Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Shuchita Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
tation and self realization. They are the "Gods" of Jains.
Jains have always practiced non-violence, vegetari anism, meditation, yoga, and environmentalism.
Jainism Teach about Ecology
humans The relationship between religion and ecology is essential to the environmental movement, because realizing that religious attitudes and values are indispensable in motivating people to create partnerships and to work together to find long-range solutions to pressing environmental problems is critical, especially with respect to the creation of a more sustainable future. The ecological philosophy of Jainism which flows from its spiritual quest has always been central to its ethics, aesthetics, art, literature, economics and politics. In all its glory by the twenty-four Jinas or Tirthankaras (Pathfinders) of this era whose example and teachings have
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Non-Possessiveness / Aparigraha Self-restraint is the second most important Jain principle. Minimizing consumption provides respect for oth ers' life and environment. Reuse / Recycle Products - Do not waste the gifts of nature. Share resources. Nature provides enough for our NEED, but not enough for our GREED. Caring for the Earth and Environment is the way of Life of the Jain Community by following the prin ciples of Jainism in their daily life Be Compassionate Be Vegetarian and avoid the use all types of animal based products Reduce our needs and wants as far as possible. Greenhouse effect World's 1.3 billion cows annually produce 100 mil lion tons of methane Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas which traps 25 times as much solar heat as CO, Water Consumption Livestock (Cattle, Calves, Pigs) production accounts for more than half of all the water. Space time motion rest jiva ajiva = the dravyas = the universe Almost everything in Jainism is alive, and has a consciousness of some sort. Water, air, earth and soil, all material that comes from the earth-has: a) living things imbedded in them, and b) interconnectedness to all other living things à so to disturb one thing causes a rippling to effect many other things. All Ajiva is considered to interact and be interde pendent with all life. Disturbing any inanimate object has a myriad of consequences for Jiva This is amazingly true for the environment Almost every original Jain lifestyle tradition is pro foundly ecological!!!!! Refers to the "Natural Environment" That which exists without significant impact from human activities Somewhat different than Jain idea of nature, which does not distinguish the surrounding world from
been its living legacy through the millennia. Be an eco-friendly citizen and save environment by following these steps: This will help a lot to make our future clean and green. 1. each one should plant a tree by name for clean and
fresh air. 2. do not accept plastic bags from vendors and
shopkeepers and carry your own cloth, jute or paper
bag for shopping 3. we should segregate biodegradable waste (kitchen
waste) and non-biodegradable waste (glass and
plastics) 4. request mcd and ndmc to keep our colonies, markets
and roads clean by providing more dustbins. 5. try to conserve water at home by adopting judicious
practices. 6. conserve electricity at home/office by switching off
all lights and fans when we leave a room. 7. tell people to adopt air and water pollution control
practices in factories and remind not to discharge untreated effluents into drains and rivers.