Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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Dr. Ing. Jeoraj Jain, Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2013
iii) If both these types of maps were allowed to exist at that time without raising any fuss or contradiction, then it is obvious that these maps are not to be compared 1 to 1. Both these must represent two different things. This is the crux of this logical conclusion!
Just Rethink
Before we re-look and rethink about these two types of maps, let us do one exercise. Suppose we are asked to show distribution of earth population density, in steps like O-, 1-100, 100-1000, 1001-10000 etc. All these types of similar density areas are clubbed together and then represented by a chart called pie-chart. The representation of the statistical data at a glance by a pictogram, like pie, bar or ring chart is a standard mathematical method. Such charts have some special features, which must be kept in mind, while using them.
Possible reasons
A logical conclusion would be that there existed no such problem of mismatch at that time. Probably we have forgotten the method to read such maps.
Let us view lokakash map again from an entirely different angle.
Mathematically, it shows that
i) The total Living and Non-living matter (Dravya) and its distribution in the Universe.
ii) The matter has been arranged symmetrically and systematically, as a show-piece, in some form of Pictograph of bars (Upper and Lower Loka) and ring (Middle Loka) charts.
Pudgal Dravya
As per science, Matter exists in 7 phases.
i) Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, Einstein-Bose and DerekFermion condensates & Sphatik.
ii) First 3 phases can again change their properties drastically with temperature and pressure in 3 regions, i.e., Sub-critical, Critical and Super-critical stage, as is found in the Internal structure of Earth. It has different properties at different depths, viz. from 150 to 6000 km. The contents can be categorized in 7 stages. iii) If all the non-living matter of each phase available in
the universe (Loka including 21⁄2 Dweepas) is arranged in the following manner:
a) First 3 phases: - Land and Water (with gas) in form of
rings of land and water - it would form Middle Loka. b) The 7 stages, as found inside the earth, in form of bars/strips- it would form Lower Loka.
c) The last 3 phases (as created in labs):- in form of bars and strips- it would form Upper-Loka (Vaimanik Deva). See Annex-1.
The form of Lokakash as per Bodies(sharira) of livingbeings.
i) There are two types of living-beings. Mobile and Sthawar.
ii) All mobile living-beings are clubbed together and are found to be accommodated in a tubular area, called Tras-Nadi
iii) Each state of matter supports, in a befitting manner,
a particular type of Body/Kaya of living-being. The matter of Upper and Lower Loka supports mobile creatures of specific type of Vaikriya Pudgalas. LivingBodies of Shubh Vaikriya Pudgalas are arranged in Upper Loka and those of Ashubh Vaikriya Pudgalas are arranged in Lower Loka. The total areas of specific phase of matter, occupied by such different creatures, are observed and measured by Omniscient and are displayed in the above mentioned Bar-Charts. Similarly the first 3 phases of matter support Audarik Bodies of mobile as well as non-mobile living-beings. But the mobile creatures of Audarik Pudgalas are found only in the Middle Loka. Strangely enough, all types of mobile creatures could be accommodated in their respective tubular areas, called Tras-Nadi of 1R diameter.
Display of 6 Dravyas of Universe in Lokakash
i) Four gatis: Men and Trryancha in Middle-Loka, Devas in Upper loka and Narkiya in Lower loka.
ii) Five Jatis: 1 to 5 sensed in Middle Loka, 1st and 5th sensed in Upper and Lower Loka.
iii) Total area occupied by Mobile Living-beings.
iv) Comparative ratios of the total Living-beings and Non-living Matter of the Universe for each specific individual type or phase.
v) The distances between Lumps of different phases of materials and living-beings cannot be shown in geographical language in the pictorial script. This fact has always to be kept in mind, while reading or decoding them.
vi) The Vat-valayas or Vat-pinds are not required to support any Earth or Land-mass or Lokakash (as presumed by some Acharyas). In fact, they are special