Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Ing. Jeoraj Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
not change with time, whereas, the aura of animatebeing (fig. 11a), is variable. It goes on changing, due to the dynamic nature of the interactions of karmic matter and the soul at the deeper level and the mental, physical activities in the upper level. Its colour changes with time. It changes as per its moods, because "intentions" affect the radiations of internal energy (fig. 10). That means, the thoughts are manifested in the aura body. The Pranik energy of an entity flows through its aurafield. This provides energy to the gross physical body through the medium of nervous system. In the light of above discussions, water should also have its Aura. This is captured in Fig. 10 & 11.
Influence of characterization on aura It is also observed that characterization of water also influences its aura. Experiments on it have enabled the formulation of a theory for the working mechanism of potency-making. This can explain very well many hitherto, inexplicable phenomenon and mysteries of potency-raising, in a scientific manner.
Summary of results and discussions
Determination of Energy-level of Water Experiments were planned and conducted on different samples of water to ascertain the Aura energy levels of living and non-living water. Living water should exhibit variable energy levels, depending on the discipline of the living-beings. However, the non-living water can have only a fixed level of energy.
Theoretical i) Pure water is not a simple H,O molecule, but
exists in form of bee-hive structure, having its own electrical and vibratory properties. By absorbing air in its quantum vacancy, it exhibits the properties of a "living-being", as defined by modern biologists. It has an inherent nature (internal character) and an external form with certain em-field and vibrations. When boiled, the dissolved air and its radicals are removed from it, thus making the live-water as dead water
The results of the experiments conducted on aura of water with the active participation of Dr. J. M. Shah's Laboratory at Mumbai and M/s Willmar Schwabe India of Noida to map out the Aura of four different types of water samples, are tabulated below. M/s Willmar Schwabe supplied specifically prepared water-based homeo preparations for these experiments.
ii) Like free floating radicals & de-oxidants,
"characterized" cells (called Homeopathic Remedy) i.e. live-water structures carrying a particular imprint, work as a specific type of catalyst for the concerned body tissue/cell. The relevant body cells are stimulated by this catalyst through vibration and resonance.
Table: Area of "aura" measured by aura-photography (fig. 11b) by Dr. J. M. Shah S.N. Water type Area A(t) Symmetry Estimated* (Measured) %
Area x 1000 1 Tap Water 21194 96 2 Boiled Water 17712 8 4 15-17 3 Kal.6X 1838288 17-18 4 Kal. 10M 14666 97 15
The variation in Aura of different samples of water indicates that water does exists in animated and unanimated states. As a corollary, the animated state would have Etheric body aura, which can carry memory! Subsequent experiments, conducted elsewhere, proved the repeatability of their results. Tap water, rubbed with small quantity of certain foreign materials to change its touch sense or/and color, can still remain as potable. But it is turned into non-living water, called Dhovana (Ref. 10). Its aura is found to be exactly similar to that of the Boiled water (Fig. 12, Ref. 11). Thus both belong to the category of non-living water, in contrast to the tap water, having an entirely different type of aura.
iii) The specific influence of characterized water on the
bio-cells is practically proven in Homeopathy. This renders a strong evidence for the hypothesis that water exists in cell form and can carry instructions in
its memory Experimental i) A theoretical model of a living-water cell has been
developed with the help of existing scientific
principles ii) It has been proved that this "Inorganic" cell can
satisfy the basic two traits of living beings. iii) Living-water should theoretically exhibit emotions/
moods. This has also been proved to be right, in the recently conducted experiments, by Dr. Masaru
Emoto of Japan. iv) Experiments were conducted to find out changes
in "Aura" of living water by conducting different operations like Boiling etc on it. Their results established the existence of living and non-living water.
Thus Aura becomes an important tool to distinguish different types of water in terms of living and nonlivingness.