Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Knowledge, Order and Evolution
Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna
Abstract This paper continues with the idea presented by the author in the first conference held in Bangalore by Gyan Sagar Science Foundation. In that paper (GSFB) limitations of scientific knowledge were elaborated along with a need to explore General Systems Theory. Also a new concept of knowledge as being structured in the consciousness as mentioned in Jainism was discussed. In this paper, we attempt to explore a new concept of evolution which involves an increase in orderliness at various levels along with increase in meaningful knowledge. It is argued that Darwin's principle of evolution which is very popular these days and largely affect decisions while handling competition among human beings and other living systems, needs to be critically examined and reviewed in light of several objections raised against it.
It is also illustrated that scientific knowledge is just a subset of a much wider concept of knowledge which is structured in the consciousness. Actually all human beings regularly interact with other human beings and the environment develop some concept of knowledge about other human beings and the surroundings including physical systems, which need not be only scientific knowledge in the strict sense. Thus one needs to explore concept of knowledge in a broader perspective. The ideas of knowledge as mentioned in Jain philosophy that actual knowledge is structured in the consciousness needs to be examined in the light of problems faced in the modern science. Actually in Jainism, it is even mentioned that knowledge structured in the consciousness can be fully realized when the obstructions caused by material particles are eliminated. Hence in this state of absolute purity, a pure soul has infinite knowledge. In addition, Jainism, talk of knowledge and order, which is very similar to the concept of information and order in General Systems Theory (GST).
Not only this they also talk of spiritual evolution of a worldly soul which can become pure and pure at every step of evolution. Some fourteen stages of evolution are defined which are known as Gunasthanas. It is stated that with higher states, one's soul becomes more and more pure and it becomes more and more "orderly", in the sense that the knowledge content of the soul increases and quantity of material particles (karmas) decreases. In addition, their concept of knowledge is much wider than that of scientific knowledge as it includes basics of scientific knowledge along with new concepts of knowledge like telepathy and clairvoyance. It appears that when one acquires keval jnana, then all other types of knowledge disappears and only one type of knowledge known as keval jnana remains that is one has absolute knowledge of the world. It has been also suggested that this state of keval jnana could be similar to the implicate order of quantum mechanics. Finally it is concluded that the increase in this spiritual order could be accompanied by a decrease in the rate of entropy production in the biosphere. This type of order has been illustrated through extraordinary memory and grasping power of Swamy Vivekanand and satavadhanies (GSFB). It was mentioned that using advanced telepathy, Jain aacharyas might have even estimated sizes of smallest particles of matter. Hence this concept of evolution may provide a new concept of evolution which could be very different from the Darwin's principle of evolution and the concept of economic development which are essentially responsible for several problems of the modern society. Such a new concept of evolution can provide new avenues of thought. A new finding in psychology that decision making may follow laws similar to quantum mechanics can easily explain why a rigorous set of rules have been laid down in Jainism for monks and shravakas and shravikas to achieve higher states of orderliness by rigrous practices through five mahavratas and their detailed implementation procedures. Keywords: Order, Evolution, General Systems Theory, Knowledge of consciousness, Gunasthans, Darwin's theory of evolution, Keval Jnana, Quantum Mechanics, Implicate order, Entropy, Spiritual processes
Science and technology and their use in economical developments and commercialization have revolutionized the whole world in such a way that everything appears
to have changed in last 100-200 years. Developments in the field of space technology, atomic energy, electronics, biotechnology, modern agriculture, telecommunication, and manufacturing systems are some of the examples of these changes. Also these changes have played a key role
Corresponding Auther: Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna Consultant, Hitech Outsourcing Services, Ahmadabad, Former Scientist (Indian Space Research Organization) Email:, User ID: GSF/BA/11-12/000425