A De Gubernatis in Surat and Bombay (1885-86), several excellent editions and translations of Jaina texts have been published But, in more recent years, this branch of Indology has been comparatively neglected Nevertheless, law books have retained attention, and O Botto translated i Nītıväkyāmrta di Somadeva Sūri (Torino 1962) The activities of the "Società Indologica Luigi Pio Tessitori" (http //www tessitori org), Udine, can also be mentioned (cf their Web-site), as it is in touch with the Jaina community in Bikaner, where Tessitori's intercourse with Muni Vijaya Dharma Sün is well remembered Carlo della Casa has recalled "Gli studi grainıcı di Luigi Pio Tessiton" in the Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Udine 12-14 novembre 1987 (Brescia 1990) It is proposed to edit Tessiton's unpublished papers
Due to circumstances, little has been done in Eastern Europe concerning Jainism, except for the thesis of A Terentyev, on "Umāsvāti's Tattvārtha-sūtra as the oldest source of postcanonical Jainism" (cf Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1983)
The above bibliographical notes only aim at giving a general survey of the main trends of Jaina studies in Europe Other indications will be gained from the Acts of the conference organised by Olle Qvarnstrom in Lund (Sweden) in June 1998 that provided an opportunity for exchanges between European and American scholars interested in Jainism Another forum can be found in scientific journals. It has been recalled above that the Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes (Paris) has welcomed articles concerning Jainism The same is true of the Berliner Indologische Studien (= BIS) see for instance, among several others, Th Oberhes, "Die Erzahlungen vom Kāmpulya-Konig Brahmadatta Eine Untersuchung im Anschluss an Vorarbeiten von Ernst Leumann" (BIS 9/10 1996, p 259-313), etc
Other publications have been aimed at the general reader, specially those in encyclopaedias, eg, in France, in the Histoire des religions (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris 1970, reprint, with bibliographical additions, 1999), or, in Italy, in the Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali (Roma 1996) In Germany, the volume Gotter und Mythen des indischen Subcontinents, edited by H W Haussig and H Bechert (Stuttgart 1984), 1.e the volume 15 of the Worterbuch der Mythologie (ed H W Haussig) Includes a chapter “Die Mythologie des Jinismus" (p 205284) by J Deleu • it had been published independently already in 1978. Jainism will naturally be the subject of several chapters in the volume on