Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
Some interesting examples of Order and evolution of consciousness in Hinduism and Jainism
We have given three interesting evidences to illustrate that there is a need to take the concept of order and knowledge of consciousness in a very serious way. These examples were given in GSFB paper of the author. They talked about extraordinary memory of Swamy Vivekanad, two satavdhanies viz. Shrimad Rajchandji (Guru of Mahatma Gandhi) and Shri Ajeet Chandji Maharasahab who can remember one hundred questions asked by one hundred different persons and can then repeat the questions at the end in the same order and can also give their answers. This might involve even telepathy and clairvoyance. Third example dealt with a table developed by Jain acharyas for measurement of length, available in ancient Jain literature. This table indirectly showed that ancient Jain acharyaas had attempt to estimate size of smallest particles of matter and that has been found to be statistically significant and fairly close to the size of atoms and nuclei found it modern science. This appeared to have been arrived at by advanced telepathy through which one can see even smallest part of space, knows as Pradesh in Jainism. All these examples show highly ordered state of mind of spiritual leaders.
Do spiritual processes help to reduce Entropy Production in the biosphere
Form this analysis, we find that Jain acharyas have spiritually ordered mind and if we look at their behavior and daily practices then we find that they consume minimum resources and hence generate least entropy in the environment. As they go to higher and higher stages of evolution, their resources consumptions go on reducing.
We seriously feel that the various religious and spiritual practices developed by the ancient Indian seers like Yoga, Meditation, Sadhna and others resulted into an overall decrease in the rate of entropy production of this biosphere. Although the processes initiated at an individual level but it expands in the society through the various interlinkages present in the social system. It appears that as the number of persons carrying out these practices increase the average overall rate of entropy production of this biosphere decreases. In addition this may be accompanied by the appearance of a new kind of order which is being described above and could be linked with an orderly state of consciousness. Therefore there is a need to investigate the different states of human consciousness which can be in highly ordered states. If we look at the problem of environment then we find
that it is totally due to directionless growth without any goal with just one factor involving economic growth only, forgetting its impact on other parts of the environment. Also this is in essence generating entropy in all walks of life. It should be compared to the spiritual path where there is a well defined direction and a well defined goal which can be achieved only by adopting strict process of selection.
In view of above discussion about limitations of scientific knowledge and need to undertake the concept of consciousness into account, we find that Jain concept of knowledge through consciousness is very promising concept even for scientists. Also the fact that it can continuously evolve during one's birth and also in other births needs to be explored very carefully, not necessarily in a scientific way only.
Such a phenomenon can be explained using the Prigogine's theory of dissipative structures (Prigogine and Nicolas, 1977) and (Jantsch, E. 1980), that is the creation of order in physical systems or changes in orderliness of a physical or biological unit requires inputs of matter and energy which is accompanied by increase in entropy in the environment. Applying the theory of Prigogine to the biological systems in general and human beings in particular, we can say that if we want to reduce the entropy production in the biosphere, then all subunits of this biosphere should share this reduction of entropy production. Now just for living, we require some definite quantity of matter and energy. Hence if we want to reduce the entropy production then we must reduce the intake of energy and matter. This would mean that we should make all the biological processes work in our body more efficiently. This would also mean adoption of a different kind of life style. This is at one level. At a higher level for a society, if there is an attractive interaction among different members of the animate kingdom through the different feedback loops then also there will be a decrease in the resources consumption and entropy production.
Methods required to reduce entropy production at all levels
Now what is needed is to reduce entropy produced and increase order in various systems and then link them with the definition of development. Some examples given below illustrate some activities required to increase order in our life supporting system.
(a). Need to define new concept of development in
general and sustainable development in particular where some kind of "Order parameter" is given

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