Strasbourg, by Chandrabhal Tripāthi (Leiden 1975, Indologia Berolinensis 4) this is precisely the manuscript collection acquired by E Leumann a century ago Among other tools to be mentioned is the “Jaina concordance and Bhāsya concordance", by K Bruhn and C B Tripathi (Berlin), of which "A bibliographical report" by CB Tripāthi is included p 300-329 of the Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus Gedenkschrift für Ludwig Alsdorf (ed Klaus Bruhn und Albrecht Wezler, Wiesbaden 1981, ANISH 23) In this memorial volume, ten, out of 25 articles, bear on Jainism, several contributions deal with Buddhist and Jaina exegetical literature, a subject that, of late, has attracted some attention Conspicuous among these studies are the "Āvaśyaka Studies I” by K Bruhn, a previous student of Alsdorf his essay is, naturally, a tribute to Alsdorf, who, himself a pupil of Schubring, was therefore a member of the Leumann paramparā, on the other hand, it is also a sort of research program in a vast and intricate subject in which Leumann had been specially interested, as shown by his Ubersicht uber die Āvasyaka-Literatur (Aus dem Nachlass hrsg von Walther Schubring, Hamburg 1934, ANISH 4), and his ĀvaśyakaErzahlungen (Leipzig 1897), of infra Another Jainological program has also been drafted by Bruhn in 1987, in Leiden, "Sectional studies in Jainology" (published in the Panels of the VIIth World Sanskrit Conference, vol VI, ed C Caillat, Leiden 1991, p 36-54) this scheme relates to “Jainism with special reference to ethics" Meanwhile, (re)editions, studies, translations of the Svetāmbara canon (often including references to the canonical commentaries) have continued to be published, among others the posthumous edition, by Deleu, of Schubring's Nāyādhammakahão (Mainz 1978), in fact a critical summary of the text, with 2 appendices. Gustav Roth's Mallī-jñāta study (1952) has been made available (Wiesbaden 1983), W B Bollée's Studien zum Süyagada I, II (Wiesbaden 1977, Wiesbaden-Stuttgart 1988) have prompted various comments, in particular by K. R. Norman and H Tieken (WZKS 25, 1981, 30, 1986) Though it was published in Japan (thanks to the very active Chūō Academic Research Institute Philologica Asiatica Monograph Series 10, Tokyo 1996), mention can also be made of the translation from the Dutch into English, by J W de Jong and Royce Wiles, of Nurayāvalıyāsuyakkhandha. Uvangas 8-12 of the Jain Canon Introduction, text-edition and notes (1969) by Deleu, the author of Viyahapannattı (Bhagavai), the fifth Anga of the Jaina Canon (Brugge 1970)
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