Book Title: Vivagsuyam
Author(s): Madhusudan Modi
Publisher: Gurjar Granth Ratna Karyalay
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[ ४७ ] चम्मपट्ट [चर्मपट्ट] 47. 15. a चिराइय [ चिरायित ] 4. 23. leather-band.
old. (c.) चय [च्यव] 16. 1. a body, चुअ [व्युत] 50. 10. fallen. a fall. (c.)
चुण्ण [चूर्ण] 18. 3. powder. चाउद्दस [चतुर्दशी] 78. 11. चुण्णय [ D.? ] 18. 3. the 14th. day of the frightened(c.)=संत्रस्त. month.
चुलपिय [क्षुल्ल+पितृ] 27. 23. चाउरंगिणी [ चतुरंगिनी ] 34. younger brother of the 5. an army consistingi father; uncle. of four divisions (1) चुल्लमाउआ [क्षुल्ल+मातृका] 27. elephants (2) horses (3) 26. the wife of an chariots(4)foot-soldiers.
uncle, an aunt. चारग [चारक] 46. 15. a चेइअ [चैत्य] 3. 2. a sancprison.
_tuary, a temple. चारवेश [चारुवेश] 16. 25. चेलुक्खे व [चेलात्क्षेप] 77. 14. fine dress.
flying of garments. चिच्चिसद्द [चिच्चीशन्द] 21. चोक्ख [चोक्ष] 33. 1+. clean. 4. a sort of crutching चोत्थ [चतुर्थे] 15. 6. fourth. sound.
चाहसपूवी [ चतुर्दशपूर्विन् ] चिच्चा [D. [अम्बिलिका] 47. 3. 5. one knowing 14 6. a tamarind.
Purvas, the pre-canoni. Vचिट्ठ [स्था] 7. 28. to cal texts of Jainas. stand.
चाहसम [ चतुर्दश] 28. 3. चिन्धपट्ट [चिह्नपट्ट] 17. 25. fourteenth. a long piece of cloth चाहसो [चतुर्दशी] 43, 2. the to gird up the loins. fourteenth day.

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