$29. ] Vivāgasuyam.
91 : Eighth Lecture.
THE STORY OF SORIYADATTA. (The Introduction to the Eighth Lecture in the usual"
terms, is to be inserted here.) 29. At that time and at that period there was a city named Soriyapura, a park named Soriyavadinsaga, a demigod named Soriya and a king named Soriyadatta. Outside that city of Soriyapura in the north-easternly direction there was a settlement of fishermen. There, there dwelt a fisherman named Samuddadatta who was. irreligious (here the rest to be supplied, down to). difficult to be pleased. That Samuddadatta had a wife named Samuddadattā who was perfect in every way (here the rest to be supplied, down to) with all the five organs of sense fully developed without any deficiency. That Samuddadatta had a son. named Soriyadatta born of his wife Samuddadattā. who was perfect in every way. At that time and at that period Lord Malāvīru arrived there on a visit (here the rest to be supplied § 3, down to) the assembly returned. At that time and at that period the eldest disciple of the Samana (here the rest to be supplied § 9, down to) having taken. sufficient alms from families high; low and middle, went out of the city of Soriyapura. And wandering not very far from nor very near that settlement of fishermen he saw one man, amidst a large croud of persons, who was emaciated, hungry, lean, covered with bones and skin (but possessing no flesh), very lean, clad in black clothes, who was uttering harshi