15-339) In this volume, several aspects of this topic are considered K Bruhn, “Repetition in Jaina narrative literature", D D Malvania, "On Bhadreśvara's Kahāvali, CB Tripāthi "Pancakalpabhāsya and cognate texts", N Balbir, "The micro-genre of dāna-stones”, etc More than one doctoral thesis should also be mentioned, viz I Hoffmann, Der Kathākośa (Munich 1974 editio princeps, with a German translation), Georg Baumann, Drei Jaina-Gedichte in Alt-Gujarati (Wiesbaden, 1975), K. Verclas, Die Avasyaka-Erzahlungen uber die Upasargas im Vergleich mit den Versuchungen des Bodhisattva (Hamburg 1978) Also related to what Bruhn calls the "Āvaśyaka-cluster" is the study of the jīvāstitvasıddhi in the doctoral thesis of K Butzenberger Beitrage zum Problem der personalen Identitat in der indischen Philosophie Die Juntstische Beweise fur die existens eines jīva im Višesāvasyakabhāsya, 1991) Moreover, at present, Prof Srinivasan (Hamburg) is preparing a book on Ahimsă discussions in the Nilakesī (and commentary) in their bearing on ecological ethics, thus inviting to the study of Tamil Jaina literature
In France, traditionally (except for Guérinot, and in spite of epistolary exchanges between Munırāj Dharma Vijaya Sūri and Sylvain Lévi), Jainism has attracted less attention than Buddhism has done Nevertheless, Jules Bloch was greatly interested in the linguistic variety of the Jaina tradition, especially the Middle Indo-Aryan languages Later, thanks to W Schubring's kind help, C Caillat could gain some insight into the Svetāmbara canonicai literature She also was benefitted by the generosity of the L D Institute of Indology (Ahmedabad) and its successive directors her edition-French translation-commentary of the Candāvejjhaya (Paris 1971) is based on manuscripts from Berlin and Ahmedabad, where also the Atonements in the ancient ritual of the Jaina monks have been published (1975, L D Series 49) Relations between the French and the German and Indian scholars and institutes remained friendly ever since, and contacts with the Indological institutions in Ahmedabad, Hamburg, Berlin, and, later, Münster continued Nalini Balbir, after her PhD thesis on the Dānāstakakathā. Recueil de huit histoires sur le don (Paris 1982 [editio princeps, introduction, French translation, notes]), was encouraged by K. Bruhn and C B Tripāthī to turn to the study of the Avaśyaka tradition, and submitted a doctoral thesis Etudes d'exégèse jaina les Avaíyaka (Paris 1986, unpublished) It includes a comprehensive and analytical survey of the Avašyaka Niryukti and its prose commentaries (with emphasis on the narrative aspect), and on the exegetical vocabulary and methods of the Jaina commentaries A revised version has been