Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation

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________________ Er. Piyush Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013 medicines, cosmetics; more leather, fabric, plastics, minerals, wood; more fuel, drinking water, milk, electricity, vehicles; more schools, colleges, institutes; more arms, missiles, computers and robots; more consumption, desires, competition; more, more, more... sounds like a gang rape on mother-earth. 4. And, less of everything good - less of peace, space, health, hygiene, happiness; less of security, serenity, purity, nature, co-operation, honesty, love; less of green and ozone cover, fertile land, forests, pristine rivers....sounds like we are getting bankrupt. death patterns, He has increased His own stress levels manifold. Even His agents of death have become so wary that they have outsourced the death mechanisms to us. Earlier God used to kill more often by diseases, animal attack, drowning etc. Now, He has become tech-savvy. He awaits some human to create AK-47 and its bullets, He awaits a space-craft to eliminate Kalpana Chawla. The proportion of natural deaths versus accidental deaths has drastically changed just in a span of few hundred years! If He is awaiting a human invention, then, how to term Him an Almighty? Science Says - It was Big-Bang! I ask - how something can be created out of nothing? And the end result is - More of crime, pollution, malnutrition, diseases; more sufferings, corruption, violence, poverty; more global warming, exploitation, extinction of species, accidents, wars, superstitions, filth. In fact, the humans are treated as guinea pigs. It is, therefore, high time for His compulsory retirement. What else do we do to a CEO who cannot run his company profitably? If we are His sons and He is our father, then is it good on the part of a son to remain perennially dependent on his father? Isn't it time that we, as capable sons, ask our father to retire and take rest? Isn't it time to take control in our own hands and carve our own destiny? Explanation provided by the scientific fraternity is BigBang. Their observations of galaxies drifting apart and the cosmic microwave background radiation coupled with the uncertainty principle and quantum mechanics have made them deduce that the universe was created 13.7 billion years ago. Their mathematics is - if equal positive and negative combine the result is zero; conversely, positive energy (matter) and negative space were created out of nothing due to quantum fluctuations (disturbance). To me it is full of the same paradox as was omniscience and omnipotent hypothesis. If nothing was there before bigbang then where from came the quantum disturbance? It must be observed that positive and negative 'attributes' can annul each other to become zero, but two 'entities', by whatever name you call it, cannot become zero. Accordingly, the converse is also untrue. 'Something cannot be created out of nothing'. Another fallacy of this unified theory is that diversity cannot be created from single source, even if it is there. The vast variety as we see in universe need a fundamental particle (scientists may call it boson) with wide ranging attributes, which in effect means - it is not unique in itself. It needs two to tango! Besides, particles need to be acted upon by the energy to manifest themselves as atoms and molecules. A pure form of anything - either particle or energy - cannot, I repeat cannot, create kaleidoscope like our universe. Keep on adding drops after drops; you can create oceans but not the life! A pure unique entity is devoid of creation. They say - He is the destructor! I ask - why He destroys His own creation? Our religions have entrusted even this dastardly act to Him. But, in doing so, they have overlooked that difficult questions will arise with the passage of time. For example, just a few years ago, our average life span was estimated to be 40-50 years. With the progress in medicines, it now stands at 60-65 years. Has His generosity increased now? If so, then, why it is for humans alone? For all other species, the life span remained unaltered. In fact, for some animals, it has gone down due to increased human activities. For instance, common sparrow dies early due to mobile tower radiations. Some plant and animal varieties are extinct now. Why this selective and discriminatory charity on the part of God? In the world of today's modern medicine it would be an exaggeration to say that God controls the births and deaths. With correct technique and knowledge anybody can prevent birth through various barriers, medicines and surgery, or conversely, can induce birth through artificial insemination and cloning. It would have been more prudent on His part to standardize one refined technique for birth and another unique one for death. With wide variety of birth and While observations of science may have little to find fault with, its interpretations are not impeccable. Say, for example, the observation of galaxies ballooning away from each other may be correct but its interpretation that they were extremely close to each other a few billion years ago is farfetched. In doing so they are fully discarding the possibility of something happening outside the balloon. A balloon can expand - 1. due to pressure inside or 2. due to vacuum being created outside. Its equilibrium can be disturbed either way. Scientists have chosen to ignore one more fact - universe might be undergoing 107

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