§ 30. ] Vivāgasuyam.
107 the city of Rohida to where the residence of kiug Vesamana was and where king Vesamapa was, and having done so he, with folded hands ( and so forth ), congratulated him, and having done so he took the bride Devadattā to king Vesamana. Then that king Vesamana saw that bride who was brought to him and having done so, being greatly pleased, he got prepared abundant food (4) and having done so he invited his friends, caste-fellows ( and so forth down to ) honoured them, and having done so he made the prince Pâsanandi and the bride Devadattā to put on silken garments and having done so he gave them a bath by means of jars of water which were white and yellow ( i.e. made up of silver and gold ) and having done so he made them put on excellent garments, and having done so he made offerings to fire and made the prince Pîsanandi accept the hand of the bride Devadattā. Then that king Vesamana made the bride Devadattā accept the hand of Púsanandi with all prosperity ( and so forth, down to ) the sound of drums and with great pomp and show, and then he honoured and respected the parents and friends (and so forth, down to attendents of the bride Devadattā with abundant food (4) and garments, scents, garlands and ornaments (arid so forth, down to) dismissed them. Then that prince Pâsanandi paseed his time enjoying with Devadattā in a palace, with tamboors being played upon, with thirty two. kinds of dances going on, and with songs being