Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Er. Piyush Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
So, finally, I got my answer - no God, not at all.
anybody tell where a circle starts, what is infinity or if 'nothing' is outside the boundaries of universe, how far this nothingness spreads? But my discussion is not about hows and whys of universe, it is about the God and which I have answered emphatically by now. As we have seen, various ideologies are so diversified and none of them is flawless. However, there is a striking, if not surprising, meeting point. All of them presume 'something' pre-existed. For polytheists it was an army of gods and goddesses, or a trinity, for monotheist it was an Omni-god, for non-theists it was a set of mattereals, for science it was infinitesimally small ball of fire.
I will now bring in the Jain literature which says that six mattereals pre-existed. Namely, Statons-Dyanons, SoulPudgal and Space-Time. If I delete the initial inflationary event of a few fractions of second (10-35 sec) from the big-bang theory, what remains is - a set of forces (weak and strong nuclear), fields (gravity, electromagnetic), matter, space and time. Now, compare both the lists. Do you find any difference? To me they read identical. I have already mentioned earlier that I would logically prefer to presume a set of mattereals to pre-exist rather than the God or tiny ball of fire, because in addition to explain the cyclic nature of time and soul, they explain the vast variety of matter as we see all around us. You might recall my earlier mention that any one pure cannot create variety.
Once, I came to this conclusion, I again relied on Jainism to get on to the next level which was the supremacy of human efforts and dexterity. With God sent on compulsory retirement, just imagine how many problems which the present world order is facing will vanish! To enumerate a few -
Religious hatred and violence will be completely non-existent
Money and man-power of places of Worship will be diverted to science-workshops
Prayers converted into scientific search with result in better tomorrow Once the life and death are not God-driven, population explosion will be curbed, which, in turn, is root cause of poverty, corruption and crimes. With aim of life shifted from God-appeasement to 'do something new', materialism and consumerism will take a back seat.
To me, resolving the God question is of immense social relevance and with the marriage of Jainism and science there born a new possibility -