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Subha Candra was a famous scholar of 16th century. He was pupil of Bhataraka Vijaya Kirti. He is the author of several works out of which Karakandu Caritra', Jambuswami Caritra and Jivandhara Caritra are very much popular and manuscripts of these works are available in most of Digambara Bhandars. Rajmala wrote Jambuswami Caritrat in Samvat 1632 (1575 A.D.). Hemvijay pupil of Kamal Vijay of Tapàgacha composed Pårswanātha Caritra in Samvat 1631 (1575 A. D.) Sri Udaivijayagani wrote Parswanātha Caritra in the year 1597. Ravisena also wrote Pradyumna Caritra in the year 1518 AD The manuscript copy of the work is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar. Vadi Raja Suri wrote two Caritra works i.e. Yasodhar Caritra' and Pārswanātha Caritra Vidyanandı pupil of Davendra Kirti who lived in 16th century wrote Sudarsana Caritra?. Padam Sunder wrote Parswanātha Caritra in the 16th century. A manuscript dated 1615 exists in the Jaina Śåstra Bhandar of Bada Mandir, Jaipur.
In the seventeenth century Bhattārāka Jinendra Bhusana successor of Visva Bhuşana wrote Karkandu Caritra. Damodara Kavi pupil of Bhattaraka Dharma Candra wrote Candraprabha Caritra. Ratan Candra composed Pradyumo Caritra0 in Samvat 1671 1. e. 10 the year 1616 A.D. Neminātha Caritra in Sanskrit Prose was composed by Guna Vijay pupil of Kanak Vijay of the Tapa Gacha in Samvat 1668 (1611 A.D). It has thirteen Chapters and one copy of the manuscript is in the Jaisalmer Bhandar.
Bhattaraka Ratan Candra wrote Subhoma Caritra in the 18th century, Brahma Ajit, a famous writer of the 17th century, composed Hanumåt Caritra 2, the work is divided into eight chapters and deals with the life of Hanuman.
All the above works are written in easy and flowing style and were very popular when they were written and when Samskrit was widely read and understood by the people.
1. Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Mandir, Jaipur.
2 Ibid. 3. Ibid.
4. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 5. to 7. Ibid. 8. Grantha Bhandar, Jain Mandir Bada Dhada, Ajmer.
9. Amer Sastra Bhandar, Jaipur. 10. to 12. Ibid.