Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Prof. Dr. Sohan Raj Tater, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
the necessary substantial material with the help of body naming karma to start its new journey. This material. or the force produced by it is known as completion (development). The order of these completions is like this food, body, senses, respiration, speech and mind. In all, there are six completions. All of them start at the same time but they develop gradually and in an order, hence this order has been made. It takes one time for the completion of food completion where as each of the rest of the five take an under antara muhurta (48 minutes time). Through the completions of food, body, senses, respiration, speech and mind, living beings, receive substances fit for food, body, senses, respiration, speech and mind, transform them accordingly and leave away non-substantial material.
is a particular gene for every particular characteristic. These rules of heredity are the corresponding rules of the doctrine of karma. The gross body is made up of very minute biological cells. There are almost 60-70 trillions cells in human body. These cells contain chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of ten thousand genes. These genes are responsible for all the behavioural patterns of man. In every cell of the human body there are 46 chromosomes. They have also been termed as the carriers of the family traits.
According to Biology, in every cell or germ plasma, 23 chromosomes of father and 23 chromosomes of mother meet together. Scientists believe that their combination may have 16, 777, 216 possibilities. Atmosphere, circumstances, environment, geographical situations, heredity, gene and the chemical changes caused by the secretion of the glands of the body-all these are the corresponding aphorisms of the karmic theory.
In accordance with Jain Karmic theory, 'genes' under genetic science, may be regarded as body completions. Development (completion) means the completion of formation of the force of substances necessary for life. The least developed beings at least have four vitalities in all-vitality of the sense of feeling, vitality of body, vitality of respiration and the vitality of longevity. They also have food completion, body completion, senses completion and respiratory completion. Thus, according to Jain karmic theory, the life cycle of a being goes on with the combination of vitalities and completions. The specialization and differentiation of increase and division etc. that takes place in the cells is a part of all these completions. These completions are controlled by karmas. Cells die and the living being made up of several cells also dies. This death occurs in according with the, longevity-determining karma. The longer one's longevity, the longer one will live.
Gene is an organ of our gross body where as karma is an organ of our subtlest body. Both of them are connected with body, the one with the gross body and the other with the subtlest body. Both of them are connected with body, the one with the gross body and the second with subtlest body. Death is related only to the gross body. The subtle body remains even after death. The body that has been termed as astral, karmic body in Jain philosophy, has been termed as sign body in skhya philosophy. In the worldly state, they always live together Scientifically, all these things can be explained like this-according to scientists, there are four states of matter-solid, liquid, gas and plasma. One more state has been found outproto-plasma. Spiritually speaking, protoplasm is our life force and it is a solid proof of our existence. Scientists believe that protoplasm is an immortal element. This chemical, that exists in our cells, gets separated from the body after death and gets scattered in the atmosphere. This protoplasma enters the genes of a child at the time of conception.
The behaviour, conduct, thinking and every action of a living being gets constantly marked within him. Several branches of science have come to admit this fact. This marking affects a man in course of time. Indian philosophies have expatiated in detail this marking system in the form of the theory of karma. Modern science makes the different methods and institutions of this marking the basis of their discussion. Our mind too records all out actions. Out antagonistic cells also mark them and ultimately 'genes' that are responsible for the formation of impressions come to be the basis of all this marking. The independent study of the two will help not only in their understanding but also help in solving the problems in the modern perspective.
According to genetic science, very minute living beings, known as virus, are found on the earth. The moment they come in contact with a living media, their number increases infinitely. The creatures whose bodies are made up of one cell, known as bacterias. This bacteria has a nucleus that contains DNA. This DNA has got the characteristic of multiplying and that is why even this one-celled being too performs metabolism. The element responsible for multiplication is DNA and it is found in one-celled living beings also.
The doctrine of karma is extremely subtle. It is a doctrine that goes beyond the sphere of intellect. Genetic science has helped a lot in the understanding of this theory. Gene is the carrier of one's hereditary characteristics. There