Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Self Intraction of Karma and Genes in The Light of Jaina Philosophy
Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Raj Tater
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Correlation Between Karma and Genes infinite instructions.
In psychology, the difference between the living organism (jiva) and life is very specific. The study of karma theory makes the difference quite clear. Heredity is related to life, in the same way karma is related to jīva, in which all the karmas and reactions of so many prebirths are accumulated in the form of karma sarira. So the individual's ability and extraordinary talent based not only on present life, it can be traced out beyond it in the accumulated karmas bonded with jiva i.e. karma sarira.?
Now science has reached only upto the genes. It is the component of physical body, but karma is the component of subtle body. Inside this physical body lies astral body-the electric body which is subtle and karma śarīra which is subtler than that; it is the subtlest. It's every part has infinite inscriptions. All records of our selfexertion, of goodness, of bad works, of limitations and of specialties are inscribed in the karma body. Man behave according to vibrations received from karma sarira. The theory of karma is very subtle. It is the theory beyond the subtle intellect. Science of the genetics has helped us in understanding this theory of karma.
Biology believes that the important component of the body is gene. It is the characteristic formula, it is very subtle. Its subtleness is merely a hypothesis. Where does our consciousness reside? Whether it is present in chromosomes or genes? That is why, so much difference is there from man to man. Everyone's self-exertion and consciousness are not the same. As per the doctrine of karma, the cause of this dissimilarity is due to "karma."
Genes are the transporters of heredity characteristics.? The difference, perceptible in every man, is due to the genes. For every special characteristic, a special type of gene exists. These laws of heredity are the messenger laws of karmavāda. The travel from the physical body to the subtle body is very important in itself. This body is physical, and it is made of subtle biological cells. There are about 100 trillion cells in human body. If these cells are understood, according to the Jaina Philosophy, that at the point of a needle, infinite nigoda jīvas be accommodated there. Nigoda is one of the species of vegetation. It is a subtle thing. But the present science also postulates many subtle concepts. There exist trillions of cells in our body, and they contain the chromosomes, and every chromosome is made of one-two thousand genes. There are 46 chromosomes in one cell in our body which are made of genes. Genes are very subtle.
Once Gandhara Gautama asked Lord Mahāvira:4 kammoan bhante jīve no akkammao vibhakti bhavan pariamai. There appears dissimilarity in whole world, some possess less knowledge and the other possess more. What is the reason for this? Mahāvīra replied, "Karma is the cause of this dissimilarity." If a biologist of today is asked this question, he will reply that the root cause of all dissimilarity is "gene." The characteristics of genes and chromosomes determine the human personality. His temperament and behaviour becomes the same as the genes are.This gene is responsible for all dissimilarities. As per biology, every gene contains sixty lakhs orders in it. As per the doctrine of karma, on every karma particle written
If a comparative study is made-the heredity, genes and all the chemical changes all three are the doctrine of karma. Gene is the component of our physical body, and the karma is the component of our subtler body (karma śarīra). Both are related to the body. Ācārya Mahāprajña says that genes not only transport the traits of parents, but they also represent our bonded karmas. 10
The parapsychology comes closer to find the answer as to what is behind genes. They claim that we have an unconscious mind and a subconscious mind. As per Jainism, the unconscious mind is karma śarīra and the sub-conscious mind is taijasa sarira (leśya and bhāva