Subjects Dealt With
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read widely. The manuscript of this work is housed almost in all the Grantha Bhandars. Apart from this Banarsidasa also wrote Banarsi Vilas in which there are several small works.
Muni Mahicandra a Jaina saint wrote Adhyatma Barahakharl in about 14th century. A copy of this Barahkhari is available in Amer Sastra Bhandar Jaipur.
Brahma Dipa a famous Hindi writer of 17th century wrote Adhyatma Bavani' and Brahma Ajita of the same century wrote Hansagīta2.
Hemraja a famous Hindi poet of 17th century translated two works of Acarya Kundakunda. Parmatma Prakasa3 and Pravacanasara into Hindi prose. The system of translating the Prakrit Gāthās in Hindi prose is very good. Another Hem Raja of the same time composed Doha Satak' which is also a fine work and contains 101 Dohās. Pandey Rūpacandra of Khartärgaccha translated Samayasara Nataka of Banarsidasa into Hindi prose". This work was completed in the year 1665.
Dipacand Kasliwal of Rajasthan wrote Atmavlokan' in the year 1720. Pandit Daulat Răma Käsliwal wrote Adhyatma Barahkharis in the year 1741. This is perhaps the biggest work ever written on this subject containing more than 5000 veises. The only manuscript available is in the Jaina Sastra Bhandar Badā Mandir, Jaipur. Pandit Todar Mal a famous scholar of 18th century translated Atmānuśāṣana into Hindi prose.
Jodharaja Godha of Sanganer (Jaipur) translated Pravacansara' into Hindi oetry in the year 1677 A.D.
Apart from this there were several Hindi poets who wrore small works in Hindi. The poets like Rupacandra, Banarsidasa Ananda Ghana, Bhudhara Dāsa, and Dhyanat Rai wrote Hindi Padas full of Adhyatma matter.
1 Grantha Bhandar Mandir Lunkaranajl, Jaipur.
2 Sastra Bhandar Naya Mandir Jaipur..
3. Sastra Bhandar of Tholia Jain Mandir, Jaipur.
4. to 5. Ibid.
6. Amer Såstra Bhandar, Jaipur.
7. Ibid.
8. Sastra Bhandar, Terapanthi Bada Mandir, Jaipur.
9. Amer Sastra Ehandar, Jaipur.