laina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan.
tively. A copy of Ratna-Karandar Sravakacara was also copied in sarhvat 1756 (1699 A.D).
There are several manuscripts in the Sastra Bhandar of Kāmā which were fresented to it.
There is a good collection of 578 manuscripts including the Gutkās in the Jaina Śästra Bhandar of Khandelwal Jaina Mandır Kāmå. Manuscripts written in Samskrit, Prakrit, Āpabhramsa Rajasthani and Hindi are there in the collection Most of the manuscripts are old. From the collection of the Bhandar it appears that at some time this temple remained the centre of literary activities. Some of the important manuscripts which are in the collection are as follows -
The manuscript is of
). PANDAVA CARITRA 2 - by Deva Prabha Suri in Samskrit
Samvat 1454 (1397 A D)
2. ATMANUSASAN :-A commentary on it was made by Prabha Candra in Samskrit.
The manuscript was copied in the year 1491 AD. at Gwalior. The original work was written by Gunabhadrācārya
3. SAMAYASAR 3:-A commentary on it made by Sri Subhacandra in Sanskrit This
is a rare work and was composed in Samvat 1573 (1516 A D.)
The work
is in
4. JINARĀTRI VRATA MAHATMYA -by Muni Padmanandı.
Sanskrit and is dated 1537 A.D,
5. ATMA PROBODHAS :-by Kumar Kavi. The manuscript was copied in Samvat
1547 (1490 A.D.) at Sri Patha Nagar.
1. Prescrved in Grantha Bhandai Kama. - मवत् १४५४ वर्षे ज्येष्ठ सुदि ७ सप्तमी शुक्रवारे श्री पाण्डवर्चारत बयरमेणेन लिखित
महाहडीहगच्छे श्रीमुनि प्रभसूरीणा योग्य । 3 रचिलेय वर टीका नाटकपद्यस्य गद्ययुक्तस्य ।
शुभचन्द्र गा सुजयता विद्यामबल ... कात् ।। + इतिश्रीवर्धमानस्वामिकथावतारे जिनरात्रिनतमहात्म्यप्रदर्शके मुनिश्रीपद्मनन्दीविरचिते
मन मुखायनामांकिते श्रीवर्द्ध माननिर्वाणगमन नाम द्वितीयपर्व । 5. सवत् १५४७ वर्षे फाल्गुन सुदि ११ दिने श्रीपथानगरे खडेलवालवंशे गर्ग गोत्रे सघई
मेरापालेन लिखापित।