illustrated colours are similar to those preserved in the panthi. It appears that this manuscript was first manuscript of Bhaktamar Stotra of Jaipur was made later on. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 ] Jalna Grantha Bhandars w Rajasthan Besides the illustrated and painted manuscripts there are several manuscripts written in golden and silver ink. Such manuscripts though not available mverywhere, are not very rare and can be seen in Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer. Jaipur, Ajmer, Nagaur, Bharatpur ets. In the Digambara Bhandars we find the copies of Bhaktamar Stotra and Tattvartha Satra mostly while in the Swetambar Bhandars the illnstrated manuscripts of Kalpasutra. The Kalpasutra manuscripts, written in golden ink are also in the collection of the Digambar Bhandars. There are two manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar of Baswa. Some of them have artistic designs and beautiful borders. The borders in some of the manuscripts in the Sastra Bhindir of Naya Mandir, Jaipur, in which every folio of the manuscript is decorated with colourful borders, are excellent. Among the newly discovered illustrated manuscript is a Gutka containing small works written both in Sanskrit and Hindi. It was written in the year 1789 A.D. Originally this Gutaka belonged to the Grantha Bhandar of Adinatha temple, Bundi but at present it is in the possession of Sri Kesarimal Gangwal of the same place. There are 72 paintins in the manuscript. All the paintings are influenced by the Moghul Art Men are shown wearing turban with Dupatta and Dhoti. They are putting on various ornaments like Necklace etc. The sadhus are shown naked having one wooden pot called Kamandalu in their left hand and Pichi in their right hand The sedhus other than Jainas are painted in various dresses Some are having beard and Jata on their head. Animals such as Lion, Bear and Monkey are painted in the same colour as they are found. There are paintings of various of marriage ceremonies beginning from hethrothal where a Pandit is performing Tilak Ceremony on the forehead of bridegroom. In the marriage mandap, the bridegroom is shown. One man and lady are sitting by their side. In other paintings, the bridegroom is shown taking bride bound with red rope. There was purdah system during those days. In the Sastra Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaranji there are individul pictures painted either on cloth or on paper. Some paintings pertain to the Mantra Sastra while others are of Gods and Goddesses. Some of them are Jwala Malini, Bhairava, Padmavati, Padmaprabha, Kalikadevi, Narsinghavatar, Ganesa, Dharnendra Padmavati etc. These are on paper. TREASURE HOUSES OF EARLIEST WRITTEN MANUSCRIPTS The importance of these Grantha Bhandars are not only that these have thousands of manuscripts, but also on the basis that these Bhandars are the centres Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Graotha Bhandars. ( 211 for earliest written manuscripts, whether the manuscript is on palm leaves or on paper. The Jaina Grantha Bhandars possess earliest written manuscripts. The earliest manuscript written on palm leaves is of Samvat 1117 i.e. 1060 A.D. The pame of the manuscript is Ogha Nirjukti Vratti composed by Dronacarya. The original book is in Prakrit while the commentary is in Sanskrit. The Prasasti of the manuscript is as follows: savat 1117 magalaM mhaashrii||ch|| pAhilena likhita magala mahAzrI ||ch|| Now we shall give some important Prasastis from the year 1060 A.D. to 1457 A. D. available in the Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer and written on palm leaves. (1) Pancasara Prakarana Laghu Vratti: The manuscript was written in the year 1064 A. D. by Jasodhara It is preserved in Brihad Gyana Bhandar, Jaisalmer. The prasasti runs as under - savat 1121 jyeSTha sudi 11 budhadine jasodhareNa likhitam / / (2) Kuvalayamala Katha of Udyotan Suri was written in the year 1082 A.D. The work is in Prakrit and has 254 folios of 254" x 2" size. In the Prasasti only name of the year has been mentioned. savat 1136 phAlguna vadi 1 ravidine likhitamida pustakamiti / (3) Kavyadarsa of Kavi Dandt was copied in Samvat 1161 1. e. 1104 A. D., in the month of Bhadrapad. The manuscript is upto the third Pariccheda. itityazayakaverAcAryadaNDinaH kRtI kAvyAdarza dukaradoSavibhAgo nAma tRtIya. pariccheda. / / savat 1161 bhAdrapade / (4) Avasyaka Nirjutti of Bhadra Bahu in Prakrit was copied in the year 1109 A.D. by Lihavaha. Maharaji Jaya Singh Deva was the ruler at that time. The Prasasti is as follows: savata 1166 pauSa bUdI 3 magaladine mahArAjAdhirAjatrailokyagaDazrIjayamIghadevavijayarAjye lihabehena likhita / (5) Guru Parvadi of Palha Kavi is a manuscript of the year 1114 A.D. written in Pattan City under the rule of Jaisingh Deva. This manuscript was copied by Brahma Candragani. This work is Apabhramba and is still unpublished. The Prasasti is as follows: Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2121 Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthaa. savat 1171 varSe pattanamahAnagare zrI jayasiMhadevavijayarAjye zrI kharataragaccha yogIndrayugapradhAnavasativAsinAM zrIjinadattasUrgaNA ziSyeNa brahmacandragaNinA likhitA ||AUM|| zubha bhavatu / OM zrI pArzvanAthAya namaH / / (6) In the year 1128 A. D. Vipaka Sutra Vratti of Abhaya Devacarya was written by the copyist Sodhala in the Anhila Pattan. The prasasti is as follows -- savat 1185 jyeSTha sudi 12 zukra dine zrImadaraNahilapATane lekhaka soDhalena likhitimiti / (7) An another manuscript of Vipaka Sutra was written in the year 1129 A. D. at Anhila Pattan. The manuscript contains folios 259 to 285 of 291" x 24" size. The prasasti given at the end of the manuscript is as follows: savat 1186 Azvina sudi 3 bhaume / adye ha zrImadaNahillapattane / (8) In the year 1135 A.D. Jays Kirti Suri's Chandonusasana was written. It is in Samskrit. savat 1192 pASADha sudi 10 zanA likhitamidamiti / (9) in the year 1138 A. D. Bhagwati Sutra Vratti of Abhaya Devacarya was written by Bandi Rija. It contains 225 folios of 26" x 21" size. The prasasti is as follows -- saMvat 1165 zrAvaNa sudI 6 zukra likhita ca lekhaka digajena / (10) Prasna Vyakarana Sutra Vratu by Abhaya Devacarya was written by Kaparda son of Canda Harn in the year 1144 A.D. at Mundahata village. The prasasti of the manuscript is as follows : savat 1201 baizAkha badi 12 muDahATAgrAme cAMDaharisutena lekhaka kapardaina nAmA dhamma kathAsaga vRtti likhitametat magalaM mahAzrI / (11) The famous Paum Cariya of Acarva Vimala Suri is a manuscript of the year 1147 A. D. written under the rule of Jaysingh Deva. This is the earliest manuscript of this work so far available in any of the Grantha Bhandar. The prasasti of the manuscript is as follows : sabata 1118 kAtika badi 13 ||ch / mahArAjAdhirAjadhIjaryAsavijayadevarAmye magukachasamavasthitena likhiteya sihalaNena / Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of the Jain Granth Bhandais. 1 213 (12) Samvegaranga sala of Jina Candra Suri was written in the year 1150 A.D. This is a voluminous work containing 348 folios. The manuscript was copied in Vapapadrak. The prasasti runs as follows: savat 1207 varSe sudi 14 guro adya ha zrIvaTapar3he kadaDa zrIvosari pratipatto saMvegaragazAlA pustaka likhitamiti ||ch|| (13) The manuscript of Upadesapada Prakarana with commentary of Vardhamana Suri was written in the year 1155 A.D. at Ajmer. At this time Maharajadhiraja Vigrah Deva was the ruler. The prasasti is very much important as this is a link in the history of Aimer City. Prasasti of the manuscript is as follows:-- savat 1212 caitra sudi 13 gugai pradya ha zrIprajayamerudurge samastarAjAvalivirAjita parama bhaTTArakamahArAjAdhirAjazrIvigrahadeva vijayarAjye upadezaTIkA lekhIti ||ch|| (14) Svapna Saptatika Prakarana was written by Santamati Gani pupil of Jinadatta Suri in Samvat 1215 on ninth day of the Magha month 1 e In the year 1158 A.D. The manuscript contains 15 folios. The The prasasti is as follows: savat 1215 mAgha sudi 6 budhe pustikA likhitamiti ||ch|| zrImat jinadattasUrisisinyA: sajjhAya zAtamatigariganyA. pustikA zrI / / (15) The manuscript of Candra Prabha Swami Carita of Yasodeva Suu was copied in the year 1160 A.D by Pandit Abhaya Kumar belonging to Brahminagacha : savat 1217 caitra vadi budhau ||ch|| zrI brAhmaNagacche 10 abhayakumArasya / (16) Upadesamala Prakarana and Pusapamaia Prakarana of Maldhari Hemcandra Suri is a manuscript of the year 1165 A.D. In the prasasti only the name of the Vikram Era is given : "savat 1222 pauSa badi" (17) Nandi Durga Pada Vratti offn Candra Sura in Sanskrit was written in the year 1169 A. D. by Palhana son of Mandani. This was got written by Gupa Bhadra Suri: savat 1226 varSe dvitIya zrAvaNa sudi 3 saume prayaha maDanIvAstavya zrI jAlyodharagacche moDhavase zrAvasukadevasuteta le0 palheNena likhitaa| likhApitA ca zrI guNamadrasUrimi ||ch|| magalamastu / Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2141 Jaina Grantha Bhandar in Rajasthao, (18) Bhagvatt Sutra was written in Samvat 1231 i. e. 1174 A.D. by Dhana Candra in the month of Vaisakha. The manuscript contains 348 folios of 299" x 21" size. The prasasts is as follows: bhagavaI mamattA ||ch|| OM ||ch|| saMvata 1231 vaizAkhayadi ekAdazyAM guro aparAhna dharaNacana likhitamiti / (19) The manuscript of Vyavahara Satra of Bhadrabahu Swami in Prakrit was written in the year 1179 A. D. on the 10th day of Sravana month at Anhila Pattan by Sadhu Jina Bandhura : savat 1236 // zrAvaNa vadi 10 zukra adya ha zromadaraNahipATakasthitena sAdhu jinabareNa karmakSayArtha likhatamiti / / (20) The manuscript of Mahavira Carita of Guna Candra Sari written in Prakrit prose and poetry is of the year 1185 A.D. The prasasti runs as follows - savat 1242 kArtika sudi 13 gurau ||chaa| vikkama nivagayakAle bAyA lahie ya bArasa saeya / kAttiya terasie gurUvAsare sohaNa muhutte / sasAgeyatariya samastha parihariya / siravIranAhacariya lihiyamiNa sUmaraNabaheNa ||ch|| (21) The manuscript of Bhava Bhavana Prakarana of Maladhari Hem Candra Suri is of the year 1203 A.D. written at Anahila Pattan under the rule of Maharajadhiraja Bhimadeva. The copyist of the manuscript was Mohad son of Mahipala who was living at Kansa village. The Prasasti is as follows. mavat 1260 varSa zrAmvaraNa sudi 14 gurAvadhe ha zrImadaraNahilapATake mahArAjAdhirAja bhImadevakalyANavijayarAjye tatpAdapanopajIvini mahAmAtya rAga zrIcAcAka: zrIzrI karaNAdisamasta mudrAcyApArAnaparipathapatItyeva kAle pravarsattamAne rUdrapallIyazrI......... devasUryAdezena bhavabhAvanAvRttipustaka viSayapathake kAsAgrAmavAstavyaM lekha. mohaDapUtra mahipAlena bhavyAkSarai. zuddhAkSaraMzca likhisamiti ch|| zubha bhavatu (22) Bhagwati Satra Vratti of Abhayadevacarya was written in the year 1217 A. D. at Prahaladanpur. It contains 435 folios of 299" x 24" size. saMvata 1274 varSe prathamajyeSTha vadi 7 zukra pralhAradanapure bhagavatI vRttipustakamalekhIti / / Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importaros of The Jalna Grantha Bhandars ( 215 (23) Dasavaikalika Satra Vratti of Hari Bhadra Sari was written in the year 1232 A. D. by Thakur Kumar Singh of Sadha who was related to Malavanga of Stambha Tirthanagar. There are five manuscripts written by the same scholar in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. The prasasti is as follows: sabat 1286 phAlguNa sudi 4 some staMbhatIrthanagaranivAsinA / zrI zrImAlavaMzo bhavena 8. sADhAsutena Tha. kumArasihena dazavakAlika taskaghavRni 1 niyukti 2 sUtra 3 pustaka lekhyaac|| Thus from the above prasastis written at the end of the manuscripts it is clear that earliest written manuscripts on palm leaves are available in Jaina Grantha Bhandars. In this respect Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer are only the place in Rajasthan, where palm leaf manuscripts of ancient times are available. PAPER MANUSCRIPTS 1. The earliest written manuscript on paper has been found in the Grantha Bhandar of Digamber Jaina Terapanthi Bada Mandir, Jaipur, This is a manuscript of Pancasti Kaya of Acarya Kunda Kunda in Prakrit and copied in the year 1272 A.D. Jt was written in Yoginipur-an old name of Delhi when Gayasuddin Balban was the emperor. The prasasti is as follows: savat 1326 caitra budo dazamyA budhavAsare prayaha yoginIpure samastarAjAvalisamAlakRta eft r ated gaffurgagtag7x10# f *.....! 2. There are several manuscripts which were written in the 13th, 14th and the 15th Centuries and at present are in the collection of various Bhandars. On the basis of this it may be concluded that before the 13th Century all the manuscripts were used to be written on palm leaves. Some of the manuscripts written on paper may be described here. The manuscript of Trisasti Salaka!' Pursusa Carita of Hemacandra Suri pertains to the year 1328 A.D. There is a descriptive prasasti which gives full information about the author and the date of writing. 1. Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 3. In the year 1334 A.D. Uttar Purana, the second part of Mahapurana of Puspadant was written also in Yoginipur when Mohmmad Sah was the emperor. The manuscript was copied by Vahad Rajadev son of Gandharava. The prasasti of the manuscript is as follows: savatsare'smin zrIvikramAdityagatAbdA savat 1361 varSe jyeSTha budi 6 gurUbAsa re aha zrIyoginIpure samastarAjAvali ziromukaTamANikyakhacitanakharazmI suratrANazrI mahammadamA hinAmnimahIM vibhratisati prasmin rAjye yoginIpurasthitA agrotakAnvaya nabha zazAka sA0 mahipAlaputraM. jinazcaraNakamalacacarIke. sA setU pherA sADhA mahArAjA rupA etaiH / sA0 kheta putra galhA bhAjA evaM sA0 pherA vIdhA hemarAja etai dharma kamrmaNi sadodyamaparaM jJAnAvaraNIya kamrmakSayAya bhavyajanAtA paThanAya uttarapurANa pustaka likhaapit| likhita goDAnvaya kAyastha paDita gadha putra bAhaDarAjadevena / 4. After its one year the manuscript of Katantara Vyakarana with the commentary of Vidyanandi was copied by Yasah Kirtigani pupil of Jina Candrasuri when he was staying at Devarajpur. The manuscript is at present in the Jaisalmer Sastra Bhandar. 5. Vahad Rajdeva who was the copyist of the manuscript of Uttarpurana also wrote Kriya Kalapa in the year 1342 A.D. at Yoginipur under the rule of same emperor Mohammad Sah. The manuscript exists in the Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. savat 1366 phAlgunasudI 5 zukravAsare zrIyoginIpure surazrANazrImanmahammadasAhirAjyapravartamAne kASThAsadhe trayodazavidhadhAritrapAtra bhaTTArakanayasema: tasya viSya maTTAraka durlabhasenaH tasyAdhyayanAya pustakamida pratikramaNavRtte lekhayitvA darabAracetyAlaya samIpastha zragrotkAnvaya paramazrAvaka sAgiyA iti purUSasajJakena pATaNavAstavya.... tomaputreNa bhImanAmnA pacamyudyApanaM kRta devaguruNA prasAdAta zatAyubhUyAt paDita gaMdharvaputreNa bAhadevena likhitamiti zubhAM / 6. There is manuscript in the Sastra Bhandar of Dhaamandi, Udaipnr which was written in the year 1313 A. D. This is a manuscript of Sarwarth Siddhi of Pujyapada written by the same scholar Vahad Rajadeva son Pt. Gandharava at Yoginipur. The prasasti of the manuscript is as follows: savat 1370 pauSa dudi 10 guruvAsare || zrI yoniIpurasthitena sAdhUzrInarAyaNa suta bhIma suta zrAvaka devadhareNa svapaThanAya tattvArthavRttipustakaM likhaapit| likhita gauDAnvaya kAyastha paMDita gaMdharva putra vAhaDadeveneti // Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of The Jaina Grantha Bhandars ( 217 7. In the Sastra Bhandar of Khandelwal Mandir, Kama there is a manuscript of Pandava Carita of Devprabha Suri copied in the year 1397 A. D. It was copied by Vayararsena for Muniprabha Sur. The prasasti is as follows. saMvat 1454 varSa jyeSTha sudi saptamI zukravAre zrI pAnDavacaritaM vayaraseraNena likhita mahAhaDIyagacche zrImuniprabhasUrINAM yogyaM / / 8. Parmatma Prakasa of Yogindn (8th Century) exists in the Sastra Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaranji of Jaipur. It is a manuscript of the year 1400 A.D. There are several manuscripts written in the 14th and 15th centuries in the Grantha Bhandar, and one or two inanuscript of this period are easily available in most of the Grantha Bhandars. Thus the Jaina Grantha Bhandars are of great value from the point of earlist written manuscripts. In this respect they are incomparable to others and inspite of frequent destruction of the manuscripts there are still manuscripts from 11th Century. TREASURE HOUSES FOR NON-JAINA WORKS The Grantha Bhandars are not only the treasure houses for the books written by the Jaina writers but they are also the good centres for the manuscripts written by the scholars other than Jainas. The Sadhus and also the house-holders made no difference while collecting the manuscripts for these Bhandars and they collected giving them the same importance to the manuscripts written by non-Jaina scholars also some of the manuscripts are also such which are available in these Jaina Bhandars alone In this respect the Granth Bhandars of Amer, Jaipur, Nagaur, Bikaner. Jaisalmer, Kotah, Bundi and Ajmer are important. The Jaina scholars not only saved the manuscripts from destruction but also wrote commentaries, Vrittis, and Bhasyas on them. They translated them into Hindi and gave full support for their wide circulation The manuscripts relating to the subjects of Kavya, Katha, Vyakarana, Ayurveda, Jyotisa and subjects of other general interest are found in good number Manuscripts even on the religious subjects based on the Smritis, Upnisadas, Samhitas, Brahmanas are also available in the collection of these Bhandars. There are about 500 manuscripts only in Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Mandir Pacodr Jaipur on the above subjects. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2181 Jalpa Granshs Bhandars in Rajasthan. The manuscript of Kavya Prakasa of Mammata written in the year 1158 A. D. exists in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. It was written in Anhilpattan when King Kumarpala was the ruler. The end of the book is as follows: samApto'yaM kAvyaprakAzaH kAvyalakSaNam / kRtI: rAjAnakamammaTAlakayo: / saMvata 1215 azvina sudI 14 budhe moha zrImadarAhilapATake samastarAjAbalIvirAjitamahArAjAdhirAjaparamezvaraparamamaTTAraka umApativaralamaprAsAdaprauDhapratApanijamujaraNAgaNavinijita zAkaribhUpAla zrIkumArapAladevakalyANavijayarAjye paMDita lakSmodhareNa pustakaM likhaapitm| The manuscript is on palm leaves. The another manuscript of Kavyadarsa of Somesvar written on palm leaves is available in the Granth Bhandar of Jaisalmer and pertains to the year 1216 A.D. A very old paper manuscript also exists in the Amer Sastra Bhandar. Jaipur. One more commentary by Guna Ratan written on this book, is in the Hari Sagar Gyana Bhandar, Lohawat-Jodhpur. The manuscript of Kavya lankara composed by Kavi Rudrata with a commentary of Nemi Sadhu is available in Jaisalmer Bhandar. It is a copy on palm leaves of the year 1149 A.D. The end of the manuscript is as follows: iti zvetAmbaraviracite rUdraTAlaMkAraTipparapake citrAdhyAyaH pacamaH smaapt| maMgalaM mahAzrI / / saMvat 1206 pASaDha badi 5 gurudine likhitamiti / zubhamastu sarvakalyANaM / Another manuscript on paper with a commentary of the same scholar, Nemi exists in the Amer Sastra Bhandaar, Jaipur. A manuscript of Vakrokui Jivila of Kuttaka Kavi written in 141h Century is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer at number 328. The manuscript is written on palm leaves. Kavyalankara of Vaman with a commentary written by the author himself is available in the Grantha Bhandir of Jaisalmer at serial number 333. It is a palm leaf manuscript while the paper manuscript is at the Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. It is a manuscript of 15th Century. A palm leaf manuscript of Kavya Mimansa of Raja Sekhar written in the year 1159A.D. is in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. The end of the manuscript is as follows: tisiddho mahAkaviH ||ch|| iti rAjazekharakRtI kAmyamImAMsAyAM kavirahasye prathame:pikaraNe kAlavibhAgo nAma samIkSA aSTAdazo'dhyAyaH ||raa samAptaM cedaM kabirahasya Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importance of the Jain Granth Bhandais. | 219 prathamamadhikaraNamaSTAdazo'dhyAya : ||ch|| zubhamastu / lekhakapAThakayoH / magalamahAzrI ||ch|| ||ch|| saMvat 1216 phAlguna vadi somadine // ||ch|| Palm leaf manuscript of Alankara Sara Sangraha also called Udbhatalankara of Udbhata who flourished in the Court of King Jayapala of Kashmir is available in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. It is with the commentary of Pratiharendra Raja. The manuscript belongs to the year 1107 A.D. Vyakti Viveka Kavyalankara of Rajanak Mahim in Sarakrit is preserved in in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. The manuscript is on Palm leaves and is of the 13th Century. All the Kavyas written by the poets like Kalidasa, Magha, Bharvi, Harsa, Halayudha, Bhatti etc., are available in the Granth Bhandars of Amer, Na gaur, Jaisalmer and Bikaner. The copies of manuscripts of each such Kavyas are more than one and in some of the Bhandars they reach even 20. There is a manuscript of Raghuvansa of Kalidasa written on palm leaves of the 14th Century in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. Manuscripts of commentaries written by Gunaratan Suri, Caritra Vardhana and Mallinatha, Samayasundar, Dharma Meru and Santi Vijay (1610 A D.) are also in the collection of the Bhandars of Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Jaipur and Nagaur. Raghuvansa and Kumarsambhava, of Kalidasa are also popular among the Jainas. In every Bhandar we find one or two manuscripts of them. There are 13 manuscripts of Raghuvansa in the Grantha Bhandar of Digambara Jaina Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. All the manuscripts of Meghaduta with the commentary of Mallinatha are available in the collection of Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. The manuscript of Naisadha Carita of Harsa Kavi written in the year 1321 A. D. on palm leaves is preserved in the collection of Jaisalmer Bhandar. In the same way manuscripts of other Kavyas such as Bhatti-Kavya, Kavi-Rahasya of Halayudha with the commentary of Ravidharma and Anargha Raghava of Murari are available in the collection of Jaisalmer Grantha Bhandars. Commentary written by Prakasavarsa on Kiratarjuniya of Bharvi is a rare manuscript. Prakasa Varsa wrote that he was a son of Harsa of Kasmir. One manuscript of this is in the Jaisalmer Sastra Bhandar. The manuscript of Jaipur Bhandar is beautiful and correct one. There are six manuscripts of Sisupalavadha of Magha in the Grantha Bhandar of Terapanthi Mandir Jaipur and one of the manuscript is of the year 1438 A.D. Even earlier manuscript of the same Kavya exists in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 } Jana Granina Bhandars in Rajasthan Kirnawali of Udainacarya with a commentary of an unknown writer is in the collection of Amer Sastra Bhandar. Manuscript of Sankhya, Saptati written by Acarya Kapila also exists in the same Bhandar. This is a manuscript dated 1370 A.D. In the Jaisalmer Sastra Bhandar Sankhya Saptati Bhasya by Gaudpada is preserved. This is a manuscript of 1143 A.D. on palm leaves. Commentary on Sankhya Sapatati called Sankhyatatwakaumudi of Vacaspati Misra is also preserved in the same Bhandar and the Sankhya Sapatati of Ishwar Krisna is also in the collection. All the manuscripts are of 11th and 12th Centuries. A manuscript of Patanjala Yoga Darsana Bhasya' of Vacaspati Harsa Misra and Vyas Risis are preserved in the Granth Bhandar of Jaisalmer. A 12th Century manuscript written on palm leaves of Prasasta Pada Bhasya also is preserved in the Jaisalmer Ehandar. In the same Bhandir we also find the following early manuscripts (1) Nyaya Bindu of Acirya Dharma Kirti with a commentary of Acarya Dharmottarpada. The manuscript is of 13th Century. (2) Commentary on Nyaya Kandli of Sridhar Bhatta written in the 13th Century. (3) A manuscript of Khandan-Khanda-Khadya of Sri Harsa of 1234 A.D. (4) Manuscript of Gautamiya Nyaya Sutra Vratti written in the year 1151 A. D. (5) Manuscript of Nyaya Siddhant Dipaka with a commentary of Sasidhara is available in the Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar of Ajmer. The dramas written by great poets such as Kalidasa, Murari. Visakha Datta and Bhatta Narayana are preserved in the various Grantha Bhandars. In the Sastra Bhandrs of Jaisalmer, the manuscript of these dramas are of very early dates. Some of the early manuscripts are as follows: 1 A manuscript copy of Mudra Raksasa Natak of Visakha Datta prepared in Samvat 1314 1. e. 1257 A. D. is there. It contains a commentary also. The end of the work is as follows: 1 mavat 1314 varSe lau0 bhASADha badi zano madyeha zrIvAmanasthalyAM sthita maha0 deyar3a suna 40 grAmAdIna pustakaM likhitamiti / zubha bhavatu lekhakapAThakAnA pra-yeSAmeva / Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Importanae of The Jaina Graptha Bhandars. 221 2. The manuscript of Veni Samhara of Bhatja Nerayana is of the 14th Century. 3. The manuscript of Anargha Raghava Natak of Murari Kavi of the 14th Century is preserved in the same Bhandar. Another manuscript with a commentary of Maldhari Narcandra Suni is also available in the same Bhandar. 4. The manuscript of Prabodha Candrodaya Natak of Krisna Misra is of 1261 A.D. The prasasti of the manuscript is as follows :savat 1318 varSe sudI 6 ravI prayaha zrI bhRgukacche sA0 maha0 deyaDa suta Tha0 prAsAdItyasya svArthe prabodhacandrodaya nATaka likhita / zubha bhavatu lekhakapAThakayo / 5. An old Vasava Datta Akhyayika of Mahakavi Subandhu written in the year 1150 A. D. exists in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. The manuscript was written by Acarya Yasodhar under the rule of Govinda Candra. The prasasti of the work is as follows: iti mahAkavisubandhuviracitA vAsavadattA nAma kathA samathitA / / savat 1207 zrAvaNa vadi 14 some rUdrapallIsamAvAme rAjazrIgovindacandradevavijayarAjye zrI yazodhareNa prAcAryANAM kRte likhiteya vAsavadattati / 6. One manuscript of 'Cakrapanivijay Mabakavya' of Laxmidhara Bhatta of 14th Century is available in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. 7. A copy of Vratta Ratnakar of Bhatta Kedara copied in the 14th Century exists in the Grantha Bhandar of faisalmer. In the same Bhandar a palm leaf manuscript of Lilavati Karha written by Bhusana Bhatta son of Kutuhala Kavi is preserved It is a manuscript of 1208 A.D. On the other subjects like Ayurveda, Jyotisa, Grammar and Kosa etc there is a large number of manuscripts in these Bhandars and some of them are very early written. Thus the study and survey of these Grantha Bhandars are very much important not only for tracing out the works written by Jaina writers but also for works which are written by the non-Jaina scholars. HINDI & RAJASTHANI WORKS Also for the collection of Hindi and Rajasthani works written by non-Jaina writers, these Grantha Bhandars are of great importance. Bhandars situated in Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222) aina Grantha Bhandars ta Rajasthan. villages even contain the valuable Hindi manuscripts. Manuscript of Prithaviraja Raso, one of the most famous works of Hindi language are found in the Jaina sastra Bhandars of Coro, Kotah and Bikaner. In the same way the manuscripts of the famous Hindi work of Visal Deva Raso were written by Jaina Sadhus and are preserved in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. In the Abhaya Granthalaya of Bikaner there are nine manuscripts of this work. In the Khartargaccha Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Kotah, there is a manuscript of Visaldeva Raso of 1320 A.D. On the work of Krisma Rukmani Veli there are about seven commentaries by Jaina scholars. Several manuscripts of this work are found in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Jaipur, Bundi, Ajmer and Mozamabad. Rasikpriya is also included in the collection of the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. Hindi commentaries of Kusaldhfra and Kesavadasa are also preserved in them. Two manuscripts of Jaitesi Raso which is said to have been written on Rao Jaitesi, Bikaner Ruler, are in Abhaya Granthalaya, Bikaner. Various historical works such as Vachavat Vansavali of Kavi Sankur and Rasa Vilasa of Carana are also available. Old manuscripts of Vaitala Paccisi, Vilhan Carita Caupai by Delha and Vikramaditya Caupai by Lal are also preserved in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. In the same way the works written by some poets such as Kabirdasa, Gorakhnatha etc. are also available in the Jaina Grantna Bhandars. There is one Gutaka in the Sastra Bhandar of Bida Mandir, Jaipur in which small works of 35 poets belonging to Gorakhanatha sect are written. Manuscripts of Madhu Malti Katha written by Sri Caturbhujadasa are found in these Grantha Bhandars in good number. There is a manuscript in the of Bada Mandir Jaipur which contains 911 stanzas, the highest oumber found even in any Grantha Bhandar. Manuscript copies of Simhasana Battist written by the various authors are available in the Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer, Amer and Bikaner. In the Grantha Bhandars of Jaisalmer, manuscript of this work written by Sanghavijay in the year 1621 A. D. is available. Several manuscripts on the story of Dholamaru is also preserved in there Bhandars. There is a manuscript of Madhavanal Prabandha Katha written by Ganpati in the Sastra Bhandar of Bundi. It was composed in the year 1537 A.D. and the manuscript is of the year 1596. This is a very good work in Doha metre containing 2457 verses. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI MATERIAL FOR RESEARCH Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [225 SCOPE FOR RESEARCH IN THE JAINA GRANTHA BHANDARS: The Jaina Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan are the great store houses of manuscripts written on Palm leaves, paper and clothes. There are more than one lac manuscripts housed in these Bhandars. They deal with a large variety of subjects. There is perhaps no topic on which no literature is found in these Bhandaars. If the Jaina scholars did not write any work on a particular topic they collected works of other scholars for the sake of study. It is a matter of great pleasure that the collection of manuscripts was made only from the point of view of collection of the best and useful material without prejudice to works by non-Jaina authors. Due to their great love for literature, thousands of copies of works written by the leading non-Jaina scholars have found place in these Bhandars. These Bhandars have not been thoroughly examined so far. Their catalogues have not been prepared in most cases, and if prepared, they are not on scientific lines, Indian scholars are in dark about the usefulness of most of these Bhandars. Works on Literature of Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabhrarsa, Hindi and Rajasthani and other allied Indian languages are in such a large number that there is great scope for research on several topics. The contribution of Jaina scholars to the Indian languages has not yet been acknowledged properly. Their contribution to every sphere of knowledge is important. It should not be regarded as merely sectarian and therefore unimportant. There are hundreds of works written in Prakrit language. As a matter of fact the command of Prakrit literature belong mostly to the Jaina scolars. There is a great scope for research on the various works of this language. Moreover most of the works written in this language form a part of the collection of Rajastpan Bhandars and hence they are alone the proper centres for Research. Works on all subjects such a Agama, Kavya, Drama, Katha and some scientific subjects are found in this language. As a matter of fact Prakrit language was the language of the people for more than one thousand years. To the Sanskrit language the contributions of Jaina scholars is also great On every aspect of Samskrit literature Jainas have written works such as Kavyas, Stories, Puranas, Joytisa, Ayurveda etc. From the 4th Chapter of this book it would be clear that Jaina scholars have contributed greatly to the literary activity of our country. There are also poets like Jainaseana, Gunabhadra, Vardhamana Bhattaraka, Somadeva, Viranandi, Hemcandra, Sakalkirti etc. who contributed hundreds of works to this language. There is no subject on which Jaina Scholars have not written. But if we see history of Samskrit literature we shall find that their works are not sufficiently acknowledged except that a few references are given here and there. Besides original works the Jaina authors have written commentaries on works written by non-Jaida authors. The commentary on Adargha Raghava Natak by Maladhari Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rtjasthan, 226 ) Nara Candra Sori is one of them. The manuscripts written by the nonJaina Scholars are safe in Jaina Bhandars and some earlist manuscripts written by them are also preserved. There are hundreds of Kavyas, some of them are of high order, Campu literature written by Jaina Scholars can be compared with the works written by non-jalna authors. In the field of scientific literature also such as Grammer, Jyotisa and Ayurveda, the contributions of Jaina scholars are of great importance and require thorough research, As regards Apabhramsa literature, mostly the Jaina works hold the field. In order to have a correct knowledge of the development of Hindi literature, works written in Apabhramsa have to be studied. Works written by the great poets like Svayambhu, Puspadang, Vira, Nayanandi, Amar Kirti, Dhanpal, Sricandra, Hemcandra, Dhabila and Raidhu etc., cannot be ignored as their works are masterpieces of this language. Apabhraisd was popular for about 6 to 7 hundred years. About 30 years ago there was a notion that whole of the Apabhraisa literature has been either destroyed or has disappeared. 