The Eleventh Anga [ I. Lect. 3. his wife Khandasiri : " Oh, you beloved of the gods ! do as you please,” and paid heed to ir. ( i.e. to her desire ). Then that Khandasiri, the wife of the jeader of thieves, being permitted by Vijaya, the leader of. thieves, and, therefore, greatly pleased and satisfied, passed her time happily by tasting and eating abundant food (4) and wine being surrounded by many friends (here the rest to bo supplied, down to ) and many other wives of thieves, after having taken her bath (here the rest to be supplied, down to ) having decorated hesself with all kinds of ornaments; and she, after having taken her meal and after having come to the hall after meal to eat a bettie-nut et..., putting on man's attire and having girt up her loins, satisfied her pregnancy-desire (here the rest to be supplied, down to ) moving in all raits of Sālā, the forest-settlement of thieves. Then that Khandasiri, the wife of the leader of thieves, whose pregnancy-desire was fulfilled, whose pregnancy-desire was respected, whose pregnancydesire was satisfied, whose pregnancy-desire was satiated and who fully enjoyed her pregnancydesire bore that foetus very happily. Then that Khandasiri, the wife of the leader of thieves, afier full nine months were over, gave birth to a son. Then, that Vijaya, the leader of thieves, performed Thiivadivā-a rite performed at the birth of a son,-lasting for ten nights, of that son with great prosperity and reception. Then