Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
Jainism in particular that knowledge is structured in the consciousness needs further exploration in a systematic way. It appears that scientific knowledge could be small subset of the knowledge structured in the consciousness. Hence ideas of knowledge of consciousness were mentioned through examples of tremendous memory of Swami Vivekanand and those of two satabhdhanies viz. Shrimad Rajchandji (Guru of Mahatma Gandhi) and Ajit Chandji Maharasahab).
of measurement of length is taken. Another material which we have considered is idea of quantum mechanics which talks of implicate and explicate order. The recent observation in psychology that human decision making might follow rules similar to quantum mechanics is used to explore reasoning behind tough discipline followed by Jain monks. Our methodology consist of studying the problems faced in current methodology of physical sciences as being used for biological and human systems and review them in light of General Systems Theory. In particular the concept of scientific knowledge and entropy produced due to current concept of development is examined critically in light of GST. To fill in the gap created in knowledge system due to these limitations, concept of knowledge as mentioned in Jainism is explored to find out if their system of knowledge and its evolution through various gunasthanas can provide new ideas about concept of knowledge and order. Similarly the Darwin's principle of evolution and the problems caused due to it are examined and Jain's concept of evolution is studied to find if some new frontiers can be explored to handle current problems of the society.
Science, Technology, Economic development and Entropy
Scientific knowledge, General Systems Theory and knowledge of consciousness
Limitations of scientific knowledge has been extensively dealt in the previous paper (GSFB). Hence they will not be repeated here. In summary, we have explained in that paper that there are limitations of scientific methodology when it is applied to living beings because scientific methodology has been developed only for closed isolated physical systems which are passive. It is so because (a) all living beings are active and open systems which constantly interact with the environment, (b) they grow and decay, (c) they have properties which cannot be reduced into parts, (d) they have memory and so it is not possible to carry out any scientific experiments on them which can be repeated at different times at different places, (e) for living systems, it is effect (goal) which determines the cause and not vice versa. Similarly parameter like energy and momentum defined using conservations laws need not be used to study the active open systems. Finally Godel's incompleteness theorems clearly prove limitations of scientific methodology to describe reality in totality. Hence General Systems Theory (GST) was put forward for better understanding of living systems. Here information and entropy (or order) alone are major parameters to describe the living systems. It was then shown that the concept of knowledge is much more general and broader than what is described by the scientific knowledge. It was actually illustrated that the idea of Indian philosophy in general and
In this section we shall see how a unidirectional concept of Economic development and its modifications due to science and technology have destroyed the environment. Actually economic development is required for smooth running of a society and everybody wants it. However, with the advancements of science and technology, a huge industrial revolution took place in the whole world. Due to this economic activities started concentrating at few places and in few cities. Their activities started polluting the natural resources in a highly damaging way. The whole process of polluting the environment can be traced to these increased industrial activities and increase in population due to decrease in the death rates. Due to congestion of the cities, there results a cut throat competition among people for survival. The old value system based on simplicity, honesty and sincerity started getting replaced by complexity, consumerism, dishonesty, and unwanted domination of certain groups and countries over others. It has also resulted into a large scale corruption in many places in the world. The emphasis on economic development has become so much so that all other type of developments have been set aside. Thus women in many countries who used to work towards spiritual evolution, religious activities and family welfare, have all started working for economic development only. Also indices based on economic growth are so much dominating the people's mind that impact of economic development on environment is totally ignored.
Effectively one can say that final consequences of these activities have resulted into a very large increase in the entropy (disorder) of the environment and the society. Some examples are given below where one finds ideas of entropy increase in one way or the other.
(a). Mixing of hydrocarbons like petrol and diesel vapor
with air and water etc. which were otherwise
distinctly separate. (b). Spread of industrial chemicals and other pollutants
in rivers and ponds.