'But this presumption of the scholars was made without seeing the Jaina Grantha Bhandars. Now all the scholars have admitted the importance of this literature and are trying to study it. Besides 8 to 10 works which have been published more than 100 are still unpublished. Then there is also a great scope for research in this sphere of literature. As regard Hindi, Rajasthani and other provincial languages, the Jainascholars equally shared in the enhancement of literature. There were Jaina scholars who took initiative in writing their works in Hindi, They wrote Hindi works when writing in Hindi was looked down by the scholars. If the Svayambhu's work "Paumcariu" is admitted as the first Hindi poem then it was from 8th century.that Jaina scholars began to sci ve Hindi. There are several Jaina scholars who wrote masterpiece work in those days. In the Jaina Sastra Bhandars of Rajasthan and and specially in the Bhandars of Jaipur, Ajmer and Nagaur, Bikaner and Udaipur a large literature written in Hindi and Rajasthani language is avallable. These works have not been properly classified. The oldest work written in Brijbhasa is Pradyumna Carita, wiitten by a Jaina scholar in Samwat 1411 i. e. 1354 A. D. Older than thus no work has been found so far written in Brya language. In the same way Jinadatta Carita, a work of 1296 A. D. has just been discovered in a Jaina Granth Bhandar of Jaipur. It is the brst work in which date of composition is given. There are several works written by Jaina scholars on subjects like story and other allied subjects. If we count the Hindi works written by Jaina scholars, the dumber will not be loss that one thousand. In this way there is a great scope for research on this side also. It is certain that without taking these works into coasideration the tree history of Hindi and Rajasthani cannot be written and for such a research, in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Rossarch (227 of Rajasthan are the centres of attraction, where works on cach subject whether old or new are preserved. As already stated the Jaina scholars who had been in Rajasthan wrote several works in Apabhramhsa Prakrit, Samskrit, Hindi and Rajasthani, There works are preserved in good number in these Bhandars. Most of such works are still unpublished and in some cases even their existence is not known to the scholars. In the days of political ups and downs when education was not as widespread as today, the scholars served the publlc by writing several works in various languages. We shall now give a description of some of the outstanding Rajasthani authors along with their works. We will classify them as follows. (1) Prakrit and Apabhramsa Writers. (2) Samskrit writers. (3) Hindi and Rajasthani authors. PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA WRITERS 1. PADMANANDI : The The writer of Jambu Dwipa Pragnapti in Prakrit was a Rajasthani scholar. He was a descendent in the line of Veernandi and pupil of Balanandi. The work 'Jambudwipa Pragnapti' was written at Baron Nagar, a sub-divisional Head-quarter of Rajasthan. At that time Sakti Kumar was the rular of Mewar. In those days Baran was under the Mewar State. No date of its composition is given but probably it was composed in vs 805 1. e. 748 A, D The author has described the prosperity and wealth of Baran. Sakti Kumar had been tated to be the ruler of the city? 2. HARISENA. Harisena was a resident of Citfor. His father's name was Goverdhana Dhakkada was his caste which originated from Sri Ujapur'. Once the port went to 1. Introdution to Purasana Vakya Suci p. 67. 2. pANAguNagaNakaliyo, paravai saMpUjino klaakushlo| nArANayarassa pahu tarUttamo, sattibhUpAlo / / 166 / / pokharaNivAvipaure, bahubhavana vihUsie paramaramme / TURF, STEWART faza 1186911 Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 1 Jalna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan "Acatpur where he composed his famous work Dhamma Parikkha* in Samvat 1044 (987 A.D.).. His work remained very popular for long and was read with great interest Several manuscripts are preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of of Rajasthan and specially at Amer and Nagaur Bhandars. The work is still unpublished. The work is divided into 11 Sandhis in which more than 100 stories have been told. The poet was a great lover of Mewar and its beauty. At one place he has given a beautiful description. jo sihari sihaNi kekkAra illu, sari taDi rahaTTa jaba seyagillu / tarU kusumagaMdha vAsiya digatta, pIsesa sAsa sapurANa cchitt| caya varaNa koilArAva rammu, vara sara sArasa vaya jaNiya pemmu / misa kisalaya pAsAyarala tuTaTha hasa, mayarada matta bhaliulla riNaghosa / karabada jAla kiDi vihiyatosu, baraNa tarUhala sauriNagaraNa pos| kaya sAsa varaNa go mahisi mahisu, uccha vaNa pada risiyarasa visesu / tappAraNaMdiya dIsa baMdu, thala giliNi sapaNa gaNa pahima saaNdu| vara sAli sugaSiya gaMdhavAhu, tasvariNa sakNaviya suya samUhu / NiyaDaratha gAma maDiya paesu. jaNavaya paripUriya jAma kosu / riu jogga soksa rajiya japoha, gaya cora mAri bhaya laDa soh| jo ujmANahi sohara, kheyara mohai, ballI hahi bilAsahi / mariNa kacaraNa kaya pugaNahiM, vaNaNa ravaNahi purahiM sa goura sAlahi / / --Dhamma Parikkha 11-1 1. iya mevADadese jaraNasakule, siguijapura Niggaya dhakkaNa kule| goSavaraNa nAma uppattau, jo sammatta rayaNa sNputt|| taho govaThaNAmu piya paraNavaha, jA jiNavara muNivara piya guNavaha / tAI jariNau hariseraNa gAme suu, so sajAu vibaha kai vissuu / siri citauDa caeki macala urahI, guu riNayaka jiNahara pauraho tahi chadAlakArapasAhiya, dhammapariksa eha ta sAhiya / / 26. -Dhamma Parikkha 11-26 vikkama riNava pariya kAlaha, praba gaya barisa sahasa pautAlae) Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 3. Dhanpala : Dhanpala was a famous poet of Apabhiamsa. His work 'Bhavisyattakaha' was first discovered by Dr. Jacobi in Ahmedabad with the help of a Jaina monk. It was published later on by Royal Academi Munich. It was also published in Gack, Orintal Series, 1923. The poet while giving his account only mentioned his caste as Dhakkad and his mother and father's name as Dhanasiri and Mayesar. He was proud of his knowledge so he has addressed himself as the son of Saraswati. (azaz agaz agra). Harisena, the writer of Dhamma Parikkha was also of this caste. According to the inscription of Sri Tejpal of Delwada, there is a mention of Dhakkad caste. Harisena wrote that Dhakkad caste originated from Siriujpur which seems to be the old name of Sironj, an old town in Rajasthan in the Kotah district, now transferred to Madhya Pradesa. But according to Dhamma Parikkha, Sriujapur is in Mewar which has been mentioned clearly in the following line 'imevADa desa jaraNa saMkule giri ujapura giggaya ghakkaDa kule' Bhavisyttakaha remained very popular among the Jainas for centuries. Manuscripts of this work are found in several Bhandars of Rajasthan. There are 10 manuscripts only in one Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. This shows its wide popularity. He was a 10th century scholar. 4. HARIBHADRA SURI: He was a great scholar of Prakrit and Samskrit. He belonged to Cittor. He wrote commentaries on the Anuyogadvara Sutra, Avasya Sutra, Dasavaikalika Sutra Nandi Sutra2, Pragnapana Sutra. He also wrote Anekanta Jaya Pataka3 and Anekanta Vada Pravesa in which he not merely presented the Jaina Philosophy of Anekanta but criticised the current philosophical systems. He is also the writer of Samaraicca Kaha. It is a big romance in mixed prose and verse. His Dhurta Khyana is a good satire on popular Hinduism. It is still unpublished. Haribhadra's 1 ares afraNa vaMse mAesaraho samumbhaviraNa | [229 amfaftgi fa gau fazgz azag anfam || 1. Published in D. C. P. Series No. 47. Bombay 1918 2. Published by R. K. Samstha, Ratlam 1928. 3. Published by J. G. Series, Bhavnagar. 4. Published by Hema Candra Sabha. Ratlam 1919-series No. 3. -Bhavisayatta Kaha Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasjhan 230 ) other philosophical works are Yogabindu' and Yoga Drasti Samuccaya? which is a valuable synthesis of old Jaina ideas and those of Patanjali and Vyasa. 5 MAHESVAR SORI: He was also a Rajasthani Scholar, and wrote Gyana Pancami Katha3 in Prakrit which contains 10 stories. He was a 10th century scholar. He also wrote Sanyama Manjari Katha* in Apabhramsa. It is interesting to find in these books inany old folk tales dressed and presented in Jaina Garb. The first work is still unpublished SAMSKRIT WRITERS 1. SIDHARSI Sidharsi, pupil of Durgaswamin was a Rajasthani writer belonging to Mewar. He completed commentary on Updesamala and Upmiti Bhava Prapanca Katha' at Bhilla Mala in the year 905 A D. It is as much a work of Philosophy as of poetry and is one of the finest allegories His other work is Candra Kevali Carita. It was composed in the year 917 A.D. 1 e. 12 years after Upmiti Bhava Prapanca Katha 2. Asidhar Originally Asadhar was a Rijasthani scholar and Mandalgarh was his birth place. But due to continuous attacks of Shahabuddin Gauri, he was compelled to leave Rajasthan and settled at Dhara Nagari. He was one of the greatest 1. Published in J DPS. Series, Bhavnagar, 1911 2 Published in D C.P Series No, 12 Bombay 1913. 3. Brahad Gyan Bhandar. Jaisalmer. 4 Published in the G.Os in the year 1918. 5 Published in D.L.P. Series No 46, Bombay 6 zrImAna sti sapAdalakSaviSayaH zAkammarIbhUSaNa statra zrIratidhAmamaNDalakara nAmAsti durgamahan / zrIralyAmudapAdi tatra bimalavyAghra ravAlAnvayA cchIsallakSaNato jinendrasamayazravAlurAzAdharaH // 1 // Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 231 scholars of his time and wrote several works on various subjects. He wrote commentary on Astanga HridayaKavyalankar and Amar Kosa but unfortunately these are not available at prescat in any of the Jaina Bhandars in Rajasthan. Adhyatma Rahasya' which is considered to be his lost work was discovered in Bhattarkiva Sastra Bhandar Ajmer. This is a very good work in Samskrit dealing with Adhyatma. Similarly Sanskrit commentary on Aradhanasara written by him has been discovered in the Sastia Bhandar of Jobner temple. It is a work of the 13th century written for his pupil Nayancandra. His other works are Sagara Dharma mrita, Angara Dharme mrita, Pratistha Pitha, Jinasahasranama Stotra. Cemmentary written by him on Bhopal Caturvinsatika has also been recently discovered in Sastra Bhandar, Jain temple. Patodi, Jaipur. All the works written by him are very popular. 3. BHATTARAKA SAKAL KIRTI : Sakal Kirti was one of the most famous Bhajtaraka of his time. He was born in Samvat 1443 (1386 A.D.) at Patan. His name was Pina Singh or Paran Singh. He was married at the age of 14 and look to the life of a Jaina monk in the year 1425 A D.3 when he was 39 years old from Bhattaraka Padmanandi. He established a seat of Bhattaraka at Dungarpur in the 14354 and became the first Bhattaraka He was a great scholar of Samskrit and Hindi and wrote several works 1. haraSI suNIya suvANi pAlaha, anya Uari muyara / cauUdatritAla pramAriNa pUrai, dina putra janamIu / / 14 / / sumavelA avaloki janama, putrI jyoti lakhIya / melavi sajana saha koI punazaMgha nAma ThavIya / / 15 / / -Sakal Kirti Rasa 2. caudaya vyAsIya saMvati kuladIpaka narapAla saMghapati / DUgarapuri dIkSA mahochava toNi kIyA e // 3 // -Sakal Kirti Rasa 3. zrI sakala kIrati sahaguri sukari dIdhI dIkSA prANadabhari / jayajayakAra sayali sabarAcarUe gaNadhara // 4 // caudasivANavihaU laTi narapAla puriMgalIpi / koTi paTAcArija pada sasthApiyA e gaNa / / 5 / / Sakal Kerti Rasa 4. Published from Vira Seva Mandir, Delhi, Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandare in Rajasthan in both the languages. Some of the works are Adipurana, Uttarpurana, Puransara, Santipurana, Parsva Purana, Mahavira Purana, Malinatha Purana. Yasodhara Carnta. Dhanyakumar Carnta, Sukumal Carita, Solah Kiran Paja, Sukti-Muktavali and Karma Vipaka' He travelled throughout Udaipur, Dungarpur and Gujarat. He led a Jaina Sangh to Girnar and performed a great Pratistha ceremoney in Junagarh2. 4. BHATTARAKA BHUWN KIRTH. He was a pupil of Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti and stayed as Bhattaraka at Dungarpur for 19 years (1451 to 1470 A. D). He was a great scholar and wrote several works in Hindi. Some of his famous works are Jiwandhar Rasas, Jambu Suami Rasa', Ratri Bhojan Varjan Risa? Kalavau Carita'. Cintamani Parswanatha Stotra? He was a great spiritual leader of his time and travelled in most of the parts of Rajasthan. The works written by him are still unpublished. / mAdipurANa uttarapurANa zAti-pAsa-vardhamAna-malli-caritra / prAdi yazodhara dhanyakumAra sukumAla mudarzana caritra / / 27 / / pacaparameSTI gadhakuTIya aSTAnikA gaNadhara bheya / molahakAraNa pUjAvidhi gurie sabipragaTa prakAsiyA teya // 28 // muktimuktAvali kramavipAka guri racIya DAIgga pari vividha parigraMtha / bharaha magIta pigala nipuNaguru gurUu zrI sakalakIrati nigraMtha // 26 // janigaDha gurU upademiha marivara baMdha pratisaba / sakhi ThAkara pradarAjya myagha rAji prAsAda mADIue / // 20 // maDalika rAi bahU~ mAnIu deza vadezi ja vyAgIya / pItalamA AdinAtha thira thApIyA e||21|| 3 Granth Bhandal 1crapanthi Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 4 Ibid 5. Ibid. 6. Grantha Bhandar Tholla Jaina Temple, Jaipur. 7 Ibid. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research | 233 5. BRAHMA JINDASA: He was the younger brother and pupil of Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti. He refers in most of his works to the name of Bhattaraka Bhuwan Kirti with great respect. He lived with him for a long time. He also mentions the name of his Guru in most of his works. Dungrpur seems to have remained the main centre of his literary activities. He was a good scholar of Samskut, Hindi and Gujati. He wrote more than 50 works both in Sanishrit and Hindi. Harivansa Putanu, Padam Purana. Jambu Swimi Caritra, Viat Katha Kosa Adinatha Purana, Srenika Caritra, and Yasodhar Carita, are some of his Samahut works which are read with great interest by the Jainas Hanumat Rasa.' Hoh Rasa, Karma Vipak Rasa, Jambu Swani Rasa, Aradhana Risa, Sripala Rasa, Sudarsan Rasa, Nagak umir Rasa, are some of his Hindi works, which are also read by Jainas with great interest and as such they are in several Grantha Bliandars of Rajasthan, and at Amer Sastra Bhandar and Udaipur Sastra Bhandars in particular. 6. BHATTARAKA GYANA BHUSANA He was also a great Samskrit and Hindi scholar, and was the 4th in Bhattaraka line. He sat on the Bhattarka Gadi in the year 1475 A.D. after that he left that seat and devoted his time to the writing of works. He travelled in Mewar and various other parts of Rajasthan and preached to the public. He was greatly respected by sevral rulers of Rajasthan, and Gujrat. He wrote works such as sattva Gyana larangani, Siddhi nt Sar (Bhisya) Adisvar Phaga and commentary on Nemi Nuwan Kivya He completed Tattva Gyana Tarangin in the year 1503 A D. Adisvar Phaga describes the life of Sri Adinatha and runs in both, Samskrit and Hindi. Prikri commentary on Gomatta-ar was also got written by him in the year 1503 At present it is available in the Sastra Bhandar of Mozmabad 7 PANDIT RAJ MALL Pandit Rajmall was a learned scholar of Samskrit and Hindi. He belonged to Bairath, an old town of Rajasthan 70 miles from Jaipur on Jaipur-Delhi Road 1. zrIsakalakIrati gurU praNamIni bhavanakoti bhavatAra / brahmajiNadAsa eNI parimaNi, paDhatA punya apAra // 727 / / -Hanumat Rasa Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 } He was a scholar of 16th century and wrote Lati Samhita 2 ( 1584 A. D.), Pancadhyayi, Jambu Swami Carita in Samskrit. Lati Samhita2 was composed for Sahu Phaman at Bairath, in the year 1584 A.D. He also translated into Hindi prose Samayasar a famous work of Prakrit language written by Acarya Kunda Kunda. This work is an important one from linguistic point of view and is regarded as the first big work in Hindi literature. For some time he lived in Agra and had an occasion to see Emperor Akbar and was very much influenced by his liberal views on religion. He has praised Akbar's reign in Jambuswami Carita. GYANA KIRTI He was the pupil of Vad:bhusana He wrote Yasodhar Carita3 on the request of Nanu Godha who was the Prime Minister of Mahar. ja Mansingh of Amer. He was a scholar of 16th century and completed his work in the year 1602 A.D. One manuscript of the work exists in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. The work is still unpublished. 8 Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan. 9. BHATTARAKA KUBHA CANDRA : Bhattaraka Subha Candra was in the line of Bhattaraka Sakal Kirti. He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Vijay Kirti and was a great Samskrit scholar of the 16th century. He held the titles of " Trividha Vidyadhar" and "Sat bhasa kavicakravarti". He studied Philosophy, Grammar, Lexicography and Alankirs and travelled in various parts of India such as Karni tak, Gujrat, Malwa, and Rajasthan. He wrote more than 30 works in samskrit and Hindi. out of which Candraprabha Carita, | tanmUnuM zriyamudvahat bhujabalAdekAtapatro bhuvi, zrImatsAhikagvaze varamati sAmrAjyarAjadvaSu / teja pujamayo jvalajjvalanaja jvAlA karAlanala / sarvAdIn dahatimma nirdepamanA, unmUlyamUlAdavi / / 11 / / 2 tatrAdyamya varo muto varaguNo nyotAhvasavAdhipA / yenatajjinamandira sphuTamiha protu gamatyudbhuta / varATanagare nidhAya vidhivatpUjAzca vahavaya. kRta / atrAmutra sukhapada svayazasa stamasamAropita // -- Lati Samhita p. 73 3 iti zrIyazodharamahArAjacaritra maTTArakazrIvAdibhUSaNaziSyAcArya zrIjJAnakIrtiviracite rAjAdhirAja mahArAjamAnasiMha pradhAna sAha zrI nAnU nAmAkite maTTAraka zrI zramayarucyA didIkSAgrahaNa svargAdiprAptivarNanAM nAma navama. saMga. | Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 235 Jivandhar Carita are his famous works. The manuscripts of his works are available in several Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. The main centres where he wrote his works were Dungarpur and Sagwara. He completed Pandava Purana in Sagwara in the year 1551 A.D. A compelete account of him has been given in Pandava Purana. remained Bhattaraka from the year 1516 to 1556 A.D. He 10 BHATTARAKA SOMASEN: He was also a Rajasthani scholar and lived in Bairath, an old town of Rajasthan. He wrote Padma Purana in the year 1602 A.D. in Samskrit. Somasen was the pupil of Acarya Gunabhadra. His work is very popular and available in various Brandars of Rajasthan. This is a short form of Jaina Ramayana. 11. JAGANNATHA : He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Narendra Kirti who lived in Todaraisingh known by the name of Taksak Garh'. Jagannath was a Jaina Khandelwal by caste and was son of Sresthi Pom Raja. Six works written by him have been discovered so far which are Swetambar Parajaya, Caturvinsari, Sandhan Svopadam Tika, Sukh Nidhan, Sukhena Carita, Siva Sandhan Nama. He was a scholar of 17th-18th century. His brother Vadi-Raja was also a good scholar of Samskrit He wrote Samskrit commetary on Vagbhattalankar called Kavi Candrika in Samwat 1729 1. e. 1672 A D. Gyan Locana Stotra was also composed by him and is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Patodi Temple. All the works are unpublished so far. HINDI WRITERS 1. PADMA NABH Padmanabh was a poet of the 15th century and belonged to the Cittor state. Sanghapati Dungar requested him to compose a Bavani dealing with various 1 Bhattaraka Sampradaya Page 147. 22 vatse netrapaDazvasoma 1762 nihite jyeSThe ca mAsenaghe / zubhra pakSa iti trayodazadine zrItakSakAsye pure / misvAmigRhe vyalIlikhadidaM devAgamAlaMkRte / pusta pUjyanarendrakI rtisuguro' zrI jagannAthavaTu / / -Anekanta year 10 p. 73 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 ] topics and on his request he completed the Bavani in the year 1486 A.D. It is in Rajasthani fully influenced by Apabhramsa. This is his only work which has been discovered so far. Two manuscripts of the work have been searched out, of which one is in the Abhaya Granthalaya, Bixaner and the other one is in the Grantha Bhandar of Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur. The whole Bavani is in Chaappaya metre. Some of the verses are of High standard composed in a strong and good literary style 2. CHIHALA. He was Rajasthani poet of 15th and 16th Century. The place where the poet was born and lived is not known so far but it is certain that the poet was a Rajasthani scholar' as his work are generally preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan He was Agarwal Jaina and his father's name was Nathu. Upto this ume five small works written by him have been discovered. Panca Saheli Gita was composed in the year 1517 A. D. His other works are Panthi Gita, Bawani and two small Gita called Udar Gita and Veli. "Bawani" which was completed in the year 1524 A. D. has been discovered recently in the Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jaina temple, Jaspur Acarya Rama Candra Sukla and Dr. Ram Kumar Varma' have also wrote a few lines about the poct, but they had given only the description of Panca Saheli Gita All his works are not published so far. His works though small one are full of literary merits. All his works are written in Rajasthani language. Two verses of Panca Saheli Gita are as follows Rajasthani Bhasa aur Sahitya p 149-50 2 panarerI pIcotare, pUnama phAguNa mAma / pacama hailI vararaNavI, kavi chohala paragAsa || 1 3 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan caurAmI zrAgalai sai ju paMdraha mavachara / mukla pasya aSTamI mAsa kAliMga guru vAsaru || hRdaya upanI buddhi nAma zrIgurUko lInhau | sArada tara u pasAi kavitta mapUraNa kInhau || nAvhiMga basi nAthu sutanu agaravAla kula pragaTa ravi / bAvanI basudhA vistarI kavi kakaraNa chIla kavi / / 4 Hindi Sahitya ka itihasa-Samwat 2007 p 198. 5. Hindi Sahitya ka Alocanatmak Itihasa p. 324-448 Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Meterial for Research [ 237 mIThe mana ke bhAvate, kIyA sarasa bakhANa / araNa jANyA mUrikha hasai, rIjhai catura sujANa / / 67 / / savata panara pacuhuttaraha, pUnima phAguNa mAsa / paca mahelI varaNavI, kavi chIhala paragAsa / / 6 / / 3. TAAKKURSI : Thakkursi was a Rajasthani scholar of 15th century His father Dhelha was also a Hindi poet, In most of his works he quotes himsslf as the son of Poet Dhelha, In Meghamala Viata Katha he describes the City of Catsu where he completed the work. He was Khandelwala Jaina and Pahadya was his Gotra. His works are available in several Bhandars of Rajasthan which shows his popularity. Nine works written hy him have been found so far in the Grantha Bhandars. They are (1) Parswanatha Sakuna Sattavist ( 1521 A. D) (2) Meghamala Vrata Katha (1523 A. D.), (3) Kripana Carita (1523 A. D.), (4) Sila Battisi', ( 1528 A. D.) (5) Pancendriya Veli 2, (1528 A. D), (6) Gunaveli, (7) Nein Rajamati Veli, (8) Cintamani Jayamala and (9) Simandhara Stavan. Besides these, there are also some Padas whlch are preserved in the Guta kas. 4 BRAHMA VOCARAJA Vucaraja was a great Rajasthani poet of the 15th and 16th century. Being a Jaina saint he used to travel from one place to another. He wrote several works in Rajasthani His first work was Mayana'-JuJha which was completed by him in Samwat 1584 (1527 A.D.). Recently three works namely Santosu Jayamala (1534 A D ), 1. kavi ghelha sutana guNa ThAvo, jagi pragaTa ThakurasI nAvA / to beli sarasa guraNagAyA, cita catura murigva samajhAyA / / -Pancendriya Veli savata padasaira picyAsyo, terami sudi kAtiga mAse / i pAca idrI vasi rAkhe, sau harata parata sugba cAkhe / / 3. hAtha va sAha mahatti mahate, pahAcanda gurU uvaesate / paNadaha sa iji prasIte aggala, zrAvaNa mAsa chaThikhiya magala / / rAha vivakama taraNau savata, navAsiya na panarasai / savadarUti prAsu bakhAragaDa, tithi paDiyA subha lagnasu / / Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 } Baraha Bhavana and Cetana Pudgal Dhamala and some Padas have been discovered in the Grantha Bhandars of Bundi and Ajmer. There is a manuscript of Samayaktva Kaumudi' which was presented to him at Campavati., an old name of Catasu in the year 1525 A. D. 5. CHITARA THOLIA : Chitara Tholia was born in Mozam? bad an old town of Rajasthan, 40 miles from Jaipur City in the West. One work, Holi ki Katha' has been discovered so far. This was completed in Sarwat 16602 ( 1603 AD) in Mozamabad when Raja Mansingh (1560-1615 A. D. ) was the Ruler of Amer. The work deals with a story of Holi according to the Jaina Mythology The work is still unpublished. Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan. 6. VIDYA BHOSANA : He was a Hindi poet of 16th century. He was the pupil of Visva Sena who had been 10 Ramasena ne. He belonged to Bhattapura caste. He completed his work Bhavisya Datta Rasa in Samwat 1600 (1543 A. D.) in a temple of Parsvanitha at Sojat an old town in Pali District of Rajasthan. The Rasa is in Rajasthani influenced by Gujarati. It contains 472 verses composed in various metres. 7. BRAHMA RAYMALL: Brahma Raymalla was a great Hindi poet of 16th century. He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Ananta Kirti He was was a Rajasthani poet put his original 1 2. 3. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur Prasasti Sangrah p 44 saulAse sAThe zubha varSa phAlguna zukla pUrNimA harSa / sohai maujAvAda nivAsa, pUje mana kI sagalI Asa || sohai rAjA mAna ko rAja, jihi bAdhI pUrabalaga pAja / sukhI sarve nagara me loga, dAna purAya jAne saha bhoga | ihi vidhi kalayuga meM dina rAta, jArI nahI dukha: kI jAti / chItara Tholyo bInatI kareM, hivaDA mAhi jinavANI dhare / / mahAnayara saujitrA ThAma tyAsu pAsa jinavaranu dhAma / maTTapurA zAMti abhirAma, nita nita kari dharmanA kAma // 60 // savat solasi zrAvaNamAsa zukla paMcama dina ulhAsa kahi vidyAbhUSaNa surIza, rAsa e nadu koDi varIsa // 61 // Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Roscarch [ 239 birth place has not been mentioned in any of his works. He completed his Pradyumna Raso at Ranthambhore fort (1568 A. D.) and Bhavisya-Datta-Katha at Sanganer (1576 A. D.). His other works are Hanumat Rasa (1559 A. D.). Sudarsana Raso (1562 A. D.), Nemisvara Rasa and Nirdosa Sapatma Vrata Katha. All the works are very popular and therefore their manuscripts are available in several Bhandaars of Rajasthan. In his Bhavisya-Datta-Katha, he describes himself and the City of Sanganer as follows: mUlasagha zArada zubha gachi,choDI cAra kaSAya niramachi / anatakIti muni guraNaha nidhAna, tAsu tane sigva kIyo bakhoraNa / / brahma rAyamala thoDi budhi, aratha pada kI na la hai sudhi / jaimI mati dInai praukAma, vrata paJcamI ko kIyo parakAsa / / jo iha kathA suraNe de kAna, kAla lAhavi pahuMce niravAna / maulahama taitImA sAra, kAtika sudI caudami sanivAra / mvAti nakSatra siddhi zubha joga, pIDA na cyApai na roga / dasa DhaDhAhaDa sobhA ghaNI, puja tahA ali maNa tnnii| nirmala tale nadI bahu phire sugva me bamai bahu sAgAneri / cahu~ dizi vagaNayA bhalA bAjAra, bhare paTolA motIhAra / bhavana utuga jinezvara tagA, somai cadavA toraNa dhaNA / gAjA rAja bhagavatadAsa, gajakavara mevahi bahu tAsa / parajA loga mugva mugva barma, dukhI dalidrI pugye prAma / zrAvaka loga base dhanavata, pUjA karahi jayati aAhata / uparA uparI vaira na kAma, jihi pahimida murga sugva vAma / All the works written by him are still unpublished 8 ANANDAGHAN: He was a Rajasthani Jaina saint and is regarded as one of the best spiritual poets amongst the Jaina scholars of both Digambara and Swetambara. Anandghan was a great scholar and his works Anandghan Caubist and Anandghan Bahottari are considered to be the works of high siandard in Rajasthani and Hindi. It is a pity that still a complete description about Anandghan has not so far been published. According to some scholar he was born in the year 1603 A.D. and di.d at the age Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. of 70 in 1673 A D. His original name was Labhananda'. His two works mentioned above are the collections of sevei al small works. 9 BRAHMA KAPORA CANDA: Brahma Kapura Canda hailed from Anandapur town where Jaswant Singh Rathore was the Ruler. He describes himself as the pupil of Muni Guna Candra pupil of Yasah Kirti in his work Parswanatha Raso. Anandapur was at that time a prosperous town where people of all caste and creed led a happy life. The poet completed his work in the year 1640 A.D. at Parswanatha temple. Several Hindi Padas and Vinalis written by the poet are also available in the Gutakas of the Grantha Bhandars. tAmu tagu mipi tamu paMDita kapUra jI canda / __ kIyo rAsa citi dhAravi Anada / jiragagugNa bahu mujha alpa jo mani / gati vidhi dekhyA jI zAstra purAga / budhajana devi ko mati hamai / naimI jI vidhi me kIyo jI bagvANa / / 16 / / mAlAmai sattAva mAmi vaimAvi / / pacamI tithi mubha ujala pAvi / nAma nakSatra prAdrA bhalo / bAra vahampati adhika pradhAna / gama kiyo bAmA mRta tago / svAmI jI pAramanAtha ke thAna // 16 // aho desa ko rAjA jI jAti gaThoDa / sakalajI chatrI yAka siri mAi / nAma jamavasigha tamu tago / tAsa Anadapura nagara pradhAna / pogA chattIsa lIlA kare / somai jI jame ho indra vimAna // 163 / / -Parsvanatha Raso 1. Ardha Kath&nak edited by Natha Ram Premi, p. 132 Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research / 241 10. HEMARAJA II : There were two scholars having the same name and of the same 17th century The first Hemaraja' lived at Agra who wrote more than 10 works both in Hindi prose and poetry. Hemraja Il was a Rajasthani poet. His only work of Dohasatak has been recent!y discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina Tholia Temple, Jaipur. According to the description given in the Dohasatak he was born in Sanganer but began to live at Kamaafter some time. The work contains 101 Dohas. It is a literary work full of religious and moral teachings It was completed in the year 1668 A.D. at Kamagarh 11 HARSA KIRTI : Harsa Kirti was a Rajasthani Scholar of the 17th century. He wrote several works in Hindi. The poet completed his Caturgati Veli in the year 1626 AD There are about 30 works which were written by him The names of the works are Chahalesya Kavitta, Pancamagati Veis, Karma Hindolan 7, Simandhar ki Jakadi, Neminatha Rajamati Gita, Nemisvara Gita and Morda. He also wrote several Padas in Hindi which are lying scattered in the various Gutkas of Jaina Giantha Bhandars 12. BRAHMA GYANA SAGARA Brahma Gyana Sagara was pupil of Bhattaraha Sri Bhusana He was a scholar of both Hindi and Samskrit He wrote several works in Hindi, specially short stories which are more than 40 in number. Thirty iwo stories are in the collection of / hemarAja paDita basa, nimI prAgare ThA' / garaga gotra guna grAgaro, saba pUje jima pAi / / -Pandava Purand of Bulakidass. 2 upajI sAgAneri ko, aba kAmAgaDha vAma / yahA 'hema' dohA race svapara buddhi para kAma / / 18 / / kAmAMgada suvasa jahA, kIratimiha nres| apane khaDaga balavami kive, durjana jiteka desa 11880 satarahamai paccIsako, barateM savat sAra / kAtika sudI tithi pacamI, pUrana bhayo vicAra / / 10 / / eka prAgare ekasau kIye dohA chaMda / jo hita debAMce paDhe, tA uri baDha Ananda / / 101 / / Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 Jamna Grantha Bhandars is Rajasthan. a Gutaka of Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur. In the Dasalaksana Vratkatha he mentioned his teacher's name as follows: bhaTTAraka zrIbhUpaNa dhIra, sakalazAstra pUrana gabhIra / tasa pada praNamI bole sAra, brahma jJAnasAgara suvicAra / / Bhattaraka Sri Bhusana, the teacher of Brahma Gyana Sagara completed Pandava Purana in the year 1600 A. D, so the time of his pupil is evidently 17th century. Some of the stories written by him are as follows : Ratnatraya Vrata Katha, Ananta Vrata Katha, Sravan Dvadasi Viat Katha, Rohint Vrat Katha, Puspanjali Vrat Katha, Raksabandhan Katha, Kokila Pancami Katha, Candana Sasti Vrata Katha, 13. JODHRAJA GODIKA. Jodhraja Godika was a Rijasthani scholar of the 17th century. He lived in Sanganer (Jaipur) His father Amar Cand Godika was wealthy man famous throughout the country for his business. He was a great Hindi writer of his time The following are his main works : Written in the year 1665 A D 1 Katha Kosa 2 Dharma Sarovara 3 Samyaltva Kaumudi 4 Pravacapasara Bhisa 1667 1667 .. 1667 , 1664 , Not known 5. Pritinkar Carita Bhasa 6. Bhava Dipika Except the last work all other works are in Hindi poetry. He studied with Pandit Hari Subha a Samskrit Scholar. In his Samyaktva Kaumudi, there are some autobiographical verses : sAgAnera suthAna me, deza TUDhADi saar| tA sama nahIM kI aura pura, dekhe sahara hajAra / / Th at #175, TTTTTTS #F# THI vAsI sAMgAneri ko karI kathA sukhadhAma / / Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research dharmadAsa ko jAti luhADyo joya / nAma kalyANa su jAniye, kavi ko mAmo soya / / pUta laghu, tAkai par3hiye kArane, kiyo grantha yaha jodha / nAma samakita komudI, dAyaka kevala vodha || ihai samakita kaumudI, jo nara par3heM subhAya / so sura nara sukha pAya ke hano karami miva jAya || caupAI dIsa | savat satrAsaM cobIsa phAgana budi terasa zubha zukravAra so pUrana maI, ihai kathA samakita guna uI / / His works were quite popular therefore manuscript copies of several of them are available in various Bhandars of Jaipur. All the works are unpublished so far 14. KISANA SINGHA . He was born in Rampura, a village in Sawaimadhopur District but later on he settled at Sanganer which was the centre of literary activity in the 17th and 18th century. His father's name was Kalyana who was famous by the title of Sangahi Kisana Singha was the elder son and Anand Singha was the younger one of his father. He wrote more than 20 works in Hindi poetry out of which Punyasrava Katha Kosa is very much popular the description of the poet given in the Bhadrabahu Carita is as follows khaDelIvAlaM vaima visAla nAgaracAlaM desasiya / rAmApuravAsaM devanivAsa dharmaprakAsa prakaTakiya magahI kalyANa saba guNajANa, gotra pATaNI mujasaliyaM / pUjo jinarAyaM zruta gurUpAya nameM makati nija dAnadiya / tasu suta duva eva gurUmukhadeva lahurI prANaMdasiMgha surau / [ 243 sukhadeva sunaMdana jina pada vaMdana, thAna mAna kisanesa sugau / The names of his other works are Bavani (1706 A.D), Ratri Bhojan Katha (1716 A.D), Ekavalivratkatha, Guru Bhakti Gita, Cetan Lori, Caubisa Dandaka, Jina Bhakti Gita, Namokara Rasa, Nirvana Kanda Bhasa, Labdhi Vidhana Katha etc. Hindi Padas written by him are also available in the various Gutakas preserved in the Grantha Bhandars. Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 15. SEWA RAMA PATNI. Sewa Rama Patni was born in Dausa but afterwards settled down in Digacity of fountains-in the Bharatpur State. His father's name was Maya Rama. He was a Khandelwal and Patni was his Gotra In V S. 1850 (1793 A.D.) he completed Hindi translation of Mallinatha Carita Originally it was written in Samskrit by Sakal Kirti. A manuscript written in the same year in which it was composed has been found in the Sastra Bhandar of Diga Sewa Rama Patni was also a good copyist and several manuscripts written by him are preserved in Granth Bhandars of Kima, Bharatpur and Diga. The work is still unpublished. Jain Grantha Bhandais in Rajasthan 16. JAI CANDA CHABRA Jai Canda Chabra was a famous Rajsthani scholar. He was born in Samwat 1795 (1738 A D.) at Phagi, a town 24 miles south of Jaipur He began writing in 1804 A. D. and his last work seems to have been completed in 1817 A D. He wrote more than 15 works in Dhundhari language which is a part of Rajasthani All the works written by him are not original but translations from Samskrit and Prakrit works HIS works are very popular and their circulation is also wide In the Bhandars of Jaipur all the works written by him are found Some of the original copies written by his own hand are at present placed in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Mandir, Jaipur. Names of the works written by him are as follows (1) Tattwartha Sutra Bhasa (2) Dravya Sangraha Bhasa (3) Sawartha Siddhi Bhasa (1859) (1863) (1861) (4) Asta Pahuda Bhasa (1867) (5) Samayasara Bhasa (1864) (6) Swami Kartikeyanu Picksa (1863) (7) Aptamimansa Bhasa (1867) 1. mAyAcanda ko nandana jAni, gauna pATagI sukha ko khAni / mevArAma nAma hI sahI, bhASA kavi ko jAno ho / zratyabuddhi merI prati gharI, kavijana mo vinati iha bhalI / bhUla cUka jo lehu sudhAri ihi araja merI avidhAri // savan bhraSTAdaza zata jAMni, aura pacAsa adhika ho mAni / somavAra ke mAMhi // bhAdo mAsa prathama pakSi mAhi, pAMceM tatra vaha grantha sapUrNa kIyo, kavi jana mana vAMchita phala liyo / Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Meterial for Research Dewagama Stotra Bhasa (1866) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) Pariksa Mukha Bhasa (1863) ( 10 ) Gyanarnava Bhasa (1867) (11) Dhanya Kumara Canita Bhasa etc. Most of his works have been published. RISABHA DASA NIGOTIA : He was born in Jaipur in 1783 A. D. His father Sobha Canda Nigotia was a business man He studied several Jaina works of Prakrit and Samskrit and became a famous scholar He wrote a Hindi commentary on Mulacara, a Prakrit work in 1831 AD. He was a teacher of various Jaina Scholars His Hindi translation of Mulacar has not been published so far 18. HIRA : He was a Hindi scholar of 18th Century. He lived in Bundi Only one work written by him has been found so far. It is Nemi Vyahalo which was completed in the year 1791 A.D. in Bundi. the poet has given a short description of Bundi at the end of the work The description is as follows - 17 and 19 mAla aThArAma "paramANa, tA para aDatAlIma bakhAgaNa | pauma kRSNa pAce tithi prANi, bAra bRhaspati mana me prANa ||50| bRdI ko che mahA suthAna, tI me nema jinAlaya jAna / tI madhye paDita vara bhAya, rahe kavIzvara upamA gAya // 51 // nA ko nAu jinA ko dAma, mahA vicakSaraNa rahata udAma / ma ihIro hai tAko nAma, to karyA nema gugA gAna // 82 // 245 NEMI CANDRA Nemi Candra lived in Amber which was the old capital of Jaipur State He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Jagat Kirti and had a good company of scholars amongst which Dungarsi and Rupa Cand were famous. He was a Jaina Khandelwal. His younger brother was Jhagaroo. He composed Neminatha Raso in Samwat 1769 1. maTTAraka saba upareM jagakIratI jagajoti apArato / kIrati cahU~ disi vistarI, pA~ca zrAcAra pAle sumasArato ||20|| tAko siSa nemacanda, laghu mrAtA tasu bhagaDu jANino / seThI gota padamAvatyA khaDelavAla tamu vai satra khAMgitI ||21|| Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 Jaina Granths Bhandars in Rajasthan. 