Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Jain Karmic Theory and Genetic Science
Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater
The Universe is mainly made up of two elements animate and inanimate. The existence of both of them is eternal. However, the modes of both of them keep on changing and this is the cause of transformation taking place in the universe every moment. According to Jain karmic theory, the oneness of these two elements has been established since time immemorial and this oneness will remain there until the soul attains liberation, destroying all the bonds of karma.
inherent in each karmic aggregate. The genetic science has so far been able to come up to 'gene', which is the ingredient of gross body where as karma is the ingredient of subtle body. There is a Tejas body, an electric body within this gross body. This is the subtle body. The karmic body is subtler. Infinite scripts are written on each of its aggregate. All the account of our principal exertions, virtues and evils, drawbacks and strengths and all their reactions are present. There in the subtle body man behaves in accordance with the vibrations he receives from the subtle body.
According to Jain karmic theory, conscious activity is the characteristic of the living being (Upyoga Lak•ao Jvah) and cognition is known as conscious activity, Deluding karma is the main element that covers this cognition and this delusion is caused by vices like attachment and malice etc. These two evils cause karma, karma causes life and death and these two (life and death), in their turn, cause sorrow. This cycle goes on and on. The scripture 'Tattvrtha Stra' says, "badhyate partantr kriyate tmaneneti bandhanam" (The bond by which soul is rendered dependent is karma.) According to Jain karmic theory, only a soul bonded by karma, accumulates new karmas, a liberated soul can never accumulate karmas as its evils like attachment, malice and jealousy, the seeds causing karmas, are totally destroyed. Soul is the ingredient of karma. It is the doer and enjoyer of karmas. An ingredient comes to be known only when it gets a instrumental or external cause. Yoga (the combination of body, mind and speech), environment and circumstances form the external causes for the enjoyment of the karmas. The karmas that do not have any instrumental cause are enjoyed in the regions of soul. Passions like attachment and malice etc. only enhance the instability of the yogas. When the yogas are unstable, they stimulate passions and thus a bond of karmas that cause substances of karmas takes place. Thus there is a full cycle of passions, instability and karmas.
By 'pa' (vitality) is meant the life force. That, by the combination of which a being gets life and in the absence of which he gets death, is known as (pra), the life force. The capacity of all the five senses of gaining knowledge is known as five-senses vitality'. The capacities of thinking, speaking and performing physical activities are known as morale, the force of speech and the force of body respectively. Vitality and life force are one and the same thing. The capacity of receiving and giving out substances in the form of respiration is known as the respiratory force. In the same way the force of remaining alive in a certain birth up to a certain period is known as longevityforce. Vitality is related to development (completion). Vitality is the force of the being and development is the force of the substances received by the being. Development is the cause and vitality is the effect. There is no activity of the being related to mind, body and speech that can take place without the assistance of material substances. The cause of the five-senses vitality is the development of senses. The causes of morale, force of speech and force of body respectively are mind completion, language completion and body completion. The cause of respiratory vitality is respiratory completion, and of longevity vitality is food completion as longevity vitality can be possible only when there is food completion. According to Jain karmic theory, the main and the most important of all the ten vitalities is the longevity vitality. All the activities of body and the functioning of its organs are possible so long as longevity vitality is there and active. The moment it ceases, all the activities come to an end completely and this stage is termed as death.
Body only forms the medium of the expression of consciousness and of enjoying the karmas that have been earned. 'Gene' is the ingredient of the gross body and the ingredient of the subtle body is karma. This gene is responsible for making a man what he is. It is the main cause of all the habits and of all the differences. According to genetic science, there are as many as sixty lac commands inherent in each gene. In karmic language, it can be said that thee are as many as infinite commands
When, after leaving one body, soul adopts another body, it simultaneously creates, according to Jain karmic theory,
Corresponding Auther: Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater Former Vice Chancellor, Singhania University