ff: i, e. A royal officer who is the head of the province i. e. the governor.
10. 3-7. describe the cruel ways of Ikkai. कर-a tax भर—-a super-tax विद्धि-com : कुटुंबिनां वितीर्णस्य धान्यस्य द्विगुणादेर्ग्रहणैः । i e by taking two or three times more the quantity of corn given to the farmers in their need. In certain texts there is the reading faf (which com, also notes) i. e. by compelling the subjects to render services to the king's officers. f by charging exorbitant interest to the debtors. --charging punitive taxes by creating fights and dissensions among people. -by giving over a part of district to an officer with absolute power, on the condition of the payment of the fixed revenue.
10. 9. fau-the head of a town within whose radius of two yojanas there is not a single village. 10. 10.-the fixed line of action to bring about the results desired.
10. 17. i simultaneously. P. 10. 18-19. The list of diseases; see Trans. Foot-note P. 15. 11. 4. er [a] a knower; my Ms. and Agamodaya Series Text read agent, though the meaning is the same.
11. 11. सत्यको सहत्थनया with the box of surgical M instruments in their hands.