1. e. 1712 A D.' The Rasa is also fam Jus by the name of Harivansa Purana. The poet has given a good description of Amer at the end of the work. One work of the poet is Priyankara Caupai which is in the Jaina temple of Badht Canda of Jaipur. 20. KHUSAL CANDA KALA: Khusala Canda Kala originally belonged to Sanganer but after completion of his education he migrated to Delhi and settled there in Jaisinghpura. He was a son of Sundar Dasa. Laxmidasa2 was his teacher. He remembered the name of Bhattaraka Davendra Kirti with great respect in his works. Khusal Canda Kala was a good scholar of Hindi and he wrote nine works which are available in the vanous Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan. The names of his works are as follows. (1) Yasodhara Carita (2) Uttar Purana (3) Padma Purana (4) Harivansa Purant (5) Katha Kosa (6) Dhanya Kumar Canta (7) Jambu Swami Carita (8) Subhasitavali (9) Pada Sangraha (1724 A D.) (1742 A.D) (1726 A.D) (1723 A.D) (1726 A D) and All works are unpublished. 21. AJAYRAJA PATNI. Ajayaraja Patni was born at Amer. He was a Hindi and Samskrit scholar of the 18th Century. He wrote more than 20works in Hindi out of which Adipur.ina 1. satagarma guNahattare, mudi prAmoja dame ravi jANato / __rAma racyo zrInemi ko, buddhi sAjha me kI yo bavAraNatI / / 2. aise likhamIdAsa Dhiga me kucha paDhyo mugyAna, paDhana kIyo mau budhya lo, ye to gyAna nidhAna / tinaho ke upadeza teM, bhASA sAra banAya, zrutasAgara brahmacAra ko, subha anusAra sunAya // 3. paura suraNI mAge mana lAya, maiM sundara ko nada sumAya / siya siyA pramidhA mama mAya, tAhi ka khi maiM upajU mAya / pada khuzAla kahai saba loka, mASA kInI sugata prasoka / Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 247 Bhasa (1740 A.D.), Neminatha Carita (1735 A.D.) Carkha Caupai, Katha Battisi, Yasodhara Caupai (1735 A.D.) are important. He gave a good description of Amer in his works. His main centre of literary activity was Neminatha temple of Amer. The description of himself and Amer in the Neminatha Carita is as follows: All his works are still unpublished. MAHA PANDIT TODAR MALA Pandit Todar Mala was one of the most famous Jaina Hindi Scholars of the 18th Century. He was a genius and before be was 26, he translated several voluminous works in Rajasthani prose from Prakrit. He was born in Jaipur. His father was Devidas Khandelwal and mother Rambhadevi. His son Gumani Rama was also a good scholar. He had a good spiritual knowledge and had command on grammar, philosophy and Jaina religion. He used to be surrounded by scholars and his great respect amongst the Jainas is due to his translation of great Prakrit works which were not understandable to common people at that time. He translated the following works in Rajasthani prose:-- 22 prajayarAja iha kIyo bakhAga, rAja savAI jayasiha jANa / pra bAvatI saharai zubha thAna, jina mandira jima deva vimAna / nIra nivAraNa sauheM bana rAI, beli gulAba camelI jAI / po marabo praru sevati, yo ho jAti nAnAvidhi kitI / bahu mevA bahu vidhi sAra, bararagata mohe lAge bAra / gaDha mandira kachu kahayo na jAi, sukhiyA loga base adhikAi / tAmai jina mandira ika sAra, tahA virAja zrI nemikumAra / syAma mati sobhA prati ghaNI, tAkI vopamA jAi nagaraNI / and (i) Gomattasara Jiva Kanda (11) Gomattasara Karma Kanda (i) Labdhisara (iv) Ksapanasara (v) Atmanusasana (vi) Trilokasara (vii) Purusarthasidhyupaya (This was completed by Daulat Rama Kasliwal later on). He also wrote Moksamarga Prakasaka which is a good book on Jaina religion. His time of writing the works is from the year 1754 to 1765 A.D. All his works have been published. One example of his Rajasthani prose is follows: Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Granths Bhandars in RAjasthan. 248 ] bhalA honahAra hai tAtai jisa jova ke aise vicAra prAve mai kauna hU~, merA kahA sarUpa hai| para kahA te pAkara yahA janma dhAra yA hai aura mara kara kahA jaauugaa| yaha caritra kaise bani rahA hai| e mere bhAva ho haiM, tinakA kA phala laagegaa| jIva dukhI hoya rahyA hai so du:kha dUra hone kA kahA upAya hai| 23. SRUTA SAGAR He was born in Sanga ner, a town 8 miles from Jaipur. He came here from Barratha, an old twon of Rajasthan. In Sanganer also the poet did not live for a long time and he again went to Bharatpur where he completed ruim la Vainan in Samwat 1821 1. e. 1764 A.D The work is still unpublished 24 BHAI RAIMALL. He was Jaipurian scholar of the 18th Century and wrote two works. One is Gvanananda Sravakacara and the other is Carcasara. He also wrote a fine description of Indradhvaja Poja which was performed in Jaipur City in vs 1821 (1764 AD.). From the detailed description made in this work his scholarship may be scen. Scholars of Jaipur City like Pt Daulat Rama, Todar Mala and Jai Canda etc. praised him for his knowledge and wisdon in their works. 25. DAULATA RAMA KASLIWAL: Daulata Rama Kasliwal was a prominent Hindi Scholar of the 18th Century He was born in Baswa. an old town of the Jaipur State. His father was Ananda Rama. He came to Jaipur in search of service and was appointed Vakil of Jaipur State ut Udaipur? He stayed there for a long time. He was greatlyi nterested in literary 1. rAyamalla sAdharmI eka, jAke ghaTa meM svapara viveka / dayAvAna guragavanta mujAna, para upagAri paramanidhAna / / --Padam Purina by Daulat Rana. 2. vasuvA kA vAsI yaha anucara jaya ko jAni / matrI jayasuta ko sahI jAti mahAjana jAni / jaya ko rAkhe rAga ye, rahe udayapura mAhi / / jagatasiMha kRpA kare gaye apane pAhi / / -Adhyatma Barahkhari, Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 249 work. As a matter of fact he created a very good atmosphere of reading old Puranas and other works amongst Jainas. There are about 15 works written by this scholar and amongst them are Punyasrava Katha Kosa (1720 A.D.), Adipurana Bhasa (1716 A.D.), Padam Purana Bhasa (1766 A.D.), Harivansa Purana Bhasa (1778 A.D.) and Adhyatma Barah Khari (1741 A.D.) are very well known. Except the last work all are in Hindi prose. His Adhyatma Barabkhari is a voluminous work hasing .more than 3000 verses. Only one copy of this big manuscript has been found so far in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Temple, laipur. His works like Adipurana and Punyasrava Katha Kosa have been published. One example of his Hindi prose is given below: taba rAvaNa ne uchalakara indra ke hAthI ke mastaka para paga dhara mati zIghratA kara gaja sArathI ko pAda prahAra ta nIce DArA / para indra ko vastra se bAdhA para bahuta dilAsA dekara pakaDa apane gaja para le pAyA / para rAvaNa ke putra indrajIta ne indra kA putra jayanta pakaDA / apane subhaTo ko saupA aura pApa dra ke subhaTo para daur3A / taba rAvaNa ne mane kiyA / he putra ! aba raNa se nivRtta hovo kyoki samasta vijayA ke je nivAsI vidhAdhara tinakA mira pakaDa liyA hai / aba samasta apane apane ghara jAvo / sugva se jiivo| zAli se cAvala liyA taba parAla kA kahA kAma ! jaba rAvaNa ne aisA kahA taba indra-jIta pitA kI prAjJA se pIche baahddaa| para sarva devo kI senA zarada ke megha ke samAna bhAga gaI jaise pavana kara zarada ke medha vilaya jAya / rAvaNa kI senA me jIta ke vAditra bAja, Dhola nagAre zaMkha jhAMjha ityAdi aneka vAdiyo kA zabda bhyaa| indra ko pakaDA dekha kara rAvaNa kI senA prati harSita bhii| Padma Purana p. 133 26. DILA RAMA. Dila Ram's forefathers came from Khandela a part of Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. First of all they settled at Todaraisingh but on the request of Bundi Darbar they shifted to Bundi. He was a Khandelwala and Patni was his Gotra. His father's name was Bahubli. Dila Ram wrote two works in Hindi, one is called Dularama Vilas and the other is Atma Dwadasi. The first work was completed in 1768 V.S. It is a good co:lection of small works of the poet. He has written some description of Bundi at the end of the work, which is as follows: vana upavana caha nadana se madhi gira mera nadI gaMga sama somahi bddhaavtii| pratala vilAsa me vasata sabai dhanapati dhana moMna moMna rabhAtiya gaavtii| mahala vimAna sabhA mura madhi rAja rAva,buddha Ida jima jAke kiti lachi mAvatI / a pani suniyata nani ko milASa pUjata lakhai te aisI bUMdI prmraavtii| Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan 2501 vami vipula prAdara sahita, lyAe ratana naresa / sau kavikula vaMzAvali, varaNata karata sudesa / prathama khaDele te pragaTa, jAti dharma jinraaj| puna paTTana ne pATanI, jAko vipula samAja / so varNana saupa sauM, dasa pIDhI madhya cAri / ToDeM prathama vicAra puni, paTa bUdI madhya caari|| satarAse aThasaThi samai, dasamI vija kumAra / lagana maharata bAra mubha, bhayo grantha tatsAra / / 27. BHATTARAKA VIJAY KIRTI . He belonged to the Bhattarak Gidi of Ajmer. He was a learned scholar and took great interest in copying the manuscripts. There are several manuscripts written by him which are placed in the Jaina Grantha Bhandar of Ajmer. He wrote one work called Karnamrata Purana in St. 1826 (1769 A.D). This is a good work of Hindi literature. Upto the time of Vijay Kirti, the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Ajmer continued to be a literary centre. His other work is Srenik Carita which has been recently discovered in the Ajmer Grantha Bhandar. This was composed in the year 1770 A.D. His other works are Bhart Bahubali Samwad and Sarswati Kalpa etc. 28. HARI KRISNA PANDE : Hari Krisna Pande was a Hindi story writer of the 18th Century. He was the pupil of Vinay Sagar and wrote 7 stories in simple Hindi verse. Some of his stories are Ratnatraya Katha (1709 A.D.), Ananta Vrat Katha, Dasa Laksana Vrata Katha (1705A D.) JyesthaJinavar Katha (1701 A. D.), Purandara Vidhan Kathar (1711A.D.) 1. mavata satarahI aDasaThi samai, phAguna mAsa sumAra / damamI dina paMDita kahI, nAma vRhaspativAra // 25 // sUradesa hari kata subha, pArsanAtha subha yAna / tina samIpa paranI kathA, harikRSNa nAma sujAna // 26 // Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Roncarch [ 251 and Nisalyastami Katha. All these stories are available in the collection of Sastra Bhandar of Fatehpur (Sekhawati). The works have not been published so far. He was a Jaina saint and lived in Parswanatha temple where he wrote all his works. 29. DEEP CANDA KASLIWAL : He was a Rajasthani scholar, born at Sanganer but settled permanently 10 Amer He had great interest in spiritualism and wrote his works mainly on this subject. His works Anubhava Prakasa, Cida Vilasa, Atmavalokana and Parmatma Purana are in Hindi prose and Gyana Darpana, Swarupananda and Updesa Ratnamala are in Hindi verse. He completed Cida Vilasa in St. 1779 i... 1722 A.D. Two examples of his Hindi prose are as follows: ima grantha meM prathama paramAtmA kA varNana kiyaa| pIche upAya paramAtmA pAyave kA dikhAyA / ja paramAtmA ko anabhI kiyo cAhai to yA grantha ko bAra bAra vicArI / yaha grantha dIpacanda sAdharmI kiyo hai vAma sAMgAnera / aAmera me pAye taba yaha grantha kiyo / savat 1776 miti phAgugaNa budI paMcamI ko yaha grantha pUrNa kiyo| -Cida Vilasa jaise bAnara eka kAkarA ke paDe rauve tase yAke deha kA eka maMga bhI chIje to bahutairA rove / ye mere aura maiM inakA jhUTha hI aise jaDana ke sevana te sukha mAne / apanI zivanagarI kA rAjya mUlyA, jo zrI gurU ke kaI zivapurI ko sabhAle to vahA kA pApa cetana rAjA avinAzI rAjya kreN| -Anubhava Prakasa 30-SADASUKHA KASKIWALA:--- ___He was a Jaipurian scholar born at Jaipur in 1795 A. D His father Dall Canda' was a famous businessman of his time. He studied with Sri Mannalal Singika who was himself a good scholar and obtained good knowledge of Hindi. Sanskrit and Prakrit languages. He translated into Hindi prose ten works of Pra 1 DeDarAja ke baza mAhi, ika kiMcita jJAnA / dUlIcanda kA putra, kAsalIvAla vikhyAtA // 4 // nAma sadAsukha kaheM, pAtmasukha kA bahu icchuka / mo jinavAni prasAda, viSayata bhae niricchuka / / 5 / / Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2521 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan krit and Samskrit literature of wich Samuyasala and commentary on Tattwartha Sutra called Arthapraktsika' (1857 A D.) are well known. He died in the year 1866 at the age of 71. Parasdi sa Nigotia was his chief pupil and wrote a very good account of himself in his work Gyana suryodaya Natak. 31. PANNA LAL CAUDHARI He was Hindi Scholar of the 19th Century. He had translated works of Samskrit and Prakrit into Hindi prose and poetry. He was a good copyist also. More than 30 works were translated by him. Several manuscripts copied by him are available in the Grantha Bhandars of Jaipur and other places. Subhasitavali was the first work written by him in the year 1835 A.D. His later work are Yogasara Bhasa, Pandava Purana Bhasa, Jambu Swami Carita Bhasa, Uttar Purana Bhasa and Bhavisya Datta Carita Bhasa etc. 32. PARASDASA NIGOTIA He was a son of Risabha Dasa Nigotia, who was himself a scholar, so he inherited the literary taste from his father. He also remained in company of Sadasukha Kasllwal a great Hindi scholar of 19th Century. He translated Gyanasuryodaya Natak in Hindi prose in 1853 A D. His small works have been collected in Parsva Vilas, His third work is Sara Caubist which was completed in the year 1861 A.D. He breathed his last in Ajmer in the year 1879 A. D. 33 BUDHAJAN. He was born in Jaipur City, His full name was Virdhi Canda He was a very good poet of the 18th and 19th Century and composed his works between Samvat 1859 to 1889 (1802 to 1832 A. D.) He composed Budhjana satsai in sawat 1879 (1822 A. D.). His works are regarded of high quality. His other works are Tatwartha Bodha, Pancasti Kaya and Badhjana Vilasa. 34 KESARI SINGHA He was a scholar of Jaipur City belonging to the 19th Century. He was a lover of literature and spent the whole of his life either in study or in writing works, 1. saMvat ugaNIsai paSika, baudaha prAditavAra / sudi dazamI vaizAkha kI, pUraNa kiyo vicAra // 3 // Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research ( 253 On the request of Gyan Canda Chabra, grand son of Balcanda be translated into Hindi prose Vardhaman Purana, a Samskrit work of Bhajtarak Sakalkirti. The centre of his literary activity was the Jaina temple Laskara, Jaipur. He was also a good coypist and several manuscripts written by him are found in the Sastra Bhandars of Lapur. The description of Jaipur City given by him in his works is as follows nagara mavAI jayapura jAni, tAki mahimA adhika pravAni / jagatasiha jahAM rAja kareha, gauta kuchAhA sundara deha / / 6 / / desa dema ke Ave jahA, bhAti bhAti kI bastI tahA / jahAM marAvaga bamai aneka, keIka ke ghara mAho viveka / / 7 / / -The work is still unpublished 35 DULI CANDA. Duli Canda was a great literary man He collected in his life about 800 manuscripts travelling throughout India. He devoted most of his time in copying the manuscripts and safely preserving them He was not a Rajasthani Scholar by birth but he lived in Jaipur for about 25 years and established a Sastra Bhandar in the Jain Terapanthi temple, Jaipur. He travelled throughout India thrice and wrote a travel book called Jaina Yatra Darpana! He saw several Grantha Bhandars and prepared a authorwise Catalogue, ? It was perhaps frst attempt amongest the Jains for preparing such a catalogue of the manuscripts placed in varlous Grantha Bhandars in India. He wrote more than 15 works in Hindi and died in Agra in the Tear 1877 A. D. The names of his important works are as follows. (1) Updesa Ratnamali, (2) Gyana Prakasa Vilana, (3) Aradhanasar, (4) Mratyu Mahotsava, (5) Jaina garaprakriya, and(6)Sadbhisitavali eto All these works are presei ved in his own bhandar and waiting for publication, 36 NATHULAL DOST : He was a Jaipurian and grandson of Dulicanda and son of Siya Canda. Sadasukh Kasliwala was his teacher and dewan Amar Canda was his great admirer. - - -- - ------ (1) Preserved in Baba Dulicanda Grantha Bhandar, Jaipur (2) Preserved in Sanmatt Pustakalaya, Jaipur. Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan He completed Sukumala Carita in 1918 V. S. (1861 A. D.) on the request of Hara Candra Gangwal. At the end of the work he gives a description of the Jaipur City and of himself which runs as under: DhU bAhara deza madhya jaipura nagara sauhai, ___ cyAra varNa rAha cale apane sudharma kii| rAmasiMha bhUpata ke rAja mAMhi kamI nahI, kamI kachu dRSTi para jAno nija karma kI // bazyakula jainI ko pUrava kRtya puNya thakI, pAyo yaha khailo aba mudI dRSTi dharma kI / jaina baina kAna sunI prAtma svarUpa munI, cAra anuyoga mano, yahI sIkha marma kI / / DISCOVERIES OF THE VARIOUS WORKS Most of the Grantha Bhandars were not previoualy seen by any scholar so the various works in Samskrit, Prakrit, Apabharmsa, Hindi and Rajasthani conld not come to light and the scholars were not aware of their existance. As a result of survey of these Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan hundreds of works written in various Indian language have come to light. A list of such works written in Apabhbrbnsa and Hindi is gives in Appendixes III & IV. From the notes on some of these works, scholars may form an idea about the wealth of literature which is preserved in these Bhandars. In these pages a very short description of some works have been given. The number of such works are as follows: and (a) Prakrit works...... (b) Apabhramsa works (c) Samskrit works (b) Hindi and Rajasthni works 13th Century...... 14th Century ..... 15th Century...... 16th Century... .. 17th Century...... 18th Century..... Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Meterial for Research PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA WORKS 1. PASA CARIU : Pasa Cariu was written by Kavi Devacandra who appears to be a poet of 11th or 12th Century. It deals with the life of Parsva Natha, the 23rd Tirthankara. The poet calls it Mahakavya. There are eleven sandhis in the work which have 202 Kadvakas. In the first portion of the work, the life of Parsvanatha and in the later portion of the work, his previous lives have been described. BEGINNING : The writer of this work was the pupil of Vasavacandra who was in the Bhatta laka line of Sri Kirti, Deva Kirti, Madhavacandra, Abhayanandi, Vasavacandra and Devacandra. The manuscript of the work is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Nagaur. 2 GURU PARIVADI OR PATTAVALI : This is a Pattaval of Khartaragaccha, a Swetambara Sect. Apabhramsa by Palha Kavi It has 10 Kadis, a kind of metre. available in the collection of Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer end of the manuscript is as follows -- jiraNa diTThai zrAraNadu caDaI, zrai rahasu caugguNu / jir faos as haDai pAu tara nimmalu hui pugu / jiraNa diTThai suhu hoi kaTTu puvvukkiu nAsai / jie diTThai hui riddhi dUri dAridu gAsai / jirA diTThai hui sui dhammamai zrakhahahu kAi uikakhahu / It was written in The manuscript is The beginning and pahu navakariNa maDiu pAsajiraNu ajayameri ki na pivakhahu || END vakkhANiyai ta paramatatta jiraNa paNAsai / L 255 ArAhiyai ta vIranAhu kai palhU payAsai || dhammu ta dayasaMjuta jeraNa vara gai pAvijjai / cAu na praNavaDiyau ju vahiNu salahijjai || jai ThAu ta uttimu muriNavaraha vi pavara vasahi ho caura nara tima suguru siromaNi sUrivara kharatara siri jiragadatta vara ||10|| OM zubha iti zrI paTTAvalI / savat 1971 varSe pattanamahAnagare zrI jayasihadeva vijayarAjye zrI kharataragacche yogIndrayugapradhAna vasativAsinAM zrIjinadattasUrINA ziSyeNa brahmacandragaNinA likhitA / bhavatu / zrImatpArzvanAthAyanamaH / Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256) Jaina Grantta Bhandkrs in Rajasthao. 3. SANTINAHA CARIU - Santinaha Cariu is the work of Subha Kirti. He refers to himself as Ubhaya BHASA CAKRAVARTI, emperor or scholar of two languages and as such it is presumed that he was the scholar of Samskrit and Apabhramsa languages. He planned his work as Mahakavya Cantinaha Cariu deals with the life of Santinatha, a Jaina Tirthapkara. The work contains 19 Sandhis. The exact date of its composition is not given in the work but it appears that it was written in the 13th or 14th Century. One manuscript is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Nagaur. This manuscript was copied in 1494 A. D. and was got written by Brahma Vira and Brahma Lala pupil of Bhattaraka Jinacandra. 4. PRAKRIT CHANDA KOSA : This is a beautiful Chanda Kosa which has been found in a Gutaka of the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Pandya Lunakaranji. The total number of the Gathas is 78. The metres given in the book are as follows : 1. Somakanta 4. Trotaka 7. Kaminimohana 10. Rodaka 13. Vihan 16. Phuta Vansara 19. Sotana 22. Uggaha Doha 25. Kundaliya 28. Radhaka 31. Padhadi 34. Candrayani 37. Bhinna Adilla 40 Maha Mehani 43. Cudamani 46. Gatha 49. Varsyi 52. Vipula 55. Jaghanya Capala 58. Upagiti 2. Dodhaka 5. Yatibahula 8. Maipakula 11. Naraca 14. Gita 17. Dohadodhaka 20. Culika 23. Rasakula 26. . Candrayana 29. Vastu 32. Caupai 35. Laghucaupai 38. Ghatta 41. Naraca (Prakarantara) 44. Malati 47. Vipri 50. Sadri 53. Capala 56. Vigaha 59. Gubini 3. Motiyadama 6 Bhujangaprapata 9. Chappaya 12 Dumila 15. Vijay 18. Hamsadodhaka 21. Upaculika 24. Skandhaka Dandaka 27 Berala 30. Duvai 33. Kundalini 36. Adilla 39. Mehani 42. Ekavali 45. Padmavati 48. Chatrini 51. Pathya 54. Mukha Capala 57. GICI Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 5. PAUMA CARIU TIPPANA: Paum Cariu written by Svayambhu, is the earliest work of Apabhramsa literature so far discovered. It was composed in the 8th Century A.D. It is a Jaina Ramayana which describes the life of Rama according to Jaina mythology. From a literary point of view, Pauma Cariya is considered one of the best and richest work not only in Apabhramsa but also in any Indian language. A small Samskrit commentary of this work has been discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi, Jaipur. Though the date of the commentary is not given the manuscript is an old one. It appears that it was composed in about 13th Century. It renders the difficult words of Apabhramsa into Samskrit. The commentary begins as under : svayabhuva mahAvIra praNipatya jagadgurU / rAmAyaNasya vakSyAmi TippaNa matizaktita // 257 guru parameTThi bRSabhanAtha athavA guravazca te pacaparameSThina. te prarhatasiddhAcAryopAdhyAya sAdhavastatra tihuyaNa laggaNakhama iti pATha / puraNu puna saMskRta prAkRta vyAkaraNa cho dvisadhAna bhAratasUtrakAnaMtara zrArisu viratana mahAmunipraNItarAmAyaNazAstra / paraguru parameSThi natveti pUrvanamaskArAdupari catuvizati paramajitAnnamaskRtya kAve kAvyena ||1|| 6 ANANDA : Ananda is a small work which consists 42 stanzas. The main subject of the work is ethics. The stanzas express lofty sense in a few words. They touch the various spheres of life of a man and teach him to remain honest and pious. The date of the work is not given but it seems that it was composed in about 13th. Century. The manuscript of the work is preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur. Some of the stanzas are as follows: ppu girajatu parama siu appA paramANadu / mUDha kudevaraNa pUjayai prAMgadA re ! guru viSNu bhUlau pradhu || 2 || x X X mitafra bhariu pAumalu mUDhA karahi saragRhANu / je mala lAga citamahi zrANadA re ! kima jAya saNhArie || 4 || X X X kei kesa lucAvahi, kei sira jaTa bhAru / prAppa vidura jAhiM bhAradA / kima pAvahi bhavamAru ||6|| Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthan. pAkhi mAsi bhoyaNu karahiM pariNaugAsuni rAsu / mappA jjhAiNa jANahiM pANaMdA ! tiha Nai jamapuri vAsu / / 11 / / harihara vaMmuvi sivaNahI maraNu buddhi lakkhiuNa jAI / madhya sarIra he so vasai maNaMdA ! lIjahi guruhiM pasAI // 18 // so prappA muNi jIva tuhu~ apahakari parihArU / sahaja samAdhihi jANiyaI prANadA ! je jiraNa sAsariya sAru // 22 // appA saMjamu sola guNa appA saNa pANu / vau tau saMjama deu guru mAraNaMdA ! te pAvahi riNavAraNa / / 23 / / sikkha suNai sadgurU bhAI paramANaMda sahAu / parama joti tasu ulhasaI mANadA ! kIjai riNammalubhAu / / 2 / / paDhai paDhAvai aNacarai, so Naru sivapura jAI / kammahaNa bhavariNa dalarigaNa mANadA ! bhaviyaraNa hiyai smaaii||38| samahama bhAve raMgimA appA dekhai soii| appau jANai parahaNaI prANadA ! karaI NirAlaba hoI // 40 // 7. AN OLD LETTER IN PRAKRIT . This is a letter written in Prakrit language. It shows how in the old times, 1:tters used to be written The letter seems to be of that period when Bhojpatra and paper were used for writing as it was mentioned that whether there was no Bhoja leaf so that no letter was sent. This is an important letter which has been found in a Gutaka of Sastra Bhandar of Pandya Lunakaranji Jaipur. As there are only nine Gathas, all of them are quoted below : dusala pramhANa vara maNavarayaM tumha guNaliyaMtassa / paTThAviya niyakusalaM jima amhaM hoi saMtoso // 1 // Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research / 259 so divaso sA rAI so ya paeso guNANa prAvAso / suha guru tuha muhakamalaM dosai jattheva suhajaNaNa // 2 // ki bhanmujjo deso kiM vA masi natthi tihuyaNe sayale / ki amhehiM na kaja ja leho na pesino tumhe / / 3 / / jara bhujjo hoi mahI uyahi masI lehiNI ya vaNarAI / __ lihai surAhi vaNA ho tumha guNA Na yANaMti // 4 // jaha hasI sarai sara paDDala kucamAi mahuyaro sarai / cadaNa varaNa ca nAgo tad amha maNa tuma marai // 5 // jaha bhaddavae mAse bhamarA samarati aba kusumAi / taha bhayava maha hiyaya sumarai tumhANa muhakamala / / 6 / / jaha vaccha sarai surahi vasatamAsa ca koilA sarai / vijjho sarai gaidaM taha amha maNaM tumaM sarai // 7 // jaha so nIla kalAmo pAvasa kAlammi pajara chUDho / ___ samarai vaNe ramiu taha amhaM maNaM tumaM sarai / / 8 / / jaha sarai sIya rAmo ruppiriNa karaNaho galo ya dmytii|| gorI sarai rUdda taha amha maNaM tuma sarai / / 6 / / 8. SRIPALA CARIU : Sripala Cariu was composed by Brahma Danredara. It describes the life of Sripala who was a great emperor according to the Jaina mythology, in the beginning of the work, the poet mentions the names of the Acaryas who had flourished before him and declares himself as the pupil of Bhattaraka Jina Candra. The work was composed on the request of Sahu Nakhalu, son of Devaraj. It contains only four Sandhis. The manuscript belongs to the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple of Badhi Canda, Jaipur. In the beginning and end of the work, the poet has given a description of his patron. The last puspika of the work is as under :-- iya siripAla mahArAya carie jaya payaDa siddhacakka paramAnisayabisesa guNariNayaramarie bahurora ghora duTThayaravAhipasaraNiNaNAsaNo dhammaDaM purisatthAyaNa payAsaNo maTTAraya miri jiNacada sAmi sIsa bahma dAmoyara viraie siradevarAja padaNa 'sAhu raNasvatu NAmakie siripAlarAya mukkhagamaNa vahi vaNaNaNo NAma cautyo sadhI paricheu smtto| Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2601 Jaina Graotha Bhandars in Rajasthan 9. PASA NAHA CARIU (Parsvanatha Carita) This work was written by Asawala son of Laksmana. It was completed in Samvat 1479 (1422 A.D.) at Karahala village. The poet took one year in completing the work. The work contains 13 Sandhis in which life story of Parsvanatha has been described. A manuscript of this work is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi, Jaipur. The beginning and end of the work is as follows: BEGINNING: sivasuha sara sAraMgaho suyamAragaho sAraga kaho guNamariyo / maNami muaNa sAraMgaho khamasAragaho paNavivi pAsa jiraNaho crimo|| bhAviya siri mUlasaMghacaraNu, siri balayArayagaNa vittharaNu / para hariya-kumaya pomAyariu, pAyariya sAmi guNagaNa bhariu / / dharamacadu va pahacaMdAyarimo, pAyariya rayaNa jasa pahu dhrimo| dhari paMcamahavvaya kAmaraNu, raNukaya paMcidiya saMharaNu / / vara ghamma payAsau sAvayahaM, vayadhAri muNIsara bhAvayaha / bhaviyaNa maNa pomAraNadayaru muNipomaraNadi taho paTTa varu / hari samaja Na maviyA tuccha maraNu, maNaharai paiTTha jiNavara bhavaraNu / varabhavaraNa maNi jasa pAyaDiu, pAyaDu Na pragaga mohagaDiu / raNaDiyA vaya rayaNattaya dharaNu dhara rayagattaya guNavittharagu / : ghattA : taho paTTavarasasi raNAmeM muhamami muriNa paya-pakrayacanda ho| kulu khitti payAsa mi pahu mAhAsami, saghAhiva ho vaho aNiva ho / END : ekavIraho riNavU i kuccharAI, sattari sahu causaya vtthroii| pacchai siri Niva vikkama gayAI, euNasIdI sahu~caudahasayAI / bhAdava tama eyArasa muraNehu, vari sikke pUriu gathu ehu / pacAhiva vIsasayAi sutta, sahasaI cayAri maMDariNahi jutu / bahalavakharaNa mUgA suu bariThTha, pANaMda mahesara bhAi jeThTha / jasu pacagutta sohati yAi, huma karama rayaNa maha myrnnraaii| so karama uleviraNu sajjaNAha, mAhAsai guriNayaNa guNa maraNAha / jo duvihalakArai muNei, jo jiNasAsariNa dasaNu jaNe / Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research | 261 jo sammattAyaru guNa agavvu, jo prAyama satthai muNaiM mavvu / jo jIva davva taccattha mAsi, jo sadAsaddahaM kuNai rAsi / gugNayAsa bhAu savagu mei, jo vaggu vAga mUla ji muNei / jo sakha asaMkha araNata jANi, jo bhavvAbhagvaha kaya pamANi / jo ghaNa ghaNa mUlahaM muNai bheu, so sohivi payaDau gatha eu / mahaNa muNaitI majjhattha hou, pramuNaMtaha dosu ma majjha deu / ghattA jiNa samaya pahuttaNu guNagaraNa kittaNu pravasavi mahi vitthArai / hau tasu payavadami appau gidami jo sammatuddhArai / / 6 / / so gadau jiyu siri pAsaNAhu, upasaggaviNAsaNu paramasAhu / raNadau paramAgamu raNadi saghu, gadau pahuvIsaru paridulaMghu / raNadau pauramaNu ahisabhAu, buhayA sajjagu amariNatha kumAu / raNadau siri vAmha ho taNau baMsu, kIlau Niya kulijimaserahi haMsu / gAMdau jiNa dhammaNi vaddharAu, loNAyaru sugra harivahmatAu / raNadau daNu sahu~ mA parehi, ghArammatA upahasiya maraNehi / Nadau lahu mAyasa saha sueNa, paramatthu jeNa bujjhiu maNeNa / gadau avaruvi jiNa samaya lIraNu, khau jAu duTTha micchatu hINa / NaMdau jo payahai pAsa citu, Atama sArakiu gugaNa vicitu / jA suragiri ravi sami mahipa mohi, tA cauviha .saghahaM jaNahi bohi / asuvAla bharaNa i mai kayau rAu, jiNu kevala loyaNu majjha deu / ki cojja jAmu vadharija havai, bho ki sevaya raho taNa deda / pattA jAjiNa muha riNaggaya saggA subhama giratai loNa ho maarii| ja kiu hoNAhiu kAimi sAhiu tamahu khamau bhaDArI / iya pAsaNAha carie prAyamasAre suvagga bahu bharie / buha asavAla viraie saMghAhipa soriNagassa karaNaNAharaNa siripAsa gAha riNavANa gamaNo NAma terahamo paricchepro sammato // 13 // Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 ] Jasna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 10. SAMBHAVA JINA CARIU : This is an Apabhramsa work written by Tejapala. The work describes the life of Sambhavanatha, the third Tirthankara, The work was composed on the request of Sravaka Thila who was an Agrawal Jaina. The work is divided into five Adhikaras. In the beginning of the work, full account of his teacher Guna Kirti, his patron and himself is given. The manuscript was discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Diwani, Jaipur. It contains 62 folios. After 'manglacarana the pset gives the description of his teacher in the following lines: pugNu paNavemi muNi tavaneya cAru, vira cariya kamma dukkhAvahAru / muNi sahasakitti dhammANuvaTTi, guNa kItti guNAyaru tAha paTTi / / taho sIsu seya lachI riNavAsu, jasakitti jiNAyama paha-payAm / taho paTTi mahAmuNi malayakitti, uddhariya jeraNa cAritta vini / / taho sIsU Namasami yasireNa, paramapappau sAiu pavara jeNa / do paDhama jhAraNa dUrIkaeNa, to jhAraNahi NiyamaNu diraNa Nu jeraNa / / guragamadda, mahAmai mahamukhImu, jiNa savvaho maDaNu pacamIm / jo kevi bhavva kaMdoTTa cada, paraNaveppira taha avara vi munida / / 11. PINGAL CATORSITI ROPAKA .-- This is also a work on Prakrit metres and has been discovered in a gutuha of Pandya Lunkaranji. The name of the author is not given in the work but it appears that it was composed when Prikrit and Apabhramsa were popular. It describes or defines 84 metres, the names of which are as follows : (1) Sada 12) Dandika (3). Gahini (4) Gaha (5) Viggaha (6) Sinhani (7) Uggaha (8) Khandhana (9) Vatthuva (10) Doha (11) Gandhana (12) Dacchitha (13. Roda (14) Lila (15) Rangikka (16) Vrijumala (17) Caupaiya (18) Pahumavati (19) Rivamala (20) Ghatta (21) Gitika (22) Dilla (23) Paddhadi (24) Adialla (25) Madilla (26) Vathu (27) Vahratthu (28) Jhamilla (29) Gayanandu (30) Payangam Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 263 (31) Tinna (32) Naraya (33) Duvai (34) Pavani (35) Vallaggiya (36) Canvar (37) Samani (38) Dhariya (39) Khanja (40) Tunga (41) Sikkha (42. Totaka (43) Bhujangaprayata (44) Lila (45) Lagganiya (46) Jamakkana 147) Phari (48) Morakka (49) Candana (50) Culiya (51) Carana (52) Kamala (531 DIpakka (54) Mottidama (55) Saranga (56) Bandha (57) Vijjoha (58) Narahanch (59) Panca (60) Sammoha (61) Caurana (62) Hansa (63) Manghana (64) Khanda (65) Khanja (66) Harsankhana (67) Paikka (68) Panka (69) Vani (70) Salida (71) Rasa (72) Tani (73) Candamala (74) Cakka (75) Harakki (76) Dhua (77) Takka (78) Khanda (79) Khandlaya (80) Kambalaya (81) Dhavlanga (82) Vimba (83) Dambaliya. (84) - Apart from these metres, the poet gives also examples of sub-divisions of the metres He also mentions the name of the poet Ralha, the maker of Upculiu Chanda :-- dohA chaduvi paDhama padi daha daha kala sajutta supraTha savimatta dai / upacUliu buhiyaNa suNahu gurU gaNa muNa sajutta japedda ralha kavi / / the beginning and end of the poem is as follows jA vijjA caurANaNeNa sarisA jA caumue sabhuNA / jA vijjAhara-jasva-kinnara-garaNA jA sUra idAiyA / jA sidvANa surA garANa kaiNA jA dhUvaya niccaya / sA pramhANa suhANa vimalA vANI sirI maaryaa| jo viviha sattha sAyara parayaMto savimalajala heya / paDhaNamAsa taraMgo nAeso piMgalo jyu| Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264) Jajna Grantha Bhaddars in Rajasthan. End - tosadhuvamattaya erasajuttaya paDiyaloya cavaMti graa| vissAmayariTThiya erasadiTThiya pAyaNa siTTiya tiriNAgharA dAsappaDha-maMciya aTTatahaciya caudaha tiNiNavi kiyariNalaya jo erisa chaMdaya sesa phariNadaya so jAge mucca Daliya / / iti DabaliyAchada samAptaH / iti piMgalasya caturazItirUpakAH samAptAH / 12. NEMINAHA CARIU : The Neminaha Cariu was composed by Damodara. It was completed before Pandit Kamal Bhadra and on the request of Rama Candra. iha miNAhacarie mahAmuNi kambalamaddapaccakkhe mahAkai kariNa? dAmodara viraie paDiya rAmayaMda pAesie malhasu anaggaeu mAyANiNae jammuppatti nAmA paDhamo sadhi paricchepro smmtto| It describes the life of Lord Neminatha. An incomplete manuscript of this work is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Patodi Jain temple Jaipur. It contains three sandhis. The first Sandhi deals with the birth of Neminatha, the second deals with the war between Jarasandh and Lord Krisna and in the third Sandhi, the description of Neminatha's marriage is given. There may be four to five sandhis in the work. The first two folios are missing 13. YOGASARA : Yogasara was written by Bhatyaraka Sruta Kirti. His other three works are Dharma Pariksa, Harivansa Purana and Parmesti Prakasasara, Yogasara is the fourth work of the poet, which has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Jaina temple, Jaipur. It is divided in two sandhis The last page of the manuscript has been eaten by ants so the portion in which the date of completion is given, could not be known. From Yogasara the following information about the poet is available. That he was the pupil of Tribhuvan Kirti pupil of Devendra Kirti. That it was completed in Jerhat City in the temple of Neminatha. The works ends as follows iya jogadhyAnAnusAre cirasagpittiyAraNa praNasAre bahajoyassa viseso paDhamAraMbheNasaMkarUI so kayasudakittisauragaNe bhaviyA prAyaNicittasaMtoso buhayaNu garapayabhatto NAma vidIU paricheU sammatto // saMdhi 2 // -page 67 of the manuscript Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 265 14. Vidhawa Sila Samraksanopaya: There are only ten gathas in the work in which means for safeguarding the chastity of the widows have been mentioned. This is a book on social custom which throws some light on the society of the period and position of the widows in the society. As the number of the Gathas is only ten, all of them are quoted. From the language of the work it appears that the work was composed in the 15th or 16th Century at the latest : puriseNa saha sahAsa samAsa vattakAraNa megate / egadrANe sayaNAsaNAi pairikkaThANa ca // 1 // purisassavAlavivaraNa pragohaliNhANa malaNamadhbhago / diThThIi diTThibaMdho vilevaraNa calaNa dhuvaraNa ca / / 2 / / tabola kusuma ku kama kapparaM surahi tilla katyUrI / kesa sarIra niyasaNa vAsaNamelAi sirikhaMDa / / 3 / / nahadata pralaya sImata kesa romAga taha ya parikamma / accatamuccadhammillabadharaNa veNibadha ca // 4 // nAhi niyaMba-uratthala-payAsaNa purisa-seva-karaNa ca / nara-mura-tirie daTThaH kAmakahe puvva rava saraNa / / 5 / / savvaciya prAbharaNaM alattaya prajaNa praraNuvaritaM / hiMDolaya khaTTAI-sayaNa taha kaligaeu // 6 // komaMbha paTTaula tilavAsAINi acchavatthANi / igamattI juyalassa u parihaNa ummaDo vemo / / 7 / / khIraM kAmuddIvaNa-vaMjaraNamAhAramahiyamahaNa ca / jaNa samavAe kouga-paloyaraNa dhammaThAraNa bahi / . 