11. 16-18 अवदहण branding अणुवासण by forcing oil inside through anus. a FA by entering oil inside the head etc. by means of a leather string, or by entering the leather-string with oil inside through anus. Faree is the same as egarem, the only difference being in the materials to be used
12. 1. संता तंता परितंता tired in body, tired in mind and परितता (परि+/तम् Past part. )i. e. tired in both mind and body. ___12. 6. अदुहवसह [आर्त-दुःखार्त-वशातः] pained in mind, pained in body, pained in senses. com भातों मनसा दुःखितो दुःखातों देहेन वशातों इंद्रियवशेन पीडितः।
____12. 7. रयणप्पभा पुढवी The first of the seven hells in Jain cosmography; they are रत्नप्रभा, शर्कराप्रभा, वालुकाप्रमा, पंकप्रभा, धूमप्रभा, तमःप्रभा, महातमःप्रभा See. my Ed. of अंतगड. Appendix III.
12. 8. सागरोवमहिइए-with the life of a Sagaropama. See Trans. Foot-note P. 20.
12. 16-17. पुव्वरत्तावरत्तकालसमयसि. In the first part of the night and in the later part of the night.
12. 22. निच्छइ i. e. न इच्छइ does not wish.
15. 18. खलीणमट्टियं खणमाणे etc. while digging up the lumps of earth high up on the bank of the great bank of the Ganges. com: खलीणमट्टिय ति खलोनां बाकाशस्थां. छिन्नतटोपरिवर्तिनी ।. Agamodaya. Ed. reads सलीयमट्टियां; my Ms. reads खलीमटियं खणमाणे i. e. स्खलितमृत्तिका खनन् i. e. digging loose earth which would