Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Parasmal Agarwal, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
Linda Francis are worth noting [11]:
"Detachment allows you to remain aware of what you feel while the events of your life unfold. When you are detached, your emotions run through you like water through a hose. You are the hose. The same water does not stay in the same place in a hose when the faucet is turned on. Your emotional faucet is never turned off. The fear, resentment, anger, depression, contentment, jealousy, rage, or joy that you feel do not stay, either. When you look at your emotions in this way you can detach from them enough that you will not be controlled by them."
(d) Prevention of depression
The spiritual masters explain that your sons/daughters/ friends/servants/, etc. receive benefits through you but not from you. When you start thinking that due to you your son has been rich and famous then think again. Such a notion may become the source of your frustration and depression.
The religious teachers preach that every son and daughter should be loving, caring, and respectful to his/her parents. But at the same time they also teach that every parent should understand the notion of nondoership described in this article from the real point of view to avoid frustration and depression based on the behavior of his/her sons/daughters.
The writings of spiritual teachers based on the real point of view become valuable not only when you have complaints with others, but such teachings are also valuable when you have complaints with yourself. The chronic complaints with yourself produce guilt feelings which can also lead to frustration and depression. Despite your sincere efforts within your limitations, you might have not been able to save your loved one. Your son/daughter might have not achieved as much as your neighbor's son due to your financial condition. Your son/ daughter might have adopted the wrong track due to some reasons beyond your control. In all such cases, a correct understanding of Upādāna and Nimitta described here on the basis of teachings of our spiritual masters can be helpful. Ask yourself this question: "How long can I keep the feelings of guilt and shame for the actions or inactions beyond my control?"
One should be a responsible person in the society in all walks of life, but in the heart and mind one should not forget this fact that he/she is not omnipotent. It is important to realize that there are many factors which are beyond our control. Further, one should always remember one's identity as the soul different from the body and mind.
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These lines convey the following: The soul is not even the Nimitta doer (instrumental cause) of anger, pitcher, etc. If it is the doer then always it should be able to do the same. After writing these lines, Acārya Amratchandra further writes that only specific temporary Yoga and Upayoga of soul are Nimitta doer. The soul may (note the word 'may, not 'can') be the doer of Yoga and Upyoga produced by ignorance.
Acārya Kundakunda, Samayasāra, Gāthā 103, 104. Ibid. Gāthā 99.
Ibid. Gāthā 91, 100.
Ibid. Gāthā 98.
Acārya Yogendu Deva, Paramātma Prakasha, Gāthā 64 and 65.
Acārya Amratchandra, Atmakhyāti, Kalasha 51. Ibid, Commentary on Gāthā 100. In this commentary following lines are worth noting:
BhagvatGītā, Verse 3.42 and 3.43. Further, regarding doership, verse 3.27 and 13.29 are worth noting. Wayne W. Dyer, Your Sacred Self, Harper Paperbacks, 1996, p. 130.
Ibid, p. 136.
Gary Zukav and Linda Francis, The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness, Simon and Schuster Source, New York, 2001, p. 110.