8 // para gihagamaNaM egAgiNIiriNasi bAhirammi girassaraNaM / camacama-rata-ulagANaM taliyANaM taha parimogaM // 6 // siMgAratvaM dappaNa-paloyaNa midiyAi naha rAgo / emAi vihava mahilAraNa vivajjae miilrkkhttr||10|| Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 15. SANDES A RASA TIPPANA : Sandesa Rasa is a famous work of Asabhramsa literature written by Abdul Rahman, the only Muslim writer of Apabhraisa. It is a work of 14th Century and was composed on the lines of Meghaduta of Kalidasa. A Samskrit Tippana (commentary) has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Jaina temple, Jaipur. This is one of the best Samskrit commentaries so far found in the inanuscript libraries of India. It clears all the doubts and gives an easy sense of the Apabhrarsa words The total number of the gathas is 220 The manuscript is incomplete as the first three pages are missing. It was written in the year 1551 A. D. 16 PARSVA PURANA:-- This is an Apabhramsa work written by poet Radhu ( 15 th Century ). It describes the life of parsvanatha written on the request of khema Sidhu. The Purana is divided into 7 Sandhis, One manuscript copy of the year 1686 A. D. has been discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Bolsiri temple Kotah. iya siragpiAmaraNAhapurANe prAyamapatthassa asthisuriga hAraNe miri paDiya rayaghU viraie siri mahAmavva khetrasAhaNAmakie miri pAsaNAha riNavAraNakallANavaNNaNo NAma maptamo sadhI paricheU samatto / 7 / sadhi / iti zrI pArzvanAthapurANa samApta / savat 1743 varSe mAghakRSNacandravAre likhita mahAnada puSkara mallAtmaja pAlavanivAso / 17. JAMBU SWAMI CARIU :- (Samskrit commentary) This is a Samskrit commentry on the famous Apabhramsa work Jambu Swami Cariu' of mahakavi Vira. It has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaisa temple Tera panthi, Jaipur. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1565 ( 1508 A.D.) It is a good commentary which clears some difficult words. The commentary on the first Sandhi is written in detail in comparison to tbe other sandhis. It covers one third portion of the manuscript. From the commentary it appears that in the 13 th and the 14 th centuries, the Samskrit was used as medium for understanding the difficult words of Apabhramsa even. Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Rescarch [ 267 SAMSKRIT WORKS | MEGHABHYUDAYA: It is a short poem on Meghadata of Kalidasa. The whole poem is finished in 38 sarskrit stanzas. The manuscript is in the collection of Granth Bhandar of Jaisalmer. The first stanza of Meghaduta has been written as under - kAcit kAle pramuditanadanIlakaNThaMrghanAge, vyomATavyAM pratidizamala saJcaran meghanAge / baddhArambha vadati vanitA sma pravAsAya kAnta, kAmazcApa vahati hitadA vispharacchAyakAntam // 1 // The end of the work is as follows - vidyullatA lasati kAJcanasannibhAra, dhAmno vahanti dhanavanti namAnimAram / ucca rasatyavirata jalado'stavAri rasmin prayAtu samaye priya yastavAri // 38 // iti meghAbhyudayakAvya samAptamiti // cha / 2 JITASARA SAMUCCAYA - This is also a new work which has been found in the Grantha Bhandar of Ajmer. Jitasara Samuccaya was composed by VRISABH NANDI. According to Sri Jugalkishore Mukhtar, the scholar flourshed earlier than the 9th century. There are 700 slokas in it. Though in the original work the number of slokas are slated to be 600. This shows that some verses were interpolated by some copyists. The subject matter of the work deals with punishments, which are to be inflicted when the Jaina principles are violated. 3. NYAYA VARTIKA TIPPANA . This is a commentary on Nyaya Varika written by Bhardvaj in Samskrit. This is a non Jain-work. The manuscript exists in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. It belongs to Samvat 1279 ie. 1222 A. D. The end of the manuscript is as follows: Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandara in Rajasthan yo ' kSapAdarSi nyAyaH pratyabhAd vadatAMvaram / tasya vAtsyAyana idaM bhASyajAtamavarsayata / / 1 / / jatInAM saprapaJcAnAM nigrahasthAnalakSaNam / zAstrasya copasaMhAraH paJcame parikotita: // 2 // yadakSapAdapratimo bhASya vAtsyAyano jagau / prakAri mahatastasya bhAradvAjena vAttikam // 3 // iti paJcamodhyAyaH samApta : ||ch / nyAyAvAttika samAptamiti // cha / / savat 1276 varSe phAguna sudi 6 budhe pralhAdanapurasthitena Tha. vilhaNena nyAyavArtikapustakaM samAptamiti // zrImajjinapatimUriziSya zrIjinezvarasUrIgaNA upadezena // 4. ADHYATMA RAHASYA : Adhyatma Rahasya written by Pandit Asadhar of the 13th Century was unknown to the scholars till about ten years ago but it has been discovered now in Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Ajmer. This work was composed by the order of his father. This is on the subject of Adhyatma (spiritualism). The name of Adhyatma Rahasya mentioned by the poet in his ANAGARA DHAMAMRITA (1243A.D.) as such it appears that it was composed befor 1243 A. D. The total numder of verses is 73. The beginning and the end of the manuscript is as follows : Beginning bhavyebhyo majamAnebhyo yo dadAti nijaM padama / tasmai zrIvIranAthAya namaH zrIgaunamAya ca / / 1 / / End zazvaccetayate yadutsavamaya dhyAyanti yadyogino yena prANiti vizvamindranikarA yasmai namaH kurvate / vaicitrIyagato yato'sti padavI yasyAntaraH pratyayo muktiryatra layastadastu manasi sphUrjatparaM brahma me / / 73 / / Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 269 5 COMMENTARY ON BHOPALA CATURVINSANTI STOTRA : Bhupal Caturvinsanti stotra is a work in Samskrit by Bhupal poet. It is a prayer in praise of twenty four Tirthankaras. Asadhar, a famous samskrit writer of 13th Century wrote a commentary on this stotra. But the copy of the Commentary written by him was not available before some time back. Now it has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina tenple, Patodi. This is a rare manuscript as upto this time only one manuscript has been discovered. The commentary was made by the scholar for his pupil Vinay Candra. This is a good commentary on the work. The commentary of the 2nd stanza is as follows - zAnta vapuH zravaNahAri vacazcaritraM, sarvopakAri tava deva tataH zrutajJAH / sasAramAravamahAsthalarundrasAndra cchAyAmahIruha bhavantamupAzrayante / / 2 / / zAnta nirvikAraM saumyamityartha / vapu zarIra tavAstIti sabandha / zravaNahAri zrotrapriya vaco vAkya tavAsti / caritra caraNa viharaNakriyA sAmAdhikAdi cAritra vA sarveSA prANinAmupakAri upakArakam / bhagavati hi viharati subhikSArogyAdinA sarve jantava svasthA bhavanti / prANyupaghAtazca na syAttathAtadupadiSTadharmAnuSThAnAnirAbAdhA bhavanti / yataH eva / he deva indrAdibhirdIvyate stUyate iti deva / tatastasmAdvapu zAntatvAditi heto. / tha tajJA bhaagmvidH| sasAra eva mArava marudezapramava mahAsthala prANinA santatasantApahetutvAttatra ru dro mahAn sAndro ghanaH chAyayopalakSito mahIhI vRkSaH / yasya sUrye calatyapi gasya chAyA nizcalA bhavati sa chAyAtaruriti loke prasiddhaH sa tathAbhUto jina grAmanyate / bhavanta tvA zrayante antirAdavyAvatya samantAtsevante / / 2 / / 6. Commentary on KIRATARJUNIYA - This is a Samskrit commentary on KIRATARJUNIYA by Prakasa Varsa. This commentary has been newly discovered in Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. One manuscript of this is available also in the collection of Jaisalmer Bbandar. The commentary has not been published so far. Published by Sanmati Kutir Candabadi Bombay. Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2701 Jaina Grantha Bhandars ia Rajasthan 7. SRAVAKA DHARMA PRAKARANA : fravaka Dharma Prakarana was composed by Jinesvar Suri in Sanskrit in the year 1256 A. D. It describes the duties of a Jaina layman. The work is written in artificial language. The total number of stanzas is 245. The manuscript of the work is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. 8. UTTARA PURANA TIPPANA : Uttarapurana is a famous work written in Samskrt by Acarya Guna Bhadra in the 9th Century. It is very popular among the Jainas and is widely read. A Samskrit commentary written on this Purana has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Terapanthi Jaipur. The name of the commentary written is not known but as the manuscript is of Samwat 1569, the commentary seems to have been written earlier than this. No commentary of this Purana has been found so for. This commentary is rare one. The beginning of the commentary is as under : vineyAnAM bhavyAnAM / pravAgbhAge dakSiNa bhAge / 5 praNAyinaH sata / vRNutesma bhajatisma / / 6 zakti siddhi bhayopena / prabhUtsAhamaMtraNaktayastisraH / prabhuzaktitrabhavedAdyA matrazaktidvitIyakAH tRtIyotsAhazaktizcetyAhU zaktitraya budhAH / / 9. PARSVANATHA CARITRA : One manuscript of this work has been discovered in the sastra Bhandar of Dablana (Bundi ). It is in Samskrit prose. The name of the author has not been mentioned in the work. The manuscript was copied in the year 1563 A. D. by Pandit Saubhagya Kirti. (1) The work beals with the life of Lord Parssvanatha. The language of the work is simple. The work is cmpleted in 27 folios. One quotation from the work is as follows: mayurApUryA dhanasAro dhanADhyaH / sa paSTikoTi bnii| dvAzita koTimomimadhye dvAviMzatikoTi vyavasAyamadhye dvAviMzatikoTi gRhagyAje saMsi... .. . / (1) saMvat 1620 jyeSThamAse zuklapakSe 5 tiSI paM0 saubhAgyakItinA likhitaM / Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Rosearch [ 271 10. SULOCANA CARITRA: Sulocana Caritra was written by Vadi Candra, pupil of Prabha Candra. It is in Samskrit poetry. It describes the life of Sulocana Sati who was famous for her good character. The work is divided into dine paricchedas. One manuscript of this work has been discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Dablana ( Bundi ). The manuscript contains the date of 1708 A. D. It was copied by Lal Candra, pupil of Brahma Kripa Rama. 11. CARPATA SATAKA : This is in Sanskrit composed by some unknown scholar There are hundred Padyas in the work in which several kinds of teachings have been imparted. This has been found in the Grantha Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaranji. This is a rare work which has not been found so far in any of the Bhandars in Rajasthan. The manuscript is dated samvat 1873 1816 A. D). The beginning and end of the work is as tollows: zrIsarvajJaM natvA deva, sakalasUrAmaraviracitaseva / vakSye kicittadanucaro'haM, mu cati yena vivekI mohaM / / 1 / / vajitaduSTasahAyamahomi , pariharabhASAkAyamanobhiH / pavidhajIvanikAryAvanAza, masRticArakabandhanapAza // 2 // ko'ha kamtva kathamAyAtaH, kA me jananI ko me tAta. / iti paribhAvayataH sasAraH, sarvoyaM khalu svapnavihAraH / / 66 / / vargoccAraNakaraNavihInaM, yadidaM guru-sakete lInaM / svayamunmIlati yasya jJAna, punarapi tasya na garmAdhAna / / 100 / / 12. RAIAVANSA VARNANA:-- This is a work written in Sam krit and deals with the various dynasties of India. It contains 9 leaves but the 1st leave is missing. The date of writing the manuscript is not given. The manuscript belongs to the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur. In the beginning, the author gives a passing reference to important dynasties of India and then he begins with Pandava dynasty in the following way : Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 1 Jaida Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. tatrAdI zakrapathAyAM, idrarAjya kariSyati / kalikAle "iMdraprasthaH' iti nAma bhaviSyati / punazca pAMDavabhUpAlAH rAjyaM kRtvA kalI yuge, varSa traya sahastrazca, bhavatIha na saMzaya // 2 // This description completes in 76 Padyas, After giving a short reference to Rama Vansa Rajya, the poet begings with Pamara dynasty in this way : kRtayuge balirdAtA, tretAyAM raghunandana. / dvApare karNavikhyAtaH kalikAle ca vikramaH // 1 // dAtAsUradayAluzca, paraduHkhazcamaMjakaH / dillIzavikramAdityaH ujjaNI rAjyanAyakaH / / 2 / / This finishes in 92 verses. Afterwards he describes about Tunvar dynasty in which there were 19 Kings. For the Cauhan dynasty, the author takes 25 verses. After The downfall of Cauhanas, Pattan dynasty begins. The poet gives ao exact date which is as follows: vikramAta saptadvidvaka :1227 varSe ca pravare vare / caitrakRSNa trayodazyA, mleccharAjya ca jAyate // 1 // In Samvat 1393 ( 1336 A. D ) Kutabuddin established his kingdom . vikramAt trinavatrayodaya :1363: rAjyasthApitaH mlecchanAyakaH / prAdau kutabuddInAkhya, veda-varSa-vimAmaka. / kiradinA rUdra ghaTikA, yoginIpurarAjyakRt / / 26 / / After describing Lodi dynasty, the author states that the rule of Chatta (Moghul) dynasty begins from Sarnvat 1553 (1496A.D) and Taimurlang was the first and Babara was the second one. It completes with the description of Aurangzeb who ruled over India for 49 years 9 months and 27 Gharies. There are some verses after the description of Aurangzeb, but it seems that they were written later on by another man. The author gives four names for Delhi i. e. INDRAPRASTHAPUR. YOGINIPUR, DHILLI and lastly DELHI. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research HINDI & RAJASTHANI WORKS 1. JINADATTA CARITA : Jinadatta Carita or Jinadatta Katha was composed by the poet Rajarsingh in the year 1297 A. D. The work has been discovered in a gutaka of Jaina temple, Patodi, Jaipur. It describes the life of a Jaina Sravaka Jinadatta who was the son of a richman. Once he went to Ceylon for business and there he married the daughter of the King It contains 553 stanzas. [ 273 The poet was Jaisawal by caste. His father's name was Ate and mother's name was Sirya. The language of the work is influenced by Rajasthani and Apabhramsa. The main metre of the work is Caupai but metres like Doha and Vastu Bandha have also been used. It is perhaps the first big work of old Hindi in which the date of composition is given. It is full of poetic beauty and presents a picture of the social and economical condition of that time. The poet gives his family account and date of completion of work in the following lines : jaisavAla kuli uttama jAti, vAIsai pADala utapAti / pacalIyA zrAkau pUtu, kavai ralhu jiraNadatta carita / / 26 / / mAtA pAi namau ja jogu dekhi liyau jehi mata logu / uvari mAsa dasa rahiu gharAi, dhammu budhi huI sirIyA mAi / / 27 / / pupura paraNava mAtA pAi, jeha hau pAliu karuNA bhAi ma uvayAra huisau uraggu, hA hA mAi majbhu jirA sara / / 28 / / saMvat terahaseM cauvaNe, mAdavasudi pacama guru diNNe / svAti nakhatta cadu tulI hatI, kavai ralha paraNavai sarasunI / / 26 / The last portion of the work in which the poet requests his readers not to defame the work, is as follows:--- jo jida kI niMdA karaha, sunata caupahI jali jali marau / jo yaha kathA ghAlihai rAli, tahu michattI dai yahu gAli / / 546 || maha joyau jiragadata purA, lAkhU virayau praisa pamANu / dekhi visarU rayau phuDa ehU, hatthAlavaNu vRhayaraNa dehu ||550|| jo jiragadasa kau surAi purASNu, tisako hoi lA ripavvAra / ajara amara para lahai niruta, cavaha ralha bhramaI kau pUta / / 551 / / Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan gaya sattAvana chayasaya mAhi, punnayana ko chApai chAha / takku purANu suNiu nau sattha, bharaNai ralhu hau raNa muNau pratthu / / 552 / jiNadatta pUrI bhaI caupahI, chappana hoNavi chahasaya kahI / sahasu maloka vinna saya rahiya gatha pamANu rAisihu kahiya // 553 / / savat 1752 varSe kAttiga zudi 5 zukravAsare likhataM mahAnaMda pAlaMva puSkaramalAtmaja // 2. CAUBISIGITA : Caubisi Gita was composed by Delha in the year 1324 A. D. It contains 26 verses of which 24 verses are written in the praise of twenty four Tithankaras and the remaining two describe the poet and when it was composed. The language of the work is an old Hindi, prevalent at that time. From the linguistic point of vicw the work presents a good material for research. Delha, the writer of this poem was born in Parwar caste at Tihdha City The work has been discovered in the Giantha Bhandar of Bada Jainu temple, Jaipur. It exists in a gutaka which was written in 1433 A. D In the first stanza, the poet describes the circumstances under which the work was written .-- prAdi risahu paNavepiNu, anta voru jiNaNAhu / arahu siddha prAcArya, aru ujjhApati sAhu / / gaNahara deu naepiraNu, sArada karai pasAu / hau cauvIsI gAuM, kari tisuddha samabhAu / sA tana sahajAnandaNu, bolai vaccha nirUtta / ___ kammakkhaya kAraNa Nimitta, delha tumhi racahu kavitta / dumamu kAlu paMcamaUM, dhamma ko dina dina hANI / bodhi karahu phalu lehu, kahahU caubIsa bakhANI / / gaurau pamaNai riNasuriNa, gAha hau dAsi tumhArI / jiNa caubIsa kathataru, so muhi kahahu vicaarii|| Items of Description : vApU mAya titthakarUjanam nayA bhara pAu / jakkhu javikharaNI lacharA bhara jihiM jetau kAu / / Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Meterial for Research [ 275 Last portion of the work in which the date of completion and the poet's family account is given runs as under: kahau~ jANi kulu prApaNauM paravAGa bhaNAuM / dhamme sAhuhi paNatiu prAjihi paitu nAuM / / udaisAhi diu bhoyA e toniu laghu bhaaii| TihiDA gayari vasanta delha caubIsI gAI / / hau tu mha gorau puchiu buddha kahA mahapAi / terahasai ikahattare savaccharu hoi // mAsu basantu pratItau alakhai tija dina hoi / guruvAsaru paNijjai rohiNi risu guNehu / / brahmA joga pasiddhau joimu ema kahei / paDhai paDhAbaDa riNasuraNAi lihi lihA jo deI bhaba samudu mo uttarai mokgvapuraha so jAi / / 3 PRADYUMNA CARITA'. Pradyumna Carita was composed by the poet Sadharu in the year 1354 A.D. It is a work on the life of Pradyumna, the son of Sri Krisna and one of the great personalitics in the Jaina Mythology. The work contains 701 stanzas in various metres, specially in caupai. The language of the work is Brijabhash, and probably it is the first work in Brijabhasa. It is a very good work and possesses literary merits. The method of description is very simple and easily understandable. It was composed in the Arracha town which is on Kanpur-Jhansi line. Two manuscripts of this work have been discovered in the Jain Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhicanda, Jaipur, & Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Kama. The first manuscript was written in 1548 A. D. and the other in the 17th Century. The main Rasa of the work is 'Vira' because one third of the stanzas are related to Vira Rasa. The work may be divided into six sargas, and there is description of war in every Chapter. Apart from other things, the work is very much important from linguistic point of view. The beginning and end of the work is as follows: sArada vigu mati kavitu na hoi, saru pAkharu gavi bUjhai koi / so sadhAra paNamai sarasuti, tinhi kahu budhi hoTa katahutI / / 1 / / 1. Published by S. D. Jain Atisaya Ksetra Sri Manavirji in 1960. Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. sabu ko sArada sArada karai, tisa kau a ta na kou lahai / jivara mukhaha juNigAya vAriNa, so sArada paraNavahu pariyAra / / 2 / / bhraTha dala kamala sarovaru vAsu, kAsamIrapura liyo nikAsu / hasa caDhI kara lekhariNa dei, kavi sadhAra sarasai bhai / / 3 / / seta vastra padamavatIraNa, karahaM malAvariNa vAjahi vIe / bhAgama jAri dehu bahumatI, puggu dui je paraNavai sarasutI // 4 // + + + sarasa kathA rasu upajai gharagau, nisuragaha caritu pajUsaha taraNau / savatu caudaha huI gae, Upara adhika gyAraha bhae || mAdava dina pacai so sAru, svAti nakSatra sanIzcara vAru / / 11 / + + + maisAmI kau kIyau bakhANa, tuma pajuna pAyau niravANa / agaravAla kI merI jAta, pura magaroe muhi utapAti / / 664 / / sudharatu jaragaraNI guNavai ura ghariu, sA mahArAja gharaha avatariu / eracha nagara vasaMte jAni, sugiu carita mai raciu purA / / 665 / / sAvayaloga vasahi pura mAMhi, daha lakSaraNa te dharmma karAi / dasa risa mAnai dutiyA meu, bhAvai citahaM jisaru deu || 666 / / ehu caritu jo vAMcaha koi so nara svarga devatA hoi / haluvai dharmma khapai so deva, mukati varagariNa mAMgai emma / / 667 / / jo kuNi surAha manaha gharibhAu, prasubha karma te dUrihi jAi / bhaura bakhAi mAsu kavara, tahi kahu tusai deva paradavatu / / 668 / / to likhi jo likhiyAvara sAdhu, so sura hoi mahAguNarAdhu / jora pahAvadda guraNa kiu nilau, so nara pAvai kaMcana malau / / 666 yahu caritu puna mahAru, jo varu paDhai su nara mahasAru / tahi parikSmaNa tuhI phaladei, sapati putra bhavaru jasu hoi / / 700 / / hara buSiharaNa na jANo kembe, prakSara mAtaha guraNau na bheu / paMDita jagaha nama kara joDi, hIrA adhika jaraga lAvahu khoDI / / 701 // // iti paridamaraNa carita samAptaH / / Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 277 4. BARAKHARI DOHA : This was composed by Mahacand, the pupil of Viracanda. The time of the work is not given by the poet, but it appears that it was composed not later then the 16th Century. as one copy of the manuscript preserved in Amer Sastra Bhandar is of 1534 A. D. It is a spiritual work and deals with Atma, Parmatma and the World. The total number of Dohas is 333. Some of the Dohas are as follows : so doho appAraNayaha, dohA joNa muNei / muNi mahayadiNa bhAsiyau, suriNa viNa cita dharei / / 6 // kAyaho sArau eu jiya, paMca mahAraguvayAI / / aliu kalevara mArutaha, jehiNa dhariyai tAI // 8 // khariNa khariNa khijjai bhAva tasu, riNayaDai hoi kayatu : tahivaNa thakkai mohiyaU, me me jIu bharaNatu / / 16 / / te kiM dekheM ki guregaNa, dhammeNa ya ki teNa / appaha cittaha riNammalaU, paccau hoi Na jeNa // 157 / / me pariyaNu me dhaNagu dhaNu, me supra me dArAi / / iu citaMtaha jIva tuha, gaya bhava koji sayAi // 265 / / 5 SIKHA MANI RASA : The Rasa was composed by Bhattaraka Sakalkirti ( 15th Century ). The poet imparts some teachings to his readers for remaining pure at heart and kind towards all human beings : jIva dayA dRDha pAlIie, mana komala kIji / prApa sarIkhA jIva sabai, mana mAMhi dhriijh| The poet also requests that one should not disturb others while perfoming religious duties : Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 ] Jaida Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan dharma karatA na vArIie, navi parinadIji / paraguNa DhAkI Apa taNA, guNa navi bolojaha / / In the end of the work the poet mentions his name only: vairAga re pAlIi sAra, rAga TAlu sakalakoti kahie / je mariNa e rAsa ja sAra- sIkhA mariNa paDhate lahie / / (iti sIkhomaNirAsa samApta ) 6. ADINATHA STAVAN : The stavan was composed by 'Mehau' in the year 1442 A. D. The Adinatha Stavan is a historical work written in praise of Lard Adinatha of Ranakpur or Ranapur temple. The temple is situated in Pal district of Rajasthan and six miles of Sadadi. The temple was constructed in the year 1439 A D. I The poet describes the art of temple minutely. chaumukha zikhara tribhUmaI bAra, mUlanAyaka jiraNa karU' juhAra / trihu bhUmI tribhuvana dIpatu, tribhuvana dIpaka nAma dharantu // 46 / / daDa kalasa sovana maI sohai, jota tihupaNa mana mohai / teja puMja jhalahalai apAra, jAgo tihupraNa lAchi bhaDAra / / 41 / / In the end of the Stavan, the poet mentions his name, and give the dite of the work savata caudanavAraNavai : 1466 : e dhuri kAtI mAse / mehau kahai maI stavana kI mani ragi lAse / / 48 / / iti zrI rANapurama DaraNa zrI AdinAtha stavana sapUrNa / / 7. TIRATHA MALA STAVAN.--- This is a description of most of the holy places called Tirthas. The Tirtha mala is a Hindi work writtan by mehau who wrote Adinatha Stavan (1442 A. D.:. The date of completion of the work is not given but it appears that it was also composed near about 1442 A. D The manuscript was copied in the year 1472 A D. There are 89 stanzas on Abu, Sirohi, Jalaur, Visalpur, Kumbhana, Ranapur (Ranakpur), Campa, Mathura, and Raj Grihi. The manuscript is incomplete as the first thirty one 1. History of the Jodhpur State part I p. 66. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 279 stanzas are not there. It is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina Mandir, Udaipur. The last two verses of the work are as follows: balA giro pImA ghATa, puNya taNI vahatI koSI vATa / mehau kahiu mugati nau ThAma, sadA liu tIthakara nAma / / 88 // tIratha ajI ghaNAM chai bhalA, mai kahinA dIThA te tlaa| tIrathamAla bharaNau sabhalau, jAi pApa ghaTa hui niramalau / / 86 / / iti torathamAlA stavanaM samAptaM / / saMvat 1526 varSe mAha vadi 6 dine zukravAre likhitaM / 8. RAYA HAMMTRADE CAUPAL: This is a historical work written by the poet Bhadau. It was composed in the year 1481 A. D. It describes the life story of Raja Hammira and the famous battle fought between him and the Emperor Allauddin. It is a Rajasthani work which describes every event in a very lucid way. The total number of verses is 326. The last two are as follows: gamAyaNa mahAbhAratha jimau, hamIrAyaNa vItau tisu| paDhai guNai samalai purANa, tIyA puruSA hui gagA snAna / dahA gAhA vastu caupahI, tinimai inavIsA huii| panarahasai aDhatIsai sahI, kAtI mudi sAtami soma dine kahI // 325 / / sakala loka rAjA rajanI, kalijugi kathA navInI panI / bharaNatA dukha dAlida sahu Tala i. mADau kahai mo praphalA phalai // 326 / / savata 1636 varSe bhAdavA vadi 10 ravivAre lIkhata vijakIrati maladhAra grch| 9. DONGARA KI BAVAN. The Bavani was written by the poet Padma Nabha. As this was composed on the request of Sanghapati Dungar, hence it is named after his name. It is in Rajasthani language and was completed by the poet in 1486 A. D. The work deals with various subjects of general nature and contains 54 stanzas in Savaiya metre. The manuscript is housed in Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur. This was copied in the year 1656 A. D. by: Sah Rupsi. It is also called by the name of AKSARA BAVANI, In the last two stanzas, the poet gives the date of completion of the work and his short description which is as follows: Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 } Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. savat padarahacAla se 1543 tIni cAgalA muditAya sukala pakhi dvAdasI vAra ravidhira sa magala ... pUrvaSADha nakhitra joga harASaMNa hariSagala zubha lagana zubha ghar3o ..... zubha belA zubha vacana padamanAbha bAvanI lada DUgara mUmaNa basudhA maMDali baDa hariSa prAgada uchAhanu ma janamani ulAsa pisuraNa majavi dina caDhi jyamu pratApa teja tihu bhuvaraNa sasi karati masAri sasi jema vikAsaha ' "I ... 1 kahi kavareM, vistarai / / 53 / / maMdira ..... / girikadari / pragasaM / mAse | dhana putra lachi sukha saMpadA kahaya padama jayavaMta huye / zrI DUMgara bAlaha deya varu jayaktau jahi meru dhruva / / 54 || 10. SAKALA KIRTI RASA: Sakalakirti Rasa is a historical work which describes the life of Bhattaraka Sikalkirti and Bhuvan kirti who were the most famous Bhattarakas of the 15th Century. It was written by his pupil Samal either in his life time or just after his death. This is perhaps the first work in Hindi which describes the life of the Scholars on detail. Sakal Kirti was born in the year 1386 A D. at ANAHALPUR. He was married when he was fourteen and renounced worldly life and became Jaina Sadhu in 1406 A. D. at the age of 20, He became Bhattaraka in 1435 A D Several places were visited by him. Thus this Rasa is very important work in this respect. It has been discovered in one of the Grantha Bhandars. of Udaipur Various works written by Sakalakirti have also been mentioned in it Year and month for every event which cccured in the life of Bhattaraka Sakalakirti is given in the Rasa. Thus it is purely a historical work. The beginning and end of the work are given below: Adi bhAga vastu baMdha Adi jiraNavara 2 taraha unakrami / mAdi digambarue zrAdi sayala sasAra suNIi // tIrthaMkara prAdi sayalai vRitti mahI mahyA sukhIi // chahaM darazaraNa prAdi vaDila jasu guraNa puhuvi napAra // Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 1281 te nisuNu mAvi bhavIya, jimu hui saphala saMsAra / / ubariNa-pranidina sAradA devi sevi, sahi gUru pAgi lAgI / pAmIya sAsu pasAu bhAi, naramala mata mAgI // 1 // kari suparAsa ulhAsa pagi prati pranopama pANI / gAIsu zrImUlasadhi ragi, gurU jagata bakhANI // 2 // antima bhAga janigar3ha gurU upadesii, sakhira baMdha pratimava / sakhi ThAkara pradarAjyasyaya raji prAsAda mAMDIue // 20 // maMDalika rAi bahu mAnIu deza va dezija vyApIyu / pItalamai mAdinAtha thira thApIyA e // 21 // ima karaNI dina dina suva sekhi cahu~ disi hui desa videsi / upadesi suguru zrI muvanakIrati taNa ie / / 22 / / cira na pujA nabhi ravicada, cauvidha saMgha pUrii pAnada / subhagati suvacani kavi sAmala bhaNaie // 23 // cauvIsa jiNesara prasAdi zrIbhavanakIrati nava navali naari| jayavatA sakala sadha kalyANa karue // 24|| gaNadhara / / iti zrI bhaTTAraka zrIsakalakotinu rAsa samAptAH zrAvikA bAI putali paThanArtha livApitaM / / 11. HOLI RASA: This was composed by Brahma Jinadasa, pupil of Bhattaraka Sakalakirti. 