At the same time, Leumann's direct or indirect pupils also have given much attention to the canonical commentaries, the importance of which has been emphasized again and again, eg by L Alsdorf, "Jaina exegetical literature and the history of the Jaina canon" (in Mahāvīra and his teachings, ed A. N Upadhye, et al, Bombay 1977, p 1-8) The latter's student, Adelheid Mette, in her book Pind'esană, a monograph on Oghanuryukti (331-337, 372-595) and on the associated Müla- and Brhad-bhäsya laid the foundation for a systematic study of the ogha-pinda literature For this subject research tools are provided also by W B Bollée, Pada index of the Pinda- and Oha-Nyjutti (Stuttgart 1991), and Materials for an edition and study of the Pinda- and Oha-Nyjutt of the Svetämbara Jain tradition, II Text and glossary (Stuttgart 1994) The same scholar also published The Nujuttis of the Svetämbara Siddhanta Ayāranga, Dasaveyalıya, Uttarajjhāyā and Suyagada (Stuttgart 1995), as well as Bhadrabahu, Brhat-Kalpa-Niryukti and Sanghadāsa Brhat-Kalpa-Bhasya (Stuttgart 1998), viz I-II Romanized and metrically revised version, Notes from related texts and a selective glossary III Glossary of selected words These three volumes are dedicated respectively to Pt D D Malvania, Dr (Mrs) Madhu Sen, Prof HC Bhayani, the first of them includes the "Glossary of Schubring, Doctrine of the Jainas" by Elfrun Linke (Appendix, p 375-411) Digambara counterparts of the above texts had been addressed by other students of Alsdorf by R P Jain, Pinda-suddhi Das sechste Kapitel von Vattakeras Mülăcăra und der ähäkamma Abschnitt der Pinda-njutti (New Delhi 1983), by K Okuda, Eine Digambara Dogmatik (beanng on Mülăcăra, chapter 5, Wiesbaden 1975), by K. Oetjens, Siväryas Mülärädhanā (Hamburg 1976) Naturally, most of these publications include the study of grammatical and linguistic problems, and of points of vocabulary Further, formal studies on canonical texts have attracted the attention of Bansidhar Bhatt The canonical niksepa Studies in Jaina dialectics (Leiden 1978, of Idem, "A composite niksepa in the Acara Nuryukti, Gedenkschrift Alsdorf, supra, p 1-9, also "Acara-Cülas and Nuyukti", Deleu volume, p 85-121, etc)
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Though Leumann's investigations in the "Avasyaka-Erzählungen" ceased after 1900, nevertheless his publications and unpublished papers (supra) contributed, since about 20/30 years, to a renewed interest in Jaina narrative literature, in Germany and in France, as can be seen from the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Jaina canonical and narrative literature, Strasbourg 16-19 June 1981 (ed Nalını Balbir and Colette Caillat, Indologica Taurinensia 11, 1985, p.