Grantha Bhandar of Ajmer Division
century the Grantha Bhandar was re-established. There are at present two Grantha Bhandars containing several manuscripts which were copied here in Bayană. PANCA PARMESTHI POJA of Yasonandi was copied in the year 1760 A.D. while SVAPANODHYAYA was copied in the year 1811 A.D. There are two Grantha Bhandars, one is in Papcāyati Mandir and the other is in Terapanthi Mandir.
The Grantha Bhandar though a small one is systematically arranged. A list of all the manuscripts is already prepared. The total number of the manuscripts is 150 out of which Hindi manuscripts are in majority. The collection seems to have been made in 18th and 19th century. The following are the important manuscripts in the Grantha Bhandar :
1. VRATAVIDHAN POJAL :-by Hira lal Lohadia in Hindi.
This was
2. CANDRA PRABHA PURANA2 :-By Jinendra Bhusana in Hindi
composed in the year 1794 at Itawah.
1. तीन लोक मांहि सार, मध्य लोक को विचार ।
ताके मध्य दीपोदध, प्रसव प्रमान जो । सबदीप मध्य लसै, जब नामा दीप यह । ताकी दिसा दश तामै, मरत बखान जी । तामै देश मेवात है, बसत सुबुधी लोग । नगर फिरोजपुर-झीरकी महान जी । जामे चैत्य तीन बने, पूजत है लोग धने । वसत श्रावग वहां बड़े पुन्यवान जी । मल सधी संघ लस, सरस्वती गच्छ जिसै । गरणसी बलात्कार, कुन्दकुन्द भानजी । भैसो कुल श्रावक है, वश में खडेलवाल, गोत को लुहाड्या, रच करो जिनवानी जी। किसन हीरालाल सुत, अमर सुचन्द नित, बाल के ख्याल वत, छन्द यो बखान जी ।
2. जिनेन्द्र भूषण लघु शिष्य बुद्धि कर हीन ज्यू ।
___ कही पुराण सुग्मान पूरण पद जान ज्यू । सवत् (१८४१): ठारासे इकतालीस साभले,