11 describes briefly the story of Holi according to the Jaina belief. It is in Hindi and written in Caupai, Duha and Vastu Bandha metres. It is written in Rajasthani in which several words of Gujarati bave been used. The manussript is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Terapanthi temple. Jaipur. The end of the work is as follows: e kathA rasa sAbhalI, samakita pAlu sAra / mithyA mAragi pariharu, jima pAmu bhava pAra // 145 // nikalaMka dharma chiruyA, jaina dharma savizAla / te dharma kA mAvimaraghA, pravara mithyAta nivAra / / 146 / / parIkSA karU pati nirmalI, rAlu sayala vicAra / samakina pAlu nirmalu, jima pAMmu mumati pratisAra / / 147 // Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandara in Rajasthati rAsa manohara 2 koSu prati caga, holI taNu prati duradharu bhedAbheda barkhANa jANu / e kathA rasa somalI, manAhi dharma vicAra prANu // ema jAraNI nighacu kage, pAlu samakita sAra / brahma jaNadAsa kahiisu jima pAmu bhavapAra / / 148 / / // iti holIrAsa samApta / / 12. BUDHI PRAKASA : Budhi Prakasa was composed by the famous Hindi poet Delha, the father of Thakursi who was also a poet of the 16th Century. The work contains teachings for a lay man. The whole work is completed in 27 stanzas, out of which first fifteen stanzas are not traceable so far. The gutaka No 865 10 which this work has been collected, contains only later half portion of the work. It was copied by Dasaratha Nigotia. From half of the portion of the work only, it appears that it is a fine work and possesses a literary as well as linguistic beauty. The work is a very short one, so the whole portion is given below: bhUkho paMtha na jAha siyAlo, jIvA paMtha na jAha unhAlo / sAvaNI bhAdava gAva na jAje, prAsaujA mau bhauya na sauje / / 16 / / praNara cIto kima nauhi khAja, agara pIchANyA kI sAthI na jAje / jAya dimAvari rAto na soje, rosa na kIje cAlata pathI / / 17 / / avadhari nhAya utarI je ghATo, kanyA na vecI garatha ke saatt| paharaNa prAyo prAdara dIje, pApaNa sAru bhagati kriije| dAna deva lakhamI phala lIje, juno Dhora na kapaDa lIje // 18 // par3ha na hoya kIsihI becAle, vacana ghAli tuma jo rAle / bIja na kIje pAsa parAya, bhArabhajyo kAma tyo nIravAhi / / 16 / / nitaprati dAna sadAhi dIje, duNA upari vyAja na lIje / dharihI Na rAkhI hINa kula nArI, sukrata upAya saMtoSA sArI // 20 // vINamai dhoyaDa iMsi hasI sAya, vINasai bahu ja pari ghari joya / vINase pUta pachokaDI chAMDI, viraNaso gaya gavADo bhIDI / / 21 // vINase viNa prasabAra ghoDo, vINase sevA prAhara moddo| bINa sau rAju maMtrI no thoDo, pajagIla na bola sikunai / / 22 / / vRddhi hoi kari so nara jIvo, madhoma ke parI pANI na piiye| Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 283 hariSana koje je buDhDo pANI, praNanIpane sukAla na jAraNI // 23 // matra na kIje hIyaDo kuDo, sIla vIThA nArI Na paharAya kuho| maMsI sIkha suraNI rau puNyA, lAja na kIje bhAgata kanyA / / 24 / / brAhmaNa hoya saveda bharaNAvI, zrAvaka hoya sapraNa athavA jIve / vANayA hoya savaNija karAvo, kAyatha hoI salekho bharaNAvo / / 25 // kulamAraga ju Na chaMDo karamA, sagalI sIkha suNeje gharamA / budhi-pragAsa paDhIra vIcAre, bIro na pAve kadahi saMha sArI / / 26 / / jaisI sIkha surNa sahu koya, kahatA suNatA punI ju hoya / kahI delha paraSottama yutA, karau rAjya parIvAra sajUtA / / 27 / / savat 1686 mitI pauSa sudI 10 budhIpragAsa smaaptaa| li. paDIDhA yuDhA lIkhAyata paMDIrAsIghaM jo / / 13 NEMINATHA RASA : This is a work on the life of Lord Neminatha written by Acarya Jinasena in 1494 A. D. in the city of Javacha. There are 93 stanzas in the work. The work is in Rajasthani. The manuscript of Neminatha Rasa is available in the Sastra Bhandar of Bada Mandir Terapanthi, Jaipur. The style of describing the things is very simple. The beginning and the end of the work are as follows. atha zrI nemInAtharAsa likhyate / sArada sAmiNi mAgU mAne, tujha calaNe cita lAgU dhyAne / avirala prakSara mAludAne, mujha mUrakha mati mAvisAnare / gAu rAjA ralIyA maNare, yAdavanA kulamaDaNa sArare / nAmi nemIzvara jANijyore, tasu guNa puhuvina lAmi pAra re / / rAjamatI vararuyaDu re, navaha bhavatara bhAgIya bhUta re / dazami durapara tapalIu re, pATha kama cau bhI prANu aMta re| mugati ramaNi sumana kou re, tahu nunAma japu jagi sAra re / / + -- zrIyagakIrati sUrati sUrIzvara kahIi , mahIli mahimA pAra na lahIi / zAtarUpa varasi nitavANI, sarasa sakomala pramIyasa maapii| tAsa calaNa citalAI ure, gAiu eha prapUraba rAsa re // jinasena yugati karI re, tehanA vayaNa taNauvAsare / / Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan jA lagi jalanidhi tavasI nIre, jA lagi pravala meri giri dhIre / jAgaraNasaMgaraNa badani sUra, tA lagi rAsa rahU bhara pUri re / yugati sahita yAdava tara re, bhAva sahita bhaNasi bharatAri re / tehani puNya hosi dharaNo re, pApa tapu karasi parihAra re / / cadravANa saMcchara kIji, pacAtu puNya pAsi doji / mAgha sudI paMcamI maNIji, guruvAri siddha yoga ubI jire // juvA dhanuSa rajjariNa jANIi ke, tIrthaMkara valI kahIi sAra re // zAntinAtha tihA solamure, kabburAsa teha bhavaNa mabhAra re / / iti zrI neminAtharAsa prAcArya jinasena kRta samAptaH / 14. BAVANI : Chihal was a famous Rajasthani writer of the 16th Century He completed his Panca Saheli Gita in the year 1518 A. D. Bavani is a newly discovered work of the poet. It contains 54 stanzas which includes several common topics for the interest of every layman. The manuscript of Bavani is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Tholia Jaipur. It is in a gutaka in which other works are also included. Bavani is a work of high standard in Hindi. From the language and description it can be placed among high work of Hindi. It was completed in the year 1527 A. D. Some stanzas of the work are as follows -- chAyA taravara pikhyi zrAi bahu lasai vihaMgama / jaba lagu phala saMpanna rahai taba laga ika saMgama || viha vasi parI prapatha pattaphala jaDai niraMtara / khira ika tatha rahadda jAi uDi disahi disatara / / hala kahai drama pafkhya jima mahi mitrAyaNa darabalaga / para kajja na hoi vallahau prApa svAratha sabala juga / / 26 / / + ++ Darapahi dAdura sabdi vAha ghallai kehari gali / Dara kuMDaI nIri tirai nadi mahA alaga jali // bharai phulakai mAri sIsi ghari paravama TAlai / kupai udari piliya pakari ghari kuMjara rAlai // sodarI dekhi sakai sadA bisahara kau balabaTa grahai / chIla sukavi jaMvs vamaraNa tiramA caritra na ko lahaha ||33|| + + + Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 285 caurAmI mAgalai sai ju paMdraha savachara (1584) / sukala parUpa praSTamI mAsa kAtiga guru vAsaru / hRdaya upanI buddhi nAma guru ko lInhau / sArada paNai SasAi kavitta sapUraNa kInhau / / nAlhiga vasi nAthU sutanu agaravAla kula pragaTa ravi / bAvani vasudhA vistarI kavi kakaraNa chohala kavi // 53 / / 15. SANTOSA JAYA TILAKA : The Santosa Jaya Tilak was composed by the famous Rajasthani poct Vucareja. It describes the devices of dissatisfaction and has been stated that satisfaction is the only source of happiness. It is in the form of a drama in which victory of satisfaction on greediness is shown. The poet completed the work in the year 1524 A.D. at Hisar. There are 123 stanzas of various metres. The manuscript was preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Nagadi temple, Bundi. Influence of Greediness loma vikaTu kari kapaTu amiTa romAiNu ghaDiyau / lapaTi davaTi naTi kughaTi jhapaTi jhaTi iva jagu bhaDiyau / dharaNi khaDi brahmADi, gagani payAlihi dhAvai / mIna kUraga mataMga jhiMga mAtaga staavd| jo ida muriNada phariNada suracada sUra samuha ar3ai / uha laDai muDai khiraNu gaDabaDai, khiraNu suuThThi saMmuha juddi| jaba mulaumi itau valu koyau, adhika kaSTu tinha jIyaha dIyau / taba niNau namatu lai citi gajjiu, rAu satoSu inaha pari sajjiu / 114 // The end of the work in which the date of completion is given is as follows : jaba jitta dusaha lohu koyau taba citta majhi pAnade / hUva nikaTa rajo gahagahiyau rAu saMtoSu / / 116 / / matoSaha jaya tilau japiu himAra nayara majhAra / je suNahi bhaviya ikka mani, te pAvahi vachiya mukkha // 120 // mavati panarai ikyANa maddavi siya paksi paMcamI divase / sukkavAri svAti vRkhe, jeu taha jANi vamanA meNa // 121 // Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Grantha Bhandara la Rajasthan 286 1 raDa-paDhahi je ke suddha mAehi / je sikkhahi suddha likhAva, suddha ghyAni je suNahi manu dhari / te uttima naranAri pramara sukkha bhoga vahi bahuri / / yaha saMtoSaha jayatilaya jaMpiu valhi saMbhAi / maMgalu cauviha saMgha kaha karai vIru jiraNarAi // 123 // // iti saMtoSajayatilaku samAptA ch|| 16. CETAN PUDGAL DHAMALA : This is an another work written by Vucaraja, It is in old Hindi and describes the relation between Cetan living being) and Pdgal (non-living being). The work also deals with various subjects such as merits of noble persons, benefits of good company, difficulties in worldly life etc. It has 136 verses of various metres. The work has been recently traced in the Sastra Bhandar of Bundi Some of the excellent verses of the work are as follows: malA bhalA sahu ko kahai, maramu na jAgI koi / kAyA khoI mIta re, malA na kisa hI hoya / / 71 / / + + jima taru prAparaNu dhUpama hi, pravaraha chAMha karAi / niu isu kAyA saMga te, jIyaDA mokhihi jAe / / 73 / / phulu marai paramalu jIvai tisu jANa sahu koya / hasa calai kAyA rahai, kivaru barAbari hoi / / 3 / / jiya viraNu pudagala nA rahai, kahiyA prAdi anAdi / chaha gvaDa mAge cakkavai, kAyA ke paramAdi // 66 / / yahu sajamu prasiyara bhaNI, tisa Upari pagu dehi / re jiya mUDha na jANahA, iva bachu kiva sAhmahe haiM // 124 / / re cetana tU tAvalA jA jaDa tumha saMgi hoya / je madu bhAjani gUjarI vIka kaha sabu kaue / / 10 / / Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research khetanata nita jJAna mai, yahu nita prazuci sarIru / ghAli gavAyA ku ma mahi, gagA kerA nIru / / 107 / / 17. NEMI RAJULA GITA OR NEMI CARITA - This work was written by Sravaka Cataru in Samvat 1571 (1514 A. D). He was the only son of Sirimala. He lived at Gwalior when Maharaja Mansingh was the Ruler. It is a short work describing the marriage event of Nemi and Rajula. The work contains 45 verses. The last portion of the work in which the date of completion and the poet's account is given, is as follows.-- zrAvaNa sIrImalu praru jasavata, nihace jiya dharma gharata / cAru calana bhavi vadatau / putra eka tAke ghara bhayo, janama nAu cataru tina liyo / jaina dharma didu jIyaha dharo / suni purAnu ura gAno kahe ||43|| gaDha gopAcala uttima ThAnu / eka movana kI lakA jisI / nemi carita tAkai mana rahe, madhi demu sukha sayala nidhAna, tovara rAu savala varavIra, bhuva vala prAyu ju sAhasadhIra / mAnamiha jaga jAniye / tAka rAja mukhI saba logu, rAja samAna karahiM dina bhogu / jaina dharma vahu vidhi caleM / zrAvaga dina ja kareM SaTa karma, nicaM citu lAve hi jina dharma // 44 // saMvata padraha do garmI, guna gunahartAri tA upari mano / bhAdau vadi tithi pacamI vAru t + + + I 287 18. VIKRAMADITYA CARITA - The work deals with the life of King Vikramaditya who was famous for his justice. This was composed by Nayanambudhi-pupil of Vacak Harsa Samudra in the year 1523. A. D. The total number of the stanzas is 606. The poetry is an ordinary one. It is collected in a gutaka of Jainn Mandir Terapanthi, Jaipur. The beginning and the end of the work are follov's: devi sarasati 2 prathama paraNameva 1 * boraNA pustaka dhAriNI, caDavi haMsi suprasasi callai / Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2881 Jaina Grantha Bhandars D Rajasthao. kAsamIrapura maMDavAsiraNI, deha nANa pramANa pillei / / kaviyaNanI tu mAlalI, diu mujha budhi visAla / jima vikrama rAjA tapau, kahau prabaMdha rasAla / / 1 / / + + savata panarahasai pAsoi : 1580:, e carita nisuNI harasIyai / sAhasIka jo hoi nisaMka, kAyara kapai je vali raka / / 603 / / zrI uvaesa gaNAMvari sUri, caraNa kamaNa guNa kiraNa prapUra / rayaNayaha prabhu guNa gaNa bhUri, tasu anukrami sapai siddhisUri / / 604 teha nai vAcaka harSasamudra, jasu jasa ujvala khIra samudra / tasu vineyavi nayAMbudhi eha, raciu prabandha niraSi tiNi tyeha / / 605 paca daMDa nAmA su caritra, devI sehanu adha vicitra / tiriNa vinoda caupaI ramAla, kodhI suraNatA mugva vimAla / / 606 / / iti zrIvikramAdityanRpacaritra samApta / / 19. BALI BHADRA RASA.-- This is a short story on the life of Balibhadra, also called Balrama, the elder brother of Sri Krisna along with the burning of Dvarika due to curse of Dvipayana Risi. This was composed by Brahma Yasodhar in the year 1528 A. D. in the City of Skandhanagara. Brahma Yasodhar was the pupil of Bhattaraka Vijay Kirti who was also known by the name of Vijaysena, There are 189 verses in the Rasa written in mainly Daha. Caupai. and Vastubandha metres. The language of the Rosa is Rajasthani, much influenced by Gujarati. The work exists in the collection of Gutaka of Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple, Udaipui. One manuscript of the work is also preserved in one of the Sastra Bhandir of Nainva. The first manuscript was got written by Brahma Dharma wha was a great lover of the manuscripts in the 17th Century. In the end of the work, the poet has given his description in the following way: zrI rAmasena anukrami huyA, yazakIrati gura jANi / zrI vijayasena paTa thApIyA, mahimA mera samAna // 186 // tAsa ziSya ima . uccAra, brahma yazodhara jeha / dumaDala daNayara tapi, tAraha rAsa cira eha // 17 // saMvat panara pacAsIi, :1585: skavanayara majhAra / bhavana pajita jinavara taNI, e guNagAi sAra // 18 // Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 289 After the curse of. Dvipayana Risi, the Dvaraka City was totally burnt. The poet describes the same in the following manner: sAyara vAlyu nayarI mAMhi, tapi tela jima caDahaDa thAi 1 pApa // 86 // phiri / nayara loka te kari vilApa, pUraba bhavatu pragaTyuM eka balaMtA bubAra kari, bAlaka leI eka nagarI eka kahiU gAru mAi, e duHkha kAyA sahya na jAi // 60 // eka mohyA dhana dharatI dhari, eka lakSmI rakhavAlAM kari / kSamA eka zrasaraNa mAcari, aike eka kSamApana karo // 1 // 20. MADHAVANALA PRABANDHA'-- Madhavanala Prabandha was written by Ganpati son of Narsa, a nonJaina poet, The story af Madhavanala Prabandha is the famous love story of Madhava and Kamkandla on which several books are available. Ganpati, the author of the book completed this in the year 1527 A, D. The whole of the Prabandha is written in Doha metre and as such it increases the importance of the work. The total number of dohas is 2457. The manuscript of the work is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Bundi. It is a manuscript written in the year 1596 A. D. by Laxmi Raja for his pleasure as well as for the study of Muni Kalyan Gani. The beginning and of the work are as follows:--- mayaraNa mahAmaMDa nAma 1 krU' praNAma 11211 pannaga / zratha manmatha mahArAje nama || dUhA mAdhavAnalanA likhoi chai kuara kamalA rati ramaNa, pakaji pUji patha kamala, sura nara puravalo, lakSa curAmI loma brahmA harihara kumama zari, jIrAha jItA sodha // 2 // sIjai cItaas, semavi caraNa vihuu kara vi kali bAdhI sahu, jima sAmala jyo savi sRSTi nuhu, kAraNa vizva badhAranA, kAja 1 karahA muvi lAja // 3 // e vie bhAvai che / zrAdi upAyu eha // 4 // prathamaya + + narasA suta garaNapati kahadda, mana sUghai svAmina zAradA, potai + thayA e mATha / dIghau pATha 11. Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 1 dosai dasa gAU mahI, daza gAU zarathAna / dazagAMU pariNa narmadA, bhAmrapatra svasthAna 11 brAhmaNa bhATa malA basas, vyavahArI thA vizeSi / rAjakulI rUDI tihAM, chaha lacha jIse rekha // umrazena kuli ugravala, rANau nAga nareza jA sAyara narmada mahI, tAM vA cUlau deza catura sabhA vadana taraNau, majha koI lAgau vAsa / gaNapati japai tau kariu, pada keta le prakAza // kavi jJAti kAyastha baDa, bAli mai vikhyAta / pUrue pada baghatA, dIhatha pAdaha sAta 11 " 4 8 5 1 veda bhujaMgama bANa zani, vikrama varasa vicAra / zrAvaNanI sudi saptamI, svAti magalavAra 11 sAdhya yoga sUdhau hatu, vANijya kara vizeSa / ravi paratue pacAganI, cauthaDI AzeSa 13 jayau jayau jagadIzvarI, prAnadI prArAtri 1 vaktA zrotA vachalI, tu thAe traya mAtra Beginning of the work: " zukla pakSa tRtIyA 3 tithau bhUmevAsare zrI sthaMmatIrthe pUjya paMDita zrI harSa kama gari ziSya paM0 lakSmIrAjena likhitamasti vinodArthe muni udayakalyANagariNa vAcanArtham // 21. NEMI NATHA RASA:-- The Rasa was composed by Muni Punya Ratana in the year 1529 A. D. It deals with the life of Neminatha, the 22nd Jaina Tirthankara, It is a small work consisting of only 69 stanzas, The beginning and the end of the manuscript are as follows: sAradA paya praNamI karI, nemi taraNA guraNa hoi gharebi / rAsa maNu raloyA garaNau guNa garuvau gAi su saMkhevi // hU balihArI jAdava eka rasa, uraja pIchau bAli / aparAdhana maha ko kIyau, kAi choDas nava yovana vAla || sorIpura sohAmaNau rAjA samudra vijaya nava opi 1 zivAdevI rANI tasu taraNI, anopa rUpa raMga samAna 11 Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Renarch 1291 the end saMjama pAlyau sAtasai, barasa sahasa nau pUrau cAu / asADha sudi pAThamI mukati, pahU tA jiNavara rAya // 66 // savata panara chiyAsii, rAsa raciu mANI mana bhAi / rAja gacha maDaNa tilau, guru zrI nadivarddhana sUrisu pasAi / / 67 // praha uThonai praNamIyai, zrI yAdava maMDana girinAri / mana bachita phala te lahai, hariSai jogI vara nara nAri // 6 // samuda vijaya tana guNa nilau, seva karai jasu nara chada / puNya ratana munivara maNai, zrI saMghasuprasana nemi jiNada / / 6 / / // zrIneminAtharAsa samApatA / / 22 NALA DAMAYANTI CARITA: This was composed by Manik Raja in Samvat 1590 1. e. 1533A.D. II describes the famous story of Nala and Damayanti. The work contains 486 verses mainly in Doha and Caupai metres. The manuscript has been housed in the Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi temple, Jaipur. It is written in Rajasthani language. The beginning of the work is as under: pahilau zAti jiraNada nami, sarasati citta gharesu / zrI davadatI nau carita, sakhepahi viracesu // 1 // jiNavara nija mukha mAsiyA, dAna sIla tapamAva / savihU sIla prasaziyai, pragaTau jAsu prabhAva // 2 / / sIlai sura sapai huvai, sIlai pAmai mukha / sIla pasAi savi Talai, roga moga maya dukha / / 3 / / DAiNi sAiNi navi chalai, solaha taNai prabhAva / dAnava bhUta bhayaga mahi, bhaya halAi jAi // 4 // 23. BHAVISYADATTA RASA:-- This was composed by Vidyabhusana pupil of Visvasena Suni of Kasiha Sangha. The poet completed the work in 1543 A. D. at Sojat, a town in Pali District. The work deals with the life of Bhavisya Datta a Jaina Sravaka whose life story is very popular among the Jaina poets, In this work also the poet describes the same story in a very simple style. The total number of the stanzas is 472 which are Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 1 Jasna Grantha Bhandars in Relasthan. arious metres The manuscript was discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Terapanthi Mandir (Badi) Jaipur. It was copied in 1586 A. D. The language of the work is Rajasthans, but there is some int luence of Gujaraty. The beginning of the work is as follows: proM namo vItarAgAya / bhaviSyadattanorAsa likhyate / sakala jinavara sakala jinavara caraNa vadevi / sidbhaha sUrIzvara namu uvajjhAya sAmAnya yativara / gaNadhara cuvIsanA jeha aga pUraba zrutadhara // sAra buddhi dyo sAradA pragamI citta dharaivi / bhaviSyadatta taga bhalu rAma kaha sakhevi // 1 // vizvasena sUrivara taraNA, 'praNamI caraNa pavitra / vidyAbhUSaNa ima kahi, raca rAsa su caritra // 2 // 1. At the end, the poet gives his complete descripnon, alongwith the date of completion of the work and place where it was composed: kASThAsagha nadI taTa gacha, vidyAgaraNa vidyAmi svacha / gamasena basa guraNa nilA, dharmamena hopAgura bhalA // 56 / / vimalasena tama pATi jANa, vizAlakIni ho Abudha prAgaNa / tasa paTToddhara' mahAmunIza, vizvamena sUgvira jagadIma // 57 / / makala zAstra taraNu maDAra, sarva digaMbaranu zRgAra / vizvasena sUrIzvara jANa, gacha jeha nI mAni prANa 158|| taha taNu dAmAnujadAma, sUri vidyAbhUparaNa jinadAma / prANi mana mAhiu ulhAma, racIyu rAsa siromariNa rAsa // 56 / / mahAnayara sojitrA ThAma, tyAMsu pANa jina varanu 'dhAma / maTTapurA jJAti abhirAma, nita nita kari dharma nA kAma // 6 // . saMvata solasi zrAvaNa mAsa, zukla pacamI dina ulhAsa / .. .. 1. { .. ' ' ' kahi vidyAbhUsaraNa surIza, rAsa e madu kohi varIsa // 611 ....'.' .. " .. . iti zrI vidyAbhUSaNa sUriNA"kRto 'yaM rAsaH samApta: / / ' :...' ....... brahma zrI. rArA jI tat ziSya. ba. hIrAnanda jI no, pothI. che / / / / . . Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 24. RAGAMALA or Kasam Rasik Vilasa:-- This is a Hindi work composed by Syama Misra on the principles of Ragas and Raginis. Syama Misra was a resident of Agra City but he wrote his work at Lahore in Samvat 1602 i. e. 1545 A. D., under the patronage of Kasim Khan whom he praises in the work. He was the son of Caturbhuj Misra. The manuscript was copied at Hindaun in 1692 A. D. This is a very good work on Raga ane Ragini, some of which have been described in the work. They are as follows:-- Bhairon Raga, Malkosa Raga, Hindolana Raga. Dipak Raga, Gunakari Ragini, Rama Kali, Lalit Ragani, Vilavala Ragini Kamod, Nata Kedaro, asavari, and Malhar etc. Beginning zrI gaNesAya namaH / atha rAgamAlA graMtha likhate / dohA - jihi ke rUpa na rekha kachu, nainaMni dekheM samva / niramala nAma ananta guna, zrAdi anta bhara ayya / / Dilla - prathama sarasvatI deva gaNeza manAya ke / mizra saromana jAna subudhi kari pAyake / / kAsamakhAna sujAna kRpA kavi para karI / rAgani kI mAlA karive ko cita gharo || dohA :- seravakhAna ke vasa meM, upajyo kAsamakhAna / 1 293 nisa dIpaka jyo candramA, dina dIpaka jyo mAna / afa varane chavi svani kI, so varanI nahi jAya || kAsama khAna sujAna ko aGga rahi chavi chAya || + + + hanamata matta saketa jihi, bhASAkari prakAza | nAva gharatho yA gratha ko kAsama rasika vilAsa / The end of the work is as follows: dezakAra sura kharaja griha arer fratu nisa ta rahe, sapUrana suvidhAra gAi pAMcoM nAra // Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandars 10 Rajasthan. rAkha dayA suna mahasakRtta, bhASA konI jora / paDita paDhe banAya ke, mUrakha lAve khora / / savat sauraha se varaSa, uSara bIte doi / phAguna budI sanodasI, suno gunI jana koI / soraThA pothI racI lAhora, 'syAma' prAgare nagara ke / rAjaghATa hai Thaura, putra caturabhaja mitra ke / / iti rAgamAlA nitha, syAma mizra kRta sapUragA / / savat 1746 varSe sAvaraNa sudi 15 somavAra pothI meragar3ha pragane hiDoNa kA maiM mAha goradhana agravAla kI pothI the likhI likhata mojArAma / 25. JIVANDHAR RASA.-- It was composed by Tribhuvana Kirti, pupil of Udai Sena the rasa deals with the life of Jivandhar in a very simple way. It was composed in Kalpavallt City in the year 1551 A. D. The manuscript has been discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Terapanthi temple, Jaipur and was copied in the year 1586 A D, by Bhattaraka Visva Bhusana. The last two verses of the Rasa in which place and date of completion and the poet's name have been meantioned, are as undder - kalpavallI majhAra saMvachara sola chahotari / rAsu racyu manohAra radhi hayo zrI sagha dhari / / 560 / / zrI jIvadhara muni tapa karI, puhanu zivapada ThAma / tribhuvanakIrati ima vInavi deyo tahma guNa grAma / / 561 / / iti zrI jIvadhara rAma / / brahma dhanA lakhita / / 26. ROHINI VRATA RASO. This is a short story on Rohini Vrata written by Tulasi who was living in a Jaina temple of Panipat. This was composed in Samvat: 1628 1. e. in the year 1571 A. D. The work is in the collection of Grantha Bhandar Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur. The last three stanzas of the poem are as follows: muni vadivi divA gahI rohiNI rI maMjikA vratadhAra / tapa kari so suragahi gaI, kIje rI suNakari vratasAra // rohiNI 0 / / 72 / / Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 295 pANIpatha subasa basai, tisa mai ro jiNa bhavana anUpa / paMDita tulasI tahi tahi basa, koNI rI rAso ju anUpa ||rohinnii0|73|| rohiNI vrata vidhi kIjiye, kIje rI mana vaca rucalAi / tAtai siva sukha pAIe, sevata rI du.kha dUra palAi ||rohinnii||74|| 27. HANUMATA RASA: This was written by Brahma Gyana Sagar, a famous writer of 16th century. It was completed in Sarvat 1630 ( 1573 A. D.). The poet describes the story of Hanumana in a very simple but literary manner. The manuscript was copied in the year 1593 AD. It is housed in the Grantha Bhandir of Tera panthi temple, Jaipur. 28. DAYA RASA: It is a Hindi work of Bhattaraka Yasah kirti pupil of Bhattaraka Guna Candra. It was composed in Samvat 1633 1. e. 1576 A. D. The work describes the bife of a hero who practised non-violence. The total stanzas in the poem are 75. The language of the Rasa is Rajasthani The manuscript of the work is in the collection of Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Dhada, Ajmer. The beginning and the end of the work are as follows: zrIjinadeva paNamau dharI mAu, ida phariNada nariMda suraau| suguru gaNata su taNaya praNamau, devi, sarasai pai raNamau pAu / rAsu dayArasu siu bharaNau se mukhI, hoSajai kipiu uccarada / dosu na liti sajjana guNI, khIma aru nIru jiu hasa sarAu / kai dhammu dayAvaha se vijai // 1 // rAu jIvi jhamevi jhamavata, nAsu hoya gaye kAli mahata / sahasujI eku sabhaiha maNau, avara tetoma savaru sAru / dujeSTha sudi pacamI mubha dine, dayArasa rAsu sakulajai mAi / ehujI jIva vanai magalu, samavau mayAla jIvA vAha mAnadu / kai dhammadayA vara sevijau / 29. SRIPALA SOBHAGI RASA: The Rasa was written by Bhattaraka Vadi Candra in the year 1594 A.D. It is in Hindi and describes the life of Sripala who was an emperor according to Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2961 Jajna Grantha Bhandars is Rajasthan, the Jaina mythology. The scholar was the pupil of Prabha Candra. The manuscript has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Khandelwa la Jaina temple, Udaipur. It was copied in the year 1696 A. D. at Udaipur. The end of the work is as follows zro mUlasadha mAhi udayo divAkara, vidyAnada vizAla jI / sAsa paTTa guru mallI su bhUSaNa, vANI pramIya rasAna jI / / tAsa paTa lakSmIcaMda sUri mohi, mohe bhaviyaNa bhanna jii| bIracaMda nAma ja jana japi, tasa jIvyu dhana dhanya jI / / pragaTa tasa anukrami jAgu, jJAnabhUSaNa mAnavata jI / tasa pada kamala bhramara avicala, jasa pramAcaMda prabhAvata jI / / jaga mohaNa tasa pATi udayo vAdicaMda guNAla jI / navarasa gIte jiNe gAyo, cakravati zrIpAla jii|| savata sola-ekAvana varSe kIdhoe paravadha jI / bhaviyaNa thiramala karine suNa jyo, nita 2 e saMbadha jI / / dAna dIji jina pUjA koje, samakita manarAkhI je jI / navakAra maNIya sUtra ja maNIye, prasatya navi bhASI je jI / / lomatya jI je brahma gharIji sAbhalyAMnu phala eha jI / e gIta je naranArI suNasye, aneka magala tasageha jii| saMghapati dhana jI savAcane karI, kodho eha vistAra jI / kevalI zrIpAla putra sahita tahma, nita nita karaya jayakAra jii| iti zrIvidehakSetre zrIpAla-saubhAgI AkhyAnakathanaM bhaTTAraka zrIvAdIcadraviracite caturtha paricchedaH sapUrNaH / videha kSetra zrIpAla saubhAgI cakravati havo tehanI kathA sapUrNa / zrI savat 1753 varSe mAgamira zudi dine ravikAre lipikRtaM udayapura madhye likhita / / 30. ARGALPURA JINA DEVA VANDANA:--- This is a description writte by the poet Bhagwati Dasa of the Jaina temples situated at Agri. The work was composed in the year 1594 A. D. by him From the work, it appears that Agra remained the centre of Jainas from the very beginning of the city and during the time of poet there were a number of Jaina temples. The poet belonged to Delhi. This is a good description from the historical point of view. The manuscript of the work exists in the collection of the Bhattarktya Sastra Bhandar of Ajmer. Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 31. GURU CHAND: This is a small work written in the praise of his Guru (teacher) Bhattarka Vijay Kirti by Bhattaraka Subha Candra (16th Century). He was the pupil of Bhattaraka Vijay Kirti. It is in the collection of Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Patodi. In the end of the Chand the poet mentions the names of his previous Bhattarakas, which are as follows: yativara varanAtha mokSahasAtha karai duHkhAnalameha gata sadehaM para suhaTa sAhA gAMgAtanaya karau vinayaM zuddha gura / zubha vaMsaha jAtaM kumari mAtaM parama paraM / sAkSAdi subuddha jI kIi zuddha dalitatamaM / sura sevata pAyaM bhAratimAya mathitatama || vaditasuracaraNa bhavyahazaraNa paTTadhara / vijayAdihi kIrti somahamutti dhammadhura ||10| kalakIti vikhyAta jinamata dhammaha maDana / vanakIrti tassa paTTi buTTha midhyAta khaMDana || tihA yatI taNo va gAra jJAnabhUSaraNa bhaTTAraka / karai maraNAvara zAstra eha vahU bhavyahaM tAraka / / jaMpara kaviyaraNa rAya sUri zubhacada vicakSaraNa / vara // bhaTTAraka zrAvijayakIrti sakala saMgha maMgala karaNa / / 11 / / // iti guru chanda samAptA // [ 297 32. MAHAVIRA CHAND: This was also composed by Bhttaraka Subha Candra who was a scholar of 16th Century. The work deals with the life of Lord Mahavir and consists of only 27 stanzas. The work has been discovered in the Sastra Bhandar temple Patodi, Jaipur. The last stanza of the work is as follows of Jaina kAyaka || siddhAratha suta siddhi vRddhi vAchita vara dAyaka | priyakAriNI para putra sapta hastAnata dvAsaptati vara varSa, zrAyu siMhAMka su maDita / bAmIkara vara varNa zaraNa gotama yatI pati || Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandaes ia Rajasthan gabhaM doSa dUSaNa rahita zuddha garbha kalyANa karaNa / zumacadra sUri sevita sadA puhavi pApa pakaha haraNa / / 27 / / // iti mahAvora chanda samAptaM / / 33. TATVASARA DOHA. It is an another work of Bhattarak subha Candra, pupil of Vijaya Kirti whose name has been mentioned by him in the last stanza of his work. He was a great scholar of Samskrit and Hindi literature. Tatavasara Duh, describes the main principles about Atma, God or Parmatma and Moksa. The work was composed at the request of Dulha whom he mentioned in some of the Dohas Date of composition of the work is not given. There are 91 duhas in the Tatavasara. The manuscript has been discovered in the Jaina Tholia temple of Jaipur. In the beginning the poet describes the soul as follows - samayasAra rasa sAMmalo, re sama ravi zrI samisAra / samagrasAra sukha siddhanA, sIjhi sukkha vicAra / / 1 / / appA appi pApumu re, prApaNa heti bhApa / Apa nimitta prApaNo, dhyAna rahita santApa / / 2 / / cyAra prANa prINita sadA re, nizcaya nyAna viyAraNa / sattA sukha vara bodhami, cetanA cutha prANa / / 3 / / dhyAra prANa vyavahAra thI, re daza dIsieha bheda / idiya bala ussAma su, prAyu taNA bahu cheda / / 4 / / End of the work is as follows: sAta zivakara 2 jJAna nija bhAva / zuddha cidAnada cItato mUko mAyA moha geha dehae / siddha taraNA sukhaji malaharahi, prAtmA mAvi zubha ehae / / zrI vijayakItti guru mani dharI, dhyAu zuddha cid pa / bhaTTAraka zrI zumacadra maNi thA tu zuddha sarUpa / / 6 / / // iti tatvasAra dohA / / 34. BAVANI: The Bavant exists in the Grantha Bhandar of Nagadi temple, Bonds. The correct name of the work should have been the "Barah Khari' as the stanzas Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 299 are in the Alphabetical order. There are 44 stanzas while a Bavani should contain 52 stanzas. The name of the author is not mentioned but from the language of the work, it appears to have been composed in the 16th Century. It touches several subjects but it is mainly on ethics. Some of the verses are as follows aar aag kahatu kiu bhAve, makahu kahe kachu sobhara pAve / jai kahu hu choDi kari rahie, to kamma kATi kevalu sukhu lahiyo ||1| aat kiu madhukara dukhu pAyA, sasi vikAza sakuca nahi mAyA / sUra udota kavalu vigasAvaM, ni. chuTai bhavaru bahuri kata bhAve ||2|| + + + hA hA halahara cakka hara, haya gaya rahahi raNatthi / i nahi koI ga thiru rahyA, haMsu bhakelau pitthi ||42 || hA hA hau kisakau nahI, merA hai nahi koi 1 jo ajarAmaru vabhu paru so appAraNau joi anAdi nidhane dravye, heyopAdeya vastunaH 1 akSara madhyAtu kiM jJeya kathita brahma vedami // 44 // || iti bAvanI samApta // // 43 // 35 NEMINATHA GITA:-- The Gita was written by Brahma Yasodhara in praise of Lord Neminatha, the 22nd Tirthankara. Brahma Yasodhara was pupil of Vijay Kirti who remained on Bhattaraka Gadi from the year 1525 to 1560 A. D. From the date of VijayKirti it may be said that this work belongs to the 16th Century. It is a short work, having 69 stanzas written in Raga Gaudi The language of the work is Rajasthani In the end of the work, the author mentions his name and also that of Yasah Kiru under whose patronage the Gita was composed. The work has deen discovered in the Grantha Bhandar of Nainva. The last two stanzas of the work are as under. zrI yamakIrati su pasAuni brahma yasodhara maNisAra / calaraNa na chIDau svAmI, tahya taraNA bhavacA duHkha nivAra ||68 / / bhara je nara sAMmali re, ghana dhana te nava nidhi tasa ghara upaji, te tarasi avatAra / sasAra // 66 // Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3001 daina Grantha Bhandies in Rajasthan 36. LAGHU SITA SATU: It was composed by Bhagvati Dasa. In this work, the character of Sra has been depicted in a nice manner. The poet composed in 1627 A. D.a Brihad Sita Satu but as it was a lengthy work and could not be made attractive so another small work was composed by the name "LAGHU SITA SATU' in the year 1630 A.D. In Sahadara, Delhi. indrapurI sama siharadipurI, mAnavarUva pramarA ti durI / agravAla zrAvaka dhanavata, jinavara bhakti karai mamakata / taha kavi mAi bhagotIdAsu, sItA satu bhaniyo pUni prAmu / bahu vistara aru chaMda ghanerA, paDhata prema bADhaI cita kerA / eka divasa pUrana hva nAhI, prati amilApa rahI mana maahii| dohA:-tihi kAraNa laghusatu karathA, desa caupaI bhAsa / chada jUjha sabu chAMDikai, rAkhi bAraha mAsa / / soraThA-savatu muNahu sujAna, solahasa isa satAmiyai / caita zukala tithidAna, bharaNI sasi dina somayo / The description of twelve months and dialogues between Sita and Mandodari are excellent. It is a very good work of Hindi literature - taba bolai madodarI rAnI, ruti praSADha ghana ghaTa chai rAnI / pIya gae te phira ghara pAvA, pAmara nara nita mandira chAvA / lavahi papIhe dAdura morA, hiyarA umaga gharata nahi morA / bAdara umahi rahe caupAsA, tiya piya vinu lihi umana usAsA / / 37. RAJAVALI-DOHA: It is a historical work, which describes the history of Delhi emperors from Samvat 829 V S. (772 A. D.). It was written by the poet Bhagwati Dasa who was himsef a Delhi citizen. The poet was a great scholar of Hindi and Apabhraisa and he wrote several works in both the languages A gutaka containing more than 40 works written by the poet himself is preserved in the Ajmer Grantha Bhandar. Rajavali is also in the collection with othes works. It is purely a historical work and describes the names of each emperor, how long he ruled and what happened after him. It contains 67 Dohas. Emperor Sahjahan is the last whose description is given. Some of the verses are given below: Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 301 chapaiyA:-bArahasaya cAlIsa adhika nava saMvata gaiyA / caitamAsi guruvAri divasa tamato vasi bhaiyA // pAe pavara paThANa desa puri bhayA bhagAyA / rAya pithorA jAti kariu dillI kuravANA // paNamAsa divasa dasa sAta lahu teraha ghaDiya varisa ratana / gorI so sAha sahAvadI, rAju variu jagamAhi jatana // tIna mAsa teraha divasa doya varisa mili tAhi / padraha ghaDI viyANa thiti rahe samasadI sAhi // varisa vIsa rasa mAsa chaha pravara ghaDI sagavIsa / sAta divasa juta jANi yahu sati kutavadI Isa // savaiyA tIna varisa paNamAsa divasa bAIsa gae aha / padraha ghaDI milAi sAhi bhae mIra mugala taha // bAbara vasimai ka dhIru dhari gharA lai jini / tAsu hamAu naMdu rAju dasa varisa kiyA tini // caumAsa varisa teraha ghaDI ruddha satita thiti jAnie / iu kavisu bhagavatI uccarai jagamati sujasa bakhAniye / / padraha sai ru satAnuvai jeThi sukula thiti vArasi / seta sAhi puNu gaju liya pragaTa sUri aru jAsi // 55 / / __ + + + tihi suta sAha sahAvadI, rAju karai ghara loi / kavi su bhagautI duu lavaDa, pAu cirAusu hoi / / 6 / / sAhijahAna mu prakaTabhuvi nyAya nIti tu tAsu / bhavana kamala ravi hirau paharu dina viti joti prakAsu // 66 / / solahasai saga sohasu savati jAnie jeThi nijala siya Nasi budhahu mani mAnie / agaravAla jina bhavani purI sihara di malI (dillI) parahA kavi su bhagautIdAsa manI rAjAvalI // 17 // // iti rAjAvali // Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajastha 38. NEMISVARA VIVAHLO: The work was composed in 1634 A. D. in the city of Kotah by Khetasi, a Hindi poet of the 17th Century. It deals with mainly marriage of Lord Neminatha who at the time of wedding dropped his idea of marriage and went to the Jungle for leading the life of a Jaina monk. Vivahlo is a very good poem of Hindi. The Alankaras used in the poem are simple but interesting. The whole of the poem is composed in Doha and Soratha metres. The manuscript is in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Fatehpur (Sekhawati) It is dated 1736 A. D Beginnina of the work. atha nemInAtha jI kA vivAhalo likhyate / dohaga,-sarasvati svAmina vInaU, madaguru lAgo pAi / zrI nemikumAra vivAhalo, kaho sunau mana lAi // 1 // jaina purANa ju maiM sunyo, toraNa huvo viyogu / zrI nemikumAra vairAgiyo, pariyana taji lIyI jogu / / 2 / / soraThi desa suhAvano, rAjA jAdaurAi / idrapurI sama dvArikA, raci dhanajaya bhAi / / 3 / / avatarasI jahAM jaga guru, hAisI doi kalyANa / magala mahoche bahu kIyo, surapati de sanamAna // 4 // Date of completion:-- nara nArI paDhe paDhAye, te mama vachita pAve / jainAgama jihi vidhi sunIyo, kara jora khetasI bhaniyo / soraharI ikyAnave, sAvana mAsi vicArI / koTo kezari khAni ko paho sUno naranArI / / sahasa buddhi suraguru kahe, satamukha suniye soi / nemi jinadakumAra ko mahimA varanI na jAi / / budhajana hAMsI mati karo, tuma budhi catura sujAma / matisArU varNana karo, zrutasAgara nahi pAra / / 39. PARSVANATHA RASA:-- The Rasa was composed by Sri Kapur Canda in the year 1640 A, D. He belonged to Anandpur Nagar where Jaswant Singh was the king. The Rasa Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 303 deals with the the life of Lord Parsvanatha, the twentythird Tirthankara. It is written in simple Rajsthani language containing poetic beauty. The work is completed in 166 slanzas. The manuscript is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Caudhari's temple Malpura (Tonk). The author was the pupil of Guna Candra in the time of Nemi Cand. The manuscript was written by Sravika Parvati, pupil of Ratanai in the year 1665 A. D. In the end of the work the poet gives his detailed dcrount date of completion and name of the place where he composed this work:-- zrImUlajI sagha bahu sarasvati gachi bhayo jI munivara bahu cArita svaccha / taha zrI nemicada gachapati bhayo, tAsa ke pATa jima soma jI bhANa / zrI jasakIrati munipati bhayo, jANa jI tarka prati sAstra purANa // 156 / / tAsa ko ziSya muni adhika pravIna, paca mahAvratasyo nita lIna / teraha vidhi cArita dharai, vyajana kamala vikAsana cada / jJAnagI ima jimau prati bhalome, munivara pragaTa mumi zrI guNacada // 160 / / tAsu taNu siSi tasu paDita kapurajI caMda, kIyo rAsa citirivi mAnada / jiNa guNa vahu mujha alpa jI mati, jahi vidhi dekhyAjI zAstra purAraNa / budha degvi ko mati haMsa, taisI jI vidhi me kiyo jI bakhANa / / 161 / / solAse mattAgAye mAsi vaisAkhi, pacamI tithi sUma ujala pAvi / nAma nakSatra prAdrA bhalo, bAra brahaspati adhika pradhAna / gama kiyo vAmA suta taNo, svAmIjI pArasanAtha ke thAni / / 162 / / aho desa ko rAjA jI jAti rAThauDa, makalajI chatrI yA sira moDa / nAma jasavasiha tamu tapo, tAsa pAnadapura nagara pradhAna / pauriga chatIsa lolA kara, sauma jI jaise ho indra vimAna / / 163 / / somai jI tahA jiraNa bhavaNa uttaMga, maipa vedI jI adhika pramaga / jiraNa taraNA vi soma malA jo nara baMda jI mana vaca kAI / dukha kleza na sacara, tIma gharA nava nidhi thiti paai||164|| vasai jI tahAM adhika mahAjana loka, kharacaM jI dravya nita bhaugave bhoga / jiNa caraNA jI pUjA race, dAna supAtrA jI dihi bahu bhAi / deva jimi niti lIlA kara, bhogave sukha nija puNya pasAi / / 165 / / chada kaDA bhalA ekasau jAriNaH chayAsaThi adhika tahi taNu jI pramANi / bhAva jI bheda jo tyAkA kahA, svAmI vinatI eka kara tumha dAsa / Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. svAmI hamane ho deyo jo svarga