Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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"Scientific Interpretation of Jain Lokakash Map”
Dr. Ing. Jeoraj Jain ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jain lokakash
Anomalies between Lokakash and our
Geographical maps The map of Jain Lokakash does not match with the traditional Geographical maps, even with those prevalent
i) Our science has not been able to locate any pairs of in 4th century B.C.
Dweepas & Oceans, having such symmetrical circular As per Jain Agamas, the Universe is depicted very well
shapes. Every continent has zig-zag and odd shaped by the Kevalins (Omniscient) through the map of Jain
coastal contours. Then why the Omniscient have not Lokakash. Its Upper part, called Urdhva Loka has a
tried to iron-out this major difference between the height of 7 Rajjus (R). It consists of 8 types of Deva
prevalent geographical maps and dweepas of middle Loka(land of devas) and Siddh Sheela. The Lower Loka
Loka. consists of 7 types of Narka land (land of infernal). The
ii) Our earth is considered to be round as orange shaped, Middle Loka is arranged around the mountain Meru. Its
where as Lokakash shows it as a flat disc type at the innermost circular land mass, termed as Jambu-dweepa,
center of middle loka. is surrounded by a circular ring of water-mass, called
iii) Scientists have flown around and across the earth, Lavana Samudra. Innumerable such pairs of land-water
but have not located any Maha Videh kshetra or mass go on forming the Middle Loka.
Naraka Loka, supposed to be below the earth. This is The first 2.5 dweepas provide habitation for human
contrary to the Jambu-dweepa description. beings. Beyond these dweepas, mankind cannot go and
iv) We had many Karma bhumies (like Bharat Kshetra) survive.
and many Bhog-bhumies on this earth. It is now noted Our earth is supposed to be a part of Jambu-dweepa. It
that all the civilizations are raising their aspirations is located in the south and is termed as Bharat Kshetra,
and becoming Karma-bhumies. adjoining Lavana Samudra. Mahavideh Kshetra is located
The Aras (period of time) are becoming similar from east to west, in the central part of Jambu-dweepa.
to the 5th Ara all over the world. The differences
in conditions at various continents are narrowing Present cosmology and geography
down. We are not able to locate conditions of 4th
Ara or 2nd Ara on our earth, as are mentioned for i) Our planets like earth, mars etc are the 9 planets
Jambudweepa. of the Sun. Our Sun is located at the outer fringes of vi) Jain Acharyas are spending huge sums of money and half arm of our galaxy named as Akash Ganga. There resources to prove that science is wrong. It seems to are more than 1000 billion such stars as Sun in the be a futile exercise of Jain Samaj. galaxy. In this Universe (Lokakash) there are more than 100 billion galaxies. So how do we comprehend How do we account for it? and represent this colossal universe. On top of it,
A big question scientists claim that the visible mass of universe is merely 4% of the Universe. We have almost 72% in
i) If our present day geographical maps existed during visible dark energy and 23% invisible mass.
Lord Mahavira's time or Bhaskaracharya's time, ii) Geography Our spherical earth is a planet, rotating
then why Lord Mahavira did not sort out the above around the Sun. It has horizontal islands of Eurasia,
contradictions of it with his Lokakash map. vertical islands of Africa and Americas from north to
Why these contradictions were left for the present south.
Acharyas to iron-out with their limited range of Their coastal areas are unsymmetrical and zigzag in
knowledge? shape. At places earth-mass protrudes into water
We have seen the geographical maps of Alexander mass or water-mass protrudes into earth-mass.
the Great (326 BC), and found that they are very much similar to present Geographical maps. They do not have any similarity with their Lokakash.
Corresponding Auther: Jeoraj Jain, Email;
Following article was submitted, but could not be read in the seminar due to shortage of time.