Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Deveopment of Plant Based Branded Bioactives for Nutrition and Health Care
Dr. Renuka Jain Chief Scientific Officer, Bionutrition and Metabolomics,
Avesthagen Limited, Bangalore, India Mob: 9886346446; E-mail:
The use of bioactives from plant origin to replace the synthetic drugs to treat human diseases is well documented. Bioactives of plant origin offer unparalleled chemical diversity with structural complexity and biological potency. Being a part of the food chain for centuries, these are safe for human consumption.
Avesthagen focuses on developing scientifically and clinically validated, nutritional bioactives from traditional medicinal knowledge, for preventing or treating degenerative conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular, bone health, cancer (breast and prostrate), skincare etc., Our approach combines nature, tradition, technology and proprietary tools ADePtTM and MetaGridTM to create quality ingredients that meet consumer needs for great taste, better nutrition, disease prevention, cost effectiveness and environmental sustainability. This is also coupled with a channel of marketing strategy of partnering with leaders in each market segment.
The bioactive developmental program involves an etiology based search in the ADePtTM, database to identify the lead plants. and Plant Information Report (PIR) is prepared. The lead plants are procured and authenticated by Pharmacognosy. The aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts are prepared from these lead plants. The extracts undergoes a very stringent quality TM consistency using Avesthagen's proprietary fingerprinting technique MetaGrid. After the establishment of specific fingerprint the extract are screened by enzymatic and cell-based assays followed by GLP compliant preclinical studies to ensure safety and efficacy of the bioactives. The organoleptic optimization enables inclusion of these bioactives in the desired food matrix. Finally, the efficacy of these bioactives is proven by proof of concept in human.
Avesthagen is India's leading integrated systems biology platform company that focuses on convergence of food pharma and population genetics and works towards dissection of molecular mechanisms in human diseases to deliver Innovative solutions for predictive preventive personalized healthcare.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Development and Manufacture for Peaceful Applications.
G Chandraprakash B E., MBA
Scientist 'F, ADE, Bangalore Mob: 9448052169; E-mail:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are a new revolutionary technology. The physical presence of 'Human element on board 'is eliminated from the aerial vehicle leading to safe guarding of precious human life. These are developed in different configurations, to carry payloads required to meet the specific applications. They can be used in multitude of inherently hazardous missions in contaminated environments, surveillance, patrolling of highways and pipelines, communications, training, and so on. The varieties range from small bumble bee's size to high altitude long endurance UAVs of large size. They are very cost effective and are going to be the future of aviation industry and shall be extremely useful to the society through enhanced peaceful applications.
The paper will encapsulate the various aspects from manufacture of airframes to the details of peaceful applications.