nivAsa, tumha to jI mukti kAmaraNI varI / zrIpAsa jiNesura pAi namo // 166 // iti zrI pArzvanAtha ko rAsa sapuraNa samAptA likhita bAI ratnAi kI siSi zrAvikA pAravatI gotra gaMgavAla savat 1722 mItI jeTha vadi 5 / 40. JYOTISA SARA: Jyotisa Sara is a work on astronomy as it is clear from the name. It is in Hindi and was written by Sri Kripa Rama in Sarvat 1742 (1685 A D.). The subject has been dealt with in a very simple language so that it can easily be understood even by a lay man. The material has been taken from the main books on this subject. The poet lived in Sahjahanpur. His father was Tula Rama. This has been written in a Gutaka of Patodi Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. Two pieces from the work are as follows: keMdariyo cautho bhavana saptama damamo jAna / pacama aru nomo bhavana yeha trikoNa bakhAna ||6|| tIjI pasaTama gyAramo ara dasamo vara lekhi / inako upacai kahata hai sabai prathame dekhi / / 7 / / -+ + + vazya lagyo jA ama meM moI dina tivAri / vA dina utanI ghaDI ju pala bIte lagna vicAri ||40|| lagana likhe te giraha jo jA ghara baiTho prAya / tA ghara ke phala suphala ko kIjeM mita batAya // 41 // // iti zrI kavi kripArAma kRta bhASA jotisAra saMpUrNa 41. VANIKA PRIYA: Vanika Priya is a Hindi work written on business methods by SukhaDeva in Samvat 1717 (1660 A. D.). How the business should be conducted and at what time a particular commodity should be sold or purchased, with whom cash business or credit business should be handled, all such topics are dealt with in the book, This is a very good book on business method in Hindi. It was copied in the year 1798 (1741 A. D.) at Chirari by Lala Udait. The manuscript has boen discovered in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhi Cand, Jaipur. In the beginning of the work, the poet gives his account as follows: Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 1305 sidhi zrI ganesAya namaH / zrI sarusate namaH / zrI paramagurabhe namaH / zrI jAnuko balamAi namaH / atha banaka-priyA likhte| gura garna kaha sukhadeva, bhI sarasutI batAyo bheva / banikA priyA panika vaMciyo, diyA ujihAra hAtha ke yo // 1 // golA pUraba paca visa, vAri bihArIdAsa / tinake suta sukhadeva kahi, dhanika priyA prakAza // 2 // vanikani ko vanika priyA, bhaDasAri ko heta / mAdi aMta zrotA suno, mato matra po deta // 3 // mAha mAsa kAtaka kare savat sodhe sATha / mate yAha ke jo cale, kabahU~ nai pAve ghATa // 4 // phAguna deva dala ju pAiyo, makala bastu surapati cAiyo / cAra mAsa ihi rehai prAi, puna patAla sutA ho jAi / / 5 / / The instructions given to the businessmen ere as follows -- prAdhau Upara prAdhau tara, mAdhau parahatha prAdhau dharai / preso sAhu sAhupati kara, dema virvajana mUkha nahiM marai / / 14 / / hasi kulhariyA pAsa hara khurapA kahata kisAna / pasa pachI varahAma meM, hAtha na hathai kisAna // hAtha na haye kisAna, tAhi kauda nahi dIjai / asubha karma jeha kare, mo kAgada likha loja / / sapana la daravAra baiThi le vilase rasiyA / bahuta vidhuce hama sunaM sagati ke hasiyA / / 185 / / In the end, the poet gave the date of completion of the work and before that he finished the work with his humble request - matha kavi kI prArthanA vicArumatrI matI na lAiyo, jau matu mAnai koI / bAraha mAsa subha dasA amuma palanI hoI / dekhI sunI sau mai kahI, vAci sokha suna leka / aitA pha kavitA kahai, karai karamanu yArI hoU / / 313 / / jihi jAgA jaiso kahI, taisI kahI na hota / to pahi kahiye karamagati, dosa na do moha // 31 // Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. sukha saMpati dAridra du.kha, hota pracIto mAni / dIna mAna kI bhAvI, pare na kabahU~ jAni // 315 / / caupaI:-graMTa pare te sidhi saMcare, kehari parati pAI anusarai / kUmatihi mitra lAbha para harI, matI prakAla cakra vAhiro // 316 // dohA:-dekhI sUnI so maiM kahI, maMtrI jo matimAna / zAni jAti jauna sabako, mAge kI jAna // 317 / / mato hathiyAru hAtha le jora, sAhU zubhakarana karata karu mora / mAraga hAna hara mrana mAniyo, dila kusAda harakha na vAmiyo // 318 / / kavi sodhe saMvata sara sATha, ihi mata cale pare nahiM ghATa / ihi mati annu peTa bhari khAI, aihI cIra na ko yaha rAI // 316 / / banika priyA meM suma asubha, sabahI gayo batAI / jihi jaisI nIkI lage, tasI koje jAI // 320 // satraha se satraha varasa saMvata sara ke nAma / kavi karatA sukhadeva kahi lekhaka mAyA rAma / / 321 / / iti vanikapriyA sapUna samAptA / bhAdo sudi 12 sukravAsare savata 1855 mukAmu chirAri, livata lAlA udeta sIdha rAjamAna chirArI vAke jo vAce tAko rAma rAma / likhI jathAkata dekhaka, kahi udeta pradhAma, jo vA, zravana ni suno, tAko mora pranAma / 42. DOHA SATAKA: It is also called *UPDESA DOHA' composed by Hemraja II, who was born in Sanganer (Jaipur) in the year 1668 A. D. It deals with various topics of gideral interest. It is'written in a very simple and plain language with on literary flourish The manuscript is in the Grantha Bhandar of Jain temple Tholia. Jaipur in a Gutaka number 636. There are 101 Dohas in the work. Some of the verses are given below: dighya dRiSTi parakAsi jihi, jAnyo jagata amesa / nisaprehI niraduda niti, bado trividha ganesa // 1 // kupatha uthapi thApata supatha, nisapraM hI niragaMtha / aise guru dinakara sarisa, pragaTa karata siMvapaMtha / / 2 / / ganapati hRdaya bilAsinI, pAra na lahai suresa / ' sArada pada nami ke kaho, dohA hitopadesa // 3 // Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 1307 mAtama saritA salila jahaM, sajama sIla bakhAni / tahA~ karahi maMjana sudhI, pahuce pada niravANi / / 4 / / chada gatta bhara paratha ko, jahAM masudhatA hoi / tahA sukavi pravalauki ke, karahu suda saba koi / / 6 / / upanI sAMgAneri ko, aba kAmA gaDha vAsa / tahA hema dohA raca, svapara buddhi parakAsa // 6 // kAmAMgaDha sUbasa jahAM kIratisiMdha narema / apane khaga vali vasi kie, durjana jiteka desa / / 6 / / satahasara pacIsa ko, baranai savata sAra / kAtika sudi tithi pacamI, pUrana bhayo vicAra // 10 // eka mAgare eka sau, kIye dohA chada / jo hita de bAcaM parda, tA ura badhai anada // 101 / / // itI hemarAja kRta dohA sapUrNa // 43. MANJHA: This is a new work of the famous Jaina poet Banarsi dasa of the 17th Century. It is an ethical work which puts before us the real picture of the world. The date of the work is not given but the name of the poet comes thrice in the work. The manuscript is housed in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhi Canda-Jaipur. Some of the verses of the work are as follows. mAyA moha ke tU matavAlA, tU viSayA viSadhArI / rAga doSa payo basa ThagI, cAra kaSAyana bhArI / / kurama kuMTava dIphA hI pAyau, mAta tAta suta nArI / kahata dAsa banArasI alpa sukha kArane to nara bhava bAjI hArI // 1 // nara mohAra bhakAraja kIno, samajhana khelyo pAsA / mAnuSa janama pramolaka hIrA, hAra gavAyo khAsA / / calo hoya dukhadA bhAjana, chADa sukhAdI bhAsA / dasai dRSTA te milana duhelA, nara bhava gata vica vAsA / / 2 / / __ + + Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 1 Jaida Grantha Bhandara in Rajastian. mata na koha sahAi tere, tU kyA paca paca maradA / naraka nigoda duHkha sira para, pAha makamUlana maradA / / janama janama vica hoya vikAnA, hatha viSayA de varadA / kei Umara maravesI bhoMdU, merI merI karadA / / 12 / / gaja sukhamAla suNI jinavANI, sakala viSaya tina tyAgI / namaskAra kara neminAtha ko, bhae masAna virAgI / / sana basurA mAmana vaca kAyA, sidhA pada lava lAgo / kahata dAsa banArasI, mata gaDha kevalI munata budha ke rAgI / / 13 / / // iti zrI mAjhA smaapt| / / 44. ADHYATMA SAWAIYA: Adhyatma Sawaiya is a work of Rupacandra, an Adhyatmik poet of 17th Century. The work has been discovered in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jaina temple, Jaipur. This is a good work on Adhyatma or spiritualism The description is full of life. Not only with the point of language it is also work of high standard as regards literary beauty and manner of description. The poet describes Atma, Parmatma and the world in a very simple method. It contains 102 stanzas of Sawaiya, Kundalia and Chappaya metres. Date of composition is not given in the work. The first Sawaiya in which importance of soul is described, is as follows: manubho abhyAsa mai, nivAsa sudha cetana ko, manumA sarUpa suSa bodha ko prakAsa hai / anubhI anUpa uparahata anata gyAna, anubhau panIta tyAga gyAna sukha rAsa hai / / manumau apAra sAra pApa hA ko prApa jAne, prApaho mai vyApa dIsa jAmaiM jaDa nAsa hai / anubhau marUpa hai sarUpa cidAnada bada, manamo pratIta pATha kramaspo aphAsa hai // 1 // In one of the stanza the poet describes the various qualities of noble persons in the following way: pari progana pariharai barai gunabaMta guna soii| ' vitta komala nita rahe, jhUTha jAke nahIM koii| Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research / 309 sati vacana mukha kahe, pApa guna pApa na bole / suguru vacana paratIta citta the kadai na Dole / bola subena pariniSTha suna ISTa baina saba sukha krai| kahai caMda vasata jaga phada maiM e: subhAva sajana dharai / / In the words of the poet, foolish persons are just reverse of the noble persons - jAke jIva parapaca raMca mukha nAhi sajana ko| mahA moha mada lona, phira bhUlo nija dhana ko| avaguna gahi guna taja, bhaje kAyara jyo rana maiM / sUra panI nija nahI, kahI jAnapano nina mai| jina mai na bheda pari Apako so ajAna pamu sArikho / hirade harapa nija parakha vina e mU Dhana ko paarkho| 45. GORA BADAL KATHA: Gora Badal Katha is a historical work of Jatmal Nahar who was a 17th Century poet. His father Dharms was the resident of Lahore The work deals with the story of Gora and Badal, famous warriors of Udajpur and who fought with emperor Allauddin for the sake of King Ratan Sena of Udaipur who fell in love with Padmini and brought her from Ceylon. This is a Rajasthani work. The story of the work has been borrowed from Jayasi's PADMAVATA which was written in 16th A.D. Century. Gora Badal Katha was completed in the year 1623 A. D. The manuscript is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Fatehpur. The poet mentioned his name and also his father's name in one of the stanza: jihA rAja rAja alIgvAna gAjI khAna na saranada / miradAra sakala paThAraNa mAhI jyU nakhetra mai cada / / dharasI ko nada jaTamana, jAta nAhara tAma / jina kahI kathA vanAya kari bica sabalA mai ThAna / / The work is full of Vira Rasa but in some places where the beauty of Padmini has been described. SRANGARA RASA" has also bern used. Raghava describes the qualities of Padmini's beauty before Allauddin as.under' padmAvati mukhacada padama sama gaMdha ju prAvati / bhavara bhamai cahU pora dekha sura..pramura lubhAvati / / Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 1 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan gula satari paricA sAtau vasahi surdAra nAri / cauDI cauva dAho hoya imI cIta lAya savAri // mRga nayana vayana kokila sarasa kehara lakI kAminI / adhara lAla hIrA damana, moha dhana gaja gAmini ||26| padamAvati ke guna sune caDhI cupa cotalAya / vina dekhyA padamAvati janama ikyAratha jAya ||30|| The manuscript of the work was witten in the year 1830 A. D. by Sewaka Jogidasa on the request of Sravaka Rama Narain. The beginning and end of the work are as follows: khaDa mabhAra / rAjAna / zrI gaNezAyanamaH / atha gaurA bAdala kI kathA likhyate / / caraNa kamala cita lAyake, samaru sArada mAya / kari kathA banAya kairi, praraNamu sadguru pAya || 1 || jaMbu dIpa dIpA mire, maratha nagara baDhau cittoDa hai, mATha kosa visatAra ||2|| rAja kareM rAno tihAM ratanasena mava nakosI kunA kareM, agaDI marada cauhANa || 3 | nagara bast cittoDa hai, gaDhanI para hI baka / nAhi nAma tihAM sAha ko kareM ju rAja nisaka ||4|| + + -+savata saulAse pramIye samai, phAguna punya mAsa / vIrA ra saMgAra rasa, kahIyo jaTamala sabai tAhi maDola avacala sukhI saba lAya / uchAha mAnada hota ghara ghara dukhI nAhita koya / / 212 / / jihA rAja rAje alIkhAna gAjI khAnana saranada / niradAra sakala paThAraNa mAhI jyu nakhetra mai cada / / dharamasI ko nada jaTamala jAta nAhara tAma / jina kahI kathA banAya kari vica savalA mai ThAma / / 213 / / kahatA Anada Upajai, sunatA prAnada hoya / jo koi kahai guma janA, to bahu haraSita loya // 214 // cAlIsa sahasa ghoDA bhuvA, doya sahasa siradAra / eka lAkha mubA prAdamI, hAthI ATha tAsa / / 211 / / hajAra / / 215 / / Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 311 mAraghA mugala paThANa, dona lAkha daphatara caDhyA / bhora bohota dIyA jANa, jahA tRNa lInA mukha maiM // 216 // sA ko huvo cIsoDa maiM, cauDa koyo jaga / dAda phuramAi sAha, taba kahai hohu tuva raga / / 21 / / iti gorA bAdala kI kathA sapUrNa / savat 1886 kA miti bhAsADha zudi 14 ravivAsare likhata sevaga jogIdAsa lIkhAyata zrAvaga rAmanArAgA muta. bAlacada / 46. DHARMA PARIKSA: Jt was translated into Hindi prose by Dasaratha Nigotia in Sanhvat 1718 i, e, in 1661 A. D. The original work which was composed by Amitigati is in Sanskut. The author has tried to translate each word of Samskrit in easy Hindi prose. The manuscript belongs to the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Mandir, Jaipur. The language of the work is Rajasthani. The beginning and the end of the work are as follows:-- magalAcaraNa zrImAna kahatA zomA virAjamAna / yadIya. kahatA jiha ko bodhamaya / pradIpaH kahatA kevala jAna rUpI dIvo / jihi dIpa kari namasva traya tu gazAna kahatA pAvana tIna sapannau U co cha zAla koTajihi ko amau jagata / loka sampaddho gRhe ghara tihi gharane samatato kahatA sarvathA prakAgi / udyotayate kahatA udyotita kiyau I jyahAM tIrthakara devA. te tIrthakara devA naH asmAka kahatA mhAko zreya kahatA vibhUti ke mathi mavatu kahatAM houu| bhAvArtha-praso ju jJAna sampannA dIvA kari tona loka sampanno ghara udyonita kiyo cha jyAha ke tIrthakara mhAne jJAna sampattI zrI ko dAtA ho / tIrthakara ne namakAra kIyo mAge siddhAne krmii| zrI vikrama pAthiva rAjA ne sanaMtara varama adhika hajAra barama gayA / yauha zAstra anyamata na niSadhi kari zrI jinendra dharma amRta kari yukta zAstra mapUrNa / dohAH -sAha zrI hemarAja suta, mAtu hamIra da jANi / kula nigota zrAvaka dharma, dazaratha tAbakhANi / / 1 / / savat satarAmai sahI, aSTAdaza pradhikAya / phAguNatama ekAdazI, pUraNa bhaI subhAya / / 2 / / Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 1 Jaiba Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. dharmaparIkSA banikA, sudaradAsa sahAya / sAdharmI jana samajhita, dazaratha kRta citalAya / / iti zrI amitigati kRta dharma parIkSA mUla tiha kI vanikA bAlabodhAnAma para nAma tAtparyArthA TIkA tajJa dharmArthI dazarathena kRtA samAptA vizati eka pariccheda: sapUrNaH / 47. HARIVANSA PURANA BHASA: This is a Rajasthani prose translation of Harivansa Purana written by Acarya Jinasena in Sanskrit. It is a Jaina Mahabharata. The translation is in Rajasthani prose. The manuscript was copied in Samvat 1671 (1614 A. D.). This shows that the work was written prior to the 17th Century. Such a good and voluminous work in Rajasthani prose has not been found so far. Two pieces of the prose are given below: patra sa0 168 tiNI prajodhyA nau hemaratha rAjA rAjapAle chai / teha rAjA nai dhAraNI rANI chai / teha na u bhAva dharma upari gharaNau chai / tehanI kuSi te kubhara paThAi upanau / tehana u nAma budhukIta jANivau / te puNu kumara jAkhe sisa samAna chaI / imakaratA te kumara jovana bhariyA / tivArai pitAi nehana rAja mAra thApyau / tivArai tega jAnA sukha bhogavatA kAla prati kramai chai / balI jiNa dharma gha gR karai chii| patra sakhyA 371 nAgazrI je naraka gaI thii| tehanI kathA sAbhalau / tiNI naraka mAhi thii| je jIvanI kaliyaH / pachai marI roi sappaM bhayau / sayabhUramariNa dvIpA mAhi pachai te tihA pApa karivA lAgau / pachaI bano tihA thako maraNa pAmyo / bIje naraka gaI tihAM tina sAgara prAyu bhoga vI chedana bhedanatApana du:kha bhogavI / balI tihAM thakI te nikaliyau / te jIva pachai campA nagarI cADAla nai ghari putrI upanI sehA nica kula avatAru pAmyau / pachai te eka bana mAhi tihA uvara vINIvA lAgI / 48. HINDI COMMENTARY ON BHAKTAMARA STOTRA: There are several commentaries available on the famous Bhaktamara Stotra. They are in Samskrit as well as in Hindi. A translation in Hindi poem written by Hemraja is also available and is already famous. But commentary written in Hindi prose by Hemraja (17th Century) was not available so far and this has been discovered in the Mahavira Grantha Bhandar of Bonds. An example of Hindi prose is as follows: Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research kilaM grahamapitaM prathamaM jinedra stoSye kilAha nizvaya kari grahamapi mai bhI ju hoM mAnatuMga nAma prAcArya so taM prathamaM jinedra so ju ho prathama jinendra zrIzrAdinAtha tAhi stoSye stavU gA / kahAkari stotra karoMgI / jinapAda yugaM samyak praNamya jina ju haiM bhagavAna tini ko ju pada juga doI caraNa kamala tAhi samyak bhAti mana vacana kAyA kari praNamya namaskAra kari ke kaMso hai bhagavAna ko caraNa dvaya bhaktAmara praNatamaulimaNiprabhAragAM udyotaka bhaktivata ju hai bhramara devatA tinikI praraNata nastrIbhUta ju hai mauli mukuTa tina viSe ju hai mariNa tinikI ju prabhA tinikA udyotaka udyotaka hai| yadyapi deva mukuTanikA udyota kauTi sUryavat hai tathApi bhagavAna ke caraNa nakha kI dIpti bhrAge vai mukuTa prabhA rahita ho hai tAMtI bhagavAna ko caraNa dvaya unakA udyotaka hai / bahuri kaisI hai caraNa dvaya dalita pApa tamo vitAnaM dalita gari kiyo hai pApa rUpa tama prandhakAra tAko vitAna samUha jAne / bahuri kaisI hai caraNa dvaya yugAdau bhava jale patatAM janAnAM mAlavanaM yugAdau caturtha kAla kI prAdi viSai bhava jale sasAra samudra jala viSai patatAM paDe juhai / janAnAM manuSya tinako mAlavana bhAlavana hai jihAja samAna hai ta ka so zrAdinAtha kauna hai jAko stotra meM karogI stotra: ya suralokanAthai stutaH stotreH stotra hu kagyiH jo zrIzrAdinAtha suraloka nAthai suraloka deve lauka ke nAtha indra tini kari saMstuta stUyamAna bhayA kaise hai indra sakala vAG maya tatvovadhAdudbhUta buddhi pabhiH sakala samasta ju haiM vAGamaya dazAMga tinakA ju tatva svarUpa tisakA ju voSa jJAna tAtai udbhUta utpanna hai prakaTa buddhi tA kari paTubhi. pravINa hai ve stotra kaise haiM jina kari stuti karI jagatriya udAraH prathaM kI gambhIratA kari zreSTha // 2 // The last Doha of the work in which the author mentions his name runs as under -- antimaH - bhaktAmara TIkA ko sadA par3he suna jo koI / hemarAja siva sukha lahai tama mana vachita hAi / / / iti zrI bhaktAmara stotra TIkA samAptam // [ 313 49. NASAKETA PURANA--- Nasaketa purana of Nasketopakhyana is a very interesting and popular story The original story is in Samskrit which was translated into Hindi prose by. Nanda Dasa for his students. The date of compositian of the work is not given but it appears that it is a work of 17th Century A. D. The language of the work is not hiterary but it is described in a very simple language Sadal Misra's NASIKETOPAKHYAN, which was written in the 19th Century has the influence Sadal Misra's of Nand Dasa's work. One example of Hindi Nasiketopakhyan is given below: prose from Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 ] Jaina Grantha Bhandara in Rejasthan. isa prakAra se nasiketa muniyama kI pUrI sahita naraka kA varNana kara phira jona jona karma kie se jo bhoga hotA hai so saba RSiyo ko sunAne lage ki gau, brAhmaNa, mAtA, pitA, mitra, bAlaka, strI, svAmI, vRddha, guru inakA jo badha karate hai vo jhUThI sAkSI bharate, jhUThe hI karma me dina rAta lage rahate haiM / Hindi Sakitya ka Itihasa P. 422 One example from the book: gusAIjI yeka kathA tumaso kahu / jo prANI yA pAche coro karata haiM tIna ko prasana kahata hai| paura koI veda purANa kI pothI mai / para guNa musa guNaM maTa guNa bheda hoI so prANI kAchavA kI joraNI pAvata hai| paura parA yo sUta ku pAsa kara to kIraM prANI kAchavA kI joNI pAvata hai| P.67 The work belongs to the Grantha Bhandar of Jaina temple Badhicanda, Jaipur. The work completes in 74 pages. The last portion of the text is as under: yA kathA prAdI pratI so kahI hai| sahasakItI kI TIkA hai| naMdadAsajI ApaNA sIkha ko bhASA karI suNAi hai so yA kathA punI bIca hai so prANI samata hai / tAko kolANa hota hai| savIdhAna rahata hai| iti zrI nAsaketa purANa mamasata ge ravImabhAde nAsaketu kathA sapuraNa / lIkhata kAlurAma rAjorA chAjurAma kA beTA / te vAceM tIna rAma rAma baca / mI0 ceta budI 10 savat 1786 bhAmarI mahArAjA zrI savAI jaisaMgajI vaima ya varama doI humA talavANI mai ja amala mahArAjA zrI praNadarAmajI ko| 50 ALANKARA MALA - This is a Hindi work on Alankara Sastra. It was composed by Surat Misra in the year 1709 A, D. The manuscript is in the collection of Jaina Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. This is a very simple book on this subject. The poet lived in Agra and was a Kanaujia Brahmin by caste. The last portion of the work in which the poet gives his own account and the date of the work is as follows: malakAramAlA karI, sUrata mana sukha dAya / paranata bUka parI lakhau, lIjai sukavi banAya // 48 // sUratamitra kanaujiyA, nagara bhAgara vAsa / racyo grantha tiha bhUSana, navala viveka bilAsa // 4 // Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 315 saMvat satarahase varasa, chAsaTha sAvana mAsa / suragura suda ekAdazI, kIno grantha prakAsa // 50 // pralakAramAlA ju yaha, paDhe sunai citalAya / buddhi samA vara vInatI, tAhi deta harirAya // 51 // ta zrI sUratamizra viracite alakAra mAlA sapUrNa / pAhaDasara madhya / SI. BHATTARAKA PATTAVALI. This is a detailed account of Bhattaraka Ksemendra Kirti beginning from Samvat 1697 to 1756 (1640 to 1699 A D.) written in Hindi prose. The manuscript is preserved in the Sastra Bhandar of Sambhava Natha Jaina temple, Udaipur. The description begins with Bhattaraka Devendra Kirti who breathed his last in Samvat 1730. (1673 A. D) His pupil Pandit Ksema who afterwards became Bhattaraka by name of Ksemendra Kirth was born in Samvat 1697. (1640 A. D.) At the age of seven he took some vows from Bhattaraka Devendra Kirli. It gives the full account of Ksema Kirti where he was born, who were his parents, with whom he read, when he became Brahamacari and Bhattaraka, in which places he travelled and in which villages and towns he finished his rainy season Every event of his life has been described in detail It begins as under - zrI jinAya namaH savat 1667 varSe mArgazIrSa sudI 3 zukra paDita kSemAnu janma bhIlauDA nagare mAhA khAtu prA vAI gAgabAI gRhai / savat 1704 varSe vaizAkha sudi 1 dinai prAcArya zrI devendrakIti pAmi paDita kSemo maraNavA rahyo pAchi savata 1713 varSe phAgaraNa mUdi3 dine zrI zalU vara nagara madhye madAraka zrI devendrakIti yogya jINIva 50 kSamAni aNuvrata dIkSA dIdhI tyAhA domI mehA muta jIvA jagA govA zakha jIeNe zrI biba pratiSThA karIni prajali jhalyo / brahma kSemA ehavunAma dharIni bhaTTAraka devendrakItiyi svaziSyaM karIni pAsi varSa 14 rAkhIna padayogya jAgIni sakala zAstranA upadeza dIdhA / -... . Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX. 1 Some of the Important --JAINA GRANTHA BHANDARS SITUATED OUTSIDE RAJASTHAN: S. No. Name of the Grantha Bhandar Place --do 1. Saraswati Bhavan Digambar Jain Mandir Masjid Khazoor. Delhi Grantha Bhandar D. Jaina Naya Mandir, Delhi D. Jaina Mandir Setha Kuca Delhi -do -doDharampura Delhi 5. Vira Sewa Mandir, Dariya Ganj Delhi Grantha Bhandar D. Jaina Mandir Rikhabdasajt Delhi -do -do-- Karolbagh Delhi -do-- --doBedawada Delhi -do Subzimandi Delhi do--do Panipat Il. do..-do-- Sonipat 12 Grantha Bhandar D. Jana Mandir Rohtak 11. -do-- --doMoti Katla, Agra 14 -do .-do Belangan) -do --do Gudadi Mansurkhan -do Kacbari Ghat 17 -do --do-- Namak ki Mandi --do --do Rajamandi -do -do Dhulia Ganja Grantha Bhandar D. Jaina Mandir, Nai ki Mandi, Sweatambar Vijay Dharma Laxmi Gyana Bhandar, Belanginj, Aligarh 22. Grantha Ghandar D. Jaina Panciyati Mandir, 23. Itawah --do-- -do24 --do-- Khurja --do-- Barabanki 25, ---do-do-- Mainpuri -do-- -doGrantha Bhandar D Jaina Panciyati Mandir Aligadja Saharanapur --do-- -do29. Firozabad --do-- --doGrantha Bhandar Digambar Jaina Mandir Balat-Kargana, Karadja Sena Gapa -do-- --do -do32. Grantha Bhanda Pancayati Mandir, Indore 33. Amar Granthalaya Tukoganja 27. 30. 31. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. S. No. Name of the Grantha Bhandar Place 34. Grantha Bhandar, D. Jaina Mandir, Hanumantalla. Jabbalpur 35. --doD. Jaina Pancayali Mandir, -do-do Katni 37. Grantha Bhandar D. Jaina Parsvanatha Mandir Khandva 38. --doD. Jaina Mandir, Gaurjhamar 39. -do. Pancayati Mandir, Chhindawara 40. --doD. jaina Mandir, Tikamgarh -do Narsinghpura Saraswati Bhawan, -do Panagar (Devari M. P.) 43. -do D. Jaina Mandir Bamora 44. do -do Bina -doPancayati Mandir Sagar 46. Digambar Bhattarkiya Bhandar Gwalior Grantha Bhandar Digambar Panciyati Mandir -do-do-- D. Jaina temple Guna 49. -do-- --do-- Canderi 50. -do-- --do-- Chapra -doBada Mandir Calcutta 52. --doPurani Bidi -do-- 53. Muni Vijay Sastra Bhandar Calcutta 54. Vijay Nemi Surisvar Gyana Bhandar (Swet ambar) Ahmedabad 55. Vijay Sidhi-do- --do-- 56 Delano Bhandir (Cancala Bhai Bhandar) 57. Hans Vijay Manuscript Library 58. Mohanlal Manuscript Library 59 Vardhamana Pustakalaya 60 Megh Vijay Sastra Sangrah 61. Kusumamunio Bhandar 62. Vira Vilay Gyana Bhandar 63. Daya Vimala Gyana Bnandar 64 Nemi Sagar Upasraya Bhandar 65. Uttam Bhai Dharmasalino Bhand? 66. Vimala Gacha Upasaraya Bhandar 67. Jaina Saraswati Bhawan 68. Gyana Vardhaka Pustakalaya 69. Vijay Nemisvara Gyans Bhandar Khambhat 70. Santi Natha Gyana Bhandar 71. Jaina Sala Gvana Bhandar 72. Subodh Pustakalaya Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research | 319 S. No. Name of the Grantha Bhandar Place Khambhat Patan 87. 73. Gyada Vimal Suri Bhandar (Swetambar) 74. Muni Lal Yatino Bhandar 75. Bhaunyara Padsno Bhandar 76. Nstivijay Bhandar 77. Hari Sagar Gyana Bhandar 78. Shyama Lal Jaina Bhandar 79. Bhagwan Dasa Jyotisa Bhandar 80. Sanghavi Padano Bhandar 81. Foflia Vada Bhandar 82. Vakbatji Suri Bhandar 83. Vadi Parsvanatha Bhandar 84. Agalisuri Bhandar 85. Bhabha Pala Bhandar 86. Sagar Upasaraya Bhandar Maki Modi Bhandar 88. Vasta Manek Bhandar 89. Khastarvasi Bhandar 90. Mahalaxmi pada Bhandar 91. Advasi Pada Bhandar 92. Himmat Vijaya Collection 93. Lavanya Vijaya Collection 94. Hemcandracarya Sabha Bhandar 95. Jainananda Pustakalaya 96. Mohanlalji Gyana Bhandar 97. Jina Dutta Surt Gyana Bhandar 98. Hukamamuni Gyana Bhandar 99 Devacanda Lal Bhai Library 100. Dalu Bhai Amar Canda Gyana Bhandar 101. Madan Bhai Pratap Canda Library 102. Dharmanathano Mandir Gyana Bhandar 103. Nemi Canda Milap Canda Upasaraya Bhandar 104. Adinathano Mandir Gyana Bhandar 105, Cintamani Parsvanatha Mandir Gyana Bhandar, 106. Jaina Upasaraya Gyana Bhandar 107, Simandhara Swamino Gyana Bhandar 108. Digambara Jaina Panciyati Mandir Gyana Bhandar 109. Kadvamati Gacha Bhandar (Swetambar) 110. Bhana Khushalno Bbandar Surat Radhanpur Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320) Jaias Grantha Beangars ta ketasthan S. No Name of the Granthn Bdandar Plaoe Radhanpur (Bombay) Bombay Viranagar Sinand 111. Sagar Gachano Bhandar (Swetambar) 112. Tamboli Serino Bhandar 113. Vijay Gachano Bhandar 114. Jaya Vijay Jaina Pustakalaya 115. Vira Vijaya Gyana Bhandar 116, Santinatha Derasardo Bhandar 117. Godi Muno Bhandar 118. Anantanathji Derasarno Bhandar 119. Mohanlaji Jaina Library 120. Panna Lal Digambara Jaina Saraswati Bhavan (Digmbar) 121. Grantha Bhandar Candra Prabha Digambar Jaina Mandir, Bhulesvar 122. Manak Canda Hiracanda Digmbar Jaina Bhandar 123. Adinatha Derasarno Bhandar (Swetambar) 124. Viranagar Jaina Gyana Bhandar 125. Bhoya Gachano Bhandar 126. Vijaya Anand Gyann Bhandar 127. Gyanodaya Pustakalaya 128. Sri Jaina Sangha Gyana Bhandar 129. Sumauratna Suri Library 130. Astapada Gyana Bhandar 131. Manak Bhai Gyana Bhandar 132. Mithabhai Upasaraya Bhandar 133. Amar Vijay Gyana Bhandar 134. Mukta Bhai Gyana Bhansar 135. Amar Vijay Gyana Bhandar 136. Sagar Gacha Bhandas 137. Adisvara Derasarno Bhandar 138. Anupcanda Malakcanda Bhandar 139. Devardhi Gani Ksema Sramana Gyaor Bhandar 140. Anandji Klyanji Bhandar 141. Yasovijayji Gurukul Gyana Bhandar 142. Kapur Vijayji Bhandar 143. Jaina Agam Sahitya Mandir 144. Vira Bhai Pathasala Bhandar 145. Moti Tai Bhandar Dhundhava Godhavi Kheda Kapada Van Haloi Sinore Bhaipa Palitana Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research 1321 S. No. Name of the Grantha Bhandar Place Canasma Ginguvada Jamnagar Limbdi Baroda Chine Bijapur Viramganva 146. Niti Vijai Gyan Bhandar (Swetambar) 147. Umed Khati Gyana Bhandar 148. Vinaya Vijay Gyana Bhandar 149, Jainanand Gyana Mandir 150. Anandji Kalyanji Gyana Bhandar 151. Kasti Vijaya Bhandar 152. Atmaramji Gyana Bhandar 153. Muktikamal Mohan Gyana Bhandar 154. Sri Sangh Gyana Bhandat 155. Vira Vijaya Sastra Sangrah 156. Vijaya Labdhi Suu sastra Sangrah 157. Kiru Vijay Bhandai 158. Sanghano Sangrah 159. Budhi Sagar Suri Gyana Mundir 160. Sambhavanatha Gyana Bhandar 161. Jaida Dharma Vijya Pustakalaya 162 Digambar Jain Bhattarkiya Granth Bhandar 163. Ksama Sagarji Sastra Sangrah (Swetambar) 164 Jaina Aimanand Pustakalaya 165. Sumati Ratani Suri Bhandar 166. Bhagya Ratna Bhandar 167. Gambhira Vijaya Bhandar 168 Desabhar Abhar Canda Bhandir 169. Lalit Vijaya Gyana Bhandar 170. Prem Canda Ratancanda Bhandar 171, Vardhi Candra Bhandar 172. Sanghano Bhandar 173. Kasturasagar Bhandar 174 Vastu Sagar ihandar 175. Maganlal Becardasa Bhandar 176. Jaina Dharam Pracaraka Sabha Bhandar 177 Sri Sangha Bhandar 178. Kesara Vijava Bhandar 179. Jaina Sangha Bhandar 180. Grantha Bhandar Digambara Jaina Panciyati Mandir 181. --do-- 182. Digmbar Jaina Siddhanta Bhavan 183. Digmbar Adinatha Grantha Bhandar 34. Grantha Bhandar Digmbar Jaida Majha Idar Jalimori Poona Aida Bhavnagar Ghogha advani Solapur Mood Bidri Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan S. No. Name of the Grantha Bhandar Plaoc 185. Grantha Bhandar Digmbar Jaina Matha 186, Digmbar Jaina Siddhanta Bhavan 187. Grantha Bhandar Bhattaraka Jaina Matha 188. Digmbar Jain Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Karkal Arrah (Bihar) Kolhapura Sravanbelgola Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX. II SOME OF THE EARLIER WRITTEN MANUSCRIPTS PRESERVED IN BHATTARKIYA GRANTHA BHANDAR, NAGAUR S. No. Name af the work Gyanarnava Sarvarthasiddhi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. -do Vardhamana Kavya* Varanga Caritra Kiratarjuniya -do Gita Govinda Dhanyakumar Caritra Madana Parajaya Raghuvansa (with commentary) Yasodhara Caritra -do Sisupala Vadha Bhavisya Datta Caritra Caritrasara Sagar Dharmamrata SAMSKRIT Author's Name Subhacandra Pujyapada -do Asaga Vardhamanadeva Bharvi -do Jayadeva Gunabhadra Jinadeva Kalidasa commentary by Sumati Vijay Sakal Kirti -do Magha Kavi Sridhara Ratanbhusana Asadhar Date of the manuscript 1491 A. D. 1474 1534 1437 1529 1339 1635 1498 1495 1487 1472 1499 1598 1608 1446 1462 1464 .. 23 33 ". 39 39 27 19 29 92 13 91 92 23 Note: "The manuscript was written by Bhattaraka Padmanandi in Tambore village. Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324) Jajna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. PRAKRIT & APABHRAMSA: S. No. Name of the work Author's Name Date of the manuscript 1. Tulokasara Vrutti 1475 A. D. Samayasara Viitti 1495 1550 , *Varanga Catiu (A) Parmatma Prakasa (A) with Vritti -doPravacanasara (P) Rohini Vidhana (A) Jasahara Cariu -doMulacara (P) --do- (P) Naya Kumar Cariu (A) Panca Sangraha (P) Bhavisayatta Cariu (A) Pajjunna Cariu (A) Dhamma Parikkha (A) Dravya Sangraha (P) Acarya Nemicandra Tika by Munindra Candra. Acarya Kunda Kunda Vritti by Amrita Candra Tejapala Yogindra Tika by Brahmadeva -doKundakundacarya Devanandi Puspadanta -do Vattakera carya --doPuspadanta Nemicandra 1383 1407 1484 1462 1505 1501 1462 1338 1441 1482 1520 1539 1520 1435 17. Dhanapala Sidha Kavi Harisena Nemicandra with commentary by Brahmadeva Mahakavi Vira Nemicandra 18. 19. 1570 1438 Jambu Swami Cariu (A) Gommatiasara (P) Karakandu Cariu (A) Sukumal Cariu (A) --do-- Sudansana Cariu (A) 21 22 27 Muni Kanakamar Pornabhadra ---deNayanandi --do-- 1468 1524 1584 1511 1467 24. Note *The work was composed in Samvat 1607 (1550 A. D.) Vaisakha Sudhi 6.and this manuscript was copied in Sarivat 1607 (1550 A. D) Jesta Sudi 3 i, e. just after 27 days of its completion, Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research (325 S. No. Name of the work Where available Author's Name Date of composition 1 5. 2 Savaya Dhammadoha Devasena 933 A. D. Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur 6. Mahapurana 7. Naya Kumar Cariu 8. Ja sahara Cariu 9. Pasa Purana 10. Dhamma Parikkha 11. Pahuda Doha Puspadaata 10th Century -do -do-do --doPadma Kirti 942 A. D. Harisena 983 A. D. Muni Ramsingh 1000 A. D. 12. Vilas Vai Kaha Sadharna Kav 1066 A. D. --do-doBhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur Brihad Gyana Bhandar Jaislmer Grantha Bhandar Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur Amer Sastra -do--do--- --do 13. Harivansa Puri ne Dhaval 11th century 10 Vira Kavi Nayanandi --doKankamar Sricandra 1019 A. D. 1043 A. D. 11th century 1065 A, D, 11th Centutury -do1217 A. D. 14. Jambu Swami Cariu 15. Sudansana Cariu 16. Sayalvihivihan Kavya 11. Karakandu Cariu 18. Ratna Karanda Sravakacar 19. Katha Kosa 20. Chakkammovayesa Purandar Vidhan Katha 22. Sukumal Cariu 23. Pasanaha Cariu 24. Bbavisyatta Cariu 25, Sulocana Cariu 26. Kala Swarup Kulak --do -doAmarkirti --do 21. -do-- -do ---do 13th Century Vivudha Sridhara 12-13th ,, Sridhar 1139 A, D. Sridhar 1173 A. D. Gani Devasena --doJinadattasuu 12th --doBrihad Gyana Bhandar Jaisalmer -do--- --do-do-- 27. Carcart 28. Vairagyasara 29. Sri Sthulibhadra Phaga 30. Neminatha Catusa Padika 31. Neminaha Cariu -do -do-- Suprabhacarya --doJina Padma 12th-13th Suri Vinayacandra Sari -doHaribhadrasuri -do --do-- --do Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandats ia Rajasthan. S. No. Name of the work Author's Name Date of the manuscript 25. 1513 A. D. 26. 1519 , Samskrit Commentary on Sudansana Cariu (A)(This was written by Muni Padma Kirti) Sulocana Cariu (A) Ganidevasena Swami KartiKeyanupreksa (P) Kartikeya Vaddhamana Kavya (A) Jayamitra hala --do -do 1467 1478 -do 29. (A)-Apabhramsa works (P;-Prakrit works. APPENDIX. III Some of the Apabhramsa works which ar preserved in the Grantha Bhandars of Rajasthan --# 0. S No. Name of the work Where available Author's Name Date of composition 12 1. Paumcanu Svayambhu 9th Century (AD) 2 Ritthagemi Cariu --do Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur Grantha Bhandas Jaina Temple Badhi Canda Jaipur Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur -do 3. Paramappayasu Yogindu 8th-9th Century (A. D.) -do 4. Yogasara Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research | 327 S. No. Name of the work Where available Author's Name Date of composition 3 12 32. Sanat Kumar Cariu Haribhadrasuri 12th-13th Century Palha Kavi Sinha Kavi 13th 33. 34. Gurupanivadi Pajjunna Cariu Brhad Gyana Bhandar Jaisalmer --doAmer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur -do 35. 36. Candraprabha Cariu Pandava Purana Harivansapurana Uvaesamala Kalyana -doYasah Kirti --doVinaya Candra 12th-13th 15th 15th 13th 37 38. Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur -do-- --do --do-- --do 13th --do 40 41 42 43. 44. 45. Cunari Rasa Nirjhar Pancani Kaha Rasa Jinayatta Cariu Mallinaha Kavya Vaddhamana Kavya Srenika Cariu Neminaha Cariu lakhu or Laxmana-doJayamitrahala -do--do -do--do --doLaxmina Deva 14th 46. Sugandha Dasami Katha Vimal Kirti 47. Sip? la Caniu Narsena --do --do-- --do--do-- -doGrantha Bhandar Jaina Temple Patodi, Jaipur -doAmer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur . - doBhastarkiyt Grantha Bhandar Nagaur Graptha Bhandar Jaina Temple Terapanthi Jaipur 48 49. Vaddhamana Kaha Jina Ratri Vidhana Kaha -do-do-- -do 50. Asavala Pisanaha Cariu 51. Madana Parajaya 52. Bihubali Canu Hardeva Dhanpal --do-- --do 53. 