The Eleventh Anga [ I. Lect. 9. other side, king Vesamaņadatta, having taken his bath ( and so forth $18, down to ) having decorated himself and having mounted a horse, passed, while wandering in the course of his horse-ride, in the vicinity of the house of the householder Datta. Then that king Vesamana, ( and so forth as abore, down to ) while passing in the vicinity, saw the girl Devadattā playing with a golden ball in an open space; and being struck with wonder at the youth and beauty of the girl Devadattā, he summoned his family men and having done so he spoke thus : " Oh, you beloved of the gods! whose daughter is this girl and what is her name?" Then those familymen, having folded their hands, spoke thus to king Vesamana " Oh, lord ! she is a girl named Devadattā, the daughter of the householder Datta born of his wife Kannasirî, and she is possessed of excellence and an exquisite body on account of form, youth and beauty. Then that king Vesamana, after having returned from his horse-ride, summoned his men who were in his confidence and trustworthy, and having done so he spoke to them thus : « Oh, you beloved of the gods ! go and get (lit. choose the girl Devadattā, the daughter of Datta born of his wife Kannasirî, as the wife of the crowned prince Pûsanandi even if she requires a dowry of my whole kingdom. Then those men, who were in his confidence and trustworthy, being greatly pleased on account of being thus