Importance of. The Jaina Grantha Bhandars.
. Not only where the manuscripts copied but there had been Scholars who contributed several works to this city. Biharilal, a famous Hindi poet wrote Bihari Satsai in the Amer City. Nemicandra composed Harivansapurana in the year 1712 A.D. in Hindi. He describes Amer in the following manner :
प्रवावती गढ़ सौमिता, गिर बिच बस अपार ।। कोट बुरजि अरू कांगुरा, दरवाजा बहू सार ।।३.. बाजार मोहे चौपडि तणा, विधिध वस्त अपारतो । पाटबर भरिया सबै, मरिण मोती परवारतो ।।४।। कोलग सोमा वरणइ, गली गली मोमो बाजारतो। मन धन कपडा स्यो भरया, भरि बेचे ले मोल प्राइतो ।।५।। महिला की पकति सौमिति, सप्त भूमि उपरि विस्तार तो, मंडी चौबारा प्रति घरणा, नर नारी देवकुमार तौ ॥६॥
--Amér Gästra Bhandar-Jaipur.
Ajayaraja was the another poet who wrote more than 20 works in Hindi. He was 18th century poet. In his Neminātha Caupai (1741 A.D) he gives a beautiful description of Amer -
अजयराज इह कीयो बखारण, राज सवाई जयसिह जाण । अबावती सहरे सुम थान, जिन मन्दिर जिम देव विमारण।। नीर निवारण सोहे बन राई, बेलि गुलाब चमेली जाइ । चपो मरवो अरु सेवति, यो हो जाति नाना विष कीती।। बह मेवा बहुविधि सार, वरणत मोहे लागे वार । गढ मन्दिर कछु कहो न जाय, मविया लोग बमै अधिकाइ । तामे जिन मन्दिर इम सार, तहा विराजे श्री नेमिकुमार । स्याममूर्ति सोभा प्रति घणी, ताकी वोपमा जाइ न गणी।।
Dipa Canda Kåsliwal was a Hindi prose writer of 18th century. He lived Sangāner for some time but afterwards he left that city and began to live in Amer.
He completed his Cidavilasa in the year 1723 A D. at Amer. He mentioned the same at the end of the work:
यह ग्रन्थ दीपचन्द साधमी कीयो है वास सागानेर । पामेर मे पाये तब यह ग्रन्थ कियो । सक्त् १७७६ मिति फागुण बुदी पचमी को यह ग्रन्थ पूर्ण कियो ।
The other poets and scholars --related to Amer City are Surendra Kirti (17th century), Khusala Cand Kala (18th century), Thansingh (18th century) and Devendra Kirti (18th century).