54. Bhavisa Yatta Kaha Sanmarinaba Cariu -doSubhakirti -do-- --do Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur -doBhajfarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 ] 1 55. 56. 59. 60. 61. 57. Munisubratanupreksa 58. Sambhavanaha Cariu 62. 66. 2 Rohani Vidhan 67. 68. 69. 70. Dasa Laksana Kaha 71. 63. Harivansa Purana 64. 65. Varanga Cariu Pasanaha Cariu Sukumal Cariu Dhamma Parikkha Parmesti Prakasa Sara Yogasara Santinaha Cariu Neminaha Cariu Candappaha Cariu Sripala Cariu Ajiyanaha Purana Sanmati Jina Cariu Name 3 Devanandi Sukausala Cariu Puuyasrava Katha Hari Candra Yogadeva Tejapala -do -do Purnabhadra Srutakirti --do -do -do Mahieandra Damodar -do -do- Vijaysingh Raidhu 72. -do 73. -do 74. Vritta Sara -do 75. -do Apathami Katha Sidhantarthasara 76. -do 77. -do Samayktva Kaumudi 78, Sodasa Karan Jayamala -do Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan composition 4 14th Century -do- -do -do- 15th Century Grantha Bhandar Jain Temple Diwanji Jaipur 1450 A. D. 1458 A. D. -do 15th Century -do -do --do --do -do -do -do -op 5 Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur Grantha Bhandar Kama -do -do -do Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur Bhattarklya Sastra Bhandar Nagaur -do -doGrantha Bhandar Jain Temple Terapanthi Mandir Jaipur Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur --do -do -do Grantha Bhandar D-Jaina Mandir Parsvanatha Jaipur Bhattarklya Sastra Bhandar-Nagaur -do -do -do -do -do -do -do Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 329 Date of composition Where available S. No. Name of the work Author's Name 1 2 7). Dasa Laksana Jayamala Raidhu 5 15th Century 80. Jivandhar Carita 81. Karakandu Carita 82. Auma Sambodhan 83. Balbhadra Carita -do-do-do--do --do-do--do-do-- 84. 85. 86 87 Neminaha Jina Carita -- -- Sammatta Gunanidhan --do-- Sripara Carita --do-- Parsvapurana ---do-- -do-- --do-- --do--do Bhattarkiya Grantha Bhandar Nagaur -do-do --doAmer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur --do-- do --doGrantha Bhandar Mindir Bolsiri Kota Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur --do--do 88. 89 90 91. Meghesvar Carila Yasodhara Carita Dhanyakumir Carita Amarasena Carita ---do-- --do-- --do-- --do--do-- --do- Mannikka 1519 A D Raja --do-- 16th Century Bhagvati Dasa 17th -do 92 Nagakumir Carita 93. Mrigankaleha Carita 94. Sugandha Dasami Rasa 95. Muka ta Saptami Rasa 96. Harisena Cariu 97. Bhavana Kulaka 98. Maharsi Kulaka 99. Karakandu Cariu --do-- Grantha Bhandar Jassalmer --doGrantha Bhadar of Jaina Temple Abhi nandan Swami Bondi 105. Anathmiya Kaha Haricandra 151h Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3301 Name Abhaya Kumar Prabandha-Caupai Abhidhanacintamani Nama -mala Acaranga Sutra Acaranga Tripatha vratti Adhai Dweep Puja Adhyatma Barahakhali Adhyatma Bavani Adhyatma Geeta Adhyatma Kalpadrum Muni Sundar Suri Rajamal Adhyatma Rahasya Adhyatmasara Adhyatma Savaiya Adhyatma Tarangani Adhyatma upanisat Adideva Stavana Adinatha Carita Adinatha Stavan Adipurana Puspadanta Raimalla Raidhu Daulat Ram Kasliwal Ajayaraja Sakal Kirti Brahma Jinadasa Adipurana Tippana Adisvar Phaga Adityavara Katha Muni Sakal Kirtl Gangadi sa APPENDEX-IV MANUSCRIPTS (Granthes) Page No 66, 68 173 130 88 175 161, 248, 249 161 33 158 159 85, 159, 231, 268 158 160, 308 159 Jin senacarya 1,62,110,133,142,198,208 28,46,63,67,139,207,209 29 140 141, 249 246 159 177 145 124. 278 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. 7, 138, 193, 200, 232 233 67 233 86 115 Name Surendra Kirti Bhau Kavi Agni Puran Ajitnath Puran Vijaya Singh Aruna mani Ajtnath Rasa Ajita santi stotra Ajiya santithava Aklank stotra Aklank yati Rasa Alankara sekhar Alankara Sara Sangraha Aksar Bavani Pandit Kesava Dasa Padma nahha Alankara Mala Alapa Paddhati Amar Kosa Amar Sena Rasa Amera Rajas Pattavalli Amogha vratti Amritasagara Ambika Rasa Amar Sen Carita Amtagadadasao (Antakraddasah) Amuttarovavaiyadasao (Anuttaraupapatikadasah) Ananda Anandaghan Bahottari Anandaghan Caubisi Anga culiya sutra Ananta vrata Katha Bhattarak Sri bhusana Page Mo 190 209 136 56 139 112, 155 177 177 177 112, 157 95 219 81 279 314 162 203, 230 95 188 169 60 112, 155 44, 151 131 131 256 239 239 58 242 Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research [ 331 133 211 80 202 277 167 Namc Page No Name Page NoHari krsna Pande 250 Aturpratyakhyana Ananyayoga vyacchedika 162 Avasyaka Nirjutti Anargh Raghava 171, 219, 221, 225 | Avassaya Suttra Anekanta jayapataka 162, 229 Sadavasyaka Sutra 133, 229 Anekanta vada Pravesa 162, 229 Avasyaka Visesya bhasya 163 Anehanta vyavastha 163 Avasyaka Vratti 88 Angara Dharmamrata 135, 231,268 Bahubali Chand Anjana Rasa 54, 157 Balbhadra Purina 191 Anubhava Prakasa 251 Balabhadra Rasa 112, 288 Anuvrata Ratna Pradipa Balmiki Ramayana 145 Anuyogadvara 134, 229 Banjara Gita 86 Apta Mimansa 162 Banarsi Vilas 161, 167 Aptamimansa Bhasa 244 Barah Bhavana 238 Apta pariksa 162 Barakhari Doha Aradhana Risa 233 Barah Khari 298 Aradhanasara 135 Bavani Aradhanasara vratti 231 Banaraisdasa Aradhanasara Bhasa 253 Padmanabha 235, 236 Aidha-Kathanak 185, 240 Chhihal 236, 284 Arambhasiddhi 168 Kisana Singh 243 Ardra Kumar Caupadi Unknown author 294 29, 86 296 Argalpurajinavandana Bhadda Kaha 164 Arista dhyaya 30 Bhadra Bahu Carita Camparama 194 231 Astanga Hridaya Asta Pahuda 121.152 Kisana Singh 134, 159 Bhairava Padmavati Kalpa 48 244 Asta pa huda Bha sa 136 Astanhika Jayamal Bhagavata 88 74, 135 Bhagavat) Aradhana Asta Sahasri Asta sati 162 Bhagavati Tripatha vratu Astasasti vivarana 163 Bhagavati viyaha Pannatt Vyakhya Pragnapti 131 Atma Dwadasi 192, 249 Bhagawati Sutra 214 Atmanusasan Bhagawati Sutra Vrati 212.214 Gunabhadra 49, 75, 193 Bhaktamar Stotra Parswanga 158 Amanusasan Rhasa 161 247 52, 60, 73, 119, 176, 177, 209, 210, 312 76,85 Almanusasan Tika Bhaktamar Stotra Bhasa 125 Atma Prabodha 76 Bhaktamar Stotra Vratti 204 Atmaviokana 161, 251 Bharteswar Bahubali Risa 154 Aura Paccakkhana Bharat Bahubali Carita 204, 205 99 162 88 Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 1 Name Bharat Bahubali Samvad 250 219 Bhatti Kavya Ehattaraka Pattawali Bhattaparinnabhakta Parijna 133 315 I hava Bhavana Prakarana 214 242 7. 117, 121, 195 164 136 Bhava Dipika Bhava Sangrah Bhavisya Kaha Bhavisya Puran Bhavisyadatta Carita Sridbara Dhanapal Bhavisya Datta Carit Bhasa Bhavisya Datta Rasa Brahma Rayamalla Vidya bhusana Bhayahara Stotra Bhupal Caturvinsatika Bhramar Gita Budhjana Satsan Budhjana Vilas Bhuwan Deepak Bhuwankirti Gita 11, 75, 148, 150 67, 84, 146, 229 252 291, 292 156, 199, 239 234, 291 177 Bihari Satsai Bihari Satsa Commentary Bisa Tirthankar Puja Brihad Sidha Carka Yantra Brahma Puran Brahmanda Puran Brahma Vaivart Brahma Vilasa Budhi Prakasa Page No Cakrapanivijay Mahakavya Campawati Sila Kalyanaka Candanabala Rasa Candana Malayagiri Caupai Candana sasti Vrata Katha Candapannatti Candavijjha a 231, 269 75 252 252 168 86 54, 70, 189 57 50 124 136 136 136 71,72 86, 282 221 113 154 115 242 131, 168 133 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan. Page No Name Candraprabha Caritra Vira Nandi Hari bhadra Suri Sarvadanada Suri Damodar Vira Suri Yasah Kirti Suhha Candra Candra Lekha Vijay Prakaran Candra Kevali Carita Candra Prabha Purana 79 Candraprabha Swami Caritra 103, 213 Candraprabha Swami Vivahlo 118 Candronamilan Tika 99 248 193 72 Carca Sara Carca Sara Sangrah Caritra Puja Carita Sara Ratna Bhusan Manna Lal Caritra Suddhi Vidhan Carkha Caupai Carpata Satak Carudatta Prabandha Caturgati Veli Caturvidha Dana Kavitta Catur Vingati Jina Stuti Caturvidha Siddh Cakra Puja Caturvinsati Sandhan Caturvinsati Stavan 58, 85, 142 146 147 149 150 151, 196 203, 234 170 230 Causatha Ridhi Puja Cetana Karma Carita 98.99 186 175 247 85,271 112.153 241 63 177 175 235 63, 177 Caturvinsati Tirthankar Puja 175 Rama Candra 175 Vrindavan Caturdasa Gunasthan Carca Caubisa Dandaka Caubisa Tirthankara Puja Caubisi Gita 175 65 199, 243 75 11 175 152 Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research ( 333 Name Page No.1 Name Page No. 241 157 173 77 311 Cetana Pudgal Dhamala 86, 238, 286 Cetana Lori 243 Cetavani 118 Chabalesya Kavitta Chanda Ratnavali 173 Chandomanjari 94 Chanda Kosa 117, 173 Chandonusasan 105,172 Svayambhu Jayakirti 105, 173, 212 Chanda Ratnakar Tika Cidvilasa 189, 251 Cintamani Jayamala 238 Cintamani Parswnatha Stotra 235 Citra Bandha Stotra 85 Cunari Rasa 86 Dana Katha 122, 165 Darsana Katha 165 Darsana Sara 135 Darsana Stotra 176 Darsana Sudhi Dasa Bhakti 134 Dasavaikaliha Saira 134, 229 Dasavaikalika Sutra Vratti 205 Daslaxana Jaymala Daslaxana Katha 77 Dasalaxana Vrat katha Dasalaxana Puja 55, 175 Dastura Malika Devimdatthana 133 Devi Kaha 164 Devagama Stotra Bhasa 245 Dhamma Parikkha 228, 229 Dhammil Carita 141 Dhana Kumar Carita 11, 54, 68, 146, 150, 246 Sakal Kirti 6, 54, 68, 232 Gunabhadra .. Dhanya Kumara Carita Bhasa Jai Cand Chabra 245 Khusal Canda Kala 152, 246 Dhanna Sali Bhadra Rasa Dharm Cakra Puja 174, 175 Vira 174 Dharam Bhusana 175 Dharma Kirti Gita 86, 100 Dharma Kaha 164 Dharma Katha 163 Dharmamrata panjika 107 Dharma Pancavinsati Dharma Prasnottar Sravakacara 148 Dharma Pariksa Manohar Dasa Amiti Gati 85, 156 Sruta Kirti 264 Dasarath Nigotia Dharma Pariksa Rasa 113, 156, 157 Dharmamrita 135 Dharmopadesamala Dharmopadesa Ratanmala Dharmopadesa Sravakacara Dhas madasa Medhavi 61,97 Dharmsarmabhyudaya 117, 142 Dharma Sarovara 242 Dharmvilasa 71 Dhavala 28, 36, 99, 134 Dhol maru 90, 222 Dhurtakhyan 163, 229 Dila Rama Vilasa 192, 249 Ditthi vya 2.3, 130, 131 Diwali Kalpa 202 Dohas of Dadu Dayal Doha Sataka Rupa Canda Hema Raja II 161, 167, 199 241 163 96 46 28 71 250 50 31 Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 ] Name Dravya Dhalutpatti Dravya Sangrah Dravya Sangraha Bhasa Dravya Sangraha Tika Dongara Ki Bavani Durga Pada Vyakhya Dutangad Dvadasanupreksa Dvyasraya Kavya Dvisandhana Kavya Ekaksara Nama Mala Ekavali Vrat Katha Ekibhava Stotra Farmans Gachacara Sutra Gaja Singh Caupai Gaja Sukumala Rasa Ganadhar Valaya Page No. 28 50 244 99 11, 279 88 171 170 143 143 174 243 177 9 194 113 154 174 Ganita Sara Sangrah 168 Garuda Puran 136 Gautama Swami Carita 153 Gautama Rasa 155 Gautamiya Nyaya Sutra Vratti 220 Gita Vitaraga Gommattasar Nemi Candracarya Todarma! Gyan Bhusana (H) (P) Gommatta Swami Caupa Gommattasar Tika Gora Badal Caupar Gora Badal Katha Gautam Stotra Guna Candra Gita Gunaveli Gunaraj Katha Guru Bhakti Gita Guru Chand Guru Parivadi 33, 158 10, 53, 99, 135, 233 99, 135 10, 53, 247 233 112 86 89 309 177 100 237 164 243 297 255 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Gyananand Sravakacara Gyana Bindu Gyana Darpana Gyan Deepika Gyana Bheda Gyana Prakasa Vilas Gyana Suryodaya Natak Hansraj Vacharaja caupar Hanumat Caritra Hanumat Carita Rasa Gyan Bhusan Gyan Sagar Brahma Jinadasa Brahma Raymalla Gyanarnava Gyanarnava Bhasa Jai Candra Chabra Labdhi Vijay gani Gyanalocana Stotra Gyan Cintamani Gyana Pancami Katha Gyana Suryodaya Natak Vadi Candra Suri Hasti Malla Gyata Dharama Kathanga Hammir Mahakavya Hammir Mardan Hammira Raso 58 (Raya) Hammirade Caupai 279 Hansa Gita 161 Hari Candra Carita Hari Candra Raja Ki Caupai Hari Vikrama Carita Page No. 248 163 251 30 51 253 252 64, 118, 191 Daulat Ram Kasliwal Khusal Candra Kala Brahma Jindasa Jina Senacarya 245 71 235 167 164, 230 170, 193 171 34 118 170 69 149 157 111, 295 155, 233 156, 234 150 99 166 Hraivansa Purana 28, 30, 46, 64, 189, 264 Bhattarak Sruta Kirti 264 248, 249 141, 246 138,233 137, 201, 188 Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | 335 Name Page No. Name Page No 148 131 75 168 52, 63, 67, 145 100 7,138 164 177 243 78 75 69 152, 226, 273 146 151. 188, 194 99 153 77 Nemi Candra 189 Panna Laa Caudhari Swayambhu 49, 145 Jambu Dvipa-Prajnapti Yasah Kirti 140 (Jamhuddivapannatti ) Harivansa Puran Bhasa 312 Janma Patri Hitopadesa 165 Janma Patri Paddhati Hitopadesamritam 104 Jasa hara Carru Holika Caupai 56, 69 Jaskiru Gita Holi Carita 194 Jaya Kumar Purin Holi Ki Katha 67, 238 Jayasen Kaha Holi Rasa 155, 233, 281 Javallhuyana Stotra Indra Dhwaj Puja Jina Bhakti Gita Indraprastha Prabandha Tinagunavilasa Indrya Natak Jinadatta Carita Iska Cimana 51 Ralha Tuhasa Sara Samuccaya 125 Gunabhadra Jagarupa Vilas Lakhu Jagat Sundari Prayoga Mala 171 Jiddatta Cantra Bhasa Jardhavala 28, 36, 99, 134 Panna Lal Caudhari Jaina Yatra Darpana 48, 253 Visva Bhusand lainagar Prakiya 253 Jinadatta Katha Jainendra Vyakarana 67 108, 109Jinadatia Rosa Jannendra Mahavratiti Jina-Janma Mahotsava Jain Satak 157 Jina Klyinaka Jain Tark Bhasa 166 Jioupanjara Stotra laitesi Raso Jinaratri Vratra Mahatmya Jambu Dwipa Pragvapti 33, 103, 109, 227 Jinasamhita Jambu Swami Rasa Jina Catah Jina Sahasranama Bhuvan Kirti 232 Jina Seni Brahma Jainadasa 233, 155 Asidhar Jambu Swami Caritra lin. Sahasranama Puja Sakal Kirti 75, 145 Jm. Sul Raja Malla 149 July agya Kalpa Jivabhigama Jambu Swami Cariu Jivandbara Campu Vira Kavi 62, 146 Jivandhara Carita Jambu Swami Carit Bhasa Dau'at Ram Kastiwal Khusal Cand Kala Subha Candra NAthu Rama Raidhu 169 222 61. 118 112 61 177 17% 76 174 177 231 176, 177 177 175 177 174 132 142 112, 168 112 149, 203 151 Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 ) Jaina Grantha Bhand&rs in Rajasthan Name Page No Name Page No. 247 61 242 28 171 165 Panna Lal Caudhari 153 Katantra Rupamala 169, 203, 216 Vadibha Singh 1'6 Katha Battisi Jivandhara Rasa 232 Katha Kosa 246, 242 Brahma Jina Dava 155 Harisena 164 Tribhuwan Kuti 156, 294 Haribhadra Suri 163 Jhulna Jodha Raj Godiha Jit Sara Samuccaya 85 Khusala Canda kala 246 Jyotisa Sara Katha Kosa Prakaran 164 Jyotisa Sar Sangrha Katha Mahodani 164 Jvara Timira Bhaskar Katha Ratnakar Jyestha Jinavar Katha 280 Katha Ratnasa gar 164 Jyotisa Karanda 168 Kathasangrah 164 Jyotisa Ratnamala 119 Kaumudi Mitranand 170 Jyotisa Sara 161, 304 Kavi Candrika 235 Kalikacarya Katha 206 Kavi Kalpadrum 169 Kalikacarya Kathagaka 164, 206 Kavi Rahasya 219 Kalpa Kirnawali Kavi Rahasya Tika 107 Kalpa Satra Kavyalankara 218 231 2, 8, 14, 33, 66, 95, 118, 133, 206, 210 104, 211, 218 Kalyana Karak 172 Kavya Kaustubha 95 Kalyana Mandira Stotra Kavya Manjari 98 Kamta Kaha 164 Kavya Mimansa 104, 218 Kappavadamsiao Kavya Prakasa 104, 218 Kalpavatamsikah ) Kavyaratna 147 Karma Dahan Paja 175 Khandan Khanda Khadya 220 Karma Hindolana 241 Kirnawali 220 Karpoor Prakarana 164, 167 Kiratarjuniya 44, 46, 99, 144 219, 269 Kartikeyamepreksa 53, 160 Koka Prabandha 179 Karkandu Caritra 148, 149 Koka Sara Karkandu Cariu 120, 151 Kokila Pancami Katha 242 Karakaoduno Rasa 68 Kokila Sastra 179 Karma Vipaka 232 Kripana Carita Karma Vipaka Rasa Kripana Paccisi 99 Brahma Jina Dasa 154,233 Krisna Rukamani Veli 68, 86, 222 Manaranga Knya Kosa 68 Kasam Rasika-Vilas 293 Sukha Dev 99 Karnamrite Purina 138, 250 Kishan Singh 122, 199 Kasaya Pahuda 134 Kriya Kalapa Kastha Pastika 14 | Kriyaratan Samuccaya 169 177 132 179 237 116 216 Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | 337 Name Page No. Name Page No. 137 70 150 144 90 146 146 147, 150 214 297 64, 138, 232 16 177 110 118, 153, 202 170 66 170 74, 77, 244 Ksapana Sara 247 Jibasend and Ksatra Cudamani 53, 99, 166 Gunabhadra Kseisapala Vidaus Mahapurana Ki Caupai Kumarpal Prabandh 13, 143 Mahapursa Carita Kumarpal Rasa 95 Mahavira Carita Kumar Sambhava 95, 144, 219 Asaga Kumar Sambhava Vratii Padma Kunthanatha Carita 147 Somaprabha Kurma Puran 136 Nem: Candra Suri Kuvalaya Mala 104 Guna Candra Suni Kuvalayamala Katha 211 Mahavira Chand Labdhi Sara 7,247 Mahavira Purana Labdhi Vidhana Katha 243 Mahavira Rasa Laghiyastraya 162 Mahavira Stavan Laghu Naya Cakra 162 Mahipala Carita laghu Jataka Tika Maithali Kalyana Laghu Sita Satu 300 Malaya Sundari Caritrit Lagnavicara 168 Mallika Makarand Lagna Suddhi 168 Mallinatha Carit Bhasa Laghu Tatwartha Sutra 116 Mallinatha Carita Lati Samhita 191, 234 Hari Bhadra Suri Lavakusa akhyana 116 Mallinatha Puran Lilavan 168 Mallinatha Stavan Lilavati Bha sa 81 Manjana Sundari Carita Lilavati Katha 221 Manakaraha Rasa Linga Purana Markandeya Launka Mata Nirikaran Rasa 112, 1137 | Mayana Jujha Madan Kama Ratna Meghabhyudaya Madhav Nidan 48, 172 Meghaduta Madhavanal Prabhandha 120, 222, 289 Kalidasa Madhu Matt Katha 58, 86, 222 Vritti by Kamal Kuti Mahabhiseka Vidhi 117 Mallipatha Suri Mahanisiha 133 Vinya Candra Mahabharat 137, 312 Meghamala vrata Katha Mahadhavala 28, 36, 99, 134 Megheswar Carica Maha Paccakkhana 133 Mithyatva Khandan Natak Mahapurana Moksamarga Prakasaha Puspadant 9, 139, 145, 216 Morda 146, 151 138, 148, 232 111 102 86 136 136 237 267 32 143, 219, 267 108 144 144 237 151 66, 144 49, 247 241 Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 ) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No. Name Page No. 86 151 136 106 164 116 89 180 313 313 131 122, 145 100 143 287 62 149 85 148 Mnga Samvada Narad Purana Mriganka Lekba Carita Naradiya Purana Mrigavati Carita 106 Narmada-Sundari Katha Mratyu Mahotsava 253 Narasinghapura-Jati Rasa Mudra Raksasa Natak 105, 220 Nara Vilas Natak Muktawali 129 Nartagavicara Mulacara 99, 134 Nasketopakhyana Mulacara Bhasa 245 Nasaketa Purana Mulacara Pradip 65, 134, 200 Nayadhamma Kaha MuniMalika 115 (Jnatadharma ) Munipati Carita 150 Naya Kumar Cariu Munisubrata Carita 147 Nemi Candra Gita Munisubrata Purana 139 Nemidota Kavya Naga Kumar carita Nemi Carita Puspadanta Nemi Natha Carita Mannika Raj II, 131 Gunavijay Mallisena Raidhu Dharmadas Ajayaraj Patni Naga Kumar Rasa 155, 233 Neminath Caupai Nabhistavan 177 Neminatha Gita Nassadha Carit 104,219 Neminatha Ka Chand Naisadha Kavya Vratti 95, 105, 108, 144 Neminath Cariu Nalodaya Kavya Neminath Poja Nal Damayanti Carita 291 Neminath Purana Namalinganusasan 173 Brahma Nemidutta Nama Mala 89, 173, 203 Bhag. Canda Banarsidasa 89 Neminatha Rasa Dhananjaya 173, 203 Bhau Nama Mala Sangrah 174 Vijayadevasun Namokara Kalpa 58 Sumatigani Namokara Mahatmyau Katha 64 Nemi Candra Namokara Mantra Katha Jina Senacarya Namokara Rasa Muni Punya Ratna Nanda Kaha 164 Nemiswar Rasa Nanda Raja Caupai Neminath Rajamati Gita Nandi Nemi Rajamati Veli Nandidurga Vratti 213 Neminatha Rajamati Veli Nandi Sutra 202, 229 Nemirajula Gita Narcandra Jyotisa Sastra 168 Caturo 151 247 152, 189 123, 299 80 99 55 117 110, 138, 141 110, 134 141, 193 99 107 154 245 283 290 156, 290 48 243 117 134 241 237 123 Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (334 119 32 132 56 58 243 165 Name Page No. Name Page No. Guna Candra 80 Padampurana Nemi Nirvana Kavya 143, 233 Rai Mall 29 Nemiswar Gita 78, 241 Ravi Senacarya 63, 137 Nemiswar Phaga 63 Barhma Jainadasa 138. 233 Nemiswar Rasa 155, 156, 239 Dharma Kirti 138 Brabma Raymall 155 Bhattark Somasera 138 Nemi Vivaha Paccisi Candra Kirti 139 Nidap Muktalawali Raidhu 140,204 Nemi Vyahalo Khusal Candra Kala 141, 246 Hira 142, 245 Daulat Ram Kasliwal 141, 248 Khetasi 302 Padmavata 309 Nirbhaya Bhima 170 Padsangraha 246 Nurdosa Sapatmi Vrata Katha 239 Palya Vidhana Rasa 118, 157 Nirayavali Suttam Pajjuna Cariu 151 Nirvana Kanda Panca Kalyanaka Patha Nirvana Kanda Bahsa Pancamagat: Velt 241 Nisi Bhojan Katha Panca Parmest Puja 78, 178 Niti Satak 167 Panca Parmesti Stavan 177 Niti Sara Panca Sandhi 68 Niti Sastra 166 Panca Sangrah 135 Nitivakyamrata 166 Pancasara Prakarana Laghu Vratti 211 Nitya Vihara 51 Pancendriya Gita 123 Nyaya Bindu 220 Pancastikavya Nyaya Kandali 163, 220 27, 30, 46, 58, 75, 162, 215 Nyaya Kandali Panjika 163 Bhasa 252 Nyaya Kumud Candrodaya 162 Pancatantra Nyaya Dipika 163 Pandava Purana Nyayaratanavali 163 Yasabkurti 11, 140 Nyaya Siddhant Dipaka 220 Shubha Candra 110,235 Nyaya Vartika Vijaykirti 138 Nyaya Vartika Tippana 267 Bulakidasa 122, 241 Nyayaviniscaya Gyan Sagar 242 Ogha Nijjutti 134 Pandava Caritra 76, 212 Ogha Niryukti Vratti 12, 103, 211 Panhava garannaim Padartba Sara 163 ( Prasna Vyakarana ) 131 Padmanandi Pancaviosati 52, 66, 166, 188 Pannavana ( Prajna pana ) 132 Padmanandi Mahakavya Tika 66 Papcadhyayi 234 Padmaprabh Carita 147 Panca Saheli Gita 236 Padmanabh Purana 138 Panthi Gita 166 53, 267 162 236 Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340) Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No. Name Page No. 162 245 119 160 251 178 149 86 Pariksamukha Pariksamukha Bhasa Pardaro Pansila Rasa Par martha Doha Satak Parmatma Purana Parswabhyudaya 142 Parswamabimna Stotra Parswanatha Sakuna Sattavisi 237 Parswanatha Stotra 178 Parswanatha Adityavara Katha 86 Parswanatha Carita Unknown author Sarvanand Suri 147 Hemvijay Prasanna Candra 150 Pasa Cariu Tejpala Deva Candra 255 Sridhar 11, 27, 195, 150, 184 Aswala 260 Parvaratnavali 118 Parth Parakrama Vyayoga 171 Paraswapuran Padmakirti 44, 77 Bhudharadasa 68, 122 Sakalkirti 138, 200, 232 Vidya Bhusana Raidhu 140, 266 Parmatma Prakasa Yogindu 159, 217 Hemara ya 161 Parsva Vilasa 252 Parswnath Rasa 240, 302 Patrapariksa 162 Pattavab Pattavali Kaspha Sangb 117 Pauma Cariya 104, 212 Pauma Caniu 145, 236 Pauma Cariu Tippana 46. 98, 257 Paumasiri Cariu 150 Pimda Nijjutti 134 Pongal Catursiu Rupaka 262 Pingala Sastra 88 Prabhodha Candrodaya Natak 221 Prabodha Cintamani 77 Pradyumna Carita Sadharu 28, 50, 78, 152, 226, 275 Somkirti 204 Ratan Candra 109, 149 Pradyumna Rasa Brahma Guna Rija 116 Brahma Rayamalla 156, 239 Prakrit Chanda Kosa 256 Prakrit Vyakarana 33 Prakriya 169 Pramana Miminsa 162 Pramanapariksa 162 Pramana Sangrah 162 Pramananayatatvalokalankara 162 Parmesti Prakasa Sara 264 Prameyakamalmartanda 162 Prameyaratnamala Prameyaratan Kosa 163 Pragnapana Sutra 229 Prasangsara 51 Prasasta Pada Bhasya 220 Prasna Vya karana Sutra Vratti 212 Prasnottarratnamala 165 Prasnottara Sravakacara 2, 69, 85, 200 Prathavi Canda Carita 146, 150 Prathavi Raja Raso 95, 222 Pratimaskota Caturdasi Vratodyapana tshe ts ssh sgr lng lng sng lng lng = mig th- 162 139 235 53 Pratisyha Patha Pratisthasara Pratisthasara Sangrah 13, SS, 231 174 .. 175 Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research Name Pravacana sara Kunda Kunda Tika by Prabha Candra Hemaraja Pravacansara Bhasa Pravacanasaroddhara Pravacana Sarodhar Satika Pritinkara Carita Pritinkara Carita Bhasa Prityankara Caupai Puja Sangraha Punya Sara Katha Punyasrava Katha Kosa Ratan Candra Mumuksu Rama Candra Kishan Singh Daulatarama Kaliwal Pupph1ao Purandara Vidhan Katha 7, 62, 67, 99, 159 Rajula Patrika 63 Purudeva Campu Purusartha Sidhyupaya Puspanjali Vratakatha Radha Govinda Sangitasara Page No Rajavansa Varnnana Rajul Ka Barahamasa 75, 161 242 160 33 153 242 246 51, 122 107 112 165 199 Ragamala 293 143 Raghava Pandaviya Raghuvansa 46, 54, 144, 219 Raghuvansa Tika Raghavabhyudaya Raghuvilasa 98 170 170 Raja Bhoja Bhanumati Katha 90 Rajamati Nemisvar Dhal 86 Rajmati Gita 86 Rajmati Viraha 121 Rajaniti Kavitta Rajsekhar Narpati Katha Rajavali Doha Rajavali 166 164 Name Page No Raja Pasenaijja (Raja Prasniya) 132 249 132 Ratnamala 280 Ratnapariksa 143 Ratnatraya Katha 49, 122, 247 Ratnatraya Vrata Katha Ratirahasya 242 180 300 86 184, 271 61 Rajavartika Raksabandhan Katha Rama Laksmana Rasa Rama Rasa Rama Vinoda Rama Yasa Ram Candra Rasa Rama Purana Ramayana Ramayana Caupai Ramayana Rasa Rasa Vilasa Rasika Priya Rathora Bankavali Ratna Karanda Sravakacara Ratri Bhojan Katha Ratri Bhojan Varjan Rasa Ratri Bhojan Rasa Ravivrata Katha Risimandal Puja Risimandal Stotra Risimandal Yantra Rittha nemicariu Rohini Mriganka Rohini Prabandha Rohani Vrata Katha Rohini Vrata Puja Rohini Vrata Risa Rukmani Vivahlo Sabdabheda Namamala Sabdanusasan Sabda Ratnakar 131 134 242 117 113 193 125 119 138, 191, 193 145, 235, 257 114 185 222 [ 341 65, 222 107 71 77, 135 46, 166 28 250 242 179 243 232 155 119 58, 175 58. 177 123 145 170 111 242 175 294 54 174 85, 169 174 Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3421 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No. 253 124 180 43 Namc Page No. Sabda Bheda Prakasa 85, 113 Sabha Bhusana 73 Sabdarnava Candrika 169, 201 Sabhasara Natak 54, 171 Sadbhasitaval) Sada Darsana Samucca ya 74, 162 Sadavasvaka Balavabodha Sadavasyak 201 Sagara Dharmamnita-85,99, 119, 135, 197 Siljanacitia Ballabha 166 Sakal Kimi Rasa 11, 231, 280 Sakalvidhinidhana 44 Salibhadra carita 102, 148 Samadhi Tantra Bhava 118 122 Samaraicca kaha 163, 229 Sama yasara Bhasa 244 Samavasarana Puja 193 Samayasara 99, 159, 160, 234, 252 Samayasar Natak 64, 122. 160, 161 Samayasara Prabhrita Samaya sara Kalasa 158, 188 Simayika Patha 138 Samavasara vratti Subha Candra 76 Amutacandra 66, 99 158 Samavayanga Sutra 162 Sambhava Jinacariu 262 Sambodha Pancastha 115 Sammeda Sikhar Puja 114, 123 Samyatva Kaumudi 193, 96, 202 238 Samyakva Kaumudi Kisanadasa Hari singh 99 Jayasekhar 107 Gunakarsuni 164 Lal cand vidodila! 165 Jodharaja godika 242 Samyaktva Rasa Samvayanga 130 Samvegarsogasala 213 84 77 Sanmati jina Carita 151 Sanat Kumar Rasa 111, 157 Sandeh Dohavali 8 9 Sandeh Dohavali Vratti 118 Sandesa Rasa Tippana 266 Sandesa Rasak Tippanika 107 Sangita Dipika 180 Sangita mardan 180 Sangitopanisada 179 Sangita Pingala 180 Sangita Ratpakar Sangita Samayavila 179 Singita Sarodhara 179 Sangita Sastra Sala 180 Sangita Sara Sangarhani Sutra 54 Sangrahani sutra Balavabodha 116 Sangrahani Tabba Tika 89 Sangraham Sutra Bhasi Sangrahani Tippanham Sannipata Kalika (7 abba) 172 Sankhyalaiva Kaumudi 220 Sankhya Saptati 220 Sankhya Saptati Bhusya 220 Sanmati Cartra 144 Sanuinatha Carila 104 Sanunatha Canta 117 Thakur Sanu Nath Puran Ratan candra Vidya Bhusana 138 Santinath Stotra 178 Santosa jayamala 237 Santosa jayatilak 285 Sanyama Manjari katha 230 Saptavyasan hatha 72. 164 Saptavyasana Savaiya 61 116 30 155 Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | 343 Name Page No Name Page No. 106 175 Sara caubisi 252 Sarswati Kalpa 250 Sardhadvaya Dvipa Puja Sardi Namamala 174 Sarsikhamani Rasa 123 Saraswata Tika 98 Saraswati Puja 114 Saraswati Laxmi Samvada 99 Sarwartha siddhi 99, 111, 216 Sarwartha Siddhi Bhasa 244 Sat Darsan Pramana Pramcya-Nupravesa 86 32 Sindurprakarana Singhasana Battisi 90, 120. 124, 222 Sisupal vadha 99, 144, 219 Sita carita 152 Sila haran Rasa 157 Sita satu Sita sila Rasa Pataka gunaveli 110 Siva Sandhan Nama 235 Skanda Puran 136 Stora Vartha 134 Solahakaran Puja 175, 232 Solahakaran Rasa 154 Sodasa Karana Jayamala 72, 175 Sodusa Kaianavidhan 99, 110 Sodasa Karand vratody pan Puja 81 Solah Swapna 61 Srangara Salah 107 Sravakacara Vasunandi 67, 75 Amitigati Devasena 135 Laxmi candra Sravakacaia 112 Sr.vaka Dharma Prakarana 270 Gravaka Pratikramana 88 Sravan Dvadasi vrata Katha 242 Srenika Cauta 202 67 71 135 Sata Darsana Nirnaya 163 Satdarsana Samuccaya 163 Satkarma Rasa 157 Satkarma granthavacuri Satkarmopadesa Ratnamala Sat Khandagama 3, 134 Satamalavarnana Satpahuda 197 Satprarupana 3 Satya Hariscandra Natak 170 Savayadhammadoha Panjika 204 Siddha Hema sabdanusasana 169 Siddhanta Candrika 203 Siddhi viniscaya 162 Sidha cakra Katha 122 Sidha Hemvyakarana 8, 169 Sidhanta sara 85, 233 Sidhant sara Deepak Sikhamani Rasa Sila Battisi 237 Sila katha Gila Rasa 157 Simandhar ki Jakaci 241 Simandhara Stavan 237 Simandhara Swami Stavan 113 204 72 115 116 153, 200 233 100 277 165 Dunga vaid Daulatarin kasliwal Vijay kirti Brahma Jinadas Sri Bhusan gita Sudhar Caula Sripal Carita Srpil Caniu Raidhu Narsena Damodar 148 152 151 151, 194 259 Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344] Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Nane Page No. 1 Name Page No 90 117 89 78 Sripala Caritra 89 Sripal Sobhagi Rasu 295 Sripa Rasa Gyan Sagar Yasovijay Brahma Jinadasa 155, 233 Brabma Rayamlla 156, 194 Srutabodha 173 Srutaskandha 133 Srutamala Varnan 248 Sthananga 162 Sthuli bhadra Rasa 154 Subhadra Natak 170 Subbasita Ratna Sandoba 72, 85, 106 Subhom Caritra 86, 149 Subhasitarnava 166 Subhasitavah 166, 167, 246, 252 Subudhi Prakasa 190 Sudansana Cariu 5 146 Sudansana Cariyu Tika Sudarsana Carita Sakal Kiru 148 Vidyanandi 149. 193 Sudarsana Rasa Brahma Jinadasa 155, 233 Brahma Raymalla 1.56, 239 Sudarsana Sethan Caupu) Sukhep Carita 235 Sukha Nidhan 235 Sukamala Caru Sridhar Radhu Sukmal Cautra Sakal Kirti 85, 200, 232 Nathulal doshi 254 Sukumala Swami Rasa 156 Sukausal Rasa 114 Sukausal Swami Rasa 114 Sukba Vilasa 73, 75 Suktimuktavali 166, 232 Saktaval 166 Sulocana Carita Vadi Candra 271 Ganidevasena 151 Sulocana Nataka 170 Sumati Nath Carita 146 Sundara Srangara Supasanaha Carita 149 150 ( Surya-Prajoapti) Surapannatti 131, 168 Sutra Kratanga 130, 162 Suyagadanga 130 Suva Bahatari Svapna Saptatika Prakarana 213 Svapanodhyaya Swami Kartikeyanupresa 244 Swarupanand 251 Swetambara Parajaya 235 Syadavada Bhasa 163 Syadavada Kalika 163 Syadavada Manjari 110 Syadavada Ratnakar 162 Tuindula Veyaliya Tapagacha Pattavali Tarangavati Tarangiwati Katha 163 Tarangalola 161 Tarha Bhasi Varuka 163 Tarha Rahasya Dipika 163 Tarkasangraha 129 Tattvagyan Tarangin 135, 233 Tautvartha Sutra Tika 122 Tattvartha Vrath Tattvartha Sutra (Tattvarthadhigama ) 28, 33, 52, 60, 74, 78, 134, 216, 252 133 112 163 150 151 33 Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Material for Research | 345 67 72 298 135 270 56 132 63 Name Page No. 1 Name Page No. Tattvartha Sutra Bhasa 81 Utiar Purana Tattvartha Saira Tippani Puspadant 6, 44, 46, 216 Tattvasara Gunabhadra 138, 158, Tatvasara Duha Sahal Kirti 138. 232 Tattavsara Khusal cand kala 141, 246 Tattvartha Bodha 252 Pannalal caudhu. 252 Tattvartha Ratna Prabhakar Uttara Puran Tippana Thinanga (Sihananga) 130, 131 Uvasagadasao Tinloka Puja (Upasakadesah Tirtha Mala stavan 278 Uvayilya (Aupupauka) Travels in Western India ICO Vachavata Vansvali 40, 222 Trayodasamargi Raso 78 Vaddhamao Kavya Trailokya Dipaka 99 49, 50, 70, 188, 198 Trilokasara 119, 247 Vaghabhaitalanlara 235 Triloka sara Bhasa 64 Vundv-Manotsava 48, 172 Triloka sara Tika Vaidyaka sara Sangrah 172 Trinsat Caturvinsati Puja 175 Vaidyaksarodhar 172 Trisasti Purasa Canta 138, 143 215 Vairagya gita 123 Trisastismrati Sastra 67, 147, 150 Vuti Paccisi 40, 222 Udar gita 80, 236 Vakrokti jivita 218 Udbhatalankara 219 Vimana Puran 136 Upadesa Bavani Vanika Priya Uradesamala 230 Vanhidasao Vanamala Upadesa pada Prakaran 213 Vank Cula Rasa 157 Upadesamala Prakaran 213 Vankucore Dhanduta katha 195 Upamiti Bhava Prapanca katha 164, 230 Volha Vaizha Purana 136 Upangas 3, 131, 132 Varanga cariya 82, 99 Upaskacara 30 Vai ngu carita Upaskadhyayana 62, 135, 197 latacarya 143 Upadesa mala 119. 160 Vardhaman Bhutarak 144 190 Upasargahara Stotra 117 Vardlama la carita 144, 151 Upadesa Paccisi 71 Vardhamana Puran 141, 253 Upadesa Ratnamala 117, 251, 253 | Vart Katha Kosa 233 Upadesa Tarangini Varinat Katha kosa 56 Usa Harana Vasant vilas kavya 144 Uttaradhyana 14, 103, 166 Vasavadatta 114 304 132 170 48 111 106 Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 Jajna Grantha Bhandars io Rajasthan Name Page No. Name Page No. 221 3 104 99 162 147 129 12 160 32 150 Vasavadatta Ahhyayila Vastusara Prakarana 28 Vasudevahindi Vasudeva Prabandha 112 Vasudhira Cariyu 99 Vasunandi Sravak..cara Bhasa 110 Vasupujya Carita Vedantasara Venisamhara 221 Vidagdhamukha mandan 48 Vidhawasila Samraksanopiya 265 Vidyanuvi da 48 Vidyanuvadangat Vijay candra Carita Vikrama Carsta 75 Vikramaditya Carita 148, 287 Vikramaditya Caupar 222 Vikrama Sena Caupai 89, 99 Vikranta Kaujava 169 Vilhana Carita Caupai 40. 222 Vilhana Sasikala Prabandha 65 Vimala Purina Vimalanatha Purana Vipaka Sutra Vrati 212 Vira kaha 164 Virangad Katha 163 Viratthava (Varastava) Virstavan 377 Visaldeva Cauhan Rasa Visaldeva Raso 40, 222 Visaldeva Cauhan Rasa 117 Visapahara stotra 177 Visnu Purana 136 Vitaraga stuti 163 Vivagasuyam (Vipak sutram 131 Vivekamanjars 107 Viveka Vilas Visal Kirli gita 86, 100 Visaphakra Chappaya Viya hapannatti Vrata Ratnakar Tika Vrihatasiddha Puja 175 Vrihadanayacakra Vrohata Tapagacchaguravali 72 Vratta Ratnakara 173, 221 Vratavidhan Puja 78 Vrata Vidhan Raso 157, 192 Vrihadakalpa Sutra Vyahti Viveha Kavyalankara 219 Vyavaharaganita Vyavahara Sutra 214 Yadavabhyudaya 160 Yasodhar Caupai 106, 192 198 Yasastilaka Campu 77, 43 Yasodhara Carita Sakal Kurti 6, 47, 48, 55, 62 67, 99 193, 232 Gyana Kirti 8, 67, 234 i Padmanatha Kayastha 148 Vadi Raja 149 Raidhu 151, 208 Khusal cand hala 152, 240 Parihanand :53 Vidyanandi 193 Brahma Jinadasa 204, 233 Puspadania 208, 209 Yasodhar Caupar 247 Yoga Cintamani 48.172 Yogadrast1 Samuccaya 230 Yogasara 67,85, 105, 158, 150, 264 Yogasara Yogasatak 172 Yugadideva Dvatrinsika 177 Yugaprabandha Caupai 28 Yuktyanusasana 162, 176 139 56 133 88 252 89 Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Name Abhaya Candra Abdul Rahman Abhaya Devacarya Abhayadeva Suri Abhayanandi Abhinava Dhaima Bhu an Abhra Pandit Acala Kirti Aika Natha APPENDIX V AUTHORS, WRITERS AND COPYISTS Amogha Vaisa Amrita Candra 88, 150, 177 169, 175, 255 163 99 178 98 Ajayaraj Patani 50, 141 153, 189, 246, 247 Br. Ajita Ajitprabha Suri Akhada Kavi Aklanka (Sonof Jinadasa) Aklank Amara Deva Amara Kirti Amara Singh Amitigati Amritaprabha Suri Ananda Ghan Ananda Kavi Ananda Bhagat Bh Ananta Kirti Page No. Arhatdasa Arunamani AS Altekar 179 266 212, 214 Ananta Virya Anubhuti Swarupacarya Annam Bhatta 149, 161 147 107 177 67, 85, 135, 155, 158, 166, 311, 312 165 4, 112, 129, 134, 162 --(4)-- 160 67, 176, 226 173, 200 158 172 161, 178, 239 179 99 156, 238 162 49 129 143, 147 56, 139 78 Asadita Asadhar Name Page No 220, 221 32, 55, 67, 85, 99, 110, 111, 117. 119, 135, 143, 147, 159, 174. 176, 177, 187, 230, 268, 269 105 138, 144 154 280 66. 114 227 144 Asadi Asaga Asagu Asawala Bakhat Rams Balanandi Bala Candra Sun Banarsi Dasa Bandi Raja Bansidhara Bappabhatti Bhadau Acarya Bhadra Bhau Bhadrasena Bhaga Cand Bhagwati Dasa 18, 26, 29, 45, 50, 122, 160. 161, 166 167, 173, 178, 185 212 51 177 279 2 3, 4, 35, 133, 152, 211, 214 115 141, 193 28, 29, 30, 71, 86. 151, 296, 300 152, 178 Bhaiya Bhagwati Dasa Bhaktawara I al Bharat Bhardvaj Bhartrihari Bhamah Bhanu Candra Gani Bhanu Kirti Bharamalla 54 142 174 97, 175 122, 165, 248 8, 9, 137, 154 267 167 Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3481 Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No. Name Page No. 33 51 175 204 77 SO Bharvi 44, 46, 99, 144, 203, 219 Chunilal 75 Bhaskara nandi Dadu Dayal Bhasta Kedara 173, 221 Dalu Ram 43, 53, 175, 179 Bhatt: 219 Damodara 99, 149 264 Bhatta Narayana 220, 201 Damodara 180 Bhattotpal 110 Dandi 211 Bhava Sharma Dasaratha Nigotia 282, 311, 312 Bhau 99, 209 Daulat Ram Kasliwal 43, 65, 75, 110, Budhajana 252 112, 116, 141, 161, 165. 198, 204, 247, 248 Bhudhar Dasa 29 45, 68, 122, 141 Daulat Ram Sanghi 157 161. 167, 178 Devendra Suri 147 Bhupal Kavi 177, 269 Daja Candra Bhusana Bhatta 221 Daya Hansa Gani Bhutabala 3,134 Dayarataa 163 Bhuwan Kirti 97, 111, 114, 187 232 Deepa Canda 43, 118 233, 280 Deepa Canda Kasiiwal 178, 189, 251 Bihari Lal 45, 46, 51, 189 Dhlha 11, 46, 86, 178, 222, 274, 282 Brahmadeva 99 Brahma Deva Buhler 25, 40, 83. 101 Kavi Deva Candra 255 Bulakidasa 122, 140, 241 Muni Deva Candra 170 Campa rana 194 Deva Candra Suri Comunadaraja 171 Devasuri 147, 148, 162, 168 Candabardal 95 Deva Bhadragani 150 Candragani 211, 251 Deva Sundar 163 Candra Kurti 6, 138, 139 Devadatta Bhatta 89 Candra Mahattala 32, 150 Devendra Bhusana Acirya 204 Candraprabha Devagupta Suri 150 Caturbhuj Mira 293 Deva Prabha Suni 76, 171, 217 Caturbhuja Dasa Devasen 117, 135 162 Caturabhuja Kavi Devendra Kiru 44, 63, 123, 149, 165, C. D. Dalal 30, 31, 40, 105, 107 189, 190, 201, 203, 264, 315 Caritra Vaidhan 144, 219 Devidasa 166 Carpata 85 Devaprabh Suri 164, 171 Sri Candra Sari 89 Delha 154 Carita Singh Devardhigani Ksamasramapa 3, 4, 130 Cara Kirti 31 Devasena 7, 117, 121 Chainsukha 172 Devasepagan 150 Chihal 45, 50, 80, 167 178, 236, 284 Devapandi Chitara Tholis 67, 238 Deva Sundar 104 162 222 38 115 Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | 349 Name Page No. Name Page No. 87 175 157 Devendra Suri 166, 169 Gokula 120 Devidasa Khandelwal 247 Gopal Dasa 94 Dhahila 150. 