Book Title: Journal of Gyansagar Science Foundation 2013 04 01
Author(s): Sanjeev Sogani, Vimal Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Science Foundation
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A Novel Theory of Water-Bodied Living-Beings
Dr. Ing. Jeoraj Jain
(Key words: water-bodied living-cells, net-like tubular structures, characterization, homeopathy, free radicals, attributes of life, influence on aura, pranik-energy, shelflife)
Water-bodied organisms Living-being, whose body is water itself, can be termed as JALKAY or Water-bodied living-organism. One drop of water may be a lump of countless living beings. They go on reproducing and dying ceaselessly in that body every second. On "boiling" the water, this cycle of births and deaths stops for a few hours, making it a lifeless structure. Introduction of foreign molecules in it also makes it lifeless.
Concept of Living Water-Cells
Whenever we talk about cell-based life form, we mean only the bio-chemical cells and nothing else. Living organisms must necessarily have DNA/RNA. When the famous scientist Sir J. C. Bose talked about "Life" in stones etc., we did not know, as to what form of life he referred to. One of the other life- forms is probably based on Inorganic-cells. Foto A shows a world of Living-Beings.
One wonders as to what type of that living being could be, whose body is composed of mere water. This has to be different from the known water assisted or waterborne living world. This looks to be a form of life beyond our imagination.
Let us investigate the possibility of such inorganic-cells
Evolution of life, based on senses (as per Jaina-science) Living-beings can be categorized, as per Jaina-Sciences, into 5 types, based on its no. of senses. These are, Touch (Body), Taste (Tounge), Smell (Nose), Vision (Eye) and Hearing (Ears) sense organs. This also represents the evolutionary stages of living beings. Whereas the one-sensed living beings are at the bottom of the development ladder, the 5-sensed animals/humanoids are at the highest stage of development.
Physical Structure of Water-Cells (as per modern science)
One sensed life-form: (Fig A) One sensed living beings are of 5 types. These are i) Solid-state living being (Earth-bodied living beings) ii) Liquid-state living being (water-bodied living being ) iii) Gaseous-state living-being (Air-bodied living
organisms) iv) Plasma-state living- beings (Fire-bodied living
beings) v) Vegetation (botanical) life evolved by the combination
of above noted 4 states.
Water is considered to be a very special and strange material. As per its chemical formula H,O, a molecule of water consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (fig 1 to 4b). The polar molecules of pure water form self-assembled nano-structure in hexa. or penta. shape, represented like H, O, etc, called quantum crystals, where the position of the constituent atoms/ molecules in the crystal is not defined (fig. 4c, 4d, 5 & ref 1 to 4). These "unit" structures further make netlike stable nano-tube or hollow sphere by joining with neighboring identical units to achieve minimum surface energy. (fig. 6, 7). This molecular net is of a hollow cylindrical configuration, storing energy and oxygen in its hollow space. These tubes can have 'ion-implant' facility and are surrounded by its own bio-magnetic field. The bonding strength between water molecules in the nano-structure is much higher. These structures are stiff because they vibrate at high frequencies
Mobile and Immobile living beings Immobile living beings do not have apparent capability to move on their own to a position of safety, when attacked. In this group, only the vegetation form of life is based on the concept of bio-cells. Others are considered by the present-day scientists as mere different physical states of chemicals. 2-sensed and higher forms of living beings have capability of loco-motion and hence called "mobile" (Traskaayaa) living-beings.
Criteria of LIFE
We understand DNA and RNA to be the basic building block of the traditional life form. However, to explore the feasibility of other form of life, let us consider the basic traits of life. In modern biology, a living-being is defined
Corresponding Auther: Dr.-Ing. Jeoraj Jain, Email;