98 52. 2. पञ्चथिमिल्लेणं दुवारेणं [ पाश्चमेन द्वारेण ] by the western door.
- 52. 18-20. अढांगा उध्वेयपाढए...लहुहत्थे who had studied the eight branches of the science of medicine. viz. (1) The science of nursing children com: 'कुमारमिच' ति कुमाराणां बालकानां भृतौ पोषणे साधु कुमारभृत्यं, तद्धि शास्त्रं कुमारभरणस्य क्षीरस्य दोषाणां संशोधनार्थ दुष्टस्तन्यनिमित्तानां व्याधीनामुपशमनार्थ चेति । (2) शलाग i. e. the science of medicine where the needle is to be used such as for the diseases of nose, ear etc. com. शलाग ति
शलाकायाः कर्म शालाक्यं, तद्धि ऊर्ध्वजन्तुगतानां रोगाणां श्रवणवदनादि संश्रितानामुपशमनार्थमिति । (3) science of surgery (4) the science of the cure of bodily diseases (5) The science of the cure for poisons. (6) The science of warding off evil spirits (7) The science of elixirs of life. (8) The science of medicine to secure manly power. He had a soothing hand (सिवहत्थे ); he had a happiness.giving hand (सुहहत्ये); he had a light hand (लहुहत्थे). . 54. 10. ओवाथइत्तए com. उपयाचितुमिति to ask a favour.
58. 1-2. अहापज्जत्तं समुदाणं गहाय having accepted the alms in a befitting manner.
59. 7-8. विउलं हरियसागं उवक्खडावेन्ति they made him eat green vegetables in a great quantitv.