Jaina Grantha Bhandars in Rajasthan
गय सत्तावन छयसय माहि, पुन्नयन को छापइ छाह । तक्कु पुराणु सुणिउ नउ सत्थ, भरणइ रल्हु हउ रण मुणउ प्रत्थु ।।५५२। जिणदत्त पूरी भई चउपही, छप्पन होणवि छहसय कही । सहसु मलोक विन्न सय रहिय गथ पमाणु राइसिहु कहिय ॥५५३।।
सवत् १७५२ वर्षे कात्तिग शुदि ५ शुक्रवासरे लिखतं महानंद पालंव पुष्करमलात्मज ॥
Caubisi Gita was composed by Delha in the year 1324 A. D. It contains 26 verses of which 24 verses are written in the praise of twenty four Títhankaras and the remaining two describe the poet and when it was composed. The language of the work is an old Hindi, prevalent at that time. From the linguistic point of vicw the work presents a good material for research.
Delha, the writer of this poem was born in Parwar caste at Tihdha City The work has been discovered in the Giantha Bhandār of Badā Jainu temple, Jaipur. It exists in a gutakā which was written in 1433 A. D In the first stanza, the poet describes the circumstances under which the work was written .--
प्रादि रिसहु पणवेपिणु, अन्त वोरु जिणणाहु ।
अरहु सिद्ध प्राचार्य, अरु उज्झापति साहु ।। गणहर देउ नएपिरणु, सारद करइ पसाउ ।
हउ चउवीसी गाउं, करि तिसुद्ध समभाउ । सा तन सहजानन्दणु, बोलइ वच्छ निरूत्त ।
___ कम्मक्खय कारण णिमित्त, देल्ह तुम्हि रचहु कवित्त । दुममु कालु पंचमऊं, धम्म को दिन दिन हाणी ।
बोधि करहु फलु लेहु, कहहू चउबीस बखाणी ।। गौरउ पमणइ रिणसुरिण, गाह हउ दासि तुम्हारी ।
जिण चउबीस कथतरु, सो मुहि कहहु विचारी।।
Items of Description :
वापू माय तित्थकरूजनम् नया भर पाउ । जक्खु जविखरणी लछरा भर जिहिं जेतउ काउ ।।