Grantha Bhandārs of Ajmer Division,
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(4) SUNDARA SRANGĀRA:- It is a work of Sundara Kavi composed in Sarhwat 1688 (1631 AD). It is a Laksana work which contains 374 stanzas. It is collected inaGutaka No.25.
(5) BIHARI SATASAI:-This is Brajbhāsa commentary written by some Krisna poet in samvat 1780 (1723 A D.) at Agra, on Bihari Satasai. In the end of the commentary the writer gave his full description The manuscript was copied in Jaipur in Samwat 1790 (1733 A.D.) The peculiarity of this commentery is that it is in both prose and Poetry. First of all the writer gives the sense of the original Dohās in Hindi piose and then he narrates the same in poem also The commentary of the first Doha is as follows:
मेरी भव बाधा हरो, राधा नागरी सोइ । जा तन की झाई परे, स्याम हरित दुति होइ ।।
Commentary in Hindi prose
यह मगलाचरण है तहां श्री राधा जू की स्तुति ग्रन्थ कर्ता कवि करत है, तहां राधा और दुई याते जा तन की झाई परे स्पाम हरित दुति होद या पद ते श्री वपमान मुता की प्रतीति भई।
Translation in Hindi poetry.-कवित्त
जांकी प्रभा अवलोकत ही, तिहु लोक को मुन्दरता गई वारी । कृष्ण कहै मरसी रूहै नननि, नामु महामुद मगलकाग ।। जा तन की झलक झलकै हरित थुति, म्याम की होत निहारो । श्री वृषभान कुमारी कृपा के, सुराधा हरो भव बाधा हमारी ।।
The temple of Sanghiji is also a famous one of the city it is situated is Modik hānā Caukari near Mahaviră park The temple was constructed by Su Jhuntha Ram Sanghi, who was Dewan (Minister) of the Jaipur state during the reign of Måhårájā Jaisingh III (1818 to 1835) The Grantha Bhandar of this ten.ple contains 979 manuscripts.
Most of the manuscripts pertain to 18th and 19th century. There are several manuscripts which were written even in 20th century and the latest manuscript written in this century is Namokar Kalpa of Sanwat 1955 (1938 AD) in Hindt and the earliest manuscript is PANCĀSTI-KAYA PRABHRITA of Acarya Kunda Kunda in Prakrit The manuscript is ol samwat 1487 (1430 AD)