Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Er. Piyush Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
God, he will have to face His wrath and perish in hell. Conversely, if he bows to Him, he will be rewarded with the wealth, pleasures and joys of life besides, of course, the heavens. Doesn't it shock and surprise you that the entire edifice of god is standing on two weak pillars of human greed and fear.
They say - He is Almighty, all-powerful and omniscient! I ask isn't it self-contradictory?
Then how He could not standardize the forms of life and types of death in these billions of years of existence? From plants to mammals, there are innumerate ways of reproduction and as many patterns of decay and death. Why has He complicated His own job? On my way to work place and back, I often witness carcasses of dead animals killed by a speeding vehicle. These dead bodies are repeatedly being run over by other vehicles creating a disgusting sight. Doesn't a creation of Almighty need a decent and respectable final good-bye? Yamraj, the god of death, should have been at least as much courteous as to throw the remaining corpse into a celestial dustbin after removing the soul (?) out of it! On the top of it, the entire cycle of reproduction has become a bone of contention among the prospective suitors. Sex is treated as dirty word and causes many a deaths, fights and heartburns both in human society and animal kingdom.
They have attributed above mentioned two very important qualities to the God, namely, omnipotence and omniscience. Can they exist together? It is an impossible preposition -
• If He had omniscience (infinite wisdom), why He could not foresee the dance and drama of death, disease and destruction on the stage of the world He Himself has set?
And, if He could really foresee, why He did not correct or prevent it using His omnipotence?
• So, He is either omniscient and ruthless, or omnipotent and sadist, but in no case both the qualities can coexist simultaneously. And, if He has deliberately made us miserable so that we always remember Him and bow to Him, then be aware, He is not benevolent and thus is not worthy of our prayers of mercy.
They say - He is the Creator of the Universe! I ask - Why all His models are failures?
Some of them believe in God as it conveniently explains the creation of universe. But, as Stephen Hawkins says, "they are simply passing the buck, refusing to answer a more inconvenient question: if He has created universe, who created Him? Isn't it better that instead of shifting the onus to some Almighty we try to get answers from the laws of universe themselves?"
In this regard, not only the perceptions of various religions are at disagreement, they depict paradox within themselves.
For example, Christians and Islamists believe that God created universe in six days and enjoyed vacation on seventh. There are two stark contradictions in this presumption.
3. If His creation completed in six days, how various species are still evolving? Even today, every moment, older stars are disintegrating and newer ones are being created in the massive universal kiln. In fact, in the realm of science, Darwin had already busted the myth of designer universe by his concept of evolution by natural selection. It is, therefore, a Default Intelligence and not the Designed Intelligence.
4. Second paradox emanates from the fact that the Almighty father could keep the massive galaxies, stars and planets in the discipline of their respective orbits, but could not prevent Adam and Eve from committing the morbid sin!
Similar contradictions are galore in Hindu religious texts, too. On one hand they proclaim Him to be formless and amorphous; on other they build His statues in innumerable shapes and forms. Entire Hindu caste system is based on His various body parts! They say He is omnipresent, yet designate specified places of worship!
Hindu mythology is in fact a confused lot. Rigveda, for example, has evolved the concept of God with each added hymn. Early hymns treated Aditi as mother goddess of the rest of the gods. Further down the lane, hymns state that it was Purusha through whose body parts everything was created. It was then replaced by Hiranyagarbha, the primeval egg. At some point of time, Vedas accepted their defeat,
"THEN was not non-existence nor existence: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it. What covered in, and where?.... Who knows then whence it first came into being? He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not." (Rig Veda 10.129.1-7)
Since this would mean closure of shop, as we move in history, Upnishads and puranas took over and varied concepts of Nirguna and Saguna Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva were floated. When nothing worked, they settled down to what we popularly know as trinity today.
Matter does not end there. Religions all over the world shower their obligation on Him for His benevolence brushing aside the stark fact that His creation is nothing but a battle ground and a graveyard. His infinite love for the mankind has made Him create a living world where