226 Gorakhanatha 46, 222 Dhananjaya 143, 173, 177, 2036 S. Ojha Dhanpal Kavi 67. 84, 146, 226, 229 Guna Candia 80, 201, 295, 303 Brahma Dharma 288 Guna Candra Suri 214 Dharma 152, 154 Gnna Kirti 262 Dharma Bhusana Guna Vijaya 143, 149 Dharma Candra 6, 7, 62, 84, 149, 175 Gunapandi 169, 175 Dharma Ghosa Suri 147 Gunaratan Pathak 108 Dharmadasa Gani Br. Guna Raja 116 Dharmadhar 148 Gumani Rama 43, 49, 53, 247 Ac.irya Dharma Kirti 220 Gunabhadra 4, 32, 73, 76 136, 137, 146, Mandalacarya Dharma Kuu 124, 200 158, 225, 235, 270 Dharma Kurti 89, 56, 97, 115, 138 Guna Bhadra Suli 213 Dhramamei 144, 219 Gunakar Suri 164 Dharma Sagar 78 Gunaratan Suri 163, 169, 218, 219 Dharma Singh Gyan Bhusana 114, 135, 157, 203, 233 Dharma Suri Br. Gyan Bhusan Dharma Vinoda 112 Gyan Canda Chabia 253 Acharya Dharmoitar pada 220 Gyan Kirti 8, 67, 234 Dharms 309 Gyan Sagar 63, 90, 111, 241, 242 Dharasenacurid B Gyan Sagar 51, 178, 215 Dhelha 237 Gyan Sagar Suri 106 Dila Rais 192, 249 Gyan Suri Brahma Dipa 78, 161 Gyan Tilak Dipa Canda Ka liwal 161 HD. Velankar 26 Dipa Canda Saha 141 Hala, udha 219 Dronacarya 103, 211 Hammira 58, 88, 279 Baba Duli Canda -43, 45, 45, 48, 253, 251 Hansa Raja 40, 50, 140 Dunga Vaida '15 Hansa Vijaya 40 Dungara 11, 56 Hara Candra Gangwa Dyanat Rai 29, 71, 161, 167, 175, 179 Hara Candra 56 Ganga Dasa 61, 112, 115 Hari Bhadra Suri 4, 129, 144, 146, 150, Ganga Rama 73 151, 162, 163, 168, Ganapati 222, 2x9 187, 215, 228, 229 Gautama Hari Candra 30, 77, 106, 117, 142 Gautama Gandhar Hari Krisna Pande Girvar Singh Harinam Misra 200 172 202 254 280 74 Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350) Jaina Graptha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No Name Page No. 91 93 178 63 170 98 101 79 Hari Sagar Suri Govind Ram Bhikam Cand Bhansali Harisena 167. 187, 227, 229 Harsa 203, 219 Gulab Canda 204 Harsa Candrs 73 Br Gulala Harsa Kalyana Gyan Candra 125 Harsa Kamal Gani 290, 214 Gyao Candra 90, 171 Harsa Kirti 70, 168, 172, 174, 178, 241 Halu 49 Hanumana 54, 149, 155, 157 Harsa Samudra 287 Hardana 116 Hastimala Hari Dasa Hema Candra Sun 170,215 Hari Rama 173 Hema Hansa Gani 124, 198 Hari Singh 99 Hema Candra 4,8, 80, 85,92 129, 138, Harsa Saha Hema Ratna 143, 150, 162, 163, 169, Hema Ratha 312 173, 203, 215 225, 226 Hem Tilaka 173 Maldhari Hema Candra Suri 213, 214 Yati Himatujt 88 Hemaprabha 165 Pandi: Hira Lal Hansraja Hira Lal Lohadla Hemaraja 9, 50, 68, 75, 119, 161, 167, Hira Lal 26, 30, 40 178, 191 168 241, 312 Hita Lal Sohan Lal 64 Hema Raja 11 161, 241 Jacobi 101, 130, 146, 229 Hema Vijaya 149, 165 Jagannath 235 Jagat Candra Sun 154 Hema Susi 144 Jagat Kirti 47, 190 Hira 192, 245 Jagat Ram 178, 186 Hiranand 178 Jai Canda Chabra 43, 45, 53, 160, Hira Vijay 106 178, 244, 248 Jai Kirti 112 Indranandi 32, 166 Jaina Bhadra Gani 163 Iswar Krisna 220 Jainarain Bhatta Gajamalla 123 Jaisekhar Suni 148, 164 Gandharva 216 Jant Ram Gaudapada Jagat Kirt 123, 245 Ghisilala Jambu Kavi 177 Gordhan Disa 208 James Tod 10), 101 Gaurdhana 227 1 (Vyasa ) Janardana 106 Govinda Candra 221 ( Muqi ) Jasa Kirti 107 43 220 198 112 Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 143 289 | 351 Name Page No.1 Name Page No. Jamal Nahar 309 Jiwana Ram 64 Jatacarya or Jatal Muni Jina Vallabh Suri 97, 177 Jayadeva 172 Jina Saubhagya Suri 207 (Acarya) Jaya Kirti 110 Jodharaj Kasliwal 73, 75 Jayakirti 112, 157, 172 | Jodharaja Godika 153, 161, 165, 199, Jayakirti Suri 105, 212 200, 242 Jayamitrahala 49, 73, 151, 188 Jugal Kishore Mukhatar 267 Jayasagar Upadhyaya 89 Kabirdasa 46, 49, 222 Jayasagar 115, 157 Kalidasa 44, 46, 49, 54, 90, 95, 143, Jayasi 309 173, 203, 219, 220, 267 Jayasingh Suri 96, 170 Kalyana 243 Jayatilak 106 Kalyana Gani Jayatilak Suri 66 Kalyana Kirti 111, 153 Jayasekhar 107, 164 Kalyan Singh 63 Jina Bhadra Suri 10, 107, 103 (Pandit) Kamal Bhadra 264 Jinacandracarya 85, 203, 225 Kamal Kitts 70, 108 Jina Bandhu 214 Kamal Prabha 178 Jinacandra 196, 256, 259 Kamal Samyamaupadhyaya 103 Jinacandra Suri 68, 150, 213 Kamal Vijay 113, 149 Pande Jinadasa 152, 178 Brahma Kamraja 7,138 Pandit Jinadasa 194 Kanak Kusal 202 B. Jinadasa 45, 50, 51, 68, 77, 85, 112, Kankamar 151 114, 119, 138, 154, 177, 178, Kanak Prabha 147, 149 204, 233, 281 Acarya Kapil 220 Jinadatta Suri 97, 205, 213 B. Kapoor Canda 70 240, 302, 303 Jinadeva 150 Swami Kartikeya 160 Jina Prabha Suri 177 Kesa Raja Jinasenacarya 4, 32, 110, 123, 137, 142 ) Kesari Singh 83, 141, 204, 252 146, 156, 174, 176, 198, 201, Kesavadasa 45, 46, 49, 222 208, 283, 312(Pande) Kesavada sa Jinasenacarya 11 137 Kesava 172 Jinasena Suri 172 Mandalacarya Sri Kesava 175 Jina Harsa Suri 90, 164 Kesava Misra 95 Muni Jinavijaya 101 Kesava Sena 138, 177 Acarya Jinesvara 164 (Monk) Kesi 132 Jigendra Bhosana 79, 149 Kesava Singh 121, 153 Jinarija Sori 108, 144 Pandit Siramani Kesodasa 204 Jineswar Suri 268 H, 270 Subha Kirti 256 Jinodaya Suri 125 Kisandasa 30, 114 125 81 Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 ) Name Page No. Name Page No. 302 90 177 135 222 221 Kisan Singha 122, 199, 243 Laxmicandra 7, 97, 107, 204 Khetasi Laxmidasa 30, 246 Khusal Candra Kala 25, 141, 152, Laxmi Vallabha Gani 199, 246 Madhavacandra 255 Br Krisna Dasa 139 Madhavacandra Trivaidya 69 Krisna Misra 221 Madancandra Suri 148 Ksemendra Kirti 51, 315 Madana Deva 62 Kumuda Candra Maharaja Sawai Madhosingh 194 Kumara Kavi 76 Mahadeva 150, 129 Kunda Kundecarya 4, 30, 45, Mahendra Suri 163, 164 58, 67, 80, 99, 119, Mahara Candra 90 134, 159, 160, 161, 162, Mahesa 58 196, 215, 234 Madhava Dasa 113 Kunte 26 Madhava Sena Kusaladhira Magha 44. 99, 219 Kusal Labha 191 Maghapandi 163 Kuttak Kavi 218 Mahacanda 277 Kutuhala Kavi Mahananda 266, 274 Labdhi Vijayagani 71 Mahaviracarya 168 Labhananda Mahicandra 116, 157, 161 Lakba Carana 68 Mabendra Kirti 5 (Vaid) Lakhansiji 87 Mahendraprabha Suri Lakhamidasa 152 Maheswar 85, 113 Pandit Lakbu 188 Mahesvara Sun 164, 174, 230 Kavi Lakhu 151,194 Maha Candra Laksamana 117, 204, 260 Mahipala 214 Laksmanasena 137 Maladhari Devaprabha 106 Laksamigani 146, 150 Malli Bhusa na 204 Laksmi Candra 160, 204 Mallinatha Suri 144, 219 laxmidhar 218 Mallisena 85, 163, 166 Laxmidhara Bhatta 221 Mammata 104, 218 Laxmi Vallabhagani 167 Mandana 180 Lalacaodra 123, 27- Manaranga Lalacandra Vinodilala 165 Manik Candra 72 Lala Disa 125 Manikkaraja 11, 44, 151, 291 Lailak 6,62 Manikya Nandi 162 Lala Kavi 112 Manikya Sundar 148 Lalitakirti 7, 62, 188, 194, 195 Manikya Suri 55 Laxmanacarya 180 | Manna Lala Sangaka 251 240 198 59 116 Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (353 157 Name Page No. Name Page No. Manna Lala Patni (Khinduka) Br. Nemi Datia 110, 138 43, 45, 53. 186 Padmanandt 76, 166, 176, 187, 196, Mansagar 89,99 227, 23 Manohar Dasa 5,167 Padam-kitti 44, 132 Mantungacarya 73, 125, 176 Padlaipta Suri 163 Mati Sagar Padma 116, 145 Pandit Medhavi 99 Padma kirti 77 Megharaja 59 Padam Nahha 11, S1, 148, 192, 235, 279 Megha Vijay 108 Padma Sundar 149, 178 Mehau 124, 278 Pandit Padma Vijaya 202 Merutunga 148, 163 Pandit Padaratha 203 Murari 219, 221, 220 Palha Kavi 211, 255 Nagari Dasa Panna Lal Caudhari 43, 153, 167, 252 Narayana 11 Paramananda Suri 104 Naina Sagara 201 Paramardideva 31 Nanda Dasa 313, 314 Para-adasa Nigotia 43, 252 Narcandra Suri 164, 168, 171, 221, 226 Parihanand 153 Narendra Kirti 118, 235 Parimalla 152 Narendrasena 117 Parswa Candra 179 Narsa 119. 289 Parswanaga Narsena 4. 151. 197 Parwata Dharmarthi 61, 118, 122 Nathamal 197 Pasa Canda 111, 157 Naihu Patanjali 230 Nathulal Dosi 253 Feterson 25, 31, 35, 40 Natha mal Prabha Candra 63, 67, 135, 162, 171, Nawal Rama 53, 179 176, 203 Nayan Candra 179, 231 Prabhacandra 30, 76, 85, 117, 271, 295 Nayan Kirti 51 Prabodha Candra 118, 196 66 Naya Candra Prahalada Nayanambudhi 287 Prakasa Varsa 44, 144, 219, 269 Nayanasukha 172 Prasanna Candra Suri 150 Nayanandi 5, 44, 46, 146, 226 Prithivi Raj 68, 86, 184, 185, 190 Naya Vijay 158 Pujyapada 32, 99, 111, 134, 169, 216 180 Nemi Sadhu 218 Pundarika Vithal 50 Nemi Candra 9, 14, 97, 99, 119, 135, Puno 202 137, 160, 189, 245 Muni Punya Kirti Nemi Canda Pafni 43 290 Punya Ratana Nemi Candra Suri 147, 150 101, 102, 107 Muni Punya Vijaya Br Nemidasa 86 Upadhyaya Punyasagar 158 236 75 118 102 Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354) Name Page No Name Page No 231 201 169 139 154 Punyasila gani 177 Sadananda 129 Puranamal Kayasi ha 194, 204 Sadasukha Kasliwal 43, 45, 71, 251, 252 Purana Malla 190 253 Purana Singh Sadharu 26, 78, 152, 274 Puspadant 3, 6, 9, 28, 44, 46, 52, 62, Sakal Candra 63, 67, 122, 134, 137, 139, 145, Sakal Bhusana 117 207, 208, 209, 226 Sakalkirti 7, 145, 48, 50, 67, 68, 69, 75, (Mahapandit) Rahul 145 85, 86, 99, 111, 113, 114, 117, Kaidhu' 10, 46, 72, 115, 140, 151, 119, 123, 134, 138, 148, 159, 175, 191, 208, 209, 226, 266 166, 175, 177, 178, 187, 193, Rajamalla 29, 156, 199, 238, 248 201, 203, 208, 225, 231, 232. (Muni) Raja Canda 113 233, 234, 244, 253, 277, 280, 281 Rajaditya 168 Sakajayana Raja Krisna Sakti Kumar 227 Raja Malla 53, 149, 159, 160, 187, 191 Salibhadra Suri Raja Sekhar Suri 77, 104, 163 164, 174, Samal 111, 113, 280 179, 218 Samantabhadracarya 30, 129, 135, Rajasingh 11, 152, 178, 273 162, 176 Raja Sundar 113 Samaya Sundara 103, 178 219 Ralha 52, 152, 263, 273 (H) Kavi Sankur 222 Ram Candra Sukla 236 Sarvadapand Suri 147 Rama Candra 109, 112, 119, 172, 175, Sewa Rama Patni 74, 77 81, 179, 244 195, 264 Sivarya or Sivakoti 135 (Mumuksu, Ram Canda 165 Sidhayena Rama Candra Suns 75, 170, 177 Siddha (Kavisingh) 83, 151 Ram Kumar Varma 236 Siddharsi 164, 230 Ratan Bhusana 6, 98, 99, 112 Sllacarya Ratan Bhusana Suri Siva Canda 253 Ratna Sephas 89 173 Siva Koti 166 Ratna Sekhar Sun 164 Sobhana 177 Ravi Dharma 107 Soma Candra gani 164, 173 Ravisenacarya 63, 137, 149 Somadeva 143, 159, 164, 165, 169, 225 Risabha Dasa 204 Soma Kavi Risabha Dasa Nigotia 245, 252 Sumakirti 164, 204 Rudraja 218 Samasena 138, 191, 193, 235 Ropa Canda 71, 99, 156, 163, 167, 172, Somesvara 218 178, 204, 245 Somprabhacarya 146, 148 Pandey Rupa Candra 161 Somprabha Suri 166 Sadal Misra 313 1 Somasundar 150 10 Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 149 [355 Name Page No Name Paga No. Sri Bhosana 72. 80, 97, 199, 241, Thakurasi 50, 167, 178, 237 242 Thansingh 179, 189, 198 Sricandra 164, 172, 226 Todarmal 9, 10, 11, 43, 55, 49, 122. Sridhara 9, 11, 27,75, 148, 150, 163, 135, 151, 161, 178, 187, 184, 195 208(H), 209, 247, 248 Sridhar Bhatta 220 Tribhuvana Kirti 156, 164. 294 Sridharacarya 168 Tribhuvan Swayambhu 145 Sruta Kirti 169,264 Tulasi 294 Srutsagar 33, 56, 71, 176, 186, Tulasidasa 125, 145 197, 248 Sahuda 203 Sthool Bhadracarya 2 Udabhata 219 Subha Candra 6, 32, 50, 62, 64, 69, Udainacarya 220 70, 110, 114, 118, 138, Udaivijay.igani 149, 157, 160, 166, 175, Udyotansari 211 187, 196(H) 201, 203, Ugradityacarya 172 234, 297, 298 Umaswami 4, 33, 116.134 Subha Caudra Suri Vacaspati misra 220 Subhaga Vijaya 163 Vadibhasingha 99, 166 Subhata Kavi Vadibhusana 234 Sudha Kalasa 174, 179 | Vadiraja 177, 235 Sudrak Vadirijasuri 149 Sukha Deva 99, 304 Vadi Candra 138, 170, 271 Sumatigani 154 Vaidya Bhusana Sumati Kirti 112, 113, 157 Vagbhafta 143 Sumati Sagar Vahada Deva 216 Sumati Vijay 144 Vahada Rajadeva 216 Sundara Kavi 57 Valhava Sundar dasa 246 Vamana 218 Surat Misra 314 315(H) | Vamadeva 99 Syama Misra 293, 294 Vardhana (Bh) Surendra Kirti 7, 51, 189, 190 Vardhamana 145, 190, 204 225 Swaroop Canda bila la 43 53, 175 / Vardhamana Suri Svayambhu 44, 46, 50, 137, 145, 172 | Vardhamana Bhattarak 176,226 Vasavacandra 255 Tanu Sah 61 Vastupal 78, 111, 144 Tejapal 8, 82, 86 99, 201, 229 262 Vasunandi 32, 175, 197 Tekacanda 43, 110 175, 179 Acarya Vattaker 134 Thakkar 86, 140 Vayararsena Thakkar Pberu 28, 168 Venidasa 114 171 171 Vadiraja 95 78 147 213 144 217 Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356) Jamna Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan Name Page No. Name Page No. 178 129 174 107 97 147 Vidya Bhosana 117, 138, 139, 165, Visalakirti 83, 97, 176 198, 238, 291, 292 | Visva Bhusana 73, 149, 294 Vidyananda Viswanatha Vidya Sagar 61 Visva Sambhu Vidyanandi 63. 129, 134, 149, 162 Viswa Sen 175, 176, 238 193, 216 Viweka Samadra Brahma Vira 256 Vivekaprabha 147, 148 Vira Dasa 204 Vrindavana 175, 179 Visakhadatta 171 Vucaraja 45, 78, 120, 167, 178, 196 Vijay Kirti 84, 114, 138, 149, 153 237, 285, 286 166, 234, 250, 279, 299, 298 V. P Johrapavrkar Vijaysingh 56 Vrinda 45, 46 Vijayasingha suri Vrisabha Nandi 85, 267 Bhattarka Vijay Kirti Vyasa 230 Vijayseda 167, 288 Winternitz 131, 163 Vijaya Vallabh Suri 35 Yogabindu 230 Vikrama 90, 143 Bhattarak Yashakurti 295 Vilha Yasha Kirti 299 Vilhana 268 H) Yasah Kirti 11, 28, 97, 116, 140 Vimaldasa 104 151, 171, 196, 240 Vimala Suri 104, 145, 111 Yasah Kirtigani 216 Vinay Candra 144, 152 Brahma Yashodhara 112, 123, 288, 299 Vinayprabha 154 Acarya Yasodhar (Upadhyaya) Vinayasagar 86, 250 Yasonandi 78, 175 Vira 46, 62, 146. 174, 116, 166 | Yasovijayagani 117, 159, 163 Vircanda 177 Yogadeva 67, 78 Vira Nandi 58. 85, 142, 225 Yogindu 217, 159 Visakhadatta 220 'Zorawar Singh 206 288 221 Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX VI OTHER THAN AUTHORS 92 204 Name Page No. Name Page No. Abhaya Kumar 213 Bahlol lodi 29 Abhayaraja Nahta Bahubali 154 249 Adidalb 1, 36, 62, 63, 67, 70, 119, 124, Bala Rama (H) 190 143, 233, 268, 277 Balcanda 252, 311 (H) Abhinandan Swami 119, 120 (Dewan) Balcanda Chabra 7, 8, 9, 42 Agarcanda Nahta 91 Balacandra Jain 115 Agarmalla Basant Sena 153 Ahadasa 123 Bhagwandasa 203, 204 Ajaipala (Ajaypala) 24, 31, 83 Maharaja Bhagwana Dasa 198, 199, 239 Ajatasatru . 132 Sridhar R. Bhandarkar 25, 26, 40, 101, Ajaideva II 83 102, 106 Akbar 29, 61, 96, 125, 185, 194, 234 Bhanwarlal Rampuria 94 Ali Khan 309 (H) Bhanumati 90 Allauddina Khilji 28, 89, 121, 151, 279, Raja Bharmalla 188, 197 309 Bhavsingh 186 Amarcanda Bilala Maharaja Bbavsingh (H) 192 Amarcanda (Dewan) 8, 42, 53, 253 Bhima 216 Amarcanda Godika Bhimadeva 714 Amoghavarsa 137, 168 Bhimagupta 191 Ananda Rama 65, 203, 248 Bhimasena 164 Ananda Sagarji Maharaj 108, 118 Bhima Vijaya 202 Ananda Singha 90 Bhoja 243 Ananta Ram Mahalaj) 204 Sanghavi Bhojani 314 (H) Agaji 93 (Setha) Bija Anangapal 27, 184 Bikaji Anirudha 111 Bimal Dasa chabra Arithanemi 132 Brahmi Asoka Maharaja Budhasingh Ate 273 Camundaraya Aurangazeb 29, 42, 96, 186 Maurya Candra Gupta Badan singha (H) 185 Canda Hari Badhicanda 49, 50, 63, 67, 110, 122 Candusa ha Bahadur singha Banthiya 95 Caritrodaya 65 242 42 190 Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3581 Name Page No.1 Name Page No. 94 33 229 Carudatta 153 Jambu Swami 152, 155 Sagara 40, 222, 287 Jasodhara 211 Chajulal Sah Jasawant singh 303 (H) Chajurama Jasawant singh Rathore 240 Chatti Bai (Yati) Jayakaraja Dabir King Jayapala 219 Damyanti Jaya Singh Sidha Ray 8 Danmal Copra Muni Jayasingha 202 Dan Sagar Maharaja Jayasingh Deva 211, 212 Dasa Jina Bhadra 160 Dasa Devcanda Jinadatta 89, 146, 151, 152, 273 Deyada 105, 220, 221 Jindo 204 Caudhari Dovaraj 9, 151 Jivandhar 142, 155, 166 Devaraja 86, 177, 259 Jhuntha Ram Sanghi 42, 57 Dhana Candra 214 Caudhari Jodhpura 202 Dhanaraja 6, 188 Jogidasa 311 (H) Dhanasiri Kalha 99 Dhanya Kumar 146 Kama Dharmanatha 142 Karmade Dharna Sab Karma Tilak Sabu Divara Sah Karmana 195 Yati Dudha Canda 96 K B. Sastri Sanghapati Dungar 235, 279 Kasima Khan 263 Dungar yati 107 Keli Natha Dungarsi Kesarimal Gangwal 210 Dulha Pandit Keso Dulicand Sethia Kisan Deva Feroza Sab Khemacanda 93 Jagat singh 53, 186, 253 Khema Sadhu 246 Jagajivana 204 Khemit 188 (Rao) Jagrama Pandya 42 Khidar Khan Jagrupa Khinvasi 47, 63, 208 Jahangira Raja Kilan 188 (Upadhyaya) Jaicand 91 Kriparam Pandya 9, 42 (King) Jaisal 103 Br. Kripa Rama 271, 304 Sawai Jai Singh 9, 42, 43, 57, 160, 188, / Krspaprsi 160, 166 187, 200, 247, 255, 314 Krisna Sharma 99 Jagannatha Rao Ksema Kalyan 88, 91 Jalal Khan 28, 140 Ksemaraja 196 196 202 28 35 180 204 194 99 185 63 Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1359 Name 294 33 94 23 256 155 Name Page No Page No Kumarpal 8, 13, 24, 45, 143, 151,218 | Mohmmad Sah 216 Kumar Singh 215 Mohandasa Kusala sagara 147 Mohandasa Bhavasa Muni Kusal singh 117 Mohan Lal Kusaraja 148 Mohanlal Deepcand Pandya Lunakaran 47, 256, 262, 271 Moja Ram Loka Natha Sastri 33 Mool canda 12 Lohada (Sah) 186, 198 Moti 204 Lihaveha 211 Dr Moticand 207 Laxmi Raja 289 Moticanda Magan Bhai Lalcanda yati Motham Khaz.inci 93 94 Lalacanda Sumi Muhammad bin Qasim 23 (Mahatma) Lal chand 99 Muhammad Ghazni Lala 222 Muhammad Tughlaq 44,96 Brahma Lala Mukund. Dasa 75 Br. Dahad 124 Nigabhatta 201 (Rao) Lunakaran 87 Nagakumara Mahavira 1, 2, 65, 66, 119, 120, 130 Nagasti 155, 312 131, 132, 138, 176, 206 Sahu Nikhatu 259 Mahmuda Ghazani Nalha 88 Mahima Bhakti Nanda Lal Chabra 43 Mainasundari Nanda Rama 190 Malde Rathore 202 Nandisena 177 Malu Nanna 8.9 Mandavi Nanu Godh. 8,67, 234 Mangal Mahasri 211 Sah Nanu Mangalcanda Maluka 94 Narasingh 62 Mangalcanda Jhalok Nathu am Manmal Kothari Nathu Ram Premi 240 (Raja) Mansingh 8, 67, 66, 188, 234, Nathmal Vilala 82, 157 238, 287 Nattala Sah 10,27 Marudevi Sah Nema 3 188 Mathur misra 98 Nem 206, 287 Maya Rama 244 Neminath 44, 80, 111, 119, 120, 138, 137, Mayesara 141, 143, 153, 205. 264 283 Medhavi Br Neninatha 148 Mohad 214 Padmaprbha 147, 168, 178 Mohammad Ghori 198 King Paesi 132, 23 88 155 213 94 94 207 85 Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 ) Name Page No. Name Page No. 42 109 8 42 235 Paharaja 6 Ram candra chabra 42 Pahila 103 Ramacandra Rao 62, 63, 196 Palhada 213 Ramadasa 71 Pandirsingh 283 (H) Ramacandra (Balaka) 89, 90.152 Pandalal (Ailak) 120 Rana Sangrama Singh 61, 77 Pandalal 28, 34, 50 Rao Jaitesi 222 Parasvanath 62, 63, 70, 119, 126, 139, Ratancanda Sah 140 142, 177, 255, 260, 270, 303 Ratna Candra 116, 149 Tarsva Nath 255, 260, 266, 270 (Bhattarak) Ratan candra 149 Pasa Sah Ratan Bhanu 30 Patamdey Ratanai 303, 304 (H) Picine Loti Ratna Kiru 91, 157 Pethadadeva Ratan Muniji 108 Sahu Phamad 234 King Ratan sen 309 Phozuram 73 Raya Candra chabra Poma Raja Ridhi sagar Pradyumna 78, 148, 274 Ridhivarji Mahataja Sawai Pratapsingh 180 Risabhadeva 1, 207 Pratap Singh 43, 60 Rupani 11 Pratiharendra Raja 219 Sabri Sahib 60 Sravika Parvati 303, 304 Sidha 215 Prema Rama 191 Sadhu Bhullan 9 Prithavi Raja III 198 Sadhu Ratan 174 Prithaviraj Rathora Sadhu Sundargani 174 Prithvi Raju Vijay Sahajapal 10 Pana singh 231 Sahjahan 29, 96, 185 Punni Bar 92 Sahbuddin Gaun 83, 230 Purudeva 143 Salim Sah Suri 62 Puskar Malla 266, 274 Sambhavanatha 103, 262 Raghunatha 50, 51 Sangan 143 Raghuraj 54 Sangram singha 195, 196 Raghu Rama 171 Sangha Vakatja Rajendra Surs 108 Sankaradasa Nahta 92 Rajmati 88 Sanghadasa Vacak 104 Rajula 61, III, 217 santi Kusa! 54, 157 (Mahopadhyaya) Rama Lal 92 Saotamati Gani 213 Rama 113, 117, 125. 137, 154 Santi Natha 138, 177, 256 Rambhadevi 247 Santi suri 148 54 83 31 Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [361 Name Name Page No. 219 220 990 270 203 Page No. 72, 148, 158 202 201 151 185 71 132 190 96 177 150 262 167 143 123 168 125, 154 88 69 304 109 53 168 290 294 125 Santi Vijay Sasidhara Satisa Candra Sastri Saubhagya Kirti Sekha Br. Sekhar Sidha pala Sidhanta Harsa Siddha suri Sikandar Lodi Simhanandi Singhadasa Singhatilak Suri Sita Silangacarya Sivjilal Sobha Canda Nigotia Someswar Bhalta Somtilak Sri Candra Sari Sodhala Somdeva Suri Srangadeva Sricanda Gadhaiya Sriharsa Lachirama Sripala Sriya Sri Saptacarya Srivallabhagani srivardhana Harsa Subhasila Sudarsana Sukumala Sulocana Sati Sumatati Sumati upadhyaya Yati Sumermal Sundar Suri Sundar Vijay Sundari Surajmal Surajamal jata Suriyabha Mabaraja Surya sena Tara canda Tatlera Sravaka Thila Tikam canda Tilak Prabha Suri Tulok Patni Tula Rama Udarsingh Udayana Udayprabha Udi Kalyan Gani Udai Sena Udhodasa Umer Vadideva suri Pndit Vaiza (King) Vaianga Vastupal Vatsaraja Vegraja Vesali Vidyadhara Vigrah Raja Deva Vingjung Sundar Vinami Rajadhiraja Viramdeva Vijay Candra Kevalin Vijay deva sun (King) Vikrama Vikramaditya Vimalanatha Vinay Kumar 244 104 163 213 212 77 180 96 104, 220 94 155, 259 23 273 150 119 143 8, 11, 24 87 119 132 105 83, 213 202 206 202 164 107, 157 148 287 174 172 148 146, 155 156 271 148 150 95 Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362) Name Page No. Name Page No. 105 33 32, 86 150 83 291, 292 59 Vinod Vijay Viracarya Viradeva Gani Virama deva Virasuri Viraprabha suri Virasena (Raja) Virata Virdhicanda 30 150 Visakhadeva Visaladeva Visvasepa suri Yasodananda Yasodeva Yasodeva suri Yasodhara (King) Yatindra Kumar Sastri 150 147 134 104, 213 143 100 60, 252 Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX VII CITIES, TOWNS & VILLAGES Name Page No. 1 Name Page No. 30 83 108 68 Adhai Dwipa 13, 52 204, 207, 217, 219, 222, 228, Abu 183, 278 233, 234, 238, 245, 246, 247, 251 Agra 18, 29, 48, 57, 125, 152, 183, 185, Anabalpur 280 234, 241, 253, 293, 296, 314 Anadapur 240, 302, 303 (H) Ahi-chattrapur 96 Anhila Pattan 212, 214, 218 Ahipur 96 Antarpur 125 Airacha 275, 276 (H) Arrah Akola Anasagr lake Ahemda bad 5, 10, 25, 115, 229 Avan 190 Ahore Bagha Ajaimeru Durga (Ajmer) 83 Balatora Ajmer 5, 12, 20, 24, 28, 37, 41, 47, 49, Banas (River) 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, Banswara 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 83, Baitath 191, 233, 234, 235, 248 84, 85, 122, 139, 140, 148, Baran Nagar 187, 227 151, 159, 183, 187, 198, 201, Baroda 30, 31 203, 205, 209, 210, 211, 213, Baswa 20, 43, 62, 141, 210, 248, 205 217, 220, 222, 226, 231, 238, Bayana 20, 71, 78, 79, 80, 81 250, 252, 253, 268, 295 296, 300 | Berar 26, 30 Ajnta 24 Bhadwa 71 Ajodhya (H) Bhainslana Alyoor 36, 71 Bharatpur 12, 20. 39. 41, 43, 60, 64, 71, Alwar 12, 39, 41, 43, 60, 18 72, 74, 75, 122, 183, 185, 186, Amragarh 188 205, 209, 210, 244, 248 Ambarisi Bhinamala 230 Ambarisinagar 187 Bhiloda 315. (H) Ambavati Bhinasar Amer (Ambera) 5,9, 10, 20, 23, 24, 39, Bihar 25 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 63, 66, Bijolia (Vijolia) 67, 68, 75, 78, 122, 141, 143, Bikaner 5, 12, 14, 39, 41, 68, 87, 94. 95, 151, 153, 183, 187, 188, 189, 144, 147, 148, 151, 158, 163, 190, 193, 197, 199, 202, 203, 185, 186, 187, 203, 206, 207, 312 71 188 187 95 96 Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364 ] Name Page No. 217, 219, 222. 226, 236 Bombay 25. 34, 91, 101 Bundi 12, 39, 41, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 157, 183, 185, 186, 187, 191, 192, 193, 205, 210, 217, 222, 238, 245, 249, 270, 271, 285, 286, 289, 298, 312. 313 Caksu (Catsu) 10, 42, 43, 183, 195, 197, 198, 237, 238 13 132, 278, 312 187, 195, 196, 198, 238 Cambay Campa Cawpavati Candawati Candrapur Cauluka Central Province Ceylon Chittor Curu 13 52 35 26, 30, 101 309 89, 115, 183, 187, 227, 229, 235 64, 94, 96, 222 122, 124, 270, 271 20, 43, 64, 65, 244 12, 71, 74, 244 Dabalana Dausa Deeg Delhi, Indraprasttpur Joginipur, Dhili 27, 28, 29, 39, 41, 42 44, 46, 59. 60, 64, 97, 111, 121, 148. 151, 183, 184, 194, 215, 231, 233, 246, 272, 296, 300 229 Dilwada Deoli Devagiri Devarajpur Dhalaka Dholpur Dooni Dravyapur Dungarpur Dwarka Egypt 61 64 216 13 60 24, 61, 190 70 5, 10, 12, 39, 41, 113, 183, 187, 200, 231, 232, 233, 235 288, 219 23 Name Elk ra Fatehpur Sekhavati) Galta 42 95 Ganganagar Gohada 124 Gopacala (Gwalior) 30, 76, 77, 148, 287 Gujjardesa 151 Gujrat 3, 9, 11, 14, 30, 95, 232, 233, 234 Hadauti Pradesa Hanumangarh Hindaun Hisar Page No 24, 205 24, 64, 187, 251, 309, 362 Hyderabad Indergarh India 192 96 82, 293, 294 285 25 122, 124, 126 1, 2, 9, 10, 14, 23, 24, 25, 27, 35, 36, 39, 42, 48, 78, 96, 98, 100, 205, 253, 272 Indore Indrapur Itawah 30 140 79 5 Jainbidri Jaipur 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 28, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 78, 110, 122, 124, 139, 140, 143, 145, 148, 149. 151, 152, 156, 159, 160, 161, 171, 172, 179, 180 183, 184, 185, 186, 190, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209 210, 215 216, 217, 218, 222, 226, 229 233, 234, 236 238, 241, 244, 245, 247, 248, 252, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262, 264, 266 269, 271, 273, 274, 275, 281. 283, 287, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 304, 308, 311, 314 Jaisalueer 5, 10, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25, 31, 39, Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Name Page No. 40, 41, 83, 90, 96, 100, 101, 102, Kekari 103, 107, 144, 145, 147, 148.) Khambat 149, 150, 154, 158, 170, 180, Khandela 183, 187, 203, 205, 206, 210, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 255, 267, 269, 314 42, 246 139 102, 278 13, 52, 55 Jaisingpura Jahanabada Jalore Jambu Dwipa Jangal Desa Javacha Jerhat city Jhalawar Jhalara patan Jhansi Jhunjhunu 68, 246 Jobner 54, 231 Jodhpur, 39, 41, 87, 96, 97, 109, 124, 144. 183, 186, 198, 218 31 294 95 Kalinjar Kalpavaili Kalu Kama 12, 20, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 122, 199, 217, 241, 244, 275 241 Kamagarh Kanara Kanpur Kansa Karahala Karakal Karanja Karnatak Karauli Karnavati Kashi Kashmir 96 283 264 41, 191 120 275 Kesoraipatan Kathhad 35 275 214 260 36 Name 60, 75, 82 13 35 219 39 185 Page No. 69 10, 25, 34, 202 249 Kota 12, 39, 41, 117, 118, 122, 126, 185, 187, 191, 217, 222, 229, 266, 302 Kucamana Kumbhalgarh Kumbhana Kumher Lahore Loharu Lohavat Lalsot Lavana Samudra Limbidi Locanapura Lohagarh Lohawat Macheri Madhya Pradesh Madras Magadh Mahabharat Maharastra Malpura Malwa Mandalgarh Mandantak Mandavgarh Manyakheta Marotha 5, 25, 26, 30 Mathura 234 Matsya Desa Medpat Mertagarh Meria Road Mewar 365 109 187 278 71, 74 26, 243, 309 59 107 42, 203 55 33 121 42 144 60 25, 26, 229 25, 35 2 60 48 24, 43, 70, 71, 187, 303 234 74, 183, 187, 230 201 8 9 24 278 60, 136, 191 7 202 109, 187, 201, 202 115, 227, 229, 230, 233 Mozamabad 24, 39 43, 66, 205, 208, 209, 222, 233, 238 Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 ] Name Mount Abu Mundahata Multan Mudbidri Nagapur Nagaur Nainva Nalakachapura Nandiswara Dwipa Nayanpur Pachabhadra Patliputra Phagi Phalodi Phulera Poona 23 35, 36, 134 96, 124 5, 7, 10, 12, 20, 23, 39, 96, 97, 102, 109, 124, 139, 140, 143, 148, 151, 159, 183, 187, 203, 205, 208, 210, 217, 218, 219, 226, 228, 255, 256 121, 122, 124, 288, 299 147 Prahladanpur Pratpgarh Punjab Raj Guhi Rajusihan Page No 8, 39 212 Rajmahal Rajputana Rampur Ranakpur Ranthambhore Name Ratangarh Rewari Risabhadeva Sadadi Rudra Palli Sagwara 55 6 109 274, 266 Palamy Pali 109, 238, 278, 291 Paluwa 111 Pandu Hill 190 Panipat 294 13, 24, 25, 30, 31, Patan (Pattan) 5, 10, 147, 154, 202, 211, 231, 255 (H) 2, 3 244 Sekhawati 108 Shergarh 71, 109, 198 Serpur 26, 48 Sikar 13, 214, 268 (H) Sindh 41 25, 26 278 9, 12, 14. 24. 27, 39, 40, 41, 44, 60, 64, 62, 58, 56, 54, 52 58, 172, 190 1 14, 83, 101 243 39, 124, 278 58, 122, 123, 183, 187, 193, 194, 195, 239 Saharanpur Sahiwad Sahjahanpur Sakambhari Sapada Laksa Salumvar Sambhar Sanganer 83, 198 198 315 10, 83, 96, 198 10, 14, 23, 39, 43, 45, 50, 75, 141, 153, 161, 183, 187, 189, 199, 200, 239, 241, 242, 243, 246, 248, 251 Sankhana Sapad Laksa Pradesa Sardarsahar Sawai Madhopur Siriujpur Sirohi Sisavali Skandhanagar 10, 116, 124, 187, 200, 201 203, 235 Sojat Sonipat Sri, Mahavirji Page No 96 71, 123 115 278 221 Stambha Tirthanagar Sujaugarh Surat Taksaka Garha 28 42 304 203 96 95, 98 126, 179, 193, 194, 195, 243 251 193, 294 7, 195 59, 64 23 227, 228, 229 229 124 112, 288 29, 39, 109, 238 29 78 215 96 7, 33, 194 61, 235 Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (367 Name Page No. Name Page No. 62 3 Todapatanna Vair 71, 81 Todaraisingh 10, 43, 61, 63, 183, 187, Vairath 138 235, 249 Vallabhi Tibdha city 274 Vatapadrak 213 Tonk 12, 41, 61, 68, 172, 190, 303 Videh Ksetra Udaipur 12, 39, 41, 61, 109, 110, 115, Vijapur 141, 183, 185, 186, 187, 201, Vijaynagar 204, 206, 216, 226, 232, 233. Vijolia 248, 279, 280, 288, 296, 309, 315 Visalsagar lake 83 Uniyara 190 Visalpur Ujjain 42, 124 Vrandavati 120, 193 Uttar Pradesh 25 Yoginipur 27, 44, 46, 50, 111, 215, 216 35 62 278 Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF PRINTED BOOKS (1) Adhyatma Rahasya of Asadhara, published from Vira Sewa Mandir, Delhi. (2) Ajmer-Historical & Descriptive by Harvilas farda. (3) Anekanta Jaya Pataka published by YJG series, Bhavnagar. (4) Anekanta Vada Pravesa published by Hem Candra Sabha, Ratlam 1919 series No. 3. (5) Ancient India Vol. I to IV by T, L. Sah. (6) Ardha Kathanaka of Banari Dasa, edited by Nathu Rama Premi. (7) Apabhramsa Sahitya by Harivansa Kochada published by Bharti Sahitya Mandir, Delhi (8) Adipurana of Jinasenacarya published by Bhartiya Gyana Pitha, Kashi (9) Adhyatma-Upnisat of Yesovijaygani-Published in JDPS Series, Bhavnagar (10) Atmanusasana of Gunabhadra-Published from Jaina Grantha Ratnaksr Karyalaya, Bombay (11) Bhartiya Jaina Sramana Samskriti Ane Lekhan Kala by Muni Punya Vijay. (12 Bhattaraka Sampradaya by V P. Johrapurkar (13) Bikaner Jaina Lekha Sangrah edited by Agarcandra Bhanwar Lal Nahta (14) Candra Prabha Carita of Yasodeva published in the Atmavallabh series No. 9, Ambala, (15) Dasavaikali Sutra published in DCP Series No, 47, Bombay 1918. (16) Epigraphia Indica. (17) History of Jaina Monachism by S S Deo. (18) History of Muslim Rule by Iswari Prasad. (19) History of Indian Literature by Winternitz Part 11 (20) History of Rajputana by G S Ojha (21) Hindi Sahitya ka itihasa by Acarya Ram Candra Sukla (22) Hindi Sahitya ka Alocanatmak Itihasa by Dr. Rama Kumar Varma. (23) History of Jodhpur State by G, S Ojha Part I (24 History of Bikaner State by G. S Ojha Part I. (25) Jaina Miniature Paintings from Western India by Dr. Moti Candra. (26) Khartaragacha Guravali published by Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay. (27) Kriya Ratna Samuccaya of Davendra Suryia published by Y. G. Series, Varanasi 1908. (28) Lati Samhita of Raja Malla-Published from Manika Candra Digambara Jaina Granthamala Bombay. 1937. (29) Mahabandha edited by Sumer Canda Divakar Published from Bhartiya Gyana Pitha, Kashi (30) Mediaeval Jainism by S. A. Saletore, (31) Nandi Sutra, Published by R, K Sanstha Ratlam, 1928. Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 369 (32) Pndam Purana of Daulat Rama-Published from Sasti Grantha Mala, Delhi. (33) Prasasti Sangrah of Amer Sastra Bhandar edited by K. C. Kasliwal and published by S D Jaina A. Ksetra, Sri Mahaviraji. (34) Prakasita Jaina Sahitya by Panna Lai Jain, Delhi. (35) Pariksa Mukha of Manikya Nandi-Published in Manik Candra Grantha Mala, Bombay. (36) Puratan Vakya Suci by Jugal Kishorh Mukhtar and pubished by Vira Sewa Mandir, Delhi (37) Pradrumna Carita edited by C. S Dasa Nyayatirtha and K. C. Kasliwal (38) Rajasthani Bhasa Aur Sahitya by Moti Lal Menaria. (39) Samavayanga Sutra with commentary of Abhayadeva, Agamodaya Samiti, Mehasana. 1918. (40) Samayasara Natak of Banarsidasa published from Sasti Grantha Mala Delhi. (41) Samyam Manjari Katha-published in G. O. S in the year 1918 (42) Updesa Tarangini-Published in the YIG Series No 26-Banaras. (43) Yogasara of Amitigati published from Bhartiya Jaina Siddhant Prakasni Sanstha, Calcutta. CATALOGUES (44) Amer Sastra Bhandar ki Grantha Suci edited by Shri K C Kasliwal and published by S. D. Jaina A. Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji. (45) Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts in Central Province and Berar by Rai Bahadur Hira Lal B A. (46) Catalogues of Manuscripts in Punjab Jaina Bhandars, by Banarsidasa Jaina published by Puniab University Library Lahore in 1939 (47) Catalogue of Jaina Sidhant Bhawan, Arrah edited by Suparsvadas Gupta M A. (48) Catalogue of Jaina Bhandars Limbidi published by Agamodaya Samiti Bombay 1228 (49) Catalogues of Jaisalmer Bhandars published by the Central Library, Baroda, in 1928. (50) Grantha Suci of Jaisalmer Bhandar edited by Muni Punya (Under Print) (51) Descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Jaina Grantha Bhandars at Patan by C. D. Dalal published by Orinental Institute Baroda, 1937. (52) Jaina Granthavali published by Jaina Swetambar Conference, Bombay 1919 (53) Kannara Prantlya Tadapatriya Granth Suci by K, B Sastri published by Bhartiya Gyan Picha-Kashi 1948. (54) Rajasthan ke Sastra Bhandar ki Grantha Suci, Part II and III & IV by K. C. Kasliwal M. A. and A C. Nyayatirtha and published by S D. Jaina A. Kietra sri Mahaviraji, Mahavira Bhawan Jaipur. Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 ) (55) Suryapura Ancka Jaina Pustak Bhandargara Darsika Suci published by Moti Candra Magan Bhai, 1938. (56) Sri Khambhat Santinatha Pracina Tadapatiya Jaina Bhandarku Saci Patra prepared by Vinay Kumar Suri and published by Mohanlal Deep Canda MAGAZINES (57) ANEKANTA-Delhi. (58) Illustrated Weekly-Bombay. (59) VIRAVANI-Jaipur. Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ maijJayANayAsyAtAvigaSaNamalayApriyadvAlayAbAnamA garyakavitAmaraNA ajJAtayasalAinitAtparyahanApaya samAvedikAdazInAzanamAyAnarahaniraMtAdhikAre meM zanikAyabaddhapratiyArakanAmAbhidhamamahAdhikAranaMtara yevazakAthAnadezaka tarAdhikArairnavapadArthaniyAda kAtimanohitIyamahAdhikAravAdana ... zinigAthAmirzadazahanA 11 kamAyepratipAdakAsimAnatIyamahAna 15 kArarthakAratrayamamudAyanI kAzInsabArazanagAthAli paMcAdhikAvaza canamAjaESS DISORNI SE N SHUHARELETEart ramparAvAmagaghelAyoginA resamA rAmAvalImamA kamannA kI gayAmadAnApovalitabayotakAnayaparamazrAvakalavara Earliest written manuscript of Pancastikaya samvat 1329 (1272,A.D.) kaDakaravAzyAtiniziNavagana vinavihALayanamA ...NyamayazyA nAgara vamIdivasAlidiyadhAmagANAkaNAmayamadhyabhAmaMzewalinsanAdanA zrIkASTAyapremAdhurAyAdhudharagatihArakIdadhamanadevAlAtatyazrIvimalalanavAnaEN) dharmapramanadevAnamityahInAvasenadevADAtanyadRzrImahanmakAdivAnAzrIvatyanimiyAdeva) zatasyIyapakIrmidevArA zrImadanarvatra devAndrAlikSita nakuzAnAvarANam nipaTanAyImAgalapani manAMgulavanA mAgalyadadAkhalADikA graMthasuragA.. kAipAzanAthapustaka DispacaMdenA patra tapAsatAhikakSamA (UN Old manuscript of parsvapurana (Padma Kirti) written in samvat 1494 (1437AD.) Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jinadatta Charita Composed in Samwat 1354, and preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jain Temple Pagodi, Jaipur Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 . CA . SA Pradyumna Charita Composed in Samwat 1411 (1354 A, D.) Preserved in the Shastra Bhandar of Jain Temple Badhichand, Jaipur Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Wooden Plate of twentyfour Tirthankars according to their colour. VPs de Preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of tholiya Jain Temple, Jaipur Mahakavi Pushpadanta and Minister Bharat Illustrated Adipurana Dated 1538 A. D. preserved in the Shastra Bhandar of Bada Mandir Jai Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4. 3 wa Pandit Sadasukha Kasliwal of Jaipur ( 19th Century ) Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Wooden Plate with silver work Dated 18th Century Preserved in the Grantha Bhanlar of Chodhariyan Ka Mandir Jaipur One illustration from Yashodhar Charita Dated 18th Century Preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Pandya Lunkaran, Jaipur Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vora sevA mandira pustakAlaya +-05-14546) KAS Ett Kastival, Kastoor Chand Jaina tirantha Bhandary lekhaka strat in Rajasthan 4174 Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _